Association of Heating Radiator Manufacturers (Apro). Apro will protect the interests of domestic manufacturers of climate control equipment Association of Heating Radiator Manufacturers

Russian enterprises producing heating radiators are capable of meeting more than 50% of the demand in the domestic market of the Eurasian Economic Union. However, due to unfair competition from importers from markets South-East Asia domestic products account for no more than 10% on the Russian market of aluminum and bimetallic radiators. Experts note constant decline in product quality, supplied to the territory Russian Federation, which leads to increase in heating system accidents.

To resolve this situation, a non-profit corporate organization was created in May 2015 "Association of Heating Radiator Manufacturers APRO". The founders of the Association were Russian manufacturers aluminum and bimetallic radiators - Rifar CJSC (Orenburg region) and Faral-Rus LLC (Vladimir region).

Primary objectives of the Association:

Protect domestic producers from unfair competition;

Protect the end consumer from low-quality and unsafe heating devices.

Members and partners of the Association produced in 2014 more than 70% of the total volume of domestic aluminum and bimetallic radiators on the Russian market.

The activities of the Association received support from the Federation Council Committee on Economic Policy, the Expert Council on Import Substitution of the State Duma, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation, the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation, and the administration of the Vladimir Region.

For effective coordination of actions between manufacturers and authorities, the Supervisory Board of the Association has been formed. It included a member of the Federation Council Sergey Shatirov, State Duma deputy Igor Igoshin, representatives of the regions where radiator production factories are located also join him.

To date, APRO, together with the Expert Council on Import Substitution of the State Duma, have carried out large-scale work to assess the state of the market climate control equipment in Russia and developed specific proposals for government agencies authorities, supranational organizations, civil society institutions and the business community:

First. Establishment of special mandatory requirements for heating radiators and implementation effective system their certification. Introduction mandatory certification will force unscrupulous market participants to reflect the real characteristics of the products they produce or import.

Second. Addition of the Commodity Nomenclature of Foreign Economic Activity of the Eurasian Economic Union with a new subheading “Aluminum and bimetallic heating radiators.” It is also necessary to increase the rates of import customs duties on aluminum and bimetallic heating radiators, while simultaneously reducing the rates of import customs duties on equipment and components used in the production of heating radiators.

Third. By expert assessments, domestic climate products are practically not represented on the government procurement market. An effective measure to support Russian manufacturers of heating radiators would be to provide them with preferences in state (municipal) procurement through restrictions on the purchase of imported goods in this category.

Also, to ensure the protection of the end consumer, it is necessary to intensify control and supervision of:

For the quality and safety of heating radiators;

Oversee the activities of certification bodies and testing laboratories (centers) that issue documents on the assessment (confirmation) of the conformity of heating radiators;

For the import of heating radiators from China.

Intensifying control and supervision in all these areas will allow:

To prevent the release into circulation of low-quality products that pose a threat to the life and health of people, property and environment;

Prevent the issuance of certification documents for heating radiators without testing and measurements;

Promptly stop cases of import of heating radiators with understatement of their customs value.

The APRO Association is open to cooperation with all companies that produce radiators in Russia.

The Association of Clusters and Technoparks of Russia summed up the results of the V National Rating of Innovation Platforms for 2019. Located on the territory of the Vladimir region, the industrial technology park of engineering, climate systems and Electronics (IKSEL) entered the top leaders of the list, which represented 41 technology parks and nanotechnology centers from 22 regions.

The rating is carried out annually with the aim of identifying and replicating the best management practices and assessing the contribution of technology parks to the development of the high-tech sector of the country's economy. The IKSel technology park, located in the Vladimir region, has taken part in the rating for the fourth year in a row. As last year, the technology park ranks first in terms of labor productivity. According to the indicator " Economic activity Technopark Residents" IKSEL took 7th place in the S2 sub-index. And in the category “A sufficient level of efficiency in the functioning of the technology park” it was recognized as the best in terms of indicator.

The assessment of technology parks was carried out according to 22 indicators, divided into 5 groups (sub-indices): S1 – “ Innovation activity technopark residents”, S2 – “Economic activity of technopark residents”, S3 – “Efficiency of activity management company technology park”, S4 – “Investment attractiveness of the technology park” and S5 – “Information openness of the technology park and contribution to sustainable development”.

“The Association has been conducting the National Rating of Technoparks with the support of leading experts for five years now. During this time, it has become a powerful analytical tool, recognized by both authorities and the business community. The rating not only allows you to identify and replicate best practics management of technology parks, but is also an indicator of the development of the best technology parks in the country.

The results of the rating show that technology parks are turning from unprofitable infrastructure facilities operating only with the participation of the state into sites with effective business models that are attractive to private investors. The high growth dynamics of technology park residents - participants in the rating shows that technology parks are one of the most effective tools for the development of the high-tech sector Russian economy» , noted Director of the Association of Clusters and Technoparks of Russia Andrey Shpilenko.

On the initiative of the trade and production holding "Rusklimat" in the city of Kirzhach, Vladimir region, on October 4, 2014, Russia's first industrial technology park of engineering climate systems and electronics "IKSel" was opened, bringing together the largest manufacturers of climate, heating and ventilation equipment.

Technopark residents are high-tech enterprises full cycle with deep automation, high level localization of production and a multi-stage quality control system:

  • plant for the production of aluminum, bimetallic and steel panel radiators heating industrial group Royal Thermo;
  • production branch of the Izhevsk Thermal Equipment Plant (IZTT);
  • production association VentEngMach;
  • federal distribution center TPH "Rusklimat";
  • management company IPG Clima.

The production base of resident factories served as the basis for the creation of the Center for Import Substitution of Climate and thermal equipment. Total production exceeded 11 million units finished products in year. More than 1,500 jobs were created.

In 2020, the number of employees of the technology park will exceed 3 thousand people, and the production volume will reach the target: 30 million units of finished products.

“It is important for us to develop the economy so that the habitat in the Vladimir region is at the level of capital cities and megalopolises. And we have everything to achieve our goals. In partnership with Rusklimat, we have created a high-tech, investment-attractive, and, importantly, domestic innovation structure that is not inferior to any foreign one. And rThe results of the national rating once again confirmed that the development vector we have set is correct and effective. Every year we increase the quality of services provided by the technology park and work to improve infrastructure and quality of life. However, we still have room to move and grow. If5 years ago, one of the main tasks before us was to increase the level of localization of production, thentoday the share of Russian components is more than 99%"– notes General Director of Industrial Platform Group Klima LLC (IKSEL) Pyotr Smirnov.

It should be noted that the performance indicators presented in the National Rating of Technoparks were used in developing criteria for the competitive selection of technoparks to receive subsidies under the national project “Small and Medium Enterprises and Support for Individual Entrepreneurial Initiatives,” implemented by the Russian Ministry of Economic Development.

The Rusklimat Trade and Production Holding received a request from the acting the head of the Kirzhach district with a request for assistance in resolving the issue of replacing heating systems in the Central District Hospital.

The Kirzhach Central District Hospital serves not only local residents, but also residents of neighboring settlements: Gorkinskoye, Kiprevskoye, Pershinskoye and Filippovskoye. In total there are more than 47 thousand adults and children.

Major renovations are planned in one of the hospital buildings - a two-story building for tuberculosis and palliative care departments. Patients with infectious diseases and those who require symptomatic care, including pain prevention and treatment. The hospital's chief physician, Ivan Zhadayev, says that the issue of replacing heating systems has been around for a long time, but it was due to insufficient funding. Therefore, in solving this problem, he turned to the Council of People's Deputies and the administration municipality district, and they, in turn, with a request to the public.

TPH "Rusklimat" provided free support to the State Budgetary Institution of Higher Education "Kirzhach District Hospital" in ensuring the replacement of heating systems. Bimetallic heating radiators were supplied to the central district hospital.

Currently, renovations are ongoing at the Kirzhach regional hospital. Work must be completed within 10 days before start heating season. By this date, updated departments will open in the institution. They are scheduled to begin accepting patients at the end of this month.

The news was provided by the press service of the Rusklimat TPH

More than a year ago ( from June 27, 2018), mandatory certification of heating radiators and heating convectors was introduced on the territory of the Russian Federation, and during this period it is already possible to sum up the first results of the application of this regulatory measure.

Firstly, the introduction of mandatory certification allowed solve the key problem of the Russian heating appliances market– stop the practice of misleading consumers by overstating functional characteristics heating radiator or convector.

According to expert estimates, in a year share of products with unreliable consumer characteristics on the Russian market of heating devices decreased by 5-7 times - from 35% to 5-7%.

The main characteristics of heating devices are the nominal heat flow (heat transfer) and operating pressure.

Heat transfer is the thermal power of a heating device, that is, its ability to heat to a certain comfortable temperature required volume and area of ​​the room.

The maximum permissible operating pressure characterizes the ability of a heating device to withstand, without depressurization or deformation, sudden pressure changes characteristic of worn-out housing and communal services infrastructure.

As a result of the introduction of mandatory certification, the average detected overestimation of heat transfer decreased from 20-30% to 8-10%, that is, two to three times.

Cases of overestimation of the operating pressure of heating devices have been almost completely eliminated, which has increased the level of safety of their operation, since depressurization of a heating device, unfortunately, has more than once led to damage to the health and even lives of people from burn injuries.

Secondly, the introduction of mandatory certification will significantly contributed to the development of import substitution in the Russian heating equipment market by ensuring equal and fair “rules of the game” and creating conditions for fair competition.

Indicative here is a comparison of the volumes of imports of heating radiators to Russia in the first half of 2018 (before mandatory certification) and in the first half of 2019 (after its introduction).

In the first half of 2019, due to a reduction in the volume of imports of heating radiators from foreign countries opportunities for substitution have opened up for domestic manufacturers of heating devices
on the domestic Russian market, that is, additional production and sales:

– in the segment of aluminum and bimetallic heating radiators – products weighing about 5 thousand tons worth at least 17.8 million US dollars;

– in the segment of steel panel heating radiators – products weighing more than 8 thousand tons worth at least 18.2 million US dollars.

The volume of the market niche vacated in six months for domestic manufacturers of heating radiators amounted to 36 million US dollars and 13 thousand tons of products.

At the same time, domestic manufacturers of heating devices are ready for such a scenario - the growth rate of volumes industrial production in the industry for three years in a row exceeded 10%, which is significantly higher than the average growth rate of industrial production.

So, based on the results of 2018:

– in the production segment of aluminum and bimetallic radiators, growth was recorded by 11,46% , that is, by 2.5 million sections, manufacturers are very close to the record figure
25 million sections per year;

– growth in the segment of steel panel radiators amounted to 26,5%
with a physical increase of more than 250 thousand units, as a result of which the production volume of steel panel heating radiators in Russia also became a record and for the first time exceeded 1 million units per year.

Thirdly, an important result of the introduction of mandatory certification was the increase in the level of civility in the industry, when market participants began to pay more attention to the reputational component and market positioning of their brands. Moreover, first of all, this applies to importers and foreign-made products.

This fact is confirmed by the following figures.

Import volume aluminum radiators heating without a brand (no name) in the first half of 2019 fell by 60%, and the share of “nameless” aluminum heating radiators decreased by almost half –
from 14.9% to 7.9%. IN steel segment heating radiators in the first half of 2019, the share of “noname” decreased to a minimum – more than 16 times and compiled it.

Finally, restrictions on assortment and competition
on the Russian market of heating devices market, rising prices for products due to the introduction of mandatory certification did not happen.

Mandatory certification has been successfully completed All domestic manufacturers and all major importers and suppliers of heating devices, and according to a serial production certification scheme, which allows you to work comfortably and quietly for five years, subject to timely inspection control.

At the same time, according to expert estimates, the total volume of certification costs of manufacturers and importers did not exceed 0.3% of the total market volume of domestic consumption of heating devices.

Thus, the introduction of mandatory certification made it possible to ensure a balance of interests of participants in the Russian market and consumers of heating devices and contributes to the sustainable development of the industry.

This article provides information on the dynamics of import volumes of heating radiators into the territory of the Russian Federation in the first half of 2019 in comparison with the first half of 2018.

Based on the results of the first half of 2019 compared to the first half of 2018 recorded general decline import volumes to the territory of the Russian Federation heating radiators in general (all types and from all types of materials) by 18.8%.

Decrease in physical volumes of imports aluminum heating radiators to Russia amounted to 24,9%.

At the same time, a decrease in physical volumes of imports of aluminum heating radiators to Russia from the main exporting country (People's Republic of China) was recorded in the first half of 2019 at 21.6%.

In turn, as a separate trend, it should be noted that there is a continued significant decrease in the volume of imports of aluminum heating radiators from Italy – by 43.5%.

In monetary terms, the level of reduction The total volume of imports of aluminum radiators was slightly higher than in physical volumes, and amounted to 26,5%.

Wherein for China import volumes aluminum heating radiators in monetary terms decreased by 20.9%.

Average customs the cost of Chinese aluminum remained virtually unchanged, but a slight increase of 1% was recorded(from 3 to 3.03 US dollars per kilogram finished product).

This fact indicates the successful continuation of the work of the customs authorities of the Russian Federation to counter the understatement of the customs value of aluminum heating radiators imported from China.

At the same time, last year there was practically no import of aluminum heating radiators from other countries except China and Italy (import volumes from other countries decreased by 5.5 times from 40 to an “imperceptible” 7 tons from Ukraine and the Islamic Republic of Iran).

In the first half of 2019 total physical volumes of import of bimetallic heating radiators (including “black bimetal”) to the territory of the Russian Federation also decreased – by 7.6%.

At the same time, the following trends were recorded for individual exporting countries:

– for China – decrease by 6.7%;

in Italy – decrease by 32.5%;

– for other countries (Ukraine)reduction by 40%(up to an imperceptible 12 tons).

IN in monetary terms decrease import volumes bimetallic heating radiators “overtook” the decrease in physical volumes and amounted to 13.13%.

At the same time VIhalf year 2019 compared to the same period of the previous year observed reduction in the average customs value of bimetallic heating radiators by 6%(from US$2.42 to US$2.28 per kilogram of finished product), including heating radiators from China by 4.7%(from US$2.36 to US$2.25 per kilogram of finished product).

Thus, with a summary assessment of the dynamics of physical volumes of imports of aluminum and bimetallic heating radiators in the first half of 2019, the decrease was almost 5 thousand tons for a total amount of 17.8 million US dollars.

In the first half of 2019, among all types of heating radiators the most significant decrease physical volumes of imports into the territory of the Russian Federation have been recorded in the segment of steel panel radiators heating – by 39%.

At the same time, the volumes of “steel panel” imports to Russia in monetary terms last year decreased even more significantly - 46,6% , which was accompanied by a decrease average cost imported
to Russia of steel panel radiators by 12.5% ​​(up to 1.58 US dollars
per kilogram of finished product).

Leading steel panel exporting countries radiators to Russia based on the results of the first half of 2019 are:

Poland (42.25% of total imports in quantitative terms);

– Türkiye (22.65%);

– Germany (14.73%);

– Slovakia (9.9%);

– Ukraine (8.88%).

The above data indicate that the already existing
over the past few years, there has been a steady general trend towards a decrease in the volume of imports of heating radiators to Russia for all the most popular types of heating devices.

At the same time, the dynamics and structure of import volumes of heating radiators
to Russia, using the example of a comparison of the first half of 2018 (before mandatory certification) and the first half of 2019 (after mandatory certification), confirms that the introduction of mandatory certification of heating radiators from June 27, 2018 “contributed” to a decrease in the volume of imports of heating appliances to territory of the Russian Federation and made it possible to ensure their reduction as a whole based on the results of the period under review.

Thus, VIhalf year 2019 By reducing the volume of imports of heating radiators from foreign countries, domestic manufacturers of heating devices have opened up opportunities for substitution on the domestic Russian market, that is, additional production and sales:

– in the segment of aluminum and bimetallic heating radiators – products weighing about 5 thousand tons worth at least 17.8 million US dollars;

– in the segment of steel panel heating radiators – products weighing more than 8 thousand tons worth at least 18.2 million US dollars.

It should be noted that a significant contribution to increasing the level of reliability and efficiency of analysis and monitoring of volumes of imports of heating radiators to Russia was made by the adoption and implementation in 2018 of the Decision of the Board of the Eurasian Economic Commission (EEC) dated May 22, 2018 No. 86, initiated by APRO. , providing for the allocation in the unified Commodity Nomenclature of Foreign Economic Activity of the Eurasian Economic Union (TN FEA EAEU) of separate codes (subitems) in relation to aluminum and bimetallic heating radiators, as well as their parts (came into force on August 20, 2018), which were previously absent.

The following graph clearly shows information on the dynamics of physical volumes of aluminum, bimetallic (including “black bimetal”) and steel panel heating radiators imported into Russia in the first half of 2018 and the first half of 2019.

The main volumes of heating radiators are imported into the Russian Federation by importers, who subsequently distribute their products through a regional retail network of representatives, as well as large DIY chain stores.

At the same time, the market for import supplies of aluminum and bimetallic heating radiators to Russia is characterized by a high level of competition, in which none of the leading suppliers has a share of more than 15% in the total import volume, which cannot be said about the oligopolistic state of the import market for steel panel heating radiators.

Thus, in the total volumes of imports of steel panel heating radiators to Russia, about 39% in the first half of 2019 was occupied by one importer (JSC Rettig Warme Rus), which indicates a high level of economic concentration in this segment.

In the first half of 2019, the trend continues for a significant reduction in the import of “nameless” heating radiators in all mass segments by more than 22%.

This trend is especially noticeable in the steel segment heating radiators, in which previously the volumes of “no name” products were insignificant (in the first half of 2019 the share of “noname” decreased more than 16 times and compiled 0.28% of the total volume of imported products).

Import volume of “unnamed” aluminum radiators heating imported in the first half of 2019, fell by 60% compared to the same period of the previous year, and the share of nameless heating radiators in total import volumes in the first half of 2019 decreased by almost half compared to the same period of the previous year -
from 14.9% to 7.9%.

In turn, the volume of imports bimetallic heating radiators “noname” for the period under review, compared to the first half of 2018, decreased slightly - by only 3.8%, and the market share of nameless bimetallic heating radiators, taking into account the general decrease in the volume of their imports, even increased and amounted to 19,1% (share in the first half of 2018 – 18,38% ).

However, the general decrease in the share of nameless heating radiators can be considered as a positive trend, indicating an increase in the level of civilization and responsibility in the Russian heating appliances market, when market participants begin to pay more attention to the reputational component and market positioning of their brands.

At the same time, the general decrease in the share of no-name heating radiators on the market is also associated with the introduction of mandatory certification, since taking it into account, the import of heating radiators by small importers, for whom low-price no-name products from China were in great demand, was significantly reduced.

The following diagrams clearly present information on the shares in total import volumes of top brands of aluminum, bimetallic and steel panel heating radiators, which were imported to Russia in the first half of 2019 in the most significant quantities.

It should be noted that competition among brands in the segment of imported aluminum radiators is lower compared to “bimetal” - the leading four foreign brands occupy a 41% share in the total import of aluminum heating radiators.

At the same time, the total share of other brands not included in the “top 10”, with a share of imports of less than 2%, for aluminum heating radiators is 21%.

In turn, in the bimetal segment, the total share of brands not included in the top 10, with a market share of less than 2%, is 24%.

At the same time, in the imported bimetal segment, the leading trade marks(top 4) in terms of import volumes of each individually are more than two times lower than the total volumes of imports of no name products, while in terms of aluminum, each of the top 4 brands slightly exceeds the total imports of no name in terms of import volumes.

The share of the four leading brands in the total import volume of bimetallic heating radiators is only 30%, and therefore this segment is characterized by the highest level of competition.

In the segment of steel panel radiators, there is complete market dominance in the segment of imported steel panel radiators of the Rettig Warme concern (Purmo and Vogel&Noot brands), the total share of whose products in total imports in the first half of 2019 amounted to 42%.

Thus, the results of the analysis of import volumes indicate that financial volume of the vacated market niche for domestic manufacturers of heating radiators mass demand (aluminum, bimetallic and steel panels) according to the resultsIhalf of 2019 amounted to 36 million US dollars and 13 thousand tons of products.

From June 27, 2018, in connection with the entry into force of Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 17, 2017 No. 717, mandatory certification of heating radiators and heating convectors of all types and from all types of materials was introduced on the territory of the Russian Federation.

At the same time, in July-September 2018, all the largest domestic manufacturers (in the status of manufacturers) and importers of foreign heating devices (in the status of persons authorized by foreign manufacturers) successfully passed mandatory certification under the 4c ​​serial production certification scheme, which provides for the need for periodic inspection control during validity period of the certificate of conformity, including analysis of the state of production and testing of samples.

In accordance with paragraph two of clause 9.2 of the national standard of the Russian Federation GOST R 58065-2018 “Conformity assessment. Rules for certification of heating radiators and heating convectors" (hereinafter - GOST R 58065-2018) frequency of inspection control in the form of a scheduled inspection established by the certification body.

According to APRO, many certification agreements established inspection period one year after the issuance of the certificate of conformity, that is currently this period has already arrived or will occur in the near future.

Please note that in accordance with subclause 9.19.3
GOST 58065-2018 refusal holder of the certificate of conformity from carrying out or payment for inspection control work is grounds for suspension and termination of the certificate of conformity.

Moreover, in accordance with paragraph 3.3 of the interstate standard GOST 31815-2012 “Conformity assessment. The procedure for conducting inspection control in certification procedures" inspection control is carried out by the body
on certification, which issued a certificate of conformity for this product,
and in case of termination of the certification body’s activities, inspection control may be carried out by another authorized body
on certification.

According to clause 9.3 of the national standard of the Russian Federation
GOST R 58065-2018 “Conformity assessment. Rules for the certification of heating radiators and heating convectors” The basis for inspection control is a certification agreement (additional agreement to it) concluded by the applicant with the certification body, or a special (separate) agreement between these parties on inspection control.

In this regard, we believe that in the event of suspension or termination of the accreditation status of a certification body that issued a certificate of conformity for a product, the holder of the certificate of conformity can ensure that scheduled inspection control is carried out through a conclusion with any accredited certification body that has heating radiators and (or ) heating convectors, separate agreement
for inspection control.

As part of the implementation of the verification project, APRO will carry out public monitoring and control of the timely and proper passage of inspection control by holders of certificates of conformity for heating radiators and heating convectors, as well as inform the authorized state control and supervision bodies about the facts of evasion from its passage.

In turn, APRO is ready to provide participants in the Russian heating equipment market with the necessary methodological and consulting assistance on organizing and passing inspection control of their products and production sites.

The amount of investment in the second phase is 1 billion rubles. including 50% of the investment amount is a loan provided by SBERBANK of Russia for a period of 10 years. Thus, the total investment volume of the two stages will be about 2.5 billion rubles. Upon completion of construction, the total production capacity will be 1,200,000 radiators per year.
Simultaneously with the launch of the second stage, the LEMAKS plant will expand the range of standard sizes of radiators produced, and will also begin producing decorative radiators with the ability to implement any design solutions on the color and texture design of radiator panels.

In accordance with the resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation
dated June 17, 2017 No. 717 (hereinafter referred to as Resolution No. 717) on the territory of the Russian Federation, mandatory certification of heating devices was introduced on June 27, 2018.

Resolution No. 717 includes in the unified list of products subject to mandatory certification (hereinafter referred to as the Unified List), along with heating radiators:

– steel heating convectors;

– heating convectors made of other metals.

In this regard, Decree No. 717 does not provide for the division of convectors by type of installation (wall-mounted, floor-mounted, in-floor), types of convection (natural, forced), the presence or absence of a built-in fan, but establishes that all convectors are heating
are included in the Unified List and must undergo mandatory confirmation (assessment) of conformity in the form of certification.

According to the information posted on the official website of Rosstandart (, heating convectors must undergo mandatory certification
for compliance with the mandatory requirements established by paragraphs
5.1-5.7, 5.13, 5.17, 5.18, 6.1, 6.2 of the interstate standard GOST 31311-2005 “Heating appliances. Are common technical specifications"(hereinafter referred to as GOST 31311-2005).

At the same time, GOST 31311-2005 also does not provide for the division of convectors by type of convection (natural or forced) and the presence or absence of a built-in fan for the purpose of establishing requirements for them that are mandatory in accordance with
with Resolution No. 717 and the specified information from Rosstandart.

Such a distinction also does not provide for national standard Russian Federation GOST R 58065-2018 “Conformity assessment. Rules for certification of heating radiators and heating convectors" (hereinafter referred to as
GOST R 58065-2018).

Consequently, convectors with forced convection and a built-in fan are subject to mandatory certification for compliance with the specified requirements of GOST 31311-2005.

For the sale of uncertified products, that is, products not accompanied by information about the certificate of conformity, administrative liability is established on the basis of Article 14.45 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation (CAO RF), namely, for the sale of products subject to mandatory confirmation of conformity, without indication in the accompanying documentation
(that is, in the passport for the heating device, instructions for installation and operation of the heating device or a single operational document for the heating device) information about the certificate of conformity, which entails the imposition of an administrative fine on officials in the amount of twenty thousand to forty thousand rubles; on legal entities– from one hundred thousand to three hundred thousand rubles.

In addition, in accordance with Part 1 of Article 9.4 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, violation of the mandatory requirements of documents in the field of standardization, including when applying building materials(products), entails a warning or
imposition of an administrative fine on officials - from twenty thousand to thirty thousand rubles; for legal entities - from one hundred thousand to three hundred thousand rubles.

If the installation of uncertified heating devices entails a deviation from the design values ​​of the parameters of buildings and structures, affecting the safety of engineering support networks, this entails the imposition of an administrative fine on officials - from thirty thousand to thirty-five thousand rubles; on persons carrying out entrepreneurial activity without forming a legal entity - from thirty-five thousand to forty thousand rubles or administrative suspension of activities for up to 60 days; for legal entities - from three hundred thousand to six hundred thousand rubles or administrative suspension of activities for a period of up to 60 days (Part 2 of Article 9.4 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).

Thus, the activity of selling uncertified heating convectors with forced convection and a built-in fan on the territory of the Russian Federation not only contains possible signs of an administrative offense, but also creates a threat of administrative liability for purchasing organizations that install such convectors on construction sites.

In a number retail outlets Republic of Kazakhstan, counterfeits of Royal Thermo radiators, a domestic manufacturer that is part of the APRO, have been identified.

Counterfeit aluminum radiators of unknown origin and low quality are presented at points of sale under the name Royal Term.

IN this moment All counterfeit products are withdrawn from sale. An investigation is being carried out to determine where these counterfeit radiators were manufactured and how they got onto the market. Management Russian company Royal Thermo said it would take legal action against the scammers.

The Association of Heating Radiator Manufacturers "APRO" calls on all conscientious manufacturers and suppliers of heating devices to fight counterfeit and counterfeit goods and is ready to provide comprehensive information, methodological and legal support in matters of protecting consumers from unsafe and low-quality radiators and convectors.

In May of this year, the non-profit corporate organization Association of Heating Radiator Manufacturers “APRO” was registered. About the prerequisites for creating the Association and about priority areas told about her activities Executive Director APRO Alexander Kvashnin.

- The Russian Ministry of Industry and Trade has included aluminum and bimetallic heating radiators in the list of goods subject to import substitution. On paper of this product excellent prospects and serious governmental support. How are things going with import substitution in practice?

Russian enterprises producing heating radiators are capable of meeting more than 50% of the demand in the domestic market of the Eurasian Economic Union. However, due to unfair competition from manufacturers from Southeast Asia, domestic products occupy no more than 10% of the Russian market for aluminum and bimetallic radiators. The volume of export supplies of Russian radiators is also extremely low.

The APRO Association was created to protect the interests of domestic radiator manufacturers.

It is premature to talk about specific successes in the field of import substitution, expressed in numbers. But now there is a clear understanding of how to maximize the production capacity of Russian enterprises and reach the figure of 40-50 million sections of domestic aluminum and bimetallic radiators per year on the domestic market within 2-3 years.

- Increasing the share of Russian products on the market by 5 times in 3 years is an ambitious goal. Who will help achieve it?

First of all, we have secured the support of the Parliament and Government of Russia, a number of ministries and departments, the Public Chamber, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, and regional authorities.

For effective coordination of actions between manufacturers and authorities, the Supervisory Board of the Association has been formed. It included Federation Council member Sergei Shatirov, State Duma deputy Igor Igoshin, and representatives of the regions where radiator production factories are located. For example, the most active support of the Association is provided by the Governor of the Vladimir Region, Svetlana Orlova. On her initiative, domestic radiators have already been presented to Vice-Premiers Arkady Dvorkovich and Dmitry Rogozin, as well as to the management of Rostec, Gazprom, and Russian Railways.

- From the state’s side, it is clear that APRO has support, but which manufacturers have joined APRO?

First of all, these are market leaders: the Rifar plant and industrial group"Faral Rus - Campo Di Calore". Moscow's Santekhprom, Krasnoyarsk's Alberg and the Ural's Zlatmash also joined APRO. In the near future we expect the entry of the Teplopribor (Vladimir region), Isoterm (St. Petersburg), Progress (Udmurtia), and Almet (Ulyanovsk region) factories. RUSAL’s “Russian Radiator” project in Karelia is of great interest. Just a couple of weeks ago, the state issued a loan of 500 million rubles for the construction of a radiator production plant in Ingushetia. We are open to cooperation with all companies that produce radiators in Russia.

- What exactly has the Association already done to support domestic producers?

To date, APRO, together with the Expert Council on Import Substitution of the State Duma, have carried out large-scale work to assess the state of the climate equipment market in Russia and have developed specific proposals for the development of the radiator market for government authorities, supranational organizations, civil society institutions and the business community.

What I would like to highlight separately from this plan:

First. Establishing special mandatory requirements for heating radiators and introducing an effective certification system for them. The introduction of mandatory certification will force unscrupulous market participants to reflect the real characteristics of the products they produce or import.

Second. Addition of the Commodity Nomenclature of Foreign Economic Activity of the Eurasian Economic Union with a new subheading “Aluminum and bimetallic heating radiators.” It is also necessary to increase the rates of import customs duties on aluminum and bimetallic heating radiators, while simultaneously reducing the rates of import customs duties on equipment and components used in the production of heating radiators.

Third. According to expert estimates, domestic climate products are practically not represented on the government procurement market. In our opinion, an effective measure to support Russian manufacturers of heating radiators could be to provide them with preferences in state (municipal) procurement through restrictions on the purchase of imported goods in this category.

Do not forget about the usual control: the quality and safety of heating radiators; over the activities of certification bodies and testing laboratories (centers) that issue documents on the assessment of confirmation of conformity of heating radiators, and, finally, over the import of heating radiators from China.

Intensifying control and supervision in all these areas will prevent the release into circulation of low-quality products that pose a threat to the life and health of people, property and the environment.

- What are the Association’s plans for the near future?

On December 15, we, together with the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation, will hold hearings on the topic “Protecting consumers from low-quality and unsafe heating devices.” During the hearings, it is planned to discuss the possibility of introducing mandatory certification of heating radiators, intensifying control and supervision over the safety of heating radiators in order to prevent the release into circulation of products that pose a threat to the life and health of people, property and the environment, intensifying control and supervision over the activities of authorities on certification and testing laboratories (centers) that issue documents assessing (confirming) the compliance of heating radiators with existing standards, as well as other issues aimed at ensuring the safety of heating systems and protecting the life and health of citizens.

We invite manufacturers of heating systems, suppliers of climate control equipment, representatives of the construction industry, certification centers, retail chains, public and non-profit organizations to participate in the hearings.

Russian radiator production enterprises are capable of meeting more than 50% of the demand in the domestic market of the Eurasian Economic Union. However, due to unfair competition from importers and manufacturers of similar products from the markets of Southeast Asia, domestic products occupy only 10%. The volume of export supplies of domestic radiators does not exceed 0.03% of the volume of the EAEU radiator market (data for 2014).

Experts note a constant decline in the quality of products supplied to the territory of the Russian Federation, which leads to an increase in accidents of heating systems.

The non-profit corporate organization Association of Heating Radiator Manufacturers "APRO" was registered on May 21, 2015.

The founders of the Association were the largest Russian manufacturers of aluminum and bimetallic radiators - Rifar CJSC (Orenburg region) and Faral-Rus LLC (Vladimir region).

The Association sees its primary task as protecting domestic producers and end consumers, the former from unfair competition, and the latter from low-quality and unsafe heating devices.

Members and partners of the Association produced in 2014 more than 70% of the total volume of domestic aluminum and bimetallic radiators on the Russian market.

The activities of the Association received support from the Federation Council Committee on Economic Policy, the Expert Council on Import Substitution of the State Duma, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation, the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation, and the administration of the Vladimir Region.

The Supervisory Board of the Association is headed by Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on Economic Policy S.V. Shatirov.

The main activities of the Association are technical and customs tariff regulation, as well as the promotion of domestic products and stimulation of industrial activity.

Membership in APRO provides businesses with a number of benefits. Firstly, the promotion of domestic products at all levels of government procurement from municipalities to national corporations. Secondly, assistance in obtaining federal and regional benefits and preferences for the development of production. Thirdly, participation in exhibitions, forums, conferences and other specialized events on preferential and special terms.

The Association protects the interests of domestic producers in federal and regional authorities, supranational organizations, civil society institutions: the Government of the Russian Federation, the Federation Council, The State Duma, Ministry of Industry and Trade, Ministry of Construction, Ministry of Economic Development, Federal Customs Service, Eurasian Economic Commission, Rosstandart, RosAccreditation, Rospotrebnadzor, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation, Public Chamber Russian Federation, Administration of the Vladimir Region, Government Krasnoyarsk Territory, Government of the Chelyabinsk region.

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