Industrial production of fly larvae. Black soldier fly flour. Where it all started

This is the story of entrepreneur Igor Istomin, who built a real fly farm. Igor explains why flies are not really disgusting, how larvae help little piglets and chickens survive, and why a small factory for the production of insect larvae should someday appear in every poultry farm.

As a child, I had one strange thing. More precisely, I had a lot of strange things, but now I will tell you only about one. I really liked flies. Parents hung in our country house Velcro from insects, and periodically half-immobilized, unhappy and dying flies fell from them onto the table. I picked them up and put them in a transparent box with holes for air - it was a hospital. When another insect, despite all my efforts, still died, I seemed to be very upset. I also liked to put a fly on my hand and watch how it crawled along it - it felt pleasantly ticklish to my hand. You must have grimaced, reader? That's how my parents grimaced. And they said: “Julia, do you have any idea WHERE they walked with those paws?”

“You know, Yulia, people very strongly believe in different stereotypes,” Igor Istomin, founder of the New Technologies company, tells me, a small farm where fly larvae are bred to create environmentally friendly biofeeds and fertilizers. “When you tell people about flies, they immediately imagine all sorts of sewage, toilets and rot. But, firstly, if it were not for these insects, our planet would long ago have been covered with a many-kilometer layer of corpses, because they would have been processed much more slowly. And in general, research has long proven that there is an antimicrobial environment around every fly.

Yes, this insect climbs through garbage dumps, but then it carefully washes its legs, which have thin chitinous hairs. These hairs secrete a microsecretion that disinfects everything. And in Napoleonic times, fly larvae were used to clean hard-to-heal wounds - they perfectly remove necrotic tissue and keep living tissue intact. Microsecret is rich in immunomodulators, and healing occurs faster. In America, this method is still sometimes used in surgery today.

Until 2014, Igor Istomin was engaged in household appliances, but with the onset of crisis, I decided to sell my business and start some new promising business. Friends invited him to build a small plant for the production of maggots together, and Igor invested money from the sale of the business into this enterprise.
“Actually, before, even before I started selling household appliances, I was a swimming coach,” says Igor. - And not bad. So biology was close to me, I was quite good at it. It seemed to me that the production of fish maggots was somehow superficial; hatching larvae could give the world much more than just fish bait. I began to study this topic more and more deeply, my sons helped me, and as a result, by 2015, they and I produced the first experimental batch of excellent feed protein, and in January 2016 we demonstrated it in Moscow at an exhibition at VDNKh.

As Igor Istomin explains, he didn’t have to invent any new technology—nature had already done everything. Flies have been in the world for more than twenty million years - they survived the Ice Age and many other natural disasters, unlike mammoths, dinosaurs and the Mauritian dodo. This means that there is something in the body of this insect that promotes survival.

“In the wild, animals, birds and fish eat something, throw out digestive waste, and eventually die,” explains Istomin. “As soon as this happens, hordes of flies immediately fly to the place of death and lay eggs. And the eggs hatch into larvae that quickly process this waste. At the same time, the larvae themselves become excellent food for other animals, and the processed waste becomes an excellent fertilizer for plants. Nature has already thought of everything for us. We simply took this mechanism and placed it under the roof - we decided to see what would happen if we made our own company out of it.

At any agricultural enterprise, be it a poultry farm or a fish hatchery, quite a lot of waste is generated. For example, the mortality rate of poultry is five to seven percent - chickens periodically die due to weak immunity or break something. Also, enterprises always have food and vegetable waste, and they all cause a lot of trouble - they need to be stored, disposed of, special acidifiers must be added, so that after two years this waste turns into fertilizer and can be taken out to the fields. If all this is not done, problems with environmental services may arise. As Igor Istomin explains, his “fly farm” can become an ideal example of waste-free production, and then you won’t have to spend money and time on waste disposal at agricultural enterprises.

“We breed a fly called Lucilia Caesar, this is an ordinary green synanthropic carrion fly,” explains Igor. - However, we just call her Lyusya. We have an insectarium with cages where adult flies live and different species and generations are constantly crossed. On average, each fly lives from twenty-one to twenty-four days, so those insects that now live in our insectarium have never seen outside world and are noticeably different from those you meet in nature. For example, they have a much higher egg production, because here, with us, different generations are constantly interbreeding in a closed environment.


They eat sugar and powdered milk and drink water. In each cage there is a small box - Igor calls it a “lunchbox” - with minced meat inside. “New Technologies” cooperates with a poultry farm, which specially for this purpose gives away those birds that did not survive.

“There are small holes in the lunchboxes,” says Igor Istomin. - Flies are shy. Therefore, they fly there to reproduce and lay eggs on minced meat. Every day a technologist comes, takes away lunchboxes with clutches and puts new ones. And the old ones - with masonry - are transferred to the nursery shop.
In the breeding shop there are special cabinets with trays where the company’s employees place masonry and add more fresh meat. Then larvae emerge from the eggs and feed on it. During growth, fly larvae emit a lot of ammonia, so each cabinet is connected to ventilation, the air from which, when going outside, passes through a special microbiological filter.

They do not have a stomach, so it would be wrong to say that they eat this meat. They secrete larval juice into the meat, which is rich in enzymes and nutrients. Under their influence, the meat quickly decomposes and turns into mush, and then the larva passes the resulting substance through itself many times. Due to this, it grows, and the resulting substrate is enriched with enzymes and becomes useful.

After three to five days, when the larvae grow, they, together with the substrate obtained from the meat, are taken to a special workshop. To separate the grown larvae from the substrate, everything is dumped together onto a fine mesh - the larvae crawl through it, and the dry fibrous mass, which was once minced meat, remains on the mesh.

Then the substrate is collected in bags and left for a day. At a temperature of 65 degrees it burns out under the influence of anaerobic bacteria. Then it is dried and crushed.
- It turns out great organic fertilizer, boasts Igor Istomin. “It kills all kinds of bugs in the soil that eat the roots of plants, and the yield doubles. In this case, it is enough to add just a pinch of such substrate to the ground.

While in one department of the enterprise fertilizer is made from processed meat, in another department the larvae are turned into food: they are processed, cleaned and dried at a temperature of no more than 70 degrees in order to preserve nutrients and not destroy the protein. Then they grind it. The result is fatty flour with a high content of protein and lipid acids - BLK, protein-lipid concentrate.
“BLK contains natural polymers melanin and chitin,” says Igor. - They help strengthen the immune system. For example, the most difficult period for piglets is the transition from mother's milk to regular feed. Often the gastrointestinal system of animals that are not yet strong can not cope, they get sick and die. If seven days before switching to feed you start adding BLK to milk, half a gram for every kilogram of weight, and then add it to the feed for another ten days, the result will be one hundred percent. The piglets will stop getting sick. And if you add a little BLK to the food of a domestic dog or cat, its immunity will improve, it will be easier to shed, and its activity will increase.

Today, in most agricultural production, animals receive protein in the form of fishmeal. But over the past fifteen years, it has risen in price eight times, and the world’s fish reserves are gradually drying up, because it turns out that animals are competing for it with humans. At the same time, the production demand for animal proteins is colossal - in Russia their annual deficit is about a million tons. It turns out that we urgently need to look alternative sources this protein. And Igor Istomin believes that he has found such a source.
“Imagine if every poultry farm had a small workshop like the one we made at our own,” he says. “You don’t have to pay for disposal, and here, in your own production, you could make excellent food.” This would give both weight gain and a reduction in morbidity. In Russia, such technology began to be invented back in the 70s of the last century, but all this was at the level scientific research and remained within the laboratories. We are trying to bring this into real life.

True, it turned out that to establish waste-free production in Russia it’s not so easy - there’s simply no regulatory framework. At first, it took a long time to certify the product - the companies that deal with this simply did not know how to work with dried larvae. Then it turned out that according to the law, biological waste must be burned, buried or subjected to heat treatment. No other processing methods are provided. So we have to demonstrate over and over again new technology and prove to everyone that it works.

So far, Igor Istomin’s enterprise remains unprofitable: in order for it to start making a profit, it needs to greatly expand its area and hire more workers. In the meantime, there is only enough capacity to produce pilot batches - they are sent as samples to plants and factories so that they can test the new food and compare it with fishmeal.
— Now there are already several enterprises ready to buy BLK from us. Moreover, fishmeal costs from 80 to 120 rubles per kilogram, depending on the quality, and our product costs 100 rubles. That is, it has every chance of displacing flour. But in order for production to not be at a loss for us, we need to produce eight to ten tons of BLK per month, but so far we only get one.

We are looking for investors and really hope to receive a government grant for research. But it’s difficult with investors - you understand, a person is more interested in buying ready-made milk than in a cow that will produce this milk. So today we are separated from commerce by approximately 12,000,000 rubles and six months of work. But when everything works out, we want to make something like a showroom - let the factory owners come and see how everything works here, and order us such waste processing modules. We will come and build the same ones at their enterprises - it will be something like a franchise. And the seed fund will continue to be with us. It’s good for us, for enterprises, for nature, and for the state.
Finally, Igor Istomin asks me if I have ever seen pickled beetles in jars - in Asia you can buy these in supermarkets, and people eat them from time to time. I answer that I not only saw it, but also tried it - nothing special.

“You see,” Igor sighs. “There, in the East, people have already understood what we cannot understand. After all, excellent protein supplements that are useful for people can be made from larvae. We have several athletes we know who buy our BLK and mix it with honey for breakfast. But these are athletes. But mostly people are afraid to try this. All stupid stereotypes.

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First of all, we immersed ourselves in studying the technology. To our great surprise, it turned out that fly larvae can be successfully used to prepare feed proteins. Research on this topic was carried out back in the Soviet Union. The most active work was carried out at the Novosibirsk Agricultural Institute (now NSAU) by a scientific group led by Professor I.I. Gudilin. One of the participants in this scientific group, Oleg Nikolaevich Sorokoletov, became our scientific consultant.

As a result, we found, read and adapted more than 500 pages of scientific works, studied all the studies that were carried out in the USSR, Europe, Asia, Africa, and America. These studies allowed us to take a different look at the technology of producing fly larvae. A major restructuring has begun, which, in fact, has not yet ended.

Here it is necessary to make a digression and tell us why we were so attracted to the topic of producing feed protein from fly larvae.

For ourselves, we have identified three pillars of our technology: resources, waste and feed.

Resources- This natural resources land. Many people immediately start thinking about oil, minerals, etc. But in fact, the seas, oceans, fish in them, soil, air are also natural resources. World Fund wildlife(WWF) declared WWF Day of Earth's Environmental Debt. This means that by this day humanity has exhausted all the natural resources that the planet can restore in a year! And now we need the resources of 1.6 planets like Earth. And in 15 years we will need two Earths.

And the fact is that from a human point of view, everything is logical and justified: the population is growing, it needs to be fed, which means growing more plants, more animals, birds, catch more fish.

Unfortunately, this cannot continue indefinitely. It's like a swimming pool. You can scoop out a capful at a time and do it for a long time, but if you do it with several caps or buckets and faster than the water enters the pool, everything will quickly end. So it is here. There will be no fish soon. It is a fact.

Let's switch to poultry or pork or beef, you might think. Or we will grow fish in aquariums. It's like that. But every animal's diet includes fish in the form of fishmeal. Or soy. And 98% of grown soybeans are GMO. Because without GMOs it is impossible to grow as much soybeans as required. And if crop rotation is not observed, it harms the soil. Imagine the future in 30-50 years: no fish, no soil, no animals.

All this forces us to look for alternatives to protein components in animal feed. Simple statistics: if the whole world stops making fishmeal and instead makes, for example, canned fish, then 1.5 billion people will stop starving. By and large, we are now on the threshold greatest achievement humanity - victory over hunger! And for this, the last step remains to be taken - to find an alternative to fishmeal.

Now waste.

A third of all food produced in the world is wasted. Simple arithmetic: from 5 kilograms of fish you get 1 kilogram of fishmeal, with which you can grow 1 kilogram of, say, trout. And we throw away 300 grams! From 5 kilograms of fish at the very beginning we get 700 grams of fish. Where is the logic?

Every year in Russia such a quantity of food waste is generated that it is even difficult to count it. And no one counts, because they all end up in one landfill and rot.

Waste is also generated in agriculture. These are meat waste, meat processing waste, manure, litter. Now agricultural complexes pay to destroy this waste or at least process it into fertilizer. Some waste, mainly meat, is used to prepare meat and bone meal - this is also a protein component for feeding. But the quality is significantly worse than fishmeal.

And finally stern. I have already mentioned that it is extremely important to use a high-quality protein component in animal feed. Moreover, for the production of such feed it is necessary to use technology that will contribute to the conservation natural resources and recycle waste.

As it turns out, fly larvae are the solution. They can recycle organic waste. Moreover different types flies (and there are more than 90,000 of them) are adapted to different wastes.

The fly larvae themselves, after drying and grinding, turn into flour with a pleasant smell of roasted seeds. And the amino acid composition is better than that of fishmeal.

This is it, we thought and started rubbing the flies, excuse me, our hands!

We have identified two products: the first is the feed protein itself, which we sell to poultry farms, pig farms, fish farms, manufacturers of food for cats, dogs, rodents, reptiles, birds, fish, etc. And the second is a license for the technology.

Imagine that the technology is placed inside a poultry or pig farm and is adapted to the type of organic waste that is generated in these complexes. As a result of processing, excellent food and organic fertilizer are obtained. And all this goes back into production. The result is savings on disposal and on the purchase of fishmeal. We saved fish in the oceans and took a small step towards defeating hunger. An enterprise saves a lot, and a large enterprise saves a lot. And this affects the cost of meat on the shelves, the availability of products for the population, and food safety.

Once we decided on the products, we began to bring production costs down to an acceptable level. And this directly depends on technology.

Technology consists of several blocks. I’ll say right away that all the equipment used is super secret. We have come a long way from where we started.

The first block is the insectarium. This is the place where flies live. We have about 5 million of them at our enterprise. And in the future it should be closer to 20 million. We joke that when something like this flies at the same time more quantity insects, our building could fly away like Ellie's house. Indeed, 5 meters from the room where the flies live, you can already hear their meditative buzzing.

Our workers eat sugar, milk powder, and drink water. Their main responsibility- lay eggs. They lay them every day on special trays with minced meat, which is made from meat waste. Once a day, eggs are taken from the insectarium and moved to the larval rearing area.

There we place fly eggs on poultry farm waste (for experiments we take them from a regional company). The larvae hatch when needed climatic conditions and begin to recycle waste. The larvae have external digestion: they secrete a special secretion that mineralizes and liquefies the raw material, the larvae pass it through themselves like a pump. The larvae’s body absorbs only the substances and amino acids it needs. It all ends after 4 days - that’s exactly how long the larva needs to increase in size 300 times and reach its goal. maximum size. By this time, the larvae no longer feed, we collect them, special technology separated from the processed substrate (which then becomes fertilizer) and sent for drying. Then, if necessary, chop. This is the food protein from fly larvae.

Speaking about the quality of this food product, its usefulness and digestibility, you only need to imagine that from the larva, from those substances that it “absorbed” into itself, a new organism will be built - a fly, which is completely different from its previous form. And in order for this to happen, all substances, amino acids must be in a semi-disassembled state, ready for reconstruction, like parts of a constructor that Nature assembles at its own discretion.

As a result, from 10 kilograms of waste, from what is thrown away, rots and stinks, we get 1 kilogram of high-quality, easily digestible feed protein.

At the moment, the cost of 1 kilogram of protein from fly larvae is 40-60 rubles, with a selling price of 100 rubles per kilogram. And this is already an acceptable price for the market. However, we understand that automation and robotization of production are required to reduce costs by another 2-3 times.

The plans include entering the pet food market, isolating enzymes from larvae, isolating antibiotics (scientists in the UK have isolated Seraticin, an antibiotic against Staphylococcus aureus), and isolating other beneficial and antiviral substances. We will try to introduce MDT (Maggot debridement therapy - therapy for hard-to-heal wounds and trophic ulcers using fly larvae) in Russia. The technology has been used for 20 years in the USA, UK, Germany, Australia with a 98% cure rate. But in Russia, official medicine does not yet use it.

Flies live in a cage for about 3-4 weeks. And then they die. Now we dispose of “dead” flies along with solid waste, but in the future we plan to isolate natural polymers from flies - chitin and melanin. Chitosan can be produced from chitin and used in animal feeding, pharmaceuticals, and the chemical industry. This is very valuable material, which is called the polymer of the future. And some say that it promotes weight loss.

When I say that we are at the forefront, I am not exaggerating. There are about 20 teams in the world that work in this direction. And only two have enterprises that actually process organic waste using fly larvae. One of the companies - Agriprotein - is located in South Africa, the other is in Canada. Bill Gates invested about $11 million in Agriprotein. Other competing companies are also receiving investments ranging from $10-30 million.

We invested only about 50 million rubles (of which 35 million was the money of our father, relatives, friends, and 15 million was bank and investment financing) - and managed to create a product technology in which we obtain biomass 5 times faster than our foreign colleagues do this.

Now we are looking for partners with whom we could go further and start a global revolution in agriculture.

Many say that they do not believe our desire to defeat hunger and preserve resources, that, they say, only profit matters. But how great it is when there is a solution in which you can combine both moral and material satisfaction!

In 2021, in Gubkin, Belgorod Region, they intend to open a plant for the production of protein from black soldier fly larvae. Design capacity at initial stage it is predicted at 300 tons of flour per month, while the by-product will be zoo compost processed by the larvae. It is noteworthy that producers intend to supply flour used to feed pets and fish abroad, where its cost is much higher than within the country.

Difficult choice

Similar productions are now appearing in our country, but no one has yet decided to grow black soldier fly larvae in Russia. A similar project exists only in Holland. Belgorod manufacturer of vitamin supplements and fish feed valuable species and for pets, she will be the first to raise exotic insects in the black earth belt. The joint project of the company and the Belgorod Shukhov Technological University won a grant of 217 million rubles. These funds will be used to develop prototypes of the product, while making the production cost lower than that of the Dutch.

Department head higher education and science department of internal and personnel policy region Natalya Shapovalova notes that the project is being implemented within the framework of the Scientific and Educational Center - one of the first five in the country.

A subsidy of 217 million rubles was allocated as part of the national project “Science,” she explains. - Passed a competitive selection of projects. A total of 138 applications were submitted. Of these, 45 best projects were selected.

The director of the enterprise, Sergei Liman, emphasizes that the interest in insects among feed manufacturers is not accidental.

Plant protein will never become a complete replacement for animal protein, no matter what anyone says, notes Sergei Liman. - In the preparation of animal feed, we widely use waste - blood, bones, feathers. We even trim the piglets’ stubble and then process it. Flour obtained from pig waste is added to poultry feed, poultry waste is processed into pig feed, and so on. Moreover, all these additives are quite difficult to absorb by the animal’s body. Of course, fish flour remains the highest quality flour: for example, inexpensive fish is processed for trout. But we all understand: there are not so many fish in the ocean.

Search different ways obtaining protein feeds, both scientists and investors are driven by the growing need for meat products. Sergey Liman gives an example foreign manufacturers flour from chafer or locusts.

The best quality flour is obtained from locusts,” he notes. - But if you open such a production, somewhere these locusts must be raised, special conditions must be created for their habitat. Can you imagine if the unexpected happens and all these insects find themselves in a free environment?

Investors and scientists had to take all these subtleties into account at the stage of selecting insects for research. They decided to stop at the black soldier fly for the simple reason that the insect itself in the black earth latitudes is not dangerous to anyone: when an individual turns from a larva into a fly, it does not drink or eat. Only produces larvae that are easy to control. In addition, they grow quickly.

Insects and their friends

Sergei Liman can talk endlessly about the black lion.

This fly is also good because never in the entire history of study has it been observed that its population has declined due to any epidemics,” he explains. - The body of the black soldier fly produces a certain protective substance, a kind of antibiotic. This prevents them from getting sick. This is good for us too - we don't have to worry about how to protect the breeding insects.

Together with scientists, manufacturers intend to create own technology obtaining protein mass

The fly itself in the photo looks quite similar to the common housefly, but Sergey Liman emphasizes its uniqueness.

Houseflies can carry many diseases. And maggots, which are used in such industries, grow for a long time. And in six days these larvae become such that they can be processed into flour,” says the investor. - Well, if you look at the lion from the front, you can see that her face, so to speak, is mother-of-pearl. Very beautiful!

In addition to the “spectacular appearance” of the insect, among the advantages of the fly are high performance. One individual produces a lot of larvae.

I’ll try to explain our choice using an example from the pig farming industry,” continues Sergey Liman. - If one sow gives birth to six piglets, and the second gives birth to 14, which one will you buy? Of course, the second one, although it is expensive. - So we became interested in this particular fly, and no other.

At the same time, at the initial stage, breeding larvae will have to be purchased from Dutch partners. According to Liman, a bucket is enough for them. It is then important to provide them with greenhouse conditions for growth and transformation into flies.

Cheaper than our partners

The entire technology for growing larvae, as well as equipment, could be imported from Europe, along with breeding insects.

But we believe that we need to create our own production technology - it will be simpler and cheaper than foreign ones,” Sergei Liman is sure.

The first vice-rector of the technological university, Evgeniy Yevtushenko, adds: the same 217 million received as a result of the project competition will be used for scientific and technological support of the project. Laboratory equipment, instruments, research - all this will be funded by the grant, so that a prototype of the product can be released very soon. But the plant will be built at the expense of the investor.

Our employees will automate the entire cycle and create an environment comfortable for insects,” explains Evgeniy Yevtushenko. - This will require specialists different profiles. For example, for a new plant our scientists intend to develop and implement new system technical vision.

So far, no university in the country trains specialized personnel for such production, but the company does not consider this a problem.

The principle of working with larvae is the same as at any livestock enterprise, notes Liman. - This means that we will just need to train specialists on the spot.

They intend to receive the first zoocompost, larvae and flour, as well as new flies in Gubkin in 2021. In parallel, the company will work on the production of premium pet food. Part of the flour from the larvae will be used there, and the remaining products will be sold abroad.

What about the neighbors?

The Lipetsk project of the New Biotechnologies company, where housefly larvae are processed into feed protein, received support in the amount of three million rubles from the regional Fund for Assistance to the Development of Small Enterprises in the Scientific and Technical Sphere.

Any scale.

Types of waste used: manure, droppings, chicken deaths, meat and fish raw materials.

Why is the population of Russia poisoned by toxic gases from landfills and what to do about it? Economically profitable solution problems of “methane” landfills and protein feed for fish farming using biotechnology.

The article highlights modern problems accumulation of waste in landfills, the reasons that led to the formation poisonous gas at the Yadrovo landfill in Volokolamsk and the subsequent poisoning of people, the process of formation of landfill gas is considered and new profitable methods of disposal (processing) of food waste are proposed...

In this article, we tried to explain to our readers in simple and accessible language what methods for recycling chicken droppings and various manures using fly larvae are. To answer the question what is the uniqueness and advantages of such technologies for processing litter and manure.

And why have such cheap and unique environmentally friendly technologies, scientifically proven since the 60s of the last century, still not taken their certainly worthy place in the agricultural sector of the economy?

Our company offers high-performance equipment for growing fly larvae on various organic waste.

In this section you can familiarize yourself with it technical characteristics and place your order...

This material consistently describes the stages of implementation of the proposed project for processing manure. Also, preliminary information is presented here about the planned production for the processing of organic waste in the form of manure (diagrams, calculation of areas, configuration of premises, data on the productivity and purpose of the premises), and also touches upon the issue of the economic efficiency of such production and the financial remuneration of the Contractor for the implementation of the project.

The material was prepared on the basis of one of our client’s requests for the preparation of a detailed design for the construction of such an enterprise, with the aim of processing 75 tons of manure to provide a duck farm with animal protein own production to replace fishmeal in poultry diets.

Information on how to create profitable business with a profitability of 700-800% using technologies for growing maggots.

Learn about the secrets of the business of breeding and selling fly larvae, as well as the difficulties that you may encounter when starting this business.

Currently, China has taken a leading position in the world in the biological recycling of food waste and agricultural waste using black soldier fly larvae.

Several of China's largest investment companies, with the full support of the Chinese government, have invested huge amounts of money in the construction of such processing plants.

Humanity produces food waste every day and, regardless of whether it is edible or unsuitable, food waste contains a significant amount of residual nutrients that have become inaccessible to humans and most animals due to low quality and poor palatability . But the black soldier fly larvae are indifferent taste qualities their food - they eat with equal zeal everything that is given to them.


The advantage of using black soldier fly larvae is their ability to significantly reduce harmful bacteria in organic waste such as manure. At its mass decreases by 50%, and nitrogen concentration decreases by 62%. This is important because excess nitrogen from manure is washed out by rain into the soil and water bodies, and heavily pollutes them. In addition, the rapid consumption of waste by black soldier fly larvae eliminates the appearance of unpleasant odors emitted by manure and litter storage facilities, as well as the formation of methane gas, which poisons the atmosphere, during the decomposition of organic matter.

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