Choosing a septic tank for a summer residence: which is better, device, characteristics, reviews. Which septic tank is better to choose for a private house, dacha, cottage? Choosing a septic tank

The best solution to the recycling problem Wastewater at the dacha, where central sewerage missing, is the installation of a septic tank. However, the search suitable model, may not be as simple as expected. A huge range of different designs and modifications offered by modern manufacturers poses the question to the user: which is the best septic tank for a summer residence? By reading the information provided below, you can get a more complete understanding of the structure of your home sewage system and wastewater treatment system and consciously begin choosing the design of a treatment facility.

Read in the article:

What is a septic tank: purpose, installation requirements

A septic tank is a treatment facility whose purpose is to collect, process and dispose of sewage. Buying a septic tank for your dacha means ensuring comfortable use of water resources and a toilet. Household and household sewage in the form of contaminated liquid cannot simply be poured onto the ground or into open containers. This is always accompanied by unpleasant odors, contamination of soil and groundwater, which threatens local environmental damage.

Therefore, for the installation of sewage systems in private areas, which include dachas, country cottages, estates, estates, special containers were invented for the safe concentration of waste water in them. Over time, these tanks were modernized into entire systems and began to be called septic tanks, to which modern man I’m already used to it and treat it as an integral part of everyday life and comfort.

The appearance of a well-maintained septic tank does not spoil the appearance of the site

Currently, the user has the opportunity to choose between the most simple models storage septic tanks for summer cottages or more complex designs that provide additional filtration and even deep cleaning with subsequent disposal.

Practical advice! It should be remembered that no matter what type of structure the user chooses, its installation must meet certain requirements stipulated building codes and rules (SNiP).

They provide a safe distance from the septic tank to certain objects:

  • from buildings, residential premises - at least 5 meters;
  • water sources used for drinking – 50 m;
  • water channels (natural and artificial) with running water - 10 m, and standing reservoirs - 30 m;
  • highways, highways, roads (including country roads) - more than 5 m;
  • trees – 3 m;
  • gas pipelines, underground installation - 5 m.

Such removal distances are provided in case of damage to the integrity of the tank, in order to prevent the harmful effects of its contents on the listed objects.

Which septic tank to choose for your dacha: options, classification

Before purchasing and installing a sewer treatment system, you need to decide which model is most effective for your specific operating conditions. How to choose a septic tank for your dacha? - this question can be answered by familiarizing yourself with the types of structures, their designs and characteristics.

The following types of septic tanks are distinguished:

  • cumulative– working on the principle of a cesspool, which is a container for collecting and accumulating economic and domestic wastewater from a house until pumping using special equipment (sewage truck);
  • with soil filtration (drainage) system– providing preliminary cleaning and clarification of wastewater before its movement into the drainage system, where it is finally cleaned and dissolved in soil layers;
  • using bioremediation– involving the use in various ways, allowing for almost complete purification of wastewater and its safe discharge into the soil or reservoir.

In areas with non-permanent residence, it is sufficient to install a storage tank, which will act as a septic tank for the toilet in the country house.

If a family is expected to live, as well as receiving guests, then you need to think about installing a treatment plant with sufficient volume and good performance.

With the exception of storage models, cleaning systems country sewerage They function through the use of microorganisms - bacteria that process organic impurities of wastewater coming from the house, thereby purifying them to the state of water. These bacteria are:

Depending on the bacteria used, septic tanks are divided into anaerobic and aerobic models, respectively.

Design features and principle of operation of anaerobic septic tanks

This type treatment facilities is a one-, two- or three-chamber tank, hermetically sealed, in which flow step-by-step processes decomposition of organic components of sewage and removal of the purified product by release into soil layers.

The most popular are anaerobic septic tanks with two chambers. Sewage enters the first chamber, where solid particles are settled and separated. Then the contents are poured into the second compartment, where they are processed by aerobic microorganisms and cleaned. The clarified liquid is removed using a drain pipe and dissolves in the soil through the drainage system.

The vital activity of aerobes and their work on the decomposition of organic impurities in domestic and economic wastewater is accompanied by the release of gases: CO 2 – carbon dioxide; CH 4 – methane; NH 3 – ammonia; H 2 S – hydrogen sulfide.

Some of these gases dissolve perfectly in water and are removed along with it, and some are removed through a ventilation system that includes check valve, allowing the release of exhaust gases to the outside, but preventing the access of oxygen inside.

To improve the quality of cleaning, some models include a biofilter - an additional chamber loaded with a special filler that creates favorable conditions for the proliferation of anaerobic bacteria. Polymer granules, expanded clay or plastic mesh are used as filler.

The main advantages of anaerobic models are:

  • simplicity of design – absence of complex technical and electrical elements;
  • energy independence - the cleaning process occurs in the course of natural reactions;
  • relatively low cost.

If there is a lack of beneficial microbes or low efficiency of their “work”, you can buy anaerobic bacteria for the septic tank in order to artificially increase their population in the septic chambers by “populating”.

Design and operating conditions of aerobic septic tanks

Unlike previous models, the principle of operation of aerobic septic tanks is based on increasing the access of oxygen to the septic chamber to maintain the activity of aerobes, which cannot exist without it.

For this purpose, the designs of such structures include compressors, pumps, and aerators (air nozzles through which air enters the tank in the form of a cloud of bubbles).

  • An aerobic septic tank for a summer residence cannot be called energy-independent, but its main advantages are:
  • high productivity with smaller tank volumes;
  • speed of wastewater treatment;

The disadvantage is the relatively high price and inability to maintain operating efficiency in the absence of electricity.

The structure consists of two or three chambers. Sewage flows into a receiving tank, where large and heavy fractions are separated from smaller particles. Due to the constant access of oxygen supplied through aerators, bacteria are in an active state and process organic compounds, purifying the contents of the chamber. The purified water enters the secondary settling tank, where it is finally clarified and removed, freeing up space for the newly arrived liquid.

To maintain the stable performance of the cleaning system, it is recommended to add special additives to it containing aerobic bacteria for the septic tank, which can be purchased over the counter.

What is a mini septic tank for a summer residence: distinctive features, advantages

Models of mini septic tanks are specially designed for arranging local sewage systems in summer cottages. They may well cover the needs of two people with permanent residence, or the whole family with periodic visits to the plot.

The prefix “mini” means that the volume of such a structure is only 1 m³. Despite its small size and insignificant capacity, the structure is capable of processing up to 200-300 liters of liquid per day.

The smallest septic tank for a summer residence has an operating principle based on the same processes as in the models described above: settling, purification from organic matter due to bacteria, clarification and disposal through the drainage system.

The advantages of such models of mini septic tanks for a summer residence without pumping include:

  • durability - the material of manufacture (plastic or polyethylene) is not subject to corrosion and, with proper use, has a long service life;
  • ease of maintenance - involves pumping out sediment as it accumulates, which happens extremely rarely;
  • small dimensions - allow installation of the product even on a small plot of land;
  • accessibility – the cost of mini installations compares favorably with larger analogues.

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In this article we will try to figure out how to do it, what is required for this, how difficult such work is, and how to save money on construction.

Another advantage of the described models is the ease of installation, which, due to its small size and weight, can be carried out even by one person.

What is the best price for septic tanks for a summer residence: review, comparison, analysis

The modern market is replete with offers of their products from different manufacturing companies. The differences between the best septic tanks for a summer residence and more mediocre models are not clearly defined; they need to be looked for in the details.

Choosing the right model of treatment plant is not an easy task.

You cannot make a decision based only on the volume of septic chambers, considering that the larger the capacity, the less often it needs to be pumped out. Without a well-functioning drainage system Any septic tank will have to be pumped out frequently. It is necessary to consider the possibility of installing additional post-treatment systems in case the quality of purification is not high enough. It would be wrong to choose an aerobic septic tank for an area where there are power outages or a mini model for a large one. country house

Practical advice! with permanent residence. The most best septic tank

is the one that is suitable for specific operating conditions, has the necessary performance and a cost accessible to the purchasing power of the user.

Choosing the best septic tank for a country house: rating of well-known manufacturers, product review Most brands present the model range of their products various modifications

in order to interest the largest circle of buyers and attract their attention to your products. Manufacturers of septic tanks are no exception. The user is invited to familiarize himself with the rating 10 famous brands – manufacturers of treatment facilities for local sewer systems

, which have been leading positions in popularity among customers for many years.

"Topas" - high cleaning rates The lineup

Topas septic tanks have more than 30 names. We present to users the most popular models for a summer house or country house, designed for a family of several people. These septic tanks are of the aerobic type. Having decided to buy a Topas septic tank inexpensively from the manufacturer, the purchase price will depend on the name of the model and its technical characteristics:Model


Designed for 5 people

Dimensions - 1.1x1.2x2.5 m

Productivity – 1 m³/day

Price – 79,900 rub.

Assumes 8 users

Dimensions – 1.6x1.2x2.5 m

Electricity consumption – 1.5 kW/day

Productivity – 1.5 m³/day

Price – 99,900 rub.

Accommodates up to 10 people

Dimensions – 2.1x1.2x2.5 m

Electricity consumption – 2 kW/day

Price – 125,500 rub.

When ordering the installation of a Topas septic tank, the price with turnkey installation will be: Topas-5 – 107,000 rubles, Topas-8 – 128,000 rubles, Topas-10 – 155,000 rubles.

“Tank” – reliability corresponds to the name

These systems consist of several chambers in which cleaning processes take place. The characteristics of the septic tank Tank, reviews from owners about its practicality indicate high quality performance and reliability of the product. The lineup includes five models:

Topas septic tanks have more than 30 names. We present to users the most popular models for a summer house or country house, designed for a family of several people. These septic tanks are of the aerobic type. Having decided to buy a Topas septic tank inexpensively from the manufacturer, the purchase price will depend on the name of the model and its technical characteristics:Model

Designed for 2-3 people

Dimensions - 1.2x1x1.7 m

Volume – 1.2 m³

Capacity - up to 600 l/day Price - 20,000 rubles, with infiltrator and installation - 56,700 rubles.

Suitable for use by up to 4 people

Dimensions - 1.8x1.2x1.9 m

Volume - 2 m³

Capacity - up to 800 l/day Price - 29,200 rubles, with infiltrator and installation - 71,700 rubles.

For use by 5 people

Dimensions - 2x1.2x1.95 m

Volume -2.5 m³

Capacity - 1000 l/day Price - 33,700 rubles, with infiltrator and installation - 79,200 rubles.

For a family of 6 members

Dimensions - 2.2x1.2x 2 m

Volume – 3 m³

Capacity - 1200 l/day

Price – 40,400 rubles, with infiltrator and installation – 88,000 rubles.

For 9 people

Dimensions – 3.8x1x1.7 m

Volume – 3.6 m³

Capacity 1800 l/day

Price – 52,400 rubles, with infiltrator and installation – 103,000 rubles.

When ordering the installation of a Tank septic tank, the price may increase depending on the number of installed infiltrators (there can be 1, 2 or 3 of them).

"Termite" - a profitable solution at an affordable price

When compiling a review of Termit septic tanks, the reviews from the owners are extremely positive, noting the energy independence and cost-effectiveness of the product. The ease of maintenance of the structure is also noted. The model range includes six modifications, designed for different numbers of users with different performance levels. The most popular are:

Topas septic tanks have more than 30 names. We present to users the most popular models for a summer house or country house, designed for a family of several people. These septic tanks are of the aerobic type. Having decided to buy a Topas septic tank inexpensively from the manufacturer, the purchase price will depend on the name of the model and its technical characteristics:Model

Number of users – 1-2 people

Dimensions – 1.16x1.16x1.55 m

Volume – 1.2 cubic meters

Capacity – 700 l/day

Price – 26,000 rubles.

Number of users – 3-4 people

Dimensions – 1.39x1.15x1.99 m

Volume - 2 cubes

Capacity – 1000 l/day

Price – 39,000 rubles.

Number of users - 5-6 people

Dimensions – 2.22x1.16x2.05 m

Volume - 3 cubes

Capacity – 1300 l/day

Price – 49,000 rubles.

Number of users – 6-7 people

Dimensions – 2.3x1.15x2.01 m

Volume – 3.5 cubic meters

Capacity – 1500 l/day

Price – 57,000 rubles.

When ordering turnkey installation of a Termite septic tank, the price of the work will be 18,500, 22,000, 30,000 and 35,000 rubles, respectively.

"Aqua-Bio" - operational parameters and prices

The principle of operation is based on the step-by-step cleaning of sewage in several septic chambers. Due to the large internal volume, the Aqua-Bio septic tank is capable of accepting a significant volley discharge, as well as for a long time without pumping with sewage equipment. The models are reliable and durable, however, the prices for the product cannot be called budget.

Topas septic tanks have more than 30 names. We present to users the most popular models for a summer house or country house, designed for a family of several people. These septic tanks are of the aerobic type. Having decided to buy a Topas septic tank inexpensively from the manufacturer, the purchase price will depend on the name of the model and its technical characteristics:Model

Aqua-Bio 2000
For a family of 2 members

Volume – 2000 l.

Productivity – 0.7 m³/day

Cost – 40 thousand rubles.

Aqua-Bio 2500
For a family of 4 members

Volume – 2500 l.

Productivity – 0.9 m³/day

Cost – 48 thousand rubles.

Aqua-Bio 3000
For a family of 6 members

Volume – 3000 l.

Productivity – 1.1 m³/day

Cost – 57 thousand rubles.

Aqua-Bio 3600
For a family of 7 members

Volume – 3600 l.

Productivity – 1.3 m³/day

Cost – 70 thousand rubles.

Practical advice! Installation of an Aqua-Bio septic tank is not recommended under conditions where the level of the first ground water carrier is located above the two-meter mark. Or application is necessary special technology with the installation of a concrete base and securing the tank to it.

"Tver" - high-level biological treatment

The design of the septic tank involves the use of a bioreactor and aeration tanks, which ensures a high degree of wastewater treatment. The recycled liquid can be used to water garden crops or poured into a simple ditch or roadside ditch. When used correctly, the liquid should not emit any odors.

Topas septic tanks have more than 30 names. We present to users the most popular models for a summer house or country house, designed for a family of several people. These septic tanks are of the aerobic type. Having decided to buy a Topas septic tank inexpensively from the manufacturer, the purchase price will depend on the name of the model and its technical characteristics:Model

Tver 0.75
Designed for 3 people

Dimensions – 2.25x0.85x1.67 m

Volume – 0.75 m³

Productivity – 0.7 m³/day

Price value – 70 thousand rubles.

Tver 1 P

Dimensions – 2.5x1.1x1.67

Volume – 1.1 m³

Productivity – 1 m³/day

Price value – 100 thousand rubles.

Tver 1.5 P
Designed for 8 people

Dimensions – 3.5x1.1x1.67

Volume – 1.5 m³

Productivity – 1.5 m³/day

Price value – 130 thousand rubles.

When choosing a septic tank “Tver”, you can buy it at a relatively high price, which is quite justified high performance, functionality and unpretentiousness of the product.

"Unilos" - high technology, excellent results

The Unilos model range offers products of different capacities, among which there are stations with a capacity of up to 30 m³/day. As for models intended for a summer house or a country house, the following designs should be noted:

Topas septic tanks have more than 30 names. We present to users the most popular models for a summer house or country house, designed for a family of several people. These septic tanks are of the aerobic type. Having decided to buy a Topas septic tank inexpensively from the manufacturer, the purchase price will depend on the name of the model and its technical characteristics:Model

Unilos Astra-3
Provides 3 occupants

Dimensions 1.12x0.82x2.03 m

Electricity consumption – 40 W/hour

Processing speed – 0.6 m³/day.

Cost – 66 thousand rubles.

Unilos Astra-5
Provides 5 residents

Dimensions - 1.12x1.12x2.36 m

Electricity consumption – 60 W/hour

Processing speed - 1 m³/day.

Cost – 79 thousand rubles.

Unilos Astra-10
Provides 8-10 residents

Dimensions – 2.0x1.16x2.36 m

Electricity consumption – 100 W/hour

Processing speed - 2 m³/day.

Cost – 130 thousand rubles.

The most popular model is the Yunios Astra-5 septic tank, the price of which is quite comparable to the price values ​​of similar models from other manufacturers. The use of compressors, aerators and hydraulic pumps in Yunios products allows wastewater to be purified up to 95-98%, which allows it to be discharged directly onto the ground or reservoir.

“Leader” – multi-stage sewage treatment

The range of products offered reaches 12 items. For use as a local wastewater treatment system in a country house or country house The following models can be considered the most optimal:

Topas septic tanks have more than 30 names. We present to users the most popular models for a summer house or country house, designed for a family of several people. These septic tanks are of the aerobic type. Having decided to buy a Topas septic tank inexpensively from the manufacturer, the purchase price will depend on the name of the model and its technical characteristics:Model

Number of residents – 5 people

Compressor power – 40 W/hour

Productivity – up to 1.2 cubic meters/day

Cost – 105 thousand rubles

Number of residents – 7 people

Compressor power – 60 W/hour

Productivity – up to 1.8 cubic meters/day

Cost – 125 thousand rubles

Number of residents – 9-10 people

Compressor power – 80 W/hour

Productivity – up to 2.4 cubic meters/day

Cost – 145 thousand rubles

When choosing a Leader septic tank, the price may seem high, but the performance and practicality of the product can fully justify the costs. The working life of the structure is designed for many years of operation.

"Triton" - a country version of the cleaning system

In the VOC Triton line, dacha options There are modifications “Mini” and “ED”, with a volume of 1800 and 2000 liters. These models are containers divided into sections in which stepwise wastewater treatment occurs. Technical characteristics of the structures are presented in the table:

Topas septic tanks have more than 30 names. We present to users the most popular models for a summer house or country house, designed for a family of several people. These septic tanks are of the aerobic type. Having decided to buy a Topas septic tank inexpensively from the manufacturer, the purchase price will depend on the name of the model and its technical characteristics:Model

For 2-3 permanent residents

Volume – 1.8 cubic meters

Processing rate –0.6 m³/day.

Price – 30 thousand rubles.

For 3-4 permanent residents

Volume – 2 cubic meters

Processing rate –0.8 m³/day.

Price – 31.5 thousand rubles.

Triton mini
For 1-2 permanent residents

Volume –0.75 cubic meters

Processing speed – 250 m³/day.

Price – 25 thousand rubles.

Septic tank Triton Mini is ideal for use on personal plot. Its dimensions and simple installation allow even one person to handle the installation.

"Ekopan" - a local cleaning system for a personal plot

The brand's products have a double classification: for conditions with low groundwater level (marked - L) and for use in any conditions (marked - T). Country versions of the products are represented by models 2,3 and 5, respectively:

Topas septic tanks have more than 30 names. We present to users the most popular models for a summer house or country house, designed for a family of several people. These septic tanks are of the aerobic type. Having decided to buy a Topas septic tank inexpensively from the manufacturer, the purchase price will depend on the name of the model and its technical characteristics:Model

L-2, T-2
Assumes 2-3 residents

Dimensions – 2.35x1.24x1.44 m

Processing speed – 500 l/day.

Cost – 62,000, 77,000 rubles

L-3, T-3
Assumes 4 residents

Dimensions – 2.5x1.2x1.44 m

Processing speed – 750 l/day.

Cost – 70,000, 84,000 rubles

L-5, T-5
Assumes 5 residents

Dimensions – 2.55x1.44x1.64m

Processing speed – 1000 l/day.

Cost – 90,000, 107,000 rubles

The Ecopan septic tank has a wall thickness L - 8 mm, T - 19 mm. Some models are marked with the letter “D”. It informs that the design assumes the presence of an additional chamber for the drainage pump. The cost of such products is slightly higher than those indicated in the table.

"Topol" - an aerobic model of a wastewater treatment plant

The main advantage of VOC Topol is the presence of many modifications that provide for the processing of household wastewater even with a population of up to 40 people. In relation to dacha conditions, the following designs can be called the most effective:

Topas septic tanks have more than 30 names. We present to users the most popular models for a summer house or country house, designed for a family of several people. These septic tanks are of the aerobic type. Having decided to buy a Topas septic tank inexpensively from the manufacturer, the purchase price will depend on the name of the model and its technical characteristics:Model

Number of inhabitants – 3 people

Dimensions – 1.12x1.06x2.125 m

Recycling – 0.65 cubic meters/day.

Price value - 76,500 rubles

Topol-5 long PR
Number of inhabitants – 5 people

Dimensions –1.1x1.1x2.9 m

Processing – 1 cubic meter/day.

Price value – 109,000 rubles

Number of inhabitants – 8 people

Dimensions –1.1x1.35x2.525 m

Recycling – 1.5 cubic meters/day.

Price value - 99,500 rubles


A septic tank is a local sewage system on a site. There are many varieties of systems and types.

This and simple designs, self-made, and treatment plants. This article should help you in choosing the best septic tank for a private home.

The main purpose is to collect, settle and purify wastewater. Used in places where there is no centralized system– in dacha areas, outside the city.

There are several parameters by which this component of the local sewage system is classified:

  • by the number of wells;
  • by material;
  • on constructive solutions.

Based on the number of wells, there are single-chamber, two-chamber and three-chamber wells. The materials used in production are steel, reinforced concrete, and plastic. Based on their design, they are classified into storage tanks, with soil purification, and with deep filtration.


Consists of one chamber or two interconnected wells. The waste that enters the hermetically sealed storage facility is divided into liquid and solid. Organic substances are broken down and the liquid settles. To prevent the chambers from overfilling, they should be pumped out periodically.

This option is considered not the most expensive. They are used in dachas where people live only during the season or on weekends. In this case, you can clean it once a year.

Important: storage systems should be used when there is a small amount of wastewater, for example, in dachas, otherwise the cost of their maintenance will be high.

Concrete rings and plastic containers are used in the construction of the structure.

With soil purification

In a house with permanent residence and the presence of running water, the best option would be to install an overflow structure. In it, the liquid not only settles, but is also further purified.

This type requires pumping less often. It is cleaned with your own hands every two to three years. To increase this period, special bacteria are used. As a result of their activities, the amount of denser waste is significantly reduced.

The only caveat to using this model is the soil type. It cannot be built on a site with clay soil and high groundwater level.

With biological treatment

The decomposition of waste in such a plant occurs in several stages and using various methods. First, liquid and solid waste fractions are separated. Then the denser ones settle to the bottom, and bioprocessing of organic matter occurs.

This model is more of a treatment station equipped with a compressor. It is quite expensive, but it neutralizes up to 95% of waste matter. Installed in areas located near a reservoir or with high groundwater level. During operation, it does not emit any odors.

The principle of operation of a septic tank is based on connection to electrical networks. If the power supply is unstable, the station will not be able to operate.

Anaerobic and aerobic

Some types of modern settling tanks use bacteria. During their life, they absorb waste and contribute to the natural purification of wastewater. According to the principle of operation they are:

  • aerobic;
  • anaerobic.

Aerobic bacteria purify and clarify the liquid by 95-98%. At the exit from the aerobic system, it meets the requirements accepted for process water. This liquid can be used to water the soil or fill a pond.

An anaerobic septic tank requires constant maintenance. Every two months it is necessary to add bioactivator to ensure wastewater treatment at the proper level. The advantages of using this type include the low cost of construction.

How to choose

In parallel with the construction of the house, a sewerage system is also being designed. Previously, they didn’t really care about this, and all the masses simply merged into cesspools.

Later they began to be replaced with septic tanks - containers for collecting wastewater from a residential building. To know which sump to choose, you should study all the factors that influence its location on the site.

We take into account the type of soil

The type of soil on the site should be taken into account. Some of them are not suitable for use in clay rock, others are preferable to be installed in sandy soil.

You should follow a few simple rules in your work:

  • when groundwater is located at a depth of one and a half meters, it is difficult to prepare drainage for a three-section sump;
  • on sandy soil it is preferable to install a container with biological treatment. The liquid is directly discharged into the sand, where it is absorbed. Filtration drainage is arranged closer to the surface;
  • at a high position surface waters the option with deep biological treatment should be used. It is made heavier using improvised means or fixed.

Clay is an unstable material, which requires additional work in installing a sump. At the end of the frost, the structure of the clay changes, it thaws and pushes the structure out of the soil. Therefore, a septic tank in clay rock is equipped with additional metal fasteners during installation.

For containers used in clayey soils, two filtration fields are installed. To do this, two trenches are brought to the settling tank. In one there are, and in the other there is a layer of gravel, the height of which is up to 30 cm.

Seasonality and volume calculation

An important point when choosing the type of sump is the period of residence at the dacha or in your home. When installing minimum set For plumbing, an inexpensive single-chamber storage option is quite suitable.

Despite its simplicity, it is qualitatively different from a cesspool. Sand or crushed stone is poured into the bottom of the storage tank. Thus, a filtration layer is formed that purifies wastewater with a 50% result.

With more long-term stay you should purchase a compact two-chamber version. It consists of sections for settling and infiltration of wastewater. The use of this type of equipment is effective if the volume of drainage masses does not exceed its standard value.

Important: When purchasing a septic tank, carefully consider the choice of its technical characteristics. Particular attention should be paid to the number of residents it is designed for.

If you live permanently and have sufficient funds, it is better to purchase a whole station, consisting of two or three sections. It can be factory-made or constructed independently from reinforced concrete rings.

When constructing it, a single- or double-chamber storage tank and a filter section are combined. The settling tanks are made airtight, and the filtration septic tank has a drainage bottom made of sand and crushed stone. The liquid is pumped out from the storage sections using a vacuum cleaner, and the filter is changed every three years. This multi-chamber sedimentation tank purifies wastewater by 90%.

The volume of the device is calculated based on the average daily norm sewerage per person. This figure is 200 liters. Also, when calculating the capacity of the sump, the number of people living in the house and the possibility of accumulating a three-day supply are taken into account. For example, for a family of three people, the volume is calculated as follows: 200 * 3 people * 3 days - equal to 1800 liters.

If guests arrive, the resulting volume should be increased by two thirds: 1800 * 1.66 - equal to 3000 liters.

The recommended depth of settling tanks is 1.3-5 meters. Using these data, their cubic capacity is determined and selected required type. For wastewater volumes up to 1 cubic meter. use a single-chamber version, with a volume of up to 10 cubic meters. choose a two-chamber type if the volume of waste is more than 10 cubic meters. – three-chamber, with a drainage field.

A settling tank with a filtration field combines two or three wells. The drainage zone covers an area underground of at least 30 square meters. The distance from the field to the house is 30 meters.

If the groundwater level is high in the area, it is recommended to install a multi-section septic tank with a biofilter. This model includes four compartments: a settling tank, an anaerobic chamber where large wastes decompose, a separator containing a filter with microorganisms, and an aerobic septic tank with forced ventilation.

The performance of the proposed wastewater treatment plants meets a wide variety of needs. On sale there are small options for servicing a family of one or two people, and entire treatment complexes for servicing a holiday village.

Material for production

Most models of modern multi-chamber devices used in private homes are made from PVC. Often there are products from of stainless steel and fiberglass.

The main advantage of plastic products is their low weight. Their installation does not require the involvement of a special construction equipment. On the other hand, this quality is also a disadvantage, since the container can float or be subject to mechanical impact from the soil. To protect the structure, concreting the walls of the pit and securing the septic tank with belts is used.

The choice of product material determines its service life and operational reliability:

  • Reinforced concrete rings used in the construction of settling tanks are not subject to destructive corrosion processes. To install them, you need to use special equipment.
  • Metal structures are durable and low cost. But perhaps these are the only advantages. Such types require additional waterproofing work. Inner walls constantly come into contact with active chemical material, which leads to destruction.
  • Fiberglass is a chemically neutral material, durable, lightweight and resistant to temperature changes.

For your information: Fiberglass products are the most practical to use and have a long service life.

For cleaning structures in country houses, factory-made or home-made settling tanks are used.

Options made with your own hands from scrap materials are suitable only for summer cottages with seasonal residence of several people. For a house with permanent residence, it is better to use a purchased installation that guarantees long-term and safe waste disposal.

The use of a two-chamber device allows for primary wastewater treatment and safe disposal of purified water into the soil.


Trouble-free operation of a septic tank requires its maintenance. These works are carried out on our own or with the involvement of specialists.

Simple two-chamber structures, made by hand, are maintained by the home owners themselves. These works include pumping out solid fractions and sludge from the settling chamber, replacing microorganisms to decompose organic matter, and inspecting ventilation and overflow pipes.

The filter layer at the bottom of the leaking chamber should be replaced every three years. This should be done because the bottom becomes silted, which leads to a deterioration in its performance.

By doing these simple operations, you will extend the operation of the local sewage system for several years.

If your home is served by a multi-chamber treatment station, then its disassembly, filter cleaning, and membrane replacement should be carried out by qualified specialists.

Costs for local sewerage installation

The cheapest designs are sedimentation tanks or sewer tanks. If you dig a pit yourself, then the financial costs will only go to purchasing a container for wastewater. The approximate price of septic tanks with a volume of 1.4 to 5.0 thousand liters is 15.0-62.0 thousand rubles.

When installing a local sewer system, the costs include not only the purchase of sedimentation tanks, but also the purchase of pipes, waterproofing, and the purchase of components for.

The cost, consisting of two or three reinforced concrete settling tanks with waterproofing and a cushion of sand and crushed stone, is about 42.0-47.0 thousand rubles. The price depends on the diameter of the rings, their number, and the choice of water purification method.

The used deep biological wastewater treatment plants are expensive. Arranged in the form of combined blocks, equipped with biofilters. They are made of reinforced concrete, plastic and metal. Price from 80.0 to 345.0 thousand rubles.

Popular models and operating principles

  • two-chamber septic tank with drainage field. It allows you to make drains cleaner and use the services of a sewer cleaner less often. The drainage area occupies up to 30 square meters. areas underground. The distance from the house is at least 30 m;
  • multi-section settling tank with biofilter. It is used in case of permanent residence of a family of 3-4 people in a country house and when there is a high level of groundwater on the site.

The standard model consists of four sections: the settling tank itself, a chamber for breaking down coarse waste with anaerobic waste, a separator with microorganisms, and an aerobic septic tank that plays the role of a drainage field.

Designs can be found to meet a wide variety of user requirements. These could also be wastewater treatment plants. Rating:

  • "Triton". Compact in size three-chamber sump for a summer residence.

Available in models whose volume ranges from 2 to 40 cubic meters. Cleaning of coarse waste is carried out twice a year. The service life, if the rules are followed, is about 50 years.

During installation, the walls of the pit are concreted to securely secure the structure.

For small summer cottages with seasonal residence of one or two people, they use the two-chamber Triton-mini model.

  • "Tank". The septic tank is made of high-strength plastic.

The principle of operation is based on the gradual purification of wastewater using sedimentation and the use of biofilters. The main advantages include ease of installation, high level of purification, and low cost. Cleaning is carried out every five years.

  • "Topas". It is a volatile model, as it runs on electricity.

The wastewater undergoes purification in several stages: decomposition of large particles, reduction in the degree of their mineralization, mechanical removal of components. Allows you to purify wastewater by 98%, which is the best indicator. Purified water is used to water the soil.

In order to choose the right option, you should find out the requirements of its operation and study the conditions of the site. Then compare the characteristics of models offered by different manufacturers.

Useful video

Detailed analysis:

Everything on the shelves:

There are many types of autonomous sewers. But what is the best septic tank for a dacha or country house for a particular family to choose is often unclear. Each type of VOC has its own advantages. Plus, there are a huge number of factory models with their own distinctive advantages. However, it is necessary to install something on the plot. Without a treatment plant, there is no need to talk about comfortable living outside the city.

Description and principle of operation of septic tanks

A septic tank is designed for the accumulation and partial or complete processing of sewage from a house. Such structures are installed at dachas for temporary stays and near cottages where a family of several people lives all year round. Accordingly, the type and productivity of the treatment plant is selected based on the number of residents and the intensity of their use of the intra-house sewerage system.

When sewage enters the septic tank, these waters are settled (clarified), and then drained into the ground or pumped out by vacuum cleaners. This is how a regular cesspool with anaerobic bacteria works. If you are improving your dacha, then such a simple cesspool is ideal for it.

In more advanced biological stations with deep cleaning, aerobic microorganisms are used, which are supplied with an additional volume of air inside the septic tank using a compressor. This way they eat organic matter much faster.

Choosing the type of septic tank

All variations of septic tanks are divided into:




In the first case, the treatment facility is a sealed tank of the simplest design for accumulating wastewater. For their subsequent pumping, a sewage disposal machine is then used.

Storage tank "Rostok"

Two-chamber septic tank “Tank”

The third option is full-fledged stations that process sewage by 95–99%. At the exit from them the water has technical condition, which allows it to be used for watering the garden at the dacha or washing the car in the garage at home.

Autonomous cleaning station "Topas"

Drives and most of anaerobic septic tanks belong to energy-independent structures. They do not have pumps or compressors; all water flows inside occur by gravity. They do not require electricity to operate. If the water supply for a country house is organized from a well or centrally, then this option is simply ideal for a cottage.

Aerobic septic tanks are stations that depend on uninterrupted power supply. They have better wastewater treatment rates. But aerators pumping air into the chamber with activated sludge require constant power from the electrical network.

For a summer residence, it is best to choose a septic tank of the first or second type. Such VOCs are cheaper to implement, easier to maintain and do not depend on power supply. But for full-fledged private houses outside the city, it is worth choosing an aerobic station. A large family of wastewater produces a lot; a cesspool or an anaerobic plant cannot cope with significant daily volumes.

For the manufacture of septic tanks the following is used:

  1. Reinforced concrete.

The best septic tanks for dachas are considered to be factory-made anaerobic models with a polyethylene body. They clean drains quite effectively, take up little space and do not require electricity. Plus you can put them right next to the country house. Moreover, it does not matter whether a screw or pile-strip foundation was used for its construction.

Moisture from such VOCs will not have much impact on this base. Such a septic tank is sealed, and the infiltrator or drainage well can be moved away from the building. In such a situation, when building a house, it is even allowed to use gas silicate blocks, which really do not like high humidity.

Selection by performance and volume of septic tank

Septic tanks for dachas and cottages are selected based on calculations of water consumption by people living in the house. If you know how much waste is discharged into the sewer per day, then making a choice in favor of one or another structure will not be difficult. For all factory-made models, the passport indicates their total volume, salvo discharge and daily productivity.

When fully calculating the volume of wastewater discharged into the sewer according to all the rules, it is necessary to take into account all the plumbing fixtures in the residential building. Each of them has its own average rate of water drainage per day. For example, about 0.1 l/day is drained from the toilet into the septic tank, 0.15–0.2 from the kitchen sink or bathtub, and about 0.14 l/day from the shower stall. It is necessary to add up the consumption of all the plumbing installed in the home - this will be the total volume of waste water per person.

Model range "Termite" in various volumes

Such accurate calculations are often made only by designers. To simplify calculations, it is customary to provide a minimum of 150 and a maximum of 200 liters per day for each person. A septic tank for a summer residence is usually calculated according to the minimum level, and for a house with permanent residence - according to the maximum.

After determining the daily volume, it is multiplied by 3 (three days). It is within three days that the sewage in the septic tank is completely processed. Based on this obtained figure, it will be possible to choose which specific station in terms of volume is best installed on your site.

Choosing a manufacturer of septic tanks for a summer residence

It is impossible to say unequivocally which septic tanks for a dacha should be purchased here and now directly in the store. The range of ready-made stations from the factory is extensive. Some are cheaper in terms of VOC price, others are easier to install, and others are optimally suited in terms of volume for a specific situation.

Among domestic manufacturers, stations from:

    GC "TOPOL-ECO" – various models"Topas".

    "Triton Plastic" - "Tank", "Microbe Mini" and "BioTank".

    PC "Multplast" - "Termite" and "Ergobox".

    "SBM-Group" - "Unilos" with modifications "Astra", "Kedr" and "Mega".

Septic tanks for dachas from these manufacturers occupy the lion's share of the Russian VOC market. Owners often speak of their products as if they were their own. best choice. The range of these factories includes both anaerobic non-volatile models and more productive aerobic models with pumps. Among them there are modifications not only for standard soils, but also for areas with high groundwater level.

Of the foreign manufacturers, only the Finnish “Uponor” is worth mentioning. If the dacha is located in the North-West of the Russian Federation and preference is given to imports, then it will be difficult to find a better septic tank. This company offers several solutions for different numbers of people living in a cottage. There is plenty to choose from. Here it is: there are domestic and imported products on the market. The choice is solely at the discretion of the buyer.

Which septic tank to choose for your cottage or home?

You can make a septic tank for your dacha yourself from bricks, iron barrel or concrete rings. This is the most cheap option. But it is much easier to take a ready-made treatment facility from the factory, which only needs to be installed in a pre-dug pit. And if you have money and want European quality, then you can order a cleaning station made in Finland. The choice is extensive, it all depends only on the excellent preferences of the cottage owner.

Exterior view of a septic tank on a dacha site

Owners of any country house who organize an autonomous sewage system have to solve the problem of which septic tank is better. The fact is that designs of this type are available for sale in a wide variety, which imposes a certain complexity on choosing the appropriate option.

Essence of the question

A septic tank is a waterproof container that includes one or more compartments (chambers). Like any other design, the treatment plant also has its own characteristics. When deciding which septic tank to choose, you have to study the freely available options and understand how they work. This will make it possible to accept correct solution towards one model or another.

Material of manufacture

Several criteria are used to classify septic tanks.

One of them is the type of material used:

  • Reinforced concrete rings. For these ready-made structures characterized by good reliability and resistance to corrosion. The disadvantages of the products include their large mass, which implies the use of special mechanisms for installation.
  • Monolithic concrete . Structures of this type are constructed locally using the pouring method. concrete mortar, for which the formwork is first laid. Concrete is prepared at the work site, or ordered at the nearest reinforced concrete plant.
  • Brick or foam blocks. For this purpose, the bottom and walls of the excavated pit undergo intensive sealing clay mortar or modern coating materials. Masonry is carried out traditional way, with offset rows.
  • Steel containers. They are characterized by low cost and excellent resistance to mechanical loads. A serious disadvantage of steel products is their tendency to rust, which requires additional waterproofing work.
  • Polymer materials . This type of septic tank for a private home is lightweight and is a budget option. However, at low temperatures the polymer becomes brittle and begins to crack. In addition, structures of this type are often damaged by rodents.
  • Fiberglass. These durable, lightweight models are chemical resistant, making them practical and durable.

Regardless of what the septic tank for a permanent home is made of, it is important to pay attention to its strength and tightness. Under no circumstances should internal wastewater enter the environment.


According to the specific function they perform, septic tanks for country houses and cottages are divided into three groups:

  1. Cumulative. Structures of this type consist of a durable sealed container or paired communicating wells. A feature of the maintenance of storage septic tanks is the need for constant pumping of wastewater. To do this, you need to order a special machine with a barrel and a compressor.
  2. Septic tanks. The complexes include ground treatment modules. Without them, the degree of waste purification does not exceed 70-75%. Sedimentation tanks include one or several compartments. Recycling of accumulations involves separating liquids from solids. All this is accompanied by fermentation, for which anaerobes are introduced into the liquid.
  3. Deep biological treatment modules. These autonomous septic tanks for a private home consist of a set of compartments, which allows for the gradual chemical, biological and mechanical decomposition of waste. Organic residues are so harmless that they can be discharged directly into a body of water or soil. Read also: "Autonomous sewage system for a private house - types, device features, selection rules."

When comparing septic tanks for a country house, first of all, pay attention to the simplest storage-type designs. Their functioning is based on the gradual separation of waste trapped inside. As a result, more massive inclusions move to the bottom, and liquid effluent rises. The operation of settling tanks is also based on the natural separation of insoluble inclusions from water: this is called the settling process.

To bring the separated liquid to a safe state, septic tanks for cottages are equipped with infiltrators. In appearance, these are containers without a bottom, acting like aeration platforms. After waste enters the infiltrators, they are further cleaned. Next, in transit through the soil filter, the liquid is removed to the outside.

Choosing a deep cleaning septic tank involves the use of a complex technique that provokes the gradual decomposition of waste. First, solid particles precipitate, then organic substances undergo bioprocessing. Next, the chemical module and the final cleaning filter are switched on. A comparison of septic tanks shows that only deep cleaning units are capable of bringing the degree of purification to 95-98%. After clarification and antiseptic treatment, the processed masses are allowed to be released into the environment.

Optimal options

When choosing a septic tank for a country house, you need to focus on certain criteria. First of all, they pay attention to the specifics of the home and the needs of the people living in it. The price of the device depends on the material it is made of, the capacity and number of design modules, the type of wastewater treatment technology used, and the use of additional devices.

What types of septic tanks are there for a private home by type of design and additional equipment:

  • With compressors and drainage pumps.
  • With filters and float level gauges.
  • With automatic control devices.

Compressors are part of biological treatment complexes. Their task is to supply oxidizing oxygen flows to support the life of aerobes. Drainage pumps stimulate the movement of wastewater inside the septic tank. They are also used to remove purified liquid in cases where the main complex is located below the discharge point.

Why factory models are better than homemade ones

To save money, some owners of suburban areas use tires, bricks or concrete rings to make septic tanks. To build such a structure, you have to spend a lot of time and effort. With your own hands you can build not only the simplest storage tanks, but also modular purifiers consisting of a series of interconnected settling tanks. This makes it possible to achieve fairly good water clarification.

However, from the point of view of practicality and efficiency, the best septic tank for a permanent residence is still a factory design. As a rule, products of this type are certified to comply with construction and environmental requirements.

Soil characteristics and depth of groundwater passage

In the process of searching for the best septic tank for a country house, it is necessary to take into account the geological features of the area. For example, treatment plants in combination with an infiltrator or absorption shaft require passage groundwater 1 m below the cut of the potential bottom of the soil tertiary treatment complex. Discharge of purified liquid into the surrounding area is permitted only if there is a layer of sand, gravel or pebbles below the post-treatment system. These can also be sandy plastic soils.

There is no point in using post-treatment on clay soils. The fact is that the degree of water absorption by clay, loams and hard soils is almost zero level. As a result, the drainage into the soil will stop, and the septic tank itself will fill with water. In such a situation, additional water supply is usually used, discharging wastewater into ditches or centralized communications. In the case of groundwater close to the surface of the earth, use autonomous complexes cleaning encounters great difficulties. This also applies to areas where the groundwater level rises sharply during spring snowmelt or heavy rains.

There are the following types of septic tanks for dachas with high level groundwater:

  1. Sealed storage tanks. As they fill, it is necessary to pump out and remove wastewater.
  2. VOCs. Pumps are used to pump purified liquid.

When selecting a septic tank for an area with a high level of groundwater, the cheapest option is to purchase a polymer container. It provides for biological treatment and further removal of liquid to the storage tank.

There are two options for emptying the storage tank. If there is a central sewer line nearby, wastewater can be pumped into it using a pump. In other cases, you have to invite sewage trucks to pump out. To do this, it is necessary to arrange in advance convenient access to the tank location.

Characteristics of a septic tank

To determine the volume of the receiving block or section, it is necessary to start from the average daily rate of wastewater per resident. At the same time, they are guided by daily consumption with a standard set of plumbing fixtures - 200 l/1 person. As modern standards state, the wastewater storage tank must be capable of receiving a three-day volume from each person. If there are four people in a family, the capacity of the septic tank is calculated as 4x200x3 = 2.4 m3. For those houses where guests are often received, the volume of the receiving capacity must be increased by 20-30%.

Modern factory-made septic tanks for a private home are usually marked with an indication of the number of people they are able to serve. The optimal depth of the container is considered to be 1.5-3 m. In cases where a container of greater depth is used, additional obstacles may appear when pumping out accumulations of contents with a sewer truck.

Performance level

To choose the best septic tank for a country house that would not fail and work flawlessly, you need to take into account the type of home and the performance of the device:

  • Seasonal accommodation. At those dachas that are intended exclusively for holidays on weekends and during the warm season, there is no point in installing expensive treatment facilities consisting of several chambers. The best option for cases where the average daily volume of waste does not exceed 1 m 3 are single-chamber septic tanks of small capacity. The weight of compact complexes is quite small. This facilitates their transportation and installation activities for deepening into the pit. It is quite possible to carry out such work independently, without involving special equipment.
  • Permanent residence. If a country house is intended for year-round use, it is recommended to use complex septic tanks for a permanent home 4 5. A good option are settling tanks equipped with ground treatment. This primarily applies to areas with low groundwater levels. To ensure good efficiency of individual sewerage, it is recommended to use aerobic and anaerobic bacteria in its operation. They are introduced into containers, which leads to “eating” of organic matter. Thanks to the use of biological decomposition of wastewater, waste products are brought to the state of industrial water.

It is best to install deep cleaning modules in those dachas near which there are natural bodies of water. The fact is that after the deep purification procedure, the wastewater is so safe that it is allowed to be discharged into rivers and lakes.

Domestic models

Russian manufacturers have been producing autonomous septic tanks for country houses for several decades. During this period there appeared whole line companies specializing in similar products. Some models simply duplicate imported septic tanks from leading European brands. But in most cases we are talking about truly unique developments for filtering wastewater.

The names of domestically produced septic tanks that are most popular:

  • Eurobion. The product of many years of development by leading engineers of the Yubas production association. Complexes of this type incorporate innovative membranes manufactured using unique technology. Thanks to the use of a rhythmic aeration tank, the complexes can be used during long-term downtime of the sewerage system.
  • Poplar. The manufacturer of this reliable septic tank is the Eco-Grand company. The device is characterized by very high-quality cleaning (up to 99%). Thanks to the introduction of original production schemes, allowing access to the primary chamber, the procedure for servicing the departments was simplified. To remove large sewage waste, you do not need the help of specialists.
  • Aster. Complexes from trademark"Unilos", capable of delivering a level of purification from harmful inclusions of up to 75%. The company is represented on the market with several developments designed for different numbers of consumers. To additionally equip the module, a compressor is used, which makes it possible to carry out filtration in several stages. After passing through all stages of treatment, wastewater can be discharged into the environment.
  • Tank. Brand of septic tanks from the Triton-Plastic company. The model line of this manufacturer consists of devices of various capacities, from compact tanks with a capacity of 600 l/day, to powerful stations with a capacity of 1200 l/day. Their characteristics coincide with those of standard multi-stage complexes for processing waste products.
  • Triton. This product also belongs to the Triton-plastic company. There are several modifications of this development on the market. They are distinguished by the shape of the tanks and cleaning methods. Models in the “micro” and “mini” categories have a capacity of 450 and 750 liters, and storage tanks marked “H” and “T” are designed for processing wastewater in volumes of 10,000 liters or more.
  • Tver. Septic tank with pumping for a private home from the brand " Engineering equipment». A complex approach includes the use of both mechanical and biological methods. The modular line has a four-level method for clarifying waste products. The station's productivity is at the level of 750-1500 m 3 / day.
  • Topas. Models of this type are characterized by low costs electrical energy. Thanks to the use of four sections, the degree of wastewater purification reaches 98%.

In the process of solving the problem of which septic tank to choose for a private home, it is recommended to pay attention to the products of the Triton-Plastic company. They are distinguished by the significant thickness of the body walls and the use of stiffeners. As a result, the structure is able to resist large external influences. This is very valuable, taking into account the realities of the climate of some Russian regions, with their characteristic frost heaving of the soil and sudden temperature changes. Such structures are protected from floating during spring snowmelt, when the groundwater level rises sharply. When installing structures of this type, you do not need to use special concrete and metal weighting materials.

One of the best septic tanks for a home is considered to be the development of the Leader production association. We are talking about a whole complex consisting of polypropylene sections: three-stage filtration is used inside this type of equipment. We are talking about mechanical, aerobic and biofiltration treatment, which makes it possible to discharge liquid into natural reservoirs.

Among the most popular septic tanks, the Rostok treatment plants from the EcoProm company stand out. This company has long specialized in the manufacture of anaerobic complex stations, and has achieved a lot of success in this field. However, it is worth considering that these devices are able to produce a waste purity level of 65-70%. To bring wastewater to levels acceptable for discharge into the environment, it is recommended to use drainage tunnels.

Each of the septic tanks mentioned in this review has a set of individual characteristics, which allows the buyer to choose the most optimal option for themselves. In addition to tank volume, productivity and cleaning method great importance has the cost of treatment plants. Another great advantage of factory-made complexes is the possibility of completing them by connecting additional modules. This stimulates an increase in the volume and productivity of the treatment complex.

Bottom line

In the absence of a centralized sewer system in a private house, there is only one way out - to acquire autonomous system waste disposal. There is no clear answer to the question of which septic tank is the best. Much depends on the purpose of the house and the number of people living in it. Thus, for permanent residences, it is advisable to use full-fledged treatment facilities with a multi-stage filtration system. The wastewater that passes through such a complex is allowed to be discharged into the nearest reservoir or ditch.

As for seasonal dachas, when searching for which septic tank to choose for a private home, it is recommended to pay attention to the simplest septic tanks. To save money, such structures, reminiscent of cesspools, are equipped by the owners of the dacha. For this, concrete rings, bricks or waste tires are most often used. However, the most reliable septic tanks are considered to be factory-made models made of fiberglass, which are not afraid of frost heaving and spring floods.

For comfort in a country house or in rural areas, you will need to connect water supply and sewerage.

The best option for autonomous wastewater collection was a septic tank.

The home owner is faced with the problem of choosing the best option from the many offered on the market. treatment facilities.

What are they like?

Compact treatment facilities serving the needs of one home are divided according to several criteria:

  • Way of working;
  • Materials used;
  • Shape, location and type of installation.

Varieties according to the method of operation

Septic tanks are suitable for a dacha or a private home: from the simplest, storage tanks to fully functional ones, providing high-quality complete wastewater treatment.

Cesspools or storage tanks

In fact, such a septic tank is an improved cesspool.

It is a sealed container, the only function of which is to accumulate wastewater from the house.

In the chamber they are divided into fractions– heavy waste sinks to the bottom, light waste, such as fats and oils, accumulates on the surface.

The advantage of this type of autonomous structures is the simplicity of the device.

Main disadvantage storage septic tank - the need for its regular cleaning, for which specialized sewage disposal equipment is used.

The cesspool option is suitable for a house in which the volume of regular waste is small, for example, for a summer house, with 2-3 people living and limited water consumption.

The main requirements for a cesspool septic tank— sufficient volume, tightness and high strength of the storage container.

Their implementation will reduce the frequency of cleaning and protect the surrounding area from the ingress of waste accumulated during operation.

Settlement tank with soil post-treatment of wastewater

Overflow septic tanks are an excellent option for a home where the daily glass size is small, but people live and use the water supply constantly.

In such structures, in addition to the accumulation of waste, it is partially processed and cleaned.

Removing accumulations for such an installation it is required much less frequently - as a rule, overflow septic tanks require the services of sewer trucks no more than once every 2-3 years.

Principle of operation

Overflow septic tanks are two-chamber. The first chamber, into which wastewater from the house flows, acts as a sump.

After partial separation into fractions, water with a minimum content of solid inclusions, including from under, flows into the second chamber - the treatment chamber.

It uses aerobic bacteria that can decompose organic matter to process contaminants.

The degree of water purification as a result of their work reaches 60-70%.

This water is used for irrigation or discharged into natural reservoirs, undergoing additional purification along the way in ground filtration fields.

They are layers of rocks with high water permeability (gravel or crushed stone with the addition of sand, etc.), which remove contaminants using the principle of mechanical (mesh) filters.

The advantages of such a septic tank:

  • ease of maintenance;
  • a significant time interval between cleaning containers, due to reducing the accumulation of dry residue;
  • processing of a significant part of the waste contained in wastewater.

Deep biological processing of waste

Such structures are full-fledged wastewater treatment plants.

They process significant volumes and are suitable for a large private home with permanent residence.

At the same time, biochemical septic tanks purify water almost 100%.

The design uses three chambers:

  • for the separation of substances contained in wastewater (read how to connect an automatic washing machine to the sewer) into fractions;
  • biological treatment using aerobic and anaerobic bacteria (to ensure the activity of bacteria they use optional equipment– aerators);
  • disinfection using chemical reagents.

Advantages of three-chamber septic tanks:

  • 100% degree of wastewater treatment;
  • absence unpleasant odors when using such installations;
  • no restrictions for installation based on soil type and groundwater level;
  • minimum costs for installation and time for commissioning - stations are supplied fully equipped;
  • minimal human participation in the work, since the system is maintenance-free.

For septic tanks with this degree of purification, the frequency of replacing chambers or selecting dry residue from them is once every 5-8 years, due to its minimal accumulation.

The main disadvantage of such treatment facilities is the high price (how to make a grease trap for sewage with your own hands is written in the article).

Important! If the mode of residence in the house involves long breaks, for example, in a summer cottage there is no people in the house during the winter season, septic tanks with biological filters are not installed.

The limitation is due to the fact that without a regular supply of nutrient medium, bacterial cultures that process organic waste, will die.

What criteria are used to select treatment facilities?

Choosing a septic tank for construction or installation finished product requires consideration of several important factors.


The ability to process the entire volume of wastewater generated in a house (productivity) is the main technical indicator of a wastewater treatment plant.

It depends on the number of people occupants and the level of use of plumbing fixtures.

Naturally, in country house where 2-3 people live in the summer, and the main consumers of water are washbasins and showers, the volume of wastewater will be significantly less than in a comfortable cottage intended for permanent family residence, with:

  • swimming pool,
  • several bathrooms (),
  • with washing machine and dishwasher.

In practice, in terms of performance, septic tanks are selected based on:

  • if the daily volume of wastewater is less than 1 cubic meter, a single-chamber storage septic tank is sufficient;
  • if the drainage volume ranges from 1 to 10 cubic meters per day, install a two-chamber septic tank with soil filtration;
  • for volumes exceeding 10 cubic meters/day, the best option would be a three-chamber deep cleaning septic tank.

For your information!

When installing a storage septic tank at the dacha (about laying external utility networks and communications read on the page) care should be taken to clean it regularly.

If the volume of wastewater turns out to be significant, calling the sewage disposal truck will have to be done frequently.

In terms of costs, this may be more expensive than installing a more advanced two- or three-chamber model.

Important! SNiP set minimally required size septic tank chambers. It must accommodate the volume of waste generated in the house for 3 days.

Type of soil on the site and depth of groundwater

This factor matters only if the choice is made in favor of a septic tank with additional water purification in filtration fields.

Suitable soils for its installation with a high coefficient of water permeability. On heavy clay soils, the organization of natural filtration is difficult.

In this case, you will have to excavate part of the soil, replacing it with a mixture of crushed stone and sand. Carrying out this work will require time and a significant amount of investment.

Septic tank for biological and chemical treatment it will be more profitable.

Comment! When organizing a storage septic tank, the type of soil affects only the labor intensity of the work on site preparation and construction of the structure.

Sorting by materials

For autonomous treatment facilities, septic tanks are built on site or industrially manufactured options are purchased.

The first include brick septic tanks, monolithic or prefabricated reinforced concrete, available materials.

More expensive, but, undoubtedly, a ready-made septic tank will be an absolutely reliable option.

The range of manufacturers includes stations with housings made of polymers or fiberglass.

Advantages of purchased products:

  • a wide choice of performance - from mini-septic tanks, sufficient for a house with 1-2 people, to semi-industrial plants capable of processing wastewater from a small village;
  • absolute reliability and tightness;
  • delivery of ready-to-use devices, thereby reducing the time required to commission the installation;
  • complete with all necessary equipment and cleaning products.

Attention! Septic tanks with bodies made of polymers or fiberglass require protection from floating when the groundwater level rises and destruction under pressure of soil masses or displacement of soil layers.

For this purpose, purchased stations are installed in concrete pits, and they are anchored - fastening the containers to the walls and bottom of the pit with nylon belts.

Installation options

Both purchased installations and home-made septic tanks are made in vertical and horizontal versions.

Vertical structures are designed for installation buried in the ground.

This is their problem - on heavy soils or when groundwater is close to the surface, installation work is labor-intensive and requires the use of special equipment and special techniques to ensure reliability and environmental safety.

Horizontal septic tanks, typically a surface-mount option.

To ensure the required productivity (volume of wastewater), such structures occupy a significant area, which creates additional problems for limited land ownership spaces (for example, in summer cottages).

How to understand which septic tank is better for a house with permanent, year-round accommodation? Watch the video and get answers to questions about effective equipment for collecting and recycling household waste.

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