Current summer business ideas without investment or at low cost. Summer business ideas that do not require major investments

Seasonality affects almost all areas of business - this also applies to trade, both wholesale and retail, and the service sector. In this article we will discuss summer business ideas for seasonal earnings, which are most in demand during the hot season and when the right approach allow you to make a good profit in a short period of time. At the same time, let's look at how business ideas for the summer with minimal investment, as well as larger-scale options that require serious financial resources, but, accordingly, bring more significant profits.

Summer trading business ideas

Ice cream trade

When talking about what kind of business you can start in the summer, you can start with selling ice cream.

The ice cream trading business has always remained and will remain relevant in summer season. The success of such activities is largely determined by how correctly the place of trade is chosen.

In order to successfully place an ice cream stall, you need to choose a place for it in advance, since by mid-May most of the good places for such a business are occupied. You also need to purchase refrigerators for storing ice cream in advance. It is better to rent freezers and cabinets, especially if you do not intend to sell ice cream in the winter. It is not difficult to agree on the supply of ice cream, especially since suppliers are also interested in customers and, as a rule, themselves deliver the goods to the point of sale.

Beverage trade In the summer, people very actively buy soft drinks: juices, mineral water, lemonade, kvass, beer, etc. As for the latter, here you need to take into account that next to government agencies in places where there are many children, trade alcoholic drinks

may be prohibited.

Sale of beach accessories In order to make their vacation on the beach more comfortable and interesting, people are ready to buy various accessories. Therefore, trading in various goods that are often used on beach holidays can be quite profitable. for games on the beach, for example, balls, badminton sets, cards, toys for children, etc. They are also actively buying swimsuits, towels, picnic mats, etc. If you have enough initial funds, you can purchase all such items, otherwise you can start trading from several positions.

Trade in souvenirs

During the summer season, you can also earn money by selling souvenirs. People, while on vacation, very often purchase various souvenirs that will remind them of how they spent their vacation. The wholesale cost of such souvenirs is quite small, and the retail markup on them can reach 200-300%. Various magnets, postcards, various figurines, etc. can be used as souvenirs. In this case, it is especially good if the souvenirs that you will sell are similar in theme to the vacation spot where you will sell them.

Services sector

Regarding the provision of services in the summer, most profitable business ideas relate to the field of recreation and entertainment.

A separate line of business in this area are various cafes and outlets Catering. But such activities require certain organizational skills, as well as special equipment, communications and compliance with strict sanitary standards. Therefore, let's talk about simpler types of entertainment on which you can make good money in the summer.

Inflatable play complexes

An interesting idea for a seasonal business in the summer of 2017 could be organizing an inflatable children's attraction, which are now offered in a wide range and include various inflatable slides and slides. Children really like such attractions and give them the opportunity to have fun and actively spend their time. And parents, while their child is relaxing on such inflatable complexes, can devote time to themselves. You can place an inflatable attraction both in the city and near the beach on the sea or other body of water.

Equipment for creating such an attraction can be rented, and if finances allow, and you plan to engage in this business for more than one summer, but for several years, then it is wiser to buy an inflatable complex, which will cover these costs within the first season. But in this case, you need to think about the place where you will store the large attraction during the winter.

Bicycle and car rental

In those places of rest where there is more or less acceptable road surface, you can arrange rental of bicycles or children's cars. Of course, for such a business you will first need considerable financial investments to purchase cars and bicycles.

One of the advantages of such a business is that you can start it as soon as the soil dries out, sunny days come, and people spend a lot of time outside.

Providing beach equipment for rent

In order to have the most comfortable and enjoyable holiday on the beach, people need various beach accessories, such as a sun umbrella, a chaise longue or a deck chair. You can offer such items for rent and receive hourly pay. Here it is very important to choose the right prices so that they are affordable enough for vacationers with different financial situation. Also, the profitability of such a business depends on the place where you will offer accessories for rent - the closer to the beach you locate your point, the more profitable your business will be.

The main investment for this business is financial resources for the purchase of goods that you will rent out. But with proper storage and operation, they will not need replacement soon.

Unusual photo

Nowadays, almost everyone has a camera or a cell phone with a camera that allows them to capture any interesting life moments, so ordinary photographs now won’t surprise anyone. But you can impress vacationers with an unusual surroundings. You can photograph people dressed as various famous characters, or take photos in an unusual setting: on a throne, in a carriage, etc. Or you can invite people to take pictures with exotic animals, if, of course, you yourself are ready to keep such an animal. The amount spent on creating the surroundings for photographs is the main financial investment and can be very different, depending on the specific objects with which you are going to photograph your clients. This is enough profitable business and its profitability can be more than 100%.

Tour guide

It is unlikely that you will be able to organize a large business for the summer without investments, but providing tourist guide services can be cited as an example of earning money from scratch without any financial costs. This can be done completely without hired employees, it is only important that there are enough tourists in your city and that you know the places you are talking about well. To do this, you will have to carefully familiarize yourself with the history of the area that you will show to tourists and create an interesting program for them. It also requires a certain ability to conduct such events and present information in such a way that it is interesting to your listeners.

Creating a shooting gallery

Since Soviet times, the shooting gallery has been one of the most traditional entertainments at resorts. And now, after a long time, there are also many people who want to shoot at targets with pneumatic weapons. And in order to attract even more customers, you can make the shooting gallery a prize one. Of course, you need to be smart in choosing prizes so that they are not very expensive in value, but at the same time, the prizes should be liked by those who will shoot at your shooting range. In terms of investment, you will need to spend money on an iron container in which your shooting range will be located, as well as on air guns and a bullet for them.

Summer business is not only about selling ice cream and soft drinks. During the holiday season, harvest time begins for businessmen. Don't miss out on opportunities - choose an original idea and make money.

The simplest way“suit the season” - trade in goods that are in high demand during this period: soft drinks and ice cream, summer clothes and air conditioners, sunglasses, seeds and seedlings for summer cottages.

Meanwhile, there are over 1,000 types of activities in the world that correspond to the concept of “summer business” and bring their owners a total income amounting to millions of dollars. Large companies have been operating for a long time and are engaged only in seasonal business. Depending on the time of year, they change the structure of production, distribution methods and, naturally, the range of goods.

There are more than 50 thousand registered “seasonal” companies in Europe alone, and more than 60 thousand in the USA. So the turnover of funds in this area of ​​activity is comparable to any other line of business. You should not think that entrepreneurs who have found their niches in summer business work three months a year. Summer is just one of four types of seasonal business. Among them, perhaps the most pronounced is winter business.

However, if you are not afraid to switch from one type of activity to another, very tangible results can be obtained in this field all year round. The most profitable seasonal business is not trade in the usual sense. The future, and, perhaps, the present, lies in the production of seasonal goods, and the main thing here is not to make a mistake in the choice. The main thing is that the product must be at the intersection of industries or market niches. As a rule, each niche already has a leader, but at the “junctions” there is no one, and identifying empty ones is a priority task.

By the way, one of the most successful products for seasonal business from Russian practice, which fills just one of these “joints”, is the Raptor electrofumigator with a liquid filler, which repels mosquitoes and flies.

The profitability of this business of creating and promoting a new product should be at least 60 percent. In addition to high profits, seasonal business also comes with high risks. Therefore, a profitability of 100% or higher is what is considered a professionally completed project. What could be the most promising this coming summer? We have selected ten businesses that, in our opinion, have good prospects in the coming season.

1. Worm farming business

The leader here is a strange, at first glance, activity called “vermicultivation.” This “pasta” term refers to the cultivation of purebred Californian worms. As it turns out, worms are the most profitable pet.

For example, the overall profitability of a large cattle now no more than 18%, but a worm easily brings 300%, and this is not the limit. When multiplying, it produces three main products. The most important reason for this is the vermicompost they produce, as well as the extract from it, which is a valuable concentrated fertilizer.

In addition, another source of income is their offspring, which are sold to fishing stores as bait and food for fish, for flour in compound feed, which improves the quality of livestock products; it is also sold as breeding stock to other farms.

Calculations show: if a farm of 400 heads annually sells milk worth 6-9 million rubles, then during the same period the cows produce so much manure that, if processed, you can get 15-18 million rubles. Now is the time to get involved in this business - as you know, there is enough manure in Russia, but there are only about a hundred farms involved in processing it into valuable fertilizer.

According to experts, at least 1.5 million tons of vermicompost are required per year for Russian farms and household plots, while total production today is only a hundredth of the requirement. So you won’t have to push elbows to win a place in the sun.

By the way, in Lately You can get a franchise for worms. Domestic craftsmen adapted the “Californian” to local conditions, crossed it with the aborigines and gave rise to a new promising breed, which received the symbolic name “Prospector”. To ensure the first “harvest” of worms and vermicompost summer season, it’s time to purchase manufacturers and prepare a field of activity for them. In a heated barn, a housewarming party can be held as early as March. There may be no start-up capital at all - if you can negotiate with the nearest farm to clear out its “Augean stables”. Buying the first batch of worms will cost 3-5 thousand rubles. At good care you will be able to provide yourself with breeding stock in the future.

2. Business selling ice cream

The combination of the words “summer” and “product” rightly evokes a strong association with ice cream for many. There is nothing new in the idea of ​​selling cold in the summer. However, despite the lack of innovation, this business consistently brings its seasonal fruits. The price of entering it is low, the path has been worked out by hundreds of predecessors, so if you want to supplement your budget with a good extra income without much headache, it’s yours!

At first, you will need nothing at all: a chest freezer (a new one costs 400 dollars, a used one - 150), a trading place with electricity and a “bedroom” for the chest, a seller and an ice cream supplier. Depending on the location and degree of heat, daily revenue will range from 500 to 4,000 rubles. With sales of 35%, net profit is from 175 to 1,400 rubles, taking into account the costs of the seller - minus 5% of profitability. Total: on average 300 rubles from every thousand of revenue with a time investment of up to 1 hour per day. If the number of retail outlets is N, then the profit increases N times, however, the time spent on monitoring the business increases.

3. Business at the “summer cafe”

One of the most traditional summer businesses is organizing cafes in open areas. The rules of the game in this field are constantly changing, but the relevance of street catering is still high. The first applications for the opening of summer playgrounds begin to be received by district administrations in February-March. The sooner the application gets into the paperwork flow, the greater the chance of getting the go-ahead and making it in time for the start of the season.

There are three main types of seasonal street food. The platforms are familiar “umbrellas” under which you can drink water, beer, and snack on chips or nuts. Cafe-verandas – covered areas, where you can order tea and coffee, and sometimes even something stronger. The requirements for them are stricter, which means the investments are more significant. The “Olympus” of seasonal business is cafe-pavilions, or simply “kebab shops.”

Here, for a business to meet all the requirements, you need not only a lot of money, but also a desire to do it for at least the next few years. The fact is that the design of a pavilion or veranda needs to be sorted out with the district's utility workers, with city architects and sanitary and epidemiological supervision, but they will not give permission if there is no water supply and there is no toilet.

Costs for minimal site development start at 30 thousand rubles. Standard set of equipment for summer cafe- this is a tent, plastic furniture, a primitive bar counter (sometimes just a counter), a refrigerator and a bottling installation (if we are talking about a beer outlet).

On average a tent ( regular roof measuring 5 by 5 meters, without side walls) costs 24 thousand rubles, a set of furniture made of high-quality plastic (1 table and 4 chairs) costs about two thousand. Taking into account refrigeration equipment and other installations, the total costs will be several thousand dollars. Good way save on equipment costs - become a partner of one of the large suppliers of soft drinks or beer.

4. Jet ski and jet ski rental business

At fairly reasonable costs, you can build a profitable seasonal business in water skiing, slides and jet ski rentals. Jet ski rental has long been known as super profitable business in coastal cities of Russia and abroad. Sports equipment worth 10 thousand dollars at a price of 10 dollars for five minutes of riding pays for itself in a matter of weeks, or even days.

Summer is a fertile time not only for relaxation, but also for work, especially considering that the income that can be received during the warm season often exceeds all the expectations of an entrepreneur. At the same time, both an experienced businessman and a beginner who is just thinking about opening his own enterprise can make money in the summer.

Beach: how to make money in the summer without bothering yourself?

The main places where all profits are concentrated are resorts and beaches. Making money on them means taking advantage of the possibilities of a real gold mine that never runs out.

The most popular type of income is rental of water attractions or water transport. The larger the “vehicle fleet” of all kinds of scooters, catamarans, rowing boats, boats, slides, bananas, “tablets” and other entertainment devices, the higher the businessman’s profit. Especially if he plans to make money in the summer in places located away from competitors.

The second option is to rent sun loungers and umbrellas on the beach. Earnings from them will be relatively small, but stable. Over time, more sun loungers can be purchased, “absorbing” almost the entire beach, and then profits will also increase.

The third option is to offer beachgoers... a metal detector! Great idea for those who are thinking about how to make money in the summer in an unusual way: a businessman can search for jewelry and jewelry that has flown off or drowned during active beach games and relaxation. This type of business will be in excellent demand.

Summer cities: earnings everywhere

If you don’t want to go to the beach (more often than not, all popular coastal areas are already occupied by competitors), you can also work on city streets. The simplest and most affordable option is selling ice cream or cotton candy. Both businesses can be opened close to main walking areas, large parks and squares, as well as in entertainment venues, and the entrepreneur will never have enough clients: everyone needs delicacies and cool desserts in the summer.

If you are not interested in doing sales, you can go into the tourism business. In particular, you can make money in the summer by opening a small travel agency. This is true both for cities that have their own attractions - the agency can offer excursions for guests - and for settlements where they do not exist. In this case, tourists can simply be taken on vacation to other cities and countries.

And, of course, when thinking about what kind of business to start in the city in the summer, we must not forget about opening rental points for ATVs, scooters, bicycles, Segways, go-karts... All this will be attractive to the most different ages, and you can earn money both from regular daily work and from providing services to enterprises organizing corporate parties and picnics. During the summer season, this work intensifies noticeably.

What business to open in the village in the summer?

The following ideas are relevant for both rural areas, and for holiday villages. There is also room for activity, and the first thing a businessman can offer to potential clients is the sale of plants and flowers for personal plots. A similar service will also be in demand by businesses that have their own patios, and you can earn excellent profits during the season.

In addition to this idea, you can also choose to care for plants and animals. This is especially true for those who go on vacation and cannot look after their pet or garden themselves. However, such a service is profitable not only during the holiday period - there are also many clients who do not want to waste time mowing the lawn or walking the dog on weekdays. A businessman wondering what business to open in the summer may fit perfectly into this niche.

Similarly, clients can be offered household services - cutting firewood, digging up a garden, erecting fences, landscape design, drilling artesian wells... All this will be very popular.

What business should I start? Choose!

If needed original idea, you can choose a business called “village courier”. This is work on pre-orders from customers who live far from stores and need regular purchases. In this case, it is very easy to make money in the summer: having his own transport, an entrepreneur goes to a convenient supermarket at a certain time, makes purchases according to a list of clients and earns a certain percentage on the delivery of products.

And, of course, summer is a great time for picking and selling berries and mushrooms, providing any lessons to clients (driving, foreign languages etc.), opening a summer restaurant or bakery... And even without knowing what business to start in the summer, you can easily find your own place in the sun of a successful business and not only earn money for the whole winter ahead, but also make an excellent foundation for the future, allowing subsequently work all year round.

Alexander Kaptsov

Reading time: 11 minutes


You can make good money in the summer and that's a fact. It is not without reason that many entrepreneurs have high hopes for summer business, considering it their main source of income. In most cases, the profit received during three summer months with active work can provide for a family for a year, until the next season. What ideas for starting a summer business from scratch are considered profitable? What is the best option for making money in the summer? Let's look at 12 seasonal business ideas from scratch.

12 best ideas for making money in the summer

Business activities in the summer can vary significantly in the level of investment required. This is why experts do not recommend that novice entrepreneurs open a travel agency or take out a contract for the construction of a summer boarding house. Why complicate your life if there are proven, low-cost ideas that can be implemented by anyone who wants to make money. First, you need to choose a direction of activity, and then register as an individual entrepreneur.

So 12 best ideas earnings in summer:

In the summer heat, the demand for such a product increases by 300%. That is why selling ice cream is a profitable business, because it is bought in any locality.

What you will need for the best option:

  • Availability of a freezer (several cameras). It is bought or rented. When choosing a retail outlet, be sure to consider access to the electrical network.
  • Agreement with the official distributor for the supply of packaged ice cream .

If there are many points of sale, then you cannot do without hired workers. It all depends on the scope of the activity. The revenue of one point is 500-4000 rubles per day, the daily net profit is in the range of 175-1400 rubles.

Opening of attractions

Attractions are among the most profitable and fastest-paying activities.

What can we offer to citizens vacationing in parks, beaches and other similar places with high traffic:

  1. Shooting at a shooting range with pneumatic guns, a crossbow or throwing darts.
  2. Riding on an inflatable slide, cars and so on.

It is not necessary to buy an attraction; in some cases it is easier to rent it. The issue of renting a place is decided by the city administration. What is the amount of starting capital? For example, the cost of opening a shooting range does not exceed 25,000 rubles. But daily revenue is at least 15,000 rubles. This is an average estimate. However, even taking into account the payment of wages to hired workers (about 350 rubles per day), the benefit is obvious.

Sports equipment rental

Activities of this kind will be in demand and profitable in big city. For the point to be profitable, it must be located in a crowded place - on the beach or in a park area.

Not all vacationers stock up on summer sports equipment and are happy to use rental equipment:

  • Table tennis, badminton, darts.
  • Scooters, roller skates, .
  • Volleyball and soccer balls, flying discs.

Of course, there is a risk of theft or damage to property. Therefore, it is necessary to conclude a lease agreement, on the basis of which a deposit is taken from the client.

If we are talking about bicycle rental, it is enough to have 10-20 bicycles to open a business. You can start with a smaller number - 5 pieces, but in the future increase the fleet. The right location is a guarantee of a quick return on investment for your business. After 20-30 days, rental services will begin to make a profit.

Sale of beer, kvass and soft drinks

The demand for life-giving moisture during hot periods is as high as for ice cream. and beer has two undeniable advantages: the highest demand and high level profitability.

To open a business you will need:

  1. Conclude a rental agreement for a retail space.
  2. Form a contractual relationship with the supplier, preferably with a direct distributor. By the way, you can buy or rent equipment from him.
  3. Hire staff.

That's all that is needed to organize the sale of draft drinks.

Although novice businessmen need to be aware of some difficulties:

  • Regulatory authorities are paying increased attention to the sale of various soft drinks.
  • Business involves the presence of a huge number of competitors.
  • A number of additional permits are required.

If a businessman is not afraid of such obstacles, and he easily overcomes them, he is guaranteed high profits.

Organization of extreme entertainment

A modern person leading a sedentary life feels the need for an adrenaline rush. It was this fact that gave impetus to the spread of extreme entertainment.

Summer extreme sports are traditionally associated with bodies of water (sea, river, lake):

  1. Riding on jet skis, banana boats, buns, and water skiing.
  2. Descent from a rubber slide into the pool.
  3. Parachute flights over a pond. In this case, the boat helps to gain altitude.

You need to understand that extreme entertainment is not so harmless, because the risk of injury is quite high:

  • To ride a “banana” or “bun”, you don’t need any special preparation; all you need to do is put on a life jacket and enjoy.
  • Only a physically prepared person can handle water skiing or a parachute.
  • Therefore, the owner of the attraction must observe certain safety measures: deny access to such entertainment to children, the elderly and obese people. Then there will be no claims for injuries sustained on the attraction.
  • There is enough damage even on rubber slides - it’s not enough for people to just slide into the water, they need to do some “tricks”.

How to organize such a business? Obtain permission for a place near a reservoir and purchase the appropriate equipment. The costs of purchasing a boat, jet ski, life jackets and other equipment cannot be called small, but there is a significant plus - they pay for themselves in the shortest possible time.

Organization of field trips, nature tours or camping trips

Excursion trip, nature tours with an overnight stay in tents or camping, which may be more relevant in the summer.

The essence of a business idea comes down to the following steps:

  1. Determine several excursion directions - routes. To begin with, you can limit the search area - a radius of 100 km from the place of residence of the future businessman. Surely there will be interesting sights, the stories of which are accompanied by ancient legends. Don't miss out on the picturesque natural areas located near bodies of water. This a good option for organizing fishing trips, camping trips, and so on.
  2. Conclude an agreement with the carrier, which will clearly state the price of daily rental of a minibus or bus.
  3. You can’t do without an advertising campaign - advertisements on the Internet and newspapers will help you quickly gather excursion groups.

Business requires virtually no investment:

  • The office can be located in a personal apartment; orders can be accepted via telephone or Internet.
  • Even hired workers will not be needed at first. IN budget option All tasks can be done by one person.
  • When calculating the price of an excursion or tour, the cost method is used - the total costs of holding the event are divided by a number reflecting the number of clients (an average is used), and the organizer's profit is added.

Main, creativity, desire to work, as well as the presence of organizational skills.

Opening of a summer cafe

Street catering is still relevant. Applications from entrepreneurs to organize a summer cafe are sent to city district administrations at the end of winter. It is in February that it is necessary to deal with this issue in order to obtain permission on time and prepare for the start of the season on time.

There are three types of summer catering outlets:

  1. Areas with installed “umbrellas” where visitors can drink beer, kvass and other cold drinks, eat chips, nuts, ice cream, and fast food.
  2. Verandas are covered areas where, in addition to tea and coffee, strong drinks are served.
  3. Pavilion-type cafes, popularly called “kebab shops.”

For beginning entrepreneurs the best option businesses are areas with umbrellas:

  • A set of plastic furniture (6 tables plus four chairs for each) costs up to 12,000 rubles.
  • Six umbrellas – 9,000 rubles.
  • The minimum set of equipment consisting of refrigeration chamber, a bar counter, a refrigerated display case, a stand for dispensing beer or kvass will cost 63,000 rubles. Although you can save a lot and get everything technical equipment for rent by becoming a partner with a product supplier (ice cream, beer, etc.).

In total, start-up costs amount to up to 120,000 rubles. Taking into account monthly expenses (199,800 rubles) and income (from 10,000 rubles per day), the profit will be 100,200 rubles. Payback 1-1.5 months.

For a veranda or pavilion there are higher requirements (water supply, presence of a toilet). Besides serious investments, the cafe project will need approval from public utilities and the architecture department.

Picking berries, mushrooms and other things for sale

The vast expanses of Russia in the summer are famous for their abundance of berries and mushrooms and much more. And spontaneous markets pop up everywhere when summer comes. Thanks to experts in berry and mushroom places, the gifts of nature become available to city residents. For example, they charge up to 500 rubles per kilogram of strawberries. The result is a decent income per week. To this you can add income from the sale of mushrooms, herbs, roots, birch sap, and so on.

Activities related to berry picking are among the most profitable seasonal work. Entrepreneurs who operate on a large scale do not go into the forest. They organize procurement offices - they create a small network and send berries (lingonberries, blueberries, cloudberries) abroad. Their business is export oriented.

Growing vegetables and fruits for sale

Owners of personal plots also make good money in the summer season by selling their first greens, radishes, fruits and vegetables.

The demand for products from home gardens is huge in big cities. It is valued for its absence of chemicals and genuine freshness. Therefore, if you are not lazy, you can earn money all summer from fresh cucumbers and tomatoes, fragrant apples and other fruit and vegetable vitamins by selling them in city markets.

Greening streets and flower beds as a business

Summer income for admirers of “cultivated” nature can be landscaping streets and flower beds.

Although the state allocates funds for urban greening, there is still an area not covered:

  • Territories assigned to residential high-rise buildings and offices.
  • Private residential sector.

What you need to get started:

  1. Personal experience in this area.
  2. A professional team of four people (students are always ready for summer work).
  3. Availability of tools. They are purchased as needed.
  4. Price planting material are attributable to the client's expenses.

That's the whole kit for starting a business from scratch. How are such services paid? For an English-type lawn they pay up to $1000 (price per hundred square meters). The deadline for completing this work is a week. For a one-time consultation – $20. The net profit is huge. In this business, costs are minimal, knowledge and skill are paid.

Organizing the sale of sunglasses

Sunglasses are primarily a seasonal product. Peak demand occurs in the summer. Street sale of summer attributes is considered a profitable trading option.

When organizing a business you need:

  • Small capital for paperwork and purchasing goods.
  • Rent of retail space. The rent varies from 100 rubles per day and more.

What are the nuances:

  1. Although there is red tape when drawing up a lease agreement for outlet minimal, this process should be carried out in March, otherwise there will be no profitable sites.
  2. Trade should be carried out in a passable place - not far from the visited shopping center, store, market, in a passage, near a train station.
  3. A wide assortment is important - a variety of models and colors, the latest design proposals. Particular attention to product quality. There should be glasses available for men's, women's and children's audiences of customers. Products should be purchased carefully.

As a rule, there is a 100% markup on sunglasses. The average monthly profit of two points is 15,000 rubles.

Opening a hotel for pets

Summer is also called the vacation period. When going on vacation, pet owners quite often face one single problem - who to entrust their four-legged family member with. That is why the hotel business in our country has become a relevant and profitable activity.

The ideal place for such activities is a private house, although you can start in ordinary apartment. For those who already have suburban real estate, start-up costs are kept to a minimum - 2,500-3,000 rubles.

What is included in this amount:

  • Equipment for ten enclosures in a small house.
  • Construction of a walking area for guests.

Important details:

  1. The owner of the animal pays for the food.
  2. A veterinarian may be needed. Such support needs to be thought about in advance.
  3. The hotel should only accept animals that have been vaccinated.

In summer you can not only relax, but also build successful business. But during this period, it is important to provide services or products that are in keeping with the season.

This is largely due to the fact that there is some lull in traditional directions.

In Russia it is not difficult to single out more than 500 business areas that can be classified as summer destinations.

Which ones are the most popular?

In summer this business is always profitable. To start the project, you need a small start-up capital, which will be required to purchase a chest freezer and rent a retail space with electricity.

An experienced salesperson will also be required.

It is important to find a competitive ice cream supplier. The average daily revenue of one point is within 1-3 thousand rubles But everything is determined by location and traffic.

It is especially profitable to install equipment in a park that is visited by a large number of people with children. It's not that easy to do. But, if you succeed, you can count on more than high profits.

This business can bring good income. It consists of caring for personal plots and areas around apartment buildings and offices. this niche is practically empty.

The state is ready to allocate funds for street landscaping. Representatives of the middle class are also willing to invest in hiring an experienced gardener for their garden plot.

To run a business you only need garden tools, a team of people who want to earn money and a personal car. Your income will directly depend on how quickly you find clients.

Hotel for pets

Those who have pets sometimes need to leave their pet for short-term care. In the summer, this problem becomes more and more urgent, since it is problematic to take a pet on vacation abroad. However, not all relatives are ready to help.

To organize such a business you will need your own Vacation home, in which enclosures will be equipped for temporary housing of animals. You will also need a walking area and food for different types animals.

In relation to income, this business has minimal costs. So, on average, an operating hotel brings in about 3000 rubles net profit per day. If the hotel is constantly loaded with 10 beds, the revenue will be about 90 thousand per month or 450 thousand per season, if you count from May to September.

Organizing a small summer cafe has become a traditional business for many entrepreneurs.

Every year more and more innovations appear that affect the profitability and essence of business. But the relevance of this area is still increased.

Organizing a summer cafe is not an easy event. This is due to the bureaucratic red tape that you will have to go through.

Therefore, it is necessary to take care of collecting in advance permitting documentation. You will have to invest substantial funds compared to previous ideas.

But in the end, the profit can be significant if you choose the right place. This area could become the basis for an annual summer business.

Jet ski rental

This is a unique direction for Russia, which includes not only direct jet ski rental, but also rental water skiing. At resorts this direction is very profitable.

But you can organize it on any other crowded body of water.

The average cost of entering a business is 300 thousand rubles. If you set the rent at 300 rubles for every 5 minutes, the business will pay for itself in the first few weeks.

In the future it will bring super profits. But here it is important to approach the process carefully coordination with local authorities, since it is not a simple event.

Picking mushrooms and berries

If you have a lot of free time and there is a desire to earn money, organize a business to open a procurement office. It is worth opening it in a small locality.

The essence of this business is purchasing from the public collected mushrooms and berries with their subsequent resale to large collection points. They can also be sent abroad at a more favorable cost.

This business is gaining significant momentum in our country. Entrepreneurs themselves confirm that it is becoming more and more profitable. This is due to the fact that the volume of exports of goods to other countries is growing steadily.

Cash flow also increases proportionally. Competition in this area minimal, and the entrance includes small costs for organizing a collection point and insignificant costs.

In this business, it is important to be able to negotiate and find sales. It's better if you find it in advance. This way you will not encounter problems in an already organized business.

Sunglasses business

Summer rarely goes without points. This is especially true on the beaches. The demand for glasses always remains high.

Most entrepreneurs are not limited to one outlet. They build a whole net, consisting from stands with glasses. It is important to choose the most accessible areas of the city.

And if you live by the sea, you can sell glasses right on the beach or at the local market.

By setting up several stands with glasses, you will cover the largest number of territories, which will allow you to sell your product and receive significant revenue.

With the right approach, this line of business can become quite profitable for you if you can work in one or several regions.

Shooting range and entertainment centers

This is a great solution for children. A shooting range can be not only pneumatic, but also crossbow. With sufficient financial resources, other entertainment complexes can be installed.

To open this type of business, you will not need any permits or special licenses.

You just need a simple registration as an individual entrepreneur and purchase of the installation. Moreover, the latter can be not only stationary, but also mobile.

On average, you can receive about 30-60 rubles from each person. And the average traffic is about 50 people daily. Thus, you can earn daily from 1500 to 3000 rubles.

And the monthly profit will be about 45-90 thousand rubles with the simplest calculations.

The following advantages of this business are highlighted:

  • High profitability;
  • Small initial capital;
  • Simple organization.

Among shortcomings you can highlight what it is fully seasonal business. Demand for it will always be limited. In addition, increased safety requirements are imposed.

Draft kvass

This is one of the oldest ideas for summer. But it still remains relevant. The sale of this soft drink is very popular. Many of us see kvass outlets and queues that accumulate around them on hot days.

This business is associated with high profitability. But it is worth noting that entering it pretty hard. Here you will find significant competition and the need to adhere to established standards.

In this case, only one point with kvass will not be enough. It is better to open a small network, placing your sellers in different parts of the city. If you decorate the equipment in the same style, your products will be recognized.

Profit depends on the place you choose to do business. It is advisable to install barrels of kvass in areas mass gathering, in parks and near shopping centers.


This is a real seasonal business. He cannot work at other times. At the same time, income from it will be stable throughout the entire period. The only exception may be a period with cold and rainy weather. But this direction can hardly be called highly profitable.

There is quite high competition in this area, which is why revenue has almost tripled in recent years. But this is an easy and simple way to start your own business with seasonal income. It is important to choose the right outlet. In this case, you are guaranteed regular earnings.

The following advantages of this direction can be highlighted:

  • Low costs for maintaining one point;
  • Simple organization;
  • Stability of demand.

But there are also some flaws. Thus, the project can achieve payback in only two years. Most of the passage places have long been occupied.

Also, this type of business is associated with high danger injuries in children. Therefore, it is necessary to monitor safety precautions very carefully.


As the quality of life improves, the need for cleaning increases. Many people want to have their house or apartment cleaned by them. Especially it concerns summer period, when traditionally many people carry out general cleaning.

If this idea suits you, you can become individual entrepreneur, which specializes in office and residential cleaning.

If there is little competition and the demand for the service is high, you can organize a profitable business. This is an entry that does not involve a large initial investment.

To carry out cleaning you need to purchase work equipment and hire conscientious workers. All you have to do is advertise and find clients.


This method of earning money is especially relevant for those who live in a big city or in a popular resort center. This is due to the fact that there is traditionally a large influx of tourists here.

If your city has its own history or beautiful natural areas, organize tourist outings or hikes. IN last years becoming more and more popular green tourism. It is chosen by residents of megalopolises and large cities.

They are looking for an opportunity to live in the countryside, walk through the forests and go down a turbulent high-mountain river in kayaks in a large group.

The advantage of this direction is simple registration and minimal initial investment. This business option is especially relevant for people with appropriate education or a desire to study history and culture.

In this direction there is a risk that is associated with great responsibility for the life and health of its clients. You should be especially careful about your work if you additionally provide extreme types of entertainment.

Thus, you can choose one of the proposed business options or any other direction for a seasonal summer business. This allows you not only to earn money during the season, but also to start your activity as an entrepreneur.

Not only will you learn make a profit, but also acquire the necessary communication skills. If you take business seriously, you will learn how to sell, negotiate, and interact with people correctly.

We invite you to watch interesting video about how you can implement business ideas in the summer.

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