Forced ventilation of apartments in high-rise buildings. Disruption of the natural ventilation systems of multi-storey residential buildings. What to do with reverse draft in apartments

According to current sanitary standards Apartment buildings must be equipped with ventilation, in which polluted air is removed from the kitchen and bathroom, and clean air is supplied to the living rooms.

Ventilation of houses built last century is based on natural craving. Modern residential complexes put into operation with roof fans and forced air exchange systems. Read on to learn how the ventilation system in an apartment building works, how to clean it and improve it.

The need for ventilation in an apartment building

Doing laundry, washing dishes, and taking a shower releases water vapor into the air. Particles of lint from clothes and carpets, epithelium and pet hairs form dust. During cooking, odors and tiny droplets of fat evaporate.

If an apartment building is not equipped with a ventilation system, all waste products of people remain in the premises. Conditions are created that are dangerous to people’s health and the safety of their property. Mold eats away walls and furniture, and residents suffer from allergies and asthma. Children and the elderly feel the worst in such apartments.

Functions of ventilation in a residential area:

  • Ensure the penetration of clean air into apartments;
  • Remove dust and other impurities harmful to health along with the exhaust air;
  • Regulate humidity in living and utility rooms.

If, when cooking with the window open, odors spread into the adjoining rooms, the ventilation system in an apartment building is not working satisfactorily. Another indicator that the ventilation in the house is not working is the intense accumulation of dust in the corners, on the ventilation grille and under the ceiling. Within a day or two after cleaning, you can notice clouds of dust under upholstered furniture.

Most often, residents of the top floors suffer from this. Poor draft is explained by the insufficient distance between the ventilation grill in the apartment and the end of the ventilation duct. Normally it should be at least 2 meters. Often this condition is not met due to the presence warm attic in an apartment building, ventilation does not work as intended by the designers.

The principle of air removal into ventilation

Most complaints about work are caused by ignorance of how ventilation works in panel house.

There are 2 withdrawal schemes dirty air from apartment buildings:

Scheme 1. The ventilation duct reaches the attic, here it turns into a horizontal duct

Several sealed boxes are combined into one shaft, ending above the roof. With this principle of ventilation in an apartment building, air masses from all floors rush to the horizontal duct, from there into the common shaft and onto the street. During the movement, the air hits the surface of the box and an area is formed high blood pressure. The air rushes into the nearest hole leading out.

Sometimes the closest exit is the fifth floor ventilation duct. Normally, this should be a common ventilation shaft. Even with optimal cross section horizontal box, reverse draft may be observed if the box cover is installed too low. The air is reflected from the lid and “squeezes” odors coming from below into the kitchen last floor. To avoid such an undesirable effect, use 2 methods:

  • Method 1. It is necessary to increase the diameter of the horizontal box in the attic by 2.5 times. In addition, “cuts” are installed inside the box. All modifications should be carried out only by trained people. You must first consult with a specialist, since it is not always possible to use this method of improving ventilation;
  • Method 2. The ventilation ducts of the top floor are arranged separately and are inserted into the ventilation shaft above the duct. A separate channel should be well insulated.

Scheme 2. All ventilation ducts lead to the attic

The attic space is used as an intermediate chamber. There is a single ventilation shaft leading through the roof.

This method of air exhaust is very common in modern construction.

Most often, there is no backdraft in the network, but on upper floors she is very weak. This is explained by the small height of the vertical channel (no more than 40 cm). When the doors of the attic or between sections are open, there is also virtually no air movement.

Standard diameter of air ducts for such a ventilation system apartment building– 140 mm. To improve its operation, the channel outlets are lengthened due to pipes placed on them. The joints are sealed. It is enough to add 1 meter of pipe and tilt it slightly in the direction of the central shaft.

Apartment supply and exhaust ventilation

IN multi-storey buildings A supply-exhaust ventilation system is installed in each apartment. The following scheme is usually used: exhaust ducts are located in toilets, bathrooms and kitchens, and clean air is supplied through the vents.

So that air can circulate freely throughout the apartment, gaps of 1–2 cm are left under the interior doors.

This plan for the operation of ventilation in an apartment building is quite simple, but not always effective.

If the windows in the apartment fog up, or there is an unpleasant smell from time to time, it is necessary to inspect the ventilation of the apartment building. Often natural ventilation in an apartment building does not work due to blockage. But residents do not have the right to clean the ventilation in apartment buildings. Repair work This is also done by specialists. So how to clean the ventilation in an apartment?

Professional ventilation cleaning

Specialists clean ventilation in apartment buildings using professional equipment. First, a diagnosis of the ventilation of an apartment building is carried out. As a rule, a video camera is used for this. It detects places where debris, dust, and destruction accumulate. After which the pneumatic brushing machine removes all the dirt. At the same time, the mine can be disinfected.

You can inspect the ventilation of an apartment building in the simplest way: bring a burning candle or match to the ventilation grille. If the flame deviates towards ventilation, then all is not lost. The vertical position of the flame indicates that the natural ventilation in the house is not really working. When examining ventilation, it is necessary to check everything ventilation grates in an apartment in an apartment building.

Self-cleaning ventilation

Residents of apartment buildings can dismantle the ventilation grille in their apartment and clean the accessible part of the shaft with a broom or vacuum cleaner.

Before cleaning the ventilation in an apartment building yourself, it is advisable to wear protective equipment: gloves, a respirator, goggles. Sometimes a perfectly serviceable and clean system does not work efficiently.

In this case, you need to resort to additional means:

  • supply valves;
  • exhaust fans.

They make it possible to regulate the flow and exhaust of air from the apartment, are inexpensive and quite easy to install.

Ventilation of the basement and basement floors

The basement is one of essential elements ventilation system apartment building. After all, the ventilation shafts that penetrate all floors begin in the basement.

As a rule, ventilation of the basement floor of an apartment building is organized using natural draft.

To remove damp air from the basement, common ventilation ducts are used, leaving openings on each floor and in each apartment.

Inflow fresh air no less important for ventilation of the basement floor of an apartment building, where it is often damp and cold. Vents or openings in the walls of the basement, located slightly above the surface of the ground, serve this purpose. The number of vents is calculated based on the area of ​​the building.

The area of ​​the vents is 1/400 of the area of ​​the building.

If the building is located in an area with increased content radon or extreme background radiation, the area of ​​the vents increases to 1/100 of the area of ​​the building.

The area of ​​one vent can vary from 0.05 to 0.85 square meters. meters.

Vents with a diameter of 30 x 30 cm must be reinforced.

The ventilation holes can be of any shape, but most often they are made rectangular or round. This form is easier to perform and looks better.

Vents should be evenly distributed around the perimeter of the foundation to avoid the formation of unventilated areas.

The distance from the corner to the nearest vent is 90 cm. It is advisable to make an even number of vents and place them opposite each other. The distance to the ground is at least 20 cm. If the holes are lowered, they may be flooded with rain or spring floods.

The higher above the ground they are ventilation holes, all the better.

If the foundation of the house has internal load-bearing surfaces, vents should be made in them so that the entire ground floor apartment building.

The vents must not be closed, otherwise the entire principle of operation of the ventilation of an apartment building will be disrupted. To prevent cats and rodents from entering the basement, the openings are closed with a metal mesh.

So, ventilation of an apartment building is one system, the device of which begins in the basement and ends above the roof. Any attempts by residents to independently interfere with its operation, such as cleaning the ventilation in the apartment, dismantling its elements or remodeling, entail administrative liability!

More information about how the ventilation of an apartment building works video:

Ventilation in an apartment building is planned, designed and developed during the construction phase of the house. All system parameters are calculated according to regulatory documents depending on the characteristics of the building (number of floors, noise level, degree of air pollution), room parameters. The main condition for designing a ventilation system is to provide the necessary comfortable stay people air exchange (inflow of fresh air and outflow of polluted air).

Ventilation of apartment buildings built in the 20th century was based on natural draft. Today, most residential apartment buildings have a forced air exchange system.


During human activity, steam, sweat, lint, wool, and odors from cooked food and toilets are released into the air in residential buildings. If ventilation in a multi-storey residential building is absent or works poorly, all these substances remain in the rooms, creating favorable conditions for mold formation and fungal growth. Such an environment is dangerous for people’s health; it is especially difficult for asthmatics, young children, and the elderly. Dampness and mold lead to property damage.

Problems that ventilation must solve:

  • Removing dirty air along with dust and other impurities.
  • Influx of clean fresh air.
  • Maintenance optimal humidity, dampness prevention.

As a rule, dirty air is removed from the bathroom and kitchen, and fresh air is supplied to the living areas.
Signs of non-functioning (ineffective) ventilation:

  • When the kitchen window is open while cooking, odors penetrate into the living rooms.
  • The flame of a lit candle, match, or lighter brought to the ventilation grille is not drawn into the hole.
  • A piece of thin paper brought to the ventilation grille is not attracted, but falls (if the ventilation is working well, it should remain on the wall).

  • The windows in the apartment fog up.
  • Periodically felt bad smell in the rooms, in the kitchen, in the bathroom.

Ventilation systems

The main elements of the ventilation system in an apartment building are:

  • Air ducts (channels).
  • Ventilation lines.
  • Air distributors (grills, diffusers).

There are three types of ventilation systems used in apartment buildings:

1. Natural. It works due to the difference in temperature, pressure inside and outside the room. Fresh air penetrates into the apartment through cracks in the wall structure, open vents, windows, and the front door. The lighter, warm exhaust air rises and is forced out through the ventilation grilles into the ventilation shaft. In the attic, polluted air is collected and discharged outside through the roof.

This is the simplest, cheapest ventilation system, its maintenance is minimal, due to which the natural system is widespread. But in Lately usage natural ventilation often turns out to be ineffective. The reason is the installation of highly sealed windows and doors, which results in insufficient air flow. Briefly opening windows does not improve the situation much. Therefore, in modern houses Other ventilation systems are increasingly being used.

2. Forced mechanical ventilation. Both air supply and removal are carried out using blowers (fans).

3. Combined system. There are two possible options for such a system:

3.1. The air inflow is natural, the outflow is mechanical.

3.2. Inflow using a built-in fan, outflow natural.

Parameters of ventilation system elements, materials from which they are made, air parameters in residential and non-residential premises(temperature, air mobility) are regulated by SNiP for ventilation of residential buildings. All parameters must be met construction organization at the stage of construction and commissioning of a residential building.

What to do if the ventilation does not work?

If there are signs of non-functioning ventilation in the apartment, it means that the system is clogged. In this case, you need to contact the service organization. Ventilation repairs in apartment buildings are carried out by specialists. All you can do yourself is remove the grate and clean the opened space with a broom or vacuum cleaner. In some cases this is enough.

Specialists check the operation of the system, identify areas of accumulation of dust and debris that impede normal air movement. The mine is cleaned using special equipment. Improve ventilation performance in separate apartment possible using an exhaust fan and (or) supply valves in the windows.

Modern apartments are designed for the convenience of the people living in them. Long gone are the days when an apartment was just a roof over your head. These days furniture Appliances, communications - everything is put at the service of human comfort. This statement also applies to the air exchange system. Ventilation in an apartment building, the scheme of which, in many houses, has remained the same, despite all the technologies modern society, can significantly worsen living conditions and reduce the expected level of living comfort. And this is when the health of residents and the safety of property depend on the correct and effective functioning of ventilation.

Since most modern apartments still located in buildings built twenty or even thirty years ago, the most common air exchange system now is the natural network.


Natural air exchange

An apartment building, as a rule, is equipped with a common air shaft for all apartments, from which ventilation ducts are diverted to each apartment. Such channels inside the apartment are closed with ventilation grilles and serve to remove exhaust air. With this organizational scheme, the air flow is carried out through windows, doors, and ventilation slots of the house.

In other words, schematically and sequentially the process of exchange of air masses in the apartments of the house is carried out in the order outlined below:

  1. Air flow through windows and vents in the living room, bedroom, nursery, i.e. residential premises;
  2. Air movement throughout the apartment in a circular manner - from the living rooms to the corridor, then to the kitchen, bathroom and toilet;
  3. Discharge of contaminated waste stream through air channels, equipped in “office” premises;
  4. Movement of air flows through the channels and ventilation shafts of the house;
  5. Dirty air is discharged through the attic to the roof and released back into the atmosphere.

Air movement in the house

Standard operation of systems

As in any area of ​​civil and social activities, in construction there are certain norms and rules according to which work is carried out. There are such rules for the organization air exchange in apartment buildings.

When constructing a building with natural ventilation, the design company takes several parameters into account. These options include:

  1. Temperature conditions in the construction region;
  2. External air pressure conditions and expected pressure inside the finished building;
  3. Wind strength in the region and its direction.

All of the above parameters are of great importance for the subsequent functioning of the ventilation network, calculating the air exchange rate required for apartments in the building, as well as in all rooms of the apartments themselves.

After clarification and possibly measurement of all the listed indicators, it is necessary to calculate the air exchange rate. It is determined, as a rule, per 1 cubic meter of a certain room per 1 person.

Air exchange rate calculation chart

Regulatory requirements

The building codes define the following indicators:

  1. The air change rate in the toilet is 25 cubic meters per hour per person;
  2. The air change rate in the bathroom is 25 cubic meters per hour per person;
  3. The air change rate in the kitchen is 60-90 cubic meters per hour;
  4. Frequency of air changes in living rooms equal to 25 cubic meters per hour per person.

Thus, if 3 people live in an apartment, then the rate of exchange of air masses in the rooms should be 75 cubic meters per hour, if 4 - 100 cubic meters, and so on.

Bathroom ventilation

In addition to the requirements listed above for organizing a ventilation system in an apartment, there are also additional, not so stringent, norms and rules. They relate to the type of windows installed, interior and entrance doors, material of the air duct channels, and other parameters.

Door with supply grille

In-apartment parameters

SNiP in particular determine following parameters:

  1. Any living space must have at least one opening vent or window through which fresh air from the street will enter the apartment;
  2. First floor windows, inlets for air intake, should be placed at a level of 1 meter from the expected snow cover in winter period, in other words, 2 meters from the surface level;
  3. The cross-sections and diameters of the air movement channels are equipped in compliance with the exact dimensions: 150 square centimeters for the kitchen, 100 square centimeters for the combined bathroom and living quarters, 100 square centimeters each for the bathroom and toilet (separate);
  4. The air circulation scheme (this has already been discussed above) passes from living quarters to service areas with air exhaust through the bathroom or kitchen;
  5. It is prohibited to lay additional communications in shafts and ventilation ducts;
  6. It is prohibited to lay ventilation routes so that they intersect other pipelines and cable ducts.

Air movement pattern

Particular attention should be paid to the fact that the effectiveness of the natural ventilation scheme in the apartment multi-storey building also depends on the behavior of apartment owners.

Thus, the flow and circulation of air in a single apartment will be blocked if you install metal-plastic windows, which are not equipped ventilation valves, and also put interior doors, which will not have a gap with the floor or air holes.

Such windows and doors are quite capable of leading to the formation of excess moisture in the apartment, promoting the appearance of mold and fungi, condensation on the windows, and also significantly reducing the level of well-being and vigor of the residents.

Window ventilation valve

Smells and carbon monoxide from the kitchen will spread throughout the house, forming a greasy deposit in the air ducts and clogging them if installed in the kitchen pull out drobe, the power of which will be several times higher than the power natural system. In this case, exhaust and polluted air from the kitchen will be blown under pressure into neighboring apartments and the front door.

Dirty ventilation duct

Auxiliary ventilation devices

For various reasons, many owners of apartments in multi-apartment buildings install additional devices to ensure the required level of air exchange in the home. Such devices include:

  1. Supply valves;
  2. Exhaust fans;
  3. Supply and exhaust devices.

Supply valves are installed in pre-perforated through outer wall holes, providing the necessary level of air circulation. They, however, reduce the overall temperature of the apartment. Also, in case of a non-working or not fully working hood common system, the supply valve itself will not give the expected result.

Supply valve

Therefore, in addition to it, install exhaust fans, ensuring the removal of all received and already used masses. As a rule, such devices are installed at the entrance to an existing mine. general ventilation. To reduce energy costs, they can come complete with motion and humidity sensors, and can also be connected to the power grid so that they turn on along with the light in the bathroom.

Supply fan

Some apartment owners in buildings go even further and install supply and exhaust systems(possibly with heat recovery), which require laying air ducts and preparing fittings. New houses are equipped industrial systems air exchange combined with air conditioning, ionization and heating. Such systems are complex both in preparation and installation, but are worth the effort and money spent.

Air exchange network in the house

Air quality in residential premises has a direct impact on the health and well-being of its inhabitants. Therefore, developing supply ventilation V nine-story panel building and any other complex is given great attention. Calculation and design of the scheme is carried out at the stage of drawing up the project.

Procedure for working on the project

The design engineer must think over the location of the air ducts, calculate their dimensions and main technical specifications. The work is carried out taking into account external pollution and noise, the category and number of floors of the building. In addition, it is determined:

  • ventilation line power;
  • system power consumption;
  • overall dimensions of the main functional units, etc.

When drawing up drawings, they are guided by GOST requirements and rules fire safety. For example, using non-combustible materials and the installation of special valves help prevent the spread of fire through air ducts during a fire. Residential ventilation system panel house should also help maintain a comfortable indoor microclimate. Penetration of cold air currents into apartments is not allowed.

System design features

Most houses built during the Soviet period have a ventilation system, the operation of which depends on the strength of the wind and the frequency of opening windows and doors. Fresh air penetrates inside the apartment and displaces old masses into the ventilation ducts.

Openings were provided in the kitchen, bathroom, toilet and were connected into a common shaft. In order for the air to change, the windows had to be opened regularly. Such ventilation in a panel house is called mixing. Here are some features of this system:

  1. The layout of the air ducts can be changed. Engineers have developed a more efficient distribution, in which ventilation ducts from apartments do not go directly into the common collector, but form booster shafts. The air ducts are connected to the main pipeline through the floor, and the exits from the last and penultimate floors lead directly to the street.
  2. Air exchange with mixing is essentially a draft that provides an influx of fresh air. The system is effective for rooms with good vapor barrier, concrete or brick walls. In other cases, constant drafts will cause discomfort to residents.

With the advent of new energy-saving technologies and the widespread installation of sealed doors and windows, the air exchange system with mixing has lost its relevance. She simply stopped coping with her main task. The number of stagnant zones in apartments has increased, the quality of life has decreased.

Supply and exhaust circuits appeared. They allow you to organize sufficient air exchange, while maintaining heat and without forcing residents to constantly ventilate the premises. System Features:

  1. Special supply valves in air ducts allow you to regulate the speed of movement of air masses. Thus, it is possible to control the temperature and humidity conditions in the room.
  2. Installing fans allows you to slightly increase the cross-section of the air ducts and reduce the noise of the system.
  3. Keeping heat indoors has reduced heating costs in the winter. For residents northern regions This is a significant saving.

Improving ventilation schemes in a panel house had a positive impact not only on people’s quality of life, but also extended life finishing materials, building structures. Reducing air humidity prevents the appearance of fungi and mold on the walls. Corrosion of metal elements is also slowed down.

Ventilation system selection

Ventilation in a panel house is made according to one of three types:

  1. Natural. The change in flows occurs due to the difference in temperature and pressure of external and internal air. Draft occurs in the ventilation ducts, “sucking” stagnant masses out of the room. Influx of fresh air flows from windows and doors. This system is recommended for multi-storey buildings located inside the block. At the same time, the level of external noise generated by street transport should not exceed 50 dBA.
  2. Forced. Air masses move under the influence of special technical equipment. Both inflow and exhaust are carried out mechanically.
  3. Combined. In such systems, either inflow or exhaust are mechanized, depending on the requirements. Combined drive ventilation is optimal for houses near which the level of external noise exceeds 50 dBA.

None of the systems is universal. The choice is made by the designer for each specific building.

Installation of supply and exhaust air ducts

Device Rules supply systems for residential premises:

  1. If there is no heat exchanger in the duct, and the air is supplied to the apartment cold, then the air duct outlet is located at the top of the wall. This makes it possible to achieve mixing of flows and optimization of their temperature.
  2. If heating devices installed indoors, the supply ventilation outlet is located behind them or immediately above the heaters.
  3. If heat exchangers or other heating mechanisms are installed in the air ducts, then the inflow can be located in any convenient place, both below and above.

Diversion shafts are always installed under the ceiling, at a height of at least 2 meters above the floor. This arrangement facilitates efficient removal of exhaust air.

If the ventilation of a 9-story panel building or any other apartment building is disrupted, residents do not have the right to carry out any manipulations on their own. It is only allowed to clean the channel at arm's length from the wall. In other words, you can remove the grate and vacuum the shaft, but in case of serious damage, you should immediately call a specialist.

Organized natural ventilation in a residential building is air exchange that occurs due to the difference in air density inside the building and outside, through specially designed exhaust and supply openings.

For ventilation of premises in a residential apartment building, a natural ventilation system is provided. Let's figure out how it works and how it works.

Natural ventilation device

In each entrance from the first floor to the last there is a common ventilation duct that runs vertically from below, upward with access either to the attic or directly to the roof (depending on the project). Satellite ducts are connected to the main ventilation duct, the beginning of which is usually located in the bathroom, kitchen and toilet.

Through these satellite channels, the “exhaust” air leaves the apartments, enters the common ventilation shaft, passes through it and is discharged into the atmosphere.

It seems that everything is extremely simple and such a mechanism should work flawlessly. But there are many things that can interfere with the normal operation of ventilation.

The most important thing in the operation of natural ventilation is that sufficient air must enter the apartment. According to the projects, according to SNiP, this air must enter through “leaks” window openings, and also by opening the windows.

Excerpt from SNiP 2.08.01-89 (minimum air exchange parameters for an apartment).

But we all understand that modern windows when closed, they do not allow sound or air to pass through. It turns out that you need to keep the windows open all the time, which naturally is not possible for a number of reasons.

Causes of disruption of natural ventilation

  • Re-equipment of ventilation ducts
  • It happens that ventilation stops working due to active neighbors who could simply break the ventilation duct to expand the living space. In this case, the ventilation will stop working for all residents whose apartments are located below.

  • Garbage in ventilation duct
  • It often happens that something gets into the ventilation shaft and simply does not allow the air to move freely. If this happens, then you need to contact the appropriate structure; it is prohibited to climb into the ventilation duct yourself.

  • Not correct connection exhaust hoods
  • Another common problem is connection. kitchen hoods(exhaust hoods) of high power to the satellite channel, which is not intended for this. And when such an exhaust hood is turned on, then a airlock, which disrupts the operation of the entire system.

  • Seasonality
  • Unfortunately, the operation of the natural ventilation system is also affected temperature regime, in the cold season it works better, and in the summer, when the temperature outside rises, it works weaker. Added to this are several negative points described above, and the operation of the entire system comes to naught.

And of course, there are mistakes during construction made by the contractor for one reason or another... Only the installation of supply and exhaust ventilation equipment will help here.

Natural ventilation works all year round 24 hours a day. Therefore, a round-the-clock air flow into the room is necessary. If it doesn’t exist, then in winter when closed windows Condensation may occur, humidity may increase, and even mold may form. To avoid this, install supply valves, this will improve ventilation in the room and get rid of excess moisture.

To organize good air exchange in the apartment all year round. You will need to install a ventilator. Thanks to this device, you will not have to open the windows, and fresh and clean air will always flow into your apartment.

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