Hallways and corridors in panel houses. Renovation of the hallway in a panel house (42 photos): selection of finishing materials, sequence of repair work and wall finishing. Video: Renovating the hallway room

The first impressions on guests in your home are the appearance of the hallway. It can be called a kind of business card. Developing hallway design in panel house, the designer faces difficulties associated with the small size of this room.

In addition, the most common shape of hallways in such houses is a rectangle, which is more likely associated not with the name “hall”, but with the name “corridor”.

The main task of the designer in this case is to turn these shortcomings into advantages, and if this is not possible, try to hide them.

Photo of hallway design in a panel house

As everyone knows, dark colors visually reduce the parameters of any room. That is why, in order to make a cramped hallway seem at least a little more spacious, it would be better to use light-colored materials.

The design of the hallway in a panel house, the photo can be seen below. Experts suggest using colored plaster, cork covering, paint and light-colored wallpaper.

When renovating the hallway in a panel house, you can also cladding the walls of the room wood panels. It will look more fashionable and exclusive.

The hallway is the first room that all guests see, so it is a kind of “face” of the apartment, indicating the neatness and neatness of the owners. Anyone who values ​​their status should definitely think through in detail the design for the apartment hallway panel house. On the other hand, this room, being non-residential, must have a certain functionality: have a shoe rack, a hanger, mirrors, etc. Due to these features, the design of the hallway seems to be a particularly difficult task.

Photo original design interior small hallway

Interior renovation

It often happens that the gray standard layout of mass panel buildings, where the division between residential areas is very conditional, makes many owners think about restructuring. Most often, the hallway is a long and narrow corridor, and very small in size.

There can be a great variety of options for transforming the interior of a corridor in a panel house apartment. The whole set of them can be divided into two large groups:

  • a small, “cosmetic” improvement - adding arches, decorating with stained glass, building one or more partitions (and it is not necessary to maintain symmetry), skillfully integrating large furniture into the interior while maintaining compatibility in color and visual design;
  • serious redevelopment, which may even include the destruction of blank walls (it is even possible to completely transform the room into another purpose, for example, into a wardrobe or storage room).

See below a photo of the original design of the hallway of a panel house apartment.

Design of the hallway of an apartment in a standard panel house after redevelopment (photo)


Furniture at proper installation can perfectly decorate the interior of the hallway in a panel house apartment and become an organic part of the corridor (see photo). The main thing you need to focus on is the area of ​​the room. If it is small, then it is hardly worth placing something larger than a shoe stand there. The same applies to premises of a very non-standard shape: an individual order can be the solution.

You can talk about furniture only if the corridor is at least medium in size. Moreover, most often apartment owners panel houses opt for cabinets, as this allows you to free up significant space in living spaces.

In order for the cabinet to fit successfully into the interior, you need to adhere to a number of rules:

  1. The cabinet should not be too wide (it will not allow passage in a small room) nor too narrow (then the structure will be very unstable and will have to be attached to the wall). Typically, a width of a little more than half a meter is considered ideal.
  2. For corridors it is better not to buy expensive furniture natural wood, which will very quickly lose its marketable condition. On the other hand, you should not install a headset made of cheap plastic.
  3. Furniture needs to be chosen light shades or with an original combination of several colors.
  4. Wardrobes with sliding doors (“compartments”) can seriously save space.
  5. Large mirrors built into furniture can also add a unique ambiance.

The choice of color greatly depends on the size of the room and its layout. The correctly chosen color scheme when developing the design of a corridor in an apartment in a panel house gives the first and most serious visual impression. This is clearly shown in the photo below.

At the same time, you should not lose sight of a number of points:

  1. Room size. It is widely known that dark colors visually make a room smaller, so it is highly not recommended to use it for already cramped panel houses (except in cases where there are windows, which is extremely rare in domestic planning practice). There is an unspoken rule in the design community not to use more than three colors in a design, and only one of them will be the main one, and the other two play only a supporting role. Most often, a competent combination of cream, orange, blue and other light colors is used.
  2. Form. You can correct the shortcoming of a low ceiling by simply painting it with brown paint. A similar play of color can be used to create the effect of lengthening or shortening an unusually shaped room.
  3. General style of the apartment. The interior of a separate room should not stand out from the overall design of the home, otherwise it will be perceived as extremely vulgar.
  4. Individual idea of ​​the designer. The use of a specific author's concept allows for sufficient freedom in choosing materials and colors in order to embody any sophisticated idea. For example, decoration in the Baroque style presupposes a predominance of golden, as well as white and pink shades.

Wall decoration

When choosing options for finishing the hallway of a panel house, several considerations must be taken into account:

  1. This is a room where a person spends much less time than in any other, so the cheapest materials are usually used for its decoration.
  2. The hallway is the place where dirt from shoes and dust from the entrance constantly settle. Therefore, the materials should not only be cheap, but also easy to clean.
  3. Durability. The walls and ceiling are also influenced by temperature changes due to the constant opening of the door, so condensation settles on them.

If you decide to simply paint the walls, then you need to keep in mind that in this case their surface must be perfectly flat. All flaws, cracks and dirt will be visible to everyone who crosses the threshold of the house. Therefore, you should not skimp on the services of expensive plasterers who will level the walls.

An example of correct wall painting is shown in the design photo real apartment panel house.

However, most often they decide to decorate the interior of the corridor in the apartment with wallpaper:

  1. Wallpaper for subsequent painting. The main advantage of this solution is the ability to paint old surface again, giving her " new life" Since dirt will inevitably stain the lower part of the wall, it is better to keep it in a more dark colors than the top;
  2. Photo wallpaper is only suitable for those hallways whose walls are not completely filled with wardrobes and hangers. A high-quality drawing should please the eye in full height;
  3. The so-called liquid wallpaper has become especially popular recently.

Sometimes the interior of the hallway is finished PVC panels, tiles, stone. The latest fashion is to show the corridor in vertical black and white horizontal stripes(art deco style).


To illuminate the corridor they install Various types lighting:

  • wall;
  • ceiling;
  • floor

For small and low rooms, floor lighting with a stream of light directed at the ceiling is perfect. With skillful lighting design the size of a small hallway in an apartment in a panel house will optically appear larger (see photo).

Concerning wall lighting, then it is ideal for almost any type of hallway. The shape of the lamps can be chosen specifically to match the theme of the room design. The main thing is that the light does not blind, for which sometimes the lamps are placed at a height of more than two meters. If the corridor is very narrow, then you can place a sconce on the wall at the end.

If a mirror is installed in the room, then for the best optical effect the light should be soft, otherwise the reflection will be blurry and will cast shadows.

It is better not to place an impressive chandelier on the ceiling of the hallway - it will visually reduce the interior. The best solution there will be an installation of “portholes” built into the plane of the ceiling in two rows along its entire length. This will create a unique comfort and mysterious atmosphere.

Our life, as you know, does not stand still. Progress in general by leaps and bounds steps on the planet, and more and more new technologies and ideas are being introduced into human life. Just yesterday we lived in standard apartments of the same type. multi-storey buildings, which were built according to the same project in all cities of the former CIS, and the plot from the film “The Irony of Fate, or Enjoy Your Bath” was relevant for the whole country. Today, changes have burst into our lives. Bold ideas modern designers work real miracles. Many Khrushchev and Brezhnev apartments After the renovation you simply won't recognize it. They are transformed, bringing comfort and coziness into the lives of their owners.

The linoleum at the entrance has become worn out, the wallpaper has faded and worn out, the ceiling has turned yellow, and on the side of the bathroom there is generally a large yellow spot, unknown origin. Is this a familiar picture? Yes. And this means it's time to make repairs.

The interior of the corridor in the apartment of a panel house has such a similar theme that everyone who was lucky enough to become the owner of a Khrushchev or Brezhnevka sooner or later turns to it. And the question immediately arises: what kind of repair is best to do.

Every person wants his home to be as cozy and comfortable as possible. But everyone has to weigh their desires and capabilities.

Types of repairs that are possible in the hallway panel apartment:

  • Maintenance;
  • Major repairs;
  • Major repairs with redevelopment.

All of these types of repairs are good. Let's consider each of them separately.

Design of a small hallway in a panel house: ongoing repairs without special costs

There are situations when the condition of the room, including the hallway, leaves much to be desired, and there is no opportunity to make major repairs, or it has been exhausted as a result of repairs in the remaining rooms of the house. But you won’t leave your corridor in such a gloomy state.

The finishing design of a small hallway in a panel house, or rather the current renovation, is what will save the situation in this case.

By performing this type of renovation, you can successfully refresh the room, repair gross defects and change the color and appearance of your hallway.

Types of work performed during current repairs:

  • Replacing old wallpaper with new ones in texture and design;
  • Painting doors and doorways;
  • Replacing the floor covering with a new one;
  • Painting of pipes;
  • Partial or complete replacement furniture in the hallway.

This type of repair does not require any special financial costs, but it will not change much in the lives of the inhabitants of the house.

Entrance hall in a panel house: design and photos of a major renovation

Let's say you have a goal to qualitatively and reliably change the appearance of your home. But at the same time, you are a conservative by nature, or simply a person devoid of the spirit of adventurism. Then the second type of repair is for you - major repairs without redevelopment.

The hallway in a panel house has its own nuances, pros and cons. Usually this is a long narrow or narrow and short corridor with many interior doors, an entrance door, and no windows.

If you do not want to make drastic changes to the interior of your hallway, then to improve appearance of your home, you will be able to carry out certain measures to repair the corridor.

Among them:

  • Replacement or repair of electrical wiring;
  • Equipment of new built-in lighting techniques;
  • Sealing of pipes;
  • Replacing the floor covering with a more modern and energy-intensive one;
  • Replacement of interior doors with new ones of design and heat saving;
  • Replacement entrance doors to new, more durable and insulated ones;
  • Complete replacement of wall finishing material;
  • Equipment in the corridor of decorative elements (arches, partitions, niches).

This type of renovation will qualitatively change the appearance of your corridor, making it more modern and comfortable, but again will not reformat the life and space of the house’s residents.

Design of a narrow corridor in a panel house: redevelopment

Those who are bolder and love various experiments can resort to the third type of repair in a panel apartment - redevelopment. Its essence lies in the fact that from two rooms either one is made and divided into zones, or two, between which a plasterboard partition is erected. This partition can be like closed type, and open. And also, the partition can be made combined - the bottom is closed, and at the top there are various shaped openings. These openings can be either functional (used as shelves for items) or simply decorative elements.

Design narrow corridor In a panel apartment the process is creative and interesting. For example, three-room apartment you can turn it into a one-room one, but with five or more useful areas. And in one-room apartment you can build an elegant, pretty partition, thereby dividing the space into two areas of 10 m2 each, or maybe three zones of 7 m2 each.

In addition to reconstructing the walls, you can also work on the built-in niches that are in every corridor. These are storage rooms, as we used to call them. You'll be surprised at how much space is freed up after you remove an old pantry with crooked doors. In its place you can put a small wardrobe. This idea will fit perfectly into your interior and will bring a lot of benefits in the future. Moreover, in 2018, sliding wardrobes are even more popular than in previous years.

Features of repair using the redevelopment method:

  • Before removing a wall, be sure to contact an architect. The wall you plan to remove may be a load-bearing structure;
  • Remember that by removing the wall between two rooms, repairs will have to be done in both rooms;
  • When constructing a partition, first take care of the electrical wiring. Plasterboard partitions are most often equipped with built-in lighting. Start with it so you don’t have to start all over again later.
  • Keep in mind that after remodeling a room, you will most likely have to completely replace the furniture in the remodeled rooms.

You can also use arches as newly erected partitions between rooms. There are a huge number of arch options. They add a special charm and elegant appearance to your design. Supplemented with spectacular lighting, arches turn into a chic decoration for your apartment.

Types of renovation of the hallway of a panel apartment (video)

Whatever renovation you undertake, first consult with a specialist, weigh your capabilities and the design capabilities of your home. Be careful when choosing redevelopment tactics; there are walls that should never be removed. And there are rooms functional responsibilities which require closed wall between this and the neighboring rooms.

Repairing the corridor is as important as decorating any living space in an apartment or house. It is the interior of the corridor in the apartment of a panel house that causes serious problems for many property owners, since they have to think through all the details in order to create a comfortable and multifunctional space in a small free space.

Repair options

The design of a narrow corridor in a panel house can be carried out in several options: capital, current, and also with redevelopment. Let's look at the features of each type, highlight their characteristic similar and distinctive parameters.

Situations often arise in which the interior of the corridor in an apartment in a panel house requires renovation.

Advice! For a narrow corridor in a panel suitable for home such an interior style as minimalism.

When conducting current repairs you can refresh the room, get rid of significant defects, and make positive changes to the appearance of the hallway.

In case of current repairs, it is allowed to carry out the following types works:

  • covering the walls with new decorative wallpaper;
  • painting door blocks and door leaf;
  • painting radiators;
  • complete or partial replacement of old furniture elements with new parts

Such repairs do not involve significant financial costs, but with its help you can significantly transform the appearance of the corridor in Khrushchev-era buildings.

Major renovation of a narrow corridor

The design of a corridor in an apartment in a panel house in this case involves a significant modification of its appearance. For conservatives who want to change the appearance of their narrow corridor, a major renovation that does not involve additional redevelopment is suitable.

What activities will be possible in this case will help change the better side appearance of the corridor? For example, you can carry out a full repair or completely change electrical wiring in the hall.

In addition, as part of the overhaul in a narrow corridor of a Khrushchev building, you can use built-in lighting technologies and cover the pipes with special panels. Measures related to carrying out major repairs in a small hallway also include replacing the old flooring new modern material, installation of updated interior doors, complete or partial replacement wall material, as well as installation in the corridor decorative arch, partitions, niches.

How to design an apartment? Photo, useful tips on conducting finishing works in a narrow corridor of a panel house, presented in the video

This type of repair involves serious material and time costs, but guarantees the desired result. After all the work is completed, the corridor will not only have an attractive appearance, but will also delight its owners with excellent functionality.

Implementation of redevelopment

For those lucky owners of their own square meters who are ready for various bold experiments, professionals recommend carrying out a full-fledged redevelopment in the corridor.

The point of such an event is to divide the hallway into separate zones, combining several small rooms into one common space.

In order to divide a single space into several small rooms, interior specialists use sheets of construction plasterboard or select modern polymer materials.

The partition can be selected as open or closed.

Advice! An interesting and rational option would be to use combined partition, which has a closed bottom and original figured openings in the upper part.

The created openings can be used as shelves for placing decorative elements, or you can limit yourself to using them as unusual elements interior decor.

All activities that are aimed at changing the appearance of a narrow corridor in a typical Khrushchev building are a creative and exciting process.

For example, you can turn a three-room apartment into one-room option, which will have many useful areas.

Advice! Having built inside a one-room small apartment a nice and elegant partition, several zones can be distinguished, the size of which can range from seven to ten m2.

In addition to dismantling the partitions, it is quite possible to eliminate the built-in niches that were typical for Khrushchev-era buildings.

For example, instead of a storage room, you can place it in the resulting space modern wardrobes. In addition to excellent aesthetic characteristics, such models are distinguished by spaciousness, as well as excellent performance characteristics.

Specifics of corridor repair with redevelopment

Before starting the process of dismantling the wall, it is necessary to obtain special permission from the executive authorities. Otherwise, unauthorized actions related to the dismantling of interior partitions may result in an administrative fine.

Do not forget that if you delete interior partition, redecorating you will have to spend in both rooms.

When constructing a new partition, interior specialists remind you how important it is to think through electric lighting, that is, carry out electrical wiring in a timely manner.

Advice! If selected plasterboard partitions, the best option would be to arrange a built-in spot type of lighting for the space.

Among the fashionable interior trends that the owners of city apartments liked, highlight the arrangement of arches between rooms.

Regardless of what kind of renovation option you plan, in any case, it is advisable to first get a full consultation with an experienced interior specialist.

In order to effectively complement the arch and make it a chic decoration of the entire apartment, it is supplemented with LED lighting.


The question regarding the combination of the design in the hallway with the general style direction chosen when decorating a house or apartment is important and relevant. That is why real professionals try to think through the design of not a separate living space, but to offer their clients a full-fledged finished project, in which all the nuances will be taken into account.

It is from the hallway that the formation of the overall impression of a house or apartment begins, so you should not exclude from the list of activities aimed at decorating residential premises, carrying out high-quality and thoughtful renovation of the corridor.

Hallways located in panel houses have Not big sizes, which is taken into account by designers when developing the interior. Among interesting solutions, which allow you to visually increase the area of ​​hallways, for example, you can note the selection of built-in furniture.

When constructing an apartment in panel houses different types, the corridor is a rectangle with a small area. In order to give it a visually large size, you should consider a design that should take into account the tastes and preferences of people, as well as look beautiful and stylish.

The corridor in a panel house is small in area, and it is almost impossible to expand it by redoing the walls. In this case, it is necessary to visually expand it. To do this, when decorating the hallway, you should use finishing materials in light shades, and when installing a wardrobe, you should choose its color several tones lighter than the main one. This will give the hallway a finished look and avoid the feeling of clutter. Panel houses come in different types and in some of them the corridor is quite long. In this case narrow wardrobe Can be placed at the end of the corridor.

In this case, you should adhere to certain rules:

  1. The closet should be lighter than the walls of the hallway; you can decorate the closet doors with mirrors, this will allow you not to hang a traditional mirror in the hallway, but to use mirrored closet doors.
  2. The use of mirrors in closet doors will visually increase the space of the hallway, and the reflection of light even from a small lamp or lamps will help improve the lighting in the hallway.
  3. It is best to order such sliding wardrobes individually, taking into account all the requirements for the style of the hallway and the general image of the entire apartment;

If the size of the hallway is very small, you should think about small wardrobe, in which, in addition to the compartment for clothes and traditional sliding doors will be provided open shelves for small items and a seat with a shoe compartment. If there is a free corner, you can install it using individual order corner wardrobe, which will fully utilize the hallway space.

Design of a narrow wardrobe for the hallway and its filling

When ordering a wardrobe for the hallway, you need to consider what will be in it. Traditionally, hanger bars, shelves and drawers are installed inside the wardrobe.

But for the hallway you should slightly change its internal content:

  1. It is necessary that there are pipes for hangers in the closet, and it is best to arrange them in width, which will save additional space. You can make retractable hangers, but keep in mind that they cannot support a lot of weight.
  2. The closet should have shelves for storing hats, as well as small compartments for various accessories.
  3. Shoe nets or special mesh baskets of different depths and widths. Place them so that there is some space between the lowest basket and the base of the cabinet or floor. small space in order to conveniently remove accumulated dirt.

In general, it is better to choose a cabinet that has many modules and storage systems, and which can be changed to any others if necessary.

The sliding wardrobe can be ordered separately, slightly different in color from the main one color range, and as part of the entire furniture group: hangers, seats, shelves, etc. This is especially true for small hallways; only when ordering them, you should take into account its size, as well as the place where you plan to put the furniture group so that it fits organically into the space of the hallway.

Don’t forget about lighting; in addition to the main light source, you need to make point sources, both above certain places in the furniture group, and in the closet itself.

Interior of a corridor in a panel house: general examples and an interesting idea

In panel houses, corridors often have elongated narrow or rectangular shape, and this nuance should be taken into account when creating a corridor design.

  1. It is important to choose the right design that will also harmonize with the entire room. This is achieved correct selection finishing materials, including color solutions and proper lighting.
  2. Functionality in some cases, if space allows, you can make a narrow wardrobe along one wall or hang original shelves that will serve not only as decorative, but also carry a certain functional load.
  3. When decorating a corridor, preference should be given to wear-resistant materials, since the corridor connects to the hallway, from which dust and dirt enter. In addition, especially if there are a lot of people living in the corridor, they often walk and touch the walls, and therefore wear-resistant and stain-resistant materials are very relevant.

It would be optimal to stick special corridor wallpaper or paintable wallpaper, as well as glass wallpaper, on the walls of the corridor. The pattern on them should be small, as this will hide any small scratches that will inevitably appear. Instead of wallpaper you can use Venetian plaster or decorative rock, but again, it all depends on general style and design of the entire room.

As for finishing the ceiling, if the height allows, then you can do complex design from plasterboard with different color combinations and beautiful lighting.

If not, then the best way out there will be a tension white installation glossy ceiling, which will visually increase the height of the corridor.

When thinking through the design of a small hallway in a panel house, you should solve the problem visual increase area, as well as save usable space.

To do this, you should follow a few tips:

  1. In a small hallway, especially in a one-room apartment, you should not clutter the hallway with furniture, best option There will be installation of built-in furniture.
  2. Mirrors will help to visually increase the space of the hallway, and in order not to waste precious space, they can be hung on the doors of the built-in closet.
  3. Lighting plays an important role; you should avoid large volumetric lamps and give preference to one compact small element under the ceiling and a pair of spotlights. There will be enough light for a hallway with an area of ​​about 10m2.
  4. Wall decoration should be light pastel colors, a light background allows you to visually expand the walls of the hallway.

The same advice applies if you need to decorate a three-room apartment. Despite enough large area apartments and hallways in such apartments do not have a large area.

Cozy interior of a corridor in an apartment of a panel house (video)

Before you start making repairs, it is worth considering the design, as well as what materials will be used to decorate the premises, and what furniture and various accessories will subsequently be used. You can pick up some idea for design and subsequent renovation from friends, relatives and acquaintances, adding something of your own to it. You can do the renovation of a small hallway yourself, but with a global restructuring of the hallway you should still trust professional designer and corresponding builders and finishers.

Design and renovation of a corridor in a panel house (interior photo)

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