Narrow kitchen design. How to properly decorate a long kitchen? Photo. Rectangular kitchen design: how to create a modern and cozy interior design

If your house has an elongated, narrow kitchen, then there is no need to despair, because such a rectangular kitchen is not a death sentence. Using some tricks, you can easily fix all the existing shortcomings of the kitchen, changing it beyond recognition. You will learn how to properly design a narrow kitchen in this article.

Narrow kitchen interior

When thinking about the design of a rectangular and narrow kitchen, remember that not only zoning is important here, but also proper lighting, the right choice of furniture, as well as the design of the ceiling, floor and walls.

Wall decoration

The best option When decorating the walls, paint or wallpaper in pastel colors. Walls of cream, peach, sky blue, milk or white.

You can also cover all the walls with wallpaper, but it will be better if vertical stripes of wallpaper alternate with painted areas.

If you want with some kind of pattern, it is best to choose a small pattern that will be located linearly.

In order to make a very long kitchen room more comfortable, you can “break up” the atmosphere with the help of a large bright painting located on one of the walls. Or you can cover one wall with photo wallpaper with some kind of panoramic image, which will expand the space.


When developing the design of a narrow kitchen, you can use various options lighting. Very important role In such a kitchen, of course, the window plays a role, which in no case should be covered with thick curtains. If the window is wide enough, then you can hang transparent and light curtains, and if it is narrow, then you can use Roman blinds.

In a long and narrow kitchen, the ceiling should not be in the center of the room. It will look best above the dining area.

Great a lamp will do, which is designed as a single ceiling panel, since it can not only fill the kitchen with diffused, soft light, but also give depth to the room with the help of its glossy surface, reminiscent of a mirror.

In addition, you can use the option with several hanging lamps that can replace ceiling chandelier. With the help of such lamps you can easily solve the issue of zoning a room.

For the work area it is necessary to use additional lighting, which can be built-in lamps or a regular LED strip.

Should not be built-in ceiling lamps placed along an elongated wall, as this solution will contribute to a “tunnel” perception. The best option is to arrange the lamps in two squares, highlighting separate zones in the kitchen.

With the help of several lighting options, you can easily create cozy corners in the kitchen, illuminating only the work area or eating area if desired.


When choosing the design of a rectangular narrow kitchen, an important role is played by the choice of material with which the floor will be finished. For the kitchen floor, you can use tiles, which are best placed diagonally to make a narrow kitchen seem wider.

If you decide, it is better to do it perpendicular to the long wall. For a narrow kitchen, you need to choose either one that is as similar as possible to the general color scheme, or one that is as close as possible. contrasting color floor.

With the help of dark floors you can add height to the room, but light ones can give the kitchen more comfort and light, and will also look harmonious with light furniture.


Having a reflective surface, they are great for the design of a long and narrow kitchen. The lower the ceiling is, the lighter it should be. If you have high ceilings in the kitchen, then you can beat them with linear patterns or stained glass designs that will help you zone the room.

If the ceiling is too low, it is better to simply paint it white, since tension structure will only enhance his earthiness.

Proper division into zones

When arranging the work area, you need to remember the “rule of the triangle” - the cutting table, stove and sink should be located very compactly, as if on the vertices of a triangle. This solution will allow you to achieve maximum ergonomics and convenience from the kitchen.

A wide and long window sill can take over the functions of a desktop, especially if the window is located at the far wall of the kitchen.

Using a long horizontal panel you can visually expand the far wall, thereby obtaining a fully functional work area. In addition, you can also use the lower part of the wall - the space under the window sill can be turned into very convenient cabinets.

It is also convenient to place the work area along one of the walls. It will be good decision for a narrow kitchen measuring 2x4 meters or more. But this requires specially designed furniture - special narrow cabinets, having a small depth, which is compensated by the height of the cabinets, a stove in which all 4 burners are located in one line, and not in a square, and a narrow sink.

Design Features

Kitchens with a small area

If a miniature kitchen is adjacent to a balcony, then it must be used. On the balcony you can instead simple window install a stained glass window that will help hide all the shortcomings of a small room and fill the kitchen with special light.

Instead of balcony door can fit perfectly into a refrigerator, or can be decorated under general style kitchens. With this solution, one zone will automatically move to the balcony.

It is better to arrange a dining area on the balcony so as not to have to worry about extending communications and pipes there. If this doesn’t scare you, then you can move the sink and stove onto the balcony, and leave the kitchen space for the dining area.

If the entrance to the kitchen is located on a long wall, then you can demolish the doorway in order to combine beautiful arch kitchen and adjacent room.

You can also move the entrance from the end wall to the long one, which will help hide the elongation of the room and cut out extra centimeters.

The smaller your kitchen is, the fewer small things it should have - souvenirs, pyramids, plates, figurines and other accessories. Such little things will clutter the kitchen, taking away the already small area of ​​the room.

It is necessary to begin the design of such a kitchen by highlighting the center. A refrigerator is perfect for the role of a “separator.” It can be decorated in an original way so that it fits into the overall style as much as possible and does not resemble a block of ice installed in the middle of the kitchen.

On the sides of the refrigerator you can place two zones - in the first you should install a work table, stove, oven and sink, and the second will make an excellent dinner Zone, which can accommodate a folding dinner table, flat-screen TV and a small sofa.

In addition, the design of a kitchen of this size can be equipped with folding chairs and a transformable table, so that, if necessary, the work area can quickly turn into a cozy corner for relaxation.

Remember that horizontal lines make the room wider, and vertical lines make the room tall, so when designing a narrow kitchen, try to place tall pieces of furniture along the elongated walls.

The walls can be decorated with paintings placed in elongated frames. And here end walls must be marked with horizontal lines - or short curtains, a wide window sill.

Choice of colors

When planning the design of a long and narrow kitchen. It is necessary to pay special attention to the chosen color scheme. The smaller the room, the lighter colors you should choose.

A cold color of furniture or walls, as well as a large number of large drawings, will look ridiculous in a small kitchen. Therefore, it is best to opt for pastel colors, and you can add brightness with the help of several accessories in rich, rich colors.

This also applies to furniture. In a rectangular, narrow kitchen, furniture in cream, silver-blue and peach colors will look best.

There is another win-win and simply magnificent option - choose a more saturated color for the lower cabinets, and as light as possible for the upper ones.

If your kitchen is small and narrow, this does not mean that you need to give up bright furniture. Especially if you don't like the coldness of white. With this option, the ceiling, floor and walls must be done in light colors, and for furniture choose warm colors: light red, sunny yellow, coral and juicy orange.

A rectangular, elongated and long kitchen requires, first of all, to be given a square shape. This can be achieved by highlighting a wall - one long wall should be decorated with plates, various small pictures in funny frames and other accessories. This design will steal the length of the wall and break it up.

To change the perspective, you can not cover the entire wall with wallpaper, but use it alternating with painted sections of the wall. The wall seems to shrink, but at the same time the volume of the room becomes larger, as wallpaper inserts or small objects add depth.

If you have enough space to store a variety of kitchen utensils, then it is better not to use wall cabinets. On one side of the kitchen you can place a hood, and on the other side you can place several open shelves.


When choosing furniture for a narrow kitchen, you need to focus on the area of ​​the room. In a very small kitchen, you should only place the furniture you might need for cooking, and the dining area will need to be moved into the living room.

Built-in furniture and appliances are a real treasure for a rectangular narrow kitchen, as it is more functional and takes up little space. In addition, many objects are not visible, which creates a feeling of truly free space.

There are four options for furniture arrangement:

  1. Arranged in one row, using only one wall. For a small kitchen, this layout is ideal, where it is simply impossible to install a dining table in any other way. A free wall can be decorated with a bright art object or a large mirror.
  2. Arrangement in two rows. The furniture in this option is located along the long walls, and the end walls remain free. This option is far from the best, but it is better to use it in a long and narrow kitchen, which has a large square area.
  3. An L-shaped arrangement is considered an excellent solution for a rectangular kitchen. With this arrangement, you can use a wall with a window so that one long wall remains free.
  4. For a kitchen with a large square area, you can use a U-shaped arrangement. In this case, the kitchen will turn out to be very cozy, but without a dining area. Therefore, you can use this solution in a private home or in big apartment, which has a separate dining room.

The more weightless and lighter the furniture appears, the better it will be, so pay attention to the material that was used to create the furniture. For example, it is better if the work surfaces and doors are glossy.

It is better to use sliding doors rather than hinged ones so that they do not take up space and you can install necessary items near them, such as a toaster or coffee maker.

A real boon for a small narrow kitchen can be folding chairs and tables, folding bar counters and various retractable tabletops. Such devices can appear only at the right moment, and the rest of the time they can be removed and not clutter up the space.

Decor elements

For the design of a long and narrow kitchen, Scandinavian is best suited, country style or minimalism, since they are characterized by the absence sharp corners and soft colors.

Also, the design of a rectangular narrow kitchen can be designed in a high-tech style, since in this case there is no need to hide communications that will be used as decorative elements if painted in a metallic color. In addition, it implies the use of transparent and glass surfaces, and this is a mandatory requirement in a narrow kitchen.

On a free wall you can place open shelves, on which they will be located indoor flowers, various souvenirs and other little things.

But there is no need to clutter the room; you should use only a few accessories, which with their unusual shape and bright color will add even more originality to your kitchen.

A spare wall can be turned into a green corner by placing your favorite violets or cacti on open shelving. In this case, walls and furniture should be neutral tones.

To create a volumetric room you must use large mirror, which should be placed above the dining table or opposite the window. If such a solution may seem pretentious to you, then you can get by with several mirror inserts on furniture facades or an apron.

An excellent find for a narrow kitchen would be bright bar stools installed instead of stools. They don't take up much space and can add color to the kitchen.

As can be seen from the above, competent design of a long and narrow kitchen can make it practical, ergonomically correct and as elegant as possible.

Don't be afraid to experiment. Any kitchen can be turned into a kind of island of comfort, where it will be convenient for both household members and the hostess.

A straight-shaped kitchen set does not have a large workspace, because... The dining table top is used for this purpose. At the same time, the design of a rectangular kitchen can still differ in its details. You have to find out these features and choose among them the option that is closest to you. At the same time, do not forget to complement the room with stylish and modern details, no matter what style you prefer.

Room decoration

Rooms with straight furniture should have a calm harmonious interior. It means not only the set used, but also surface finishing, as well as decorative elements. Color solutions at the same time, they can differ greatly from each other; your choice of furniture shade may fall on either a light milky color or a bright red model. It's worth starting in order.

Small dairy kitchen

  • Light furniture. Repair and finishing of surfaces in the same color scheme is appropriate here. You can choose other colors, but be sure to use a light pastel color scheme. Considering that on kitchen countertop located and hob, and a sink, it’s worth finishing the wall the entire length of the set. The floor can be covered with laminate and heating installed to make it warmer in winter. The walls do not have to be covered with wallpaper; they can be leveled and painted. The decor here needs a bright rich color so as not to create a feeling of emptiness and isolation.

Advice on decorating walls with ceramics. For the kitchen it should be small or medium sized tiles. If you don’t want to bother with it, at least choose options that imitate many small tiles. There are a lot of these options in finishing stores, so finding this tile will not be difficult. It is only important to take the right step between them using plastic crosses so that the difference between the tiles and the imitation in her drawing is not obvious.

  • Bright or dark furniture. This option looks best in spacious rooms. Contrasts with white look great on facades. The floor should be chosen in a single color, for example, self-leveling or slab. The walls can be painted, and the apron can be decorated with ceramics or PVC panels- it's inexpensive and fast. As for decorative elements, they may be inappropriate here. It is better to choose utensils in light colors so as not to overload the given design. The set itself may consist of:

Red set

  1. two identical cabinets for a built-in sink and stove,
  2. a small drawer and a couple of shelves above it,
  3. two tall cabinets,
  4. pairs of hanging elements.

Dual headsets

The straight silhouette of the headset does not mean that it should be small size. You can purchase a double model, wide and roomy. This option is located on two opposite walls of the room, so there is more than enough work space here! On one side you can install a sink and stove, on the other you can completely use it under the countertop.

Convenient working kitchen

It is worth highlighting American design rectangular kitchen, which is often found in cottage houses and mansions. This is a set consisting of two straight parts - the main and the island:

  • the main set is located along the length of the entire wall, can contain only a stove or a sink, or have two of these parts at once;
  • the island set can be represented by a free countertop or accommodate a sink or hob. It is located opposite the main part in the center of the room, is not installed against the wall and can be used as a dining table.

Dual set

Such ideas are not difficult to implement. However, the price for a kitchen is based on how many pieces of furniture you buy. There is also a surcharge for stylish design or drawing a picture on the facades. Whether it's worth paying extra for a design is up to everyone, and you'll need to decide on your own or at a family meeting.

Decorative ideas for the kitchen

Designers offer a variety of options for styling a straight headset. This will save space in drawers and free up space on work surface. What could it be? First, a hanging beam with shelves and hooks along the “apron” for storing kitchen utensils and condiments. It can cover a short distance or extend right up to the entire apron. Secondly, it is a magnetic board where you can store knives and other metal objects. There are models with the ability to draw, which is even more convenient in the kitchen. Thirdly, a hanging storage system for wine glasses, glasses and other utensils on “legs”.

Storing wine glasses

To do this, in the outer part of the bottom upper cabinets wooden or plastic guides are attached. These must be special fastenings for similar objects with curves where the leg support would be inserted. Thanks to this idea, the dishes will not become covered with dust and can be easily removed on holidays. The main thing is a minimum of sudden movements, so as not to damage the leg and break the dishes in this way.

I would also like to emphasize how important it is to use not only useful, but also decorative elements in the kitchen, creating the effect of lightness and home well-being. First of all, this is the decoration of the room. To the standard and calm color scheme, you can add brightly painted walls, for example, pink. At the same time, it is worth decorating only one wall so that it does not stand out to the extreme.

Highlighting walls with color

Any bright shade should be diluted with a similar, but not the same tone, for example, pink wallspurple flower in a pot. You should not assume that flowers are superfluous here, they are not. However, it is worth looking out for options that can easily withstand heat and moisture. But what you definitely can’t do without is a watch. They can be ordinary and stylized to match the interior design, branded and homemade, round and square, small and almost the entire wall, wall-mounted and table-top. Choose what will most appeal to your subconscious!

Creative lamp

But the design of a rectangular kitchen does not end there. You can pay special attention to lighting. For this it is worth looking at chandeliers unusual shape, color or highlight. But designers advise using the most simple options, which you can bring to life with your own hands in a few minutes. You will need several wires bright color, wooden plank and large beautiful light bulbs. By combining all this into one composition and fixing it on the ceiling, you can create a real stylish decor that you won’t find anywhere else.

You can come up with the design of a rectangular kitchen yourself or use other people’s ideas. In any case, it will be useful to know some professional techniques with which you can make the kitchen as comfortable as possible.

In a small rectangular kitchen, you can put a bar counter instead of a table, which will significantly save space.

How a rectangular or square kitchen can be designed

Using modern materials and design developments, you can radically change any voluminous space, including the kitchen.

The main areas of a rectangular kitchen can be located along the walls.

One of the options is the combination of two adjacent rooms. At the same time, they are designed in the same style. This method is well suited for small-sized (in area) apartments, when you want to create a multifunctional and visually spacious, voluminous space.

If there is enough free space, then all these techniques can be transferred to the transformation of one room. If the kitchen area is about 10 sq. meters, then it can play a big role correct selection furniture, it is better to equip niches in the walls. Changing the perception of space can be achieved in other ways, for example, by non-standard arrangement kitchen furniture, original design ceilings, walls or floors. If the kitchen is rectangular, that is, has an elongated shape, then it is easy to experiment in it, using different techniques of modern designers.

If you want to decorate a kitchen with your own hands, you must first familiarize yourself with existing projects, and then, based on the more attractive option from them, begin to implement your plan.

How to make your kitchen interior multifunctional

Below will be given different variants, from which any person can choose what is suitable specifically for his apartment.

It is not recommended to use massive and bulky furniture in a room such as a kitchen. This will greatly overload the space, and the room will visually become smaller. Therefore, it is best to use modern cabinet kitchen units. Then at 8-9 sq. meters, it will be possible to install an elongated dining table in the room, which can be replaced with a bar counter (folding or retractable) if the kitchen area is less than 7 square meters. meters. For small kitchens, this is a completely justified option, since a clear boundary is formed between the work area and the eating area.

The most rational layout is to place furniture along one line. In this case, the work sector area is located along one longitudinal wall, and along the second there is a table for lunch, which has an elongated shape. Cabinet furniture should be of the same type, for which it is advisable to use warm wooden tones, elegant fittings, solid or composite tabletops stone slab. The price of such sets is slightly higher than standard samples, but they allow you to get the necessary coziness and comfort.

You can arrange the work surface in a rectangular room as the owner wishes. In order for it to cope with its functions, you can choose corner set. Opposite it, at the opposite end wall, is a dining area.

You can install work surfaces near the window opening.

You can also use the placement of furniture in the shape of the letter “P” for this - in a rectangular room of the appropriate size, this option will look quite successful. In this case, three walls are used, and a dining table fits in the free space. If the area is very large or the kitchen is combined with adjacent room, then you can install kitchen set U-shaped, in the form of a separate island. Then all surfaces will be in the same plane, which will allow them to be given various functions, for example, a cutting table or a surface with a sink.

The most organically looking rectangular space for a kitchen with a set that has complex configuration With rounded corners. For this option, it is advisable to select utensils with unusual contours and other kitchen accessories.

How to properly zoning a rectangular room

If the kitchen area is relatively large, for example, 11-15 square meters. meters, then we can divide it into three functional areas. In this case, the entire emphasis should be placed on the sink, dining area and cooking surface. These zones can be visually separated by using ceilings with different levels, different floor coverings in each area, and a non-standard arrangement of kitchen furniture. The use of different color range in the space of each zone.

At the same time, it is advisable to adhere simple rules application of different shades: if available big square, then for walls they use more dark colors, and the furniture should be light. With a small volume, everything is done the other way around.

Zoning can be done by using a small podium to highlight one of the areas. Usually for this purpose they choose the place where the dining table will be located.

You'll have to tinker with the lighting. If the kitchen space is elongated, then it is necessary to highlight the far corners of the room brighter, and in work area A point light source must be installed. This will allow you to cook food in comfortable conditions, regardless of the time of day.

If you use only central lighting, then visual effect will be weak. Therefore, if a room is being zoned, either a chain of lamps is placed in the middle of the room (this will divide it into 2 zones), or light sources are installed in the center of each individual section.

It must be taken into account that interior solution in an elongated kitchen cannot be done in the same style. Modern fashion trends show that most often a proven solution for arranging such rooms is chosen, which mixes traditional and urban design trends. Figure 1 shows how this can be implemented for a room of 9-11 square meters. meters.

This way you can get a very functional modern kitchen(rectangular or square). She will have a respectable appearance, strict and laconic. In such a room it is good to receive guests, cook and just relax.

What to do if the rectangular kitchen is very elongated? If the kitchen is narrow, then zoning its space yourself can cause some difficulties. For such a case, transforming mobile furniture is best suited. If there is a window opening on the end side, you can take advantage of this by expanding it to required sizes his windowsill. It can be used as a table, and storage areas can be installed under the surface. This option frees up the passage.

To choose the right design square kitchen or rectangular, you will have to work hard, as this is a complex process. In order to visually change the volume of the kitchen, you need to use Decoration Materials light colors. For an elongated wall, it is recommended to use wallpaper with a pattern horizontal plane. In this case, the other 2 end walls are painted a darker color.

As mentioned above, properly selected lighting and rational arrangement of furniture are of great importance. Using this, you can divide the space into areas highlighted using a different color palette.

If the room area is large, then the dining table can be placed in the center, and the kitchen set along the walls. Another option is to have lunch in the corner near one of the end walls, and next to it there is a soft sofa.

In any case, when choosing the desired option arrangement kitchen space, which has a rectangular shape, you can trust a professional designer.

This must be done if the owner of the apartment is not confident in his abilities, but has the appropriate financial capabilities.

  • Basic planning methods
  • Space zoning
  • Furniture arrangement
  • Color scheme and lighting

A rectangle is a unique geometric shape. It is easily divided into triangles or squares. By lightly darkening the corners, such a figure can easily be turned into an oval. Using small design tricks, this figure can be transformed into anything. The interior of a rectangular kitchen directly depends on its shape. Let's consider the options in more detail.

Proper kitchen layout will allow you to use all free space to your advantage.

Basic planning methods

Is it possible to radically change the shape? If your kitchen space does not seem large enough to you, if there is not enough space, organize a redevelopment. Combined with residential area open kitchens in fashion today. Therefore, the partition between it and the room can be moved, an arch or opening can be made in it. This partition can simply be removed. There are a lot of ideas. Most of them have already been implemented. The layout of kitchens and apartments is different for everyone, so there are no specific standards.

If there is very little kitchen space, then it can be combined with a living area.

The popularity of niche kitchens does not decrease over time. Along long wall furniture is arranged, and the interior depends on the design of this furniture. When integrating the kitchen space into the living area, certain rules must be followed. White carpets are prohibited in living areas. It is recommended to use washable and dirt-repellent wall coverings, and furniture should be treated with insulating solutions.

The shape of the room can also be changed by the unusual arrangement of furniture, the design of the floor and ceiling. Extra volume will be given to the room by unusually designed walls, an apron and properly planned lighting.

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Space zoning

A rectangular room just begs for zoning. The idea is clearly not new. If the kitchen area is large, three main zones can be distinguished: the cooking area, the dining area and the washing area. Much more common is zoning into two parts: a food preparation zone and a food consumption zone. You can separate one area from another using ceilings different levels or floor coverings different texture. By the way, tile different colors will fit great. It is recommended to lay it out at an angle of 45° to the wall line. This will visually increase the short side of your room, bringing it closer to a square.

A rectangular kitchen cannot be standardized to fit any one style. Many designers in Lately prefer proven traditional style and urban modernity.

Hi-tech and Italian style are a little less common. True, to Italian style paintings, sculptures and panels are needed. Loft and colonial style are also in fashion. A loft-style interior will require a minimum of furniture, but a maximum of accents. The colonial style interior will oblige you to provide smooth walls for painting. Of course, it all depends on taste preferences, budget and, of course, the size of your room.

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Furniture arrangement

Don't clutter rectangular kitchen furniture, as it will look very ugly.

Kitchens with an elongated shape try not to be cluttered with massive and voluminous furniture. A large amount of bulky furniture will visually narrow an already elongated room. But the furniture you choose can be arranged in the way that is most convenient for you - there are no rules. For such a room, unlike a square one, there are simply no standard and generally accepted options.

In such a kitchen, both the kitchen wall and the “island” will look great. It's just a matter of space. Furniture or a set with rounded and smooth lines will fit perfectly into the space and geometry of such a room. You can slightly narrow the tabletop on the short side. In this case, the long side will accommodate a refrigerator and stove, oven and hob. There will even be room for a work surface. Free space will increase. An additional effect can be achieved by placing the sink in a corner on a radius or beveled segment of the countertop. The elegance of this solution is emphasized by radius doors.

Kitchen furniture with a complex contour, rounded edges and smooth lines must be complemented with suitable accessories. It may have an unusual shape kitchenware and corresponding decor. The dining table will create additional comfort. The shape of the table can be any - rectangular and round, elongated, oval and square. If the area does not allow you to install a separate dining table, use a bar counter. But the bar counter should be long and elongated.

There is another idea. An additional accent can be glass or mirrored cabinet doors. The method of increasing the room is very effective, but think carefully before agreeing.

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