Repairing the roof of a wooden house: identifying and eliminating defects. How to make high-quality roof repairs with your own hands: competent repair of leaks Complete replacement of the rafter system of the house

Many people don’t even try to repair the roof themselves. own home, considering this activity hopeless. They call specialists who replace the old roof. However, today such repairs are quite expensive, and they are not always justified. Sometimes you can do roof repairs yourself and save a ton of money without having to worry about replacing your roof in the coming years.

First of all, it is necessary to assess the condition of the roof. To do this, you will have to climb into the attic and inspect every element of the roof - rafters, waterproofing and the attic floor. The biggest damage to wood is caused by dampness, so you need to carefully look for mold or mildew. Availability on wooden boards spots indicate that water is constantly getting there. It is advisable to inspect the roof during rain, then you will not have to guess whether the roof is leaking or not, and you will also be able to identify problem areas.

It doesn’t hurt to inspect the roof from the outside as well. Here you need to pay attention to the condition of the ridge, cornice, drainpipe, channels for ventilation, waterproofing layer, places where the roof is adjacent to pipes, etc. When inspecting, you need to pay attention to every centimeter of the roof. If moss begins to grow on it, you need to get rid of it immediately. You also need to pay attention to the presence of all kinds of defects.

After assessing the condition of the roof, you can decide on further actions. If the damage is global, then it is advisable to involve specialists. Otherwise, you can do the repair work yourself.

The main causes of roof leaks

Before we begin describing the repair work, I would like to say a few words about what most often causes roof leaks. First of all, this is a violation of its integrity. In this case, repair comes down to replacing the damaged area. Leaks can also be caused by depressurized joints between the roof and pipes, parapets or antennas. Sometimes the roof begins to leak due to the failure of the drainage system.

We repair the roof ourselves

The main element of the roof is the rafter system - this is the support for the roof. She takes on almost the entire load. Therefore, the rafters must be systematically inspected and, if necessary, repaired.

First of all, you need to get to the rafter support itself, which is covered with sheathing, insulation, roofing and sheathing. Then assess the condition of the rafter support: if it is completely rotten, then cut out the damaged area. After this, a rod prosthesis is installed, which must exceed the length of the rotten part of the support by at least 2 times. It is necessary to install overlays on the edges of the rod prosthesis. The prosthesis must be secured to the support using nails, the length of which is 10-15 cm. During the work, temporary stands should be installed under the rafter support, which are removed upon completion of the repair.

If the rafter support is slightly rotten, then it is enough to treat the affected area with special means and strengthen it on both sides with boards. It is advisable to use boards with an average thickness of 4 cm and a length of 1 m. Often, it is not the rafter support itself that is damaged, but the sheathing. In this case, you need to replace the damaged sheathing or strengthen it.

Damaged heat or waterproofing

If the waterproofing layer is damaged, moisture enters the thermal insulation and damages it. Getting to the thermal insulation layer is not so easy. It is located between the waterproofing membrane laid under the roofing material and the vapor barrier. Accordingly, replacing thermal insulation is a rather labor-intensive process.

Needs to be removed interior lining and vapor barrier. At the same time, you should not rush to remove the thermal insulation material. If it is dry, it means that moisture did not have time to reach it. Consequently, he fully performs the functions assigned to him. Those slabs that moisture has managed to reach must be replaced with new ones. In this case, the thermal insulation material is laid between the rafters in a slightly compressed state.

Next, it is necessary to assess the condition of the waterproofing layer. There should be no defects on it. If there are any, then the waterproofing membrane will have to be changed. Lay the material so that it goes around the rafter supports. It is advisable to attach the waterproofing to the rafters using staples.

Repair of roofing materials

Many people use metal tiles when arranging their roofs. This roofing material needs to be replaced if it becomes rusty or has defects. Metal tiles are subject to partial repair, and the manufacturer provides a guarantee for their products.

If steel is used as a roofing material seam roofing, then the need for repair is indicated by the presence of large gaps and the appearance of defects. This material can also rot. You can get rid of large gaps using silicone sealant. If the damage is significant, patches will have to be applied.

Clay and sand-cement tiles, as well as slate, are subject to partial replacement. In this case, it is necessary to follow the technology for laying these roofing materials.

If the integrity of the bitumen shingles is damaged, then patches will have to be applied. This is one of the most demanding roofing materials, so during repairs it is worth considering replacing it with a less demanding metal tile.

And finally, a short video of roof repair from masters of their craft))

Repairing the roof of a private house is an urgent procedure. You can put off painting walls, replacing floors and even insulation for the future, but you can’t live with a current roof. And it’s better not to wait for it to flow. The sooner you decide to repair the roof of your home, the easier it will be to carry out the repair yourself.

What to look for when inspecting a roof

1. Condition of the rafters and load-bearing parts of the roof: is there any rot, fungus, cracks or other mechanical damage.

2. Condition of the roofing: damage, depressurization of joints, especially at junctions with eaves, ridge, etc.

3. If there are electrical wires or heating pipes in the attic, their condition must also be checked and all damage to the insulation must be immediately repaired, the tightness of connections restored, etc.

4. Check the locations of characteristic leaks: if they occur during rain and in the same places, the matter is most likely due to depressurization of the junction or joint.

Based on the inspection results, emergency repairs may be necessary (local replacement damaged areas threatening leaks).

In addition to emergency, there is also Maintenance the roof of the house, which consists of partial (up to 40 percent) restoration of the roof covering, and major – complete, up to the dismantling and replacement of rafters.

Rafter repair

When repairing the roof of a private house, complete dismantling may be required in case of damage rafter system by more than 50 percent. If individual beams are rotten or broken, only those can be replaced.

1. The broken rafter is lifted with a jack.

2. Apply wooden pads up to 4 centimeters thick and up to a meter long on both sides. The planks rest on the mauerlat or upper crown of the frame.

3. Nail the planks to the rafters with long nails.

4. Make holes on all sides with a diameter of one and a half centimeters, insert mounting bolts and tighten.

If several adjacent beams are damaged, they act differently.

1. Dismantle the roof on the affected area and remove the sheathing.

2. Place temporary supports for the rafter legs.

3. Cut out the entire damaged area.

4. A rod prosthesis is put on the shortened rafter and secured to the mauerlat.

If repairing the roof of a house requires replacing or restoring the Mauerlat, you will have to suffer a little: dismantle the damaged areas and replace them with new ones. To hold the rafters, use strong support posts or a jack.

Replacing damaged sections of the sheathing is much easier, since they do not bear the load.

All wooden parts of the structure after repair must be treated with antiseptic agents.

Roofing repair

The method of repairing the roofing depends on its type.

1. Remove old putty from the joints of ceramic tiles and grout the seams with fresh putty. If individual tiles need to be replaced, wedges are driven under the overlying ones and the damaged ones are carefully lifted with a trowel.

Video “Repair of built-up roofing”:

2. Repairing a built-up roof is easier. Damaged areas of roofing felt are cut out sharp knife and put a patch on this place. Glued with bitumen mastic.

4. Repair of a metal roof depends on the extent of the damage: it may be necessary to replace the entire sheet or a separate part of it, and for small defects it is enough to cover the crack with silicone putty. If only the colorful polymer coating is damaged, you need to touch up this area.

If repairs to the roof of a private house need to be carried out in winter, try to work from a cradle or lift. According to the standards, even climbers do not have the right to perform work from ropes even at -6 degrees.

Since the creation of the first structures by man, the roof has been the most important structural element any home. With a wide variety of architectural solutions, it primarily performs a protective function. It is the roof that takes on the impact of most external aggressive factors. It protects the house from all types of precipitation. For this reason, its reliability must be maintained. Let's figure out how to repair the roof of a private house with your own hands.

The importance of diagnosing roof condition

The design of any roof has its own weak links that are destroyed over time. That's why it's important promptly identify and correct emerging problems. Placed basins will not save the house from leaks. It is important to eliminate the real causes.

Roof diagnostics must be carried out regularly even if there are no visible problems. This is also where you should begin your inspection when purchasing a new home and moving into your home after a long break. Both the under-roof space and the roof surface are subject to inspection.

Inspection of internal spaces

Internal inspection can be carried out in any weather. Rain will even help identify defects. Having climbed into the attic, you need to carefully examine the condition of the floor, ceilings, rafters, and thermal insulation. Even the purest rainwater does not penetrate without leaving a trace. In addition to obvious puddles, leaks can manifest themselves:

  • mold growth;
  • development of rot;
  • the presence of damp places;
  • changes in the color of wood in certain areas;
  • dampness of thermal insulation.

Fungus can also be found in attic nooks and crannies. It can form not as a result of a leak, but is a serious hazard for all surfaces in the home. It must be carefully removed.

All identified symptoms of leaks must be noted. This can be done with regular chalk. Such marks will help determine the exact location of roof defects even if the traces dry out.

When moisture is detected, it is important to evaluate the condition of the insulation. If there is a strong leak, water can wash out some substances from mineral fillers. Even basalt wool may lose its thermal insulation properties.

Inspection of the roof surface

It is advisable to carry out an external inspection in dry weather. In the rain, only large defects can be identified. In addition, actions on a wet surface are associated with increased risk.

Diagnostics are carried out sequentially, from top to bottom. Initially, the condition and isolation of the ridge are studied. All aprons are checked in areas adjacent to pipes and other built-in elements. Their waterproofing must be complete.

Surfaces different types roofs have some specific defects. But there are also common possible reasons for water getting inside the house:

  • displacement or loss of roofing fragments;
  • damage to individual elements can be either mechanical (holes) or physical-chemical (rusting, oxidation, cracking);
  • absence or destruction of fastening parts - even high-quality polymer washers can crumble due to temperature changes;
  • damage to protective coatings;
  • changes in the structural properties of roofing material may be a consequence of a long service life and increased aggressiveness of external factors;
  • clogging of the drainage system.

During inspection, the lower part of the roof must be cleaned of dirt and debris. Integrity is checked cornice boards, operability of the entire drainage and natural ventilation system.

The point of water exit inside the building does not always allow one to unambiguously determine the location of the leak. It is necessary to take into account the features of different mechanisms of water passage:

  • the roof leaks directly when it rains - the situation corresponds to the appearance of a hole in the roof due to mechanical damage or displacement of elements;
  • water flows during snow melting or during heavy rainfall - this is caused by disruptions in the operation of the sewage system;
  • appears during periods high temperature air even in the absence of rain - this is the result of the formation of a significant amount of condensation in the under-roof space and is usually associated with deficiencies in the design or installation of the roof.

The owner himself may know some weak points if he took part in the construction of the roof. They should also be checked periodically.

For final diagnosis, it is advisable to involve an assistant. One person will be in the attic and the other on the roof surface. This will allow you to more accurately determine the location of defects.

Deciding on repairs

All identified defects must be eliminated. However, only after taking into account all the factors of the proposed work, one can accept deciding what repairs to carry out:

  • Emergency. Carried out immediately to urgently stop water penetration or strengthen damaged rafter elements. It does not eliminate the causes, but only provides an opportunity to prepare for more serious repairs. Sometimes it just involves insulating the identified holes with available materials.
  • Current. Allows you to eliminate the causes without making fundamental changes or updates to the main roof structures. Usually involves the repair or replacement of individual fragments of coating or fasteners. It is carefully prepared and carried out in dry, windy weather.
  • Capital. It involves dismantling and replacing the roof covering. Sometimes combined with the replacement of rafters. It is carried out during periods of persistently dry weather. It is recommended to prepare an awning to shelter an unprotected building from possible rain.

The specific features of repairs depend on the nature of the defects and the type of specific roofing material.

Roof truss repair

A complete replacement of rafters requires the complete dismantling of the roof followed by the construction of a new one. Such work is advisable carried out only if damage and destruction exceed 50%. If individual damage to the rafters is identified, it is usually sufficient to replace or strengthen these areas.

If the damage is local, then it is enough to put a wooden overlay on it. Such work can be carried out inside the attic in any weather. Rafters that are severely damaged are partially replaced with rod prostheses. To do this, you will have to temporarily open part of the roof.

During any repair of the rafter system, the roof surface is supported with a jack. All newly installed wood must be treated with an antiseptic.

Metal roof repair

Galvanized sheets generally corrode at the same rate. For this reason, partial repairs are sufficient until they are completely scattered over the entire surface. Depending on the size of the affected areas, the method is selected:

  • complete replacement separate sheet with a large corrosion zone;
  • soldering steel patches onto small holes;
  • sealing small holes with fabric patches - you can use paint as glue, saturating the fabric with it for 2 hours;
  • covering up silicone sealant gaps;
  • painting areas with cracked old paint.

All restoration work with steel sheets carried out after thoroughly cleaning and removing dust.

Metal tile repair

Leaks in the roof metal tiles usually associated with installation errors, poor-quality fasteners or mechanical damage.

This also determines how to resolve problems:

  • replacing a separate sheet with through holes in several places;
  • soldering patches to single holes;
  • filling identified leaks and cracks roofing sealant or sealing with special tape;
  • tightening loose fasteners;
  • replacement of rusted self-tapping screws and damaged polymer washers - if massive destruction of fasteners is detected, it is advisable to replace them completely;
  • installation of a superdiffusion membrane in case of damage to the insulation cover;
  • painting areas scratched when removing snow and ice.

Slate roof repair

Leaks on such a roof are associated only with cracking and chipping. Sometimes rusted nails also create problems. It is better to replace defective nails with high-quality self-tapping screws with wide heads. It is advisable to pre-moisten them with drying oil.

Minor cracks can be effectively repaired with ordinary cement mortar with fine sand. The best quality slate is sealed with a special tape based on butyl rubber. It has a coating on the outside that allows it to be painted. regular paint. When repairing slate, you need to take into account its fragility. All work must be carried out only while on a special ladder-ladder.

Elimination of roof defects with ceramic and cement-sand tiles

Ceramic tiles are sometimes destroyed by thermal expansions in places of contact with vertical roof elements. In such cases, it is advisable to replace cracked tiles. When installing new ones, you need to take into account the required shock-absorbing gap.

Sometimes the cause of leakage is the disintegration of the old joint ligament. Fixing it yourself is not difficult at all:

  • the old bunch is carefully cleaned;
  • a two-part solution is prepared fine sand with one part lime;
  • the solution is filled with tow until a thick paste forms;
  • The resulting putty fills the joints.

All operations for repairing ceramic tiles must be carried out moving from bottom to top.

Roof repair with bitumen shingles

The simplest repair. Often it is enough to coat all identified gaps with ordinary bitumen mastic. Broken tiles are extremely rarely discovered. The elasticity of such tiles allows you to replace individual elements without much difficulty. Sometimes you can even keep the original nails.

You can do most emergency and repair work on the roof of your home yourself. They do not require special qualifications, but negligence is unacceptable. It must be borne in mind that any work on the roof surface is dangerous. Safety precautions should be considered for every proposed operation. The key to success will be careful preparation, accuracy and caution.

DIY roof repair of a private house

It is the roof that takes on the impact of most external aggressive factors. For this reason, its reliability must be maintained.

Do-it-yourself roof repair of a private house

Properly laid roofing will reliably protect a private house from bad weather. But over time, the deck can develop damage that needs to be repaired to prevent serious damage to the roofing and roof structures. If you have certain skills, renovation work It’s quite easy to do it yourself.

Assessing the condition of the roof structure of a house

To determine the extent of damage to structures, it is recommended to conduct a thorough inspection of the rafter system from the attic of a private house - it is important to exclude the presence of areas of rotting and destruction of wood. Next, the roofing decking is inspected to assess its condition, and special attention should be paid to the places where the covering adjoins the structural elements of the roof - eaves, ridge, valleys, etc. Based on the inspection results, the optimal repair option is selected, which can be:

  • current;
  • emergency;
  • capital.

Current repair is a planned restoration of the roof covering in local areas, the total area of ​​which does not exceed 40% of the total roof area. Emergency repair comes down to quickly fixing damaged areas with your own hands in places of existing or suspected leaks. A major renovation involves removing and replacing old decking with new decking on more than 40% of the roof surface area.

A damaged roof of a private house is the cause of leaks in rainy weather. If leaks occur during rain or immediately after it and are clearly localized, this means that there is separate damage to the flooring or loss of tightness of joints. In the case where traces of leaks do not appear immediately after precipitation, there is a high probability of microcracks in the roof deck - in this case, a major repair is desirable.

Roof Frame Repair

If during the inspection of the house structures defects in the rafter system are identified, then before eliminating the damage roofing pie the roof frame needs to be strengthened.

A complete replacement of the rafter system is carried out only if more than 50% of its surface area is affected by rot. In other cases, you can limit yourself to removing the damaged layer of wood (chipping, installing a wooden overlay) or replacing a heavily damaged element or section of it.

When restoring the integrity of the roof covering of a private house, special attention should be paid to the condition of the sheathing - rotten elements are replaced with new ones. If a major renovation is being carried out with a complete replacement of the roof, then it may be necessary to change the pitch of the sheathing or install a solid base under the new kind roofing covering.

All wooden elements of the roof structure must be pre-impregnated with an antiseptic for reliable protection against biological destruction.

If the rafter system and sheathing do not require restoration, roofing repair work comes down to correcting damage to the covering or replacing the old flooring with a new one. The technology of work is selected taking into account what materials were used to install the roof of the house.

Asbestos cement slate roof repair

Slate flooring is quite easy to repair with your own hands. If you hear a knocking sound during gusts of wind, this means the fasteners are loose. sheet material– slate nails have partially come out of the wooden sheathing. In this case, it is recommended to replace the roofing nails with self-tapping screws with a wide head and an elastic gasket to seal the fastening point.

Old slate is characterized by increased fragility, so when removing old fasteners, it is necessary to place a wooden strip under the nail puller - it will help redistribute the load on large area surfaces.

Small cracks on slate covering private houses are sealed with a repair compound; you can use silicone rubber or other similar materials. The work is carried out in several stages:

  • filling the crack with a thick layer of adhesive repair compound;
  • laying a layer of self-adhesive aluminum foil over the lubricated crack;
  • painting the repaired area after the repair composition has completely dried with special roofing paint.

To repair corner elements, they should be dismantled, installed on a flat surface, glued underneath with self-adhesive aluminum tape, filled with epoxy glue and allowed to dry completely.

Metal roof repair

The main reason for the destruction of sheet metal roofing (seam roofing, metal tiles, corrugated sheets) is corrosion. To renew service life roofing, you should carefully consider the condition of the external decorative and protective coating of the metal. It is recommended to systematically inspect the surface of the roof, paint galvanized metal with weather-resistant roofing paint every few years, and eliminate scratches and abrasions on the polymer colored coating with your own hands using a special repair compound.

Roof repair with metal coating do it yourself usually comes down to the following operations:

  1. recovery paint coating(old cracked paint should be removed from problem areas with a steel brush, the area to be repaired should be cleaned of dust, primed and painted);
  2. eliminating gaps and minor damage using silicone sealant;
  3. eliminating damage by applying sheet steel patches;
  4. complete replacement of heavily damaged sheets.

If the metal roofing of a private house rattles due to gusts of wind, the fasteners need to be tightened. If traces of rust appear in the places where fasteners are installed, it is necessary to carry out anti-corrosion treatment of the areas around the hole, apply a protective paint coating and take care to seal the fastening points.

Coating made of ceramic or cement-sand tiles

The tightness of the roof covering of a private house made of such piece materials, like natural or cement-sand tiles, may be disrupted due to the destruction of the mortar that fills the joints between the elements. For repairs, you will need to mix a new solution, which consists of one part lime with tow and two parts sand. The old putty is removed, all joints are tightly filled with fresh mortar.

If it is necessary to replace severely damaged tile elements on the roof, it is required:

  • drive wooden wedges under the adjacent overlying plates;
  • use a trowel to hook the edge of the damaged plate and remove it.

If under tiled roof If the waterproofing carpet is damaged, it is necessary to dismantle part of the roofing, apply a patch of the same material to the roofing material, gluing it with bitumen mastic and carefully treating the edges. The tile roof deck is then reinstalled.

Repairing a shingle roof

Repair of roof coverings from flexible tiles usually comes down to restoring the tightness of the roof using bitumen mastic. All gaps at junctions are filled with waterproofing mastic.

In rare cases, it may be necessary to replace a bitumen shingle element that has received accidental serious mechanical damage. During dismantling, the roofing nails that secure this element are removed. Using a spatula, the shingles should be carefully separated from the base and adjacent covering elements. The installation site of new flexible tiles should be treated with bitumen mastic. It also coats the back side of the shingles, which had to be lifted when replacing the roofing element. The decking on the roof area to be repaired should be pressed tightly.

Repair work related to restoring the tightness of the roof deck of a private house is recommended to be carried out in the warm, but not hot, season. Autumn and spring are best during periods of stable dry weather.. In this case, the materials have optimal specifications(loss of elasticity and reduction of other properties are excluded), repair compounds and new paint coatings dry in optimal conditions, which ensures their high reliability in the future.

Roofing repairs should begin with a thorough cleaning of the roof surface. It is necessary to remove debris and contamination; areas intended for local patch repairs are treated with special means to increase the adhesion of materials.

During do-it-yourself repairs, it is advisable to carry out a preventive update of the waterproofing coating in difficult places. For this purpose, the installation sites of ventilation and chimneys, antennas, hatches.

Timely repair work will eliminate the need to further spend money and time on eliminating serious damage to the roofing pie and rafter system.

Do-it-yourself roof repair of a private house, materials for repair

Features of repairing the roof of a private house with your own hands. Nuances when repairing roofs covered with slate, metal materials, ceramic and flexible tiles.

Instructions for repairing and replacing an old roof with your own hands

Sooner or later, no matter what materials were used to create the roof, it begins to collapse. Leaks form, materials deteriorate, and appearance and the owner of the building has to urgently take measures to repair or completely replace the roofing. Roof repair is easy to do yourself if you know the main stages of work and the materials that are used for this.

Roof inspection

Owners of private buildings rarely carry out planned repairs to the roof of their house, only when it can no longer be avoided. And in vain, since minor defects are easier to eliminate before they grow to serious proportions. After all, if you carry out inspections and scheduled repairs of the roof of a private house at least once a year, then major repairs may not be needed soon. Such prevention will not require large financial investments, but will help save the owner from unplanned expenses and force majeure.

Serious mechanical damage

All types of repairs according to the degree of complexity can be divided into four categories:

Sloped roofs require repairs less often than flat roofs due to their advantageous design. (Repair flat roofs described in detail in the article of the same name). Melt or rain water does not linger on sloped roofs, so if it usually leaks, it is due to technological shortcomings during its construction or due to the statute of limitations of the construction.

Coverage Inspection

Preventive inspection is very important, so even if the ceilings in the house are dry, regular inspection of the house's rafter system is necessary. Such examinations are traditionally carried out four times a year. The roof is inspected in the spring for winter damage, in the summer to remove debris, in the fall to detect problems before the long winter period, and in the winter if snow removal is necessary. Sloped roofs do not require as frequent inspection as flat roofs and can be inspected twice a year.

Based on the results of inspection of the roof top and its wooden frame A repair plan is drawn up with an estimate of the necessary materials.

Roof wear

When examining a sloping roof, you should pay attention to:

  1. Search for mechanical damage.
  2. Detection of corrosion, fungal and putrefactive lesions of wooden rafters.
  3. Determination of the temperature of parts of the structure.
  4. Assessing the moisture content of a wooden frame.
  5. Determination of the condition of the roofing from a technical point of view.

Roof maintenance

In addition to scheduled inspections, measures should be taken to clear the roof of snow masses in winter time, as well as removal of contaminants and do-it-yourself preventive repairs. Care should be taken when cleaning a sloped roof in winter.

When removing snow, you should not use metal tools to avoid mechanical damage to the roof surface.

Dents or scratches may cause further development corrosion processes. For such events it is safer to use wooden shovels, as well as plastic brooms or dustpans. For cleaning large surfaces, plywood boards can be used.

Clearing snow from a slanted roof

IN warm time years, the roofs are cleaned of dirt and leaves with their own hands, and examined for signs of animal claws.

When you are on the roof in winter, you should not get too close to the edge. Installation and repair of sloping roofs should be carried out in compliance with safety rules. It is recommended to use safety belts and move only on special paths.

Minor defects

Dampness or minor ingress of moisture can contribute to the occurrence of fungal or putrefactive lesions on the wooden frame of the rafter system. This is quite a serious problem, because such a roof may need large material costs for repairs and a serious amount of work. Such lesions spread very quickly and can completely take over the entire structure, therefore, when rot is detected, complete removal of the affected area is required. wooden element with replacement with a processed new one. After completing the repair of the building frame, you can, if necessary, begin to repair the roof covering.

Damage slate roofing usually repaired on site. Asbestos cement sheets that cannot be repaired are replaced, and those that are still sufficiently intact are repaired using patches and glue. Repair of tile or other piece materials occurs in a radical way - with the replacement of damaged elements with new ones.

Reconstruction of slate roofing

Minor repairs the roof of a private house includes, in addition to eliminating leaks, painting and cleaning. Some types of roofs, such as galvanized roofs, have a fairly long service life and therefore require periodic cleaning and painting to prevent corrosion. Before painting, the corroded surface is cleaned of rust with a special composition. The frequency of painting such a roof is once every 3-4 years.

Minor repairs to a tiled roof

Rafter system repair

The rafters of the wooden frame bear the entire weight of the roof; they take on not only the weight of the roofing material, but also precipitation (rainwater flows, snow masses), as well as gusts of wind. If a routine inspection reveals damage to the rafters, then there is no need to waste time. A broken rafter may not withstand the load and collapse along with the entire roof. The need for a major overhaul of the rafter system arises only if half of its entire area is affected by rot. Most often, damaged elements are replaced.

Repair of rafter system in case of damage rafter leg step by step:

  1. If a rafter breaks, a jack is installed on a previously prepared board, with which the parts are aligned and connected.
  2. The damaged area is thoroughly cleaned and strengthened. meter boards on both sides, their thickness should be at least 3 cm.
  3. The linings are attached to the rafters using long nails.
  4. Holes with a diameter of 16 mm are made for mounting bolts (4 on each side).
  5. Bolts are inserted and tightened.

Reinforcement of rafters with overlays

At large area damage, rod prostheses are used. Replacement of affected areas occurs as follows:

  1. At the site of damage, the sheathing, insulating materials and roof covering are removed. Then the sheathing is dismantled.
  2. The rafters are supported by temporary racks, which are removed upon completion of the work.
  3. Remove rotten areas of the structure.
  4. The prosthesis is put on the rafter leg; it should be 2-2.5 times longer than the affected part of the board.
  5. The reliability of operation is checked, after which the racks are removed.

Strengthening the rafters with a prosthesis

In a similar way, parts of the Mauerlat that have undergone the process of rotting are replaced.

Sometimes it happens that the rafters are intact, but the sheathing is damaged and is no longer able to support the weight of the roof. This can cause the roof to sag and crack. In this case, the sheathing is strengthened or completely replaced.. In this case, the timber is placed between the rafters, and the boards are stuffed in the transverse direction.

Roof reconstruction

Typically, do-it-yourself roof reconstruction is resorted to when the need arises for arranging an additional habitable room in the attic space.

This is a rather serious manipulation, requiring a complete change of the entire rafter system. At the same time, not only the external decorative look and roofing material, but also all hydro, heat and sound insulation systems.

First, the roof covering is removed, then the entire rafter system is dismantled.

If you plan to install a roof with attic room, then the choice of roof type will be made between hip and half-hip roofs, which are more suitable for this option than others and allow you to get maximum space.

It is recommended to install sloping roofs yourself using corrugated sheets and an inclination angle of up to 50 degrees. In winter, during heavy snowfalls, snow masses will not linger on such a surface, which will significantly reduce the load on the rafter system. In this case, during the construction of the roof, it is possible to use wooden material for rafter legs of a smaller section.

Roof repair: step-by-step instructions

How to do roof repairs yourself. Detection and elimination of damage to roofing coverings from slate replacement to complete roof reconstruction.

How to repair the roof of a private house - repair options for different roofing materials

Provide reliable protection You can protect your home from bad weather and cold by installing a high-quality roof. However, no matter how well the work is done, as the roof is used, defects may appear in the roofing material, which can cause the destruction of the rafter structures. In this article we will tell you how to repair the roof of a private house, as well as what are the features of working with various roofing materials.

Assessing the extent of roof damage

Before you begin repairing the roof of a private house, you should inspect the attic space with rafter structures. At this stage, it is important to identify areas where the tree has begun to collapse. After this, the roof covering is diagnosed to understand its condition. You should especially carefully inspect the areas where the roof adjoins the eaves, valleys, ridge and other roof parts.

Considering the results obtained, you should decide on the type of repair:

If the total area of ​​deformed sections of the roof does not exceed 40% of the total surface, routine repairs will be required, that is, replacement of individual fragments of the roofing covering. Emergency repairs involve taking immediate action to eliminate defects where leaks have begun or are about to begin. In case of major repairs, you will have to completely remove the old coating and replace it with a new one. The scale of work will cover more than 40% of the roof surface.

If the roof of a private house begins to leak during rain, it means that there is damage to the roofing material. We can talk about loss of tightness of joints or defects in the flooring in cases where the leak begins immediately during rain or immediately after it. In this case, the leakage always occurs in the same place.

If traces of leakage do not appear immediately, but only some time after the rain, then there are probably microcracks in the flooring. In this case, it is advisable to carry out major repairs and replacement of the roof.

Working with the rafter system of a private house

In cases where damage to the rafters is found in parallel with defects in the roof covering, the frame structure will have to be strengthened.

Do-it-yourself routine repairs to the roof rafters of a house involve removing sections of wood on which a layer of rot or mold is found. To do this, you can slightly trim it or remove the defective area and replace it with a new one. Major repairs may be required only when more than 50% of the total number of rafters have rotted.

The roof sheathing should be inspected especially carefully. All damaged elements should be removed and new slats should be filled. In cases where major roof repairs are required, the sheathing can be re-laid with a change in pitch, taking into account the new roofing material.

To ensure long-term operation of wooden roof structures, they must be treated with an antiseptic composition.

If the wooden roof structures are in perfect order, then roof repair wooden house will consist only of replacing individual sections of the roofing covering, or laying a new flooring.

Restoring an asbestos-cement slate roof

Typically, repairs slate roof in a private home you can do it yourself. Light tapping in a strong wind may indicate that the slate nails have partially come out of the sheathing. The problem can be resolved by replacing the nails with self-tapping screws with a wide head and a sealing gasket.

Since used slate is a rather fragile material, so as not to damage it when removing old nails, it should be placed under the nail puller wooden block. It will distribute the load evenly.

To fill small cracks in slate, you can use silicone-based materials.

The repair is performed as follows:

  • they launch into the crack thick layer sealant;
  • a layer of self-adhesive aluminum foil is mounted on top;
  • As soon as the sealant is completely dry, the work area is painted with special roofing paint.

If problems occur in the roof corner pieces, they will need to be removed. Self-adhesive aluminum tape is installed at the bottom of the elements, the defect is filled with epoxy glue, and left until completely dry.

If old leaf slate is unsuitable for further use, it is completely replaced. At the same time, fasteners are removed from the defective sheet, as well as from neighboring ones. After laying a fresh sheet of slate, the fasteners are reinstalled.

Working with metal flooring

Materials such as corrugated sheeting, seam roofing, and metal tiles are very susceptible to corrosion. When operating a roof made of such materials, special attention should be paid to the condition of their protective polymer coating. It is recommended to paint galvanized metal with weather-resistant paint once every few years, and to eliminate scratches on polymer coatings you will need a special repair compound.

Repairing the roof of a private house made of sheet metal is carried out as follows:

  1. In areas where the paintwork is damaged, first remove dust and old paint, primed and repainted.
  2. Cracks and gaps are eliminated by pouring silicone-based sealant.
  3. Large defective areas can be repaired by laying down sheets of steel.
  4. In case of significant damage, the metal flooring is completely replaced.

You will need to tighten the fasteners if the roof begins to rattle during strong winds. Rusty marks appeared on roofing require treatment with an anti-corrosion compound, after which the fasteners will need to be re-sealed and painted.

Repair of roofs made of cement-sand or ceramic tiles

Laying piece roofing materials, such as cement-sand or ceramic tiles, involves the use of a special solution. In the event of the beginning of destruction of such adhesive material, the tightness of the roof in a private house may be compromised. To repair the roof, in this case you will need to make a fresh solution consisting of 2 parts sand and 1 part lime with tow. This solution is used to fill all the gaps between the individual elements of the roof, after first removing the old composition.

If individual sections of tiles are no longer suitable for further use, they will have to be replaced.

Do it this way:

  • adjacent elements located above are lifted using wooden wedges;
  • The edge of the defective tile is picked up with a trowel and pulled out.

In cases where not only the tiles are damaged, but also the layer of waterproofing underneath it, it is necessary to completely remove the roof section in order to carry out repairs. A fresh piece of material is placed on the layer of roofing material with a defect, gluing it with bitumen mastic and carefully processing the edges. After this, the tiles are laid back.

Restoration and replacement of soft roofing

When working with flexible bitumen shingles As a rule, you only have to re-coat the joints with bitumen mastic to restore the tightness.

Replacement of a separate section of flexible tiles may only be necessary if it has received mechanical damage. To do this, first remove the roofing nails. Next, use a spatula to carefully lift the shingle, separating it from the base and neighboring elements. The installation site is re-coated with a layer of bitumen mastic. The same sealant is used to cover the underside of shingles that have been moved out of place. A fresh piece of material must be pressed tightly against the roof.

Please note that a complete replacement of the roof of a house, or its current repair, should be carried out in the warm season, but not too hot. The optimal periods are considered to be autumn and spring, when the weather is dry. In such conditions, roofing materials will not lose their basic qualities, and all paints and repair compositions will receive an optimal drying environment. In this way, maximum reliability of materials can be achieved.

Before starting repair work, the roof surface should be cleared of dirt and debris. The places where repair work will be carried out should be treated with special substances that improve adhesion.

When performing preventive roof repairs, special attention should be paid to problem areas, such as chimneys, ventilation ducts, hatches and antenna junctions. In these areas it is recommended to update the waterproofing layer. For this, roofing glue or heated resin is used.

If preventive repair work is carried out on time and in full, in the future you will be freed from any problems associated with defects in the waterproofing layer of the roof, as well as premature destruction of frame structures.

Repairing the roof of a private house: replacing the roof yourself, how to fix it correctly

Repairing the roof of a private house: replacing the roof yourself, how to fix it correctly

You can ensure reliable protection of your home from bad weather and cold by installing a high-quality roof. However, no matter how well the work is done, as the roof is used, defects may appear in the roofing material, which can cause the destruction of the rafter structures. In this article we will tell you how to repair the roof of a private house, as well as what are the features of working with various roofing materials.

Assessing the extent of roof damage

Before you begin repairing the roof of a private house, you should inspect the attic space with rafter structures. At this stage, it is important to identify areas where the tree has begun to collapse. After this, the roof covering is diagnosed to understand its condition. You should especially carefully inspect the areas where the roof adjoins the eaves, valleys, ridge and other roof parts.

Considering the results obtained, you should decide on the type of repair:

  • current;
  • emergency;
  • capital.

If the total area of ​​deformed sections of the roof does not exceed 40% of the total surface, routine repairs will be required, that is, replacement of individual fragments of the roofing covering. Emergency repairs involve taking immediate action to eliminate defects where leaks have begun or are about to begin. In case of major repairs, you will have to completely remove the old coating and replace it with a new one. The scale of work will cover more than 40% of the roof surface.

If the roof of a private house begins to leak during rain, it means that there is damage to the roofing material. We can talk about loss of tightness of joints or defects in the flooring in cases where the leak begins immediately during rain or immediately after it. In this case, the leakage always occurs in the same place.

If traces of leakage do not appear immediately, but only some time after the rain, then there are probably microcracks in the flooring. In this case, it is advisable to carry out major repairs and replacement of the roof.

Working with the rafter system of a private house

In cases where damage to the rafters is found in parallel with defects in the roof covering, the frame structure will have to be strengthened.

Do-it-yourself routine repairs to the roof rafters of a house involve removing sections of wood on which a layer of rot or mold is found. To do this, you can slightly trim it or remove the defective area and replace it with a new one. Major repairs may be required only when more than 50% of the total number of rafters have rotted.

The roof sheathing should be inspected especially carefully. All damaged elements should be removed and new slats should be filled. In cases where major roof repairs are required, the sheathing can be re-laid with a change in pitch, taking into account the new roofing material.

To ensure long-term operation of wooden roof structures, they must be treated with an antiseptic composition.

If the wooden roof structures are in perfect order, then repairing the roof of a wooden house will only consist of replacing individual sections of the roof covering or laying a new flooring.

Restoring an asbestos-cement slate roof

As a rule, you can repair the slate roof of a private house yourself. Light tapping in a strong wind may indicate that the slate nails have partially come out of the sheathing. The problem can be resolved by replacing the nails with self-tapping screws with a wide head and a sealing gasket.

Since used slate is quite fragile so as not to damage it when removing old nails, a wooden block should be placed under the nail puller. It will distribute the load evenly.

To fill small cracks in slate, you can use silicone-based materials.

The repair is performed as follows:

  • a thick layer of sealant is applied into the crack;
  • a layer of self-adhesive aluminum foil is mounted on top;
  • As soon as the sealant is completely dry, the work area is painted with special roofing paint.

If problems occur in the roof corner pieces, they will need to be removed. Self-adhesive aluminum tape is installed at the bottom of the elements, the defect is filled with epoxy glue, and left until completely dry.

If the old slate sheet is unsuitable for further use, it is completely replaced. At the same time, fasteners are removed from the defective sheet, as well as from neighboring ones. After laying a fresh sheet of slate, the fasteners are reinstalled.

Working with metal flooring

Materials such as corrugated sheeting, seam roofing, and metal tiles are very susceptible to corrosion. When operating a roof made of such materials, special attention should be paid to the condition of their protective polymer coating. It is recommended to paint galvanized metal with weather-resistant paint once every few years, and to eliminate scratches on polymer coatings you will need a special repair compound.

Repairing the roof of a private house made of sheet metal is carried out as follows:

  1. In places where the paintwork is damaged, dust and old paint are first removed, primed and repainted.
  2. Cracks and gaps are eliminated by pouring silicone-based sealant.
  3. Large defective areas can be repaired by laying down sheets of steel.
  4. In case of significant damage, the metal flooring is completely replaced.

You will need to tighten the fasteners if the roof begins to rattle during strong winds. Any rusty marks that appear on the roofing require treatment with an anti-corrosion compound, after which the fasteners will need to be re-sealed and painted.

Repair of roofs made of cement-sand or ceramic tiles

Laying piece roofing materials, such as cement-sand or ceramic tiles, requires the use of a special solution. In the event of the beginning of destruction of such adhesive material, the tightness of the roof in a private house may be compromised. To repair the roof, in this case you will need to make a fresh solution consisting of 2 parts sand and 1 part lime with tow. This solution is used to fill all the gaps between the individual elements of the roof, after first removing the old composition.

If individual sections of tiles are no longer suitable for further use, they will have to be replaced.

Do it this way:

  • adjacent elements located above are lifted using wooden wedges;
  • The edge of the defective tile is picked up with a trowel and pulled out.

In cases where not only the tiles are damaged, but also the layer of waterproofing underneath it, it is necessary to completely remove the roof section in order to carry out repairs. A fresh piece of material is placed on the layer of roofing material with a defect, gluing it with bitumen mastic and carefully processing the edges. After this, the tiles are laid back.

Restoration and replacement of soft roofing

When working with flexible bitumen shingles, as a rule, you only have to re-coat the joints with bitumen mastic to restore the tightness.

Replacement of a separate section of flexible tiles may only be necessary if it has received mechanical damage. To do this, first remove the roofing nails. Next, use a spatula to carefully lift the shingle, separating it from the base and neighboring elements. The installation site is re-coated with a layer of bitumen mastic. The same sealant is used to cover the underside of shingles that have been moved out of place. A fresh piece of material must be pressed tightly against the roof.

Please note that a complete replacement of the roof of a house, or its current repair, should be carried out in the warm season, but not too hot. The optimal periods are considered to be autumn and spring, when the weather is dry. In such conditions, roofing materials will not lose their basic qualities, and all paints and repair compositions will receive an optimal drying environment. In this way, maximum reliability of materials can be achieved.

Before starting repair work, the roof surface should be cleared of dirt and debris. The places where repair work will be carried out should be treated with special substances that improve adhesion.

When performing preventive roof repairs, special attention should be paid to problem areas, such as chimneys, ventilation ducts, hatches and antenna junctions. In these areas it is recommended to update the waterproofing layer. For this, roofing glue or heated resin is used.

If preventive repair work is carried out on time and in full, in the future you will be freed from any problems associated with defects in the waterproofing layer of the roof, as well as premature destruction of frame structures.

For increase bearing capacity rafter legs (Fig. 68) in both layered and hanging rafter systems, the installation of unloading beams (supports), double-sided linings and struts is used.

Rice. 68. Strengthening rafter legs with help

As calculations according to the old SNiP “Loads and Impacts” showed, the rafters in the span between the mauerlat beam and the rafter leg with section dimensions selected according to strength characteristics, often did not pass the calculation for deflection and it was necessary to increase their height. You can make a rafter leg of variable cross-section by including an additional wooden beam- help. The support is attached in the span between the mauerlat and the rafter leg; its height is adjusted to the height of the rafter section so that it passes according to the calculation for deflection. The support is secured with bolted clamps or metal toothed plates.

Another dangerous knot in a continuous rafter leg is resting on a strut. Have you ever broken a stick over your knee? So, in this design scheme, the strut is that same knee; here the largest bending moment occurs, due to which it is necessary to increase the cross-section of the entire rafter leg. There is no deflection in this node, so you can increase not the height of the rafters, but its width, by attaching double-sided board overlays (Fig. 69). The width of the overlays is selected when calculating the rafter section for the maximum bending moment. The linings are fastened with nails, bolts or, as in the previous case, with bolt clamps. If the rafter is already reinforced with help, then it needs to be made longer and the edge should be brought out beyond the support unit on the mow. In this case, two problems are solved at once: strengthening the support unit and the deflection in the span.

rice. 69. Strengthening the support unit by increasing the width of the rafters

When reconstructing a roof under a steeper slope, new rafters are installed, merging them with the old ones (if they have not rotted) with a board and nail cross wall. New rafters can be introduced either on top of the old rafters or below them. The resulting truss provides not only a new slope, but also increased rigidity truss structure(Fig. 70). This method allows you to avoid dismantling the old roof and speeds up the work, but it does not increase the under-roof space. If the purpose of changing the slope of the slopes was to construct an attic, then the volume of the attic will remain the same.

rice. 70. Reinforcing rafters with a board-and-nail truss

Sometimes it happens that the end of the rafter leg rots and the support on the mauerlat becomes unreliable; in this case, additional struts can be attached to the lower end of the rafter leg, which rest against the same mauerlat beam or an additional support (Fig. 71). It is recommended to move the lower ends of the additional struts apart - they provide better stability to the rafters. And struts supported on an additional support can partially reduce the deflection of the rafters in the span between the rafter leg and the mauerlat. Additional struts are secured with nails and supported in the grooves on the rafters.

rice. 71. Strengthening the bottom of the rafter leg by installing additional struts

When raw wood (humidity more than 25%) is used in the construction of the roof and there is insufficient ventilation of the cold attic, with high dormer windows, their small area, or in the absence of attic vents, the lower end of the rafter legs or the Mauerlat may rot.

Also, rotting can occur if there is no or damage to the vapor barrier and air vents in the insulated structure mansard roof or clogging their ends. Either when the wood of the rafter legs and mauerlat in roofs of any type is moistened when the roof leaks, or when there is no waterproofing layer between the wood and the masonry of the wall and the wood is moistened from the masonry.

There are several ways to restore and strengthen damaged structures.

1. Application wooden overlays. They are used for single damage to rafter legs. Reinforcement is carried out by installing reinforcing wooden plates secured with bolts or nails. The support of the linings on the Mauerlat should be the entire end, followed by the installation of twisted wire (Fig. 72).

rice. 72. Repair of the unit supporting the rafters on the Mauerlat with overlays and prostheses

2. Use of rod prostheses. They are used for massive damage to rafter legs. Before work begins, the damaged rafter leg is strengthened on temporary supports, the covering is dismantled and the rotten part of the rafter leg is cut out. The prosthesis is put on the rafter leg and placed on the mauerlat. The sawn end of the rafter leg rests against the support platform of the prosthesis, which prevents it from slipping. The rigidity of the upper compressed belt of the prosthesis is provided by the braced lattice.

3. Use of pads resting on the beam. This option is used if it is necessary to replace a rotten section of the mauerlat and the end of the rafter leg (Fig. 73). Before starting work, the rafter leg is strengthened with temporary supports, the rotten sections of the leg and the mauerlat are cut out, crutches are hammered into the masonry and a beam 1 m long is laid on them. If the design of the walls and ceiling allows, and most often this is the case, then a meter-long beam is laid on the wall or ceiling piece of bed. Two struts rest against this beam, fastened to nails on both sides of the rafter leg. The sheathing is supported by a new elongated fillet.

rice. 73. Repair of the rafter support unit in case of damage to the Mauerlat

If there is insufficient air exchange in the attic, and as a result, the development of fungal spores and rotting of the wood of wooden roof structures, a number of measures are taken to restore ventilation (Fig. 74). IN attic it is necessary to study the nature of air movement, determine the air temperature at the upper limit of the insulation (it should not exceed 2 ° C at any negative outside temperature) and install additional vents and dormer windows. Cross-sectional area dormer windows and vents should be 1/300–1/500 of the area attic floor. The width of the vents should be within 2–2.5 cm. It is necessary to measure and, if necessary, increase the thickness of the insulation to the calculated thickness. Caked insulation must be loosened approximately once every five years. For external walls with a width of up to 1 m, its thickness can be increased to 50% higher than the calculated one. The vapor barrier under the insulation layer should be checked and, if necessary, restored.

rice. 74. Arrangement of the normal air exchange process in the attic roof

Reinforcements of other wooden structures, walls, floors and foundations can be viewed in a special section of the site.

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