IP opens a new type of activity. Cost of services for changing activities. Adding a new type of individual entrepreneur activity

The need to add an OKVED code arises for an organization in the event of expansion, change or addition of activities. As in the case of opening an LLC and other legal tasks, to make changes to OKVED, you can use the services of a specialized company or arrange everything yourself.

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The package of documents is submitted to the Tax Inspectorate at the place of registration of the organization. Documents are accepted either personally from the head of the LLC, or by mail, or by a third party, with a notarized power of attorney.

The procedure for making changes to OKVED is simple, however, when preparing a package of documents, several nuances should be taken into account.

Adding, changing the main or excluding additional types of OKVED activities

Firstly, the question arises: were the types of activities specified and limited when registering the charter? If not, then you will not have to make changes to the charter, and registration can begin immediately, by filling out a special form for changing or adding OKVED to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.

If the charter specified or limited the types of activities, the necessary changes will have to be made to it. To do this, a new edition of the charter is approved by the general meeting of founders, after which a special form P-13001 is filled out and the state fee for the new edition of the charter is paid. The amount of state duty is 800 rubles. The minutes of the general meeting must indicate exactly which types of activities have been changed.

There are three possible options for changing OKVED in the charter: adding types of OKVED, changing the main OKVED (there can be only one main type of activity, therefore, only one code is indicated on the page), or excluding one or more OKVED.

Adding additional activities:

  • New types of activities are selected according to OKVED;
  • Fit them in digital signs in sheet L page 1, which indicates the codes of the additional type(s) of activity.

Exclusion of additional activities:

Change in main activity:

  • The new code of the main type of activity is entered in the corresponding column on sheet L page 1;
  • Fit in old code the main type of activity in the corresponding column of sheet L page 2;
  • If necessary, we enter the old main code as an additional type of activity in the corresponding column of sheet L page 1.

Sample of filling out form R-14001 for making changes to OKVED

Amendments to OKVED in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities

After making changes to the charter, an application is submitted to enter a new OKVED code into the Unified State Register of Legal Entities in the form P-14001, to which a sheet with a list of new types of activities must be attached. If the director personally submits a package of documents to the NI, the application does not need to be certified by a notary, but if this is entrusted to a trusted person, it is necessary not only to certify the application, but also to issue a power of attorney on behalf of the director.

List of documents for changing OKVED

Ultimately, you should have the following list of documents for NI:

  • Charter in new edition and the minutes of the general meeting of founders containing a list of changes to OKVED (if changes were made);
  • Application for registration of new OKVED codes R-14001;
  • Power of attorney on behalf of the head of the LLC.
  • A copy of the organization's TIN;
  • Notarized copies of passports of the manager and chief accountant.

An application to change activities must be submitted within three working days from the date of the decision to change them. Within five working days, a letter with a Unified State Register of Legal Entities will be sent to the legal address of the organization, in which all the changes you specified will be made.

What can I add? At an early stage of registration, it is advisable to take care of the possibility of changing the types of activities without adding them to the charter. For this, when registering constituent documents, there is no need to strictly regulate the types of activities in the charter. In this situation, when faced with the need to change OKVED, you will simply need to make changes to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, which is much simpler and does not require additional costs and time.

As the business develops, an individual entrepreneur can either abandon any initially planned activities or begin to develop new ones that were not previously envisaged. This is a natural process. But all these adjustments must be reflected in a timely manner on paper - they are entered into the Unified State Register individual entrepreneurs(USRIP). Each type of occupation has its own OKVED code, and to change the set of these codes reflected in the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs, a special bureaucratic procedure is provided.

What are OKVED codes and why are they needed?

OKVED codes are combinations of numbers consisting of at leastfrom four characters and provided for each line of business in the All-Russian classifier of types economic activity(OKVED). The state needs them for statistical accounting - it is with their help that representatives of competent government agencies understand what a specific economic entity, including individual entrepreneurs, does.

If an individual entrepreneur has employees, OKVED also affects the rates of contributions paid for them to the Social Insurance Fund.

It is clear that the individual entrepreneur may not care about this. But in such a case, the state provides incentive measures in the form of fines.

When should an individual entrepreneur add new codes?

An individual entrepreneur must add an OKVED code to the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs for each new area of ​​activity within three days after he actually began to engage in it. If he is caught violating this legal requirement, for the first time he faces a fine of five to ten thousand rubles in accordance with Art. 14.25 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.
The fine for untimely change of OKVED codes ranges from five to ten thousand rubles

In case of repeated violation, the same article provides for punishment in the form of disqualification, which for individual entrepreneurs in practice means a ban on carrying out entrepreneurial activities for a period of one to three years.

How to add a new OKVED code: step-by-step instructions

When an individual entrepreneur needs to expand the list of OKVED codes, the following sequence of actions is provided:

  1. Select the new OKVED code to be added. You can add several types of activities at the same time by immediately indicating them in the application. In this case, there is no need to write a separate statement for each new code.
  2. Select the method of submitting documents.
  3. Prepare the package necessary documents. The main attention is paid to the application in form P24001.
  4. Submit documents using the chosen method to the inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service (IFTS) of Russia.
  5. In due time, receive a record sheet in the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs, reflecting changes in the list of codes.

Selection of a new OKVED code

Adjustments to the list of OKVED codes are carried out by existing individual entrepreneurs. This means that the procedure for selecting them is already familiar to each of them. After all, it precedes filling out an application for state registration. In 2018, when selecting new codes, you need to rely only on the OKVED-2 classifier. All the rest were outdated a year earlier.
In the directory, a section and subsection are selected sequentially, and the digital code of the type of activity will be displayed

It is worth recalling that the OKVED code consists of at least four characters. If you want to specify the type of activity, the classifier makes it possible to immediately specify both a general four-character code and a narrower code with additional numbers. However, neither one nor the other option will be considered an error.

Selecting a document submission method

An individual entrepreneur can submit an application in the following ways:

  • personally;
  • through a proxy;
  • by mail;
  • electronic .

In the first case you will need minimum set documents, so this method is the least troublesome. A representative can submit an application only with an official power of attorney from the entrepreneur. A mailing requires notarization of documents. They are sent by letter with a declared value and an inventory of the attachment.

Applying to in electronic format is possible when the individual entrepreneur has a valid enhanced qualified electronic signature. If it is not there, a notary can attest to the digital document, but this will require additional costs and time.
You can apply to change OKVED codes on the Federal Tax Service website

Formation of a package of documents

The set of documents depends on the chosen submission method and includes:

  1. Application form P24001.
  2. IP passport. For all options, except for a personal visit, a notarized copy of it is used instead of a passport.
  3. Certificate of assignment of TIN or its notarized copy. This document is not required everywhere, so it is better to check with the Federal Tax Service or the MFC whether it is needed.
  4. Notarized power of attorney, if the documents will be submitted not by the individual entrepreneur himself, but by his representative. The tax office does not accept powers of attorney in simple written form.

There is no state fee for making changes to the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs, so you do not need to pay for it or include a receipt in the package of documents.
You can fill out form P24001 to add OKVED codes either on a computer or by hand

How to fill out form P24001

When filling out an application on form P24001, you must keep in mind the following nuances:

  1. Only the title page, which indicates the full name, ORGNIP and TIN of the entrepreneur, is required to be filled out. All others - only as needed. Sheets that have nothing to write on remain blank. When changing OKVED codes, the number 1 is indicated in the corresponding column of the title page.
  2. When making adjustments to the OKVED list, sheet E is filled out, consisting of two pages: on page 1 the codes that should be added are indicated, on page 2 - deleted.
  3. If the individual entrepreneur does not change the main OKVED, clause 1.1. on page 1 of sheet E is not filled out. When changing the main code (this should be the one that brings the most money to the individual entrepreneur) in paragraph 1.1. the new main OKVED code is indicated, and the old one is indicated in the corresponding paragraph of page 2 of sheet E.
  4. Sheet G indicates the contact telephone number of the individual entrepreneur and his preferred method of obtaining a document on the result of the provision of public services to him for making changes to the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs.
  5. Form P24001 must be signed in the presence of a tax inspector, an MFC employee, or a notary if you plan to submit documents through an attorney or by mail.

New OKVED codes are entered only in digital designation, without decoding

Form P24001 is filled in by hand in capital letters. ballpoint pen with black paste. When entering data using a computer, use the Courier New font, height 18. A sample will help you better navigate the procedure for filling out form P24001 for changing OKVED IP codes.

To generate and send an electronic application, a special program “Preparation of a package of electronic documents for state registration” is used. It can be installed on your computer from the Federal Tax Service website for free use.

Video: preparing documents to change the list of OKVED codes for individual entrepreneurs

Submission of documents

Documents are submitted to the same Federal Tax Service as for individual entrepreneur registration. In most cases, this is the same inspection where the entrepreneur is registered as a taxpayer. But in major cities this may be a separate registration inspection, such as the Federal Tax Service Inspectorate-46 for Moscow in the capital.

Submitting documents to the MFC is possible if the center provides registration services to businesses. It is better to clarify this point in advance with the selected MFC.

Step No. 5: receiving documents

You can receive a registration sheet in the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs with a new set of OKVED codes in the same ways as submitting documents:

  • in person at the Federal Tax Service or MFC;
  • through an attorney;
  • by mail.

The method of receipt is indicated in the application itself.

Deadline for making changes

The law gives tax officials exactly five working days to make changes to the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs, including adding OKVED codes. After this period, they must issue the applicant a document confirming the provision of the service or informing about the refusal, indicating the reasons. If there are no grounds for refusal, the individual entrepreneur receives a registration sheet in the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs with a new list of OKVED codes.

But when submitting and receiving documents through the MFC or by mail, you need to add time for their transfer or forwarding. And this is usually a few more days.

The procedure for making changes to the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs, in terms of the list of OKVED codes, is formal in nature, especially if the individual entrepreneur does not have employees. But this does not mean that it can be neglected. Besides, there is nothing complicated about it. This means that all that remains is to do everything on time.

Amendments to the OKVED IP may be necessary when starting to conduct business in new areas of activity for the entrepreneur. For example, when an individual entrepreneur indicated during registration that he would only be engaged in sewing leather clothes (code 14.11), but a year later he decided that the capacity was sufficient for sewing workwear (14.12). In order for business expansion to be carried out on legally, it is necessary to make adjustments by type of activity to the Unified State Register of Entrepreneurs record sheet. To do this, you should contact the Federal Tax Service with the appropriate set of documents.

How to open an additional OKVED for individual entrepreneurs

The process of registering changes in data about a private entrepreneur and the activities he carries out is regulated by the provisions of Art. 22.2 of the Law on State Registration dated 08.08.2001 No. 129-FZ. The procedure is free for the taxpayer; there is no state duty for these actions. To add OKVED codes for individual entrepreneurs (2019), you must submit form P24001 to the tax office, which is a unified application template for adjusting registration information.

Entrepreneur's procedure:

    Determine what types of activities will actually be carried out, select the appropriate codes for them from the OKVED2 directory. Select the code for the main line of business, the rest will be reflected as additional.

    Fill out application P24001 and sign it.

    Submit the application form to the registration authority. This can be done in several ways - bring it to the Federal Tax Service in person, send it by mail or via the Internet in electronic form, as well as through the MFC. If changes to the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs (adding OKVED) will be made through a representative, a power of attorney must be attached to the application. When appearing in person at the tax office at the time the application is accepted, the entrepreneur may be asked for a passport for personal identification.

    Within 5 days, Federal Tax Service specialists will review and verify the application, after which a decision will be drawn up and changes will be made to the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs (USRIP) database (Article 8 of Law No. 129-FZ).

    The final stage is to receive a USRIP record sheet, which will indicate activity codes taking into account the latest changes.

It is necessary to register types of activities, incl. in order to correctly determine the risk class for them, on which the percentage of “injury” contributions paid by the entrepreneur to the Social Insurance Fund depends. The risk class is established in relation to the main type of activity - the line of business that is the main source of income. The remaining areas are considered additional. The type of activity is designated by uniform classification codes from the OKVED2 directory.

Next, the entrepreneur needs to double-check whether the main type of activity matches the updated documents. If the code has changed, you must notify the FSS (not required if the individual entrepreneur has no employees). This is done by confirming the main type of activity before April 15 based on the results of the past year. After receiving a notification from the Social Insurance Fund about a change in the insurance rate, the calculation and payment of contributions for injuries must be made at a different rate.

If the new kind activities are licensed, you must also take care of obtaining permits.

Filling out the application

How to add OKVED codes for individual entrepreneurs? To do this, you must correctly fill out the application on form P24001. A sample document was approved by the Federal Tax Service in Order No. ММВ-7-6/25@ dated January 25, 2012 (as amended on May 25, 2016). Only the title page must be completed; it contains data that can be used to reliably identify the taxpayer. The remaining sheets must be filled out if there are grounds for submitting them. In the case of adding activity codes, you will need sheet “E”. It consists of two sections:

    Section 1 contains information about codes that need to be changed or entered.

    Section 2 is drawn up in relation to ciphers excluded from the database in the entry sheet about the entrepreneur.

To confirm the correctness of the entered data and indicate the method of obtaining a decision on the application, you must fill out sheet “G”.

How to add OKVED for individual entrepreneurs: if the main type of activity changes, in line 1.1. section 1 of sheet “E”, a new code according to OKVED2 is entered, and in line 2.1 of section 2 of sheet “E” the previous code is indicated. If the composition of additional activities is updated, the new codes are entered into the cells of lines 1.2 of section 1 of sheet “E”. If there are excluded types of activities from the category of additional, lines 2.2 of section 2 of sheet “E” are also filled in. To identify the area of ​​activity, you must specify at least 4 digits of the code from the classifier.

Sheet “G” is needed to confirm the accuracy of the information reflected in the application. This page contains a text block, which, when an entrepreneur endorses a document, makes the citizen responsible for the completeness and accuracy of the information and documents provided. On the sheet you must indicate which method of obtaining a decision from the tax authority based on the results of consideration of the application is preferable:

    personally in hands;

    through a representative acting under a power of attorney;

    by mail.

Below are the contact details of the entrepreneur - phone number and email address. The applicant signs in the presence of a specialist from the registration authority. If the application is sent by mail, the authenticity of the signature must be confirmed by a notary. The application can be filled out manually or on a computer.

Companies specializing in the services or consumer goods market need to constantly monitor the interests of their potential audience. Situations in which customers leave a beauty salon because competitors offer better deals are quite common. In order to be able to retain a customer base, an entrepreneur needs to constantly add various innovations to his offerings. In order to expand a business or change its direction, it is necessary to add a new OKVED code to the permitting documents. In this article we will look at how to open an additional OKVED for individual entrepreneurs and what you need to know about this process.

When filling out an application on form P21001, an individual entrepreneur must indicate what areas of business he will be engaged in

Changing OKVED codes

All-Russian Classifier of Types of Economic Activities (OKVED) - contains unique codes assigned to each type of business activity. An aspiring businessman must familiarize himself with this document before registering his business. When drawing up an application on form “21001”, which is used by the tax service to register business activities, you will need to indicate the chosen field of business.

This document is a standard “A4” sheet, which lists all areas of activity chosen by the entrepreneur.

The information contained in this form is recorded in the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurship (USRIP). According to current legislation, the entrepreneur is responsible for the relevance of this information. If you wish to change the main area of ​​activity or add additional types, you will need to contact the tax office. The entrepreneur is given three days to submit the appropriate application to make changes to the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs. For other changes related to a change in citizenship or surname of the entrepreneur, new data is entered by the tax service independently.

The selection of the OKVED code is carried out personally by the entrepreneur. It should be noted that changes were made to the classifier in question in two thousand and sixteen. Entrepreneurs who registered their business earlier do not need to worry about changing the main and additional codes according to the new document. Responsibility for correcting information rests with the tax service.

How to select a new code

Let's look at how to add OKVED for individual entrepreneurs to practical example. This classifier includes codes consisting of 3–6 characters. Today, private entrepreneurs are only allowed to use codes that consist of four or more characters. In this example, a fishing company will be used as a basis.

In the classifier this type activity is indicated using the code “03.1”. Please note that this code consists of three characters, which makes it unacceptable for use by persons registered as individual entrepreneurs. In order to select the OKVED code corresponding to this activity, you will need to familiarize yourself with the following options:

  • "03.11.1"- industrial fishing (sea);
  • "03.11.2"- coastal fishing (sea);
  • "03.11.5"- fishing for the purpose of fish breeding.

Codes are digital designations types of activities, select them from the OKVED classifier

In the classifier under consideration, symbolic designations corresponding various types entrepreneurship, are located according to exactly the same principle as the paragraphs of scientific publications. This means that fishing activities (03.1) are divided into two sub-clauses: marine (03.11) and freshwater fishing (03.12). Each of these points contains several more sections. In the case where all subparagraphs (03.11.1-03.11.05) correspond to the chosen direction of business activity, the entrepreneur needs to indicate only the code corresponding to the main section (03.11).

Rules for filling out an application

According to established rules, an entrepreneur can indicate one area of ​​primary activity and several dozen additional ones (up to fifty types). The main area of ​​activity is the one that brings maximum profit. It is on the basis of the level of profit that tax rates and the amount of insurance contributions for company employees are calculated.

After making changes to the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs, the head of the individual entrepreneur must send a corresponding notification to the Social Insurance Fund. According to the established procedure, this notification should be sent before April fifteenth of the year following the reporting year. In the event that there are no employees on the IP staff, there is no need to notify the FSS.

To make changes to the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs, you will need to fill out an application in accordance with form “P24001”. This form consists of nine pages, each of which has a specific function. A mistake many novice entrepreneurs make is filling out every sheet. These actions may cause your application to be rejected. Today, it is mandatory to fill out a title page, which contains basic information about the individual entrepreneur. The sheet marked “A” is filled out only when changing surname or citizenship. Sheet “B” is used when changing the citizenship of foreigners who do not have permanent residence in the Russian Federation.

Sheet “B” is filled out by foreign citizens leading entrepreneurial activity and who do not have a specific place of residence in the territory of the Russian Federation. Sheets “G” and “D” are intended to be filled out only by foreign citizens. Sheet “E” consists of two sections, one of which indicates the codes to be added, and the other the values ​​that need to be removed from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities. When adding new activities, the second part of this sheet is not filled out. Every entrepreneur must fill out Sheet “F”. Please note that this sheet is filled out with a pen with black ink and signed in the presence of a representative of the tax service.

If, in the course of business, an entrepreneur decides to engage in areas of business that were not immediately indicated in the application for registration of individual entrepreneurs, then it is necessary to add OKVED codes

Let's look at how to add an individual entrepreneur activity type, step-by-step instruction:

  1. Download form “P24001” to your personal computer.
  2. Fill out the title page, as well as sheets “E” and “G”.
  3. Print the completed form.

In the event that you need to exclude one of the company’s activities, you will need to fill out the second section of sheet “E”. In addition to the completed form, the entrepreneur must provide the tax inspector with documents proving his identity. Please note that the service in question is free.. To make changes to the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs, you must contact the tax office at your place of registration.

What information must be indicated in the application?

The form numbered “P24001” can be filled out either electronically or by hand. When filling out handwriting, only a black pen is used. It is important to note that all words are written in capital letters only. When using a computer, when filling out the form, use Courier New font, eighteen point high. It should also be noted that each letter is entered in a specially designated field (cell). Sheet “F” must be filled out only by hand.

As mentioned above, the application for adding OKVED consists of several sheets. The title page contains information about the entrepreneur. On this page you must fill in the fields with the last name, first name and patronymic of the owner of the individual entrepreneur, indicate the OGRNIP number and INN. This sheet also provides information about the reason for drawing up the document. Please note that only relevant information is included in the application under consideration. If during the operation of the company the surname of its director has changed, only the new full name should be indicated.

The first section of page “E” is divided into two paragraphs, in one of which the main codes (1.1) are entered, and in the second additional codes (1.2). In the case when new types of company activities are added, only the second paragraph is filled in. The second section indicates the codes that need to be excluded from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs. On page “G” the full name of the entrepreneur, telephone number and actual address are indicated, as well as the method for obtaining a certificate of amendment to the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs. The completed document is certified by the personal signature of the entrepreneur in the presence of a representative of the tax service.

The main OKVED code is the one by which you receive or plan to receive maximum income

Application Methods

In order to make changes to the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs, an entrepreneur should contact the tax office according to his place of registration. In the same department, registration of individual entrepreneurship is carried out. Today, there are four main methods for filing this application. When applying in person to the Federal Tax Service, the applicant will need to provide the tax officer with a completed form and a passport confirming the identity of the applicant. Review and approval of the application is carried out within five working days. At the end given period, the entrepreneur must come to the tax office to receive updated documents.

The application under consideration can be submitted through authorized persons. However, in order for an outsider to have the right to receive documents, it will be necessary to issue a notarized power of attorney. Another method of submitting applications is to send documents by registered mail. When using this method, you will need to undergo a notarization of the documentation and the personal signature of the applicant. In addition to this, to registered letter You will need to attach an inventory listing the documents sent. The last way to apply is to use a special online service. In order to be able to use this method of filing an application, an entrepreneur will need to purchase an electronic signature.

Obtaining information about the result

Making changes to the OKVED IP is a simple procedure that is carried out within just one week. After submitting the package of documents to the tax service, the entrepreneur is issued a receipt confirming receipt of the documentation. The tax officer also reports the date of amendments to the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs and the preparation of a new certificate. To receive the certificate, you will need to appear on the appointed day with your passport and the receipt received.

Please note that using Russian Post to obtain a new certificate may increase the waiting period for receiving documents. Today this period can range from seven to fifteen days.

In conclusion, it should be said that since two thousand and fourteen, the tax service does not issue an extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs. This change is due to the fact that the extract from the register was excluded from the list of documents that are issued without fail. To obtain this form, you will need to fill out an appropriate application in a free form.

When filling out an application on form P21001, an individual entrepreneur must indicate what areas of business he will be engaged in. To do this, codes of the types of activities of an individual entrepreneur are entered into sheet A of the application for registration of individual entrepreneurs.

Codes are digital designations of types of activities; they are selected from the OKVED classifier. For example, if an individual entrepreneur opens a beauty salon, then its OKVED codes will be:

  • 96.02 Provision of services by hairdressing and beauty salons;
  • 96.04 Sports and recreational activities;
  • 96.09 Provision of other personal services not included in other categories.

If, in the course of his activities, an entrepreneur decides to engage in areas of business that were not immediately indicated in the application for registration of an individual entrepreneur, then it is necessary to add OKVED codes. Suppose that a small store selling professional cosmetics will be organized in a beauty salon, in this case it is necessary to inform the tax office about adding OKVED codes for individual entrepreneurs.

We have developed step-by-step instructions for you on how to add OKVED codes for individual entrepreneurs in 2019. With its help, you can independently add new types of individual entrepreneur activities or exclude those that you no longer plan to engage in. Let us consider in detail step by step how an individual entrepreneur can add new OKVED codes in 2019.

Step 1. Select new OKVED codes

Please note that you must add OKVED codes for individual entrepreneurs in 2019 in accordance with the classifier OKVED-2 or OK 029-2014 (NACE rev. 2). Other editions of OKVED ceased to be valid from January 1, 2017.

On our website you can select current ones.

New OKVED codes must consist of at least 4 characters, and it is not necessary to indicate codes of 5 or 6 characters. For example, if you are opening a clothing store, then you only need to enter code 47.71. This group will also include codes such as 47.71.1, 47.71.2, 47.71.3, 47.71.4, etc. At the same time, indicating such codes separately will also not be a mistake.

If you encounter difficulties when selecting new OKVED codes for individual entrepreneurs, you can contact professional registrars for a free consultation.

Step 2. Decide which OKVED code will be your main one

The main OKVED code is the one by which you receive or plan to receive the maximum income. The tariffs for insuring workers against occupational diseases and industrial accidents depend on which OKVED code is the main one for an individual entrepreneur. Entrepreneurs-employers, when changing the main OKVED code, must submit to the Social Insurance Fund a certificate confirming the main type of activity. This must be done no later than April 15 based on the results of last year. Individual entrepreneurs without employees do not submit such a certificate, even if their main type of activity has changed.

If your main type of activity has not changed, then you only need to enter additional OKVED codes into the P24001 application.

Step 3. Fill out the application on form P24001

Application P24001 is intended to change the information contained in the unified state register of individual entrepreneurs. Changes in the types of activities of an entrepreneur are reflected in the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs, therefore, changes in OKVED codes of individual entrepreneurs must be reported using form P24001. The application has 9 pages, but not everything needs to be filled out.

The title page indicates the usual details of the entrepreneur: OGRNIP, TIN and full name. To enter new OKVED codes, page 1 of sheet “E” is intended, and you can add both the main code and additional ones. In our example, only the option with the addition of additional OKVED codes is indicated; the main code does not change, therefore clause 1.1 is not completed.

If you introduce a new main activity, you must exclude the old main code. To do this, in addition to page 1 of sheet “E”, you must also fill out page 2 of sheet “E”. Here you also indicate additional OKVED codes that you want to exclude from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs.

The last page is sheet F, where you need to indicate your phone number and email address. There is no need to sign the application in advance! If form P24001 is submitted by the entrepreneur himself, then he signs the application in the presence of a tax inspector. When notarized (if the application is submitted by mail or by proxy), the individual entrepreneur’s signature is certified by a notary.

Form P24001 can be completed by hand in black ink or on a computer in 18-point Courier New font, capital letters only. There is no need to staple the application, but you can staple it with a paper clip.

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Step 4. Submit documents to the registration authority

What documents are needed to add OKVED IP? If an entrepreneur personally informs about changes to registration documents, then you must have your passport and the completed application P24001 with you. The person submitting the application on behalf of the individual entrepreneur must, in addition, have a power of attorney to make changes to the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs. There is no state duty when changing OKVED codes for individual entrepreneurs, so no payment document is needed in this case.

Documents must be submitted to the tax office that registered the individual entrepreneur. In large cities, these may be special registering inspectors of the Federal Tax Service, such as the 46th tax office in Moscow. You can also contact, which provides services for making changes to the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs.

Please note: the deadline for submitting documents to change OKVED codes for individual entrepreneurs is only three working days from the moment you started activities using the new codes. The fine for late submission of an application is 5,000 rubles (Article 14.25 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation).

Step 5. Receive a USRIP entry sheet with new codes

Instead of an extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs, since 2014, the tax office has been issuing a Unified State Register of Entry Sheets with new types of activities of the entrepreneur. The tax inspector will inform you of the date on which you or your authorized representative must come to the Federal Tax Service. According to the law, five working days are allotted for registering changes in information about an entrepreneur.

If you chose “send by mail” as the method of receiving the document, then add a few more days to these days for the letter to be delivered to your address.

We hope that our instructions on how to add a type of activity for an individual entrepreneur will help you independently process a change in OKVED codes. To reduce the risk of refusal to register changes, we recommend that you prepare application P24001 in .

You can learn how to work with the document designer in the service from.

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