What is ondulin made from? Ondulin: what it is, the advantages of ondulin roofing, areas of application of the material. What it is

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Ondulin is a well-known roofing material that came to us from Europe. Its homeland is France, from where it was distributed and came to us. Due to its low cost, compared to other analogues, and ease of installation, it quickly gained popularity and is still in demand today. Due to a certain similarity with ordinary slate, it is also called bitumen slate. By looking at photos and videos of ondulin, you can familiarize yourself in detail with its appearance.


This material is an environmentally friendly product. It is harmless to both humans and environment, since it is made only from natural ingredients. It includes:

  • cellulose;
  • resin;
  • bitumen;
  • mineral fillers;
  • pigments.

Technical characteristics of ondulin

The ability to use Ondulin for a long time contributes to its specifications:

  • ability to withstand contact with chemical components (alkalis, acids, petroleum products);
  • resistance to mechanical loads - per 1 m² up to 960 kg;
  • excellent water resistance.

A sheet of Ondulin weighs 6.5 kg, sheets of this roofing material have the following standard sizes:

  • length - 2,000 mm;
  • width - 960 mm;
  • thickness - 3 mm;
  • wave height - 36 mm.

Among the parameters that negatively affect the operational capabilities of the material, one can note the fire safety class - KM5. The material can ignite at temperatures above 230°C, because of this Ondulin cannot be used in medical institutions. However, you should not be afraid that the roof will start to burn if flammable objects fall on it. Ondulin can only ignite from the cut side; the surface of the sheets does not ignite.

The first thing that interests any buyer when choosing a roofing material is its durability. Because no one will cover the roof every year, manufacturers give a 15-year guarantee, but, in fact, it has been proven that thanks to the technical characteristics of ondulin, it can last up to 50 years.

At very low temperatures becomes brittle and softens when too high. However, these properties of ondulin are not a big drawback, since they are easily neutralized. Lathing with more frequent spacing is required and the strength of the sheets will be guaranteed. It is attached like regular slate using roofing nails. For aesthetic appearance Nails are purchased with heads of the same color as ondulin. After installation, this building material holds very tightly and can easily withstand strong winds.


The weight of the ondulin sheet is not large, so transportation and installation will not cause any special problems. Due to its lightness, it is often laid directly on top of the old coating. Also, this material is very flexible, which is another advantage of ondulin.

Big choice color palette makes it easy to choose the color you want. Coloring materials impregnate ondulin during the manufacturing process of sheets, therefore, under the influence sun rays, the paint will not fade quickly. But, even if this happened, the ondulin roof can be repainted.

In terms of fire resistance, this roofing material is not in first place. However, this does not mean that it is flammable. Its combustion temperature ranges from 230 to 300 degrees. In the natural environment, such temperatures do not exist, so you should not pay close attention to this fact. The only caution may concern buildings that have increased requirements for fire safety(kindergarten, school, etc.).


Ondulin has practically no disadvantages, but still some features are worth clarifying. With prolonged exposure to the sun, the color fades, but this can be corrected regular painting. Availability unpleasant odor bitumen during extreme heat. There are roofing materials whose durability is much greater than that of ondulin, however, the price of such a roof will be much more expensive.

You can list and compare endlessly, but there is a main indicator of quality - reviews of ondulin from people who have used it. According to numerous positive feedback it becomes clear that this roofing material has an undeniable advantage over others, similar materials. Yes, in some respects it is inferior to others, but if we take it as a whole: cost, durability, installation complexity and other characteristics, everyone agrees that ondulin is the best option for the roof.


Many people, even those who are far from construction industry, they know that ondulin is a type of roofing material. But not everyone knows about the properties and characteristics of the material. It is clear that in everyday life this information may not be in great demand, but for those who plan to build a house, garage, bathhouse or repair a roof, it will not hurt to collect more information about roofing. Let's figure out what ondulin is and note all its main advantages, not forgetting to mention its inherent disadvantages.

The market for roofing materials today surprises with its range. There you can also find traditional materials, which have been used for decades, and new products that have been invented more recently.

As a rule, non-professionals become interested in information about roofing materials only if they plan to carry out any construction or repair the roof of a house or other building. So, ondulin - what is it? What does ondulin look like and what are its properties?

A little history

Ondulin is a roofing material that was first put into production back in 1944 in France. Then the manufacturing company OFIS SA opened the first small factory for the production of this material, but the released new product was such a great success that the company began to rapidly increase production volumes, gradually opening more and more branches in different countries peace.

To date, it is produced not only in Europe, but also in Asia and America. Ondulin began to appear on our market about 20 years ago, but thanks to high performance qualities, it quickly gained popularity. Ondulin is especially widely used by private developers, since the material is easy to process and install.

General information

So, ondulin is quite durable and durable material for covering the roof.

Advice! The manufacturer provides a guarantee of 15 years of operation, but in practice the service life is much longer - 30-50 years.

Let's look at what the sheets are made of roofing covering. This material is similar in appearance to slate, but the slate contains asbestos, which is considered environmentally unsafe. There is no asbestos in the composition of ondulin. What is ondulin made from? It contains:

  • cellulose fibers;
  • bitumen compositions;
  • hardener resins;

  • mineral components;
  • dyes needed to give a specific color.

Advice! Thus, ondulin does not contain materials that are classified as environmentally hazardous.


Ondulin, regardless of the place of production, is produced according to uniform standards. Here are its main technical characteristics:

  • sheet dimensions: length 2 meters, width – 0.95 meters;
  • sheet material thickness – 3 mm;
  • the material has a wavy surface, there are 10 waves on one sheet, the height of each wave is 3.6 cm.

Material properties

Ondulin is a coating that is different high stability, both chemical and mechanical loads. Its main advantages: moisture resistance and resistance to solvents, solutions of acids, alkalis, oils and other substances.

Operating temperature range: from minus 60 to plus 110 degrees. However, in the heat it becomes more plastic, and in the cold it becomes brittle. Therefore, there are restrictions on the air temperature for installing ondulin; it is recommended to carry out work at an outdoor temperature of 0 to plus 30 degrees.

Such restrictions are significant disadvantages of using the material.

Advice! In case of emergency, it is allowed to install ondulin at temperatures down to -5 degrees, however, in this case, great care will be required in handling the material. At lower temperatures, installation is strictly prohibited. Ondulin is able to withstand significant snow loads

, but this statement is true only if the sheathing was correctly constructed when installing the roof. How aesthetically pleasing does this coating look? You can create quite elegant roofs using ondulin - a photo of the roofs will allow you to verify this. The material is available in several color options; you can purchase red, brown, black or green option

coverings. Moreover, brown and red are the most popular colors among consumers. Advice! From ondulin you can assemble not only monochrome, but also multi-colored roof coverings by combining sheets of material different color

in certain combinations.

Areas of use Ondulin sheets are widely used in private construction. It is purchased to cover the roofs of cottages, private houses, bathhouses, garages and any other outbuildings

. It is very convenient to use it for roof repairs, since the material is quite light and easy to work with. You can simply lay ondulin on top of slate or metal roofing , installation does not create additional load on the rafters. Thus, to carry out roof repairs you will not need to disassemble old roof and open interior spaces

The ease of installation and aesthetics of ondulin have made this material in demand for covering cafe roofs. trade pavilions, for creating various canopies and awnings. Sheets of the material bend well, so they can be used to cover roofs of complex shapes.

For example, if it has arched elements. The manufacturer offers not only sheets, but also various additional elements, with the help of which the gable, valley, and ridge of the roof are formed. Onduflesh tape is used to insulate the junction points. As a result, the tong and other elements are reliably protected from moisture penetration.

In addition, ondulin sheets can be used to cover various vertical surfaces. Using this roofing covering you can create a waterproof screen. But ondulin should not be used for the construction of fences and enclosures, since in the cold this material becomes quite brittle, and in the heat it acquires increased plasticity.

Main advantages

What advantages distinguish ondulin from a number of other roofing materials? Here are the main advantages of this coating:

  • Low level of water absorption. Ondulin roofing does not allow a drop of water to enter the under-roof space, which helps preserve the roof structures.
  • Ondulin coating can be used for different climatic conditions, because it can easily withstand the effects of precipitation, including hail, strong winds, and temperature changes.
  • Resistance to biological effects. Roofing made of ondulin is not affected by bacteria and fungi, mold does not grow on it, wood-boring insects do not infest, etc.
  • The material is not destroyed under the influence of various chemical substances– industrial gases, solutions of acids, alkalis, etc.

  • Environmental friendliness. For production, cellulose fibers are used, which are extracted from ordinary waste paper. The material itself does not emit any harmful or hazardous substances, rainwater, which flows from the ondulin roof, is quite suitable for watering plants and other technical needs.
  • Easy to install. Any person who has skills in working with a hacksaw and hammer can cover the roof with sheets of ondulin. Before starting work, you will need to carefully study the instructions for laying the material and watch how the craftsmen lay this coating in the video.

So, ondulin is reliable quality material, which, due to its qualities, is widely used in private construction. However, you need to take into account the inherent disadvantages of the material so as not to be disappointed in the choice made.

The first sales of Ondulin roofing material occurred at the beginning of 2000. Now is the time to evaluate how much the service life declared by the manufacturer corresponds to reality.

Roofing sheets, which are known to everyone as “Euro slate”, have become widely used in Russia in the last decade. But under this name, buyers combine products different manufacturers. In particular, Corrubit is produced by the Turkish company VTM.

Euroslate Ondura has been successfully used on roofs all over the world for more than 40 years. Corrugated sheets of the Ondura brand have many advantages over other roofing materials.

The Belgian company ATAB is a subsidiary of the IKO concern and has been producing construction materials for more than a century. waterproofing materials. Among other items, ASBO ATAB plants produce Aqualine corrugated roofing material.

The question, in fact, is not idle, since at first glance it is difficult to understand how Euro slate differs from different brands that are presented on modern market roofing materials.

Material deficiencies identified by homeowners

House covered with Ondulin

When they talk about any material, they always start with its advantages, and we will start with the disadvantages. And first of all, from consumer properties that can be noticed even by a person not involved in construction.

Let’s conclude this section with the opinion of roofing specialists who believe that the cost of the material is not only the price per sheet, but takes into account all the total costs, including lathing, installation, and the service life of the roofing. If we make a full recalculation, then the same roof, covered with Ondulin and metal seam with Pural coating, will cost a quarter more than a seam roof.
Since the disadvantages of a material are always a continuation of its advantages, in the following sections we will look at how these advantages actually are determined.

Some technical data about the production process

All properties of a material are determined by the method of its manufacture. If we look at it in detail, ondulin – what is it? The base is cellulose or cardboard, as it is contemptuously called in construction forums. During the production process, the cellulose base is impregnated with a complex composition of bitumen, resin and mineral additives.

The production process technology is briefly as follows:

  • The waste paper is cleared of debris, crushed and filled with a special solution so that the mixture becomes homogeneous.
  • The mixture or pulp goes through a molding process where it is pressed into a wavy sheet and then dried.
  • After drying, the canvas is painted with mineral dyes and then impregnated with bitumen under pressure.
  • Next, the canvases are cut into sheets and sent for further drying, after which the sheets are ready for use.

Report about production process you can watch the video:

Ondulin Russian production produced since July 2008 at the factory in Nizhny Novgorod. Ondulin cost for square meter significantly higher than the cost of asbestos-cement slate, slightly lower than metal tiles and significantly lower than bitumen shingles.

How much Ondulin costs in retail prices depends on the cost of oil as a raw material for the production of bitumen, transport and warehouse costs of the manufacturer and the market situation in the region of sale.

But, regardless of the price of the material, there is one subtlety that was noticed by those who have been working on roofs for a long time: previously the manufacturer declared a deadline beneficial use at 30, and now - half as much. Considerations have been expressed that this is due to the lower quality of domestic material, as well as to the fact that buildings covered with ondulin in Europe do not last for 30 years, but in our country - easily. And to protect itself from lawsuits, the manufacturer reduced guarantee period. But representatives of the Russian factory claim that Ondulin production is the same at all company enterprises: in Russia, France, and Poland. Regarding the 15-year warranty period, the manufacturer’s explanations were as follows: 15 years is a guarantee of the waterproofness of the material, and the service life of Ondulin is up to 50 years. It is difficult to say how to react to such answers, since a roof that has lost its waterproofness is considered to have lost its technical characteristics. Those wishing to clarify this statement are sent to the manufacturer for an answer.

But what certainly makes sense to agree with the factory representatives is that installation errors significantly reduce the useful life of the material. The most common of them are given in the next section.

Common installation errors

Due to its external resemblance to asbestos-cement slate, ondulin for roofing is often called bitumen euroslate. However, these materials differ significantly in performance characteristics, color palette and composition. Sheets of this material are more competitors than metal tiles. It is these that owners of private houses most often compare when choosing building materials for roofing. They are more similar in color solutions and price.

What is ondulin?

Ondulin was created in France (Europe) by the company ONDUliNE. It is generally considered to be of environmentally friendly organic origin. building materials. This cheap roofing coating is based on ordinary cellulose. But to prevent it from getting wet under precipitation on the roof, the canvas pressed from it is treated with bitumen impregnation.

The composition for laying the roof includes:

    Pulp (paper).

    Mineral filler.

    Bitumen with polymer resins.


In production, cellulose is pressed into plates 2–3 mm thick to create waves the right size subject to corrugation. Then it is impregnated with a mixture of bitumen and pigment additives. The output is a wavy sheet that looks like slate or metal tiles with a wave-shaped profile.

Sectional view

The technical specifications are as follows:

Table of physical and mechanical characteristics

The roofing material in question is resistant to alkalis, petroleum products and acids. It can easily withstand a snow column of 2.5–3 meters and heavy downpours. Manufacturers claim a guaranteed service life of 15 years, but in fact, ondulin can last up to half a century after being laid on the roof of a cottage or outbuilding. It has excellent water resistance, but frankly poor fire resistance (included in the last highly flammable group of building materials).

Be careful - the material is not fire resistant

When burned, ondulin releases toxic substances and strong smoke. But it can catch fire on roofs from sparks or flying coals only where the flame is able to reach the cellulose - in damaged areas or from the end of the sheet. The surface of the latter is impregnated with fire retardants. It will flare up only if it is heated to 200–230 C.

Sheet sizes

All sheets produced in Russia by the ONDUliNE concern have typical standard dimensions of 2000 x 960 mm or 2000 x 760 mm. Their thickness is 3 mm, wave height is 36, and the number of waves is 10 or 8. Other sizes of ondulin roof coverings are not produced in domestic factories. However, in the USA and Europe, some manufacturers make them 1–1.22 meters wide.

Sheet sizes

Standardized sheet sizes simplify roof calculations, installation and material purchases. One person can handle laying flexible slabs with an area of ​​less than two square meters. Their windage and weight are minimal. The waves in all cases also have the same size. You cannot find a better roofing building material for a roof in terms of lightness and ease of installation.

Advantages and disadvantages

Ondulin for roofing has a lot of advantages, including:

To cut ondulin sheets, it is enough to have a hacksaw in your hands. In terms of price, slate is 30–40% cheaper than its bitumen counterpart, but contains harmful asbestos. At the same time, it is comparable in cost to a metal roofing sheet, but is easier to install.

Among the disadvantages of ondulin roofing it is worth noting:

Often cottage owners mention as a disadvantage that paper-bitumen ondulin is too soft. Roofs with it are supposedly not able to withstand snow or even a person, and it is better to choose a more expensive and durable corrugated metal sheet. But here more question in the correct execution of the sheathing. Its pitch under the roof should be less than 0.6 meters, otherwise the covering will definitely bend. Whereas it can be laid on a lathing with a large distance between the slats.

Do the sheathing correctly

Which is better: ondulin or metal tiles?

Comparing 2 materials

When choosing “ondulin or metal tiles”, you need to focus on the capabilities of your wallet, the conditions under which the roof will be used and the shape of the latter. At a price per square meter, taking into account installation costs, such a roof is comparable to a metal tile roof.

The material itself is cheaper than metal tiles. However, the shape of the waves and the size of the sheet are such that there are fewer scraps as a result of cutting. Plus, you will need much more self-tapping screws per square meter of ondulin coating than for corrugated sheeting.

As a result, the cost of the roof in both cases turns out to be approximately the same.

In terms of service life, the profiled sheet wins - 30–50 years versus 10–15. But a lot depends on the quality protective coating metal tiles. The more durable it is, the more expensive the profiled sheet will cost. The situation is similar with fire resistance. A thin profiled sheet, comparable in price to ondulin, burns out as quickly from exposure to open fire as a bitumen-paper coating. And the thicker one a good option and costs more.

Metal tiles differ more significantly from their ondulin competitor in terms of strength. Roofing from the first one better withstands frost, heat and precipitation. But it is easier to cut; any complexly curved roof can be covered with it. But it is not always possible to bend a metal profile sheet at the desired angle.

Application of ondulin

Just look at the photos of the varieties of house roofs that are covered with ondulin to understand that more universal material For roofing works can not found. They can cover any bends and corners. And you won’t have to throw away numerous scraps resulting from the need to apply exactly wave upon wave. However, if the roof is pitched without exotic peaks and turrets, then it is better to prefer metal tiles or less expensive slate.

It costs about 400–500 rubles/m2. The sheets are marked for special roofing fasteners, which are included with each package of this material. Everything is calculated in advance, the consumption of nails for this roof is 20 pieces per sheet. Special care she doesn't need it. The rains will wash everything themselves. If the technology is followed, ondulin will last 30–40 years. But if the installation is not done professionally, then it will have to be replaced after 3-4 years.

The material is perfect for complex roofs

Using it you can provide the roof with a light radius

Old slate houses are best replaced with ondulin coating

Ondulin dark Green colour

An old house with a roof like this doesn't look very old.

Gable roof using the red version

Neat house with dark burgundy covering

A roof made of this material can be either on a sharp or gentle slope

Baths are often covered with it

Dark red color looks good with brick

This option is also suitable for white walls.

Remaining material can also be used for small extensions

Looks good with a wooden house

Small sauna

Steep slope roof

Most often, owners choose red. But the green version also looks great

Another green option with red walls

For these buildings, 3 types of roofing were used

The red version with yellow walls also looks great.


Ondulin- roofing material belonging to the category of bitumen sheets is a lightweight, rough, wavy material made from organic fibers (cardboard + additives) with high temperature and pressure. Then they are painted with special paint and impregnated with bitumen. Available in various color options in different countries of the world, including Russia.


  • low noise level during precipitation
  • Easy to install, can be installed alone
  • ease of transportation and storage due to the low weight of one sheet of material


  • flammability
  • difficult in summer and winter renovation work due to the high ductility or fragility of bitumen included in ondulin
  • the need for dense lathing to prevent deformation of ondulin sheets


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    Ondulin See what "Ondulin" is in other dictionaries: - – is produced by saturating organic fibers with high-quality bitumen at high blood pressure and temperature. Advantages: Lack of asbestos hazardous to health (unlike slate). Stable color thanks to painting the sheets before... ...

    Encyclopedia of terms, definitions and explanations of building materials Corrugated sheet roofing material with fiber filler. Ondulin does not contain asbestos. Source: Dictionary of Architecturalconstruction terms

    Ondulin Construction dictionary - – corrugated sheet roofing material with fiber filler. Ondulin does not contain asbestos...

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    Synonym dictionary Common name for roofing material, which is corrugated sheets , somewhat similar to sheets of asbestos-cement slate. Therefore, in everyday life, ondulin is often called Euroslate. However, in fact, “Onduline” is... ...

    Encyclopedia of technology

    - ... Wikipedia Index dynamics industrial production V Nizhny Novgorod region and in Russia in 1991 2009, as a percentage of 1991 values. Main industries of the Nizhny Novgorod region: chemicals, processing ferrous metallurgy

    , mechanical engineering ... Wikipedia

    Materials made on the basis of bitumen (mainly petroleum) with mineral additives. The use of bitumen as a binder gives this group of materials the properties of waterproofness, resistance to acids, alkalis,... ... , somewhat similar to sheets of asbestos-cement slate. Therefore, in everyday life, ondulin is often called Euroslate. However, in fact, “Onduline” is... ...

    1) roof of a building – the upper shell of the roof exposed to the atmosphere. It is the roof that protects all the underlying structures of the structure from rain, snow, etc., so the main requirement for it is water resistance. At the same time, the roof should... ... , somewhat similar to sheets of asbestos-cement slate. Therefore, in everyday life, ondulin is often called Euroslate. However, in fact, “Onduline” is... ...

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