What is ondulin and what is it made from? Ondulin is a roofing material for inexpensive roofs. Roof installation using ondulin. Main components

On the “crest” of the war years. Ondulin appeared on sale after the Second World War. Material created by Gaston Gromier. The Frenchman took into account that Europe is in ruins, and there is minimal money for restoration.

This is what prompted me to organize ondulin production. The company's plant appeared in Russia in 1994, after 50 years of work in Europe. The third decade is underway, and the company continues to work in Nizhny Novgorod region.

This is an indicator of success building material. Savings combined with decent quality are always in demand, not only in the post-war years. This is the prescience of Gaston Gromier's idea.

Initially, his company was called OFIC SA. Later, given the success of the main product, the company was renamed Onduline. It's time to find out what kind of material this is.

What is ondulin?

Ondulin in the photo looks like slate. The same wavy sheets. The difference is in the composition. Concrete and asbestos - this is what the classic slate. Ondulin– cellulose with mineral impregnation and bitumen coating.

That is, at the heart of both products natural materials. Concrete consists of sand and crushed gravel. Sometimes ground brick and limestone are added to the mixture. From chemistry - only plasticizers.

This astringent additives, improving the properties of concrete. However, they are rarely used for slate. Here the concrete, as they say, is in its original form.

Asbestos in concrete slate is also stone. It belongs to the class of silicates, that is, it contains silicon oxide. In the periodic table the element is named silicium. In asbestos, silicon and oxygen are elongated into thread-like fibers.

A number of silicates have this structure. All of them are types of asbestos. There are toxic additives, for example, amphiboles. But they are mined mainly in Australia, the USA and Europe. There are more deposits of chrysolite asbestos in Russia.

Its harm is solely related to the structure. The fibers make slate stronger, but when the material breaks down, they can fly into the air and enter the lungs. This irritates the airways.

The smallest needles scratch the walls of the trachea, causing scarring. But, for this you need to constantly be near decrepit, broken roofing material, or in the production of asbestos raw materials. Dust flies into the air when cutting slate.

Now, let's look at the composition of the hero of the article. Ondulin roofing made from wood fibers. It is from them that cellulose is obtained. It is a natural polymer of glucose, produced during photosynthesis.

This is the basis of paper, and the latter is the main component of ondulin. For its production, waste paper is purchased. Mineral mixture, added to ondulin, does not contain asbestos.

The move is intended to eliminate consumer concerns about their health. Upper layer European slate - resin. They are obtained by chemical synthesis. There are natural analogs left over from oil production.

Installation of ondulin roofing

But, they are polluted. Cleaning takes a lot of time and money. A mixture of resins in construction is called bitumen. Why is it needed in ondulin and what properties does European slate have? Let's figure it out.

Properties of ondulin

Properties of ondulin are determined by the composition and, in many ways, are in contrast to ordinary slate. The latter is hard due to the cement-stone base. However, this also causes the fragility of the coating.

Remember the cracking sound when you step on regular slate? Onduline leaf due to paper base flexible and pliable. Cellulose also makes the material soft. It makes it easier installation of ondulin.

Classic slate is cut with a grinder, preferably with a diamond blade. It will also fit electric jigsaw. Even a stationery knife shares the European coating.

Correct laying ondulin coupled with its flexibility and pliability, the coating can withstand wind gusts of up to 192 kilometers per hour. This is a storm, hurricane indicator.

Besides, best ondulin withstands the weight of snow drifts. These usually happen in mild winters. During severe frosts, snow is usually in short supply. The crackling cold causes ondulin to crack. In cold weather it becomes more brittle than usual and may crack.

The fragility of conventional slate complicates not only its operation, but also its transportation. Ondulin is transported without damage. In addition, cellulose makes the sheets lightweight.

It’s easy to choose the color of the coating. Concrete is more difficult to paint than paper and resins. The latter are given any shades. Eventually, roof made of ondulin suits the aesthetics of the building.

However, cellulose allows water to pass through. To prevent leaks, use resin coating. However, bitumen comes in different qualities because it contains different types of hydrocarbons.

These include paraffins, asphaltenes, and oily fractions. The abundance of asphaltenes, for example, increases the softening point of resins. This is true for bitumen, because it can leak around the chimney. But, at the same time, the abundance of the solid fraction increases the fragility of the coating.

Onduline factories found the optimal “formulation” for resin coating ondulina. Roof tiles withstands temperatures over 100 degrees. However, at 250, soft slate can ignite.

Both paper and resins are flammable. Under normal conditions, critical temperatures do not occur on the roof. But, for example, in the event of a fire, ondulin will add “wood to the fire.” If you work with ordinary slate, it will not ignite, but may explode. The danger lies in small fragments that fly apart like a grenade.

The low resistance of ondulin to high temperatures limits its use in kindergartens, schools and other social facilities. If customers give the go-ahead for Euro slate, they demand that it be divided into autonomous segments during installation. Special separators are sold for this purpose. They will increase the estimate, but will allow fires to be localized in a timely manner.

Moss often appears on concrete slate. Soil gets clogged into the pores of the sheets. Moisture does not seep through the slate, so the grains of sand are often damp. This is an ideal environment for moss, especially if the concrete sheets are laid in the shade.

There are almost no pores in the resin coating of ondulin. Hydrocarbons cannot become “soil” for moss. Therefore, European slate retains its aesthetics longer. The warranty is given for 15 years. At the same time, the actual service life is up to 50. Partly, the resistance is due to the chemical inertness of ondulin.

Standard ondulin sizes– 0.3 per 94, per 200 centimeters. However, they produce the same square sheets. The classic one weighs 6 kilos. Analogs, produced due to demand for the original, weigh 9 kilos and have 9 waves instead of 10 on a standard sheet. Copies rarely match the quality of Onduline products.

Ordinary slate is heavier even than replicas of factory ondulin. But in terms of sound insulation, the usual and European coatings are equal. As for the ability to retain heat, it is higher in ondulina.

What to put under Euroslate? Firstly, you need to withstand more frequent sheathing than when working with ordinary sheets. The flexibility of ondulin contributes to its failure; more support points are needed.

The lathing can be either wooden or metal. In the latter case, the ondulin is fastened with self-tapping screws, and in the first - with Euro slate nails. The wide caps of the latter are equipped with a seal.

It prevents moisture from penetrating into the roof. If the ondulin is of high quality and correctly laid, it can withstand 940 kilograms/force for each square meter. The elasticity of the material reaches 8 kilos per square.

Types of ondulin

Onduline has 3 types of coating. The classic one is mentioned. There is also onduvilla. This covering is made in the form of tiles. It differs from ordinary sheets color scheme, profile and dimensions. The standard of the latter: - 100 by 40 centimeters. The width of the tiles is the same as that of conventional ondulin.

Painting onduvilla gives a 3D effect. Due to it, the coating looks more prominent and more expensive. Euro slate, in principle, costs more than usual. This is partly due to the breadth of choice of forms. Concrete sheets do not have a tile subclass.

Since 2010, Nulin can be included in Onduline products. The European company bought out the majority stake American company. Its products are large sheets with 10 and 8 waves.

The first ones weigh 10 kilograms and measure 200 by 122 centimeters. The 8-wave Nulin weighs just under 7 kilos and measures 200 by 102 centimeters. At the same time, the warranty for products manufactured in the USA is 25, not 15 years.

Other coatings offered on the market are not related to Onduline. Entrepreneurs often try to sell under the guise of the famous slate waterproofing sheets that are not intended for the final covering of roofs.

In general, you need to keep your eyes open. It is advisable to order the material from the manufacturer. If the purchase is made through a dealer, it is a good idea to ask for a quality certificate for the product. Onduline products have a branded barcode on the edges of the roofing plates. It also helps to trace the original soft slate.

Application of ondulin

Ondulin - popular roofing material for private construction. The plant in the Nizhny Novgorod region produces about 30,000,000 square meters of Euro slate per year. Approximately 100,000 small residential buildings can be covered. However, buy ondulin strive for gazebos, outbuildings, shops.

Deciding, for example, What is better: ondulin or metal tiles, many choose the first because of the possibility of laying soft slate on top old roof. In addition, the roof configuration is taken into account.

With an abundance of bends, the plasticity of ondulin is useful. This is especially important when self-installation roofs. Euroslate does not require special skills. The material is taken by those hoping to carry out construction or repairs on their own. The same metal tiles require the hands of professionals to lay them.

In multi-storey construction, Euro slate is used, as a rule, only when renovating roofs. In a programme overhaul Such projects will certainly come across, since they are attractive in price and easy to implement, mainly due to the same installation on a worn-out roof.

The additional covering is so light that it adds little to the load on the roof. However, it is worth considering the pressure in winter period. Ondulin is rough, which prevents snowdrifts from slipping. You will often have to free the roof from their mass.

As a rule, it is not difficult for private owners to try for themselves. In apartment buildings, housing and utility companies usually clean the roofs. Their labor costs to maintain high-rise buildings in order are rare.

Price and reviews about ondulin

Price per sheet of ondulin depends on size, color. The tiles are sold by the square meter. One costs 230-250 rubles, if you buy it from the manufacturer. It is difficult to predict dealer markup.

If you take soft slate in sheets, for a standard one they will ask from 400 to 470 rubles. As you can see, the cost of coating is an order of magnitude higher than that of classic slate. In addition, each sheet of ondulin requires 20 nails.

It is worth taking with a reserve, since the consumables are lost or bent. However, it is better to talk about working with the material and impressions of it with consumers of Euro slate. Can't do it in real life? Welcome to the Internet. Let's study the reviews here.


Ondulin- roofing material belonging to the category bitumen sheets light, rough, wavy material made from organic fibers (cardboard + additives) with high temperature and pressure. Then they are painted with special paint and impregnated with bitumen. Available in various color options V different countries world, including in Russia.


  • low noise level during precipitation
  • Easy to install, can be installed alone
  • ease of transportation and storage due to the low weight of one sheet of material


  • flammability
  • difficult in summer and winter renovation work due to the high ductility or fragility of bitumen included in ondulin
  • the need for dense lathing to prevent deformation of ondulin sheets


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    Ondulin See what "Ondulin" is in other dictionaries: - – is produced by saturating organic fibers with high-quality bitumen at high blood pressure and temperature. Advantages: Lack of asbestos hazardous to health (unlike slate). Stable color due to painting of sheets before... ...

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    A common name for a roofing material that consists of corrugated sheets, somewhat similar to sheets of asbestos-cement slate. Therefore, in everyday life, ondulin is often called Euroslate. However, in fact, “Onduline” is... ... Encyclopedia of technology

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To cover the roof of any private house, its owner will use only high-quality materials. The durability of the entire building will largely depend on this. Modern industry offers big choice roofing material. For example, ondulin. What is it, and what types can be found on construction market? About this and we'll talk in the article.

What it is

Before understanding the variety of options offered by the manufacturer, it is worth understanding what kind of roofing material it is. So, ondulin is modern type roofing felt. But it differs from the latter in its numerous advantages. Ondulin, like roofing felt, is made of several layers. It contains the following components:

  • cellulose fiber;
  • mineral fillers;
  • thermosetting resin;
  • distilled bitumen.
  • Material made using modern technologies. Impregnation is carried out in several stages, using various vacuum chambers. After this treatment, ondulin is colored to give it an attractive appearance. appearance.

    This production technology was first used by the French company Onduline. It was her products that began to be called ondulin. The name gradually caught on, and now all Euroslate is called that way.

    Advantages and disadvantages

    What is ondulin - it is cellulose fiber impregnated with bitumen and other components. Why did such material become widespread? What are the advantages of this type of roof covering? Here experts can note the following advantages of ondulin:

    • high level moisture resistance. Thanks to special impregnation, ondulin is almost one hundred percent waterproof;
    • the material is resistant to almost any external influence. Ondulin consists of resin, bitumen and mineral fillers. All these components easily tolerate acidic and alkaline environments. Also, your roof covering will not be afraid of industrial gases, of which there are quite a lot in the city;
    • light weight. A standard sheet of ondulin weighs not much more than six kilograms. This feature makes it easier installation work and makes it possible to make a composition rafter system less massive;
    • the material is easy to process. The composition of ondulin makes it easy to bend, roll and cut the sheet. This also affects the speed and ease of installation of the roof covering;
    • low noise. When it rains, the sounds of falling drops will not be heard inside the house. In addition, ondulin will serve as obstacles and street noise.

    Don't forget about the appearance. Ondulin is available in a wide range of colors. The composition of this roof covering material does not boast expensive components, hence another advantage - low cost.

    But there are also some disadvantages. Firstly, the level of strength is not high. Ondulin is preferentially placed on continuous sheathing, read more: . But even in this case, you need to walk on the roof with caution. Secondly, after a couple of years on such a coating (of course, without proper care and under certain conditions) natural conditions) “thickets” of moss and fungi may appear.

    Another drawback is the rapid loss of color. But here a lot depends on the manufacturer; if an analogue of ondulin is chosen, then the color is lost after a year or two. This will not happen if you purchase quality material.

    Of course, we should not forget that ondulin burns. The material consists of organic matter, which is highly flammable. But this feature is correct operation will not become a hindrance. The same applies to . If care is correct, the roof will last twenty years without any problems.

    Video on the topic:

    Types of material

    What types of ondulin can be found on the construction market? How are they different from each other? The production of ondulin is, as mentioned earlier, the task of one French company. Other types of such roofing material for roofs can be considered analogues. Ondulin itself is available in two versions, namely:

    Both options have the same composition. The only difference is . In addition, Euro slate, made in the form of slate sheets, is used on flat roofs. If the roof has complex shape, then it is better to purchase material in the form of tiles.

    The most widely used branded ondulin in the form of slate sheets. In this case we are talking about material with the following parameters: width 95 centimeters, length 200 centimeters, thickness 3 millimeters. The sheet has ten waves with a pitch of 95 millimeters and a height of each of 36 mm.

    Today you can find some varieties of the original ondulin. The manufacturing company offers customers such varieties as:

    Which option to choose is up to the developers themselves. Here you need to look at the roof configuration and a number of other factors. But it is worth remembering one thing, namely another feature of this type soft roof The point is that all types of ondulin can be combined on one roof. This is possible, even though different sizes and the number of waves on the sheets.

    What to look for when purchasing

    How to choose ondulin? What should you pay attention to first of all, so as not to purchase a fake? Here experts will advise the following:

    • First of all, count the number of waves. The standard ondulin has ten of them, the mini version has eight. If the number is different, then it is a fake;
    • check the dimensions of the sheet itself with those stated in the documents. Deviations are not allowed;
    • To choose the right material, pay attention to its surface. There should be no bitumen stains on it;
    • It is advisable to compare several sheets from the same batch. They should not differ in color, even by half a tone.

    To choose quality material It is better to make a purchase from a well-established seller. Even if it's a little more expensive. It’s better to overpay when purchasing than to spend money on repairs later due to a leaking roof. It is also impossible to choose ondulin without reading certificates and other documentation. Feel free to ask the seller for them.


    On the construction market you can find other types of ondulin, or rather its analogues. Let's name only the most famous of them:

    Other versions of this roofing material are also available. But in any case, Euro slate or ondulin is lightweight and easy to install.

The first sales of Ondulin roofing material occurred at the beginning of 2000. Now is the time to evaluate how much the service life declared by the manufacturer corresponds to reality.

Roofing sheets, which are known to everyone as “Euro slate”, have become widely used in Russia in the last decade. But under this name, buyers combine products different manufacturers. In particular, Corrubit is produced by the Turkish company VTM.

Euroslate Ondura has been successfully used on roofs all over the world for more than 40 years. Corrugated sheets of the Ondura brand have many advantages over other roofing materials.

The Belgian company ATAB is a subsidiary of the IKO concern and has been producing construction materials for more than a century. waterproofing materials. Among other items, ASBO ATAB plants produce Aqualine corrugated roofing material.

The question, in fact, is not idle, since at first glance it is difficult to understand how Euro slate differs from different brands that are presented on modern market roofing materials.

Material deficiencies identified by homeowners

House covered with Ondulin

When they talk about any material, they always start with its advantages, and we will start with the disadvantages. And first of all, from consumer properties that can be noticed even by a person not involved in construction.

Let’s conclude this section with the opinion of roofing specialists who believe that the cost of the material is not only the price per sheet, but takes into account all the total costs, including lathing, installation, and the service life of the roofing. If we make a full recalculation, then the same roof, covered with Ondulin and metal seam with Pural coating, will cost a quarter more than a seam roof.
Since the disadvantages of a material are always a continuation of its advantages, in the following sections we will look at how these advantages actually are determined.

Some technical data about the production process

All properties of a material are determined by the method of its manufacture. If we look at it in detail, ondulin – what is it? The base is cellulose or cardboard, as it is contemptuously called in construction forums. During the production process, the cellulose base is impregnated with a complex composition of bitumen, resin and mineral additives.

The production process technology is briefly as follows:

  • The waste paper is cleared of debris, crushed and filled with a special solution so that the mixture becomes homogeneous.
  • The mixture or pulp goes through a molding process where it is pressed into a wavy sheet and then dried.
  • After drying, the canvas is painted with mineral dyes and then impregnated with bitumen under pressure.
  • Next, the canvases are cut into sheets and sent for further drying, after which the sheets are ready for use.

Report about production process you can watch the video:

Ondulin Russian production produced since July 2008 at the factory in Nizhny Novgorod. The cost of Ondulin per square meter is significantly higher than the cost of asbestos-cement slate, slightly lower than metal tiles and significantly lower than bitumen shingles.

How much Ondulin costs in retail prices depends on the cost of oil as a raw material for the production of bitumen, transport and warehouse costs of the manufacturer and the market situation in the region of sale.

But, regardless of the price of the material, there is one subtlety that was noticed by those who have been working on roofs for a long time: previously the manufacturer declared a deadline beneficial use at 30, and now - half as much. Considerations have been expressed that this is due to the lower quality of domestic material, as well as to the fact that buildings covered with ondulin in Europe do not last for 30 years, but here they easily do. And in order to protect itself from claims, the manufacturer reduced the warranty period. But representatives of the Russian factory claim that Ondulin production is the same at all company enterprises: in Russia, France, and Poland. Regarding the 15 year old warranty period The manufacturer's explanations were as follows: 15 years is a guarantee of the waterproofness of the material, and the service life of Ondulin is up to 50 years. It is difficult to say how to react to such answers, since a roof that has lost its waterproofness is considered to have lost its properties. specifications. Those wishing to clarify this statement are sent to the manufacturer for an answer.

But what certainly makes sense to agree with the factory representatives is that installation errors significantly reduce the useful life of the material. The most common of them are given in the next section.

Common installation errors

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