How to decorate the walls in the corridor: a large selection of finishes, except wallpaper, with photo design. Renovating the hallway in an apartment: photo, small-sized corridors Options for renovating the hallway and corridor

The entrance hall and corridor can well be called the “face of the apartment”, since they form the first impression of the home owners, their tastes and well-being. Therefore, the design of these premises should be thought out carefully, down to the smallest detail.

The finishing of the corridor in an apartment is usually done last, since dirt and construction garbage during the renovation of other premises it will remain all the way from the front door to the rooms where the work is being done. In addition, if construction materials or large pieces of furniture are brought in, they can easily damage the finish on the walls and floors of the hallway. That is why the cladding of these surfaces is done last.

What needs to be considered when planning the decoration of the corridor?

Hallways in standard city apartments usually have a very small area without a source of natural light. Dust and dirt from the street are first brought into these walk-through rooms, since they are often walked on in street shoes.

In addition, you should also think about the fact that during the operation of the apartment, traffic will rush through the hallway and corridor. various items furniture and large household appliances, which can easily damage wall surfaces during transportation. Therefore, for finishing it is recommended to choose materials that have a certain strength.

Another important point that cannot be ignored when planning the renovation of these premises - despite their small area, finishing work can result in a decent amount if they are carried out construction team. Therefore, having really assessed your strengths and financial capabilities, you can try to carry out this stage yourself, choosing an affordable method and materials suitable in quality and price.

In order for the work to be successful, it should be carried out according to a pre-drawn up plan, which should provide for the entire sequence of actions.

Work plan

The stages of repair work for any of the rooms of the apartment practically do not differ in their sequence, but will differ in scale, depending on what type of repair is chosen: major or cosmetic.

  • A major overhaul involves the complete dismantling of all surface coatings and replacement electrical wiring, arrangement of a new floor screed and a plaster leveling layer on the walls. In addition, the total scope of work may include installation of a suspended ceiling.

  • Cosmetic repairs involve replacing decorative wall and floor coverings, and sometimes installing a suspended ceiling. If they are produced ceiling work, then you may have to make additional wiring of electrical cables for lighting devices that are built into suspended ceiling.

So, the entire process of repair work is usually planned in the following sequence:

  • For any type of repair, this means dismantling old decorative coatings and cleaning surfaces, removing all previously completed leveling layers - during a major reconstruction of the premises.

  • Carrying out necessary calculations finishing area and the amount of materials required for it.
  • Determining the location of lighting fixtures and installing wiring. Its connection to the electrical network is made already at the final stage of repair. It is recommended to entrust work related to electricity to to a professional master, having the appropriate permit.

  • Space planning, that is, determining the placement of furniture necessary in the hallway, depending on the size and shape of the room. If it is possible to plan the premises using a special computer application, then this will be the best option, which will allow you to visually evaluate the color combination and the convenience of the proposed arrangement of all interior accessories.

  • Finishing the ceiling using the chosen method and material - for any type of repair work.
  • Leveling the walls and then covering them with decorative material during a major renovation, or just finishing work for a cosmetic transformation of the room.
  • Leveling the floor using a screed, and then laying the floor covering, possibly with a heating system - when completely remodeling rooms, or just replacing decorative flooring during cosmetic repairs.

Types of hallway premises

Lighting and design solutions for the hallway largely depend on the type of hallway and corridor. With a standard layout, these rooms can be combined and have the following forms:

  • A “box” is a square or rectangular room that provides ample opportunity for imagination and can be decorated in any style. Such hallways are typical for old-built houses and have an area of ​​4 square meters. m.

  • The hallway-corridor is a narrow, elongated rectangular room, sometimes with smooth turns under different angles, in which it is quite difficult to place a lot of furniture. Therefore, you will have to choose for her only the most necessary things - this could be a shelf for shoes, an ottoman, a hanger for outerwear, and of course a mirror, which you cannot do without in the hallway.
  • Hallway “boot” - this type of room also combines in its configuration two corridors located at right angles to each other. In one of them there are doors to the sanitary premises of the apartment, and it leads towards the kitchen, and in the other, in fact, there is an entrance hall with doors to the entrance and to the living quarters of the apartment. As a rule, these two corridors have a small width, but a sufficiently long length along which all the necessary furniture accessories can be installed.

What will be subject to reconstruction and finishing?

Hallway lighting and ceiling

After the walls are cleared of old coatings, it is worth thinking about how to properly distribute lighting fixtures in a dark hallway and corridor, since they need intense lighting. This factor is due to the fact that, as a rule, finishing touches To tidy up their appearance when leaving the house, people do it in the hallway in front of the mirror. For this purpose, it is necessary to ensure that there is enough light in this room, and it is advisable to organize shadowless lighting.

If a small room is dark, it will visually seem even cramped. To avoid this effect, it is recommended to make the ceiling light and install lamps on it that provide bright but diffused light.

If the ceiling is planned to be painted, then the best option for this would be acrylic paint. However, this option will be beneficial only if the surface is perfectly even and smooth, otherwise bright lighting will reveal all existing flaws.

IN last years suspended ceilings made of plasterboard have become popular, having one or several tiers forming niches in which neon or LED strips are laid or the same lamp is installed. Most often, the tiers are given intricate curved shapes that visually expand the space, making the room look wider. In addition, such a ceiling option will help to illuminate certain areas of the room more intensely, in particular the one where the mirror will be fixed.

If the apartment does not have too high ceilings, then you can use a glossy light color to decorate them. suspended ceiling. Light from devices mounted on the walls will be reflected on its surface, increasing the overall intensity of lighting. In this case, it is advisable to direct the light from wall sconces on a glossy surface.

Original interior solution– two-tier ceiling

If the apartment owner has good skills in working with construction and finishing materials, he will be able to cope with this task on his own. To help him - a detailed publication on our portal

To obtain an even, bright light, it is advisable to use modern, economical LED bulbs who are today in large assortment can be found in specialized stores. Such lamps, with low power consumption, create an excellent level of illumination. Many of them are specifically designed to be built into a plasterboard structure - they look like neat dots, which is why they are called dotted. Lamps with a luminous output equivalent to 50÷60 W are installed in luminaires that turn towards the ceiling. If the sconces will be installed on the walls narrow hallway, it is recommended to choose flat models that do not protrude too much from the wall, otherwise they will visually make the room more cramped.

If the ceiling and top part make the walls light, then this factor will increase the overall illumination and help save on energy consumption, since the effects of reflection of the light flux from surfaces are actively “turned on.”

If the ceiling in the hallway is not too high, then you should not use low-lying lamps or chandeliers for lighting, as they will visually make the room even lower.

If you have the financial means, you can install a stained glass suspended ceiling in the corridor, illuminated from the inside. But it should be remembered that in these conditions you should not choose a pattern with a dark color scheme, and to organize the lighting it is better to use lamps with a cold glow.

In addition to the ceiling surface, recessed luminaires are sometimes installed in walls if they are sheathed with plasterboard, which is fixed to a frame made of metal profile, or placed in niches.

Drywall prices


Drywall – optimal material for leveling walls

If the space of the room allows, then this method becomes the most convenient to implement, and all the work can be done independently. More details about this in a special publication on our portal.

Hallway flooring

The corridor and hallway are the rooms with the highest intensity of movement of apartment residents. In addition, we must not forget about dirt and dust carried on shoes, which may contain grains of sand that can damage some coatings with their abrasive effect. Therefore, for flooring in these rooms, you need to choose a material that has increased strength.

The most popular floor coverings used in apartments are materials such as linoleum, ceramic tiles and laminate. Less commonly you can find parquet or solid boards. Each of the coatings has its own characteristics, which you need to know about in order to choose best option.

Ceramic tile

The range of this material in construction stores is quite wide, but not every type of tile is suitable for a hallway.

You cannot purchase tiles intended for wall cladding for laying on the floor, since they have completely different indicators of strength and wear resistance.

When laying near the front door, you should not choose tiles with an absolutely smooth glossy surface, since if you step on it in wet shoes, you can easily slip and get seriously injured. This factor especially needs to be taken into account if the family has small children or elderly people. If you plan to lay this particular material, then the best option would be to choose tiles with a rough surface - this is usually indicated on the packaging of the material.

In addition, we must not forget that ceramics are a “cold” type of flooring and are best installed on a pre-installed system. Suitable for apartment conditions electric version heating with cable or special mats. These systems are safe to use and consume minimal amounts of electricity.

The advantages of tiles include ease of care, durability and long term operation. However, this material is quite difficult to install, and if there is no relevant experience in this area, then you will have to invite a specialist, and this is also an extra expense.

Tiles can be combined with other floor coverings, such as linoleum, laminate or even carpet. Thus, you can divide the hallway into zones. One of the common options is to lay ceramic tiles near the door, and the rest of the surface of the hallway and corridor is lined with another material. Such a solution will make these rooms less boring, especially if the design of the material is tasteful.



Linoleum is traditional flooring material for flooring in all rooms of the apartment, including the hallway, and it can be called time-tested in its practicality. If earlier this type of coating did not differ in variety in base and colors, today its assortment pleases consumers, since it provides the opportunity to choose according to such criteria as material of manufacture, degree of wear resistance, pattern, thickness, color range and, of course, price.

If your financial capabilities allow, you can purchase natural-based laminate.

It meets all the requirements for its use in walk-through rooms - these criteria include environmental friendliness, moisture resistance and strength, high stability to mechanical damage, low thermal conductivity, ease of maintenance and durability. The disadvantage of any natural material is its high price.

Artificial linoleum is produced on the basis of polymer raw materials and has a more diverse range of colors and patterns than natural linoleum, as well as a very affordable price. The service life of this coating may vary, depending on the quality of the material, but generally its operational period is quite long, and is at least 15 years under normal conditions. temperature conditions. The disadvantages of artificial fabrics include instability to solvents and sudden temperature changes.

Decorative plaster

This type of finishing is more complex in execution, but despite this, it is becoming increasingly popular, as it perfectly transforms walls and hides small flaws on it. Varieties decorative plasters– quite a lot, but they all have high strength and abrasion resistance, and good moisture resistance.

Decorative plaster is a stylish interior decoration!

It is simply impossible to talk about all types of this finishing in one section. You can read in detail not only the description of the different types, but also the processes of preparing surfaces and applying finishes to the wall in a separate article on the portal.

Technology for decorating corridor walls “to look like stone”

In combination with plastered sections of the wall, tiles that imitate natural stone are often used, and more and more apartment owners are interested in this method of decorating hallway walls. Therefore, next we will consider two various technologies stone-like wall decoration. Perhaps the description of these works will inspire someone to start an independent creative process and help save a decent amount.

Indeed, the correctly selected stone texture and color scheme of this facing material can elevate the interior of the premises and give it individuality. However, it should be noted that if the hallway has a very small area, then you should not stick stones on all the walls. It will be enough to cover only the area around the front door with stone, and it is desirable that the material has one of the light color shades.

Below we will consider step by step two available technologies similar decoration of the corridor.

Laying tiles imitating natural stone

First of all, ready facing stone can be purchased at a hardware store. In this case, work is carried out in the following order:

In order for the tiles to adhere securely to the wall, it is necessary to make a row preparatory work, which begin with cleaning the walls of old coatings.
It should be remembered that you cannot glue tiles to wallpaper, even if they are held securely on the wall, since the canvas will not be able to hold a heavier one. finishing material.
However, if you plan to lay masonry on individual parts of the wall, you will have to develop a design project in advance, determining the location of the tiles. Then, having taken measurements of the tiles, transfer them to the area of ​​the wall to be tiled, marking the edges of the future finish with a simple pencil. Then you should carefully remove the wallpaper only from these parts of the wall. Thus, it will be possible to combine two finishing materials.
If you plan to cover the entire wall with finishing material, the wallpaper must be completely removed. In addition, old, peeling plaster is cleaned from the walls, as well as oil paint, if it was previously applied.
The next step is to prime the cleaned surfaces with a solution containing antiseptic substances.
The primer will help protect the walls from mold and other negative manifestations, and will also create high adhesion for the next finishing layers.
If you plan to combine masonry with a painted wall, then its surface must be well puttied. Moreover, this work must be done as efficiently as possible so that there are no stains left on the surface from the spatula and the so-called sinks.
It should be noted that this process requires a certain skill, therefore, if there is no experience in such work, then it is better to entrust the leveling of walls to an experienced plasterer.
Putty and dried walls are carefully sanded until smooth using a construction float, on which an abrasive mesh is first installed, and then fine-grained sandpaper.
After sanding, the surface is again covered with a layer of primer, applied with a roller with a fluffy nozzle. Primer on water based dries in about two hours.
Next comes the process of painting the wall.
Typically, water-based or dispersion paints, to which color is added desired color. They are also applied with a roller.
This type of paint will not interfere with fixing stone tiles over it, but if you want to get even greater confidence in the reliable fixation of the finishing material, then the wall should be marked and the areas where the tiles are planned to be installed should be coated with a primer.
While the paint or primer is drying, you should start selecting tiles.
To do this, it is unpacked and laid out along the wall that will be tiled.
Since “wild stone” tiles have dark inclusions, which are located differently on different specimens, it is necessary to try to arrange the fragments in such a way that the areas painted in a darker color are evenly distributed in the masonry.
It is easier to finish if the entire wall is decorated with masonry, but if it is located in separate sections, usually these are the areas around doorways and corners, then work should start from them, from the floor plinth.
However, before installing the first row, it would be useful to check the horizontality of the plinth using a building level.
If it turns out that it is not ideal, then you should measure the height of the tiles and mark a line along the top side of the future row using a paint cord. It is along it that the first row of masonry will be laid out.
At the same time, in some places underneath the tiles, it may be necessary to make temporary linings from plastic plates or wooden slats.
If the plinth has not yet been installed, it is recommended to mark the level, install and secure the support rail or starting profile, on which the first row of tiles will be mounted.
Some tiles made of gypsum may have irregularities on their edges that are formed during their casting - these defects must be cleaned, otherwise they will interfere with the smooth fastening of the elements to the wall.
To do this, use a sharp knife and coarse-grain sandpaper attached to a piece of timber, or an abrasive stone.
If there is an external corner in the corridor that will be decorated with artificial stone, then work should begin with it, and it is best to use special corner elements for this.
Before fixing the corner tiles with glue, it is recommended to try them on carefully first.
Next, according to the instructions on the package, the tile adhesive is mixed.
Moreover, if the tile is made of gypsum, then the adhesive composition should also be chosen on a gypsum basis, and if the facing material is made of cement-sand mortar, then the adhesive is used on a cement basis.
At the same time, to simplify the work, especially when installing tiles on a wall painted in light shades, it is better to choose white tile adhesive.
Some craftsmen prefer to secure the elements of this cladding with “liquid nails” glue, and this can be done under certain conditions. For example, if the tile is gypsum and has a small thickness and weight, and the room in which it will be installed has normal humidity.
However, professionals in any case recommend using tile adhesive, since it is cheaper, and such a composition, if it is of high quality, will more reliably fix the tiles to the wall.
At installation work Oh, the tiles will definitely have to be cut.
A regular hacksaw can easily cut gypsum tiles, but for cement tiles you will have to use a grinder with a stone disc.
If you plan to make “torn” masonry, and the tile has smooth edges, then it will have to be broken.
To get a long protruding element, the tile is first sawed off, and then the excess parts are broken out, grasping them with pliers.
To obtain an arbitrarily uneven edge, it is simply broken off with the same tool.
However, it should be noted that these manipulations can only be performed with thin gypsum tiles.
So, the masonry starts from the corner or doorway.
The glue is applied to the surface of the wall and the tile itself in a thin layer, since when they adhere, it should only protrude slightly at the edges.
Moreover, this excess must be immediately removed with a spatula.
The tile is applied to the wall and pressed well, the glue is removed from its edges, and then it is tapped to the wall with a rubber hammer.
Installation of the second and all subsequent rows is carried out according to the principle of brickwork, that is, the vertical joints must be offset by at least ⅓ of the length of the tile.
Each of the laid rows is verified according to the building level, since the tiles can become warped by just a few millimeters, which will gradually grow into centimeters, and the work will ultimately be ruined.
Another nuance that often causes inconvenience if ordinary tiles are used to decorate a corner rather than corner elements is the mismatch of their edges, since it is often quite difficult to find perfectly right angles in apartments.
Therefore, before applying the adhesive mixture to the surface, it is necessary to try on two tiles at the corner, and if they do not match, mark and then saw off the protruding excess part.
Since this version of the finishing material has a certain volume, masonry made from it will perfectly hide small irregularities in the corner.
Another challenging design area is the arch.
But if gypsum material is used for finishing, then this problem can be resolved quite easily, again due to the ease of processing such tiles.
Since the arch can have a different radius of curvature, which is difficult to calculate in advance, the easiest way to cut the tiles is to mark them at the place where they are laid.
To do this, the tile is applied to the place where it will later be fixed with glue, and the edge of the arch is outlined on it using a pencil. The cut is made using this mark using a fine-toothed hacksaw.
In order not to make a mistake with the place where the element is fixed, it is best to additionally outline it on the wall, lightly pressing the pencil.
Since gypsum tiles are not flexible, it will be difficult to fix them to the arch opening area. The gap that forms between the wall and the tile must be completely filled with adhesive.
If “liquid nails” are used for fixation, then the glue is applied to the top and bottom of the tile, and after it dries, only the side gap is filled with it.
This way the entire arch is framed.
Next, after the glue has dried, in order to mask the corner joints of the masonry, a paint composition should be sprayed onto it. For this purpose regular one will do spray.
If this device is not available, you can cover the stones with a liquid paint solution using a soft brush.
In any case, it is necessary to ensure that no streaks remain on the surface, so it is recommended to have a sponge on hand to immediately remove them.
The end edges of the stone are carefully painted with a narrow soft brush intended for watercolor work.
The work must be carried out carefully, trying not to touch the surface of the wall.
If some of the paint does get on the surface of the wall, it must be removed with a damp sponge, and, if necessary, some areas of the surface must be touched up.
When the paint has completely dried, the masonry is coated with water-based varnish. It does not have an unpleasant odor and dries quickly enough.
The varnish is applied with a wide soft brush, since the composition must cover all recessed areas of the masonry.
It is best to choose a matte varnish for the coating, since gloss can ruin the entire look, because the “stone” will look unnatural.

Imitation of masonry using papier-mâché technique

Another option for decorating the walls of the hallway and corridor can be finishing, which will not bring much expense, but will require a lot of patience and effort, as well as creativity. In this case, the cladding is done using the familiar papier-mâché technique. In the example presented to your attention, the master decorated not only the hallway and kitchen, but also his office.

Next, we will consider how to make the material for manufacturing, how to apply it to the walls, and also paint it in the desired shades. Moreover, it should be noted that the shape of stones in imitation masonry can be to suit any taste of the master, and the color scheme is also selected to suit the intended style of the interior.

The shape and color of future “stones” are all the prerogative of the creative master

Step-by-step instructions for doing this finishing yourself are in the table below:

IllustrationBrief description of the operation performed
In order to perform cladding using this technique, you will need ordinary paper egg trays, CMC wallpaper glue, a mosquito net measuring 1000x1000 mm or a mesh bag with small cells, intended, for example, for storing onions.
In addition, you need to prepare washing powder for hand washing, as it gives more foam, enamel white and colored paints, soft brushes 150 and 10 mm wide (you will need several of them), an electric drill with a mixer attachment, a plastic basin and a bucket .
In this case, the production of a paper-glue mixture from ten egg trays will be demonstrated. This amount should be enough to cover an area on the wall measuring approximately 550x550 mm.
It is best to make the working mass in the bathroom, since the work requires a large amount of water.
In order not to clog the drain in the bathtub, it is best to protect it with a regular mesh that is installed in the kitchen sink.
The trays are handled differently: some craftsmen knead them or cut them into small pieces, others simply immerse them in very hot water.
So, to soak ten trays you will need 6÷7 liters of hot water, to which you should add 50 grams of washing powder.
The trays are immersed in boiling water one at a time, so that their cells do not overlap, and are left to soak for half an hour.
Then, taking a drill with a mixer attachment, use it to mix and knead the resulting mass.
Next, the soaked paper is kept in water for at least two more hours, since the mixture should turn out almost homogeneous, and also without the odors characteristic of tray cardboard.
Washing powder will not only remove unpleasant odors, but will also help soften the paper faster and better.
After two hours, the mass is crushed and mixed with a mixer installed in an electric drill. Simultaneously with mixing, a kind of “washing” of the resulting mass is carried out.
Next, the resulting “porridge” of paper must be rinsed.
To do this, install a piece of mosquito net in a plastic bucket. It needs to be laid out well at the bottom of the bucket, and then its edges should be secured to the bucket with ordinary clothespins.
Then approximately 1 kg of paper pulp is laid out in the container prepared in this way.
After this, the mesh rises up and twists at the top, then the resulting “bag” is taken out of the bucket and placed on a lattice stand in the bathtub.
Next, press the mesh with the working mass with a mug, squeezing out excess liquid from it.
The pressed mass, without freeing it from the mesh, must be rinsed from the powder using running water from the shower. The mass must be turned over and pressed by hand until clean water flows from it.
Rinsing is carried out first with cold and then with warm water, after which the mass is wrung out like regular laundry.
The rinsed and wrung out paper is poured into a clean container, as it should be dry and crumble easily.
The same work can be done using a mechanical washing machine, in which the centrifuge is installed separately from the washing tank.
A mesh bag is installed in the centrifuge, paper soaked in soapy water is placed in it, then the bag is twisted and tied at the top.
Then the centrifuge lid is closed, the device is turned on, and the mass is spun.
After spinning, the mixture is rinsed. To do this, water from the shower is poured into the centrifuge, and then the moisture is again squeezed out of the mass.
If you have an automatic machine installed in your apartment, then you shouldn’t take the risk, since it has a different spinning principle, and the paper can clog the filters of the device. Therefore, it is best to do the work manually.
The next step is to add one liter of diluted CMC glue to the paper pulp made from ten trays.
You will need to add a little more to the mixture when stirring. clean water, and if the mass turns out to be insufficiently plastic, then also about 0.5 liters of glue.
It is most convenient to mix the paper-glue mixture using a mixer attachment installed in an electric drill.
As a result of mixing, you should get a homogeneous, plastic, pleasant to work mixture with high adhesive ability to any surface.
Cladding work begins from the top of the wall from the ceiling.
The mass is poured and leveled along the ceiling plinth or the junction of the wall and ceiling. In this area, the mass should adhere tightly to the surface - it is pressed with your fingers, while simultaneously forming the first seam between the “stones”.
The advantage of this finishing material is that the paper-adhesive mass, unlike other solutions, does not leave marks on any material located next to the surface being coated.
In this case, an example of the formation of a relief from a mass made of 10 trays is presented.
The mass is applied to the wall by sketching or simply applying the collected lump by hand with the necessary force.
Having sketched a small volume of material, it is pressed against the surface of the wall with the palm of your hand.
The mixture does not leave dirty marks on your hands and easily adheres to any wall covering - it can be tiles, wood, whitewash, concrete, drywall, brickwork and other materials.
After the mass is applied to the wall, it is pressed tightly to the surface with your hands, simultaneously creating approximately the same layer thickness.
The facing material does not require ideal leveling, since natural stones almost always have an uneven surface, except for pebbles polished with water.
On the leveled wet layer, the formation of the “masonry” relief begins.
To do this, indentations are made in the mass by hand, which will become seams between the simulated “stones”.
At the same time, the shape of the “stones” themselves is created.
The master recommends, when creating a relief, alternating small and large “stones”, giving them different shapes. They do not have to be laid correctly, with even seams between them; it is better if the artificial stones created using this technique are arranged randomly.
When forming “masonry” elements, when you press on the mass with your hand, for example, when creating a seam, the mixture on the other side rises, forming a tubercle. It must be pressed while simultaneously distributing it onto the mass located nearby.
The mass in the seam between the “stones” must be well pressed against the wall, and in order not to use additional tools, the width of the seam can be determined by the thickness of the finger with which it is formed.
When forming “stones”, it is necessary to ensure that their middle part is not pressed too much inward, that is, their edges should be below the middle. Otherwise, after drying, the “stones” will look like saucers, and this circumstance will certainly reveal their artificial origin, and the masonry itself will not look very aesthetically pleasing.
In addition, you should not leave the edges of the stones sharp, which can also spoil the appearance of the relief - they are carefully smoothed, leading towards the seam.
You must also always remember that if, when making a three-dimensional pattern on the wall, it includes large and small “stones,” then the paper-glue mass will be used rationally and economically, which will allow you to decorate a larger area of ​​the wall in one batch.
The relief of the “stones” can protrude to different heights from the wall - this will give the masonry more naturalness, that is, there is no need to particularly compare and smooth them.
If you plan to decorate the wall with artificial stones that imitate pebbles, then you should add a little more glue to the mixture. It will make the material more flexible and easier to smooth out.
When the work of creating the relief is completed, the wall lined with this technique must be properly dried, otherwise cracks may form on it, or the layer will separate from the surface.
To prevent this from happening, drying should be carried out under natural conditions, that is, there should be no draft in the room or heating devices turned on aimed at finishing.
If at the end of the work there is excess paper and adhesive mass left, it should be stored in open form, otherwise it will acquire an unpleasant musty smell. If this does happen, the mass will have to be washed again, squeezed out, and then can be used again for work.
If moisture has evaporated from the mixture, then before use, add water to it, soak and mix well.
When the created relief on the wall is completely dry, it is necessary to check it for cracks and peeling.
If cracks are found, they should be sealed with the same paper-adhesive mixture, and while it dries, you can start marking the colors.
In this case, the master first determines the color of each of the “stones” using colored dots.
This method simplifies the work, since first paint of one color is taken and applied to the marked “stones” throughout the facing layer.
For painting, it is best to use alkyd matte enamel or oil paint, which is applied to the “stones” in two layers.
Then stones of a different color are painted, and this continues until the entire surface is covered with a layer of paint.
The paint is applied to the entire relief of the “stone” up to the seam.
Sometimes, to add naturalness to the painting of one “stone,” several shades are used, which gives the masonry elements a deeper volume.
Regarding coloring, we can say that this process can be carried out in different ways, depending on the goal and the style of the interior. It all depends on the artistic taste of the master.
Paint is applied to the seam in such a way that it does not touch the protruding relief of the “stone”. It should not stand out in the foreground, since the task of designing the seams is to give the finish neatness, that is, they should only be a background for the main elements.
In this case, the result of the work is presented in the selected green-brown-beige tones, with seams made in blue shades.
However, each master chooses his own color option, which best suits his vision of the interior being created.
A properly tiled wall, covered with enamel or oil paint, can be easily cleaned with a soap solution and a stiff brush.
Based on this, we can conclude that the finish is moisture resistant and can be used for any of the rooms, including the bathroom. An exception is the area where the bathtub meets the wall - there it is recommended to lay one horizontal row of ceramic tiles, harmonizing in color with the future “masonry”.
It can also be noted that the mass made from cardboard of egg trays has low heat and sound conductivity, so a wall finished with this material will muffle noise from the outside and will also become warmer, unlike brick or concrete.

So, the available methods and necessary materials for finishing the corridor - quite a lot. The main thing is to first decide for yourself what you would like to get as a result of the repairs. The second step is to determine the amount that can be allocated for renovation work in a given room, and then look for options that are suitable in all respects.

And to spur the imagination of the interested reader, below is a video that presents many very interesting options for decorating the corridor and hallway.

Video: a variety of design solutions for decorating the corridor and hallway

After all, it’s somehow illogical to carry building materials and garbage through an already renovated room. Often, after a tedious and labor-intensive finishing of all the rooms of the apartment, there is no energy or finances left to renovate the hallway. This is a critical mistake, because the hallway is rightfully considered the hallmark of the apartment. That is why it is so important to plan repair work throughout the apartment and in particular in the hallway in advance. Easier highlight all stages of hallway renovation at once, decide what it should be in the end in order to get what you want as a result.

No. 1. Drafting

Any important task involves drawing up an action plan, and when it comes to repairs, then Having a clear procedure is a necessity and the key to a successful result A. In advance, you should also think about, determine their size, choose the style of the interior, and also decide on lighting fixtures, locations of switches and sockets. All this must be imagined not conventionally and in the imagination, but depict in the form of a diagram, as complete and understandable as possible.

To draw up a plan for the future hallway, you need to measure its dimensions, know the distance from the walls to the doorways and other nuances of the room. All this needs to be transferred to scale on paper or the obtained data must be entered into a special program. Now you can begin to move the necessary pieces of furniture according to the plan and experiment until you like the result. It is more convenient to use special applications, since you can immediately see the result in three-dimensional space. If your own strength and desire are clearly not enough to plan the interior and organize the hallway space, then you can turn to specialists.

When creating a hallway plan it is worth take into account some of the nuances of this room. In most cases, this is the lack of natural light, and, of course, a constant negative influence: dirt, sand, moisture from the street, temperature changes, etc. That is why you should not unnecessarily clutter the hallway with furniture and decor - there should be the necessary minimum of items so that household members can move around here calmly. It is better to use in decoration light colors, with mirrored doors. Owners of spacious hallways can afford complete freedom when organizing the hallway space.

The completed design project should be as detailed and detailed as possible, and on its basis, the necessary building materials are determined, an estimate is made, and the stages of repair and their sequence are identified. We will stop at the main stages.

No. 2. Preparation for repair

When in the whole apartment renovation is underway, it’s unlikely that any furniture remains in the hallway, but it’s still worth reminding that the first step is to get everything out of it. Now it's time for the dirtiest process - dismantling work . If walls were finished with a spatula, and if difficulties arise, first moisten the wallpaper a little. With paint the situation is more complicated: you may need a solvent or. However, if the painted or ceiling is smooth and without any defects, then, depending on the future finishing, the paint layer may not be touched. As for flooring, then it’s easy enough to dismantle the linoleum yourself, but you’ll have to tinker with the tiles. It is important to correctly assess the condition of the floor covering and if it is still quite normal, then it is better to simply cover the floor with film during the repair.

Often small hallways are combined with an adjacent room, tearing down the partition. This is done precisely at this stage of repair, but permission for such work must be taken long before that. If necessary, at this stage the installation of partitions, arches and other elements is also carried out.

Major repairs, as a rule, also include. If this is necessary, then at this stage of repair, the walls are chipped, which is necessary for safety and aesthetics. At this point, it is already important to know the lighting plan for the hallway and the location of sockets in it, so that in the future you can avoid the use of extension cords and laying wires over the surface of the walls - all this will not add beauty and neatness.

No. 3. Rough finish

It all starts with wall alignment, because their ideal surface is already half the success. Often used, which have a number of advantages. It is worth noting that they will not dry very quickly, and at this time it is better not to proceed to the subsequent stages of work. preferably in one layer, since when applying the second it is necessary to wait for the first to dry completely. After this, it would be a good idea to prime the surface. Instead of plaster, many people use putty, which, after drying, is sanded with sandpaper.

The lengthy and messy process of leveling walls can be simplified by using sheets of drywall. But this solution is not suitable for all hallways, because their area is often already tiny, and no one would want to reduce it at the expense of it. This option is great for owners of spacious hallways.

Level the ceiling surface is also necessary, because painting is a common solution for finishing it. Exception - and suspended structures, which hide the surface of the main ceiling, and therefore achieving perfect evenness and the absence of any defects is not so important. To level the ceiling, a gypsum solution is often used, which, after drying, is cleaned and primed.

After completing these works, you can begin replacing doors, if provided. When new door leaves will be mounted, it is better to cover them with film so that they are not stained or damaged during finishing.

No. 4. Finishing

They approach the decoration of the hallway and the choice of materials with all responsibility: the room takes a serious blow every day when household members and pets bring dirt, moisture and sand from the street. All materials must be resistant to such influences, easy to care for, but also attractive.

Accepted start finishing, because otherwise drops of paint or plaster will drip on it when decorating the ceiling. The most common way to organize ceiling space is paint it: There are many shades, the price of materials is low, you can do it yourself. Less commonly, but still used to decorate the ceiling wallpaper and polystyrene tiles. It becomes an interesting option

For many, apartment renovations begin with the hallway and hallway. For some, these places are the final stage of renovation. One way or another, they must be repaired efficiently in order to please the eyes of their owners for a long time. Now there are many repair shops where they will do everything well for you, but at a high price. If you decide to do the renovation yourself, we present useful recommendations that will help save your time and money.

Repairs in the corridor and hallway must be carried out according to a certain algorithm of actions. If you do it in a chaotic manner, you can incur a lot of difficulties and troubles. For example, if you start repairing a hallway from the floor, there is a risk of it getting dirty when repairing the ceiling or walls. Having made the starting point of finishing the walls, you can get them dirty when repairing the ceiling.

Based on this, the ideal algorithm for repairing the hallway and corridor in apartments looks something like this:

  1. The first step is to repair the ceiling and install lighting. At this stage, you can stretch or hang the ceiling, plaster and paint it, and hang a lighting source.
  2. The second stage is clearing the hallway and corridor from excess furniture and finishing the walls. The decoration of the walls in the corridor and hallway should be carried out taking into account the fact that the hallway is one of the dirtiest places in the house.
  3. The third stage is floor repair, parquet, linoleum or laminate flooring.
  4. The fourth stage is furniture installation.

Repairing the hallway and corridor in an ordinary small apartment will not take much time and money. The only thing is that you need to take into account many factors, for example, the type of room.

In Khrushchev-era buildings, the hallway resembles a box. This type of room is found in modern buildings and in Stalin buildings, and this room is the easiest to renovate due to its size. As a rule, the area of ​​a box hallway is no more than 5 m2 and includes exits to the bathroom, living room and bedroom, and sometimes to the kitchen. The only disadvantage of renovating this room is the difficulty of installing furniture.

The next type is the hallway-corridor, typical for panel houses. In the hallway the corridor is usually narrow but long. Therefore, it is necessary to properly organize the space in this type of hallway. In block Khrushchev houses there is a special type of hallway, where a narrow corridor runs along the doors to the living rooms and branches towards the kitchen and bathroom. It is difficult to make repairs in such a room due to the narrowness of the space and the small amount of space for furniture.

How to make renovations in the hallway, taking into account the type of room

Making renovations in the hallway is quite simple if it small size. You need to start from the ceiling. You can make a hanging one or whitewash the old one. It is better to leave the color of the ceiling white; in extreme cases, you can use the color of baked milk, this color will look good square room, it is better to make the ceiling in the corridor white or milky. If you do not want to waste energy on whitewashing the ceiling, seek help from specialists in suspended ceilings. In a very short time you will receive beautiful ceilings in the hallway and corridor. In small areas, this will not be much of a drain on your wallet.

Another option for ceiling repair is mirror ceiling. It is suitable if you have a box hallway or a compartment hallway. This option is suitable for any small square room with relatively high ceilings.

The design of small rooms should visually expand the space. To do this, the walls should be well finished.

There are several ways to expand space using walls:

  1. Decorating the walls with white plaster will give a homely feel to the light beige color of the walls in the corridor and hallway.
  2. Changing the color of wallpaper in the hallway and corridor, different textures of wallpaper or different colors of paint, using a method of smooth or sharp transition between colors.
  3. Using arches or partitions to divide space. The most expensive and complex way to expand space.

When expanding space with color, you should take into account some nuances. The contrasting wall should be absolutely visible; it should be visible when entering the hallway. The use of too dark colors is acceptable in a small area, as small accents.

An example of renovation in the corridor of a Khrushchev building

Let us give an example of a renovation in a corridor “with a hole” in a typical Khrushchev apartment. This type of repair can be done with your own hands. You just need to know a few secrets. The very first thing you need to know is that corridors with mink will not tolerate arches and partitions. They will lower the already low ceiling and significantly reduce the space.

For repair narrow corridor it is necessary to use the cardinal directions method. Determine the direction of the world where the living room faces.

If it is a southeast, south, southwest side, you can organize the design as follows:

  • The branch to the kitchen past the bathroom can be separated by an overhead special dark-colored ceiling beam;
  • We decorate the section of the corridor leading to the kitchen with kitchen utensils;
  • We divide the narrow corridor by color: place the darker one closer to the exit, the lighter one closer to the living room;
  • Hangers can be used as storage space.

To make this type of hallway seem lighter, the kitchen can be made light to match the hallway. At the same time, the design of the corridor and kitchen may be different.

How to make a Euro corridor renovation

It is quite possible to make euro renovations in the hallway, bathroom and other parts of the apartment. It is preferable to leave Euro home renovations in the hands of professionals, but if you decide to do it yourself, you should give preference to light-colored materials. You need to start the euro design from the walls.

The following types of wallpaper are suitable:

  • Wallpaper for painting;
  • Non-woven wallpaper;
  • Washable wallpaper.

Preference should be given to the latter type of wallpaper. In addition to the above materials, you can use wall cladding using MDF or laminate. This method is often used for office premises.

We do the renovation of the bathroom and corridor with our own hands

Why are we renovating the bathtub and hallway? In order to slightly expand the area of ​​the hallway due to the bathroom and its combination.

Basic rules for such an extension:

  • Bright hues;
  • Minimum of unnecessary accessories;
  • Non-staining furniture and wallpaper.

Repairing a corridor in an ordinary apartment: what to look for

To do redecorating in the corridor and hallway, it is necessary to pay attention to all details, including the floor covering.

  • Tiles;
  • Parquet;
  • Linoleum.

It is not possible to repair a floor using laminate. Although this is the most cheap way finishing the floor, in the context of the hallway and corridor, it will not last long. Laminate is essentially paper, which upon first contact with water (which is quite likely in the hallway and corridor) will swell and, at best, after a year the floor will need to be changed again.

That is why it is better to use linoleum or parquet boards for the hallway and corridor. Don't want to spend money on new linoleum coverings? Use tiles. It washes out very quickly and looks just perfect in the hallway.

When buying wallpaper for the hallway and corridor, pay attention to vinyl wallpaper. They are easy to wash, so you won't be afraid of accidentally getting them dirty. Perfect option for an apartment with pets. In addition to them, you can also use PVC coating. The interesting design will be reliably protected by a waterproof film, therefore, they can also be washed.

Foamed vinyl is suitable for those who want durable wallpaper. This wallpaper is not afraid of mechanical damage, lasts a very long time and is moderate in cost. Building materials for renovation are a reason to seriously delve into the study of suitable paints, wallpaper and parquet. If you are not sure about own strength, seek advice from a professional. Use only high-quality and proven materials for repairs that are trusted by consumers. Don't be afraid to seek advice from experienced remodelers because the wrong building material could cost you big money and turmoil.

Material about modern trends in corridor design will also be useful:

Corridor renovation (video)

Renovating the hallway and hallway can be simple and enjoyable if you approach the issue competently. Seek help from specialists and remember that you won’t be able to save money on repairs. Here, as nowhere else, the excellent saying “the miser pays twice” applies. So, don’t look for where you can save money on repairs. Calculate everything before starting repairs and compare it with your capabilities.

Design and renovation of a corridor in an apartment (interior photo)

If you decide to start renovations in the hallway, immediately decide what functions it will perform. Will it be an entrance hall, or a spacious hall without heavy furniture, and only with some decorative elements. Or maybe the area of ​​the corridor is so large that it will be possible to place several useful areas in it at once. Decide on the color of the walls and furniture that you will place here. And also, with quantity and type interior doors, their color and design. Don’t forget about the front door, from which it is advisable to start repairs in the corridor. Floor covering is also very important. Don't lose sight of him.

Renovation in the hallway: ideas, do-it-yourself and necessary materials

A budget renovation in the hallway is what will save the situation after all the rooms in the house have noticeably changed, and the owner of the house’s wallet has noticeably lost weight. There is nothing else left to do but come up with your own ideas and bring them to life yourself.

Do-it-yourself hallway renovation is a great idea for completing the renovation of the house as a whole.

After you've renovated your entire home, you'll end up with a lot of leftover building materials. Don't rush to throw them away. They are perfect for renovations in the hallway. Let your imagination fly and you will be surprised by the result. To design your hallway, whatever you have at hand can suit you.

Materials and accessories for DIY hallway renovations that you can use:

  • Remains of linoleum or laminate;
  • Paint, whitewash, wallpaper remnants;
  • Mirrors, furniture and decorative elements from renovated rooms;
  • Dresser;
  • Small pouf;
  • Desk lamp;
  • Floor vase or fresh flowers.

Remember, everything you do with your own hands will save you a decent amount of money, or will be absolutely free. Try to give a set of furniture and materials a basic style, and your hallway will be in no way inferior to expensive, luxurious furniture.

Functional hallway in an apartment: ideas, design photos

The hallway in an apartment is almost always the space in the hallway near the front door. The hallway is a set of furniture and a room for undressing and storing things at the same time.

The design of the hallway in an apartment depends on the area of ​​the corridor, on the functions it performs, and on the number of people who live in this living space.

The design of the hallway should be chosen so that the hallway is in harmony with the other rooms of the apartment. If you add some design tricks to the standard hallway modules, you will give it a sophisticated and stylish look.

The main types of hallway design in an apartment:

  1. Open hallway;
  2. Closed hallway;
  3. Combined hallway;
  4. Glossy hallway;
  5. Entrance hall under the tree;
  6. Antique style hallways;
  7. Entrance hall.

When choosing a style for your hallway, make sure that the appearance of the hallway matches the area of ​​the corridor. Consider lighting too. This is very important, because corridors in apartments usually have no windows.

What are the main ideas for the hallway?

The hallway must first of all meet certain requirements - it must be as useful and comfortable as possible. You need to arrange it in such a way that you don’t get annoyed later when you come home and immediately at the door find yourself in chaos, where everyone is crowding, pushing and spreading dirt around the apartment.

Ideas for hallways can be very different. You can equip it in the spirit of minimalism, providing only the most necessary elements, or you can place a large set of household items, and you will get not a corridor with an entrance hall, but a real comfort zone, with furniture for things, relaxation, communication about interests, and care for wildlife.

The most important requirements are that hallways should be practical, free to move around in and comfortable. Whatever color of the hallway you choose, think about whether you can devote enough time to keeping it clean. After all, the hallway, like no other room, requires careful care. Decorate your hallway various elements decor, and you will give it uniqueness and originality.

When arranging your hallway, you can decorate it with the following items:

  • Natural flowers;
  • Floor lamp or table lamp;
  • Figurines, figurines, candelabra, candlesticks;
  • Wicker basket for clothes and shoes;
  • Carved mirrors;
  • Built-in lighting, lamps, chandeliers.

But try not to “overdo it”; unnecessary items will interfere with your ability to easily and easily use the hallway.

Design solutions and renovations in the hallway: ideas, photos, directions

Designing a corridor is difficult. This is a delicate work, individual for each individual case. Even if the corridors in an apartment building are similar to one another, each homeowner, one way or another, makes his own adjustments to its use.

Repairs in the hallway must first of all be carried out taking into account the requirements set by the very function of the corridor - this is the space between the outside world and the living space.

All the dirt and dust from the street, raindrops dripping from clothes, or lumps of snow after playing snowballs are always brought into the corridor. Therefore, the main requirement of the materials that you use when decorating the corridor design is that they should be easy to clean.

The main directions for designing repairs in the corridor:

  • The walls of the corridor must be made of materials that can be wet cleaned;
  • It is best to lay laminate or ceramic tiles on the floor;
  • It would be nice to make the ceiling in light colors, and if the height allows, then multi-level with the use of spotlights;
  • It is most practical to paint the doors with durable, moisture-resistant paint.

It is best to start renovating a house after the entire house has been renovated and all the pipes have been sealed.

Renovating the hallway: ideas (video)

Believe me, if new building materials are brought in through the renovated corridor and old ones are taken out, then soon your renovation will be “blown away.” The surface of building materials used for repairs should be comfortable and practical. Add a stylish touch to your hallway design idea, and not only your guests, but also you yourself, when you come home, will be surprised every time by the practicality and genius of your interior.

A corridor or hallway is the room where apartment residents first enter when they come home from the street, so dirt and damage are sure to appear on their walls over time. If there are small children or animals in the apartment or house, then the finishing of the lower part of the wall will definitely be in a special risk area. Therefore, when starting a renovation, you need to carefully consider how to decorate the walls in the corridor so that the material is resistant to most mechanical influences.

In addition, it is necessary to take into account the fact that the hallway is usually the “face” of the apartment, setting the tone for the interior design of all rooms, which means that one cannot help but think not only about the strength qualities of the material, but also about its aesthetic side.

A large assortment of modern materials, which can be found in construction stores today, makes it possible to choose a finish to suit any request in terms of style and financial capabilities. However, before settling on one of the many design options, you need to consider the positive and negative aspects of the chosen approach.

Wood finish

Wood has not gone out of fashion for many centuries, thanks to its amazing qualities, which create the most beautiful interiors in apartments. favorable microclimate. Wooden ones are suitable for finishing the hallway and corridors. facing materials, produced in the form of lining or panels, depending on the chosen design style.

Natural lining

Wooden lining is a more affordable material compared to natural panels. It is manufactured in various forms, so it is possible to use it to create an interior that matches different styles.

Several types of lining are produced, but all of them are used when decorating a corridor in styles such as “Provence”, “country” or “Russian hut”.

Wood is a material with a structure that does not conduct heat well, thereby retaining it in rooms, so walls covered with it will always be warm to the touch. In addition, such finishing can partially reduce the level of noise coming from outside.

Wooden lining is often called a tongue-and-groove board in another way, although therein lies a contradiction - such a term is more suitable for flooring boards that do not have an external relief. However, a board with a smooth, non-profiled outer surface is often a good material for finishing walls in hallways and corridors.

In addition to the type of profile, lining is classified according to qualitative features - it is customary to distinguish between classes “extra”, “A”, “B”, “C”.

  • “Extra” is a lining of the highest class, free from defects and the core of the trunk.
  • “A” is a class of material that also has high quality. In the production of this lining, wood is selected that is allowed to have one knot per 1500 linear millimeters on the front side or edge, as well as up to two blind and small cracks on the back side of the board.
  • “B” is a class of lining that is of lower quality, so it can have up to four knots for every 1500 mm, with a diameter of up to 20 mm. Up to two non-through cracks, darkening and stains are also allowed.
  • “C” is the lowest class of finishing material. It may have knots up to 25 mm in diameter, several cracks up to 5% of the lamella length, bluish and dark stains, and even mechanical damage. This material has a low price, so it is often used for the manufacture of lathing. If such lining is planned to be used for decorative cladding, then a lot of work will have to be done on it, cleaning the surfaces and filling in flaws.

Any of the classes is suitable for covering the walls of the corridor, but some of them can be used in their natural form, that is, preserving the textured pattern of the wood, while others must be painted to mask damage repaired with putty.

The lining is made from various woods both coniferous and deciduous species. The most affordable materials can be called pine, linden and aspen, and the most expensive finish is lining made of larch, cedar, oak, alder and ash.

The lining can be installed on the walls horizontally or vertically, depending on the effect you want to achieve. If the hallway or corridor is narrow and long, then it is best to install the slats vertically, otherwise the room will seem even narrower and longer. In a square hallway, the lining can be mounted in different ways, as planned by the design. To give the room originality, you can use combined option fastenings, that is, sheath one wall horizontally, the other vertically, or even combine different directions on one wall.

Natural solid panels

More expensive finishing made from natural wood are massive panels, which can be used to completely cover all the walls, one of them, or they can be used to decorate only the lower areas. For the manufacture of this material, mainly expensive hardwood is used, which has a beautiful textured pattern, such as beech, oak, alder, cedar, ash. However, all these breeds have a high price and are not always affordable for a family with an average income. To reduce the cost of their production, most often different types of wood are combined with each other.

For example, the base of the panel is made from less expensive material- it can be pine or spruce, and then the front side is covered with two to three layers of veneer made from valuable wood species. The veneer is bonded to the base using a special hot pressing technology, which gives the panels increased strength.

Panels are also made from plywood, which is also lined with veneer, and then coated with varnish or wax.

Wall panels, depending on their design, can be used in different styles - classic, classic English, Victorian, modern, neoclassical, rococo and other styles.

Advantages and disadvantages of wood finishing

If we talk about the negative sides of finishing a corridor with wood, then they practically do not exist, since it is devoid of disadvantages, with the exception of the high price of some of its options. But it has many more advantages than any other material.

  • Wood has excellent strength and resistance to mechanical stress, therefore, with proper processing and finishing, the claws and teeth of pets are not dangerous.
  • The environmental friendliness of wood is undeniable compared to other artificial finishes, so this design can create a favorable microclimate for apartment residents.
  • Durability wood finishing will allow you to avoid having to renovate your hallway for ten years.
  • If you want to change the interior design of the room, the finish can be easily painted in one or more colors.
  • Easy to install any type of wood trim, if available necessary tools, allows you to carry out this process on your own.
  • Each type of wood has its own textured pattern and color scheme, so choosing exactly the option that the apartment owners will like and will fit well into the intended interior of the hallway will not be difficult.
  • AND wooden panels, and well-fitted boards and linings go well with a variety of materials, such as wallpaper or artificial stone, so this type of finish provides ample opportunity for imagination when developing an interior project.

Wallpaper finishing

Despite the large number of new finishing materials that have appeared in Lately freely available, continue to be popular, and not only for living rooms, but also for the corridor or hallway.

But, as you know, wallpaper is a fairly thin material that is susceptible to damage and contamination. Therefore, if there is no perverse desire to renovate the corridor every year, then it is best to combine them with more durable finishes, such as wood, plastic, chipboard or MDF panels or artificial stone.

It is especially important to choose a combined option if there are animals in the house. Well, if you live in the apartment Small child, and it is decided to decorate only with wallpaper, then their washable version is best suited.

If previously you could only find paper wallpaper in stores, today the range of this finishing material is extremely wide. So, non-woven, vinyl, fiberglass, metallized and photo wallpapers may be suitable for a hallway or corridor. You should not choose textile finishing fabrics for decorating these rooms, as dust can accumulate in them, which can cause the development of allergic reactions.

To make a choice, it is worth considering in a little more detail the most popular types of this material.

Non-woven wallpaper

The non-woven version of the wallpaper consists of two layers - a base made of non-woven cellulose fabric, as well as a top polymer coating. This type of material is not strong enough, but can hide small flaws in the walls. It does not shrink when gluing, is wear-resistant, environmentally friendly, and easy to install yourself, since when finishing the glue is applied only to the wall.

Non-woven wallpaper is suitable for decorating not only walls, but also ceilings. If you need to change the interior, they can be painted in the desired color.

If a cat can reach non-woven wallpaper, it will happily sharpen its claws on it, so it is best to combine it with high, durable panels.

Vinyl wallpapers

Vinyl wallpapers also consist of two layers - a base made of paper or non-woven fabric, and a decorative coating made of polyvinyl chloride, which can have different thicknesses and relief. This coating has many varieties, and one of them, which has become especially popular, is “silk-screen printing”.

Vinyl sheets have high strength and wear resistance, they are inert to ultraviolet radiation and retain their original color for many years. Such wallpaper can be called washable, as it can be easily cleaned with regular wet cleaning. The variety of colors and textures of this material is so great that they can be matched to any interior style.

If this particular finish is chosen to decorate the corridor, then it is not recommended to purchase wallpaper of dubious quality due to its low price, as it can be toxic. The best option for any of the rooms would be non-woven fabrics, as they are “breathable”.

Fiberglass wallpaper

Wallpaper based on fiberglass has increased strength, as it contains strong fibers. This is an environmentally friendly material that can be painted after sticking to the walls with water-based or latex-based paints. Wallpaper is highly wear-resistant, its service life is about 30 years, and during this period it can easily withstand up to 15 repaintings. The material does not crack in the corners when the structure shrinks, it does not burn, is waterproof and is not a breeding ground for microflora colonies.

You can wallpaper the corridor yourself

Many owners have already tried their hand at carrying out such finishing with their own hands. But if you don’t have the relevant experience, then before starting this work, we recommend that you read the article on our portal.

Photo wallpaper

Photo wallpapers are made from various materials - they can be paper, non-woven, vinyl and fabric. For the corridor, it is best to choose a vinyl or non-woven option, as they have characteristics suitable for this room.

The finishing material is also divided according to texture. So, on sale you can find:

— Wallpaper with a smooth glossy and matte surface.

— Relief wallpaper imitating sand, canvas and other fabric weaves, as well as a variety of three-dimensional designs.

This finishing material can be decorated with images with different effects:

  • Background photo wallpaper decorated with frequent patterns of floral or other directions, arranged in a certain order. They differ in that they lack a specific plot. This option is suitable for decorating a corridor or hallway, but you must choose washable varieties or combine them with other materials.

Background decoration, depending on the choice of color and pattern, can visually expand or reduce the area of ​​the room being decorated.

  • Panoramic photo wallpaper have images of natural or modern city landscapes, balconies or small courtyards. They can also create a room-enlarging effect, so they are ideal for decorating narrow rooms.
  • Photo wallpaper with realistic images are also often used to decorate the walls of corridors - these are photographs of flowers, grass, flowering trees, etc. Most often, these canvases have a volumetric 3D effect, which creates the illusion of expanding space, or HD, in which the drawings have the clearest detail.
  • Subject photo wallpaper , on which large images of one or several objects are printed, are better suited for rooms with large areas, since in small rooms they will look ridiculous and visually make them smaller. This is not the best option for a corridor.

Have you tried gluing photo wallpaper?

The question is not idle, since this finishing operation– quite complex, replete with nuances. To avoid mistakes and spoil expensive material, read in a separate publication on our portal.

Cork finish

An ideal finishing option for the corridor would be cork, which has antistatic properties, is fire-resistant and non-hygroscopic, resistant to deformation, ultraviolet radiation, and, most importantly, to mechanical stress. Thanks to the strength of this material, it is not afraid of animal claws and teeth. Cork is an environmentally friendly material; it is very light in weight, which simplifies its installation on walls.

plastic panels

Cork is natural material, which perfectly soundproofs the room and also makes the walls warm and pleasant to the touch. Cork finishing is carried out in different options- this can be wallpaper, slabs and rolls on a self-adhesive basis. The color scheme of finishing elements is varied, as it can have a large number of options, both plain and interspersed with different shades.

Cork finishing materials are made from the bark of oak trees that grow in the Mediterranean. Veneer is cut from the removed bark and prepared solid panels, or it is crushed into crumbs with the subsequent production of wall and floor slabs, roll materials, unfounded or having paper base wallpaper Cork is used to decorate not only walls, but also other surfaces of the room.

In stores you can find cork materials that require additional processing- they have more low price. However, it is better to purchase a finish that does not require additional protective agents, since if you carry out this process incorrectly, you can easily ruin the appearance of the coating.

  • Cork panels

Cork tiles or panels are made on a plywood or MDF base, on which the connecting joints are made locking connections"tenon and groove". This allows you to assemble individual elements into a single covering with almost invisible seams.

Another version of cork slabs consists of three fairly thin layers - the lower one, which serves as the base, the middle one, and the upper decorative one, connected together with natural glue. This finishing material is decorated with cork veneer.

  • Rolled fabric

Rolled cork consists of two layers - pressed chips, which is the base, and decorative thin veneer. The canvases are glued end-to-end to the surfaces of the walls and floors. After installing such a finish, the sheets merge into a single covering with invisible joints.

In addition to decorative ones, technical cork roll coverings are produced, which are used as substrates for other types of finishing. They are used as an effective insulating and soundproofing material.

  • Cork wallpaper

Cork wallpaper has a thickness of 1 to 4 mm. They can be baseless, like a rolled web, or the basis for them is paper. Therefore, they are glued to prepared walls in much the same way as ordinary wallpaper, but, unlike them, they are able to disguise small flaws on surfaces.

It should be noted that any cork material goes well with other finishes, so various combined options can be developed and implemented.

Cork is well suited for decorating walk-through rooms, both aesthetically and technical specifications. The only thing that can stop you from choosing it is the fairly high price.

Bamboo wall decoration

Decorating the corridor with bamboo is great choice, since this material has high strength and is not afraid of mechanical stress. In addition, it is an environmentally friendly and durable material that does not require complex care and can be cleaned with a vacuum cleaner or a damp cloth.

Bamboo trim is produced in different forms - these can be rigid panels or wallpaper mats assembled from slats of different widths.

  • Bamboo panels

To make bamboo panels, whole trunks or halves are most often used, but sometimes they are also assembled from slats glued to the base. They consist of one or two layers, are produced by hot pressing, and can have different dimensions and thickness.

Bamboo goes well with other finishes, such as wallpaper or tiles that imitate flat versions of stone. Most often, panels are used to decorate the lower part of walls, which are in greater need of their protective functions. Bamboo is not afraid of cat claws and any dirt - the latter can be easily removed by all available methods. The panels are fixed to the wall using " liquid nails", and installation is usually not difficult.

  • Bamboo wallpaper

Bamboo wallpaper is made from slats into which the inside of solid trunks opens. The thickness of the canvas can vary from 3 to 5 mm. The slats are stitched with a thick, strong thread, which makes them look like mats (which, by and large, they are). Most often, rolls of size 10 × 0.92 m are found on sale.

Another version of wallpaper made from this material has a base made of technical gauze or rice paper, onto which slats are glued, cut from the outer smooth part of the trunk, which is its bark. The width of the planks ranges from 8 to 20 mm, and the thickness is 1÷2 mm. A roll of such wallpaper has standard parameters, its length is 10000 mm, and its width is 2500, 2000, 1500 and 1000 mm.

Wallpaper is produced in different design options - they can be plain or have a natural pattern characteristic of this material.

a natural stone

According to their own decorative qualities bamboo wallpaper is almost as good as panels. They can be combined with each other, but to do this you need to choose harmonizing shades.

Bamboo wallpaper is fixed to the wall using PVA polymer glue. Before installing them, it is recommended to level the walls with plasterboard, onto the primed surface of which they are attached quite easily. If the material will be glued to another, more complex surface, then it is better to use “liquid nails” for installation work.

Plastic panels

PVC panels are an affordable and easy-to-install material that can, however, significantly transform any room. Such cladding provides great opportunities in planning your own version of the interior of the corridor, as it is produced in a rich variety of colors, ornamental and relief patterns, with a very reliable imitation of natural materials - the texture of wood, stone, sand, etc.

This material is very popular due to its aesthetic appearance, durability and relative strength. The panels are easy to clean with wet cleaning, so they are perfect for decorating corridor walls, both the lower part of the wall and all surfaces completely.

If PVC panels are chosen for finishing the corridor, then the repair will take place quickly and relatively cleanly, without unpleasant odors of paint or spilled glue.

Using this material, it is quite easy to level the surfaces of rooms; it becomes possible to hide cables and communication pipes without stripping the walls. In addition, soundproofing material can be placed behind the panels.

Panels produced for interior decoration are an environmentally friendly material that does not emit harmful fumes.

The advantage of PVC panels is that such a coating will not attract animals, since it has a smooth surface that is not easy to claw into.

In order for the finish to meet all the qualities mentioned above, you should not purchase cheap materials. The stiffening ribs installed inside the panel should not be visible through the outer solid layers of plastic, and when you press them with your fingers, they should not wrinkle.

The surface of the panels should not have deformations or dents, and the joining of individual lamellas should be easy, with the tenon completely inserted into the groove.

One cannot help but remember that for finishing corridors and hallways it is necessary to choose PVC panels with a flammability category of G1 or NG. They have a special treatment that makes them more resistant to ignition and melting even when heated to extremes. high temperatures. This circumstance must be taken into account in order to emergency situations the exit from the apartment was not blocked by strong and toxic smoke or even open fire.

The process of installing PVC cladding on walls is accessible to everyone!

Any owner who is more or less “savvy” with basic construction skills is able to perform such cladding. Read how it is produced in a separate publication on our portal.

MDF or fiberboard panels

MDF is a wood fiber board produced by dry pressing of fibers using urea resins. The outer side of the panels is decorated with a coating that imitates natural wood of various species or other natural materials. Some panels are covered with a special protective film - this process is called lamination.

In addition to MDF, fiberboard panels are also on sale, which have a lower cost, but experienced craftsmen Still, it is recommended to choose the first finishing option.

The significant difference between these materials lies in their technical characteristics:

  • MDF is a safer material than fiberboard, since the latter uses phenol-formaldehyde resins as a binder, which emit toxic fumes that can harm the health of apartment residents. MDF, from this point of view, is incomparably cleaner.
  • The strength of MDF is much higher than that of fiberboard finishing. Such panels are more resistant to external mechanical influences, which is very important for a room such as a corridor.
  • MDF, unlike fiberboard, has a water-repellent coating that allows wet cleaning walls without much regard for the frequency of this process.

However, for all its advantages, MDF has a high flammability category - G4, and for different fiberboard models this parameter can be lower - from G1 to G4. Therefore, when choosing a finish, you must pay attention to this characteristic.

Installation of both MDF and fiberboard is carried out in the same way, in approximately the same way as PVC panels and natural wooden lining: along sheathing guides installed vertically or horizontally.

MDF panels are produced in different dimensional standards. Thickness usually varies from 6 to 14 mm, width from 98 to 325 mm, and they come in lengths of 1300 or 2600 mm, that is, they are perfect for filling the space from floor to ceiling in a standard city apartment.

MDF panels are produced in several variations, which are divided according to production method, characteristics and color features. They can be:

  • Whole pressed.
  • Laminated with a smooth glossy surface.
  • Moisture-resistant, intended for rooms with high humidity.
  • Veneered, imitating finishing with natural wood or cork.
  • Painted with a special paint that can smooth out unevenness and create a glossy or matte surface.

Fake diamond

Artificial is becoming quite a popular material for decorating corridors. decorative rock. They either completely lay out the walls, or combine it with plastered or otherwise decorated surfaces.

Gypsum and cement based stone

The most common one, which is used for finishing, is made on the basis of cement or gypsum using various plasticizing additives. This finishing material can be characterized as follows:

  • A wide variety of relief patterns and shades of artificial stone perfectly imitate a wide variety of natural materials.
  • Enough high performance strength guarantees the durability of the finish when the laying is done correctly.
  • If the surface of a stone is accidentally damaged, you can easily restore it yourself, the main thing is to determine exactly what material it is made from. If the base is gypsum, then restoration should be done only with this material (the same applies to cement).
  • If you have experience in laying ceramic tiles, it will not be difficult to finish the walls with artificial stone yourself.
  • Artificial stone also has several disadvantages:
  • Low resistance to abrasion of the material surface. Therefore, it will be necessary to periodically renew the paint or immediately coat the surface of the stone fixed to the wall with a varnish with high surface resistance (for example, polyurethane).
  • The cost of such finishing material is quite high.

You can make artificial stone yourself!

If you want to save on purchasing material and try your hand at this craft, the reader should read the article, which is located on the pages of our portal.

In addition to the above materials, more expensive ones are also used for production - they produce a more durable artificial stone that is not subject to abrasion and mechanical damage.

Acrylic stone

This type of artificial stone is made from 75% mineral natural environmentally friendly materials, which are released from white clay. In addition to it, it contains stone chips - this can be marble, granite, jasper and other minerals. The binder for the ingredients is acrylic resin (polymethylmethacrylic). The color range is created by special natural pigments that are harmless to humans.

Thanks to all the above components, acrylic artificial stone is very wear-resistant and durable material, so even elements such as kitchen countertops and sinks.

Quartz stone

Quartz artificial stone is more durable than acrylic, since it contains about 90% natural crushed quartz. It is more resistant to scratches and any other damage, and is also used not only as decorative finishing, but also for making durable kitchen countertops.

The binding material for quartz and color pigments is polyester resins - thanks to these components, the material is stronger than granite. In addition to strength, quartz stone has such qualities as environmental friendliness and resistance to the appearance and development of microorganisms harmful to humans. This material is light in weight and easy to care for, it does not absorb dirt, and it is enough to periodically wipe it with a damp cloth.

Indoor walls, from a technical point of view, have no restrictions, since they are not flammable and do not contain substances harmful to humans. However, it is necessary to show a sense of proportion, otherwise the apartment will resemble some kind of cave. Therefore, stone finishing is most often combined with decorative or ordinary plaster, and sometimes even just with wallpaper.

The stone is most often laid around doorways, or it is used to trim the corners of the room, which will not only contribute to the decorative effect of the design, but also protect the places on the walls that are most vulnerable to damage.

Single inserts of stone on the plastered surface of walls are also possible. The main thing is to correctly think through the color scheme and the correct placement of the finishing material.

Now, after familiarizing yourself with which finishes are best suited for corridor walls, it will be easier for the reader to choose the best option, taking into account the quality of materials, design style and, of course, their own financial capabilities. And let him also be helped by the video selection below with very interesting design solutions for decorating a corridor in an apartment.

Video: There is a lot to learn - design options for finishing the corridor

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