Soft roofing - roll: device technology. Soft roll roofing: types, installation of roofing Roll materials for roofing

Rolled roofing materials are presented on a modern construction market so wide that even a professional needs time to choose the most suitable type coverings. Bitumen, polymer and tar, basic and non-basic, welded and not built-up, with protective layer and without it - diversity worthy of modernity.

The first bitumen roll materials were produced in Russia in 1877 at a plant in Syzran under the leadership of engineer A. A. Petrov, who used the developments of D. I. Mendeleev. Since then, production has developed and the range has increased. Affordable, easy to use and possessing the necessary physical and mechanical properties for reliable waterproofing, they have become widespread in industrial construction, and then in mass housing construction. During the heyday of stagnation in the Soviet Union, more than 1 billion square meters were produced annually. meters of roofing felt, glassine and roofing felt.


The simplest, inexpensive and most common rolled roofing material that has survived to this day from those times is roofing felt. Roofing felt fell out of use due to the carcinogenicity of its binder (tar). Glassine is still used today.
Glassine is a roll of roofing cardboard impregnated with soft petroleum bitumen. Used as a vapor barrier, backing layer in multi-layer roof coverings, for equipment packaging. Ruberoid is roofing cardboard, first impregnated with soft low-oxidized bitumen, then on both sides with highly oxidized refractory bitumen, on top of which a protective coating is applied. The sprinkles can be large and flaky. A fine-grained coating or protective film is applied to the reverse side. Ruberoid is marked with a group of alphabetic symbols and numbers. The first letter P is roofing felt, the second letter characterizes the type of use (K - roofing or P - lining, the third letter indicates the type of coating (K - coarse-grained, P - dusty or fine-grained). The numbers indicate the brand of roofing cardboard (300, 350, 400). The difference between brands is the tensile strength and density of the coating. The higher the grade, the stronger the material. Due to its low cost and decent physical and mechanical properties, roofing felt is still popular.
A roof covered with roofing felt should be made of 4 layers with a slope of up to 1.5%, and of 3 layers with a roof slope of more than 1.5%, gluing first the lining layers onto the bitumen mastic, then the covering layer with sprinkling. At the junctions and at the funnels, 2 additional layers should be glued, and in the valleys, 1 additional layer. Ruberoid is used on flat and low-slope roofs (up to 15%). Regulatory period The service life of a roofing felt roofing material when installed correctly is up to 12 years. In practice, however, the service life of roofing felt is significantly lower, mainly as a result of improper installation of the roofing covering. The disadvantages of roofing felt include its low biological resistance, low mechanical properties of the cardboard base and high labor costs for gluing roofing felt to the base. Even with all these shortcomings, ordinary roofing felt is still worthy of use in roof repairs. Ruberoid is used to a limited extent as a new covering for flat roofs of small areas, for example, a garage, or as a budget and temporary option for pitched roofs. In this case, mechanical fastening of the roofing material to a solid base is provided through a thin wooden strip or steel packing tape.

Time forward

In order to speed up the process of gluing sheets and minimize errors when installing roofing carpets, it was invented to make a fusible layer on the reverse side of the roofing material bitumen mastic, which, when heated with a propane torch, softened and glued the canvas to the base. This is how the second generation of bitumen products arose - a type of weld-on materials (Rubemast). For the installation of new soft roofs on buildings of normal responsibility class, roofing felt, even fused roofing material, is not currently used. The third generation of soft roofing materials appeared when, to increase rot resistance and strength, the cardboard base was replaced with a glass base. To this day, glass-based fused materials are widely used at facilities for various purposes . In accordance with the classification of roofing materials based on price, the third generation consists of both economy-class and standard-class materials. The economy class group includes the following items: Stekloizol, Steklobit, Filigiz, Bireplast, Steklomast and other types of glass base impregnated with oxidized bitumen. The standard class is represented by such types of materials as Linocrom, Bipol, Bicrotol, Bicroelast, KTkrom. These rolls are made from both glass material and non-woven polyester, and a small amount of polymer additives can be added to the bitumen binder. Fusing of rolls is carried out using gas burners, infrared emitters, and construction hair dryers. If open fire and other heating methods are prohibited at the work site, the installation of the carpet is carried out by thinning the film on the lower welded side with solvents such as white spirit.
Third generation roofing materials are actively used in new construction due to their economic efficiency, high speed of work and extended service life. A properly executed coating will last 10-15 years.

Era of polymer bitumen

The use of durable, rot-resistant and elastic bases does not save roofs from leaks due to cracking and gradual destruction of layers of oxidized bitumen under the influence of tensile forces, temperature changes and ultraviolet radiation. As a result of changing the conditions for modifying bitumen from conventional oxidation with air to the introduction of polymer additives into the bitumen mixture, the fourth generation of rolled roofing materials appeared: bitumen-polymer materials.
Modification of bitumen is carried out by introducing 2-6% by weight of polymer compounds into bitumen: APP modifier (atactic polypropylene), after modification, obtaining plastobitumen, or SBS modifier (styrene-butadiene-styrene), obtaining rubber bitumen after mixing. Polymer additives significantly improve the elasticity of bitumen and increase its heat resistance and frost resistance. At the same time, APP-modified bitumen is more resistant to ultraviolet radiation and temperature increases, and SBS-bitumen is more frost-resistant than APP-bitumen. The technological process of modifying bitumen with polymers has a higher cost than the process of bitumen oxidation, and if we take into account the cost of polyester bases and other raw materials, as well as the cost of the latest equipment for the production of bitumen-polymer materials, the price of the final product seems to be very high. However, in most cases, the price is justified: if the requirements for the correct selection of elements of the roofing carpet are met and the fusing technology that is already well known to roofers is followed, a roof made of modern bitumen-polymer materials can last 20 years or more.
Among the advantages of bitumen-polymer materials is high mechanical strength, elasticity, ability to self-heal in places of small punctures and cuts.
It is difficult to list absolutely all brands of bitumen-polymer roll materials, but the most common of them are modern materials from the TechnoNIKOL group (Technoelast, Technoelast-decor, Technoelast-FLAME-STOP, Uniflex, Ecoflex and others), LLC Filikrovlya (Filizol, Filikrov), line Safety (Safety) from the company Tegola, materials IKOPAL (icopal®), SYNTAN (SYNTaN), ULTRANap (UlTRaNap®), Villatex and many others.
Bitumen-polymer coatings are fused onto a solid rigid base in 2 layers, in some cases, 1 layer is allowed. An additional layer is applied at junctions and valleys.

Baseless rolls

A separate group of rolled roofing coverings are baseless materials. The most familiar of them is polyethylene film, which is made from high-density polyethylene by extrusion. Polyethylene film with a thickness of 0.06 to 0.2 mm, reinforced or ordinary, is used for lining layers on both flat and pitched roofs. Other baseless roofing materials are Izol, Brizol, GMP (polyisobutylene). Izol and Brizol are rubber-bitumen materials by type of binder. GMP – polymer-bitumen material. This group of roofing materials has biostability and an impressive relative elongation value, which increases their ductility and durability when working in the inner layers of the roofing carpet. Izol is produced in two grades: without polymer additives (I-BD) and with plasticizing additives (I-PD). Izol is used as a waterproofing and vapor barrier, gluing it onto bitumen and bitumen-polymer mastics. The price of Izol is comparable to third generation surfacing materials.

Pure polymer

In recent decades in Russia and in the last fifty years in Europe, polymer membranes have begun to be used in the construction of roofs of modern public and industrial buildings. Depending on the chemical compounds used, membranes come in several types: EPDM, TPO, PVC. The service life of membranes is from 25 to 40 years without signs of aging. One of the differences between the membrane and bitumen-polymer roll materials is the method of attachment to the base (mechanical) and the type of base itself. The membrane coating is made on a base of rigid mineral fiber boards by attaching the membrane strips with special dowels and connecting (fusion) the strips together using a construction hair dryer. The great advantage of membranes is the ability to install them at any time of the year..
Membranes are used both on the screed and on the existing roofing carpet with its special preparation. It is also practiced to permanently glue the membranes to the base using a special mounting adhesive.
Despite all the apparent ease, the process of selecting and installing a membrane is not so simple. Labor costs for installing membrane roofs are 2 times higher than for installing bitumen-polymer roofs. If the membrane is used incorrectly, as with any roofing material, there is a risk, at best, of not taking advantage of modern and expensive materials, and at worst, causing damage to the contents of the building. We recommend watching the video

roofing systems.

roofing and waterproofing


Protective layers

Literoy "TO"

Literoy "M"

Literoy "P"

Literoy "IN"

Literoy "WITH"


Literoy "E""

Literoy "X"

Literoy "T"

Roofing bitumen-polymer and bitumen materials

The section provides information on products manufactured by TechnoNIKOL Corporation, which are in demand in the modern market building materials, indispensable in solving issues of construction and installation of roofing systems.

The TechnoNIKOL Corporation produces roll roofing coverings and waterproofing materials of a new generation. The technologies used make it possible to obtain high-quality roofing and waterproofing roll fused polymer-bitumen material applied to a non-rotting polyester and glass base that meets the highest world standards. Advanced equipment equipped computer system management, which controls the entire technological process and the quality of products.

Materials produced by TechnoNIKOL are widely used in the construction and repair of critical industrial and residential facilities.

The high quality of our products and a thoughtful pricing policy have ensured that our materials are very popular among customers both in Russia and abroad.

Fused roofing materials are made from oxidized modified bitumen on glass and polymer bases, which provides them with high reliability and durability.

Constant control over technological parameters allows us to produce high-quality products that are in demand by the market and comply with all standards and norms applied in the Russian Federation.

Symbols (brands):

Protective layers

Literoy "TO" in the technical specifications tables, coarse-grained topping is indicated.

Literoy "M" in the technical specifications tables, fine-grained topping is indicated.

Literoy "P" In the technical specifications tables, the protective film is indicated.

Literoy "IN" indicates a surface with VENT channels.

Literoy "WITH" indicates a self-adhesive surface.


Literoy "E"" indicates a base made of polyester fabric.

Literoy "X" indicates a fiberglass base

Literoy "T" indicates a fiberglass base

Roofing bitumen-polymer and bitumen materials

The section provides information on products manufactured by TechnoNIKOL Corporation, which are in demand in the modern building materials market and are indispensable in solving issues of construction and installation of roofing systems.

The TechnoNIKOL Corporation produces roll roofing coverings and waterproofing materials of a new generation. The technologies used make it possible to obtain high-quality roofing and waterproofing roll fused polymer-bitumen material applied to a non-rotting polyester and glass base that meets the highest world standards. The advanced equipment is equipped with a computer control system that controls the entire technological process and the quality of the products.

Materials produced by TechnoNIKOL are widely used in the construction and repair of critical industrial and residential facilities.

The high quality of our products and a thoughtful pricing policy have ensured that our materials are very popular among customers both in Russia and abroad.

Fused roofing materials are made from oxidized modified bitumen on glass and polymer bases, which provides them with high reliability and durability.

Constant control over technological parameters allows us to produce high-quality products that are in demand by the market and comply with all standards and norms applied in the Russian Federation.

Symbols (brands):

Protective layers

Literoy "TO" in the technical specifications tables, coarse-grained topping is indicated.

Literoy "M" in the technical specifications tables, fine-grained topping is indicated.

Literoy "P" In the technical specifications tables, the protective film is indicated.

Literoy "IN" indicates a surface with VENT channels.

Literoy "WITH" indicates a self-adhesive surface.


Literoy "E"" indicates a base made of polyester fabric.

Literoy "X" indicates a fiberglass base

Literoy "T" indicates a fiberglass base

Roofing bitumen-polymer and bitumen materials

The section provides information on products manufactured by TechnoNIKOL Corporation, which are in demand in the modern building materials market and are indispensable in solving issues of construction and installation of roofing systems.

The TechnoNIKOL Corporation produces roll roofing coverings and waterproofing materials of a new generation. The technologies used make it possible to obtain high-quality roofing and waterproofing roll fused polymer-bitumen material applied to a non-rotting polyester and glass base that meets the highest world standards. The advanced equipment is equipped with a computer control system that controls the entire technological process and the quality of the products.

Materials produced by TechnoNIKOL are widely used in the construction and repair of critical industrial and residential facilities.

The high quality of our products and a thoughtful pricing policy have ensured that our materials are very popular among customers both in Russia and abroad.

Fused roofing materials are made from oxidized modified bitumen on glass and polymer bases, which provides them with high reliability and durability.

Constant control over technological parameters allows us to produce high-quality products that are in demand by the market and comply with all standards and norms applied in the Russian Federation.

Symbols (brands):

Protective layers

Literoy "TO" in the technical specifications tables, coarse-grained topping is indicated.

Literoy "M" in the technical specifications tables, fine-grained topping is indicated.

Literoy "P" In the technical specifications tables, the protective film is indicated.

Literoy "IN" indicates a surface with VENT channels.

Literoy "WITH" indicates a self-adhesive surface.


Literoy "E"" indicates a base made of polyester fabric.

Literoy "X" indicates a fiberglass base

Literoy "T" indicates a fiberglass base

Roofing bitumen-polymer and bitumen materials

The section provides information on products manufactured by TechnoNIKOL Corporation, which are in demand in the modern building materials market and are indispensable in solving issues of construction and installation of roofing systems.

The TechnoNIKOL Corporation produces roll roofing coverings and waterproofing materials of a new generation. The technologies used make it possible to obtain high-quality roofing and waterproofing roll fused polymer-bitumen material applied to a non-rotting polyester and glass base that meets the highest world standards. The advanced equipment is equipped with a computer control system that controls the entire technological process and the quality of the products.

Materials produced by TechnoNIKOL are widely used in the construction and repair of critical industrial and residential facilities.

The high quality of our products and a thoughtful pricing policy have ensured that our materials are very popular among customers both in Russia and abroad.

Fused roofing materials are made from oxidized modified bitumen on glass and polymer bases, which provides them with high reliability and durability.

Constant control over technological parameters allows us to produce high-quality products that are in demand by the market and comply with all standards and norms applied in the Russian Federation.

Symbols (brands):

Protective layers

Literoy "TO" in the technical specifications tables, coarse-grained topping is indicated.

Literoy "M" in the technical specifications tables, fine-grained topping is indicated.

Literoy "P" In the technical specifications tables, the protective film is indicated.

Literoy "IN" indicates a surface with VENT channels.

Literoy "WITH" indicates a self-adhesive surface.


Literoy "E"" indicates a base made of polyester fabric.

Literoy "X" indicates a fiberglass base

Literoy "T" indicates a fiberglass base

The installation of a roof is a crucial moment in the construction of a country house. The quality of this operation determines the comfort of living in it or the possibility of using the building for its intended purpose. Errors in roof installation can result in significant financial losses.

Roll roofing materials - what is it?

When building a country house, one of the main tasks is to create a beautiful and durable roof. You can make your roof aesthetically attractive by using rolled roofing materials. As practice shows, they are the easiest to use, and correctly arranged roof able to work up to 25 years. The repair of such a roof is also simplified, in which it is not necessary to dismantle the old covering, but rather install patches in places of leaks.

Roll roofing materials are found wide application for roofs with a slope angle of 10–30 degrees. This coating is convenient for both single-pitched roofs, and for coatings complex shape. Roll coverings take root well both on small country houses and on presentable cottages.

Photo gallery: roll roofing

Modern roll materials look beautiful and reliably protect the roof from leaks Some overlay materials look like tiles Before laying rolled materials, the roof must be insulated Rolled materials based on fiberglass can be used in most climatic zones of our country, except for the coldest

What are the types of rolled roofing materials?

Soft roofing materials in the form of rolls are widely represented on the building materials market, and their range continues to expand. At the same time, they have various technical characteristics.

According to the method of application, roll coverings can be divided into the following categories:

The quality indicators of rolled roofing materials are regulated according to GOST 30547–97, which stipulates everything specifications these products.

The classification by type of base is as follows:

  1. According to the type of panel used in production - with a base or without a base.
  2. According to the types of bases used, which can be asbestos, fiberglass, cardboard and polymer.
  3. Based on the type of external coating, roll materials are divided into polymer, bitumen or polymer-bitumen.
  4. By composition protective coating they can be foil-coated, film-coated or powder-coated.

The very first representatives of the class of roll coatings are roofing felt and rubemast. They have been used for roofing for a long time and are still relevant today. The reasons for their popularity are their low cost and quite acceptable durability.

Rubemast is an improved version of roofing material and has a service life of up to 15 years due to the use of special additives and plasticizers

About the advantages and disadvantages of rolled materials

To fully assess the possibility of using rolled roofing materials, you need to consider the main positive properties of this class of coatings:

The negative aspects include:

Characteristics of some materials

Among the abundance of roll materials on the market, several groups can be distinguished.

Materials based on bitumen and bitumen-polymer mixtures

These are, as a rule, welded products, the basis of which is fiberglass or non-woven glass fabric. When using elastic polyester bases, a material with a relative elongation of 16–30% of the original size is obtained. Such products include:

  • isoelast;
  • isoplast;
  • bikroplast;
  • bicroelast;
  • dneproflex;
  • filizol and many others.

The breaking force for such materials when stretched is 30–60 kg. The limiting parameter for Russian conditions may be fragility at temperatures from 25 degrees below zero.

One of the best materials for roof waterproofing is technoelast coating, developed by the Russian company Technonikol. His characteristic feature is the high hydrophobicity of the coating at the joints of the canvases. For this purpose, diffusion welding technology was developed. When using it, scattered canvases turn into a continuous coating. In the production of technoelast, not only polymer-bitumen compositions are used, but also artificial rubber, which makes it possible to obtain higher strength characteristics.

This material can be used in most climate zones. It is also characterized by increased waterproofing properties, which is due to the use of front and back polymer films. Its thickness can be up to four millimeters. The mass of a square meter of material is 4.9 kg. The breaking force along the length is 60 kg, across the width - 40 kg.

Technoelast, like many other rolled roofing materials, is applied by fusing


This is a contribution Russian manufacturers in a wide range of rolled roofing materials. Taking into account the conditions of their operation in harsh climatic conditions, it uses SBS-type thermoplastic elastomer, which made it possible to obtain a competitive material, one of the best in the modern line of similar products.

The basis of filisol is fiberglass or polyester fabric, coated on both sides with a polymer-bitumen binder composition with thermoplastic elastomer.

This material is characterized by the following features:

This is a unique roofing material for creating a “breathable” roof. Often on the new coating there are swellings that form when the moisture underneath evaporates. The cause may be moisture from the screed or insulation layer. Elimination of such defects is carried out by opening the bubbles and applying a patch to the damaged areas.

This situation can be avoided by using Technoelast roll roofing material. In terms of design and components used, it differs little from standard products, but the lower plane is designed in an original way. The adhesive composition is applied completely over its surface, but along the canvas there are stripes with sprinkling. When glued to the base, such material is held on a sticky layer, and the scattered areas are channels for moisture to escape.

Fastening of rolled technoelast is done mechanically.

Roll material "Technoelast" allows you to make a roof without air bubbles

Self-adhesive roll roofing materials

Self-adhesive materials differ from ordinary polymer-bitumen sheets by the presence of a sticky layer on the bottom surface. Structurally, the canvas consists of a polyester base with a reinforcing fiberglass mesh. It is coated on both sides with a polymer-bitumen composition with the addition of thermoplastic components. Then apply adhesive composition and covered with a protective film.

During installation, it is enough to remove it and lay the material on the base of the roof, rolling it with an elastic roller. This flameless technology allows the coating to be used on fire hazardous (wooden) substrates.

Rolls can be laid at temperatures up to +5 o C, but in the range of 5-15 o C, its surface must be heated with a construction hairdryer with an air stream temperature of about 400 degrees.

The operating temperature range is from -50 to +60 o C.

Self-adhesive materials can be used on any roof, including fire hazardous ones

How to choose rolled roofing material

When deciding which material to use for the roof, the following circumstances must be taken into account:

  1. Architectural design of the structure roofing system. The choice of roofing material depends on the angle of inclination of the slopes, the complexity of the shape and geometry. It is necessary to take into account the attractiveness of the coating and its compliance with other objects on the site.
  2. What matters is the magnitude of the load on the building’s truss system, and therefore its resulting pressure on the foundation.
  3. Requirements for the durability of the structure. Decisive factor in this case is the type of structure. For example, the roofing requirements for a residential building are somewhat different than for a summer kitchen.

Regardless of the emergence of new roofing materials, roll coverings still remain very popular. This is primarily due to their lower price.

Video: choosing rolled roofing material

Roofing device

For roofing, various rolled materials with coating are used - glass and ordinary roofing felt, roofing felt, tar and bitumen products, as well as uncoated materials such as waterproofing or glassine.

The roof manufacturing technology is divided into two main stages - preparatory and main.

Preparatory operations include the following:

There are different types of mastics: cold and hot. The first of them are obtained by mixing dehydrated bitumen with fillers from fluff lime, asbestos fibers and others. Solar oil is used as a solvent. The binder is also dehydrated bitumen or pitch, the fillers are the same.

The main technological processes include:

  1. Laying vapor barrier and insulation. At the same time, drainage funnels are installed.

    Roof insulation can be done with mineral wool, polymer or sprayed materials

  2. Application of paint vapor barrier - hot or cold, layer thickness 2 mm. The adhesive vapor barrier is installed over a layer of hot mastic by gluing sheets of glassine.
  3. Construction of a screed made of cement-sand mortar or cast sand asphalt concrete.

    The laid heat-insulating slabs are screeded with a concrete mixture with the obligatory laying of reinforcing mesh

  4. At the junctions of the screed with vertical surfaces (sides, pipes), a joint with a radius of up to 50 mm is made to ensure high-quality gluing of the finishing coating.
  5. The surface of the screed is primed with bitumen diluted in a ratio of 2:1. It needs to be done a few hours after pouring it.

    The primer is applied a few hours after the concrete screed has hardened.

  6. Gluing sheets of roll coating. It is done by applying mastic and rolling out sheets of coating. They need to be pressed to the base and rolled with a roller. When applied by fusing, gas torches are used.

    Fusing of the finishing coating from rolled materials is carried out using gas burners

Roofing work is carried out at a temperature not lower than -20 o C. In this case, the supporting surface must be heated to +5 o C. This is an energy-consuming operation, so roofing work in practice is carried out only in the warm season.

The mastic is supplied to the work site heated to a temperature of about 180 o (for hot) and 70 o for cold. When working on pitched roofs, the rolled material is rolled out along the slope in the direction from bottom to top with an overlap between separate sheets not less than 10 cm.

Video: installing a soft roll roof

Dismantling the roof

To install a reliable new roof, in some cases it is necessary to dismantle the old covering.

In this case, you must comply with some conditions:

  1. Suitable outside temperature. It is preferable to carry out work at a temperature not exceeding 20 o C. Under such conditions, the roofing materials will not soften excessively and will be removed without destruction.
  2. To perform the work you will need tools - a wall chaser and roofing axes.
  3. The work must be performed by well-physically trained people, as it requires a lot of effort.

Dismantling is carried out in the following order:

  1. With a layer thickness of up to three centimeters, the roofing is cut into squares up to half a meter in size. A wall chaser is used for this. Separating parts from the base of the roof is done with roofing axes, using them as wedges and levers.
  2. If the roof covering is thicker, it is cut down with axes. The roofing ax is ordinary tool, on which wooden handle is replaced by a metal one made of a steel pipe with a diameter of about 40 millimeters. It is welded to the ax on the butt and serves as a lever when undermining the chopped parts.

Use a roofing ax to remove old coverings.

Old roofing material removed from the roof is stored in containers for further disposal.

Video: how to remove old layers of roofing felt from a roof

The quality of the house covering ensures it long-term operation And comfortable accommodation in him. The choice of soft roll roofing is economically feasible, but requires special attention to the quality of workmanship. Therefore, it is better to do DIY work with the participation of an experienced craftsman.

Roll roofing materials are constantly being improved. Previously, they were used only on flat roofs, but now, with the development of production of new brands, they are also used on pitched structures. Let's see what manufacturers offer and how a soft roof with roll covering is installed.

Characteristics of roll roofing

Roll roofing is usually classified as a budget covering; it is in demand when installing flat and pitched roofs on industrial and utility buildings.

Roll roofing materials are actively used in construction industrial buildings, warehouses and outbuildings

The popularity of roll coverings is explained by their undeniable advantages:

  • low cost;
  • ease of installation;
  • high laying speed;
  • no noise during rain or wind;
  • high thermal resistance - materials heat up less in the sun and cool down in winter than metal and ceramic coatings.

These materials also have disadvantages:

  • inexpressive appearance;
  • flammability;
  • low strength;
  • short service life.

But a generalized characteristic does not reflect the true state of affairs, since due to the constant development of technology among roll materials, a noticeable stratification has emerged in both price and quality. Therefore, each variety should be considered separately.

Types of roll materials

Roll roofing coverings are divided into several types.

Bitumen and tar materials

This variety has the lowest cost. An outdated manufacturing technology is used: cardboard is impregnated with bitumen or tar. Covering materials intended for installation at the very top are coated with an armoring powder of stone chips to protect against mechanical damage and ultraviolet radiation.

This group includes:

  • roofing felt - refractory bitumen is used;
  • glassine - low-melting bitumen (used for internal hydro- and vapor barrier or in the inner layers of the roofing cake);
  • roofing felt - has a base made of tar.

The advantages of such materials are as follows:

However, they have many disadvantages:

  • low speed and complexity of installation - it requires the preparation and application of hot mastic to the surface on which the coating is glued;
  • low frost resistance - there are pores where water enters and then, freezing, destroys the material;
  • instability to ultraviolet radiation (bitumen and mastics become brittle) and temperature changes (cracks appear);
  • loss of ductility at low temperatures - installation can be carried out at temperatures not lower than +20 o C;
  • fragility of the cardboard base - the material is fragile and rots over time.

Because of these features, the service life of bitumen roll coatings is 5–7 years.

Things are a little better with new varieties of bitumen-based materials, which use aluminum or copper foil as an armor layer. This technology is used to produce:

Bitumen-polymer materials

In common parlance, bitumen-polymer coatings are called euroroofing felt. They differ from ordinary roofing felt in the following features:

  • polymers are added to bitumen (up to 12%);
  • The basis is a non-rotting durable material - polyester, fiberglass or fiberglass.

As a result of innovations, materials received a number of additional benefits.

  1. Increased ductility - coatings are less prone to cracking. Not only the binder (polymer-bitumen mixture) is plastic, but also the base: fiberglass stretches by 2–6%, polyester by 30–50%.
  2. High frost resistance (up to -50 o C).
  3. Increased heat resistance (up to +120 o C).
  4. Possibility of installation in the cold season: the materials remain plastic even in frosty conditions.
  5. Simplicity and high speed of installation. There is no need to use mastic - the materials are fixed by fusing: the lower surface is heated with a gas burner until softened, after which the panel is glued to the base.
  6. Extended service life - 15–20 years.

Inexpensive brands of euroroofing felt have a smaller range of operating temperatures - from -25 to +90 o C.

In terms of cost, euroroofing felt is superior to regular roofing felt, but due to long term services, the costs of installing and maintaining the roof in the long term are half as much. Rolled materials with polymer-bitumen binder are produced under many names: bikrost, steklobit, rubemast, linokrom, atakton, bikroplast, steklomast, luberite and many others.

Polymer additives are used in different ways, but most often they are:

  • atactic polypropylene (APP) - synthesized as a by-product during the production of polypropylene;
  • styrene-butadiene-styrene rubber (SBS).

The effect of polymers on bitumen varies. Thus, with the addition of APP, the material becomes resistant to ultraviolet radiation, and the maximum temperature at which plasticity is maintained is -15 o C. Bitumen with the addition of SBS remains plastic even at -25 o C, but under the influence of ultraviolet radiation it becomes brittle and therefore needs a protective powder from mineral crumbs.

Mineral chips protects bitumen from the damaging effects of ultraviolet rays

Most manufacturers usually use symbols in the form of several letters in their markings.

  1. The first is the base material:
    • E - polyester;
    • T - fiberglass;
    • X - fiberglass.
  2. The second is the type of top covering:
    • P - polymer film;
    • TO - coarse stone chips;
    • M - fine-grained sand.
  3. Third - bottom cover:
    • P - polymer film;
    • M - fine-grained sand.
  4. Additional:
    • F - the design contains foil;
    • C - suspension (dust coating) is applied.

There are bitumen-polymer materials without a base. That's what they call them - baseless. The modifiers in them are rubber from old tires and other used products.

Both bitumen roofing felt and polymer-bitumen euroroofing felt are produced in rolls 1 m wide and 10–20 m long. Information about the composition of the material is displayed in markings consisting of three letters and a number indicating the density of the base (weight 1 m2).

The following disadvantages are common to these materials.

  1. The maximum slope angle is 25 o. In the heat, the binder softens greatly and slides off on large slopes. Because of this danger, in practice the use of bitumen and bitumen-polymer materials is avoided on slopes exceeding 15%.
  2. The need to lay the material in 3–5 layers.
  3. In the vast majority of cases, it is necessary to use mineral powder to protect against ultraviolet radiation.

Considering the need for multi-layer installation, some manufacturers are trying to produce special panels, for example, from three polymer-bitumen layers alternating with two bases.

Video: how to choose the right euroroofing material and not overpay

Membranes made of synthetic rubber and petroleum polymer resins

Membranes are a new generation of rolled materials; they do not contain bitumen. They are made from EPDM (a type of rubber), ethylene propylene diene synthetic rubber (EPDM) or polyvinyl chloride (PVC).

Materials of this type have a number of positive qualities:

  • the slope angle is not limited;
  • The roll width reaches 15 m, so the coating contains a minimum number of seams;
  • resistance to oxidation, including ozone;
  • UV resistance;
  • high frost resistance - up to -60 o C;
  • strength;
  • elasticity;
  • possibility of laying in one layer;
  • service life more than 25 years.

Membrane roofing is the most expensive type of rolled materials, but due to its long service life in the long term, installation and maintenance of the roof costs 4 times less in comparison with traditional roofing felt and half as much as bitumen-polymer materials.

Roofing membranes are laid in one layer

Leading manufacturers of roll materials

The number of manufacturers of rolled waterproofing materials in Russia amounts to several dozen. The most famous are several brands.


A large Russian concern with many foreign representative offices. Production activities started in 1993, having one plant in Vyborg. To date, the TechnoNIKOL company owns 38 factories. It has its own research and development center (since 2004), allowing the company to independently create new, more advanced materials and technologies.

TechnoNIKOL's sales network covers 37 countries. It is the largest manufacturer and supplier of hydro- and thermal insulation materials in Europe.

The line of rolled bitumen-polymer surfacing materials includes several items for various purposes and for various operating conditions, for example:

Overheating is dangerous for welded materials. With TechnoNIKOL products this is impossible: once the optimum temperature is reached, a pattern appears on the surface.

Roofing material "TechnoNIKOL" - High-quality roofing covering. ADVANTAGES: High quality, reliable, fast, long service life. DISADVANTAGES: Expensive. Good evening, site users. For a long time now, the roof in the garage required repairs, because after thirty years the old roofing felt had completely worn out. For a long time I couldn’t decide what to cover the roof with, who recommended slate, but the problem is that with a small slope it very quickly becomes unusable (during thaws and then sharp frosts, the water in the waves freezes and expands, which leads to microcracks and cracks in the slate) , who advised covering the old fashioned way with roofing felt, but the question arose about preparing the resin, which, in turn, is not cheap and can only be purchased from 500 kg, and it must be heated either with wood (otherwise a fine if used with a tire), or gas, for which you also have to pay. And then one day someone left a business card right at the roofing gate, called and made an appointment. The guys offered three types of roofing and I chose Uniflex. This is a high-quality rubberized coating that is spread over prepared concrete (it is treated with liquid bitumen) using a gas burner. I must say that the pleasure is not cheap (one ten-meter roll costs 1,600 rubles), but the guarantee is for forty years. The roofing work took no more than 5 hours and covered 40 square meters. I believe that it is better to do it once than to redo it a hundred times. I'm happy with the work and the coating.



Danish company founded in 1876. By now it has become one of the world's largest manufacturers of roofing materials. It has 37 factories and 4 research centers. The sales network includes 95 representative offices around the world.

The Icopal representative office in Russia opened in 2003. After 2 years, a plant for the production of roofing materials with the latest equipment was opened in the Vladimir region (Petushki). The following products are produced:

After placing production in Russia, domestic consumers had the opportunity to purchase high-quality materials from a world-famous brand at an affordable price.

In addition to these items, Icopal produces PVC membranes:

  • reinforced - for installing flat and exploitable roofs, protecting passageways;
  • unreinforced - for arranging junctions.


Financial and industrial group, into which the Maxim group of companies was reorganized in 1997. It includes a number of largest enterprises, including: Tolyatti “Sintezkauchuk”, OJSC “Novokuibyshevsky Petrochemical Plant”, OJSC Novomoskovsk “Orgsintez”.

For covering roofs, the manufacturer offers the Cromel membrane made of synthetic rubber SKEPT. Until recently, this polymer was not synthesized in our country and the domestic industry could not offer worthy alternative imported rubber membranes, for example, from Carlisle Syntec Systems and Firestone. Now Russian consumers have the opportunity to use a domestic polymer EPDM membrane, which is not inferior in quality to the best imported analogues, but has half the cost.

Characteristics of the Cromel membrane:

  • relative elongation 250%;
  • daily water absorption 0.5%;
  • the lowest temperature at which the material bends around a rod with a diameter of 5 mm without cracking is -60 o C;
  • heat resistance: +120 o C.

This membrane is produced at the Ivanovo artificial sole plant and the Kirov artificial leather plant. It is resistant to all atmospheric factors and tolerates extreme temperatures and temperature changes inherent in the Russian climate. The fire load when burning the material is much lower than in the case of bitumen roll materials.

Roofing from roll materials

Two types of roofs are built using roll materials: traditional and inversion.

Traditional soft roofing

A traditional roof consists of the following layers (from bottom to top):

The slope is not made if pressed mineral wool or extruded polystyrene foam is used as insulation: along with ordinary slabs wedge-shaped ones are produced - the slope is created with their help.

The purpose of the vapor barrier in this cake is to prevent steam from penetrating from the living space into the insulation and further under the waterproofing carpet. Some amount humid air seeps even through a concrete slab, and if it is not stopped, the steam in the cake will cool and condense, which will lead to negative consequences:

  • mineral wool will no longer retain heat (this does not threaten expanded clay and expanded polystyrene with their closed cells);
  • During cyclic freezing and thawing, the water will destroy the cake materials.

To organize water drainage, drainage funnels are installed in the roof.

Video: flat roof installation

Inversion roofing

Inversion roofing is designed for intensive use with high loads- up to the passage or parking of cars. The waterproofing coating made from rolled materials is hidden deep into the pie, where it is protected from mechanical and atmospheric influences. The pie ends up looking like this (from bottom to top):

  • solid base - concrete hollow or ribbed slab;
  • deviation;
  • reinforced cement-sand screed;
  • waterproofing carpet made of rolled materials;
  • waterproof insulation with high strength - extruded polystyrene foam;
  • drainage layer in the form of crushed stone or gravel backfill over geotextile panels. Filters water flowing onto the waterproofing carpet, thereby preventing siltation of the drainage system;
  • finishing coating - paving slabs on a sand bedding or asphalt concrete on a screed.

There is no vapor barrier in this type of roofing - this role is played by the rolled material itself. Water is collected from two levels: from the waterproofing carpet and the finishing coating. For this purpose, two-level drainage funnels are used. Instead of crushed stone on a geotextile backing, membranes can be used as a drainage layer, which are covered with geotextile on both sides plastic mesh.

When used as a finishing covering for a lawn, the top layer of a waterproofing carpet is made from root-resistant rolled materials. This property is ensured by a dense polymer shell and a special chemical additive in the material.

In non-insulated inversion roofs, the top layer of the waterproofing carpet is assembled with a special high-strength roll material, which allows hard finishing coatings, even asphalt concrete, to be laid directly on it.

Video: inversion roofs - roof garden

Roll roofing installation technology

Preparation for installation of roll roofing is carried out in the following sequence.

If there is no free space for preliminary laying out the material, the rolls are rewinded so that the panels bend in the opposite direction. The installation procedure is carried out in several stages.

Upper layer They are made from a covering roll material: it differs from the lining material in its higher strength and stone powder.

Places where the roof meets walls, parapets, etc. vertical structures sealed in the following order.

Places adjacent to brick chimney sealed with a steel or lead collar (cladding) or cement-sand mortar. Passages round pipes through the roof they are sealed with the special parts supplied in the kit - a roof and an apron.

Video: laying euroroofing felt

Installation of roll roofing on a wooden base

Under soft roof The sheathing is installed in two ways. With the first it turns out to be single-layer, with the second - two-layer.

Single-layer lathing

Stuffed on the rafters continuous sheathing from boards 80–100 mm wide and thick:

Maximum permissible deviations:

  • the height difference between adjacent boards is no more than 0.5 mm;
  • the gap between the boards is no more than 2 mm.

Double-layer sheathing

A more durable option is a two-layer sheathing. It is formed like this:

  • a sheathing of unedged boards is placed perpendicularly onto the rafters with a gap of 150–200 mm;
  • A continuous flooring of narrow boards 15–20 mm thick is placed on top at an angle of 30–45 o to the sheathing.

All lumber is treated with fire retardants (clay sulfate or superphosphate paste) and antiseptic. The latter can be made independently by dissolving sodium fluoride salt in warm water (mass ratio - 1:15) at the rate of 250 g/m2.

The roll material is laid as follows.

Laying membranes

PVC and rubber membranes are extremely easy to install. Three methods of fastening are used:

  • ballast;
  • adhesive;
  • mechanical.

Ballast method

Due to its simplicity and low cost, the ballast fastening method is used first. The coating is pressed with a load, most often it is:

Specific gravity ballast - 50 kg/m2. Geotextiles are placed under crushed stones, which can damage the membrane with sharp edges.

Fixing the coating with ballast is possible under the following conditions:

  • the angle of inclination of the slope does not exceed 15 o;
  • The roof, in addition to the snow load, is capable of bearing the weight of ballast.

Mechanical fastening

If it is not possible to use ballast, the membrane is screwed to the base with special bolts, anchors or self-tapping screws (depending on the material of the roof’s supporting structures). The fastener is available in two versions:

The fasteners are screwed into the overlap areas, the value of which in this case is 120 mm (with ballast fastening - 60 mm).

Along the edges and on protruding elements of the roof, the membrane is fixed with slats with a soft sealing insert.

Adhesive fixation method

The glue method is the least desirable due to its high cost and low reliability. Therefore, it is used as a last resort when it is impossible to secure the membrane in any other way. Glue is applied around the perimeter and in places where the panels overlap. For greater reliability, if you don’t mind the high cost, you can coat the entire membrane with glue.

Video: installation of roofing membrane

Roll roofing materials are becoming more durable and are gradually getting rid of their inherent disadvantages. The advent of PVC and rubber membranes is a real breakthrough: the coating is installed quickly and easily, and it is virtually seamless. This is why in Western countries ¾ of all roofs are covered with membranes.

A lot depends on what kind of coating is used to protect the roof of a building. First of all, this includes the operating time of the structure without performing repair work. However, we should not forget about aesthetics and cost, because this is what roll roofing and attractive.

Scope of application of rolled deposited materials

Roll materials are excellent for creating roof coverings with a slope angle from 0 to 30 degrees. This can be either a single slope surface or a structure with several slopes. Flat roofs modern buildings, or sloped roof country house can be built using rolled materials.

Today, the demand for such coatings is very high, because they have a significantly longer service life than the materials that were available just a decade ago. The roof could last only five years, and then it required repairs. After 10 years, the roofing carpet was already replaced.

Nowadays, the service life of such materials reaches 25 years.

What is a built-up roll roofing?

As the name implies, this is a rolled material produced in two ways. The first is intended for the manufacture of basic coatings and consists of treating a base of cardboard or fiberglass with a binder mixture, which can be tar or bitumen. The second manufacturing method is intended to produce baseless materials. In this case, special methods are used heat treatment binder mixtures containing special additives and fillers, after which the resulting mass is rolled into sheets.

All roll materials can be divided into cover materials and those that do not have a layer of refractory bitumen reinforced with fillers or additives.

Types of basic roll materials

  • Ruberoid. Ruberoid, created on a cardboard basis, was used back in Soviet time, however, it is still popular today because it is one of the cheapest coatings. Glassine is a lining material, which is a special roofing cardboard impregnated with petroleum bitumen. It is manufactured in accordance with GOST 2697-83. The main disadvantage of glassine and roofing felt is their short service life, which is more than compensated by their low cost.
  • Rubemast. This is a built-up roll roofing, produced using technologies similar to roofing felt. This material has a special protective film, which prevents the layers from sticking together and protects the front side of the rubemast, covered granite chips from abrasion. The service life in this case is also short, but installation is much simpler than in the previous case.
  • Glass ruberoid. It is produced using fiberglass or polyester as a base. This material is much more reliable than cardboard impregnated with bitumen. The presence of a solid base has significantly increased the service life of the material, which can reach 15 years, and the resistance to accidental damage is much higher.
  • Euroroofing material. This type of coating is also weldable, but differs in that it can withstand quite strong temperature changes and severe frosts. The service life of the material is approaching three decades, and the number of layers required to create a reliable roofing carpet is minimal.
  • Membrane coating. This material is one of the latest developments. It has high durability and is distinguished quick installation. An alternative is self-adhesive materials, which in warm weather just need to be rolled out on the roof, after first removing the protective film from the back side. The disadvantage of self-adhesive compounds is their cost.

Baseless roofing materials

One of the most attractive features of such coatings is the absence of a rigid structure, due to which they easily absorb deformations of the insulated base without reducing the degree of protection. Non-core materials include:

  • isol;
  • brizol;
  • films.

Isol. This material is obtained from waste rubber, which undergoes devulcanization in a bitumen environment. After this procedure, a fibrous filler is introduced, for example, asbestos fibers, as well as a number of additives. Izol is elastic, rot-resistant, and easily tolerates deformation even at low temperatures. This material is waterproof, biologically resistant and plastic. Its properties are maintained over a wide temperature range (-30..+100 C). The main application of isol is roof waterproofing.

The tensile strength of the material is up to 0.4 MPa, and the water saturation per day is less than 1% by weight. The weight of 1 m2 is only 1.5 kg. The inner side is protected from sticking in the roll using talc, chalk or other material with similar properties. There are only two types of isol: the first of them is I-BD, which does not have polymer additives, and the second is I-PD, which contains special substances.

Brizol. This is a baseless roll-type material made from a mixture of petroleum bitumens of different viscosities with rubber. As a rule, crushed and processed car tires, as well as special plasticizers and fillers. In percentage terms, the composition is as follows: 60% is bitumen, 30% is rubber and 12% is asbestos. The proportion of plasticizer is small (2-5%).

The manufacturing technology of the material makes it chemically resistant. It can withstand 40 percent sulfuric acid, 20 percent hydrochloric acid and can withstand heat up to 60 C. Such properties determined the purpose of brizol, which is used to insulate a flat sloping roof laid in a layer of up to 35 mm. One of the features of the material is the ability to hold not only water, but also various gases.

Brizol fabrics are supplied in the form of rolls, inner surface which are coated with fine mineral powder, which avoids sticking of the material during storage and delivery.

GMP. The abbreviation hides a waterproofing material made from polyisobutylene. It is of high quality and durability. There are 3 brands of GMP intended for creating multi-layer flat roofs, waterproofing and vapor barriers.

Film materials are also baseless. These include those known to everyone polyethylene films and polyamide materials. The main advantage of films is their minimum thickness and almost complete waterproofness, as well as light weight.

Polyethylene film is a good waterproofing material, but it is not without its drawbacks. The main one is exposure to ultraviolet radiation, which destroys the structure of the film. The strength of the material allows it to withstand 4..8 MPa tensile strength. The heat resistance of the film is high and reaches 140 C, and the minimum temperature at which flexibility is maintained is -60 C.

Polyethylene film is a frost-resistant, waterproof material that can also be used for installing warm roofs. Polyamide film differs from polyethylene in its higher tensile strength. longitudinal direction, and in the transverse this parameter increases significantly. If the thickness of polyethylene varies from 0.03 to 0.15 mm, then the polyamide film can be from 0.055 to 0.12 mm

Designation of roofing materials

Each type of coating has its own designation, consisting of numbers and letters. The first symbol is a letter indicating the type of material, for example, “P” - roofing felt. In second place is the type of coating, which can be: “P” - lining, “K” - roofing, “E” - elastic. The type of external coating is indicated by the third letter: “Ch” - flake mica, “M” - fine-grained, “P” - dusty and “K” - coarse-grained. The brand completes the graphic designation of the material. This is a figure showing the density of cardboard or its weight per square meter. The higher it is, the stronger the material will be.

Sometimes another letter appears in the designation - “O”. It means that the material has a one-sided coating.

It is worth using coatings in accordance with their purpose, since otherwise the service life will be much shorter.

Advantages of roll roofing

Rolled soft roofing is a relatively inexpensive universal material, which is low cost compared to other types of coatings. The advantages of roll roofing include, first of all, the low weight of the material. This allows you to reduce costs for both transportation and installation.

The second feature of these coatings is that such material does not require regular maintenance, and the installation itself does not cause any particular difficulties. Unlike other methods of roof protection, it does not take so long to lay a soft roof.

Another advantage of a properly constructed roofing pie using roll materials is the low noise level and good waterproofing. Moreover, modern coatings meet high fire safety requirements.

It is also worth mentioning that modern roofing material has a very long service life, which means the roof will require repair no earlier than in 15-20 years.

What is roll roofing made from?

Today the raw materials for the main type of materials are:

  • polyester;
  • fiberglass;
  • fiberglass

Polyester is the most expensive and solid foundation. This is a synthetic material made from polymer fiber. It will withstand stretching up to 60%, and the tensile force is almost 35 kgf/cm. The service life of polyester is also quite long.

Fiberglass fabric is made from interwoven strands of fiberglass. To create roofing materials, two types of fabrics are used - smooth and frame. The first are obtained by twisting threads, coated with a lubricant and forming a material with various types of weaving. The main advantage of smooth fiberglass fabrics is their low cost, but the disadvantage is that deformation is possible during transportation or storage. In particularly difficult cases, bitumen may even peel off.

Frame fiberglass fabric is made from flat glass rovings intertwined with glass thread. This base is attractive because it does not break and is practically not deformed. This is what is used when it is necessary to produce modern roofing material. Fiberglass is the most durable base, however, general case The type of bitumen binder used also has an impact. If its quality is low, then the roof itself may not live up to expectations.

Above, we discussed the main aspects regarding the materials used when creating a built-up roll roofing. Most of the attention was paid to the materials themselves, and the technology of their installation remained behind the scenes. If this is exactly what you need, our website has additional information regarding the installation of such coatings.

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