How to save money on apartment renovations - tips for beginners and experienced craftsmen. Major and cosmetic renovation of a two-room apartment. Where to start How to make repairs in a residential apartment


Sooner or later everyone spendsdo-it-yourself renovation of an apartment or house. Therefore, the question is: “How to start repairs correctly?” - is very relevant, and its decision needs to be taken seriously.

We are starting renovations. We plan and think about the upcoming work

Photo 1 - Stages of do-it-yourself apartment renovation

Before you start self-repair apartment, you must first draw up a plan of all the premises, indicating the placement of furniture and equipment. This way you can determine where the sockets will be located, ceiling lamps etc. This must be done in order to correctly design the routing of pipes and wires. The ease of use of the premises in the future will depend on how competently it is performed.

If you don’t like the existing layout of the apartment, then the renovation should begin with the demolition of the walls or their construction.

No less important is the style of the future room, which can be the same for all rooms or have radical differences. If it is difficult to decide on this issue, then you can resort to the services of a designer who will take into account your preferences and features of the apartment.

Having thought carefully and weighed all the points, you can begin to calculate the quantity necessary materials and their acquisition. It is better to divide repair work into stages, which will give the process a certain planning.


It is not advisable to start repairs from a passage room or corridor, because work in other rooms can negatively affect their appearance.

Carrying out basic apartment renovation work

Repairs begin with the so-called dirty work:

Stage one. Dismantling old coatings

Photo 2 - First stage of repair - removing old wallpaper from the walls

It is necessary to remove old wallpaper, whitewash, tiles and others Decoration Materials. If the floor has not become completely unusable, then it should not be touched yet. In the event that replacement is not provided, it should be carefully covered. plastic film, and securely secure its edges masking tape. To protect the floor from mechanical damage, it is better to use cardboard; it is much more reliable than paper.

To prevent dust from settling on the doors and windows, it is better to leave the dismantling of old doors for later. You just need to withdraw cash.

Second phase. Electrical and plumbing

Photo 3 - Second stage of repair - we are building walls for wiring and pipes

This work is the dirtiest, but at the same time responsible.. It will be very difficult, and sometimes impossible, to redo such work later without carrying out a new major overhaul.


Saving on plumbing, as well as electrical, is not wise. Wires and pipes hidden in the wall cannot be repaired.
Wall nailing should be done according to a pattern that will need to be saved so that later you do not accidentally drive a nail in a dangerous place.

All that remains is to lay the wires of the required cross-section and pipes, preferably propylene, and carefully seal the grooves.

Third stage of repair. Preparatory and installation

photo 4 - The third stage of apartment renovation - dismantling old windows and doors

It is labor-intensive, since right now it is necessary to dismantle the old windows and install new ones.


To protect new windows from dust and accidental splashes, they can be protected by covering them with film. There is another way - to use pleated curtains made of paper, which looks more aesthetically pleasing and is inexpensive.

Next you need to do rough finishing, that is, prepare the floor and ceiling for finishing. Such work includes:

  • Grouting seams and cracks;
  • Puttying.


The material for roughing work is selected depending on the type of finishing work. Experts do not recommend saving on these materials.

The fourth stage of renovation in the apartment. Padding

Photo 5 - The fourth stage of apartment renovation - priming of all surfaces

Applying a primer allows you to the wall or ceiling is much stronger. The primer contains elements that have the ability to penetrate deep into the treated surface and connect fine particles. Now you need to wait for it to dry completely and you can start painting the ceiling.

Stage five. Leveling the floor

Photo 6 - Do-it-yourself apartment renovation. Floor leveling stage

If the old floor remains, you can skip this step. Otherwise, you need to fill the base with a modern self-leveling mortar, or carry out screed work. Only after complete drying can you move on to other work.

Stage six. Wall decoration

Photo 7 - The sixth stage of renovation - finishing the walls in the apartment

Depending on your preferences and financial capabilities, you purchase material for wall decoration. You can hang wallpaper, the choice of which is extensive not only color scheme, but also by material, texture, size. For example . Many options include painting, as well as decorative plaster. There are also more exotic types of finishes, it all depends on your desire and general style rooms.


Popular wisdom says: leftovers are sweet. This means that you can purchase leftover wallpaper at a lower price and create an original combination.

The seventh stage of apartment renovation. Flooring

Now is the time to start laying the floor covering. For this purpose you can use: linoleum, carpet, piece parquet or more modern versionparquet board and other materials. If the decision is made to put floor tiles, then its installation begins only after completion of all work on the ceiling.

The final stage of DIY repairs

Photo 7 - The last stage of repair - installation of interior doors

Thresholds, skirting boards, etc. At the same time, cabinets are assembled, furniture is placed, and decorative elements are added.

Now you need to thoroughly clean all the rooms and you can enjoy the results.

Perhaps most of all, the state of repairs that were not carefully planned is conveyed by the aphorism of the living classic of satire Mikhail Zhvanetsky - “Renovations cannot be completed, they can only be stopped.” But we don’t want to live next to bags of cement, putty and cans of paint forever? In this case, we carefully draw up a plan for renovating the apartment.

Step-by-step apartment renovation plan - where to start?

The lack of planned actions in repairs is a huge risk, which is expressed not only in the delay of work for many months, but also in unnecessary financial costs arising from alterations. For example, when on a ready-made plastered wall you have to make grooves for wiring, which was forgotten so untimely.

So, let's begin. It doesn’t matter whether you contact an interior designer or decide how to decorate the apartment yourself - take a lot of blank sheets of paper, colored pencils, a lot of magazines with fashionable interiors(as a hint) and sit down to create a design project. Even if you later entrust this work experienced specialist, it will be easier for you to convey your wishes to him, because they will be clearly formed.

To draw up a design project, you will need a detailed and accurate diagram of the apartment with all the parameters of the rooms, the current location of communications, windows and doors. Next, decide what budget you are counting on, whether you intend to invest in repairs as much as you need, or must fit into a certain amount. For renovations without budget restrictions, we can recommend such interior design styles as classic, decorative modern, hi-tech, country, and oriental.

But if you have to save money, then take a closer look at constructive modernism, which differs from decorative modernism in a more practical view of furniture and decoration and minimizes decorative details, at the same time reducing costs. Minimalism and eclecticism (mixing several styles) will also be more economical directions. In any case, do not expect to save on building materials - otherwise the result of the repair will be short-lived.

Decide how long you plan to use the apartment or house without repeated major repairs. Taking into account the emergence of heavy-duty modern materials you can renovate the apartment for the next 30-40 years. For example, polyurethane self-leveling floors make it possible to obtain a smooth and surprisingly durable surface that is not afraid of moisture, acids and alkalis; acrylic putty compounds have the same properties. The only significant disadvantage of such building materials is their high cost and unnaturalness.

If the high price is justified by a long service life, then the chemical origin of building materials scares off many, because they want to live in a safe environment. In fact, polymer materials and the components are found everywhere today, and they are not at all harmful to our health. Only suspiciously cheap materials from unknown manufacturers can be harmful - in this case, you only have yourself to blame.

Accurate calculation is half the work

Don’t forget to resolve everyday issues, such as where the family will go during repair work, and how to pacify the neighbors so that during the loudest construction work they did not write complaints to utility services.

Surely, your apartment already has some furniture. Perhaps you plan to throw some of it in a landfill - don’t rush to do this; during repair work, such a table, chair or sofa will probably be useful to workers. Think about which room you will start renovating from and how you will rearrange the furniture. Most often, work starts from the farthest room and ends with the kitchen.

The order of the main stages during a major overhaul is as follows:

  • Dirty work, namely dismantling old coverings, dismantling walls during redevelopment, leveling concrete surfaces, installation of sound insulation and insulation.
  • Replacement of electrical wiring, panel. Consider how the furniture will be located in the future so as not to install an outlet in the place where the cabinet will be located. In the kitchen and bathroom, it is better to provide a sufficient number of holes for sockets and install the highest quality electrical wiring.
  • Replacing the heating system, installing plumbing.
  • Basic plastering of surfaces - it usually takes several days for the plaster to dry, during which time other work is carried out that does not affect the walls.
  • Final leveling of all surfaces - installation of self-leveling floors or screeds, puttying of walls and ceilings.
  • Replacement of windows and doors - only after leveling the walls and floor. Only in this case can you be sure of the accuracy of the distance from the windows to the floor.
  • Installation of sockets and switches in previously prepared holes. If there are small children in the house, get plugs for sockets - the cost of purchasing them is cheap, but there are fewer risks for inquisitive kids.
  • Installation of shelves, cornices, baseboards and fillets, platbands and slopes. Some slopes are installed at the stage of plastering or putty.

If the apartment has a loggia or balcony, the repair of this room should be started last - it is most convenient to store the remains of building materials that may be needed to correct some issues, as well as tools and equipment. Important point- try your best welding work carry out in one stage before laying the final coatings. Otherwise, sparks from welding will inevitably ruin your work.

Calculation of building materials for repairs - we control costs

It doesn’t matter whether you carry out the repairs yourself or invite craftsmen - calculation of building materials for repairs is necessary in both cases. In the first option you will avoid shortages the right mixture at the most inopportune moment, and in the second, an accurate calculation will make it possible to protect the repair budget from banal theft.

If possible, buy building materials in parts and be sure to ask for a receipt. In this case, you can return the excess by receipt if the packaging was not damaged. The only time you have to make such a return is two weeks from the date of purchase. Therefore, it is advisable to purchase materials in stages, as needed.

On our website you will find specific recommendations and formulas for calculating almost all work and necessary materials, for example, the number or number of bags of cement. Each case may have its own nuances, but in general you should always purchase 8–10% more building materials. The cost estimate should also include the costs of transportation, waste removal before and after completion of work, and payment to hired workers.

Also stock up on all the necessary numbers of utility services, because in the event of major repairs, you will probably need to turn off the water in the risers or turn off the electricity for a while.

If you intend to do the repairs yourself, think about what kind of work you may not be able to do alone, in order to foresee in advance the possibility of calling for help in the form of more experienced builder. Do not allow downtime in your work - while it is drying in one room, in another you can start cleaning and leveling surfaces. Only with careful planning can you expect to have time to spend major renovation.

A major renovation of an apartment consists of a number of stages. The sequence of these steps is very important. Otherwise, some of the work already done will have to be redone, which will lead to delays in repairs and an increase in its cost. The article shows where to start a major renovation in an apartment. And also what sequence of actions will need to be followed during a major renovation. These recommendations will help to avoid repeated and unnecessary calls of specialists to the site, and, accordingly, damage to already completed volumes. Where to start renovating an apartment?

Initial stage of overhaul

On initial stage When renovating an apartment, you need to start by drawing up a renovation project. It should consist of:

  • layout obtained after renovation;
  • communications layout plan (sewage, water supply, electrical wiring);
  • placement plan technological equipment(bath, toilet, washbasin, water meters, air conditioning, built-in furniture).

Apartment renovation.

This is not a renovation project. This is an interior design project.

Without a project, you can easily encounter a situation where the washbasin cannot be placed due to the riser covered with a box. And there is no electricity supplied to the lamp near the mirror. The cost of correcting such errors is often several times higher than the cost of the project. Don’t skimp on the project – on the contrary, it will save you money. Required condition its compilation is based on fresh measurements directly on site. You should not blindly trust the dimensions indicated in the apartment passport.

The main thing in a renovation project is the thoughtful placement of the required technological elements and ease of use of the apartment after the renovation.

The next stage is approval of the project by the Customer upon direct participation performer The customer hardly understands the intricacies of the application building materials, as well as technologies for their installation. Therefore, the approved project must suit the master. In addition to the above, it must define the types of materials used for finishing.

After approval of the drawings, before the start of repairs in the apartment, temporary networks are installed - water, sewerage, electricity. During a major renovation of an apartment, everything changes - from wiring to flooring. At the same time, it is simply impossible to carry out repairs in an apartment without water, sewerage and electricity.

Disposable tool for major renovations in an apartment:

Disposable tool for repair, implies consumables, which we will need. This:

  • roulette
  • plumb line
  • level
  • spatulas
  • brushes
  • rollers
  • spray guns
  • vice
  • files
  • masking tape
  • sandpaper (various grain sizes)
  • glue gun
  • painting bath for various mixtures, primers, cements, paints, etc.

Very often, repair teams do not include them in the cost of performing the work and require them from the Customer. For the latter, this often becomes news.

Then follows the purchase of consumable equipment - garbage bags, brooms, dustpans, dust bags for a vacuum cleaner, etc.

Dismantling work (apartment renovation)

Dismantling work is the noisiest and most wasteful stage of major apartment renovations. All finishing layers are removed from main walls. All unnecessary and non-load-bearing partitions are demolished (if redevelopment of the apartment is planned). Configuration changes doorways(their location, size). As well as covering floors and replacement structures, fencing balconies and loggias.

Before starting dismantling, it is advisable to talk with your neighbors. Warn them about the noise, assure them of such inconveniences as soon as possible. Finally, agree on what time you will do repairs in the apartment, so as not to particularly disturb the neighbors.

You should decide in advance how the garbage will be disposed of. From a standard “kopeck piece” you can easily get several trucks (depending on the volume of dismantling and the capacity of the vehicles). Storing waste near the entrance, including temporary storage, can lead to conflict with neighbors.

The amount of waste during an apartment renovation often greatly surprises the customer.

Garbage removal can never be done just once. As work progresses, there will periodically be a need to remove remaining materials, packaging, etc. It is better to discuss the total expected number of vehicles in advance with the contractor.

Customers usually greatly underestimate the volume, and therefore the cost, of a number of works. Do not hesitate to discuss your financial costs in detail in advance with the contractor. This will make it easier for you to control it, and the performer, in turn, will be sure that he will receive appropriate payment.

Basic installation

Door and window openings

Floor preparation

Final installation

At the final installation stage when renovating an apartment, false walls are often installed to hide heating radiators and install secret retractable doors (if necessary).

Heating radiators

Covering a heating radiator allows you to hide the pipes and the radiator itself (which is especially important if it is old). And also, this helps to avoid practically unsolvable difficulties in finishing the room in the area where the risers meet the floor and ceiling.

Sheathing of communications

During the same period, communication lining boxes are installed. Not a single bathroom renovation in an apartment building can be done without this operation.

A plasterboard box is a solution that has become standard.

After drywall work, priming, installing corners, and puttying are performed.

All surfaces covered with plasterboard must be puttied.


After all the surfaces have been formed, you need to call a stretch ceiling surveyor (if the ceilings are stretch ceilings). At the same time, finishing of the loggia or balcony, installation of junction units, laying tiles in the bathroom, kitchen, and installation of a bathroom are carried out.

Final leveling of the floor, especially during major renovations, is highly desirable. This is explained by the fact that when performing a large volume of work on the floor, various damage to the surface layer will inevitably appear. Therefore, it is unlikely that it will be possible to protect the new screed from this. It is more convenient to underfill the main screed by 1 cm in height, and after all the “heavy” work is completed, make a “self-leveling” finishing layer.

Finishing the walls

After completing the work on the floor, you can move on to the latest types final installation works. It includes the final primer and finishing walls (wallpaper or painting), installation of suspended ceilings and laying flooring (laminate, linoleum, etc.). After that all that remains is to install interior doors. Then decorate the arches and portals (if any).

The final stage of apartment renovation

Our renovation is almost complete. To complete it you will need:

  • installation of kitchen and all built-in furniture,
  • installation of skirting boards
  • finishing electrical and indoor air conditioning units.

At the same time, we are installing clean plumbing fixtures (sink, toilet). This is followed by cleanup.

The final touch is the installation of curtains, blinds, shelves, mirrors and furniture installation.

We hope that this article will help you understand where to start a major renovation of your apartment and what sequence of actions you should follow in the future.

We do not always have the opportunity to completely vacate the apartment in order to make repairs. Many people face this situation, but not everyone can find the right solution and endure this stressful period. So how can we properly prepare for the start of repairs, so that our nerve cells do not begin to be used up along with the working materials? Follow our instructions.

1. Decide on the scope of work and who will perform it

At the very beginning, you need to decide what kind of work you are aiming for: will it be “small” redecorating or are you in the mood for a major overhaul? Will you move from room to room and do renovations gradually, or are you ready to carry out renovations by type of work and live on the construction site all the time? Who will do the work: will you do it yourself or hire professionals? In any case, the choice will always be yours.

Of course, the easiest way is to invite professional designer, builder, finishing, electrical and plumbing work, which will determine the strengths and weak sides in room. Note that this is what will directly affect the costs and deadlines, and consultation with a designer and his assistance in developing a sketch will help save time and money on rework.

2. Write down a plan

After you have made a choice on the type of repair and its performers, you need to write down a clear plan and schedule for the repair, which should contain a list of rooms and the work carried out in them, the cost of the work and the cost of purchasing the necessary materials.

3. Start repairs at the right time

The best time for renovation is spring and summer. During the spring and summer months, the heating is turned off, so it will be much easier for you to negotiate with the housing department about temporarily turning off the riser to replace radiators.

IN warm time year, you can safely open the windows and constantly ventilate the room. In addition, in spring and summer the putty dries faster.

4. Free up space

After drawing up and approving the estimate, begin to boldly empty the rooms of furniture, lamps and unnecessary things.

The more you clean at the beginning, the less you will clean at the end.

Fabrics absorb all odors, so before starting renovations, you need to pack all things in sealed bags and take them out of the room. It is best to store clothes in vacuum bags, they take up less space and prevent dust from being absorbed into the fabric.

For wall cladding, we recommend using panels made from natural wood or decorative panels based on gypsum. Extremely dangerous to use in an apartment plastic panels, since they are very fire hazardous and in the event of a fire they emit a suffocating odor that poisons the body.

The floor is done in two steps, moving furniture from one part to another.

As for finishing the ceiling, you need to choose: either you tolerate and breathe dust all the time, or, having abandoned puttying, sanding and painting the ceiling, you are ready to install a tension fabric.

The cost of such a stretch ceiling is approximately equal to the cost of work and materials for a painted ceiling, and the installation speed is only 2–3 hours (as opposed to 5–6 days for a painted one). However, it is important to understand that such film ceilings “do not breathe” and, together with plastic windows and linoleum create a closed “non-breathing” space. Such a room must be frequently ventilated, but this suspended ceiling can protect you from leaks from upper neighbors. It inflates like a bubble and can hold a volume of water up to 50 liters.

Means of protection

  • Attach tightly to all doorways using Velcro (picture mounts) wet gauze. Its fiber perfectly absorbs construction dust. The gauze must be rinsed several times a day and reattached to the doorways.
  • Masking film for surface protection. It prevents putty or clouds of paint microparticles from reaching the surface. Such self-adhesive film can be removed without leaving a residue, but do not forget that all protective materials must be removed after painting, and the surfaces must be washed and cleaned of possible minor troubles. If the second coat of paint is carried over to the next day, the protective film must be reapplied.
  • Masking tape. It fits tightly and does not allow paint to penetrate beyond it, thereby blocking the surface for painting. This adhesive tape is used to seal window frames, door casings and all protruding surfaces that cannot be repaired.
  • Polyethylene film and covering material (rags). During repairs, the floor is covered with film to protect it from damage. Covering material must be used to cover cabinets on all sides, appliances and even flowers. True, it is advisable to open the flowers in the evening so that they can “breathe.”
  • Respirator, gloves And other personal protective equipment. During the period of painting surfaces, sawing tiles, sanding surfaces and all dusty work, apartment residents need to protect their health with such by individual means and drink as much liquid and dairy products as possible to help the body eliminate particles faster construction dust, which entered the lungs during repairs.

Approximate repair plan

1. Determining the budget.

2. Consultation with the designer and builders.

3. Drawing up and approval of estimates.

4. Emptying the room of furniture and belongings.

5. Launch of the construction team.

6. Beginning of work. Dismantling (one day is enough for one room) dismantling works).

7. Electrical and plumbing installation (the most noisy, dusty and dirty work, during which the kindness and patience of neighbors are tested).

8. Painting works. It is quiet but very dusty during the sanding process. Plastering and puttying work can last from 1 to 10 days, depending on the task at hand (leveling along beacons, filling deep grooves, visual leveling, wallpapering, decorative plaster or painting). During the same period, ceilings are made if they are being prepared for painting.

9. Filling the floor can be done both before (the need for serious leveling) and after preparing the walls (if only partial adjustments are enough).

10. Installation or laying of flooring.

11. Installation of tension fabric on the ceiling.

12. Installation and connection lighting fixtures, sockets/switches, decorative elements (baguettes, floor skirting boards, cash on doors/windows and so on).

13. Spring-cleaning.

14. Furniture arrangement and textile decoration.

15. The renovation is complete!

Do you associate repairs with a million spent nerve cells, with a difficult and very long process? We will prove you wrong! You may not believe it yet, but renovation can become a pleasure if you turn this difficult and, at first glance, rather boring task into a simple and exciting process.

And the main thing in this matter is ORDER, when the sequence of repairing an apartment with your own hands is observed, and all stages of repairs in the apartment follow one after another according to a pre-drawn up repair plan.

So, you’ve finally made up your mind and are determined to renovate your apartment, a separate room, with your own hands. How to renovate an apartment with your own hands? Where is the best place to start? When and in what order should doors, windows, and floors be repaired? What should be the procedure for carrying out repair work? We will try to answer the main questions in this article.

Stages of renovating an apartment with your own hands: planning the order of work in advance

Indeed, it is important to know all the stages of renovating an apartment from scratch and follow the sequence of work performed.

If you follow the order of events, you can significantly save money, reduce repair time, and achieve better results with finishing works Oh

The first stage is global preparation

Every repair begins with global preparation. First of all, you will need to carry out all dismantling work: removing plaster, old wallpaper, whitewash, door blocks, flooring, and also, if necessary, dismantling partitions and rearranging them.

A situation may arise that, having already completed the repair, during finishing you discover that you still forgot to dismantle something. Here we have to redo a considerable part of the work, and redo it slowly, carefully, in order to minimize new damage.

Therefore, having finished dismantling everything that is unnecessary, old and needs to be replaced, very carefully inspect the result of your work: whether you have done everything.

Stage 2 – replacement of double-glazed windows

This work is quite dirty, especially the first part, when the old window blocks needs to be dismantled. After installing the window and sill, immediately cover them with thick polyethylene film to avoid scratching or smearing during subsequent work.

Stage 3 – plastering work

Plastering work requires compliance with the following sequence of work: marking for beacon profiles, priming the walls, installing a beacon profile, plastering walls and slopes. Plasterboard walls cannot be plastered. Work on plastering the ceiling, installation and installation of tension and suspended structures should be carried out only after finishing the installation of ventilation, electrical cables and other communications on the ceiling.

Stage 4 – wiring of electrical communications, plumbing work

The activities of the fourth stage relate to one of the most important stages of repair - this is the installation of heating radiators (or replacement), laying and wiring of electrical cables, low-current wires (this includes grounding cables, Internet, telephone, TV, alarm systems.

Before you start laying cables, be sure to mark the output of sockets and switches on the plastered walls. Next, proceed to work on punching holes and grooves for cables, distribution boxes, socket boxes, install a built-in electrical unit.

Be sure to draw a diagram of the electrical wiring: it is needed to prevent accidental contact with the places where the wire is laid when you start drilling a hole or hammering nails. In the kitchen, toilet, bathroom, it is very important to carry out piping, including other related work, before installing electrical wiring.

Fifth stage - floor preparation

Installation of heated floors, screed and leveling. When the screed is laid and leveled, you must wait until it is completely dry. For different materials– different drying times, carefully read the instructions in the instructions or packaging.

Stage 6 of repairs – let’s start finishing

When the floor is prepared, you can install the doors, then begin finishing work. The sequence of finishing work depends on the choice of technologies and materials used. So, whitewashing or painting the ceiling is done first, and, let’s say, suspended ceiling It is best to install when the wall finishing is completed. Laying any flooring, be it linoleum, tiles or parquet, is done when both the walls and the ceiling are ready.

Then you can install skirting boards, sockets, trim, all sorts of decorative elements; Plumbing fixtures, faucets, and various accessories are installed in the bathroom, kitchen, and toilet.

Important! If possible, it is better to renovate the entire apartment at once. Similar stages of work, this is especially true for “dirty” ones, such as removing old whitewash, installation of windows, not to mention breaking and rearranging partitions, it makes sense to do in all rooms at the same time, in order to prevent this from happening when carpet is laid in one room, while in another they have just begun to wash off the old whitewash from the ceiling.

If it is problematic to renovate the entire apartment at once, you need to start the renovation from the furthest room from front door and continue renovation work, gradually approaching the exit. Repairs to the corridor and hallway are done last. This is a fairly obvious rule: it is clear that in newly renovated rooms, carry buckets of solution, bags of construction waste- far from it The best decision. But this rule is constantly broken...

Read about all the secrets and features of the technology for installing double-glazed windows in residential premises.

Watch the video on how to putty drywall under wallpaper - that’s all plasterboard sheets Before wallpapering you need to prepare.

By the way, you should move from the room farthest from the hallway even when complete renovation entire apartments. To a greater extent, this applies to the final stage of work - finishing.

This is what the instructions for renovating an apartment look like. For those who prefer video format to reading, we suggest watching an educational video on renovating an apartment with your own hands:

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