How to repair a crack in an acrylic bathtub. Self-repair of acrylic bathtubs. How to repair a crack in an acrylic bathtub How to repair a crack in an acrylic bathtub

Along with metal and cast iron products Polymer plumbing has also become widespread. Acrylic products are very practical, but mechanical damage can cause significant damage to the coating. Repair of acrylic bathtubs is necessary if chips, deep cracks or even through holes appear on the plumbing fixtures.

Recovery plumbing equipment can be implemented in the following ways:

  • restoration of the product by specialists.

The second method, of course, is preferable, but if you want to save money, you can eliminate defects in acrylic bathtubs yourself.

Self-repair of plumbing equipment

Before repairing an acrylic bathtub, it is worth understanding the main problems and causes of problems.

The main types of damage to polymer equipment are divided into two types:

  • Damage resulting from mechanical impact: heavy objects falling onto the surface, burning of the coating. Also a crack on acrylic bath occurs due to the heavy load on the plumbing;
  • Chemical exposure. Do not be surprised if the acrylic bathtub cracks after treating its surface with aggressive detergents containing chlorine or oxalic acid.

In order to make repairs plastic baths yourself, you will need a lot of patience and a little knowledge. All the necessary theoretical material for troubleshooting polymer equipment is in front of you. So all that remains is to act.

What to do if your acrylic bathtub is cracked? Before repairing existing defects, you should purchase repair materials separately or buy a special repair kit.

What is needed for plumbing repair?

The standard set of materials for restoring polymer plumbing consists of:

  • rubber gloves and respirator;
  • a set of sandpaper;
  • liquid acrylic;
  • glue for polymer coatings;
  • polishes.

Tip: Glue will be needed if there are through holes in the coating. Therefore, you need to have a special composition on hand so that you have something to seal the acrylic bathtub with. The method of restoring plumbing depends not only on the type of damage, but also on its size.

If an acrylic bathtub bursts or minor defects appear on the surface, the instructions for restoring the plumbing will be the same; for more serious damage, a different approach will be needed.

Repair of minor defects

First, you need to understand how to repair an acrylic bathtub with small scratches and chips. Materials you will need:

  • two-component acrylic;
  • epoxy adhesive;
  • sandpaper;
  • special tape;

Note: Repairing cracks in an acrylic bathtub up to 3 mm in size is done using epoxy glue. If the defects reach large sizes, it’s worth using the tape. Repair plastic bath in this case, it will begin with the process of degreasing the plumbing. After this, a special tape is glued to the crack, after first removing the film from it.

Repair of an acrylic bathtub with minor defects up to 5 mm in length can be carried out using only the specified materials.

Recovery instructions:

  • To improve the adhesion of the glue to the surface of the product, the boundaries of the cracks are slightly expanded with a knife;
  • the surface is degreased;
  • acrylic paint is diluted with a hardener;
  • a small amount of the resulting composition is applied to the area requiring repair;
  • the treated areas are sealed with tape for five to six hours;
  • then the film is removed, the plumbing fixtures to be repaired are treated with alcohol, and then sanded;
  • Polish is applied to the restored part of the plumbing to obtain a shiny finish.

The video repair of acrylic bathtubs clearly demonstrates the process of restoring the coating in case of minor damage. The video explains how to repair a crack in a bathroom and what materials to use during restoration.

Acrylic is peeling off, what should I do?

Many people who bought polymer sanitary ware are wondering: why did the acrylic bathtub swell? In some cases, acrylic may separate from fiberglass, i.e. swell. This can happen for a number of reasons:

  • Firstly, when an acrylic bathtub wobbles, the load on the surface is distributed unevenly, so the acrylic can come off the walls of the plumbing;
  • Secondly, you may have purchased low-quality equipment that used cheap materials.

An acrylic bathtub repair technician can easily fix this problem, but since the procedure is quite simple, you can do it yourself.

Tip: You will need special glue for gluing polymer materials. You need to make a hole in the place of the swelling and insert glue there. After complete gluing of the layers, perform renovation work to repair a common crack. The algorithm for restoring coverage in case of damage of this kind has already been described earlier.

Repair of serious defects

If an acrylic bathtub is leaking, this indicates serious through-and-through damage. In this situation, it will be necessary not just cosmetic elimination of defects, but reinforcement. If the acrylic bathtub is crooked, it is better to reinstall it, otherwise it will leak sooner or later.

If this trouble does occur, you should answer the question: how to repair an acrylic bathtub with such damage? First, you will have to get a piece of fiberglass that will be used to seal the holes. And the work process itself will be like this:

  • the edges of the through crack should be cleaned using a regular knife;
  • damaged areas are treated with fine-grained sandpaper;
  • then the surface is thoroughly wiped with alcohol;
  • the defect is covered with a layer epoxy resin;
  • after this, the product should dry for several hours;
  • the glued area must be cleaned with sandpaper;
  • after the surface becomes smooth, it should be treated with alcohol;
  • As soon as the surface is degreased, apply polish to a clean soft cloth and treat the coating.

Don't rush to throw away your plumbing fixtures if your acrylic bathtub is cracked. Often such damage can be repaired. If the work is done well, repaired products can last from two to five years.

How to prevent breakdown?

Unfortunately, most people ignore the “hints” from plumbing that indicate trouble is approaching.

  • If an acrylic bathtub creaks, it means that the plumbing was initially installed incorrectly or that the walls and bottom of the equipment are very thin. But there are ways to eliminate this nuisance.
  • In a situation where the acrylic bathtub sag, you can place bricks or blocks under its base. This method suitable for those whose bathtub is closed plastic screen. This solution will help to significantly reduce the load on the inner surface of the product and avoid the appearance of cracks.
  • Look at the purchased polymer product in sunlight, if the acrylic bathtub is translucent, it is bad sign. But you shouldn’t be upset, in such a situation you can buy latex paint, which is applied by pouring method to the coating of plumbing fixtures. This will make the equipment stronger, which will reduce the risk of defects.

Many people are interested in the question: can refurbished plumbing last a long time? In any case, equipment restoration will prolong life polymer products for at least a couple of years. Considering the relative cheapness of the procedure, this event is quite profitable.


Having figured out how to repair an acrylic bathtub, you can easily eliminate almost any defects in polymer plumbing and carry out restoration and repairs on your own. Quaril baths are restored in a similar way.

If an acrylic bathtub leaks, the damaged surface should be treated with special glue. After which the plumbing equipment can be used for its intended purpose.

A polymer bath can be saved in case of almost any type of damage, so do not rush to get rid of old equipment, because it can serve you for many more years.

Repairing an acrylic bathtub with your own hands allows you to return this design for adoption water procedures former shine and integrity.

Acrylic bathing structures, installed in many people’s homes these days, are highly practical, easy to use and excellent in hygiene. But over time or if the standards for their use are violated, various defects may appear on the surface of such baths. In such situations, it is not at all necessary to purchase a new design. You are quite capable of repairing acrylic bathtubs yourself.

Acrylic swim design

Damage to the products we describe is usually divided into the following types:

  • Blind holes and deep cracks. Most often, such defects occur when using aggressive detergents, smoking in the bathtub, and careless handling.
  • Surface cracks. They most often form when you clean the bathtub with highly abrasive compounds. Surface defects also appear when long-term operation designs.
  • Chips. The most dangerous damage occurs due to heavy objects falling into the acrylic structure. These defects are the most difficult to eliminate; their restoration is carried out in several stages.

All of these damages can be repaired with your own hands. It is only important to choose the right technology for carrying out restoration work and buy the appropriate materials for them.

Acrylic structures are made using different methods. Finished goods differ in the thickness of the acrylic layer. The most expensive are bathtubs that are made using vacuum molding technology. The thickness of the acrylic layer of such structures exceeds 4 mm. Manufacturers take a sheet of material, heat it up strongly on special equipment, and then mold it according to a specific pattern in a vacuum atmosphere.

Vacuum formed acrylic bathtub

Cheaper are products on which acrylic is applied by casting or spraying onto a fiberglass base. Acrylic layer similar designs never exceeds 2 mm. Determining what kind of bathtub is in front of you is quite simple. Take a look at the cut edge of the product, you will see the thickness of the acrylic layer.

You need to inspect the bathtub not for the sake of empty interest, but in order to understand what kind of repair kit you need to purchase to restore it. Kits for low-cost construction typically consist of epoxy resin mixed with a small amount of special additives. But the restoration of bathtubs with a thick coating should be carried out with a repair kit made from a special type of hardener and liquid acrylic.

As you understand, first of all you need to choose the right special kit for bathtub renovation. The success of restoration efforts depends on this. In addition, the restoration of bathtubs is always carried out taking into account the following basic requirements:

  • Do not apply an acrylic layer over cracks in the structure. There will be no sense in such repairs.
  • The bathtub must be degreased before restoration begins. For these purposes, solvents are used that are developed specifically for acrylic coatings. It is prohibited to use cleaning compounds created for plumbing fixtures with other types of protective layers.
  • Acrylic painting is done with rubber gloves. It is also necessary to work in a respirator equipped with a carbon filter. If possible, turn on the hood in the room where the structure is located and ventilate it. Remember that acrylic emits harmful volatile compounds when heated and treated with liquid repair compounds.
  • Restoration is not carried out with construction acrylic, which is sold in specialized stores. You can only repair a bathtub using special sanitary material.

Construction acrylic for restoration

And one more subtlety. To restoration work provided the expected result, you need to use materials for repairs with compression and expansion indicators that are similar to the characteristics of the acrylic bathtub sheet. These values ​​can be found in the design data sheet and in the instructions included with the repair kits.

Let us add that restoration of bathtubs with acrylic coating made using a number of devices and tools. You need to stock up (on it you will mount grinding wheel for surface treatment of the structure), sandpaper of different numbers and a special paste for grinding.

Minor defects on the surface of the bathtub can be corrected with acrylic bath polish and sandpaper. You need to carefully clean out minor damage with sandpaper with a grit rating of 80. Then a final sanding is carried out (using sandpaper marked 2000).

Acrylic bath polish

In cases where the burn through the bathtub is deep enough, simply grinding its surface will not produce results. You must first fill the hole with liquid acrylic and only then apply sandpaper.

After sanding the surface, it is treated with polish. Note that the described restoration technology does not change the color of the bathtub. This is due to the fact that acrylic is a homogeneous material. The main thing is not to overdo it with sanding. This must be done very carefully, without pressing the sandpaper onto the surface being treated.

It is recommended to repair these types of damage immediately after they are discovered. If the cracks become larger and deeper, it will be very difficult to deal with them. Sometimes it's almost impossible. Restoration of a bathtub with cracks is carried out using repair tape or a repair kit (do not forget that it must be selected taking into account the thickness of the acrylic layer). Restoring the integrity of the structure through the use of special kits occurs as follows:

  1. Using sandpaper marked 400, sand the area of ​​the bathtub near the crack.
  2. Using an electric drill, drill holes with a cross-section of 1 mm on each side of the damage (in this case, the crack will not expand).
  3. Clean the surface from crumbs and small debris, wash it with soapy water, and wait for the bath to dry.
  4. Mix the components included in the repair kit.
  5. Using an applicator (manufacturers of the composition include it in the restoration kit), apply the prepared mixture to the hole and crack.
  6. You wait 10–12 hours.
  7. Sand the repaired area of ​​the bathtub until the surface is completely smooth.

Repair kit for acrylic structure

When using repair tape, the operation algorithm is slightly different:

  1. Make holes and clean the surface.
  2. Cut a piece of tape (it should cover the crack 10 mm in each direction).
  3. Use the sticky side to glue the tape to the surface. Air bubbles may form under the tape and must be removed immediately.

After this, wait for 3–5 hours for the restored area to dry. Do not under any circumstances fill the bathtub with water while drying!

You can also get rid of serious damage to the bathtub on your own. Follow the work flow diagram below:

  1. Take a repair kit with coarse putty. Use it to treat a deep chip or hole.
  2. Wait for the putty to dry completely.
  3. Sand the surface using sandpaper.
  4. Take the finely dispersed compound included in the repair kit and cover the defective area.
  5. Sand the dried surface with fine sandpaper.
  6. Polish the renovated part of the bathtub.

Covering the defective area with a finely dispersed composition

As you can see, you can repair almost any damage to acrylic structures yourself. Just follow the instructions above.

Acrylic bathtubs, with all their advantages (lightness, variety of shapes, noiselessness, relatively affordable price) have one serious flaw - they can crack or even form a through hole when a heavy object falls.

In this regard, almost every user who encounters this problem sooner or later has a question - how to seal an acrylic bathtub and is it possible to do this in principle?

When taking on a bathtub repair, you must remember that a mistake can lead to irreparable consequences - an ordinary-looking crack, if unfavorable, can cause flooding not only of your apartment, but also of the neighbors below.

Therefore, you should immediately discard such repair options as “cold” welding, using regular glue, sealing a crack with metallized tape, etc. All these materials have low coefficient adhesion to acrylic and, in addition, change their specific density differently with temperature changes. In practice, this means that the “patch” will bounce off the first time warm water hits the repair site.

So, it should be clearly understood that an acrylic bathtub can only be sealed using acrylic or acrylic and epoxy putty with fiberglass cloth if the crack (hole) is through or has a large area.

A shallow crack is opened with a drill, simultaneously drilling holes at its ends (to stop further growth). After this, the future seam is thoroughly washed and, if necessary, degreased with alcohol. Under no circumstances should you use ordinary solvents for degreasing - acrylic will flow down in this case. The embroidered crack is filled with liquid acrylic to which a hardener has been added. After final hardening, the surface is cleaned with sandpaper and sanded flush with the “native” surface of the bathtub.

This should be done if the crack has spread only to surface layer acrylic Penetrating damage is repaired using a special acrylic tape from the repair kit. All preparatory procedures are similar to those described above, the only difference is that acrylic tape is glued on top at the end to increase the strength of the repair area.

Through holes and cracks with damage to the bathroom frame are repaired by reinforcing the repair area with fiberglass cloth and epoxy putty. To do this with reverse side The bathtub is cleaned with sandpaper to the required area, which is glued with fiberglass. The binding material is epoxy resin with a hardener. It must be remembered that high strength can only be achieved by applying putty in several layers with the obligatory drying of each. Inner surface the bathroom in the hole area is either filled with liquid acrylic or glued with repair tape made of the same material.

All work must be performed with strict adherence to safety precautions: ventilation of the room, rubber gloves, a respirator with a carbon filter. While the epoxy putty and liquid acrylic are drying, it is prohibited to be in the apartment.


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Affordable prices, good consumer properties, light weight and ease of installation explain the growing popularity of acrylic bathtubs in recent years.

Plastic products can be used actively and for a long time, subject to precautions that you should familiarize yourself with before purchasing.

If trouble does happen, you should know about the possibility of restoring an acrylic bathtub, which can actually be done at home.

Rules for using an acrylic bathtub

There are several types of models made of polyacrylic materials, which differ in the characteristics of the top layer, its mechanical and chemical resistance.

A coating with a thickness of more than 5 mm is intended for use for a quarter of a century. Bathtubs with a thinner inner layer can last 10 to 15 years without repair if they are treated with care.

The main thing is not to damage the polymers by mechanical action or treatment with chemically active reagents. Hygienic care can be carried out using soft detergents without using strong oxidizing agents.

The surface should be wiped carefully with brushes or sponges that do not have hard bristles. Should not be placed near the bathroom heavy objects, do not place metal containers in it.

Following simple rules increases the chances of long-term safe use of the bath without repair. However, troubles do happen that can result in varying degrees of damage:

  • rough areas and minor scratches;
  • chips and easily noticeable scratches;
  • cracks;
  • through holes;
  • delamination of plastic.

At home, you can repair acrylic bathtubs using the recommendations experienced craftsmen, a set of simple devices and tools.

Removing minor scratches

With prolonged use, the washing surface sometimes loses its original shine, which is due to the appearance of multiple small scratches. In this case, restoration of acrylic bathtubs is done with your own hands in a certain sequence using polishing agents.

First, the area with small scratches should be rubbed with an emery cloth with the finest grains. The procedure must be done carefully, without being too zealous, so as not to aggravate the damage to the surface.

After smoothing out the scratches, a polish containing small abrasive grains should be applied to the prepared area.

Rubbing the product with felt will allow you to get absolutely smooth surface, which needs to be brought to full shine wax composition polishing character. Both types of polishes are often available on sale in one set, which allows you to efficiently repair a scratched acrylic bathtub.

After applying the wax product, rub the surface with a soft cloth, which is included with the treatment products. Upon completion of the repair, the bathtub is washed, rinsed and allowed to dry.

You can independently restore the shine of a surface that does not have noticeable scratches only with wax polish, without using products with small abrasive particles.

Repair with liquid acrylic

Chips and large scratches are somewhat more difficult to repair; for this you will need liquid acrylic preparations. It makes sense to immediately buy a repair kit, which includes:

  • layer restoration composition;
  • an applicator that allows you to apply the product carefully;
  • polishes to add shine to the surface;
  • pieces of emery cloth with the required grain size;
  • napkins.

Before covering up a large scratch, it needs to be expanded a little so that the polymer restoration paste can fit into the cavity. You will have to be careful when using the mounting knife, as the effort may cause the bathtub to burst. After this, the gap must be rubbed with a piece of sandpaper, cleaned, degreased, and with an applicator, apply a mass of liquid acrylic into the recess.

Note! The repair agent must completely occupy the cavity; the technique used is reminiscent of puttying walls.

When the mass hardens, the polymerization process is completed, the area must be rubbed on top with polish until a shine appears. It is possible that the shade of the restored bathroom fragment will be slightly different; this can only be noticed upon close examination and good lighting, aimed specifically at the site of the former defect.

Repairing cracks and holes

Damage that leaks through is more difficult to repair, but this can also be done with your own hands. Such cracks should be sealed in the same way as deep scratches. The difference is that it is advisable to drill small holes near the damage on both sides, into which liquid acrylic is then also placed. Such holes will prevent further expansion of the gap and further strengthen the repair area. As a result, a tightening fastener is formed, the presence of which will increase the strength of the seam.

A fiberglass patch larger than the hole is then applied to the area to be repaired. The canvas is sold separately in construction supply stores or as a kit for repairing acrylic bathtubs. The reinforcing flap is fixed to the defect area using epoxy resin so that the hole is overlapped and closed. After gluing the fiberglass, you need to wait until the glue has completely dried, then return the bath to its original position. During this time, you need to turn on the exhaust ventilation in the bathroom.

Repairing cracks and holes

Damage that leaks through is more difficult to repair, but this can also be done with your own hands.

Such cracks should be sealed in the same way as deep scratches. The difference is that it is advisable to drill small holes near the damage on both sides, into which liquid acrylic is then also placed.

Such holes will prevent further expansion of the gap and further strengthen the repair area. As a result, a tightening fastener is formed, the presence of which will increase the strength of the seam.

It is much more difficult to repair an acrylic bathtub that has a hole in it. It is possible to make a high-quality restoration only by removing the structure and turning it over with its back side. This prospect will make few people happy and will encourage users to take care of their plumbing fixtures. Nevertheless, anything can happen.

To repair holes on the back side, the area around them at a distance of at least 20 cm must be completely cleaned and degreased. Cleaning is carried out with sandpaper, the layer of greasy dirt is removed with organic solvents or special cleaning compounds.

A fiberglass patch larger than the hole is then applied to the area to be repaired. The canvas is sold separately in construction supply stores or as a kit for repairing acrylic bathtubs.

The reinforcing flap is fixed to the defect area using epoxy resin so that the hole is overlapped and closed. After gluing the fiberglass, you need to wait until the glue has completely dried, then return the bath to its original position. During this time, you need to turn on the exhaust ventilation in the bathroom.

The remaining stages of repair are carried out from the inside of the washing tank, which must be prepared in the same way as is done when restoring ordinary cracks. The area is sanded with fine sandpaper and filled with liquid acrylic agent, wait until it dries, polish with wax until shiny.

Combating delamination of an acrylic bathtub

With prolonged use of an acrylic bathtub, swellings resembling bubbles sometimes appear on the surface. The defect is caused by the separation of the polymer layer from the structural glass sheet, which performs the function of reinforcement.

Repair of loose areas is carried out differently than previous types of restoration. The swelling must be carefully pierced in the center so that the tip of the syringe fits into the resulting hole. A special glue is introduced under the swollen layer, capable of fixing the acrylic layer on the fiberglass, and pressed polymer coating, wait until the composition dries completely and sets.

At the end of the procedure, the hole is sealed with liquid acrylic and polished with a wax composition so that the area does not differ in appearance from the adjacent area.

An acrylic bathtub, made according to technology from a good polymer, can last a long time, usually without requiring repairs. Under extreme circumstances, defects may appear on it, which you can deal with yourself if you have the information and means for restoration. This procedure can be performed by an ordinary home craftsman on his own without any problems.

Modern acrylic bathtubs have many advantages, and many people know them all first-hand. One of the advantages of this plumbing fixture is its simple installation, which is quite easy to carry out even for an inexperienced craftsman in this matter. About this and we'll talk in this article, in which we, together with the website, will deal with the issue of how to repair acrylic bathtubs and get acquainted with the most common breakdowns and ways to eliminate them.

How to repair an acrylic bathtub photo

Repair of acrylic bathtubs: the nature of the damage matters

Before you begin repairing acrylic bathtubs, you should understand the nature of possible damage - there are few of them, but it is simply necessary to know the difference between them. The method of eliminating it depends entirely on what and how the damage was caused. There are two main types of damage - chemical and mechanical.

  • Chemical damage – so-called burns on the body of the bathtub, caused by exposure to household cleaning products that were incorrectly selected for care. In most cases, they arise during the soaking of laundry and are formed during the reaction of acrylic with the components of some washing powders - such damage (usually cloudiness) can be easily removed by polishing acrylic.
  • Mechanical damage is a much more serious injury. These include deep and not very deep scratches, cracks and even through holes. If you think that a hole measuring 100x100mm cannot be repaired, then you are mistaken. This is the main advantage of these plumbing fixtures - it is possible not only to repair chips on an acrylic bathtub, but also cracks up to 500 mm in size, as well as holes with the above dimensions.

Repair kit for acrylic bathtubs

When approaching the question of how to repair acrylic bathtubs with your own hands, in addition to the nature of the damage, you also need to know the method of their manufacture. The choice of material or so-called repair kit depends on this. There are two types of acrylic bathtubs, which we will look at below.

  1. Made from a single sheet of acrylic by molding - they can be distinguished by the presence of polyethylene protective film(if, of course, you remember this nuance when). If you don’t remember, then look at the cut of the bathtub - the thickness of the top acrylic layer of such products cannot be less than 4 mm. These products can be repaired in two ways - their choice depends on the depth and size of the damage. But more on that later.
  2. Bathtubs made by spraying with gelcoat - they usually have a thin layer of acrylic on the cut and are sold without a protective film. Repairing cracks in such an acrylic bathtub is much easier, and all thanks to the special composition used during restoration work.

You need to know about all this, because... Without such nuances, it is impossible to choose the right kit for repairing acrylic bathtubs. Both repair kits are sold in any construction hypermarkets or specialized plumbing stores.

Repairing chips on an acrylic bathtub photo

Tool for repairing acrylic bathtubs: how to repair cracks, potholes and chips

If it is enough to simply polish shallow scratches with a piece of felt, then this will not work with cracks and potholes - to eliminate them you will need a special kit for repairing acrylic bathtubs. It includes the following components.

  1. Liquid acrylic. May have different shades white, and choosing it exactly for your bathtub can be difficult. When going to the store, it is better to stock up on as much information as possible about the bathtub (manufacturer, model, year of manufacture, etc.).
  2. Hardener - without it, liquid acrylic will not harden.
  3. Sandpaper to increase the roughness of the damaged area.
  4. Polishing paper for finishing already renovated section of the bathtub.
  5. A special solvent used for degreasing.
  6. Epoxy glue, which is used to remove small scratches up to 1mm deep.

Depending on the repair kit, its composition may be different, but in any case it will contain the most necessary things - liquid acrylic with a hardener and epoxy glue. Everything else can be purchased separately.

Repair kit for repairing acrylic bathtubs with your own hands photo

Now a few words about the repair kits themselves for repairing acrylic bathtubs. Today, you can purchase two versions of such “medicines” in specialized stores.

  • NNREPAIR. Pure poison, characterized by toxicity. It is better to work with it in a well-ventilated area - if you are going to repair an acrylic bathtub without removing it from its place, then it is better to take care of the means personal protection. In addition, the acrylic of this set takes quite a long time to dry (6-12 hours, depending on the layer). And if we talk about eliminating large chips and potholes, the repair of which involves applying acrylic layer by layer, then it can take several days.
  • BYsan 3000. It is the complete opposite of the first repair kit - it is absolutely harmless to humans and dries within half an hour. Moreover, it has enough high level adhesion with acrylic. This kit consists of liquid acrylic, a powder hardener and two types of polishing paper - this is quite enough to eliminate chips, cracks, potholes and other damage.

Despite this difference in the composition of the repair kits, the process of repairing damage itself looks almost identical, except for the time spent on it.

You can learn more about repairing acrylic bathtubs with your own hands from the video clip.

Technology for eliminating damage and repairing cracks and potholes

All deep damage and large potholes on acrylic bathtubs, regardless of the repair kit used, are repaired in approximately the same way, and this process can be represented in the following order.

  1. You need to start by expanding the damaged area, thereby increasing the adhesion area of ​​the new and old acrylic - if we are talking about repairing large potholes and through holes, then instead of expanding the area, it will be enough to chamfer the edges of the area. We increase the width and depth of the cracks by 1-2mm.
  2. We clean the prepared area from dust and degrease it with alcohol (we do not use solvents).
  3. Prepare acrylic - mix the components. If you purchased NNREPAIR, then add 2 parts of hardener to one hundred parts of acrylic. If the repair of chipped acrylic bathtubs will be carried out using BYsan 3000, then mix the acrylic with the powder in the full amount offered by the manufacturer and mix for 40 seconds. in a glass container. Ready composition should resemble resin in consistency.
  4. Apply the resulting composition to the damaged area flush with the surface of the bath.
  5. We seal the damage with tape or, in the case of large damage, with film with tape and leave everything alone until it dries completely. As mentioned above, in the case of BYsan 3000 this happens within half an hour, and with NNREPAIR within 6-12 hours. It should be understood that no force can be applied to the bathtub at this time, since the new and old acrylic simply will not join together, or a dent will occur.
  6. After the repair area has completely dried, remove the tape (or film), treat the surface with alcohol, and then sand the repaired area using the sandpaper included in the repair kit.

Do-it-yourself acrylic bathtub repair photo

And to conclude the topic about repairing acrylic bathtubs, a few words about how large holes and deep damage are repaired. The main difference from the technology described above is in two things: firstly, acrylic is applied in layers up to 2 mm thick with an interval of three hours and, secondly, through holes on the non-front side of the bathtub are closed with a temporary patch, which can be made from any suitable plate in shape and dimensions. It is glued with super glue, and after the repair is completed, it can be left in place.

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