Do-it-yourself log house repair report. Loghouse repair. Repair of damaged log crowns. Prices for renovation work on the interior of the house

If your property has an old wooden house, don’t rush to demolish it. Old buildings can serve for many years after restoration. It is necessary to return the house to its former attractive appearance, “overcome” the fungus, install thermal insulation and you can live!

Not many companies take on the restoration of old wooden houses. At Dom and Co. we carry out major and cosmetic repairs of varying complexity, with possible additions upper floors and attics, replacing crowns, adding terraces, etc.

Problem assessment

You have become the owner of a neglected old house or have decided to carry out restoration work on your dacha. Would you like to estimate the amount that restoration will cost? Contact Dom & Co! Our expert will inspect the building and evaluate the foundation, roof and frame for cracks, rotted or fungus-damaged elements. The specialist will outline the range of problems and indicate approximate cost repair If starting it is pointless, and it is better to prepare for the construction of a new house, we will also honestly tell you about it.


The top layer of wood loses its attractive appearance after several years of use. This occurs due to exposure to the sun, moisture and microorganisms. The wood turns gray, blue, and peels. If black spots appear on it, this indicates the spread of fungus. To return the house to its former attractiveness, mechanical sanding is required, and then processing of the cleaned surface. Sanding is recommended every five years. Sometimes you can do without a grinder and clean biological lesions with antiseptics. But grinding and subsequent processing is a radical and best way.

Sealing cracks

Cracks in logs and beams should be repaired using putty. In some cases, it is necessary to caulk the joints of the log house elements. Both putty and caulking are done before cosmetic operations to put the log house in order. These important renovation work must be produced correctly. Then they will have an effect: insulating the house and stopping its further aging. Do not do the caulking yourself, but entrust it to the Dom & Co. repair team.

Protective treatment

All sanded wooden surfaces must be treated protective compounds from bacteria, insects and fungi. We use modern complex means antiseptic treatment, including insecticides and fungicides. Impregnations will increase the service life of the log house and delay as much as possible the moment when you have to start putting the house in order again.

Primer is an essential part cosmetic repairs. It is produced with outside and protects the surface from weather influences, temperature changes, etc. Particular attention should be paid to protecting the ends wooden walls. The maximum amount of moisture is absorbed through them, which leads to cracking. After priming, you can varnish or paint the house. This is the final stage of cosmetic repairs wooden house outside.

Internal renovation work

When carrying out cosmetic restoration, it is necessary to assess the condition rafter system, floors, stairs, hemming boards. Some elements will have to be replaced. Such breakdowns should be assessed and repaired by a specialist. We recommend our company's experts and repairmen who have extensive experience in restoration. wooden floors on joists, floors, rafter systems, etc.

Bleak House

Often our customers are not so concerned about appearance how bad are the thermal insulation qualities? wooden buildings. The walls and corners of old and not very old wooden houses often “breathe cold.” This happens due to insufficient wall thickness, or due to improper assembly of the log houses (insufficient insulation material or the technology for laying it is broken, gaps are left in the cups). When using the house, the problems only get worse: cracks appear, the house becomes even “colder”. To insulate such a log house, a rope seal is traditionally used. But we use elastic sealant together with polypropylene tubes (the so-called “Warm Seam” technology).

Major renovation of a wooden house

An old house requires a lot of effort to restore. The main thing is to make sure that all the costs for its restoration are worthwhile. The weakest point of wooden buildings is lower crowns installed on concrete or brick foundations. These crowns absorb moisture through concrete and brick and sometimes simply rot. As a result, the house gives a visible settlement, the plaster in the rooms falls off, and the walls become warped. To prevent this from happening, you need to do thorough waterproofing in the lower part of the log house, and also isolate the foundation itself from water. But if “the job is done” and many years have passed since then, what can be done? We offer replacement of rotten logs or beams.

First you need to prepare a log house of the same size as the existing one. The number of replaced crowns can be the same or greater. This way you will be able to “raise” the ceilings a little if desired. The best material for the lower crowns - larch. This is the most moisture-resistant wood. But in a specific case, an expert from our company will help you make a choice.

Sometimes, to replace damaged parts, the house is dismantled and reassembled. This method is used when the construction/reconstruction of a building is planned. In all other cases, it is easier and cheaper to raise the frame using channels and jacks, restore the foundation and lower crowns, and then install top part on a new basis. Our company has the equipment and capabilities to jack up one- and two-story wooden buildings. This operation must be carefully prepared: furniture is taken out of the house, door and window boxes, which can collapse at the slightest distortion of the structure. Floor joists embedded in the crowns of the log house must also be dismantled. The chimney must be separated from the roof and ceiling. You shouldn't do something like this complex operation independently, so as not to completely destroy the house. Entrust the work of replacing crowns to the professionals from the Dom and Co. company.

After the reconstruction of the foundation and the lower part of the walls, the floor is assembled or remade, restored outer part, rafters and stairs are replaced as necessary, internal Finishing work. Attention should be paid to the rafter system. If you strengthen, strengthen and replace problematic elements in time, you can avoid destruction and leakage of the roof. For this purpose, unloading beams are installed (the so-called “help”), the beams are reinforced with double-sided overlays, struts, etc. The lower parts of rafter structures are often damaged due to roof leaks, poor vapor barrier, etc. All these damages must be identified and repaired.

Where to order restoration work on an old wooden house

Reconstruction or repair of an old house in Moscow or the region will be carried out for you in construction company"Dom and Co." This specific and complex work is carried out by teams of craftsmen with extensive experience both in the construction of wooden buildings from scratch and in repairs.

Work order

  1. Examination. Departure of Dom & Co specialists to the site for registration and examination of the house.
  2. Coordination of the estimate. Selection and preparation of materials. Production of new crowns, purchase of finishing materials, impregnations, rafters, floorboards and other things. Procurement of materials for a new foundation.
  3. Carrying out restoration. Carrying out work on the site according to a pre-approved plan.
  4. Handing over the repaired facility and instructing the client on operating rules.
Thank you, very informative. I've been following your thread for a long time)

The roof is not leaking yet, but of course I will change it. But here everything seems to be somehow clear to me. I think it will be The final stage. I would also like to change the windows. The amount of work scares me - I understand that I won’t be able to manage it in a season. I'm afraid that the repair will be delayed, given the fact that I have no experience at all. It’s just that the whole family gathers in the house in the summer - I really don’t want to turn it all into a protracted construction project. If you can still find a stove maker in the village, then there is no one to consult with about replacing the crowns. I was advised to replace the lower crowns with a cinder block in the village - I don’t know how to react to such advice.

The house is located in the village of Ust-Utka (Baronskaya), 70 km from Tagil to the west. I myself live in Yekaterinburg - 200 km from my favorite dacha.
Another question. If you make a strip foundation, is it enough to do it around the perimeter of the hut or do you also need to put it under the hay? In my 1st picture you can see that the hut and the first senki have common lower crowns. Then next comes the second senki and the hallway (on the left). How, in this case, is it better to plan to build a senki and a hut on a single foundation? (I don’t know if I’m expressing myself clearly). By the way, I want to add about the house - despite its appearance, the house is very warm. This winter I lived there for 2 months, January and February - the frosts were severe almost every day; for 2 months it was -30. By the evening the sun warmed up to -20. I heated it once a day - in the evening, although in the village everyone heated it at least 2 times a day. The temperature in the hut was 23-24 degrees) That’s why I wrote that maybe I’m writing him off early. Maybe it’s enough to replace the foliage with a new one and some crowns?.. Still, I somehow associate a new foundation with a new house.

Sorry for the dumb question - I can’t figure out how to edit messages. I wanted to correct grammatical errors, but I can’t)

If you don’t want to make a monolithic tape, then a cinder block in 2 rows is the best optimal solution provided there is no soil heaving! At first I wanted to do the same, but for now I abandoned this idea in favor of a monolith, but for now I left 10-15% for a cinder block base. My soil is just not stable. But on a nearby street, an acquaintance did the same thing last year, I’ll ask how it works and report back.

Ust-Utka we know, we know, on the way to Chusovaya!

If you make a monolith, then I would make a monolith for the main structures and extensions that definitely were, are and will “have” a bit of humor to relieve the tension. And for those that can be demolished or rebuilt, pillars can be temporarily installed. After all, it is not for nothing that it is a MONOLITH from the word MONOLITH, and not PARTS.

Really warm house, I heated the house without gas twice. But I think this is due to poor insulation of the ceiling; there is only 3-5 cm of earth there with bald spots, it turned out during the study!

I won’t say anything about editing, but no, I’ll say, under the message the inscription “edit” appears and a couple more, click and edit, BUT it is valid, in my opinion, for about 40 minutes from the moment the message is published, then it is not possible to edit.

Wood is a living, aging material, subject to gradual destruction under the influence of various factors. An old log house will not only lose its former natural color, but serious structural damage may occur, reducing the comfort of living and threatening the collapse of the entire structure. Repair of old log houses will make it possible to eliminate many defects and give them a second life.

What parts of the building may require repairs?

Reconstruction of the old log house– usually a multi-step process that helps eliminate several defects. Remodeling an old log house begins with a thorough professional inspection that allows you to assess the condition of the structure and outline an action plan. How to renovate an old log house?

Repair of the foundation and lower crowns

If the foundation is damaged and the first crown needs to be replaced, it is necessary to resolve the issue of how to raise the old log house. To do this, all furniture and household items are removed from the building; it is also necessary to remove door and window blocks and disassemble the floor. The foundation is excavated along the entire perimeter of the house to assess its condition and see the most vulnerable places.

The building can be lifted using hydraulic jacks: they are placed on the four corners, after which you need to very slowly begin to lift the building. During this work, it is important not to rush: the lifting is carried out a few centimeters at a time, after which the building is installed on strong temporary supports. This will allow the damaged logs to be replaced one at a time, and then the house will be lowered into place.

The foundation can be strengthened with a new continuous belt: a new concrete strip is poured around the perimeter of the house, connected to the existing strip base with metal pins. The building can be lowered only after the renewed foundation has completely dried, after which a new floor, windows and doors can be installed.

Repairing the walls of a log house

Ancient log houses can stand for a very long time, but over time, cracks form in their walls due to shrinkage. In addition, the gaps between the logs increase, and you have to decide whether it is necessary to insulate an old log house. There are several options for restoring thermal insulation properties:

  • The simplest solution is caulking, which fills the cracks natural insulation materials: moss, jute and flax fiber, tow, etc. Caulk will close the cracks, but the insulation will not last long, and the work will have to be repeated periodically.
  • Gaps and cracks in the walls are sealed with special sealants based on silicone or acrylic base. The exterior and interior decoration of an old log house will not be damaged; sealants do not spoil the appearance and allow the strength of the logs to be completely restored. If the gaps are large, insulation is first laid in them, which is then sealed with sealant.
  • In difficult cases, to repair walls, it is necessary to completely dismantle a log house and replace logs that are severely damaged by rot, destroyed by insects, or significantly cracked. When new logs are laid, inter-crown insulation is laid between them to eliminate cracks in the walls. The advantages of logs are that the log house can be disassembled and reassembled, and it will again be warm and cozy after completion of the work.

Exterior Home Restoration

How to decorate an old log house? There are many options for restoring the appearance of a wooden house.

The simplest and cheapest solution is to paint the frame after sanding and treating with antiseptics. Modern paints will help preserve the texture of the wood and give it shine; you can also purchase a special bleach for wood, which will restore its natural color.

You can “rejuvenate” a log house using more modern coatings. Finishing with siding, clapboard or block house will hide the darkened wood of the walls, and the building will acquire modern look, however, you will still have to carry out a full treatment with an antiseptic.

Independent restoration of a wooden house is a rather expensive and time-consuming process, but it will still cost less than new construction. At proper recovery the old building will be able to serve for many more years, and the family nest will accept more than one generation of residents.

A house made of wood always evokes some sense of calm and stability. Having such a home away from the bustle of the city is the ultimate pleasure. But let’s not talk here about the beauty of nature and a great vacation. Let's leave all the lyrical moments to poets and writers and look at the log house purely from practical point vision. It, like any building, requires careful maintenance, proper repairs and, possibly, reconstruction. But log houses in this regard have a huge advantage over the same panel or brick buildings. And two or three skilled people can carry out all the repairs of an old log house in a short period of time.

External inspection of a wooden structure

We start with a thorough inspection of the building and drawing up a list of necessary repairs. Do not be afraid that houses made of wood quickly deteriorate and their repairs can cost a very decent amount. This is far from true. After all, houses were built with the expectation that it would serve more than one generation of descendants. Everything was done for oneself; defects or hackwork during construction were absolutely not allowed: everything was sound and thorough. The need for repairs in such houses can only exist due to a violation of the integrity of the material. This is what you need to pay attention to when inspecting the building.

Danger of moisture in the attic

We begin our inspection from the roof of the house. The first thing that should not make you particularly happy or alert is the air humidity. Dry air in the attic of a log house indicates that moisture did not get here and all Basic structure The roofs are in perfect order. But it’s worth being on the safe side: a visual inspection and tapping of the rafters should confirm your hopes. Usually, wooden structures The attic of the house should have almost the appearance of fresh lumber. Direct sun rays not here, which is why the wood has this appearance. Moist air in the attic always indicates that moisture is getting in there.

Finding a “weak” place is not at all difficult: darkened rafters, sheathing, insulation, or the appearance of fungus will tell you. If fungus is present, then you will have to reconstruct the entire roof and replace (possibly) part of the ceilings. This procedure is not a simple one, but it cannot be ignored, since such a house will only last a couple of years.

Log house and its walls

Tools needed for work: hammer, building level, chisels, jacks, stepladder.

Next we inspect the walls. Durable logs have a long sound when struck. The old ones don’t “sound” at all. Yes, they are easy to notice even without tapping. external differences from the overall texture of the log house. Most often, walls deteriorate in places where the log frame contacts the foundation or under window openings. They are the ones who have to be replaced. For all proposed work you will need the following tools and materials:

  • lumber and round timber;
  • chainsaw;
  • axe;
  • staples;
  • jacks;
  • cement, crushed stone and sand;
  • chisels;
  • hammer;
  • building level;
  • roofing felt;
  • ladder.

Renovating an antique log house should also start from the roof, if necessary. However, there is no need to rush to secure the slate or other covering more firmly. When moving the walls during the replacement of the frame wreaths, it is even good if the nails slightly loosely press the slate to the rafters.

Log replacement procedure

It is better to start replacing logs in the walls of a house from the bottom of the wall. There are two ways to replace logs. The first method involves dismantling part of the foundation in the place where the log needs to be replaced. You should not be afraid that the walls of a log house will “lead.” The design of the walls is such that all the logs in it are tightly connected and form a monolith. It’s just that the load in this case will be mostly distributed to the remaining parts of the foundation. The entire foundation does not have to be dismantled: it is enough to reduce its height by a quarter of a brick. Next, the log that has become unusable must be sawed in several places and pulled out.

You will have to choose a new log based on the size of the wall. suitable diameter and give it appropriate profiling. Do not forget that it is not recommended to use fresh wood for construction. It can easily become deformed under load. And the moisture content of wood can lead to the fact that very soon you will need new renovation walls.

If you have fresh logs available, then after preparing them you will have to dry them in a dark and well-ventilated place. The process is lengthy, so the preparation of the material must be taken care of long before the repair begins. You can work with dry material almost immediately. It is not always possible to fit a log into a wall on the first try. Arm yourself with patience and attention: the new log in the wall should fit perfectly, without holes or bulges. And only after this can you begin to restore the foundation.

Repair of the foundation of a wooden house

We do bricklaying in the usual way to a regular solution. Just remember that there must be a reliable layer of waterproofing between the foundation and the log house. For these purposes, ordinary roofing felt (3-4 layers) is used. The renovation doesn't end there. You still need to caulk the seam in the area of ​​the wall where the log was replaced.

The described method of foundation repair is simple, but not the most optimal. The disadvantage is that after a short period of time, a small gap may appear between the foundation and the wall, and this is no longer desirable, since cold and moisture will begin to enter the house. This means that it is necessary to consider another way of replacing logs in the lower part of log walls. In this case, jacks will be used to repair the house with your own hands.

We place the jacks at a distance of about a meter from the corner of the house. If the house is very long, then we use more jacks. They must have reliable support and be positioned vertically, otherwise at the most inopportune moment a heavy house will simply squeeze them out from under itself. We raise the house to a height of 1 to 5 cm. The log houses of even old log houses are ready to withstand greater lifting, but you don’t need such an extreme. Well, then, again, we prepare the necessary log, put it in the desired position (for waterproofing) and lower the house.

The heaviness of the entire structure will not allow gaps to appear, and the house is guaranteed to be warm and dry. Just don’t forget to caulk the seams of the walls. By the way, it is recommended to use dry moss for this. It’s not for nothing that only this material has always been used in the walls of log houses.

Window and door openings

The wall of a log house may have leaky parts of the frame near the window or doorways. Here repairs can be carried out much easier. It is enough just to calculate the dimensions of future windows and make window openings according to them, removing the weak parts.

After installing the windows, these brackets should simply be removed.

After replacing the logs (or even several wreaths), the wall will look somewhat ambiguous, so appropriate finishing of the outer part will be required. This is especially important if a more detailed reconstruction has been carried out. Can be used to decorate a house with your own hands various materials. There is an opinion that wooden lining best suited for this in the best possible way. There is no point in insisting, since everyone can refine their log house according to their personal desire and taste. But you definitely have to secure the slate on the roof of the house more tightly: after the previously described repairs, all the fasteners may not be very tightly connected at the joints.

Completing repair work

Any repair of walls and any reconstruction of houses must end with finishing and insulation of the foundation and the formation of a good blind area. Near the foundations of houses, a layer of earth is removed to a depth of about 10 cm and a width of at least 30 cm and the resulting trench is filled with concrete. You can't say what it is the most important stage reconstruction, but you shouldn’t forget about it. This measure significantly strengthens the foundation, protects it from rapid freezing and can withstand moisture.

This is very important for log houses. A wall that is not exposed to excessive moisture will last much longer. Such concrete pouring near the foundation is destroyed by moisture, so you should make sure that rain or melt water from the roof is drained away from the foundation. But we subject the casting itself to ironing: apply dry cement onto the wet concrete with a brush. Durability will be guaranteed.

It is clear that the reconstruction of the exterior of houses has never been complete without cosmetic repairs to the interior. But this process can be carried out slowly at any time. The main thing is that during the reconstruction you received a reliable log house, and the house was warm and cozy.

Repair of wooden houses- This labor-intensive process, which is best left to professional builders.

Have you inherited an old, unsightly house? After major repairs, your wooden house will serve you faithfully for many more decades.

In what cases is reconstruction of a wooden house required?

The roof covering has worn out;

Rotten truss structure houses/frame/log crowns/other load-bearing elements;

Cracks, gaps and cracks have appeared between the logs, beams, and box folds during the shrinkage process or due to the age of construction of the structure;

The house does not “hold” heat well or allows moisture to pass through excessively;

The desire to carry out internal redevelopment with the aim of maximizing effective use space;
The desire to add greater architectural sophistication and much more.

Reconstruction of an old wooden house is not limited only to replacing floors and ceilings, installing new windows and doors - it is, first of all, remodeling and rebuilding the log house with the possible replacement of load-bearing elements.

To increase the area of ​​the house, you can add a second or attic floor for additional rooms, make an extension to the house for a toilet and bathroom.

This is a great opportunity to make a new and convenient layout premises in a renovated house.

Methods for replacing log crowns.

Currently, there are several ways to repair a log house. More often major renovation required by the lower crowns of the structure. Due to their proximity to the soil and the impact of enormous pressure on them, the lower crowns of the log house fail much faster. They can be repaired in several ways.

Cosmetic replacement of log crowns. Repair of a log house in this case is carried out by replacing rotten sections of logs without dismantling the entire structure, and without affecting the foundation. The technology for replacing the crowns of a log house in this case is quite simple. In places where the wood is damaged, pieces are cut out and in their place pieces of logs of suitable diameter are inserted.

Major replacement of log crowns. Repair of the log house consists of: complete disassembly structure and its installation on new lower crowns.

The most productive method is to lift the entire house using several jacks. After hanging the structure, the frame crowns are replaced and the frame is repaired in those places where it is required. After all work is completed, the house is installed on its original foundation.

Or maybe you only need exterior finishing of a wooden house? Your home is still strong, but it just needs a good makeover? This requires interior and exterior finishing of the house.
Let's take a closer look at where it starts external finishing Houses. Firstly, I would like to immediately note that the exterior decoration of the house will allow you to turn an old, unsightly house not only into a beautiful one, but also, if desired, into a very original one. External, that is, external, finishing of a wooden house includes finishing of the facade using a lathing system.

Then the façade is covered with any modern material: wooden lining, blockhouse, plastic panels - siding, etc. Today on the domestic construction market there are a lot of different materials, so don’t rush when choosing finishing material. Decide how you would like your home to look after renovation and only then make your final decision. Remember, the facade is the face of your home!

TO interior decoration wooden house include: laying flooring, wall finishing, Painting works, ceiling installation, plumbing installation, and lighting installation. In addition, you can order all kinds of decorative elements, as well as the construction of stairs, niches, podiums, steps, etc.

Repairing wooden houses will allow you to forget about rickety old walls. Today, when renovating a home, you can use modern, durable protective and roofing materials. By entrusting the repair to professionals, you will be able to replace the rotten crowns of the house while simultaneously repairing the foundation, repairing roofing covering roofs, you can replace floor beams, part of the logs under the windows, and completely change the floor.

By ordering your home to be treated with special materials and compounds, you can protect your home and give the wood the ability to withstand the effects of water, fire and external adverse influences.
Major repairs of wooden houses are a real opportunity to extend the life of the house by another hundred years!

House reconstruction - foundation replacement

Cost of reconstruction and repair workwooden houses

Types of jobs


Price, rub)

Cost of concrete and foundation works.

dismantling the old foundation

From 1500

development of trenches and pits under the house

From 1500

complex installation of reinforced concrete strip foundation under the house


device concrete screed up to 10cm


installation of intermediate and sub-beam supports (up to 0.6m)



blind area device with sand and gravel cushion


Cost of repairing walls and frame of a house

arrangement of openings in frame/major wooden/


installation bottom trim with lags

installation of external wall frames

installation of frame of internal walls

wall covering with clapboard, imitation timber, edged board, plywood, plasterboard, OSB on the existing frame

caulking walls on one side


raising the house by 5cm

From 6000

hanging a house on temporary supports

From 16000

replacing crowns in a log house


From 2000

dismantling wall cladding

installation of guide sheathing

laying insulation with vapor barrier

painting walls in one/two layers


Roof repair cost

dismantling old roof, battens

installation of the rafter system (according to the roof area)

Installation of step/solid lathing (OSB)


installation of slate/ondulin roofing/metal tiles and corrugated sheets/soft tiles


installation of roof windows



laying steam windproofing film

snow retention device


installation of gutters


installation of drainage pipes


cornice filing

Cost of repairing floors and ceilings

dismantling of floors/ceilings

installation of joists and load-bearing beams


installation of subfloors

one-sided treatment of subfloors with an antiseptic

installation of a finished floor made of tongue and groove boards

laying laminate with surface preparation

laying linoleum on a prepared surface

filing the ceiling on the prepared surface

installation of a frame for installing ceiling cladding

installation of skirting boards


installation of hatches up to 1m2 in the floor/ceiling


From 500

Cost of repairing windows, doors and other carpentry work

dismantling a window or door block


installation of a window or door block



metal door installation



installation window slopes and low tides


installation of platbands


installation of window sills


installation of window metal bars


From 2000

shutter installation


From 2000

installation interfloor stairs with fences


From 35000

installation of porch fencing (crosspieces, balusters)



External cladding

installation of siding with 50mm insulation / without insulation on a guide sheathing


installation of soffits without insulation

From 550

blockhouse cladding on lathing with 50mm insulation

From 480

installation of sills around the perimeter


installation of basements plastic panels on the sheathing

Plumbing and sewerage

laying water supply and sewerage pipes indoors

laying pipes along the street with laying in the ground (up to 1.5m)



sink/toilet installation



water heater installation



installation of a pumping station/pump in a well or borehole



shower tray installation



shower cabin installation


from 8000

installation of a septic tank for pumping (up to 4 well rings)


From 8000

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