Lighting in the bedroom. Which one is better to do? Beautiful lighting in the bedroom: photos of alternative solutions without a chandelier Bedroom lighting

Organizing lighting in the bedroom so that it is both very comfortable and easy to control is quite difficult task. When solving it, it is necessary to take into account many diverse factors. This area of ​​the apartment should be intended for night rest, so it is necessary to provide soft, calm light. However, due to the lack of free space, the bedroom is often made multifunctional by placing a workspace in it, which should have its own lighting.

Thanks to the fact that lighting fixtures can be purchased today various designs and any design, in the bedroom you can create all the conditions for comfortable rest, and, if necessary, for work. But in order to properly organize the lighting in this room, you need to listen to some recommendations. It would also be useful to consider some projects developed and implemented in practice by experienced designers.

What is taken into account when organizing lighting in the bedroom?

When planning lighting in the bedroom, take into account not only the convenience of its use, but also the distribution of lighting fixtures. The latter especially affects the visual comfort for human vision. The mood created in the room depends on how well the lamps are selected and installed.

However, there are other points that are important when creating the necessary perception of a room that has its own characteristics. Therefore, in every special case Bedroom lighting requires an individual approach:

  • The first thing you need to evaluate when choosing the size and design of lamps is the area of ​​the room. How larger size rooms, the more carefully you will have to choose lighting fixtures. However, if the bedroom has a small area, choosing lamps for it is also not easy, since they should not overload the interior design. Chandeliers, floor lamps, and bedside lamps should have dimensions that are to a certain extent proportional to the area of ​​the room.
  • The next important point when choosing lamps is their design. It is clear that it must correspond to the style in which the room is decorated. Thus, a massive chandelier will look ridiculous not only in a small bedroom, but also if the room is decorated in one of the styles of minimalism.

  • Another important condition- it is necessary to correctly distribute lighting across zones. But any room should have general lighting - it can be intense or dim. Each owner chooses for himself which option is closer to him.

Zone lighting includes:

— lighting above the bed, comfortable for reading before bed;

- table or pendant lighting fixtures for the workplace or dressing table;

— mirror lighting, if provided in the interior;

- lamps for cabinets, shelves or niches;

- if it is intended to arrange separate place for reading or doing handicrafts, setting comfortable armchair, then a floor lamp with an elegant lampshade or a sconce mounted on the wall can be installed next to it.

  • A beautifully illuminated ceiling can become a real decoration for a room, as well as for the complete relaxation of its owners. If its design consists of several levels, then each of them, as a rule, has its own backlight. For example, the central part, consisting of a stretched fabric, can imitate the starry sky in the evening and night hours.
  • The tone of the light is also important. Warm shades are well suited for a bedroom, as it will have a calming effect on the psyche of a person getting ready for bed. While cool shades, on the contrary, invigorate, knocking down a sleepy mood. It is clear that their abundance in decoration and lighting becomes undesirable.

Types of lighting in the bedroom

Now, having understood general outline What you need to pay attention to when choosing lighting for the bedroom is to consider its varieties in more detail.

It is rare that only overhead light is provided in the bedroom. Usually all types of lighting are used in combination.

In this case, you must try to correctly distribute them, choose the shape of the lamps and the direction of the light flux. In addition, if there are several lighting fixtures in the living room, it is quite possible to turn on common system lighting, then in the bedroom each zone should be turned on individually.

General lighting

General lighting in the bedroom involves the placement of lamps on ceiling surface, as well as along its perimeter, since they must distribute light throughout the room.

Lamps of various types can be fixed to the ceiling or built into a suspended structure, including a multi-tiered structure.

To illuminate a multi-tiered ceiling, either tubes or spotlights are most often used.

IN Lately when arranging a ceiling consisting of several tiers, they are increasingly used tensile structures, which are illuminated from within by numerous LED lamps compact sizes.

This option creates the effect of a starry sky when all other lighting fixtures are turned off. Options suspended ceilings There are quite a lot of products with a similar effect. They can be either light or dark color, for example, dark blue or even black. However, most designers recommend not to get carried away in this direction, but to make the ceiling in the bedroom light. The fact is that the predominance of dark tones has a detrimental effect on the human psyche, depressing his condition.

You should not use massive chandeliers to illuminate the rest room, especially if you mount them directly above the bed. This is not only a matter of aesthetics, but also of safety.

If, however, the interior requires the presence of this lighting fixture, then you should choose a model with a lampshade that will diffuse light across the white ceiling surface. In this way, you can achieve not only soft, eye-pleasing lighting, but also significantly save on electricity, since the white surface will effectively reflect the light falling on it.

All lighting fixtures mounted on the ceiling can be combined into one system and turned on from one switch or from its individual keys.

Local lighting

As mentioned above, this room can be divided into separate zones - working and sleeping.

Sometimes dividing a room is done by installing a partition. In this case and ceiling lighting can be zoned, that is, the bedroom and work area have separate lighting fixtures. If the bedroom is used by two family members, which is most often the case, this option will be especially convenient, since the light above the workplace will not disturb the one who is resting at the time.

Besides this, every sleeping area, as a rule, is equipped with a sconce mounted on the wall. Sometimes, both devices are used in combination, and are used alternately when one is more convenient.

Another option for lighting a sleeping area is soft lighting of the wall. This design looks beautiful and is sometimes convenient, but not always. It does not contribute to creating a relaxing atmosphere. If a similar method is chosen to illuminate the sleeping area, then it is additionally necessary to provide more narrow lighting, which will be intended for only one user.

Another area that requires lighting is the dressing table in the bedroom. Here you need to choose ones that will illuminate your face well, but at the same time, will not hit your eyes. The light should be intense, but soft. In this area, lamps are most often mounted on the wall on the sides of the mirror, or two table lamps are installed in the same way.

Another option would be lamps installed directly around or on both sides of the mirror surface.

An excellent way to illuminate a table can be a lamp with adjustable light direction. It will help solve the problem of poor lighting when applying makeup or simply tidying up.

Quite often, the bedroom provides a place for privacy where you can calmly do your favorite handicraft or view correspondence. For this purpose, a comfortable chair and a small table are installed in one of the corners. This area also requires lighting, and a floor lamp with a lampshade made in a design that matches the style of the room is often used for it. Additionally, a table lamp can be selected for it.

Decorative lighting

Decorative lighting is used in the bedroom to create a special mood for relaxation or for a special romantic atmosphere. This type of lamps can be made in the form table lamp, illumination of niches, or they are mounted on the wall, ceiling, and even

If you want to have a similar lighting option in the bedroom, then it is best to opt for a table lamp. It can be turned on as needed, and also, if desired, moved to another room.

There are lamps with the effect of shadow play, reproducing various compositions. Therefore, for a specific design of the room you can choose suitable option. Whichever one is chosen, it will be able to create a spatial 3D effect in the room without breaking the bank.

If the funds and capabilities of the room allow, illuminated aquariums can be used as decoration in the bedroom, as well as in any other living space. These interior accessories promote relaxation and have a very good effect on emotional background person.

Bed lighting

Another type of decorative and functional lighting is the installation of tubes under the bed. This type of lighting can also be classified as zone lighting.

To highlight the area in this way, white or another color suitable for the interior and mood can be chosen. Thanks to the lower lighting, the space of the room visually expands, it is given different shapes, and the overall appearance changes.

Some owners install bottom lighting in combination with a motion sensor, which is also quite convenient. When entering a room or getting out of bed at night, the backlight automatically turns on, softly, and without disturbing the other person, illuminating the way. Therefore, you don’t have to look for the switch in the dark, bumping into furniture.

LED fixtures used to illuminate the floor around the perimeter of the bed provide a soft, pleasant light. Thanks to their such arrangement, it will not hit the eyes, disturbing the resting partner.

Lighting strips or tubes can be attached to the bottom of the bed or along its sides. Before final fixing, you should try on both one and the other option for your bedroom, choosing the one that suits you best.

Where to place switches and sockets in the bedroom?

For comfortable use of this rest room, it is important to properly organize the lighting control, that is, conveniently install switches and sockets for yourself. As a rule, stationary sockets and switches are planned and installed during renovation work. Therefore, with the arrangement of furniture and the use of certain electrical appliances must be determined in advance.

Optimal location of sockets

Depending on where lighting and other devices will be installed, and on how many of them are required, the location, type and number of sockets are selected. Therefore, before purchasing these products, it is worth making a list of electrical appliances that are supposed to be installed in the bedroom. In this case, it is worth adding two or three more units to the resulting quantity.

In addition, it is necessary to determine the type of outlets required.

  • Today mobile phone or a tablet are constant companions of a person. Therefore, it is easy to guess that during a vacation the phone will be somewhere near its owner, as a rule, on the bedside table. This means that it’s a good idea to have a special outlet next to your bed to recharge your gadgets. By the way, it can be combined with a standard power unit on one panel.
  • Regular power outlets next to the bed will also be needed to connect a table lamp or sconce, and sometimes for both devices if they are planned to be used in combination.
  • The floor lamp and table lamp also require power points. If you plan to organize a corner with a chair for privacy, then next to it it is also necessary to provide a block consisting of at least two to three standard sockets. In this area, it is best to position the power points so that they are hidden behind a chair or table, that is, at a height of 250–500 mm from the floor.
  • When arranging a workplace in the bedroom, you will need a set of sockets different types.

Today manufacturers offer Various types sockets that can be mounted on a computer desk in different ways. If you choose this method to provide power to your computer equipment, then it is enough to have one or two standard sockets on the wall. Devices built into the table will be connected to them.

Desktop sockets are equipped with special covers that make them safe.

  • Another device that is difficult to live without to modern man- this is TV. Therefore, today this device is installed in almost all bedrooms. The socket for connecting it is best placed directly behind its body, and it does not matter whether it is installed on a cabinet or secured with a bracket on the wall.

A new modification of the TV will require several standard sockets, as well as a special socket for connecting a LAN cable.

  • If you plan to install a bedside lower light with a motion sensor, which must be constantly connected to the network, you will need another power point.
  • Additional outlets that are not constantly used will be required if you need to turn on a fireplace or fan, humidifier or vacuum cleaner in the room while cleaning.

At what height is it better to install the socket? This question also arises when carrying out repairs. If apartment owners believe that power points will spoil the appearance of the interior, then it is best to hide them behind furniture accessories or build them into the floor. However, if you plan to use them frequently, that is, connect and disconnect devices to them daily, then free and convenient access to them should be provided.

  • To connect table lamps, as well as various gadgets, it is most convenient to install sockets at a height of 650÷900 mm from the floor.
  • For a floor lamp, you can place the socket on the baseboard or in the wall at a height of 300 mm. To make the cable of an electrical appliance less noticeable, it is rolled up and secured in this position with a tie.
  • Near the sleeping area, sockets are mounted at a height of approximately 200 mm from the surface bedside table or 300÷350 mm from the floor.

Switch locations

Switches in the bedroom can be set to different heights- this parameter depends on the wishes of the owners of the premises. Typically, the height can vary from 900 to 1500 mm.

If the switch before the renovation was installed, for example, at a height of 900 mm, and therefore all residents have developed a stable habit of this location, then changing it during renovation apparently does not make sense.

The switch is installed next to the box front door into the bedroom, at a distance of 100÷120 mm from it. Door leaf in the open position should not cover the device. This means that the switch must be located on the side of the door where the handle or lock is located.

In a bedroom with any lighting distribution, a switch with adjustable light brightness (dimmer) would be useful. It will allow, if necessary, to illuminate the room not only full power, while someone is resting in the bedroom.

If the ceiling lighting consists of several types of lamps, then it is best to provide each of them with its own switch or install one with two or three keys.

If the bed is not equipped with a backlight with a motion sensor, it will be convenient to mount the switch next to the bed so that you can turn the light on and off without getting up. For this purpose, a set of so-called pass-through and crossover switches is used. One is located at the door, two more are at the head of the beds. But everyone can equally turn on and off the general lighting.

Optimize your lighting system - install pass-through switches!

Externally, such a device is practically no different from a regular one, but has a slightly different structure. How it works and how it is switched into the apartment lighting system - read in a special publication on our portal.

Bedroom interior projects with different lighting methods

This section will consider several options for bedrooms, decorated in different design directions and differing in lighting systems. By “trying on” the proposed methods of distributing electric lighting devices in your bedroom, you will be able to choose a suitable scheme for the planned interior.

It must be remembered that the color scheme used to decorate the room will directly affect the lighting effect. Therefore, in order to achieve the desired result, it is recommended to stick to the colors used by the designers in the projects shown.

First option

I would like to start right away with the most popular way of distributing space in a recreation room - into sleeping and working areas. Zonal lighting is planned accordingly. The popularity of this project is explained by the fact that it significantly saves apartment space.

The interior of the room is warm, but quite dark colors colors natural wood. The sleeping area of ​​the room is located in the part of the room with natural light, which allows you to install a simple system of lower lighting. In addition, the presence of a window will greatly facilitate waking up in the morning, since a person’s “biological clock” works in harmony with nature.

A lamp with a stylized shade built into the suspended ceiling was used as a chandelier in the recreation area. unusual shape. In addition to it, also installed in the ceiling surface, there are lamps arranged in a row along the line farthest from the window. Due to the fact that lighting fixtures have rotating mechanisms, you can create different lighting options, which can significantly change the design of the room.

Soft color shades that go well with light tones of textiles create a favorable atmosphere for a person’s psychological and physical relaxation.

The work area of ​​the room, in turn, is divided into a computer and sofa area. The latter can serve as a place for daytime relaxation, for doing handicrafts, watching the press, and reading. Therefore it is equipped separate backlight, which uses two lamps with a luminous flux directed towards the sofa.

The two-tier ceiling in this area of ​​the room has a more strict configuration, which emphasizes the business purpose of the area. This is indicated by the highlighted LED backlight rectangular shapes. Along the perimeter of the suspended structure, adjustable lamps are installed, the same as in the bedroom, allowing you to manipulate the light fluxes. Thus, a different perceived atmosphere can be created in the room.

In general, this option for decorating the room can be called successful, since the designer managed to combine two functions in the room. At the same time, a person who is in work area, will not interfere in any way with someone who is resting in the bedroom at this time.

Second option

This design option, made in light colors, has moderate soft lighting, which is quite enough for a bedroom with a relatively small area. The room has a two-tier combined ceiling. Its surface consists of two materials - plasterboard and tension fabric, located in the central part of the structure, made in the form of a circle.

It should be noted here that the geometric shapes used in room design, along with the color scheme, can give a special mood. For example, patterned, rounded lines make the environment softer and calmer. While straight and sharp corners They give the room a certain formality, which is conducive to active action.

In the central part of the ceiling there is a compact chandelier with cascading pendants, the light from which is scattered across the stretched matte fabric, giving a soft glow. And along the entire circumference, round spotlights are built in at the same pitch. They not only emphasize round shape central part, but also perfectly smooth external corners ceiling.

Flat lamps are used as night lights. big size, which are mounted on the wall at the head of the double bed. The wall decoration has a certain glossy effect that can enhance the light from the sconce.

The color scheme chosen for this bedroom project, as well as the ornamental design of textiles, can be called very successful. Thanks to good combination colors and patterns, the interior looks respectable, despite the minimum number of furniture accessories.

Third option

The project was completed in quite intensive color shades, but quite harmoniously matched to each other. However, choosing more dark version registration, it is necessary to remember that for such color scheme more light sources will be needed.

This interior is equipped ceiling structure, consisting of three tiers, illuminated along the perimeter with LED strips. Thanks to this lighting, the depth of the structure is emphasized. The part of the ceiling illuminated by soft light is located above the sleeping area. The designer distributed darkened areas of the ceiling surface, with weak lighting consisting of, around the perimeter of the room. Moreover, the luminous flux of these devices, directed at the walls, serves as soft lighting for them.

Additionally, small table lamps are installed near the beds.

There is also a workplace in the interior, and a table lamp is also chosen to illuminate it.

It must be warned that the shades chosen for this bedroom quickly become boring, since they are difficult to dilute with elements that have more fresh colors. That's why the best option for the relaxation room there will be a proportional combination of light and medium-intensity tones.

Fourth option

If you want to create visual space in the bedroom, you can use unusual plasterboard structures curved shapes. Moreover, they are mounted not only on the ceiling, but also on the wall surface.

In the example demonstrated, the design of a two-tier ceiling is combined option, consisting of plasterboard and stretch ceiling. The central tension zone is equipped with lighting, which designers call the “starry sky”. Such decorative lighting can be used both during the day and at night. The role of the main lighting is largely assigned to a series of built-in ceiling lamps.

Round shapes placed on wall surfaces to achieve the effect of expanding the space of the room are equipped with LED lighting. It gives volume to flat elements and at the same time is additional source Sveta.

This interior is made in light white and beige tones, which also help expand the space of the room. They are beneficial for resting the eyes and for psychological relaxation after a busy day at work.

It is very important to choose the right textiles for the overall interior design. It may have shades close to the general mood or even slightly contrast with them. However, the color direction of the finish and the lighting chosen for the room should be in harmony with each other.

Fifth option

If you want to admire the starry sky when you go to bed, then a stretch ceiling with this effect is exactly what you need. A properly illuminated surface will expand the boundaries of the room and create the impression that there is no ceiling in the room at all. However, when choosing this option for illuminating the ceiling surface, it is necessary to ensure that it is completely turned off. It is best to choose the option of disconnecting from two places - from the entrance door to the room and from the sleeping place.

This bedroom project is made in a classic style. IN color scheme white shades predominate, promoting visual expansion space. In addition, rooms decorated in light colors require fewer lighting fixtures.

Additionally, the design of the bedroom uses a gray-blue color, in which the wall paneling at the head of the bed is made, as well as textile interior elements.

Since the selected floor covering has a pattern that imitates marble tiles white with steel patterns, bedside carpets are made in dark shades that create color balance in the interior.

The stretch ceiling with an unusual pattern and internal lighting has a plasterboard frame, which also has built-in lamps aimed at the wall surfaces. In accordance with the style, an elegant medium-sized chandelier was chosen as the overhead light.

Table lamps with light shades perfectly match both the color and lighting design of the room.

And one more element that also helps to expand the space is an illuminated false window, behind which a niche can be hidden. Or it is simply made as an element of decorative lighting.

* * * * * * *

So, the lighting in the bedroom is the same as color design, should have calm, relaxing tones. They are the ones who can create comfortable atmosphere for daytime rest and night sleep. You cannot deviate from the chosen style, since lighting fixtures must match it both in external design and in light intensity.

In addition, it is very important to create comfortable control of the lighting system, which includes a convenient location of switches and sockets. Automated switching on and off of individual lighting fixtures is also welcome.

So turn on your creativity to the fullest, get acquainted with the proposed options, and come up with your own. And in addition to the examples shown above, let there be an interesting video selection of bedroom lighting projects to help.

Video: Interesting modern ideas for organizing lighting in the bedroom

It's no secret that even a very simple interior with proper lighting and quality accessories looks designer, and this applies not only to the bedroom. And the basic principle of selecting lamps for the bedroom is not much different from what I usually do in the living room or dining room: the lighting in the bedroom should be diverse. And what larger area, the more variety there should be in the types of lamps and their distance from the floor.

In the bedroom, the right light is calming and adds soft reflections to furniture surfaces, especially if translucent lampshades are used. The textures of the bedspread and headboard become more noticeable in dim lighting.


There is a separate article about choosing and placing a chandelier in the bedroom. , so let's not repeat ourselves.

Bedside lighting

In houses with finished renovations, I often observe not only the absence of outlets for sconces at the head of the bed, but also the absence of sockets for connecting any lamps at the head of the bed. This is extremely inconvenient, so if you are doing repairs for yourself, it is better to take care of this issue.

So, table lamps on bedside tables can serve as bedside lighting. The main advantage is that they themselves are very beautiful, especially in classic styles. Such lamps often look better than sconces. In addition, they look good if you decorate the wall behind the headboard, dividing it into zones (separate symmetrical fragments are placed behind the bedside tables, for example, in the form of a mirror or interior graphics). Accordingly, lamps on bedside tables work well for layering, interacting with the background.

Among the disadvantages: they take up space on bedside tables, are not suitable for small interiors clutter them up. In addition, such lamps provide soft diffuse light, which decorates the bedroom, but may not be enough for reading. This is why experienced decorators often use them in combination with small swing reading sconces.

A common mistake I see in consultations is undersizing bedside lamps. It is better to choose table lamps at least 40 cm high .

Speaking of sconces, first of all it is worth mentioning ordinary fixed lamps. Please note that, if space allows, it is better to place them on the sides of the bed, above the bedside tables, but not above the edges of the headboard itself.

If the sconces are located above the pillows, then either the space for the head of the person sitting in the bed is reduced, or the sconces have to be placed too high, which leads to less intimate and less directional lighting.

The height of the sconces depends on their configuration. Standard height outlets for sconces above the bedside tables 130-150 cm from the clean floor. It is necessary to pay attention to how the base of the sconce relates to its lampshade. If the base is higher or at the level of the lampshade, then the mounting height will be greater; if the base is lower than the lampshade, the height of the electrical outlet will be lower.

In addition to fixed ones, we will consider sconces on rotating brackets. Such lamps are easier to control, but they also require more space in width: the center of the mount should coincide with the center of the bedside tables, while the arm, when rotated, should not interfere with a person sitting on the bed.

Pendant lamps are becoming a common alternative to sconces. The main thing here is not to make a mistake with the height. Low-hanging pendants (the foot is located approximately in the same place where it would be on a table lamp if placed on a bedside table) create more local light and do not conflict with the chandelier, if there is one. However, in my projects I practice the principle “either pendants or a chandelier.” If there are pendants, then I design the ceiling lighting with technical/built-in light. It is also important that the lampshades of the pendants are thick enough so that the light passing through them does not dazzle.

If you don’t mind elements of surprise in the bedroom, you can create asymmetrical lighting for the bed, try a pendant, sconce, or table lamp in various combinations. Or, as an option, there is one hanger on one side of the bed, and two on the other. In this case, the bedside tables can also be different.


Lighting accents can be arranged using LED strips. But you need to understand that lighting is a decoration, and not a replacement for the main lighting.

The most common solution is curtain lighting around the perimeter of the room. If it is directed upward, the ceiling becomes visually higher. If down, you emphasize the wall decoration and window design. Individual LED lamps can highlight additional areas or elements of the bedroom, for example, highlight paintings. The LED strip around the perimeter goes well with the central chandelier and worse with pendants.

Although, in one of my projects I combined pendants with curtain lighting. But it not only has pendants and lighting, but also a chandelier and sconces.

Also, lately I have come across more and more projects where some kind of textured beauty is placed behind the head of the bed: relief, fabric wallpaper, mosaic, painting with metallized elements. In this case, the LED lighting may not go along the entire perimeter of the ceiling, but hide in the ceiling niche directly above decorative surface, emphasizing volume or precious material. The tape is well suited for backlighting.

Spotlights also do not have to be placed around the perimeter of the ceiling. I don't recommend combining them with LED lighting. The combination of dots around the entire perimeter + chandelier also raises doubts. A better move is to place spotlights for functional lighting of individual areas, for example, the space next to the closet.

If your bedroom has other areas, such as a dressing table or a separate reading area, you need to provide separate light sources for them. Individual lamps can highlight paintings or posters. At the same time, it is undesirable for all the lamps in the bedroom to be from the same series; try to create a variety that is pleasing to the eye, but at the same time so that they are combined with each other.

And if you haven’t yet watched the video about bedroom design in the article about the right chandelier in the bedroom, then you have the opportunity to get acquainted with it here.

The lighting in the room for sleeping and rest can be very different. Lighting in the bedroom includes both a luxurious chandelier and spotlights.

Let's look in detail at such an issue as “lighting in the bedroom” in order to understand what’s what and what is best to choose.

Lighting methods

Lighting design can be very different, and an important role is played by both the area of ​​the room and the presence of windows and their number.

As an example, the lighting of a bedroom in which a suspended ceiling is used is somewhat different, because the fastening system is not standard, and therefore the choice of lamps is different.

In this case, you cannot use the standard design.

Basic lighting

Ceiling lighting in the bedroom interior is carried out using a chandelier. The main aspect is not the shape of the chandelier, but the lampshade, or rather its color, because with its help the desired atmosphere is recreated in the room.

Psychologists advise using green and yellow tones, because in this case very comfortable lighting is achieved.

When choosing the color red, you should expect a special surge of emotions, as a result of which sleep is disturbed, especially if you have an eccentric character.

In addition, it is important to remember that everything in the bedroom should be compatible, and therefore the color of the lampshade should match the rest of the colors in the room as closely as possible.

When choosing lamps, it is better to give preference to a hemisphere. These chandeliers provide diffused light throughout the room. See what this kind of lighting looks like in the bedroom in the photos below.

If in the bedroom suspended ceiling, then the lamps located around the perimeter of the room are spotlights. The light is uniform and comfortable. When using brackets, you can adjust the direction of the light.

Local light

There is probably no bedroom where there is no lamp by the bed. Local light is just as important as the main light.

A sconce or table lamp acts as local light, and certain factors should be taken into account.

The light illuminates only the edge of the sleeping place, otherwise it will disturb the partner.
The lamp should match the style and color of the bedroom interior. Night lights are suitable for those who do not like to sleep in the dark.

Work lighting

Each bedroom has a place where the girl cleans herself up every morning. The dressing table becomes such a place.

The main attribute of the bedroom is a closet for things, and a separate light is equipped for this area. There should be stylish sconces on the sides near the table, or a lamp should be installed above the mirror.

All options

The basic rule for bedroom lighting is soft light. This lighting is achieved by using frosted glass shades.

You can add coziness to the room using fabric lampshades. This bedroom ceiling lighting is an excellent option that fits into any interior. Different types Lampshades are not at all difficult to make, resulting in very original lamps.

To make the lighting pleasant and cozy, you need to place light sources behind the eaves.

The most correct bedroom lighting, the most pleasing to the eye, is what is hidden from view! Such lamps seem to throw a stream of light towards the ceiling, which is reflected from it and then scattered by the room.

The main light source is a ceiling lamp, the luminous flux is directed towards the ceiling or wall. With this lighting of the ceiling in the bedroom, it is possible to place the lamp anywhere in the room.

If you position all the lighting fixtures correctly, you can create a so-called orientation light. Using this option, you need to exclude light sources that blind your eyes.

The lighting problem can also be solved by using furniture with built-in light.

Lamps perform the main role of lighting, but often act as room decoration, complementing the design.

The night light performs two functions at once - low lighting and decoration.

To create so-called local lighting, you need to use different types of lamps that are located at the head of the bed.

Most of the lighting in a small bedroom comes from the window, and therefore it is important to arrange the sleeping area wisely. The main thing is that a lot can be done with your own hands, the only important thing is that you feel comfortable and very convenient.

Are you still wondering how to choose bedroom lighting? As can be seen from our material, there is nothing complicated in this matter, the main thing is to understand what is generally needed, and then create comfort and the necessary light from all possible options.

Photo of lighting in the bedroom

There are so many lighting options for how many bedrooms there are. Floor lamps and huge chandeliers, spotlights and wall sconces, furniture lighting, mirrors and LED lighting. And this is just the type of source that provides light.

But there is also the design, size, color scheme, material from which the lamp itself and the lampshade are made.

And don’t forget about the place where the light will come from - from the ceiling or from the wall, from the bedside table or from the dressing table. And if you’re going to select lamps, then by style, by color, by print. And they can and should be combined: a chandelier with a sconce, a floor lamp with a chandelier. The main thing is that they are combined.

Consider 20 various options bedroom lighting. And for convenience, we will combine them into sections by location.

Basic lighting

Basic lighting should be provided in any bedroom. However, the light should not be bright or irritating, but diffuse. It’s good if a dimmer is thought out - a brightness control.

1. Style

Crystal chandeliers are suitable for classic interiors.

Chandeliers without shades, but with metal frame, will fit into modern bedrooms. Design work, they will decorate the bedchamber in the style of minimalism, loft or hi-tech.

For eco-friendly interiors (loft, Provence, country, rustic), wooden lamps are chosen.

Fabric lampshades and plastic are mostly not used for chandeliers. Dust collects on the fabric, and plastic and the bedroom are incompatible concepts.

2. Area

The ceiling lamp should match the size of the bedroom.

In a spacious room you can hang a large chandelier and a couple of small ones. Especially if the room is elongated.

Small, but cozy bedroom will not damage the corresponding lamps. Hanging model One horn will be enough.

3. Variations

If the main light is not enough, it is supplemented by LED lighting: lamps or spots in which you can change the direction of light, located along the perimeter of the ceiling. Look at the photo - this solution brings intimacy to this room.

The stretched canvas “starry sky” with stretched LEDs placed behind it can be classified as main lighting. But since it is located on the ceiling, it can also be taken into account.

Another option is LED lamps hidden behind the ceiling cornices.

If you are not a stranger to experiments, build the same lamps into the floor or illuminate the podium. The feeling of flight and weightlessness is guaranteed.

Local lighting

Local lighting includes bedside lamps and wall sconces. That is, those that turn on when they go to bed.

A couple of floor lamps or sconces are needed in the matrimonial bedroom.

What if the bedroom is small, you ask? You can come up with an option for placing the bed so that there is an approach to it from both sides. We talked about this in an article about the design of a small bedroom. As a last resort, you can only hang sconces.

If the bedroom is designed for one person, you can get by with a single person.

Table lamps need nightstands. They are selected for the main lamp. For classics - crystal, ceramics, for modern style– glass, metal.

If there is not much space, sconces with or without brackets are suitable.

The panel above the bed, from which the light emanates, looks interesting - this LED lights. Their beauty is that they are economical, so they can only be turned off while sleeping.

Even a picture hanging above a bed can also be a lamp at the same time. LED lightening The good thing is that it does not heat up the mounting location and gives a dim light.

It is important that the light does not shine into your eyes. Therefore, sconces are hung from the floor at a height of 1.5-2 meters (if the bed is on a podium, then higher). And the lamps should have a matte or thick fabric lampshade. Yes, in the case of local lighting, textile lampshades are appropriate.

Lighting of individual zones

Depending on its area, the bedroom may have a dressing table, a wardrobe, or a work area. They also need to think about lighting.

Lamp on the dressing table.

LED lighting for a mirror or table ledge.

Spotlights located on the eaves above the cabinet.

Sometimes you can see LEDs illuminating the cabinet from the inside.

If there is also a crib in the bedroom, there should be a night light near it. It gives a soft, subdued light. It is not turned off at night so that the mother can monitor the child’s sleep from her place. How to arrange such a bedroom, read the article.

The work corner, if there is one, should have its own lighting. In order not to disturb the sleeping person, isolate yourself with a screen, curtain or any other partition.

Ideally, lamps of different types should be in harmony with each other. But if the interior is designed in an eclectic or boho style, then what kind of harmony can there be? I like it, it’s cozy and nice.

Lighting options in the bedroom must be thought through in advance before finishing the bedroom. This is necessary in order to lay cables, install lamps, and provide communications for ceiling lighting.

In this case, there is no need to redo the lighting system after overhaul. The article suggests that you familiarize yourself with DIY bedroom lighting options.

A person is in the bedroom, for the most part, when there is no longer any natural light, it becomes dark time days. Therefore, the device artificial lighting for the bedroom plays a major role.

This room should be not only comfortable, but also cozy; this is where you can completely relax. There are no guidelines for lighting design.

The installation of one or more light sources helps to meet such requirements.

It can be:

  • Ceiling lighting of the bedroom with lamps and chandeliers for general lighting.
  • Organization of local light. In this case, certain areas of the bedroom are illuminated (see), those that especially require additional light, for example, at the head of the bed.
  • Installation above the ceiling of several ceiling lamps that have a directional luminous flux.
  • , floor lamps or table lamps that produce a dim, dim light. They create lighting for the bedroom that is more intimate and intimate, without irritating the eyes.

Tip: Sometimes the light from one chandelier is enough, but it is better to install several lamps in the most important places.

  • There is no need to install a central chandelier in the bedroom, but the head of the bed area must be well lit. This function is usually performed by paired lamps.
  • Lamps with separate switches are needed so as not to disturb another person using the light when he is already sleeping.
  • Additionally, you can arrange soft lighting for paintings, which will not create sharp contrasts in the bedroom between shadow and light.
  • Side lighting will be needed in this room for the dressing table, and the lamps should be placed to the left and right of it. Only the right lighting is needed in order to create skillful makeup. Installing sconces on the sides and top dressing mirror, will illuminate the face evenly, without glare or shadows.
  • A decorative niche at the head of the bed, which is illuminated by an LED with soft light, helps to create additional comfort and warmth, as seen in the photo.

Basic lighting method

A chandelier is often used to provide ceiling lighting for a bedroom. But in this method The important aspect is not the shape - it is matched to the room interior, but what color the lampshade is. It is thanks to him that the necessary room atmosphere is created.


  • When choosing red, on the contrary, there will be a surge of bright emotions. This can disturb your sleep if you have a short temper. Also, do not forget that everything should fit well together, and the color of the lampshade should match the rest of the bedroom colors.
  • When choosing a lamp, it is best to consider the type of ball or hemisphere. Types of similar chandeliers help provide soft diffuse lighting over the entire area, which is perfect for a bedroom. You can also choose pendants with city images or pleasant ornaments.
  • If you have a suspended ceiling in the bedroom, then it is also possible to use spotlights. They are placed throughout the room or in a certain area and make the light uniform and comfortable for the eyes.
  • In addition, if small movable brackets are used, then it is possible to adjust the light direction for the necessary convenience. It is possible to organize the so-called starry sky - if many such lamps are connected throughout the ceiling.

Method of using local light

What bedroom doesn't have a bedside lamp?

After all, such light is no less important than the main one. It can be a type of table lamp or wall sconce, floor lamp or night light. It is important to take into account several factors.


  • The first factor is that the light should only illuminate the edge of the bed, otherwise it will interfere with your partner's sleep if you decide to read at night.
  • The second factor is that the lamp must have an appropriate design (both in style and color). For example, a type of lamp made from a fabric lampshade with ornaments is well suited for the Provence style.
  • The style can be floral (for example, in the “Swan”, “Verona” collections). Or strictly classical (“Anna”, “Grace” and so on).
  • Well, only those people who don’t like sleeping in absolute darkness need nightlights. There are a lot of them on the market now.

Working lighting method

Any bedroom has a place where a woman brings beauty every morning. This place can be any type of specifically equipped dressing table or a standard dressing table.


  • An integral attribute is the presence of a storage closet. All these areas require separate light. There should be two sconces on the sides or one lamp above the mirror near the table.

Attention: The main condition is that the light does not hit the face or eyes directly. Perfect option for the closet - option with spot lighting. Retail makes it possible to quite wide selection different lamps, performed in different styles: floristry, modern, classic and so on.

  • Consider switches too. It is better to have two of them, not one. This will help you not get out of bed to turn off the light. This is a very convenient option.

How are suspended ceilings illuminated?

Any interior can be transformed by thoughtful bedroom lighting with.

After assembling the surface you can:

  • Mount the chandelier.
  • Install spotlights.
  • Organize hidden lighting that will come from inside the structure.

For the ceiling lighting system you can take:

  • Incandescent lamps, but they have some disadvantages:
  1. low efficiency;
  2. high heat.
  • Using halogen light bulbs allows you to create brighter light, but they can get very hot, which will lead to deformation of the canvas.
  • Energy-saving lamps It is advantageous to use for efficiency, but the electronic element of the power converter in their design does not tolerate high levels of humidity, which does not allow their use for suspended ceilings where there is high humidity.

How does lighting affect the perception of space?

There are several implementation techniques that can be used to visually create a room of other sizes:

  • The bedroom will appear higher if you create lighting around the perimeter of the ceiling plane that looks like a narrow strip or install hidden lamps on the walls and direct their light to the ceiling.
  • The height of the room will look lower provided that the luminous flux coming from lighting sources located on the dark-colored ceiling hits the walls.

When creating a lighting design for suspended ceilings, other factors influencing the visual perception of the size of the room are taken into account:

  • It will appear larger if you use materials with a high reflectivity when decorating the walls and brightly illuminate them in the room.

Advice: Visual effect can be adjusted by changing the degree of illumination. In this case, the room may seem both spacious and small.

  • If necessary, you can increase the length of, for example, a corridor by placing lighting fixtures longitudinally.
  • It will look wider narrow room, when it ends with a wall illuminated by bright light.

How to light a small bedroom

Lighting in a small bedroom requires special attention:

  • The chandelier in such a room should be bright; the light should be soft and diffused.
  • This issue is best solved by installing several lamps.
  • An additional light source can be a mirrored ceiling.
  • Near the bed on the nightstand (see) you need to place a lamp or hang a sconce.
  • To increase the brightness of daylight, you cannot install racks, cabinets, or arrange shelves near windows.

More details about the lighting of any room can be seen in the video. This article offers just a few tips and tricks.

In any case, the choice of lighting design for a room depends on its owner, on what price of lighting fixtures suits him best.

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