We choose partitions to zone the space in the room. DIY room partition. Zoning the interior of a house How to make a small partition

It is difficult to overestimate the importance of the living room in the life of any family. Most We spend time here, gathering with the whole family or retiring to read a book or important work.

That is why it is very important to approach its arrangement correctly. Various partitions in the living room help to cope with this issue very successfully, they help to divide the space into separate zones and place all the necessary emphasis on the functionality of the room.

Although they can also be used as decorative elements.

Functions of partitions in the living room

Space planning and its proper distribution to provide the greatest comfort and convenience for all family members.

Increasing the functionality of the room through the use of a variety of shelving and bookshelves as partitions. In addition, on partitions you can simply install additional sources lighting.

The decorative function of a partition in the interior of a living room is that, being part of the room, it must fit harmoniously into the surrounding space and be combined in color parameters and material of manufacture.

Only if all three conditions are met, the partitions in the living room interior will look stylish and provide the greatest comfort in the room.

Types of partitions

Drywall partition: one of the most common options.

Plasterboard partitions in the living room have whole line advantages, including environmental friendliness and safety of the material, ease of installation, low price, as well as variety design solutions when decorating or combining with other types.

Among the disadvantages, it is worth noting fragility, as well as possible shading of some areas of the room. In addition, drywall is afraid of moisture.

Rack: indispensable for storing books, accessories and various household items that often need to be at hand. Shelving creates additional comfort in the room and fits seamlessly into almost any interior.

They do not clutter up the living room or darken it. One of the disadvantages is the need for constant cleaning.

Bar counter: one of the most convenient and useful partitions, which, in addition to performing an aesthetic function, can be quite successfully used as a small table.

In addition, the bar counter does not darken the space. However, it is not very convenient for small children and older people to use them.

You can't replace her with a big one dinner table, since only 2 or 3 people can fit behind it. IN narrow rooms It is not possible to use the bar counter.

Screen: is a very light and effective design. The screen is easy to move and is quite mobile.

Another advantage is the variety of materials, which allows it to be used in various interior styles.

But it is not recommended to use this type of partition in an apartment where there are small children, since the structures are very fragile and not resistant to damage. Sliding parts sometimes wear out very quickly.

Furniture: you can use a closet or a small sofa as a partition. At any time, such a partition can be removed or replaced with another. However, this division of the room is conditional.

Sliding partitions: they easily perform the function of doors, allowing you to separate parts of the room from each other, turning a single space into two independent ones.

The structures are quite lightweight and can be made from a variety of materials. The disadvantage of this design is that folding and sliding parts can wear out quickly, and the structures are usually very fragile and easily damaged.

Arch: one of the most popular partition designs in the living room, it is distinguished by an abundance of shapes and types. Arches can be made of various materials, therefore suitable for any type of interior.

When choosing the most optimal option for a partition in the living room, you should first of all analyze the room in detail: area, functionality different zones, lighting.

Materials for making partitions in the living room

Each material has its own characteristics and features, which should definitely be taken into account when designing a particular style of living room, when choosing functional load on the septum and its aesthetic functions.

Today, the most popular partitions are made of plasterboard, plastic or glass, wood or chipboard. Let's take a closer look at each of them.

Drywall is the most popular and widespread material, quite easy to install and use.

This is enough inexpensive material with good quality characteristics. It is used both independently and in combination with other materials. Drywall partitions can be given almost any shape.

One of the classic materials has always rightfully been considered wood, which fits perfectly into any interior.

Its environmental characteristics speak for themselves. And the reliability of the material is beyond doubt. Look great wooden racks or bar counters, as well as various pieces of furniture.

Chipboard is much more economical option than a tree, but also quality characteristics his is significantly lower. Most often used for the manufacture of shelving and individual parts of sliding partitions.

Glass may be present in partitions in various forms: these can be walls made of glass blocks, decorative stained glass windows. Glass should be used primarily in rooms where there is not enough light. Glass partitions are a great way to visually expand the space.

Plastic is most often found in the form of some individual decorative elements. You can use it to make parts of a bar counter or a small shelving unit.

But still this material is not best choice for an apartment.

Drawing ideas from numerous photos of partitions in the living room, remember first of all that it is important to maintain comfort and warmth in the apartment, and not to chase fashionable news, which do not suit you or your household in character or mood.

Photos of options for placing a partition in the living room

Apartment renovation is often accompanied by redevelopment of premises. Interior partitions are erected from various materials: brick, plasterboard, cellular concrete blocks, wood, glass, polycarbonate, different slabs and others. They differ in their performance characteristics. The choice of option for a home depends both on the required functional indicators of the constructed partitions, and on their decorative appearance and installation complexity. Another important point is often the affordability of the material and the ability to work with it yourself. In practice, combinations are also used to achieve an original, unique decorative design home interior.

Purpose of partitions between rooms

During capital repair work in a private house or apartment, the question may arise of moving existing interior partitions or erecting new ones. The problem is also relevant in new buildings with an open plan.

Interior walls are presented a large number a variety of options for their creation. New rooms should be created or the size of existing ones should be changed in such a way as to ensure the maximum level of comfort. The main obstacle to construction may be the choice of material and the correct construction of the intended structure from it.

Interior partitions should:

  • preserve the space of the room to the maximum;
  • be durable to withstand the load from hanging shelves, pictures, cabinets;
  • provide good sound insulation;
  • if possible, have an attractive decorative appearance;
  • give residents the opportunity to have privacy and a comfortable pastime;
  • divide the house into functional areas: kitchen, toilet with bath (shower), living room, hallway, bedroom.

The best option that satisfies the first requirement is partitions with small wall thickness. But they often do not meet other criteria.

Aquariums of various types are installed in internal partitions with niches or openings. household appliances. And when the furniture serves as walls, then at the same time the internal space of the house is divided into areas, clothes, books, dishes and other things that are rarely used are distributed.

Correct construction of partitions solves a number of important problems related to the organization comfortable stay apartment inhabitants. At the same time, you can decorate your home in this way.

Basic installation rules

You can build walls inside the house with your own hands or with the help of hired workers, but you must take into account a number of restrictions. The rules are as follows:

  • it is prohibited to increase the size of bathrooms (toilets), kitchens, reducing the living space, and vice versa;
  • it is impossible to equip a bathroom in multi-storey building if the neighbors’ kitchen space is located below;
  • It is also unacceptable to divide the room into several parts if there is only one source natural light(window);
  • when a gas stove is installed in the kitchen, it cannot be combined with the living space;
  • It is strictly prohibited to move or demolish bearing structures, because it is dangerous for the entire building;
  • It is allowed to erect heavy interior partitions only on a solid foundation; in such cases, it is first necessary to calculate the loads acting on the floor.

With walls made of lightweight materials (aerated concrete or built using a frame), everything is simpler: they can be built everywhere without problems.

Internal redevelopment of the house will require contacting the relevant authorities (BTI). The installation of interior partitions must comply with the above requirements. This issue affects the comfort of neighbors, the integrity of the structure, and personal safety.

Materials for interior walls

If the question is about what to make an interior partition from, then there is no clear answer. Modern construction market offers customers a wide range of products. Each material is good in its own way. Before buying any, you should study its features. Only after this - decide what is best to make wall structures in a specific case. Monolithic concrete partitions are created at the construction stage as load-bearing walls.


Brick interior partitions are a standard construction method. To build such a structure you must have special skills and knowledge. But this option is optimal in terms of sound insulation and strength.

Brick because of its high density is a heavy material. For construction, the following types of composition are used:

  • ceramic;
  • clinker;
  • silicate.

According to the release form, the following types are used:

  • whole;
  • hollow.

The advantage of brick walls is their high strength and resistance to damage, allowing you to hang heavy, massive cabinets, paintings, and other objects. But for bases made from hollow varieties, you will need to use reinforced fasteners.

The masonry is usually built in half a brick. Its thickness does not exceed 160 mm. To erect a structure, it is necessary to take into account its future weight and the load on the base.

Using a brick with voids inside, you can make more light wall: Reduce her weight by about 30%. But the level of sound insulation will be less than when using solid bricks.

The masonry is done “for jointing” or for further plastering, decorative finishing. The first option itself is a design method, but it places high demands on the builder’s skills and the quality of the work.

Using brick as a material for partitions in an apartment or house is an expensive option for their construction. Both the material and the work involved in laying it have a high price. Further plastering also affects it. The process of erecting brickwork itself is labor-intensive and quite time-consuming. But brick walls and partitions are durable and strong.

Cellular concrete

Interior walls in new buildings are often built from gas and foam blocks. These materials are easy to process: you can simply cut out an arch and install a door frame in them.

The resulting design is lightweight. Thermal insulation characteristics it is better than brick, and its sound insulation and especially strength are inferior to the latter .

Working with cellular concrete is faster and labor costs are less than during the construction of masonry.


When considering various options, you should pay attention to the types of partitions made of gypsum tongue-and-groove slabs. Building from such blocks is reminiscent of working with a constructor: thanks to the presence of grooves and protrusions (ridges), the structural elements fit perfectly together.

Tongue-and-groove slabs have the following advantages:

  • easy to process;
  • has good heat and sound insulation characteristics;
  • has a relatively small mass;
  • ease of installation, greater strength of the erected structure compared to construction made from foam or gas block;
  • the presence of voids makes it easy to lay internal communications.

The slabs have relatively low strength, are not moisture resistant, and require the use of special gypsum-based adhesive for installation.

Glass, glass blocks

Glass is used to create sliding partitions or stationary panels. The dimensions of the partitions themselves are insignificant in thickness, but other significant characteristics suffer.

The use of glass blocks (luxpheres) for construction makes it possible to emphasize the style of the room, obtain interesting light and decorative effects.

Glass and Luxpheres are different at great cost. They are used relatively rarely, because from a practicality point of view, this is not the best solution.


Often done in an apartment or house. The sheets are secured to a pre-created frame, inside which sound and heat insulating material is placed.

The use of plasterboard is characterized by ease of installation and the ability to create partitions of various shapes. In rooms with increased content moisture-resistant varieties of gypsum plasterboard are used to reduce water vapor in the air.

If the installation technology is followed, the structure created from plasterboard is characterized by low weight and has sufficient strength and reliability.

Other materials for the construction of internal walls

In addition to the options considered, quite often in practice other materials are used to build walls inside a house or apartment. Among them are the following:

  • expanded clay concrete blocks, similar in their properties to brick, but less durable;
  • polycarbonate;
  • sandwich panels.

Often made from wood frame partitions in a house made of timber. It fits perfectly into the interior and does not require further finishing. Sandwich panels are used in prefabricated structures. They are covered on the outside with aluminum sheets.

Before you need to select for existing operating conditions suitable material. The best option should also be for your personal budget.

  • brick - optimal solution, if greater strength and maximum sound insulation are required, but you will need to calculate the load on the floor;
  • interior walls made of expanded clay are similar in characteristics to brick ones;
  • it is better to make partitions from cellular concrete if necessary, insulate the rooms and avoid significant loads on the foundation;
  • frames covered with boards or plasterboard sheets, can be erected quickly and obtain a fairly good level of heat and sound insulation, decorative look, while this is the easiest option;
  • timber structures are appropriate mainly in wooden houses;
  • can be selected if you want to make partitions that create different optical effects.

High quality brickwork does not require further finishing. This is an option that has been tested for centuries and has a decorative appearance. If you need to save money, you should take into account that the cheapest internal partitions are created from plasterboard.

Materials for creating interior partitions are characterized by various sound insulation properties. After construction, protection from extraneous noise and vibration may be required. It is important to carry out the work correctly to improve personal comfort.

First of all, bedrooms and children's rooms. To do this, increase the thickness interior walls, or cover them with a material that has good sound insulation properties.

Structures insulated with mineral wool also have a good level of sound insulation. This is the typical way. The material is laid both outside and filled into voids. In the first case, the thickness of the partition will increase, reducing the space of the room.

A single, specific case requires an individual approach. When choosing what to make partitions from in an apartment, you should think in advance about the soundproofing qualities of the purchased material. Correct selection according to this indicator, it will reduce final costs and reduce work.

Recommendations on what you can use to build partitions between rooms are given in the video below.

Various design projects The walls in the apartment are presented further in the video.

The video below contains instructions on how to make a room partition yourself from plasterboard.

Different types of interior partitions require different installation approaches, time and money costs for their construction. Their functional performance is determined by the properties of the materials from which they are constructed. The final decision when choosing an option should be made based on own terms and financial capabilities. If the strength of the base allows, then brickwork is very practical.

A room partition is an excellent option for separating zones. In the bedroom, for example, better work don't study. But few people have the opportunity to allocate a separate office for these purposes. Therefore, it turns out that while one family member is working, the other cannot rest. The arrangement of a partition can eliminate such difficulties. Depending on the material, installation method and installation location, it can be mobile or stationary, wooden, brick, glass (with a metal, aluminum or PVC frame), plasterboard.

However, regardless of the type, any structure must be durable, resistant to wear and, as a rule, have soundproofing properties and not transmit light. Let's look at how to make a partition in a room with your own hands.


Before installation, you need to decide what it will be: capital or transformable. That is, whether the structure will be mobile or fixed. The simplest option is to arrange an ordinary screen - several covered with fabric (with inserted glass) wooden frames, which are fastened together with hinged hinges.

The indisputable advantage of transformable partitions is that, if necessary, they can easily be moved to any place or taken with them when moving. The screen is generally easy to assemble and hide in a closet. Transformable partitions are also compartment partitions (at the same time performing the functions of a door), and partitions in the form of cabinets.

Stationary (capital) structures are constantly located in one place. They must be especially strong and stable, because this is the same wall. The most durable and strong partition is made of brick. It is characterized by excellent sound insulation properties and is used to completely isolate a space.

Installation brick wall allowed only on a concrete floor; its installation on joists is excluded (especially on the upper floor). The best option– white silicate (porous), hollow brick. But with increased requirements for moisture resistance (for example, in a bathroom, toilet or kitchen), only red brick (medium firing) should be used. It is recommended to fasten the first rows of masonry with cement mortar to impart strength.

Somewhere from the 5th row it is allowed to use cement-sand mortar. All rows are additionally fastened to adjacent walls with metal reinforcement in order to increase stability.

After laying all the rows and drying, the masonry is rubbed down on both sides with plaster, then it is puttied and covered with the necessary finishing materials.

Plasterboard partitions are erected much faster and with less dirt. If necessary robust design, on which you can hang a fairly weighty load, it is better to equip the frame for it from metal profile. There are 2 lines drawn on the floor to indicate boundaries. Then they are built vertical racks, to which a horizontal profile is attached in such a way that all the resulting cells fit a sheet of drywall. First, one side of the partition is sheathed with similar sheets.

To increase sound insulation, the space between the two sides is filled with mineral slabs, which also have heat-insulating functions. All this layer cake with opposite side covered with a second plasterboard layer. The use of drywall does not require any finishing work in large quantities. You just need to putty the joints between the sheets and the heads of the screws, after which you can immediately begin applying the finishing coating (wallpaper,

Redevelopment! Who hasn’t encountered yet another rearrangement of furniture to create a new interior to replace the old boring and rather boring furniture arrangement.

There can be many ideas for refurbishment of the territory. It all depends on created design premises. Maybe the room should be expanded, or vice versa, a large space should be divided into small parts - zones. Only a partition can cope with such a task.

Partition in the room between the living room and kitchen - photo

There are several valuable advice how to make a partition in a room. Lightweight design or stationary, built from foam blocks or bricks. Completely partition off the room or just part of it. It all depends on the wishes of the owner of the premises.

So, tips and the most important rules for remodeling rooms and installing partitions in them.

The basic rules for refurbishment of the interior of residential premises are as follows:

  1. Before drawing up a project for the internal refurbishment of a room, the load-bearing wall should be marked, since it is not subject to demolition, according to the Rules and SNIPs.
  2. TO load-bearing wall you can tie a partition, which does not contradict the permitting system construction rules for the reconstruction of the interior of the housing stock.

Room partitions are an excellent option for dividing rooms into functional zones. Owners studio apartment They know very well how difficult it is for one family member to work when the other person is on vacation. In this case, a room partition can solve the issue of creating an independent workspace and relaxation area.

Depending on the installation methods, partitions are created in the form of mobile or stationary room structures:

  • plasterboard;
  • glass, using a metal, aluminum or polyvinyl chloride (PVC) frame;
  • transforming.

As well as foam block, brick or wooden room partitions.

“The partition, in essence, is the partition that partitions the existing space into zones with different functions. The room space can be divided, either completely or partially. The thickness of the wall depends on the materials used. The standard thickness of the bulkhead will be 120 mm. But they also meet non-standard solutions, for example, if the partition is arranged using cabinets, racks or shelves,”

says leading architect-interior designer of the Moscow design studio AvKube Grigory Solomin.

Plasterboard partition

The most important rule when creating a plasterboard mediastinum, it is necessary to take accurate measurements and maintain an angle of 90°. To begin work, a reference point is designated, which is the beginning of the demarcation zone, and from it a line is drawn to delimit the space to the finishing point.

All work to achieve accuracy when making vertical lines should be carried out using an electronic plumb line or laser building level. This operation becomes more successful when such work is performed together.

Attention, before starting the construction of the pier, a very important point is the control measurement of all designated points and additional recalculation of computational measurements.

An interior wall made of plasterboard is an economical option. The partition frame is created from profiles, which are very quickly installed according to preliminary calculations. All wiring is laid inside the structure.

The bulkhead is made from plasterboard standard thickness 12 mm. To achieve greater strength of the wall, it is recommended to lay a double layer of material, and then you can easily hang shelves, cabinets or a TV on it, having previously reinforced it inner part frame.

Partition in a room made of plasterboard - photo

Drywall - material high level pliability. It easily accommodates any modifications, for example, the creation of various decorative niches, as well as openings for the output of lights, sockets and switches.

Attention! When installing doors in a partition, the doorways must be strengthened. The best material A wooden beam is used for reinforcement.

If desired, the inside can be insulated, but not with foam plastic, but with mineral or glass wool, since rodents prefer to live in foam plastic. And it doesn’t matter on which floor, not to mention a private house, the partition was erected. In addition to its thermal insulating qualities, mineral wool is an excellent noise insulator.

Glass partitions in the room

When creating an interior, one cannot help but pay attention to such a decorative element as glass partitions. Their frame is metal or aluminum profile, gives a special charm to the room. Despite the fragility of glass structures, glass partitions are given greater preference when installing exclusive interior. It all depends on the parameters of the material used:

  • material thickness;
  • quality of natural or acrylic glass;
  • size of glass sections.

Glass partitions in the room - photo

You can, of course, create a glass partition yourself. Such work involves a certain kind of physical effort and financial costs. But the result can fully compensate for the installation costs. glass structure strength.

Transformable partition

This is the simplest and most transformable mobile version of interior partitions. It is an ordinary screen, with covered with fabric in sections. Or created from plexiglass frames, which are fastened together with hinged hinges.

The undeniable advantage of this type of partitions is their mobility. Such a bulkhead can easily be moved in any direction, creating a temporary zone. If necessary, the transforming partition can be removed completely, combining the space into a single whole.

Transformable partitions, in addition to screens, include sliding partitions with the functions of doors assigned to them, and cabinets dividing the room space. But the disadvantage of the delimiting design of cabinets is that they take up a lot of space and small room irrational, since the remaining living space is, to put it mildly, somewhat small.

Sliding partition - photo

To the very optimal option creating lightweight structures for demarcation functional zones, can be attributed to a sliding or transforming screen. This design takes up little space and is very easy to use. Most often created wooden structures, or transformers decorated with glass. The principle of sliding the panels of the transforming partition is similar to the compartment system and is mounted using one of two methods:

  1. Installation of the bulkhead along the guides.
  2. Using pendant mounting.

The transforming partition is moved along special guide rails, or along the wall when the transformer is a single solid structure. Or by creating a special niche in the cavity of which the partition is completely hidden.

Several photos of interesting partitions

Some type of partitions are created specifically, simultaneously pursuing several goals, both to create a comfort zone and to decorate the interior.

We present several photos of interesting and quite bold solutions for creating interior partitions in the interior.

Unique design bedrooms with divisions into zones, created from a combination of glass and wood
Interesting wall design using an aquarium as the lower part of the partition
Zoning space using natural materials
Interesting solution in the interior with the designation working area and bedrooms with a bookcase

The use of interior partitions allows you to independently create the most comfortable conditions not only for living, but also for working at home. Essentially, these are structures necessary to perform zoning of a room. After even the simplest redevelopment of a room, you can easily create several separate rooms by reducing other rooms.

In the form of a partition, either mobile or stationary fixed structures usually act. They can be easily installed and dismantled without the help of professionals.

Collapsible partitions are usually used when zoning is necessary for rooms such as a bedroom and wardrobe or a kitchen and dining room. It can also be used in the hallway large area allocate a room for receiving guests. Great amount various options You can look at photos of partitions in magazines dedicated to interiors.

What should be the ideal partitions in a house?

Any partition made of plasterboard or any other material must meet a number of requirements.

Firstly, it must be as stable as possible and necessarily durable so that there is no danger for residents in the future.

Secondly, if you are wondering how to do decorative partition, then you must understand that there should be absolutely no gaps on the surface, including in those places where it will adjoin another structure. Otherwise, various rodents and insects may appear.

Thirdly, it must withstand the required service life after installation.

Special Requirements

Looking for step by step instructions how to make a partition pay special attention to the fact that for various types partitions erected in bathrooms especially important factor is resistance to steam and, accordingly, moisture.

It is best if they are made from the most waterproof materials that will not allow the slightest ingress of moisture into your structure during operation. IN Lately It has become especially popular to additionally cover the partition with high-quality waterproof material.

When creating partitions and other glass structures, do not forget about reliable and high-quality accessories for glass. Which will allow you to perfectly perform your functions for a long time.

When creating an attic partition, special attention should be paid to the low weight of the structure, since the attic itself can withstand much less weight.

For additional lighting of a room located in the back of the house, you can install a classic wooden partition, carefully considering the additional artificial lighting or initially make a choice in favor of a translucent partition.

If it is necessary to lay various communications in the future, such as chimneys or electrical wiring It is best to choose an ordinary stationary partition with a slightly increased thickness for your home.

If you plan to divide the room into two zones that differ from each other, including temperature conditions, then it is necessary to give preference to a partition that differs high performance thermal insulation.

Besides, important point is that almost all systems require good sound insulation of rooms. They can handle this task without any problems. massive structures or light partitions, but if they contain soundproofing material between the skins.

Classification of partitions by purpose

If we talk about the classification of partitions depending on their purpose, then it is customary to distinguish two categories: home, office.

Office partitions are usually closed or open partitions that do not reach the ceiling in height. To create them, a plastic or aluminum frame is usually used, inside of which there is either wood or glass.

In order to divide large area for several separate rooms, the partitions are most often chosen to be solid and made of material with the greatest sound absorption.

If you need a partition to divide a room into several zones, you can use almost any material you like. Preference can also be given when choosing the type of structure: fixed or sliding. Typically, the passage in this case is either a door or an arch.

DIY photo of partitions

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