How to hang fiberglass wallpaper. Using glass wallpaper in the interior: give your apartment a spectacular appearance. They can be classified according to a number of criteria

Fiberglass - what is it? This is the name of a special roll coating applied to walls. This wallpaper is made using the weaving method. This means that, like fabric, the material is knitted from glass threads having different densities and thicknesses. Then the canvas is given a stable shape by impregnating it in a composition specially designed for this purpose. Fiberglass wallpaper is a popular new material for interior decoration. They compare favorably with other types

“Gossamer”: a type of glass wallpaper

Painting fiberglass "spider web" is not created using fiberglass threads that are connected to each other by pressing. Paper is also produced. Fiberglass “web” has the appearance of translucent thin sheets. In appearance they resemble a blotter. If you touch the “web”, you can feel the smoothness and sharpness of the canvas. Such glass wallpaper is sold in the form of rolls, which are most often 1 meter wide and 50 times longer.

Glass fiber wallpaper “gossamer” does not absorb water, is not susceptible to fire, chemical reagents, or mechanical stress. They do not cause allergic reactions and are not able to accumulate. Such glass wallpapers are effective means, which is used to prevent cracks from occurring. But they are not used for finishing surfaces (plasterboard structures, ceilings, walls), but only for their reinforcement.


Fiberglass wallpaper "Grogozhka" is considered one of the most environmentally friendly surface coatings. They are highly durable. When gluing, this roll covering does not lose its shape, its size and decor do not change when wet. It is made of fiberglass, which is created from a natural material - sand. With the help of "Groghka" wallpaper you can reinforce walls and cover most of the cracks in them. This material is absolutely non-toxic, does not undergo rotting processes and, importantly, has a low cost.

Glass wallpaper: characteristics

The advantages of fiberglass wallpaper include the following qualities:

1. Durability and strength.

2. Environmental friendliness.

3. Fire safety.

4. Air tightness.

5. Hygiene.

6. Possibility of repainting them.

The fact that glass wallpaper is not flammable and does not have the ability to support fire makes it a unique coating. These qualities make it possible to use the material for pasting not only residential premises. Glass wallpaper can also be used for finishing in places intended for evacuation of people in the event of a fire. When ignited indoors, this material does not emit toxic substances.


Always along with the question: “Glass wallpaper - what is it?” another one arises. What are they made of? This material does not contain vinyl or other harmful substances. Such wallpaper consists exclusively of components natural origin- soda, limestone, quartz sand, clay. After the fiberglass threads are woven, the fabric is impregnated with a special composition based on starch. Thanks to this, it is quite possible to maintain a natural microclimate in any room. This has a beneficial effect on the well-being and health of people in rooms decorated with glass wallpaper.

Features of fiberglass

The main advantage of fiberglass is considered high level its strength. Materials made on its basis are used in many areas of human activity, even in the process of building aircraft. Fiberglass has the ability to reinforce and protect various surfaces from all kinds of impacts and damage. Wallpaper based on this material is not afraid of scratches, dents, or even the claws and beaks of pets. To cause any damage to the fiberglass coating, you need to try very hard, and on purpose.

How are the reinforcing properties of glass wallpaper manifested?

Due to heating or shrinkage of walls, cracks of varying sizes and depths may appear in the plaster. It is precisely from such and other deformations that glass wallpaper protects and strengthens surfaces. Moreover, they serve without replacement for up to thirty years. At the same time, glass wallpaper can “survive” twenty paintings in such a period of time without consequences. various colors. Neither the quality, nor the texture, nor the design of the material will change.

Easy to care for

Any housewife may have doubts if you offer her glass wallpaper for gluing her kitchen. "What it is?" - she will ask. All doubts disappear when information becomes known that this roll coating can be washed with any, even the harshest chemical or mechanically. And the property of glass wallpaper to reject dust helps the walls to “breathe”. This prevents the occurrence of fungi. Conditions this characteristic of such coverage its inability to accumulate static electricity.

Glass fiber wallpaper sheets are available for sale in the form of rolls, as mentioned above, which have a width of one and a length of fifty meters. The designs of the material are quite varied. The most popular glass wallpapers among consumers are “Grogozhka”, “Herringbone” and “Rhombus”. You can also choose another coating that has an original design pattern.

Using glass wallpaper in the interior

Answering the question: “Glass wallpaper - what is it?”, it is worth mentioning that the original appearance The material used in the interior always depends on many factors. First of all, these include:

  1. Method of applying glue to material. Its excessive or insufficient quantity is unacceptable.
  2. Glass wallpaper gluing technology. It is imperative to combine the pattern correctly, cut the fabric correctly, and join the seams.
  3. Choice of color, texture and consistency of paint. It should be such that the structure of the pattern does not become clogged when applied.

In most cases, the appearance of glass wallpaper in the interior is influenced by its pattern. When small size premises during the selection of this roll covering It is recommended to give preference to fine texture and small patterns.

Glue selection

When choosing adhesive for glass wallpaper, you definitely need to study its composition. If one of its components is PVA, it is not recommended to purchase such a surface joining substance. Manufacturers of glass wallpaper know what qualities glue should have. Therefore, you need to buy it the same trademark, as the coating itself.

Paint selection

The best paint for glass wallpaper is the one that has water base and high wear resistance. If the suspension is glossy, it will be able to highlight the texture of the coating. The main thing is to understand what the final result is required. Based on this, you need to select paint for glass wallpaper. It is imperative to take into account what impacts can presumably be exerted on the surface of the coating in the future. If you plan, for example, to wash glass wallpaper or touch it frequently, then it is preferable to buy acrylic matte paints.

Rules for working with glass wallpaper

Don't know how to glue glass wallpaper? Then just follow some simple rules:

1. Use adhesive designed exclusively for heavy wallpaper. It is produced in the form of a suspension or dry powder, which is diluted with water.

2. Apply glue only to the surface of the wall. In the process of gluing conventional wallpaper, the connecting suspension is distributed on the canvas. This cannot be done when working with glass wallpaper.

3. After the material is applied to the surface, you need to wait until it dries completely (about a day). In this case, it is necessary to exclude the occurrence of drafts in the room and the entry sun rays for glass wallpaper.

4. Before gluing this type of coating, you should first correctly determine where the front side of the canvas is and where the back side is (they are practically the same in appearance). The first one always faces the inside of the roll. To accurately identify the one you need, look for a gray or blue mark. This is how manufacturers help to accurately identify the front side of the wallpaper.

Surface preparation

It is recommended to prepare the surface for gluing fiberglass wallpaper in the same way as for their paper version. The difference is that small cracks do not need to be sealed. Fiberglass wallpapers with reinforcing properties can be glued directly onto them. A specially designed adhesive for gluing this roll covering is applied to the surface. It should be borne in mind that in this case much more connecting suspension will be required than for paper wallpaper. Therefore, it is recommended to buy glue with a reserve. Windows must be tightly closed before applying glass wallpaper to the surface.

Gluing fiberglass wallpaper

How to glue glass wallpaper correctly? Cloths in the form of rolls must be cut into strips having a length comparable to the height of the surface on which they will be applied. You need to loosen the material a little and glue the strips end to end. Textured wallpaper that does not have a pattern can be pasted onto the surface in any direction and order - in this case, the joints will not be visible after drying. If there is a chaotic pattern on them (or there is none at all), then you can not make allowances. In such cases, if the roll is cut incorrectly or the strips are mechanically damaged during gluing, this feature material will be an advantage. This will also help save fabric if there are cut tapes left from the previous roll.

Features of gluing

When gluing glass wallpaper, caution is required. When applying them to the surface, it is recommended to use a plastic spatula to remove air and excessive amounts of glue from under the material. After finishing work, the wallpaper joints should be wiped from above with a damp, clean sponge or rag. Before completing the stage of painting fiberglass wallpaper, you need to wait for it to dry completely (about a day). At the same time, drafts should be avoided in the room.

Glass wallpaper for ceilings

Not everyone can afford to decorate their interior with beautiful stretch ceilings. Therefore, a variety of finishing materials and methods are used. One of them is to stick glass wallpaper on the ceiling. The strength and texture of the fibers of this material allows you to close cracks; if necessary, it can even be applied to foam plastic. This will not require applying a layer of putty. If you stick glass wallpaper onto the ceiling, then after drying and subsequent painting it will acquire a very, very attractive appearance.

Painting glass wallpaper

Paint can be applied to glass wallpaper using a sprayer, brush or roller. The result will be equally good, since the suspensions adhere very firmly to the fibers of such a material.

The modern building materials market offers a wide variety of wall coverings, expanding the range from year to year and trying to satisfy consumers with any tastes and financial capabilities. These relatively new wall coverings include fiberglass wallpaper.

What kind of material is this?

This is decorative wall covering, its structure resembles fiberglass fabric. The starting material is a certain type of glass, from which fibers are drawn at high temperatures, forming yarn of different thicknesses and types. The material itself is then woven from this yarn: for painting fiberglass (or “cobweb”), a simple canvas is prepared, and for glass wallpaper, textured decorative weaving is made.

For the production of special glass for glass wallpaper, only natural materials, which guarantee the absence of harmful chemical additives and provide high wear resistance. The fiberglass contains quartz sand, lime, soda and dolomite. Glass wallpaper is produced mainly in Germany and Sweden - countries known for their highest quality standards.

“Cobweb” is a painting fiberglass canvas, so named because of its external resemblance to a cobweb. It is both a decorative and reinforcing material used for finishing preparation surfaces. For example, when buildings shrink, tiny cracks appear in the plaster, and fiberglass creates a smooth surface, eliminating the appearance of cracks. The “web” also gives strength to the coating paint, does not burn and is easy to use.

“Gossamer” differs from glass wallpaper in its lower density; its purpose is to smooth the surface and achieve a “marble” effect. The “cobweb” is more reminiscent of a smooth canvas, while the weaving of the glass wallpaper is textured. “Spider web” is best glued to the ceiling, and glass wallpaper is the material that is used for final finishing walls and other surfaces.

Fiberglass wallpaper and painting fiberglass are used in a variety of places: in offices, hotels, hospitals, supermarkets, restaurants, banks, car dealerships, and, of course, in houses and apartments. Service life is up to 30 years, depending on the paint, the quality of the glue and the frequency of washing. And the paint can be renewed up to 6 times.

Fiberglass wallpaper is produced in a wide variety of textures. The photo shows various patterns of glass wallpaper: herringbone, leaf, diamond, matting, zigzag, cat, vertical and even flowers.

You can paste over a wide variety of surfaces: wood, metal, plastic, concrete, plasterboard, chipboard and cleaned brickwork. Large cracks must be pre-sealed, and porous surfaces must be primed.

How to glue and paint them

  • Glass wallpaper looks the same on both sides, but sometimes manufacturers put a special gray stripe on the reverse side.
  • Special glue must be applied to the wall, and not to the wallpaper. The canvases are glued end to end. When gluing “matting” or “cobweb” there is no need for large allowances; for other textures, an allowance of 5-10 cm is made to fit the pattern.
  • Horizontal joints are possible if there is a cut left from the roll or the material was cut unsuccessfully.
  • They are painted twice, with an interval of at least 12 hours. They are painted for the first time two days after gluing.
  • When using wallpaper in a high-traffic area, choose waterproof, abrasion-resistant paint. Latex gloss or semi-gloss paints work very well.
  • In order not to overspend the paint twice, before painting, the glass wallpaper must be thoroughly primed with a diluted glue solution, otherwise it will absorb a lot of paint.
  • As with regular wallpaper, glass wallpaper must be protected from drafts and sunlight until completely dry.

Advantages and disadvantages

Fiberglass wallpaper is a relatively new material for us, the pros and cons of which not everyone has yet understood. Some say that this is the best material available today, and all of Europe uses only this coating. Others argue that glass wallpaper is harmful. Let's try to understand the advantages and disadvantages of this wall covering.

Photos of interiors


  • The price varies greatly depending on the texture and pattern.
  • For work, you must wear closed clothing with long sleeves and a medical mask, as some people may experience irritation from microparticles of wallpaper that get on the skin.
  • It takes more paint on glass wallpaper than stated on the cans - they absorb it strongly.
  • If there is an excess of glue and paint, glass wallpaper can separate from the wall under their weight.
  • The weakly expressed texture is lost after several layers of paint.
  • Stains from wallpaper can be difficult to remove if the paint is chosen incorrectly.
  • They are very difficult to remove from the wall during the next renovation.

Despite the shortcomings, they have a number of undeniable advantages that make this material popular not only in European countries, but also for us.

IN modern world It has long become a tradition, when performing finishing work indoors, to use Newest technologies. One of these innovations is fiberglass wallpaper. It is important to understand in detail what glass wallpaper is.

Glass wallpaper or fiberglass wallpaper is a wall or ceiling decorative coating, reminiscent in structure of fiberglass fabric, a special type of rolled wall covering made by weaving.

Manufacturing process

Glass wallpaper - what is it? The basis of glass wallpaper is special glass, which is heated to 1200ºС. Fibers are drawn from this glass and subsequently formed into yarn of various types and thicknesses. Just as a wool sweater is knitted, material for glass wallpaper is knitted in the same way from glass fibers of various densities and thicknesses. To give a stable shape, the canvas is impregnated with a special solution.

For these wallpapers, textured images are used with the application of decor in wicker and plain weaving.

The basis of special glass is quartz sand, limestone, soda, clay and dolomite. This composition is advantageous in that natural materials are used, eliminating harmful chemical elements and providing wear resistance.


Fiberglass wallpaper has a number of advantages, including:

  • environmental friendliness;
  • hygiene;
  • breathability;
  • fire safety;
  • possibility of repainting;
  • durability;
  • strength.

Wallpaper is absolutely fireproof, as it does not burn and does not support flames. Due to this, they are used both in residential premises and offices, and in specially designed premises for evacuating people in case of fire. In addition, during a fire, wallpaper does not emit harmful substances.

The glass wallpaper does not contain vinyl or other harmful substances.

At the end of weaving, the canvas is treated with a special impregnation made on the basis of a natural component - starch. This composition perfectly contributes to maintaining a natural microclimate in the room, which has a beneficial effect on the health and well-being of residents.

The natural materials contained in fiberglass contribute to high strength, so glass wallpaper does not scratch, tear, and is not afraid of chemical influences from concentrated detergents and disinfectants. They do not accumulate static electricity, and therefore do not attract dust, but they can be washed well with almost all existing cleaning products. One has only to take into account the properties of the paint with which the glass wallpaper is coated, since not every paint can withstand even water.

Why do you need glass painting canvas?

Glass painting canvas, called gossamer, is a coating for walls and ceilings that combines decorative and reinforcing properties. Due to heating and shrinkage of the walls, tiny cracks appear in the plaster, invisible on the dry surface of the walls. Thanks to the use of fiberglass, further manifestation of network-like cracks is eliminated, and a clean, flat surface is created. In this case, the web serves as surface reinforcement.

The use of glass wallpaper and painting fiberglass can be observed almost everywhere where there is a need for beautiful durable surfaces that do not require complex care, and where you need to follow the rules fire safety. Such places can be houses and apartments, offices and restaurants, supermarkets and hospitals, hotels, banks and car dealerships.

These wallpapers, unlike ordinary ones, can last up to 30 years and can easily withstand repainting up to 20 times in any color, completely preserving the relief. When choosing glass wallpaper, you must take into account that the faint relief is lost after several paintings.

Fiberglass wallpapers have different patterns, but the most famous are “herringbone”, “diamond” and “matting”. It is also possible to purchase wallpaper with a unique designer image. Fiberglass wallpaper comes in rolls 1 meter wide and 50 meters long.

Wallpapering process

  • Special glue should be applied to the wall, not to the wallpaper. Oscar glue is suitable for this purpose.
  • Wallpaper must be glued end to end. To do this, when cutting, an allowance of 5 cm is made in advance to align the pattern, after which the excess must be cut off. For cobwebs or “matting” large allowances are not made.
  • When using second-grade wallpaper, cuts from a previous roll, or incorrectly cut pieces, the joint can be made horizontal.

Wallpaper is glued to surfaces made of wood, plastic, metal, concrete, brick. They can be used to cover plasterboard and chipboard. Surface preparation involves mandatory puttying. large cracks and priming porous surfaces with a weak adhesive solution.

It is also important to consider how to use glass wallpaper for painting.

Paint should be selected taking into account the following nuances, − what impacts the surface may be exposed to, the intensity of touches to it, how often it needs to be washed. Latex gloss and semi-gloss paints are best suited for these purposes.

It is necessary to apply the paint twice with an interval of approximately 12 hours. At the same time, it is important not to allow excessive amounts of glue and paint, otherwise the glass wallpaper may separate from the surface under its own weight.

In high-traffic areas, it is better to use waterproof, abrasion-resistant paint.

Room design

Now that we have basic information about this material, it is important to think about how to make glass wallpaper in the interior of the room look the best in the best possible way. With the help of glass wallpaper of different textures and different patterns, painted in the desired colors, you can realize your fantasies by dividing the room into zones using a combination different colors and shades.

Special stencils when decorating wallpaper will allow you to choose the frequency and number of patterns.

A fairly good choice is to decorate a hall or other rooms with glass wallpaper, since in this case there is no need to specifically select wallpaper for the furniture. Just choose desired color wallpaper and draw on it yourself. Green, yellow, pink and other “live” shades are considered the most spectacular for residential premises. To give the room an elegant look, you can decorate the walls in floral version using special stencils with patterns or geometric combinations. More and more often today, glass wallpaper is used to decorate the bedroom. Thanks to its unique texture and delicate colors, these wallpapers will give the room for sleeping and relaxation an atmosphere of coziness, comfort, harmony and warmth. Why do you need to think through the design down to the smallest detail? To promote good mood and well-being. For the bedroom you can use gentle pastel shades– beige, light green, pink, blue.

It is not always possible to decorate the interior beautifully. suspended ceilings, therefore, in this case it is appropriate to cover the ceiling with glass wallpaper. It should be noted that the process of gluing glass wallpaper to the ceiling is practically no different from gluing with vinyl or paper analogues - the operating principle is the same.

Preparing and pasting the ceiling

  • First of all, you need to prepare the ceiling for wallpapering. The surface must be smooth, cleaned of old, worn-out plaster; lime; fat
  • Irregularities on the ceiling can be eliminated using starting putty and then drying. For a durable surface, it is best to completely putty the ceiling.
  • Before the beginning puttying works it is necessary to prime the ceiling or separate places. For this purpose you will need a wool roller.
  • Immediately before gluing the wallpaper, the ceiling needs to be coated with a primer again to finishing works and let it dry well.
  • Seams and screws on drywall or foam plastic also need to be puttied and the entire surface coated with a primer.

When gluing wallpaper, the temperature should be 18–25ºС, and relative humidity– about 70%. During and after work, the room must be protected from direct sunlight and drafts. Oscar glue is also suitable for the ceiling, both in liquid and dry form.

  • Before starting work you need to cut the wallpaper required length using a paint knife, ruler, rule or level. For the first sheet, draw an approximate line with a pencil.
  • Then you need to dilute or pour the glue into a convenient container.
  • With help paint roller The glue is applied to the entire width of the wallpaper sheet with some margin.
  • During this work, you cannot do without an assistant who will help you attach the wallpaper sheet to the ceiling and smooth it out using a plastic wallpaper spatula. For ease of gluing the next strip, the sheet does not need to be pressed down strongly.
  • The next strip is glued joint to joint. It is important to monitor the weave of fibers along the edge of the wallpaper sheet. To make the joint invisible, the weaves must match. If the wallpaper sheet does not lie correctly, you need to move it in the right direction with your palms pressed tightly together.

When the glass wallpaper has dried well, you can apply paint using a wool roller.

Kitchen interier

Fiberglass wallpaper in the kitchen is a more acceptable option than tiles, as they have more advantages. It is important to think carefully about the design and color of the wallpaper so that it fits harmoniously into the interior of the kitchen.

When choosing wallpaper for the kitchen, it is important to consider that in this room they are most susceptible to contamination. And since this coating will need to be cleaned from grease and stains, it is better to use moisture-resistant glass wallpaper that is vapor-permeable. However, contact with steam can affect their appearance, so you should choose high quality wallpaper for your kitchen.

When purchasing glass wallpaper, you need to pay attention to the color - it should not be too bright or, conversely, gloomy. The color of the wallpaper depends on the lighting in the kitchen. For a kitchen with excessive sunlight, you can use cool shades such as green, blue or gray. If you need to give the interior more richness and light, then warm shades are suitable: yellow, pink, orange.

Bathroom finishing

The traditional finishing material for bathroom walls is ceramic tiles. But due to their resistance to moisture and temperature changes, glass wallpaper will do an excellent job as a wall covering in the bathroom.

Another advantage of these wallpapers is their low cost compared to ceramic tiles, and in case of damage, the damaged area can always be quickly and easily replaced.

The use of glass wallpaper is practical, as it is environmentally friendly and safe, and more aesthetically pleasing than tiles. In addition, you can choose different shades to give your bathroom the right type- from romantic soothing to invigorating.

So, by showing your imagination, using all your skills and abilities, using glass wallpaper you can create an original, most effective and unforgettable interior.


Watch a video about fiberglass wallpaper:

After watching this video, you will learn how to glue glass wallpaper.

More recently on the market building materials Innovative glass wallpapers have appeared, which are distinguished by their practicality and have already gained enormous popularity, despite the fact that many consider them harmful.

Non-woven fabric for painting also gets good reviews, since this coating is made from fiberglass and is widely used in repair work.

If you plan to paint glass wallpaper, then it is worth considering that cheap paint will quickly clog the texture of the wallpaper, and they will lose their attractive appearance after the next repainting.

Fiberglass pros and cons

The advantages of glass wallpaper include the following:

  • strength. Research has proven that such wallpaper can last over 30 years, while the cost of glass wallpaper is low;
  • resistance to any impact;
  • the possibility of accumulating electrical charges, which protects the wallpaper from dust settling;
  • moisture resistance;
  • ease of cleaning, since glass wallpaper can be washed using detergents.
  • unusual “breathable” material structure;
  • reinforcing properties that can protect walls from cracks.

Thanks to these advantages, fiberglass for putty is popular. At the same time accessible and quality material. They can be glued to the ceiling, and in this case the reinforcing properties will be fully manifested.


But glass wallpaper still has disadvantages, and these are:

  • this wallpaper can only be glued on perfectly flat surfaces, which must be carefully prepared beforehand: cleaned, puttied and reinforced with a large mesh;
  • It is necessary to glue glass wallpaper only with special glue, and the price of wallpaper glue is high, which can negatively affect the budget if you need to carry out repairs in a large room.

As for fears that such wallpaper is harmful to health, they are not justified, because glass wallpaper has nothing in common with glass wool.

Moreover, this type of wallpaper is environmentally friendly, non-toxic and hypoallergenic and can provide an ideal microclimate in any room. Among the positive characteristics, it is also worth noting their fire safety.

Glass wallpaper comes in various structures, and the most commonly used decors are diamond, matting and herringbone. With good imagination and Money You can always buy original glass wallpaper with a designer pattern. In addition, you can order your own drawing, although it will cost a little more.

Fiberglass wallpaper has many advantages over other finishing materials. Fiberglass sheets have natural composition, which means it is safe for all residents of the house. High performance strength, moisture resistance and fire resistance are ahead of other types of wallpaper coverings. The material is not afraid of sunlight and temperature changes, which allows you to decorate not only an apartment, but also a balcony or loggia, and the possibility of repeated repainting, if desired, can easily change the decor.

What is glass wallpaper?

Fiberglass wallpaper is a finishing material for walls consisting of impregnated fiberglass. The surface has a relief pattern. Fiberglass wallpaper is made from glass blanks that melt under high temperature and the fibers stretch. These are subsequently used to create threads, and then fabric or fiberglass using the weaving method. Later, the surface is coated with impregnation to ensure the stability of the material.


Fiberglass wallpaper consists of natural materials: soda, clay, limestone, quartz sand. To transform from blanks into fiberglass, only high temperatures are required, reaching 1200 degrees. The basis of the impregnation, which is applied upon completion of the work to ensure the durability of the material, is modified starch.


Types of fiberglass wallpaper

By invoice

Fiberglass wallpaper has two main types of texture, smooth and embossed. Wallpaper different types can perform different functions.


Smooth fiberglass wallpaper is also called gossamer or fiberglass wallpaper. This is due to visual similarity. In addition to the aesthetic function, smooth glass wallpaper also performs a practical one, namely, it is used to strengthen and level walls or ceilings. Smooth glass wallpaper will good option for finishing the ceiling, the surface is smooth and even.


Another name is traditional glass wallpaper. A material with greater density compared to smooth wallpaper. The surface has a clearly defined relief, forming some kind of ornament or design. This type of fiberglass wallpaper will do For final finishing walls


The type of texture has the name of the fabric, which is distinguished by a unique and recognizable way of weaving threads; visually the surface of the glass wallpaper looks like a sheet of fabric. Weaving can be small, medium and large.


The weaving of the fiberglass fabric forms a diamond-shaped pattern along the entire length of the fabric. The drawing can be with figures of equal or different sizes. Diamonds are also distinguished between large, medium and small. Visually, the wall covering looks like jacquard.


The fiberglass fabric has a zigzag pattern along its entire length. Like other types, the drawing may have different size. Small ornament suitable for decoration small rooms, for example a corridor.

To order

Today, in addition to the usual patterns, glass wallpapers are also made with other patterns; the same can be done in production individual order for unique weaving according to an individual sketch.

By quality

The quality of glass wallpaper depends on its density; the higher it is, the stronger the material and the longer its service life.

By color

For painting

Paintable fiberglass wallpaper is made in a neutral color, most often white or beige. This background allows you to apply any shade to the surface without distorting it.


Colored fiberglass wallpaper is not intended for painting; paint is added during production. This type of finishing is suitable for a room that does not require regular updating.

The photo shows the dining room in classic style. The finishing is made with glass wallpaper in orange tones.

By water resistance

During production, the degree of water resistance of fiberglass wallpaper is indicated on rolls or packaging. The designation is in the form of waves. How more waves, the higher the water resistance of the material.

1 wave

Fiberglass wallpaper does not have good contact with water. The surface can be washed with a slightly damp soft cloth or suede.

2 waves

They indicate the average degree of moisture resistance of fiberglass fabric; the material tolerates contact with water better. The surface can be washed with a cloth or soft sponge and water or soap solution.

3 waves

The three-wave icon means a high degree of moisture resistance of the glass wallpaper. When cleaning, non-abrasive detergents can be used.

Advantages and disadvantages

Like any material, fiberglass wallpaper has a number of advantages and disadvantages over others finishing materials. Taking into account all the nuances, you can easily decide on the relevance of this type of wallpaper for a particular room.

pros Minuses
High fire-fighting properties High price
Comprises environmentally friendly materials, therefore safe for health Only latex or acrylic paint is suitable for painting.
High strength fiberglass coating, due to which the fabric has reinforcing properties A special glue is required, the price of which is also higher than other adhesives.
Anti-vandal qualities Fiberglass wallpaper is difficult to remove, since the impregnation is firmly bonded to the glue.
Long service life It is mandatory to comply with safety rules when working, namely the presence of a respirator.
Glass wallpaper is resistant to changes in humidity and temperature, as well as sunlight.
Sound insulation increases
The walls are breathing

The photo shows an infographic about the advantages of glass wallpaper

How to properly glue to walls?

Which glue to choose?

For fiberglass wallpaper, you need to use special glue; liquids are not suitable for ordinary paper wallpaper, they will simply be ineffective, since they will not withstand the weight of the fiberglass wallpaper. Today in construction it is presented big choice glue intended for gluing glass wallpaper from a number of manufacturers, such as Oscar, Quelyd or Kleo. Their composition takes into account the features of fiberglass material; the mixtures can be purchased in ready-made or dry form.

Which surface is best to glue on?

Fiberglass wallpaper must be glued to the prepared surface. To do this, it is necessary to remove the old finish and level the walls using putty; minor irregularities do not need to be removed. The walls are sanded and covered with primer. After this, the surface is ready for finishing.

How long does it take to dry?

Fiberglass wallpaper dries in average day - two. In this case, the room temperature should be from 10 to 25 degrees. It is also necessary to exclude the possibility of drafts or bright sunlight.

Preparing the walls

Before you start gluing the fiberglass material, you need to prepare the working surface.

  1. Remove old finish
  2. level the surface using putty,
  3. seal drywall joints or small cracks with paint mesh,
  4. sand,
  5. prime with a roller,
  6. After complete drying, the walls are ready for gluing glass wallpaper.

Gluing technology

Before you start work, you need to apply markings and prepare the glue. The markings will help you stick the wallpaper evenly without overhanging the side. To do this, draw a line perpendicular to the ceiling, which is measured using a plumb line or level. The glue will be ready 15 minutes after mixing.


Features of use on the ceiling

Gluing glass wallpaper is carried out according to the same principle as on walls. Check strength old plaster Self-adhesive tape on the ceiling will help.

  • The direction starts from the window to the opposite wall.
  • Glue is used only specifically for glass wallpaper; any other glue will not withstand their weight.
  • The glue is applied only to the ceiling.
  • You need to act sequentially, the next strip of glue is spread after the sheet of wallpaper is glued.
  • The gluing is done end-to-end, with an overlap on the walls.
  • The excess is cut off after drying.

How to paint correctly?

Which paint should I choose?

For painting fiberglass coverings, water-dispersion paint is best suited. The choice is due to the absence of toxic substances, quick drying and absence of unpleasant odors. Depending on the type of room, you can choose acrylic, styrene-butadiene or latex-based paint.

Step-by-step painting instructions

Painting glass wallpaper has a simple procedure. However, its strict adherence helps to achieve an ideal result.


How to choose glass wallpaper?

Fiberglass wallpaper must be selected according to certain criteria, namely pattern, manufacturer, class and composition.

  • The higher the density of the fiberglass material, the stronger the material and the longer the service life,
  • fiberglass wallpaper of lower density is not so durable, but has a low cost,
  • the pattern is selected depending on personal preferences, it is also possible to make an individual order for a unique pattern,
  • the more voluminous the drawing, the large quantity since it can be coated with paint,
  • the ideal composition is a ratio of 70% glass and 30% impregnation,
  • The edges of the roll should be smooth and the weaving neat.

Photo ideas in the interior

For the bathroom

Fiberglass wallpaper will be a good finishing option for a bathroom. They are not afraid of moisture and will not allow fungus and mold to appear.

The photo shows a bright bathroom. The finishing is made with glass fabric wallpaper in turquoise color.

For greater strength and reliability, the fiberglass fabric is coated with washable paint.

The photo shows a spacious bathroom decorated with fiberglass wallpaper in blue.

For kitchen

On the picture modern kitchen finished with glass wallpaper in neutral colors.

In the kitchen, this fact is very relevant. At high temperatures fiberglass sheets do not emit harmful substances. In addition, replacing glass wallpaper will cost less and the work will be easier. Suitable for finishing the dining area.

In the toilet

In the toilet, just like in the bathroom, it is important to minimize the possibility of mold and mildew. Fiberglass wallpaper will help with this, they will be a good alternative tiles. In addition, their cost is lower than tiles.

In the hall

The strength of the fiberglass material will eliminate mechanical damage to the surface, and waterproof coating easy to care for and keep clean.

On the balcony

Fiberglass wallpaper is not afraid of changes in temperature and humidity, it will become practical solution for finishing glazed balcony or loggias.

The fiberglass material itself is quite durable and can withstand different methods cleaning. The method must be selected depending on the paint covering the surface.

  • Non-abrasive detergents can be used to remove stains from the glass cloth surface.
  • depending on the moisture resistance of the paint, you can use soft suede or a brush,
  • For preventive maintenance, it is enough to remove dust with a dry soft brush.

Photo gallery

Glass wallpaper is a practical and at the same time beautiful method of interior decoration. The high strength of fiberglass material allows you to decorate any room, and the safety of their composition makes it possible to decorate a children's room or balcony without worrying about the release of harmful substances. At the same time, the material breathes and protects against mold.

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