How to remove plaster from walls without dust. How to remove old plaster from walls - clean the surface. Removing decorative plaster from walls

Removing plaster may be necessary different cases. This could be natural destruction over time, poor-quality installation, any negative physical or chemical impact, etc. The reason is not important, the main thing is that local repair impossible.

How to remove old plaster from walls using different tools

When removing plaster, especially if you have to work with a hammer drill or a stripping machine, be sure to wear a respirator.

Removing the mortar using a perforator

The simplest and effective method removal - use a drill or hammer drill with a “wide chisel” attachment for it.

  • We put the attachment on the tool and turn on the chiselling mode.
  • We place the hammer drill against the wall at an angle of about 80 degrees and pierce the layer to its entire depth.
  • Immediately reduce the angle to 30-40 degrees and in this position move the tool along the wall, removing the plaster.

The same applies to the question “how to remove plaster from the ceiling”: we use a hammer drill.

Note:We use a large angle of entry in cases where we are breaking through an untouched area, and we begin the movement from already processed ones with a small one. During the process, we make sure that the hammer drill does not damage the material from which the wall itself is made during the removal process.

How to remove old plaster from the walls: video illustrates working with a hammer drill.

How to remove plaster from walls using a scraping spatula or chisel

Delete old mortar possible without the use of power tools. This is done using a wide chisel or a roughing spatula. First, we lean the tool against the wall vertically and, tapping it with a hammer, we poke out a recess over the entire thickness of the coating. Next, we tilt the chisel/trowel at 45 degrees and continue to work from the “beginning”: moving in any direction while continuously tapping the handle with a hammer.

For your information: This method of removing wall coverings is the quietest and does not result in clouds of dust. However, it makes sense to use it only when you need to remove a small area, since the speed of work will be very low.

How to remove old plaster from walls: use a scraping spatula

Removing decorative plaster

How to clean plaster from walls if it forms a very thin layer? This question arises in cases where decorative trim needs to be removed. If in the case of leveling coatings we had to knock them down, then here we will grind or scrape them. The fastest way to work is with a sanding machine. On its “sole” there are serrated rollers that, while rotating, remove a small layer from the surface.

How to remove decorative plaster from walls: it’s very easy to do with a power tool

Removing textured or Venetian plaster in this way will not be difficult. With the machine turned on, we press the “sole” against the wall and move it from side to side with pressure. The number of passes through the same place is determined visually: bare rough coating– move on to deleting the next section. Surface cleaning occurs quickly and with a minimum of physical effort. The downside is the need to purchase a tool that is not too cheap.

How to remove decorative plaster from walls: working with a grinding and stripping machine

Note:The second way to remove the decorative layer is by scraping off the cycles. The work is not difficult - we simply move the tool along the surface from side to side, scraping off the finish. There is one disadvantage to this method, and it is quite significant: the scraper has a small width, which means you can remove very small area plaster. Removal will be slow.

Features of removing plaster from different surfaces

The easiest way to remove gypsum plasters. They are quite loose and at the same time sensitive to moisture. Therefore, about 15 minutes before the removal begins, we soak the walls well. You can add acetic acid to the water. This will make the finish soft and pliable. The same applies to lime and clay based plasters.

How to remove plaster from walls if it was made recently and from good concrete? Too strong and thick coating sometimes it is difficult to remove even with a hammer drill. In this case, a grinder will help us. We use it to cut the surface to the finishing depth, in squares of approximately 50x50 cm. Further removal will become much easier. And if there is a brick wall under the plaster, then do not forget to go through the seams with a chisel to remove the remnants of the finishing, which are not noticeable at first glance.

How to remove old plaster from walls: the gypsum surface can be pre-wetted

Plaster defects vary according to appearance and the reasons for its appearance. In addition, they are divided into operational and technological, the difference between them is that the first arise over time, and the second - immediately after the installation of the coating. Both can have the same appearance:

  • Small swellings. These are bumps that appear on the surface of the plaster due to the use of slaked lime that has not been sufficiently cured. Blisters are caused by unextinguished particles of material.
  • Cracks. They appear when there is an overdose in solutions of astringent components or when they are poorly mixed. In addition, cracks in the plaster can occur due to forced drying, especially when exposed to summer sunlight.
  • Peeling. It occurs when plaster is applied to an overdried base or to a less durable lower layer of coating.
  • Blistering. Such a defect can result from applying plaster to a base that is oversaturated with moisture.

The feasibility of removing plaster from walls

Complete dismantling of old plaster is not always justified. The need for such work depends on certain factors. One of them is the composition of the plaster:
  1. Clay. Most often, this coating is used when finishing heating panels or fireplaces. When it peels or breaks, the thermal conductivity of the base material is disrupted, so in this case the clay plaster must be replaced.
  2. Limestone. Such plaster must be removed when it weakens or when it is necessary to subsequently apply a cement-sand coating to the wall.
  3. Plaster. Its dismantling is carried out due to the destruction of the coating.
  4. Cement. The need to remove such plaster often arises due to errors made when preparing the solution, or violation of the rules for working with it.
  5. Polymer. For the most part, such plasters are very durable and suitable for applying any coating to them. Therefore, the need to dismantle it may be associated with errors that were made during the application process and led to cracking or peeling of the finish.
Another factor is the condition of the coating layers. This may be the reason for complete or partial dismantling of the plaster from the walls. If it has retained its strength only over a small area, it would be reasonable to complete dismantling old covering. But if the defects are minor, only the problem areas can be cleaned on the wall.

When planning a new coating with the removal of old plaster, you should adhere to the main rule: it should not be stronger than the previous one, since otherwise, by shrinking, the new layer can destroy the lower finish, which has lower stresses.

Therefore, the third factor in the feasibility of dismantling old plaster is the composition of the planned coating. For example, cement plaster cannot be laid on gypsum plaster, regardless of its condition, for the above-mentioned reason. You can’t apply anything at all to clay plaster other than the clay itself; the layer won’t stick. But on top it fits perfectly on any base. Reliable cement-sand plaster can be used to lay any coating on it.

Preparatory work before dismantling the plaster

Before removing old plaster, it is necessary to evaluate the quality of its structure and adhesion to the wall. To do this you need to tap the entire surface. rubber mallet. In those places where the coating does not adhere well, a dull sound will be heard. Such areas should be marked with chalk for further work with them.

The presence of dampness in the room and areas of the walls with moisture seeping into them indicates a weak layer of plaster. In such cases, problem areas and adjacent areas 0.5 m in each direction problem areas are cleaned of the old coating.

It happens that when you remove the wallpaper, a layer of plaster comes off along with it. This is a good reason to completely remove it from the entire wall.

Any dismantling should be approached very responsibly, despite the fact that this work does not require special qualifications. The most important thing in it is compliance with safety measures, since often flying fragments of brick, concrete or a cloud of dust can cause damage to one’s own health.

Therefore, before removing the plaster, it is necessary to stock up on eye, skin and respiratory protection. A respirator or gauze bandage can protect the respiratory system, safety glasses can protect the eyes, and construction gloves and thick overalls can protect the skin from damage. In addition, for safety reasons, it is recommended to temporarily turn off the power supply to the room in which you plan to remove plaster from the walls.

When choosing a working tool for removing the coating, you need to focus on the thickness of the layer of old plaster, the type of its material and the requirements for the cleaned base. The standard kit should include: a spatula, an axe, a pick or hammer, a wire brush, a long chisel, a hammer drill with an attachment, a broom, a broom and a dustpan, a bucket, a wide brush and garbage bags.

Important! Removing plaster can be made much easier by having an angle grinder or special devices eg AGP and Flex.

Basic methods of removing plaster from walls

Various types of plaster can be removed from walls either manually or using power tools. Depending on the characteristics of the coating, one or another method is used.

Manual dismantling of plaster

Before removing the plaster from the wall, it should be thoroughly moistened. This softens the surface and reduces the amount of dust. Pieces of plaster that do not adhere well to the surface of the base can be pryed off with a steel spatula to remove them. Strong sections of the coating are knocked down with a chisel, ax or pick.

Particular care must be taken when removing plaster from plasterboard partitions and walls. Such a base is easy to damage, so strong impacts on it are excluded. In this case, it is convenient to work in cycles. This tool is very similar to a sharpened spatula.

First you need to remove weak areas of the coating. After cleaning small fragments of the wall, access to the side edge of the plaster layer will open. Then a significant part of the coating can be removed by driving a scraper under its end.

If it is difficult to give in, you can use a chisel or chisel for trimming. To avoid damaging the surface plasterboard sheet, the chisel should be held at an angle, gently tapping the tool with a small hammer.

Mechanical removal of plaster

The mechanical method of dismantling plaster is used after manual cleaning of weak areas of the coating. Durable plaster, which is difficult to knock down by hand, can be removed with a hammer drill or corner grinder. The hammer drill must be equipped with a chisel blade and switched to the “chiseling” mode. It should be borne in mind that his work is accompanied by high level noise.

The grinding machine is equipped to work with a diamond-coated stone disc. With its help, the plaster can be cut into small squares, and then removed piece by piece using a chisel or hammer drill. At mechanical removal coatings are recommended to be used industrial vacuum cleaner. It can practically reduce the appearance of dust in the work process to zero.

After cleaning the wall, it is necessary to remove small areas of remaining plaster. To do this, you can use a wire brush or any of the mentioned power tools equipped with an appropriate attachment.

Removing decorative plaster from walls

Silicate and polymer decorative plasters are quite durable, so they are very difficult to remove. Recommended to use mechanical method described above. If such coatings can serve as a reliable basis for another finishing walls, then you can leave them.

Do-it-yourself dismantling is much easier decorative plaster from plaster. It has a loose structure and is very sensitive to moisture. You can take advantage of these properties. Half an hour before removing such plaster, the walls must be thoroughly wetted. You can add it to warm water acetic acid, which will help soften the material and make it more pliable.

Since deletion gypsum plaster is a rather “dirty” process, the floor should be covered before starting work plastic film. Removal of the coating can be carried out in cycles with a blade width of 130-150 mm. Having determined the required cutting angle and sufficient force, you can begin removing the decorative protrusions on the wall surface.

If the base is made of plasterboard, the scraper must be held at an angle so as not to damage it. After removing the relief from one section of the wall, you can move on to the next. After finishing dismantling the decorative plaster on all walls, you need to clean them of splinters and dust, and then wipe them with a damp cloth.

Clay and lime plaster are removed in a similar way.

How to remove beacons after plastering

There is no definite answer to the question of whether beacons are removed after plastering. However, there is an opinion that beacons left in the wall can lead to the appearance of rust on its surface and even cracks. But no one can give a 100% guarantee in favor of “for” or “against”, since it all depends on several important factors.

The first of these is the quality of the beacons. Metal profiles made from counterfeit low-quality raw materials may become rusty when exposed to a plaster layer. When choosing products from leading manufacturers, this is hardly possible.

The second factor is the thickness of the galvanizing layer on the lighthouse. If you diligently level the plaster and repeatedly apply the rule along the profiles, a thin layer of galvanization may wear off. Then top part profile will become susceptible to corrosion.

And finally, the third factor is the humidity of the room in which the beacons are being plastered. In a dry room, the likelihood of rust is extremely low, especially with a well-functioning ventilation system.

As for cracks, the opinion here is clear. Metallic profile, left in the plaster, is a kind of reinforcement. Therefore, if you don’t try to hang a picture or shelf on it, it will behave well.

However, in order to save yourself from the slightest risk, the beacons can be removed after plastering the walls, and the cavities left by them can be sealed with mortar.

Disposal of waste after dismantling plaster

As we finish dismantling works a lot accumulates in the room construction waste. Diligent workers pack it in bags in a timely manner so as not to trip over pieces of broken plaster. These bags need to be taken out somewhere later. But the problem of disposal of construction waste is quite acute. There is not always time and opportunity to take it out. This is often due to the workload of utility services, the remoteness of objects from city landfills and a host of other reasons.

For apartment buildings There are no other options other than removing such waste. Utility workers usually prohibit loading it into a common container. The reason is clear: the weight of plaster knocked off 1 m2 of wall averages 20-25 kg. Therefore, a container filled to the top with such cargo may be too heavy to lift. Therefore, filled bags are loaded into the car separately and not in the first place.

For private houses, the problem is solved more simply: dismantling waste can be used on the farm. Pieces cement-sand plaster can be used as a filler for concrete solutions when flooding areas and sidewalks.

The removed clay plaster can be kept on the site for later use, especially since there is no need to mix a new solution, since the proportions of clay and sand in it have already been determined and implemented. All that remains is to soak the material.

Gypsum plaster can be used as bulk insulation for ceilings of various buildings. The remains of the lime coating are good for adding soil to those areas of the site where tree growth is undesirable.

How to remove old plaster - watch the video:

If you follow all these rules, the work you expend will be justified by a good result and there will be a real opportunity to complete the work you started within the specified time frame. Good luck!

Plaster is one of the main methods of finishing walls at the rough and finishing stages. Therefore, it is not surprising that questions about removing old decorative and other plaster arise quite often. Depending on the situation, the process can be simple or very labor-intensive, when it becomes quite difficult to remove a layer of plaster with a tool. But with our tips, you can do it yourself in the shortest possible time.

When conducting overhaul We assess the condition of the finish on the walls and decide whether to maintain, repair or remove it. In the event that the plaster layer is severely damaged, sometimes ideal solution will break it completely, reaching a brick or concrete wall, since repairs will become too labor-intensive.

Sometimes, as part of a major renovation, we want to implement a radically different concept for decorating a room, and then the only option is to completely clean the walls, gaining access to them, then carry out insulation and finish everything again in accordance with the plan. For example, removal of old plaster must be done when installing heavy elements such as tiles and a natural stone, since the basis for them must be as strong and reliable as possible.

Important! Sometimes it may be necessary to remove not all the plaster, but to clear part of the wall from it. This happens when the wallpaper is unsuccessfully dismantled, other damage to the coating occurs, or when greasy stains that cannot be removed in any other way.

When not to do this

When trying to knock down plaster, it is necessary to take into account the condition of the walls themselves. If we are talking about concrete, then there should be no problems in this case. However, when working with old brick walls, it is necessary to evaluate their strength. Punch a small hole and assess the condition of the bricks. If they crumble from external influences, then it is better to refrain from removing all the finishing. Especially when it comes to cement-based plaster, which is especially difficult to clean.

Preparing the premises for work

  • Please note that in trying to remove the plaster from the walls, we will create a lot of dust. So, first of all, we completely clear the room of furniture and provide the room with effective ventilation;
  • Access to adjacent rooms, floors and window sills are covered with film, which, when collected later, we can more effectively get rid of dust and debris.

What kind of plaster will you have to deal with?

The degree of complexity and other nuances of the work depend on what kind of composition was previously applied to the walls. On this moment There are several options that are most popular on the market:

  • Cement plaster. It sits extremely firmly on the sides, and it is quite difficult to knock it down. Therefore, it is worth thinking about the feasibility of the work, looking for compromises - the ability to finish the room without the need to remove this layer:
  • Lime composition. Over time, it may weaken and lose the ability to interact effectively with other types of finishes;
  • Clay plaster. If necessary, repeat plastering works, the clay layer must be completely dismantled, unless, of course, it is planned to apply exactly a similar option to it. All other types of plaster will be too durable for such a base;
  • Polymer option. Due to their flexibility and strength, these types of finishes are highly durable and may not need to be removed frequently. The exception is the hasty initial finishing, when the building has shrunk and the material simply cracks;
  • Gypsum plaster. The option of dismantling it may become relevant if necessary to carry out Finishing work something stronger and heavier than plaster.

In this case, it is easiest to remove clay, gypsum or lime compounds from the wall.

What tools need to be prepared

There are two main ways to remove plaster. The first one is manual option. In this case, we must prepare a metal brush, scraper, chisel, spatula, sledgehammer or hammer. The mechanized method uses a hammer drill, grinder or grinder.

Important! Regardless of the method, it is necessary to prepare the means personal protection. First of all, these are gloves and goggles that will protect your eyes from dust, as well as from fragments flying out at high speed. A respirator will help make breathing easier while working.

Finding weaknesses

The work of cleaning the wall needs to start somewhere. And it’s better to do this from the area where the coating has already been weakened. You can understand this by tapping the wall. Tap areas located at a distance of 30-40 centimeters from each other. In the case of a ringing sound, we are talking about good adhesion of the coating to the wall. Well, if the sound is dull, there are voids there, which will make the work easier. Also, wet spots or cracks can be a sign of weakness in a place.

Important! When cleaning a wall fragmentarily, it is necessary to remove not only the problem area, but also the surrounding finish at a distance of about forty centimeters.

We knock down the plaster by hand

In the event that work is being carried out to remove plaster from plasterboard walls, then it is better to use a well-sharpened cycle for this. We are trying to drive this tool between the layer of plaster and the wall surface, breaking off fragment by fragment. In a similar way you can work on brick, as well as concrete walls. If the scraper does not cope, then we try to do its work with a stronger chisel or chisel.

We work using an automatic tool

  • Hammer. We switch the drill to impact mode and insert it into the thickness of the plaster at an angle of 80 degrees. Having reached the base, we shift the slope to 40 degrees, after which we move the tool to the side, destroying the plaster along the way;
  • Bulgarian. The wall is divided into squares with sides of half a meter, along the perimeter of which grooves are cut. The latter will become the starting point for working with a hammer drill;
  • Sander. On the surface of the tool there are rollers with spikes, which allows you to remove the plaster if its strength is relatively low. The advantage of this method is that it saves effort, but the disadvantage is a large amount of dust.

In general, the work about automatic means can be said that the grinder has relatively little efficiency in cutting plaster. Well, with a hammer drill, you need to take into account that during operation there is a lot of noise, and the duration of the process is very long, so the neighbors will have a hard time. Therefore, it is still better to try to get rid of it manually.

Important! We can radically reduce the amount of dust during work by pre-wetting the walls with water. Use this trick with any method of removing plaster, as it also softens the coating, making it easier to remove.


It is important to note that when removing old plaster from a wall, it must be done completely. Especially it concerns brick walls, where this finish is firmly deposited on the surface of the blocks and in the seams between them. The reliability of the adhesion of a new layer of such coating to the wall depends on how well the removal is carried out. An exception can be made only if further finishing does not involve the process of plastering.

Plaster is one of the most durable facing materials. If the plastering work is done efficiently, the material will last for decades. However, due to certain conditions and factors, the plaster can crack, swell and move away from the surface. In this case, it is dismantled and replaced.


Before asking yourself the question of how to remove old plaster coating from walls or ceilings, it is worth clarifying in what cases dismantling the cladding is necessary and how it is determined.

The need to clean walls from old plaster coating directly depends on its composition:

  1. Clay. Indoors it is most often used in the decoration of fireplaces, stoves and various heating devices. During use, it can peel off and collapse, so dismantling and replacing the old coating with a new one is sometimes necessary.
  2. Gypsum. Dismantling is carried out as destruction occurs or if it is necessary to cover the gypsum layer with a building material that is harder and heavier than gypsum.
  3. Lime. It is restored as the layer weakens, as well as when performing work with cement or polymer plaster.
  4. Cement. Most often dismantled due to technological errors during the process of applying plaster to the surface.
  5. Polymer. Structure polymer coatings quite plastic, but very durable. They quickly set to any surface, and any solution can be applied to them. The appearance of cracks and peeling occurs in case of shrinkage or violations of the application technology itself.

Cleaning the walls of plaster is necessary during installation tiles. If not deleted old material, then when the bottom layer peels off, the tile may fall off along with it.

A strong sand-cement surface can be covered with materials of any composition. Gypsum putty does not tolerate cement mortar. On lime surface Clay and plaster can be applied. The clay layer is renewed only with the help of clay; other materials will not set. Sand-clay solution can be applied to any material and any type of surface.


In our time construction market abounds in facing materials, so make final choice pretty hard. IN in some cases It is simply necessary to seek the help of a specialist. However, there is a category of materials where you can be sure that the product is as resistant to external influences, as well as to various kinds mechanical defects. TO this species finishing materials refers to decorative plaster.

Excellent external qualities and long term operation makes decorative plaster a profitable purchase. The material has a creamy consistency with inclusions that give it strength and increase volume. Decorative plaster successfully imitates various materials, such as stone, fabric covering, wallpaper and so on. With its help it is possible to create various options

wall and ceiling design. This can be a surface with intricate designs applied to it, as well as various visual effects. These facing materials can be classified into coating and structural ones. In the first case, it means using plaster to level the surface (rough layer) for further cladding. In the case of structural plaster, it itself is the main facing material

and gives the surface a finished look.

Decorative plaster is a very broad concept that combines many options for finishing materials.

  • Particularly popular are:
  • brick chips;
  • flock spraying;
  • textured plaster;
  • Venetian plaster;

structural plaster. One of the main and also the most important elements

vapor tightness.

In order to find out the level of damage to the plaster, you need to knock on the surface layer with a small hammer, and this should be done very carefully, without using a lot of force to hit. If the knock is loud and clear, this is an indication that the plaster layer Everything is fine. If the knock is dull, the material feels too dry and shabby to the touch, and when you tap, the plaster is about to fall off, then the removal of such plaster must be done as soon as possible.

Recapture old layer plastering can be done as conveniently and quickly as possible with your own hands.

The easiest way to beat is to use a small electric hammer drill, who thanks to his special nozzle in the form of a wide spatula, it is able to pry up the old layer of material and clean the surface of it. Important tip When removing plaster in this way, wet the surface of the wall so that during the cleaning process there is not a lot of dust and dirt in the room. Dismantling is also performed using a special hammer with a pick as one of its sides.

You can only clean the plaster with a spatula if it is in a catastrophic condition. In this case, the plaster most often peels off and falls off on its own; all that remains is to help it a little by prying it with a spatula.

Sometimes, in addition to bricks, shingles serve as a strong support for a thick plaster layer. The process of dismantling such a wall is labor-intensive and requires considerable effort. Shingles are small wooden planks placed on the wall surface. Dismantling such a wall begins with carefully chipping and cleaning the plaster in the area of ​​the supports and carefully inspecting and assessing the condition of the surface of the floors. The simplest and budget method repairs wooden wall- This is covering it with plasterboard.

It is important to understand that the work being carried out is a dusty business, so it is necessary to wear a respirator and safety glasses as precautions.

Required Tools

The tools used have a huge impact on the quality of work and, of course, on the result. As mentioned above, using a hammer is a simple and affordable way remove peeling plaster. Use the sharp side of the tool to tap the surface. Then, if the plaster is held extremely unreliably, then it is likely that it will fall off on its own. Residues can be cleaned using a scraper or spatula.

If putty material has a coarse-grained consistency, the easiest way to remove it is with a sharp spatula. This method requires considerable physical effort, as well as constant replacement or sharpening of tools.

Prepare the wall properly for finishing decorative materials You can use a special grater.

If the putty sticks to the wall quite tightly and does not lend itself to manual removal methods, then in this case it is worth resorting to the use of “heavy artillery”. A hammer drill with an impact function will work best. To do this, a special attachment is fixed in the socket, and the tool is switched to impact mode.

You can also dismantle the old plaster layer using a grinder. Diamond cutting disc Horizontal and vertical stripes are cut on the surface, the depth of which will correspond to the depth of the plaster layer. After which the residues can be removed with the same scraper or spatula.

Of course, armed with special electrical equipment for removing plaster, work will go easier and faster. These can be specialized AGP type machines, various grinders, and so on.

Remove from the ceiling surface

The technology for removing the plaster layer from the ceiling surface is almost the same as from the wall. In this case, you will need much more strength, since it is very difficult to constantly keep your arms raised. You can make the dismantling process easier by attaching a long stick to a grater, spatula, scraper or some other tool.

In the process of cleaning the ceiling from plaster, it is often necessary to pre-wash the decorative layer. For example, lime is easily washed off with plain water. To delete water-based paint, you need to add a little iodine to the water; in the case of water-dispersed enamel, it is better to use special washing solutions.

Before the ceiling application process new plaster it is necessary to remove all irregularities and tubercles protruding above the surface. Be sure to clean the plaster from the joints of the slabs. This can be done with a hammer or spatula.

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