Gypsum plaster mn start. HP gypsum plaster start. Scope of application of gypsum plaster "Knauf MN Start"

Knauf dry mixes are in demand among professional finishers and those who picked up a spatula for the first time. This article provides an overview of the line of ready-made gypsum and cement mixtures this company. Data on technologies for their use are provided.

Universal recommendations. The surface temperature must meet Knauf requirements, usually 5 °C and above. The substrate must be dry, free of loose materials, dust or dirt. To do this, use hard brushes to sweep the protruding parts along the entire wall. masonry mortar knocked down with a hammer.

Gypsum compositions

Mixtures, a significant percentage of which is gypsum, are widely used in interior decoration residential premises. This is one of the most convenient options. However, you can draw your own conclusion by reading. When using Knauf products, the surface after plastering is ready for further finishing within a week.

Short description and prices for Knauf gypsum plasters
Name a brief description of Thickness of one layer, mm Consumption at 10 mm layer, kg per sq. m. Packaging, kg approximate price
Rotband Universal, dry mix, unless otherwise noted Wall: 5-50, ceiling: 5-15 8,5 25 300 rub.
30 350 rub.
20 (paste) 600 rub.
Goldband 8-50 8,5 30 360 rub.
MP 75 Machine applied Wall: 5-50, ceiling: 5-15 10 30 270 rub.
MN Start 10-30 10 30 250 rub.
HP Start 10-30 10 25 240 rub.

Almost all formulations that are labeled “for machine application” can be used for manual work. But on the contrary - under no circumstances! This can lead to breakdown of expensive equipment with all the ensuing consequences.

Preliminary work

  1. Applying primer. The adhesive properties of the base plane can be increased by pre-priming it. For walls made of various materials your approaches. Yes, the walls are made of cellular concrete and bricks (materials that strongly absorb water) are primed with Grundirmittel (consumption 0.1-0.15 kg/m2) or Grund (consumption 0.4 kg/m2), which dry in about 6 hours. This is done to prevent water from the plaster from being absorbed into the wall, which prevents it from setting prematurely and unevenly. Concerning concrete surfaces or walls insulated with EPS, they are coated with Betonokontakt primer (consumption 0.3 kg/m2), which provides better adhesion to such smooth bases. The coating takes about a day to dry.
  2. Marking the wall and installing beacons. Beacons are installed at a distance no greater than the length of the existing rule, mounted on mortar or with dowels. If you are dealing with a relatively flat base plane, then you can do without beacons, for example, when plastering a wall made of blocks or bricks.
  3. Installation corner profiles. To obtain the correct angles, plaster is applied to the fastening part of the special profile in increments of 20-40 cm, after which the element is mounted in the plane indicated by the beacons. After the solution has hardened, you can begin the main stage of work.
The color of mixtures from different batches of the same brand may differ, e.g. color palette can vary between gray and white, and sometimes include pinkish shades. This does not affect the performance characteristics of the prepared Knauf plaster


Many people know the Knauf Rotband mixture. The video below shows the features of the composition and the procedure for working with it. You can find more information about this plaster and how to work with it here.


Knauf Goldband dry mixture is suitable for interior decoration, regardless of the wall material. The main requirement is application in conditions of normal humidity. Let us outline the main points of the technology for using the mixture:

  1. Mixing the solution. Approximately 18 liters of cold water are poured into the prepared container. tap water for 30 kg of dry mixture. First, several trowels are filled with the mixture, the composition is mixed until a homogeneous liquid mass is obtained. Only after this the remaining plaster is poured out and everything is mixed using a mixer. If necessary, the consistency of the solution is adjusted by adding water or Goldband mixture.
  2. Application. The viability of the solution is no more than 25 minutes - during this time it must be applied to the prepared surface. When finishing load-bearing walls from blocks or an insulated base, a layer of plaster is reinforced with mesh. If necessary to apply thick layer solution, then this is done in two stages: first, apply the first one, wait a week for it to dry, then apply a primer, after it dries, a second layer of plaster follows. The solution is distributed evenly according to the level of the beacons.
  3. Leveling the resulting surface. An hour after preparing the solution, its excess is cut off with a cutter rule. By this time, Knauf Goldband should grab hold.
  4. Rubbing the plane. After 15 minutes, for subsequent painting of the wall, the surface is moistened with water and, after the milk is released, it is rubbed using a sponge grater in a circular motion. The purpose of this operation is to smooth out the unevenness from previous operations as much as possible.
  5. Smoothing. At the final stage, when the liquid from the rubbing is absorbed into the material, the wall is smoothed with a trowel.

The video below compares Knauf products with one of Volma’s dry mixes. How objective the verdict is is for you to judge.

This must be taken into account when using all Knauf gypsum plasters:
— in order for the applied plaster to dry faster, it is necessary to ensure normal ventilation of the room being finished. In order to intensify the process, it is not allowed to use heating devices– the finish may crack due to too rapid evaporation of moisture;
- if finishing is planned in the future decorative plaster, then the leveled base is additionally primed. In our case, the use of Tiefengrund primers is relevant;
- the water used to prepare the solution must be clean, it optimal temperature is in the range of 5-30 °C. More cold water has a negative effect on mixing, while exceeding the temperature level is affected by an increase in the rate of evaporation of liquid from the solution - the appearance of cracks in plaster layer;
— after completing the planned daily amount of work, it is necessary to thoroughly clean the containers, tools and equipment of the solution. Otherwise, a serious reduction in the viability of the mixtures being mixed is possible.

HP Start

Another version of Knauf plaster is HP Start, intended for manual application on internal surfaces walls of residential premises (conditions: normal humidity and temperature within 16-30 ° C). The contents of a 25 kg bag of the mixture are sealed with approximately 14 liters of water, previously collected in a 50 liter container. The viability of the plaster mortar does not exceed 40 minutes - during this time it is necessary to go through all the stages relevant for the Goldband mixture.

Almost the same thing, as well as a visualization of the technology for using the HP Start mixture, is shown in the video below.

MP 75 and MN Start

These brands of plaster are positioned as mixtures for machine application. They are often used by specialized companies for large volumes of work. In a few words we will describe the technology for working with Knauf MN Start and MP 75:

  1. Preparation of the plastering station. This stage is carried out in accordance with the recommendations for a specific station model for mechanized application of plaster, which you could read about in this article. The MP 75 or MN Start mixture is poured into a special hopper, after which the water consumption for mixing the mixture is adjusted in order to obtain the material of the desired viscosity.
  2. Application of the solution. Approximately 0.3 m from the surface, holding the gun in a position perpendicular to the base, the solution is applied from top to bottom. The thickness of the layer varies due to the speed of movement of the gun.
    Leveling, rubbing and smoothing are carried out in the same manner as when working with the Goldband brand.

remember, that machine plaster does not tolerate immobility of the solution. In the case of materials from Knauf, we are talking about 15 minutes - you cannot pause for more than this time, because... the station may fail.

In the video below we'll talk about one of the most popular trains for mechanized plastering works– MP 75.

Cement mixtures

Dry cement-based mixtures are used where hydrophobic properties, resistance to mechanical stress of the hardened coating and the possibility of mixing a large batch of mortar are in first place. In the latter case, the viability of the solution reaches 1.5-2 hours - this time is enough to finish a large area.

When carrying out external finishing works care must be taken to ensure that the applied composition is not exposed to direct sun rays, precipitation, strong wind. In some cases this is caused by excessively rapid evaporation of moisture from the solution, in others by waterlogging of the coating. All this negatively affects the durability of the plaster layer.

Depending on the nature of the wall material, there are two approaches to pre-treatment:

  • coating with a primer composition Quartzgrund or Izogrund, diluted with water 2 times - for walls made of cellular concrete (moisture-absorbing);
  • sprayed with a solution Adhesive with preliminary saturation of the walls with water - to increase adhesion to smooth types of substrate


The main purpose of this plaster mixture from Knauf is to guarantee an increase in adhesion properties base surface. At the same time, a change in the hygroscopicity of the wall material is achieved, which has a positive effect on the hardening of the plaster layer. In most cases it performs the functions metal mesh, can be applied either manually or by machine.

Briefly about the work:
Mixing the mixture. 25 kg of dry mixture are mixed with approximately 5 liters of water, the components of the solution are thoroughly mixed.
Application. Hygroscopic surfaces are moistened abundantly; the adhesive is sprayed with a layer of 5 mm. Subsequent operations can be performed a day later.

Universal technology for applying Knauf cement plaster:

  1. apply a layer of mortar up to 15 mm thick, which is leveled using an h-shaped rule;
  2. after it sets, remove excess mass with a lattice grater;
  3. if a thicker layer is needed, then it is applied to the hardened surface of the first;
  4. weak points of the base and corners are additionally reinforced with mesh reinforcement. When applying a layer of plaster with a thickness of 30 mm or more, it is recommended to use a metal mesh;
  5. subsequent work is carried out only after the solution has completely hardened, usually from three to four days to two weeks (depending on the thickness and temperature and humidity conditions)


Grunband is a dry cement mixture, the solution of which, when applied to walls, provides them with additional heat-protective properties. Can be used for both exterior and interior decoration, regardless of the wall material and method of application.

Below is a short video about the composition of Grunband and its use.


If you are faced with the task of leveling walls that will subsequently be exposed to high humidity, then for these tasks it is worth using the Unterputz mixture. Like others cement compositions Knauf can be applied by machine or by hand. To knead 25 kg of mixture you will need approximately 5 liters of water. All other work is carried out using the universal technology given above.

You can see the mixture in action in the video below. It does not take a lot of time.


For walls that may be subject to mechanical stress, it is necessary to use high-strength plaster - such as Knauf Sockelputz. Preliminary and all subsequent work is carried out according to universal rules, relevant when using dry cement mixtures. One 25 kg bag is filled with approximately 5 liters of water.


Knauf Sevener is an advanced development of the company, a dry mixture endowed with several qualities at once: high adhesion to any substrate, hydrophobic properties, guaranteed protection against cracks. It can be used as an adhesive when insulating facades with insulation boards, for repairing old plastered surfaces and as a regular leveling plaster. Suitable for both machine and manual application.

To avoid the formation of cracks, after applying the solution, a plaster mesh is embedded in it

Technology of use depending on the goals:

  • As an adhesive for thermal insulation. The Sevener solution is applied to the insulation pointwise - in the middle part, in a stripe 5 and 2 cm wide and thick, respectively - around the perimeter. After two days, the slabs are considered glued.
  • Like plaster on insulation. A 5 mm thick solution is applied to the surface. This is convenient to do using a toothed trowel with a tooth size of 10x10 cm. A fiberglass mesh with a cell of 5x5 mm is embedded in the layer, the resulting plane is leveled and left for a week until completely dry.
  • Plastering concrete and brick foundations. The work is carried out according to universal rules for cement mortars.


Of the entire list of plasters described in our review, only Diamant belongs to the category of decorative structural plasters for manual and machine application. Its peculiarity is that, along with decorative properties it is resistant to adverse conditions - suitable for indoor and exterior finishing. To mix 25 mixtures you will need approximately 7 liters of water. After the first stirring, the mixture is kept for a quarter of an hour, and then stirred again. Depending on what material was used to level the base, the wall is additionally primed with the following compounds: gypsum plasterboard or concrete wall– Putzgrund, gypsum mortar- Quartz ground, cement plaster– as in the previous case or Izogrund. In all cases, the primer must dry for at least 24 hours.

Dry plaster mixture "Knauf MN Start" based on gypsum binder with polymer additives is intended for machine plastering of walls indoors with normal humidity, including kitchens and bathrooms (SNiP II-3-79*).

Scope of application of gypsum plaster "Knauf MN Start":

Gypsum plaster can be applied to all common solid substrates ( brickwork, cement plaster, concrete, etc.), as well as on surfaces made of polystyrene foam and DSP.

Consumption of plaster "Knauf MN Start":

To plaster 1 m2 of a 10 mm thick surface (excluding losses), about 10 kg of dry plaster mixture (~ 10 kg/m2) is required.

Advantages of gypsum plaster "Knauf MN Start":

    Increased work productivity - 3-4 times higher compared to manual application.

    Does not crack even with a thick layer.

    Consumption of gypsum plaster "Knauf MN Start" is 2 times less than traditional cement-sand plaster plaster mixtures.

    Application of a plaster layer up to 30 mm thick in one stroke without preliminary spraying. If necessary, thicker layers can be applied in two coats.

    High water holding capacity - mortar mixture does not delaminate and does not dehydrate even on porous, well-absorbent substrates and when elevated temperature.

    Regulates the humidity in the room - “breathes”, creating favorable microclimate in room.

    The material is made from environmentally friendly natural mineral (gypsum) and does not contain substances harmful to human health.

MN_START_Infolist_(Press)_CS6_preview (213.32kb)

Designed for plastering walls and ceilings indoors by machine using plastering machines, for example, PFT G5, PFT G4.

Apply to all common hard substrates (brickwork, cement plaster, concrete, etc.).

  • High performance work - 3-4 times more compared to manual application.
  • Does not crack even with a thick layer.
  • Consumption of gypsum plaster KNAUF-MN Start almost 2 times less than traditional cement-sand plaster mixtures.
  • Application of a plaster layer up to 30 mm thick in one stroke without preliminary spraying. If necessary, thicker layers can be applied in two coats.
  • High water-holding capacity - the mortar mixture does not separate and does not dehydrate even on porous substrates that absorb moisture well and at elevated temperatures.
  • Regulates the humidity in the room - “breathes”, creating a favorable microclimate in the room.
  • The material is made from environmentally friendly natural mineral (gypsum) and does not contain substances harmful to human health.

Dry building mixtures used not only by professional builders, but also by those who rarely pick up a spatula. Start plaster is often used to treat residential premises, hospitals and other buildings with normal humidity.

Universal mixture Knauf start designed for plastering walls. Buildings where it can be used this product, must have normal humidity, the walls of kitchens and bathrooms in residential areas can also be treated with the mentioned building material.

Knauf XP Start gypsum plaster is incredibly easy to use; it is necessary for leveling walls before finishing manually. It consists of gypsum, polymer additives and special fillers. The dry mixture, after preparation for work, has an elastic structure, it can be applied in 1 layer at a thickness of 1-2 cm. The hp start mixture is not harmful to the skin, does not cause irritation, because created from environmentally friendly natural materials.

The advantages of the product include wear resistance, optimal timing drying, in addition, this composition is able to regulate the temperature and humidity conditions in the room. Start gypsum composition can be used after dilution for 40 minutes. The cost of gypsum mixture start nr is 2 times less than traditional sand-cement plaster.

The described product is endowed with water-retaining ability, the composition does not delaminate on walls, and does not dehydrate on porous, highly moisture-absorbing surfaces.

Preparing surfaces for work and preparing the mixture

Walls that can be treated with this mixture must consist of concrete, brick, aerated blocks, they can be plastered with cement or gypsum composition. Any base must first be cleaned of dirt and dust, and obvious unevenness must be eliminated. Walls made of concrete, brick and other materials are pre-treated with a primer designed for the corresponding material.

The gypsum joint is loosened cold water, 30 kg of dry plaster will require 18 liters of liquid. Ready composition for initial surface treatment it should not contain lumps or foreign inclusions. You can work with the solution at a temperature not lower than +5º. The minimum layer of starting plaster can be 3-5 mm, maximum 30 mm. If the layer of the composition is expected to be more than 15 mm, it should be applied twice. The starting time for complete drying of the plaster with a layer thickness of 10 mm is 5-7 days.

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