How to make a paper volcano at home. How to make a volcano from plasticine with your own hands at home with video. How to make a volcano from plasticine and building mixture

The proposed volcano model can be easily made at home. It can become a spectacular imitation of the process that occurs in the depths of our Earth. The production of an object is divided into 2 logical parts. The first part is making a volcanic cone. The second part is the actual demonstration of the process of magma eruption.

1. Making a volcanic cone

To make a cone model you will need:
1. Plastic bottle.
2. Plasticine.
3. Scissors.
4. Any building mixture - gypsum, putty, dry tile adhesive, ready-made plaster mixtures.

First of all, cut off the top third of the plastic bottle.

We discard the lower part - we will no longer need it. With the top third remaining, use nail scissors to carefully cut off the neck with a small plastic gap - it will play the role of the crater of our future volcano.

We coat the cut plastic cone with plasticine, modeling the shape of the future volcano.

We apply any construction mixture mixed with water onto it.

The photo shows a mixture of tile adhesive and acrylic putty, but gypsum, cement or ready-made dry plaster will do.

Into the cone, tightly and picturesquely coated with putty, insert the inverted top of the bottle with the cap tightly closed.

In order for the mass to harden, dry and strengthen, we leave the potential volcano for several hours in a dry place.

2. Demonstration of a volcanic eruption

To simulate a volcanic eruption, we will need baking soda, 100 ml of vinegar and red watercolor paint.

Using a brush, wash watercolor paint into a glass with vinegar.

The more dye there is, the more spectacular the eruption will be.
It is better to place the cone in a dish or bowl so as not to stain the table with our “lava”, and pour 2 teaspoons of soda into the conditional crater.

Svetlana Kundryukova

Not long ago, Galina Shinaeva published master class on making a volcano model. I really liked her wonderful idea and, adding a little of my imagination, I decided to make the same wonderful teaching aid for my children.

I present to your attention master class of my volcano.

For production we need:

1. The base on which it will be located volcano(in my case it's thick cardboard)

2. An empty bottle of colored sand.

3. Old newspaper or magazine.

5. Glue for tiles, "Dragon" glue and PVA.

6. Pieces of foam plastic.

7. Stained glass and gouache paints.

8.For decoration: colored sand, aquarium soil (small pebbles, stones, artificial greenery.


1. Take the bottle and wrap it with newspaper or magazine sheets (pre-mump the sheets) and glue it onto cardboard.

2. To give the desired shape, place pieces of foam plastic and secure with tape.

3. Cover with napkins.

4. Dilute tile adhesive and apply to layout, leave until completely dry.

Then we repeat the same procedure two more times.

5. After complete drying, we proceed to decorating volcano: we use colored sand to simulate magma.

6. Coloring.

Since I wanted to make some kind of pond, I had to increase the base with an additional sheet of cardboard. (I painted the water in the pond with blue stained glass paint)

Add greens.

At the top the volcano has a hole, into which a small vessel can be inserted and used volcano not only as a teaching aid, but also to conduct experiments with children.

Publications on the topic:

We formed a volcano crater from salt dough, with a small cut plastic bottle inside it. We then painted our volcano with acrylic.

Organizing a developmental environment is a very exciting and creative process, ideas appear by themselves, and implementation brings pleasure.

Today I invite you to watch a simple experiment with a volcanic eruption, but first I will tell you a legend. "There lived a god.

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There is so much that kids need to learn and remember! Our task is to make the path of learning for children as bright and interesting as possible. This is what we are for.

The home volcano is not only similar in appearance, but also can erupt lava. Creating such a miracle develops the child’s creative abilities. In addition, this mini volcano is suitable for school projects. It will also serve as a visual aid in studying chemical reactions without the help of textbooks. You will find how to make a model of a volcano from various available materials in this article.

Paper volcano: materials

To build a fire mountain we will need:

  • sheets of newspapers, magazines;
  • a piece of cardboard or plywood;
  • double sided tape;
  • plastic bottle;
  • flour;
  • watercolor or gouache paints;
  • scissors;
  • tassels;
  • vinegar;
  • baking soda

Paper volcano: progress

1. We gather the children around us and begin creating the shape of a home Vesuvius. Place the plastic bottle in the center of the cardboard and tape it to the base. Run strips of adhesive tape from the neck of the bottle to the cardboard diagonally, forming a cone.

2. Now old newspapers are used. We crumple them into balls and insert them between strips of tape to give volume and density to the foot of the mountain. The next step is to cover the cone with paper strips. We cut the newspaper into wide, long pieces and glue them as shown in the picture.

3. Now we will compact the body of the volcano. To do this, prepare a sticky mixture of flour and water in a ratio of 1:2. While the parents are busy with the dough, the children cut strips of paper. We advise you to stock up on rags for wiping your hands while building the volcano model. We dip strips of newspaper into the finished paste and tightly glue the entire structure to the very mouth of the fiery mountain. The work is completed, we are waiting for the model to dry completely. If you want to speed up the drying process, then place homemade volcano into the oven.

4. It's time to decorate the mighty mountain. Children will especially enjoy this moment. It will help you develop your creative abilities and get great pleasure from the results. Primary colors are brown, gray, green, red. We give the base and cardboard the color of the vegetation. In these same places you can draw a river. Paint the body of the fire-breathing handsome man in shades of brown and gray. Throw streams of lava along the hillocks and depressions.

5. The most interesting and exciting moment has arrived - a little magic and the volcano’s mouth will begin to erupt lava. Let's prepare a magical mixture. Pour warm water mixed with liquid soap or dishwashing detergent. Add 2-3 tbsp there. soda. Take a glass of vinegar, preferably tinted red with food coloring or gouache, and pour it into the bottle. The best option: half a bottle of water, 2-3 tbsp. soda and 150-200 ml of vinegar.

6. The sounds of hissing, seething can be heard from the home volcano and... after a couple of seconds, the mouth of the fiery mountain erupts with a fountain of lava! We watch what is happening for a couple of minutes and rejoice at the enthusiastic, children's screams.

DIY volcano made from dough

Continuing the topic of how to make a volcano with your own hands from improvised means, we offer a creation from dough.

Dough volcano: materials

To work you will need:

  • flour - 400 g;
  • salt - 200 g;
  • water – 150 ml;
  • watercolor paints or food coloring;
  • glass cup or plastic bottle;
  • vinegar, baking soda;
  • a piece of thick cardboard or plywood.

Dough volcano: progress

1. Knead the stiff, salty dough. Ready option It should be very dense, not stick to your hands, but easily take the desired shape.

2. Place a glass in the center of the base of the volcano and cover it with dough, forming a model of the mountain. For greater plausibility, create strands of a mountain range and a lake at the foot. “Plant” trees by sticking them into the dough artificial plants for aquarium. Leave the finished layout to dry. Under the influence surrounding nature drying takes a couple of days, so put the volcano in the oven and lightly bake it.

3. It's time to draw. Armed with a brush, paints and a glass of water, we begin to revive the mountain. Make the top white with snow or red with lava, or maybe there are gold veins in its rock. Your volcano is your fantasy.

4. To make the fire-breathing vent start to “spit” lava, pour water and dishwashing detergent into a glass covered with dough. Add a couple of tablespoons of soda and pour vinegar over the entire mixture. After a couple of seconds, the lava will rise and begin to flow down the rock slopes.

Using the same analogy, a volcano is made from plasticine

To make it you will need:

  • cardboard sheet;
  • small, plastic bottle;
  • plasticine;
  • thin plywood or plastic;
  • soda, vinegar;
  • food coloring.

The skeleton of the mountain will be a cardboard cone, which is cut out taking into account the size of the bottle placed inside. Then this structure is covered with colored plasticine. The product is placed on plywood taking into account the protection of furniture from “lava” stains and aesthetic completeness. You can attach it to the base using plasticine or cement mortar.

When the model is completely ready to erupt, fill half the bottle with water and liquid soap. Pour soda into the crater of the volcano and fill it with red-tinted vinegar. Streams of lava will begin to erupt from the depths of the mountain.

You can even make a home volcano out of sand and soil by simply forming a slide and placing a test tube with a reactive mixture there. Whatever option you choose, children always watch what is happening enthusiastically and ask to repeat it. So stock up on baking soda and vinegar right away. When the experiment is completed, the homemade volcano can be washed with a damp sponge and left until next use.

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DIY volcano model made from salt dough. Master class with step by step photos.

Kushnareva Tatyana Nikolaevna - geography teacher, Secondary School No. 9, Azov, Rostov Region.
Target: Making a model of a volcano from salt dough using the testoplasty technique.
1. Contribute to the formation of a scientific picture of the world, an initial understanding of the types of volcanoes.
2. Develop children's creative research activity.
3. Cultivate interest in cognitive- research activities, determination, perseverance, independence.

In my work, I invite you to find out whether it is possible to make a volcano at home and look at this dangerous, but it seems to me a very beautiful phenomenon - a volcanic eruption. Schoolchildren aged 10-13, as well as preschool children, can demonstrate their ability to create an artificial volcano.
Technique: Testoplasty, it seems to me, is very well suited for the implementation of my idea.
Purpose: A model for research activities - experiments, as well as use as a visual aid for fixing the external and internal structure of the volcano.

"I spit fire and lava,
I am a dangerous giant
I am famous for my evil fame,
What is my name?" (Vulcan)

Volcanoes are geological formations on the surface earth's crust or the crust of another planet, where magma comes to the surface, forming lava, volcanic gases, rocks (volcanic bombs) and pyroclastic flows.
Word "Volcano" comes from the name of the ancient Roman god of fire Vulcan. Translated from Latin - the god of fire and blacksmithing.

Probably, of all the possible natural disasters that threaten humans, volcanic eruptions are the most dramatic, if not in terms of the number of victims and destruction, then in the sense of horror and helplessness that engulfs people in the face of the raging elements generated by the fiery bowels of the planet.
The volcano is a fantastic sight. In a matter of minutes, it can devastate entire cities, kill thousands of people, destroy landscapes and even change the Earth's climate.
Scientists estimate that about 500 million people live near volcanoes today.
Since 1700, volcanic eruptions have killed more than 260,000 people. People will not be able to prevent mass deaths unless they learn to understand and respect volcanoes.
Externally, volcanoes differ from each other; the most common types of volcanoes are conical and shield. Shield volcanoes are wide, flat volcanoes ranging in diameter from a few kilometers to over 100 km, and are usually low and wide. The volcano was formed as a result of repeated outpourings of high-temperature liquid lava.
In this master class, I propose to make a conical volcano.
Conical volcano. The slopes of the volcano are steep - the lava is thick, viscous, and cools quite quickly. The mountain has the shape of a cone.

Colored paper;
PVA glue";
Gouache paints;
Sheet of cardboard;
Glass cup.

Step by step description work

1. First we need to prepare the salt dough to make the Vulcan Model. To prepare salt dough, we need 400 g. flour, 200 gr. fine salt and 150 ml. water.

2. The dough is ready, you can start working.

3. To make the base of the Layout, we need to prepare a square of green colored paper 20/20 cm and a sheet of cardboard 20/20 cm

4. Apply PVA glue to the cardboard

5. The base of the Vulcan Model is ready

6. Place the dough on the base, make a hole in the center and place a glass cup in it, which will act as a muzzle.

7. Shape the Layout. We need a day for the dough to dry. You can speed up the drying process by placing the mock-up in the oven for 20 minutes, alternating sides.

8. Let’s start painting the layout, using gouache paints. Apply paint layer by layer. We cover the lower part of the slope with green color.

9.Add a few light tones of green paint.

10.Medium and top part Cover the slope of the model with brown paint.

11. It is necessary to let the paint dry before applying flowing lava to the Vulcan model using red gouache.

12. The Vulcan model is ready for the experiment

13. For experimental activities, we will need vinegar and soda tinted with red gouache in a small amount.

14. We pour soda into the mouth of the model, and then pour in tinted vinegar. Volcanism begins!

15. We observe how lava flows down the slope.

In the course of research activities, it was confirmed that it is possible to create an artificial volcano through experimental activities.

Volcanoes began to "volcano" -
Emit lava from a vent.
Lava flowed down the slopes
And it burned the Earth badly. (Elena Romankevich)

Thanks everyone for your attention!

A do-it-yourself volcano model can be useful not only in geography lessons. The process of creating it will be memorable entertainment for the whole family. It can be combined with scientific inserts. The choice of material also determines how long the toy will last you.

Made from plasticine

Perhaps modeling from plasticine is the most suitable option for playing with a child. Plasticine allows you to realize any fantasies and is very easy to work with. Creativity can be combined with education - tell your beloved child where the largest volcanoes are located, what they are made of and what they are called. The time spent together will be remembered for a long time.

For the cavity in which the “lava” will be located, take plastic bottle. To do this, cut off one third of the top; we don’t need it. Having kneaded the plasticine, begin to paste it over the base, gradually giving it the shape of a mountain.

The top layer needs to be given this unique, rocky structure. To do this, make cracks using an awl. Indicate with other shades different types rocks. Add dark pebbles and grass. Has your volcano recently erupted? Make burnt clearings.

Create an imitation tree. To do this, pinch off pieces of foam rubber of different sizes and paint them with green gouache or acrylic paint. They should not be uniform, but rather torn. Place dinosaurs in the clearings, and your craft will become the subject of a variety of games.

For scientific activities

From polyurethane foam and polystyrene foam, you can make a cross-sectional model, on which you can clearly see the structure. It can be used in a project or in science lessons. It is well known that illustrative examples are remembered and perceived better.

First you need to form the foot. Create a grass effect and draw the layers of the earth's crust on the side. At one edge, begin to form half a pyramid. Each new layer is painted over. Now we begin to form a groove on the side; it should be half a tube.

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