How to remove a thick layer of plaster from a wall. How to clean walls from putty and plaster? Before removing the plaster from the wall...

The repair process in any form is always a very labor-intensive task. People who are starting out on their own for the first time will certainly have a lot of questions during the process. various works. Some of the most relevant ones will probably be related to removal methods various types old finishing coatings. In this article we will look at basic ways to remove plaster from walls and ceilings, let's learn to analyze competently Current state coating and make decisions regarding the clear need for its dismantling. We will also consider situations when the old plaster can be left or locally repaired and strengthened.

1. Should I remove the old plaster or not?

It is the base, the basis for any other finishing materials, be it wallpaper, decoration, etc. The final result of the repair depends on how well the plastering is done. appearance premises. The coating must be even, smooth and have good adhesion to the wall surface. Only in this case will the wallpaper or paint lie smoothly. That is why before finishing it is worthwhile to competently assess the condition of the old plastering layer and understand whether it will withstand further load, whether it will collapse under a layer of glue or heavy facing materials. It’s one thing when the plaster has already clearly begun to move away from the surface of the wall under its own weight and is holding on to its word of honor. And it’s completely different when visually the coating looks absolutely complete and reliable.

In this case, you need to carefully tap all surface walls:

Things aren't always that bad. Sometimes only a thin one is removed surface layer 2-3 mm thick, and underneath there is quite good plaster. So be sure to explore the wall as carefully as possible. This will not only help reduce the time it takes to restore the coating, but also save money on purchasing a new one. plaster mixture. In addition to the condition of the coating itself, the nature of successive facing works also affects. Sometimes such a labor-intensive and messy process can be avoided:

  • For example, if you plan to do wall cladding, then old plaster will not hurt you. In order for the structure to be reliable and last for many years, just try to carry out the installation in such a way that the load falls not only on the mortar layer, but also on the wall itself. In other words, choose longer dowels so that they fit into the wall at least half their length;
  • If you plan to finish the walls with decorative plastic, wood, mirror and other types of panels on a frame basis, then you can also adhere to the above recommendations.

2. Complete dismantling or renovation?

After you have identified all the shortcomings of the old coating, the next question arises - should you remove it completely or partially? Let's consider cases when complete dismantling is necessary:

Also, an important role in deciding whether to completely remove the plaster is played by its compound. On your walls you may find the following types solutions, depending on the year the building was built:

Pay attention to Availability characteristic defects plaster layer. They can be a signal for certain actions. The most common disadvantages are:

If the old plaster is quite strong and only in places the above inconsistencies are found, you can carry out local repair:

Collateral The guarantee that this kind of repair will be successful and will not entail further destruction is the use of a similar composition. Well, or at least refuse to use denser and stronger mixtures. For example, on cement plaster you can apply anything as long as it really consists of good cement. But it is highly not recommended to apply cement to gypsum or limestone. The foundation should always be stronger.

Left layer old plaster absolutely necessary strengthen. To do this you need to open the wall several times. Acrylic primer can be used deep penetration, which is absorbed to a depth of 10 mm, polymerizes and strengthens the structure from the inside. Or contact acrylic primer with the addition of fine quartz sand. It additionally cements the surface. The compounds are applied to the pre-moistened wall.

3. Preparing the premises

It’s worth noting right away that no matter what method of removing plaster you choose, You are guaranteed a large amount of dirt and sometimes dust. Lime or gypsum plasters are susceptible to moisture. You can take advantage of this fact to make your work easier. Many experts recommend generously wet the wall before dismantling hot water 15-20 minutes before the start of work. This will worsen the adhesion of the solution to the base and make it more loose. A thin layer can be moistened with a spray bottle, and more than 6 mm thick will have to be well soaked with a roller, sponge or rag. Just imagine the puddles that will form on the floor. Take care in advance not to damage other surfaces, especially if the apartment is already partially livable:

All this must be done, even if you decide to slowly remove the plaster with a hammer and do not plan to raise dust. During the work process, using or may simply become a necessity, but you will already be ready for it, and then you won’t have to spend a painfully long time cleaning absolutely everything around from corrosive dust.

4. Personal protective equipment and safety precautions

Now the time has come take care And own protection. In any case, small pieces of plaster, breaking off from the wall, will fly in different directions.

5. Methods for removing plaster using hand tools

The room is ready, you are fully equipped, you can safely get down to business. The topic of how to remove old plaster from walls on many forums is called hackneyed and “worn to holes.” Indeed, nothing new has been invented yet, so we will try not only to list possible methods, but also to give some recommendations that we have collected based on user reviews.

All of the above ways are the most quiet, the work is not accompanied by an excessive amount of dust and does not require special skills or the acquisition of expensive tools. Plus, their implementation requires less cost. physical strength. Is there a difference between wielding a small hammer or even a hatchet, or a four-kilogram hammer drill? The only one disadvantage there will be a low speed of work performed, of course, if the plaster does not fall off at the slightest touch. There are places where you can’t reach with a hammer, for example, in the corners, you will have to combine several methods.

On many resources you can find recommendations that it is best to start work at the top and work your way down. In fact, the following picture emerges: you tapped the corners, along the way, some layers of plaster fell off by themselves, began to move down, passed 2/3 of the wall and stopped. We stopped because a sufficient amount had already accumulated on the floor. construction waste, which simply prevents you from reaching the bottom of the wall. You will have to stop, shovel it to the side (or better yet, straight into a bag, so as not to do the same job twice), and only then continue. Therefore it's better start off With bottom of the wall. Even if you need to prop up a stool, the chipped fragments will not bother you. You will place it close to the wall, it will simply be inconvenient to work, since everything will fly into your face.

6. Dismantling methods using power tools

Those areas that did not respond to the blows of hand tools will have to be removed using power tools. Be prepared for a lot of dust.

  • The work will actually progress faster if you use blades of varying thicknesses. It is necessary to work by switching the device to chiselling mode and setting it at an angle of about 80 degrees to the surface. In this position, it is necessary to punch through the plaster to the full depth, and then tilt the hammer drill at an angle of 30-40 degrees and begin to drive it under the mortar. This way you can achieve the greatest efficiency. But often a hammer drill is effective only when working with monolithic base surfaces, for example, with. As you pass through the softer layer of plaster, you will feel how the nozzle is already resting on hard concrete. Problems may occur when working to remove plaster from brickwork. Every now and then the nozzle can slide off the brick and get into the seam. Thus, not only the integrity of the connection will be compromised, but you may also end up with a lot of chipped bricks at the edges. Of course, if you are a professional, this may not be the case. In the case of removing loose plaster with a very high sand content, it may happen that the nozzle, penetrating deep into the composition, will simply make a hole, but not chip off. This is due to increased softness;
  • In the same way, it can be used instead of a hammer drill;
  • Can be used for cutting the appropriate material. The old mortar is “cut” into pieces, and then chipped off with a hammer and chisel;
  • By using grinder and with a coarse or brush attachment you can sand off the decorative layer gypsum plaster. It is necessary to determine the completion time of work visually - grind until the base material is exposed.

If it is possible to use the tool with dust collector, be sure to take advantage of this. Maybe it makes sense to rent one for a few days.

7. Removing plaster from the ceiling

The process of removing old plaster from the ceiling counts especially heavy process. This is due to the fact that you will have to work in a position where your arms are constantly raised up. They get tired and numb quickly, it is required large quantity rest breaks.

It is impossible to say unequivocally which method is best to choose for removing mortar from the ceiling. First, it is necessary to evaluate each specific situation separately. Somewhere you simply cannot do without a grinding machine or a hammer drill. Somewhere a simple spatula and your patience will be enough. But there is one little trick that can make your job easier. We let's cook special softening composition, which, by the way, can also be used for walls:

If the layer of mortar is very thick and only its surface layer is chipped, remove it, then re-soak the ceiling with starch mortar and remove the remaining mixture.

8. How can the remaining construction waste be used?

After such an “exciting” process, you will certainly be left with mountains of construction waste. Especially considering that on average from one square meter walls, 15-25 kg of waste is obtained, depending on the layer of plaster. It is most convenient to immediately put it in bags. Do not fill the bags to the top, otherwise they may become too heavy to lift. When cleaning, use a broom and dustpan. If you have an old unnecessary bucket, you can cut off its bottom and place it in a bag. This makes storing waste much more convenient than if the edges of the bag are constantly wrapped up and you end up spilling everything over. Residents apartment building It is unlikely that they will allow you to simply throw the bags into the trash container. Certain rules prohibit this. You will have to hire a special garbage removal vehicle.

But for those who live in their own house or have a summer cottage, similar waste can even useful:

In this simple way, even construction waste can be put to good use!

Removing plaster may be necessary different cases. This could be natural destruction from time to time, poor-quality installation, any negative physical or chemical impact, etc. The reason is not important, the main thing is that local repair is impossible.

How to remove old plaster from walls using different tools

When removing plaster, especially if you have to work with a hammer drill or a stripping machine, be sure to wear a respirator.

Removing the mortar using a perforator

The simplest and effective method removal - use a drill or hammer drill with a “wide chisel” attachment for it.

  • We put the attachment on the tool and turn on the chiselling mode.
  • We place the hammer drill against the wall at an angle of about 80 degrees and pierce the layer to its entire depth.
  • Immediately reduce the angle to 30-40 degrees and in this position move the tool along the wall, removing the plaster.

The same applies to the question “how to remove plaster from the ceiling”: we use a hammer drill.

Note:We use a large angle of entry in cases where we are breaking through an untouched area, and we begin the movement from already processed ones with a small one. During the process, we make sure that the hammer drill does not damage the material from which the wall itself is made during the removal process.

How to remove old plaster from walls: the video illustrates how to use a hammer drill.

How to remove plaster from walls using a scraping spatula or chisel

Delete old mortar possible without the use of power tools. This is done using a wide chisel or a roughing spatula. First, we lean the tool against the wall vertically and, tapping it with a hammer, we poke out a recess over the entire thickness of the coating. Next, we tilt the chisel/trowel at 45 degrees and continue to work from the “beginning”: moving in any direction while continuously tapping the handle with a hammer.

For your information: This method of removing wall coverings is the quietest and does not result in clouds of dust. However, it makes sense to use it only when you need to remove a small area, since the speed of work will be very low.

How to remove old plaster from walls: use a scraping spatula

Removing decorative plaster

How to clean the walls from plaster if it forms a lot? This question arises in cases where it is necessary to delete . If in the case of leveling coatings we had to knock them down, then here we will grind or scrape them. The fastest way to work is with a sanding machine. On its “sole” there are serrated rollers that, while rotating, remove a small layer from the surface.

How to remove decorative plaster from the walls: this is very easy to do with a power tool

Removing it this way will not be difficult. With the machine turned on, we press the “sole” against the wall and move it from side to side with pressure. The number of passes through the same place is determined visually: bare rough coating– move on to deleting the next section. Surface cleaning occurs quickly and with a minimum of physical effort. The downside is the need to purchase a tool that is not too cheap.

How to remove decorative plaster from walls: working with a grinding and stripping machine

Note:The second way to remove the decorative layer is by scraping off the cycles. The work is not difficult - we simply move the tool along the surface from side to side, scraping off the finish. There is one disadvantage to this method, and it is quite significant: the scraper has a small width, which means you can remove very small area plaster. Removal will be slow.

Features of removing plaster from different surfaces

It's easiest to shoot. They are quite loose and at the same time sensitive to moisture. Therefore, about 15 minutes before the removal begins, we soak the walls well. You can add it to water acetic acid. This will make the finish soft and pliable. The same applies to lime and clay based plasters.

How to remove plaster from walls if it was made recently and from good concrete? Too strong and thick coating sometimes it is difficult to remove even with a hammer drill. In this case, a grinder will help us. We use it to cut the surface to the finishing depth, in squares of approximately 50x50 cm. Further removal will become much easier. And if there is a brick wall under the plaster, then do not forget to go through the seams with a chisel to remove the remnants of the finishing, which are not noticeable at first glance.

How to remove old plaster from walls: the gypsum surface can be pre-wetted

If you decide to make renovations in an apartment or private house, then you should think about the fact that you will need to remove old plaster from the walls. The complexity and labor intensity of the removal process depends on how well the previous plastering of the surface was performed. One way or another, this problem should be approached very carefully.

When exactly should you remove old plaster from walls?

It's no secret that many houses were built during the era of Soviet Union. The volumes of mass construction were reverse side- low quality. Even with the naked eye you can see that the wall “goes in waves.”

In this case, there are simply no options for what to do with the old plaster, and before applying another coating to the walls, gluing wallpaper or performing other actions, the old plaster is removed to the base. You can do this either with your own hands or seek help from specialists.

Important: Applying fresh plaster to old plaster is strictly prohibited. This approach can lead to extremely negative results – peeling of the new coating.

Plaster is also removed in cases where cracks or chips appear on the surface of the wall, and there is also doubt about the quality, otherwise the finishing material may fall off along with the old coating.

This is especially true in situations where the wall surface will be covered using fairly heavy materials, such as tiles, natural or fake diamond and others,

It is worth noting that the presence of cracks does not always indicate poor quality of the coating. To eliminate all doubts, you can lightly tap the surface with a hammer and find out whether you just need to repair the old plaster, or whether you still have to completely remove it from the wall.

Removing plaster

Preparatory work

Before you start removing old plaster from the walls, you need to find out where the electric wires and get everyone necessary tools and means personal protection ().

Let's look at them in more detail:

  • Respirator. During work, a large amount of dust is formed in the air, which means it is necessary to protect the respiratory system from it;
  • Gloves. It is recommended to use fairly thick and high-quality gloves to avoid the appearance of calluses on your hands;
  • Safety glasses with a tight fit that will protect your eyes from dust;
  • Impact and chopping tools - hammer, pickaxe, sledgehammer, hatchet and others;

  • A sharp chisel with a long handle;
  • A metal brush, as well as special attachments for a drill and grinder;
  • A hammer drill with a jackhammer function and a chisel-shaped attachment;

  • Angle grinder (grinder) and drill. These tools may not be required, but should be at hand if necessary;
  • A bucket of water or a regular spray bottle;
  • Devices for removing and collecting garbage.

Tip: To find out the location of the electrical wiring (if the diagram is lost), you can use a special device - a detector, like the one shown in the photo. After which experts strongly recommend turning off the power to the room.

Removing old plaster

How to remove old plaster from walls? To make it much easier to remove the old coating, the surface of the walls is wetted with hot water before starting work. This way you can not only get rid of the dust that is already in the air, but also slightly soften the existing plaster.

Among other things, similar steps must be repeated throughout the entire work process, carefully ensuring that the wall is always damp.

Instructions for further actions look like this:

  1. First of all, the surface is tapped with a hammer or small sledgehammer. This is done in order to determine how firmly the old coating holds. The plaster that is loosely connected to the surface will fall off immediately. To make work easier, pieces of the coating can be pryed up with a pick;
  2. In those places where the coating adheres very weakly, it can be removed with a regular spatula. It is worth noting that this tool it becomes dull quite quickly, which means it needs to be sharpened regularly;

  1. If a spatula, a pick and even a chisel prove powerless, you can pick up a hammer drill with special nozzle, shaped like a spatula. In this case, it is recommended to warn neighbors in advance that the apartment will be very noisy;

  1. To make the task a little easier, you can divide the wall surface into small sectors. For this, an angle grinder and a disc for working with stone and concrete are used. Shallow cuts are made on the surface of the wall. It is worth noting that the smaller the so-called cells are, the more the existing coating will weaken;

  1. The work can be completed using specialized grinding machines. As a rule, not everyone has them, which means that purchasing them requires additional financial costs.

Depending on the power and reliability of such tools, the price can vary from the most budgetary to extremely high. In addition, during sanding, a lot of dust is generated, because the old plaster is not knocked off, but is simply sanded off the wall.

  1. When the main part of the plaster is removed, you need to take care of the seams and joints. In order for the new coating to bond to the surface as tightly as possible, the seams are cleaned and slightly embroidered (to a depth of 5-7 mm).

  1. After completing all the above steps, the surface of the wall is cleaned using a metal hand brush or a drill with a special attachment.


When the wall is completely cleared of the old plaster coating, you can begin removing dust and collecting debris. First of all, it is necessary to remove any remaining dust from the surface. For this you can use hot water and the hardest possible brush ().

The wall is actually cleaned of dust. After this, all garbage is put into bags and taken away.

If you still have questions or doubts regarding removing old plaster from walls, I recommend watching the video in this article.

Preparing the foundation for execution repair work involves complete or partial dismantling of the plaster. The scope of work depends on many factors: what raw materials the old coating is made of, and what materials will be used for the new renovation. It is important to examine the surface and determine how firmly it holds old layer. There are several options for removing old plaster from walls.

When to dismantle firmly held plaster

Before answering the question: how to remove old plaster from walls, you need to understand in what cases it is necessary to dismantle the coating that adheres firmly to the surface.

The need to remove the old coating depends on its composition:

Type of plasterNeed for dismantling
1 ClayIndoors it is used for finishing areas around fireplaces, stoves and other heating devices. During operation, partial or complete peeling of the material may occur. In this case, it becomes necessary to replace the old layer with a new one.
2 PlasterThe layer is replaced as it peels off or when work is performed with building materials heavier than gypsum.
3 LimestoneIt is restored as it is destroyed or if it is necessary to apply a layer of cement or polymer plaster.
4 CementIt adheres firmly to the surface; the need for dismantling arises if the application technology is violated.
5 PolymerPolymer mixtures are plastic and adhere well to any surface. It is permissible to apply any plaster coating on them. If the building has shrunk or the technology has been violated, the coating has cracked, it must be replaced.

It is necessary to clean the walls from plaster when. If this is not done, then when the bottom layer peels off, the tile will fall off along with it.

Repair or replacement of the old layer

The type of repair work depends on the condition of the surface. To determine the quality of the fit, all areas are tapped with the handle of a spatula. A dull sound is heard in the peeled areas. Such places must be completely removed, as over time the old coating will fall off.

Repair of individual sections of the wall is carried out in case of minor damage. Before cleaning the surface of the wall from plaster, you need to moisten problem areas. Then the plaster solution is cleaned down to the base. The surface is primed and leveled.

If peeling and cracking occurs on 70% of the surface, it is more advisable to dismantle the entire layer.

In order for the new coating to be securely attached to the old one, the bottom layer must be stronger and heavier than the top one. If the new layer weighs more, it will destroy the weaker material during the shrinkage process.

On a tight cement-sand plaster You can apply the material with any composition. Cannot be applied to gypsum material cement mortar because it is heavier. Gypsum and clay can be applied to the lime layer. The clay layer can only be restored with clay; other materials will not hold up. Clay-sand mortar can be applied to any type of surface.

Walls with stains and cracks

Here is information on how to remove plaster from a wall if there are greasy stains on it.

If dampness appears on the walls and mold has formed, you need to remove the plaster from the walls, covering an area half a meter wider than the damaged one.

Grease stains and rust cannot be removed. You will have to dismantle the old plaster in the damaged areas, then fill the holes with new mortar.

The cracks are widened with a grinder or trowel (depending on the strength of the coating). For better adhesion of materials, moisten the surface with water.

Deep cracks are sealed with plaster mortar in several stages:

  • drive the solution deep into the crack and wait for it to dry;
  • fill the gap 2/3, after drying, fill the remaining volume.

The final stage is to grout with a grinding machine or sandpaper.

Tools and protective equipment

There are several ways to remove old plaster from walls. This can be done manually or mechanically.

Depending on the chosen method you will need:

  • glasses, gloves, respirator;
  • chisel, it is more convenient to work if the tool has a long handle;
  • sledgehammer, hammer, axe, chisel;
  • spatula, scraper;
  • metal brush.

Depending on the chosen method of work you will need:

  • hammer drill or drill with a hammer;
  • small grinder;
  • Sander.

Tools and personal protective equipment must be prepared in advance.

Manual dismantling of plaster

Before removing old plaster from the walls, you need to examine the surface for the tightness of the layers by tapping. If the surface is damp or affected by fungus, plaster layer dismantled.

First, clean the areas where the solution is peeling off. Then the cycle is driven under the more tightly adherent layers, lifted and removed.

If the layer holds tightly, drive a chisel or chisel under it. By tapping it with a hammer, the solution is beaten off.

Drywall is easily damaged, so it is better to remove the plaster coating from it using a well-sharpened scraper.

The easiest way to remove layers of gypsum, lime and clay from old walls.

Removing plaster mortar using a hammer drill

Before you clean brick wall from plaster, you need to take care to protect your eyes, respiratory organs and body from construction dust. If the surface is sprayed with water, there will be less dust. The use of power tools speeds up and facilitates the process of working on large surfaces.

You will need a tool with a jackhammer mode. Next, you should put on the nozzle and, holding the hammer drill at an angle of 80 degrees, beat off the solution. Then, you should shift the angle of inclination to 40 degrees and move along the wall, cleaning an increasingly large surface. During the work, make sure that the main material from which the wall is built is not damaged.

Garbage must be removed immediately. Large pieces are put into bags, then taken out and thrown into construction containers.

Dismantling using an angle grinder

The concrete layer can be removed using a grinder. Divide the wall into sections measuring 500x500 mm, cutting them to the entire depth of the concrete layer. Then they beat it with a puncher.

If you are dealing with brick wall, use a chisel to clean the seams between the bricks from any remaining mortar. Cleaning the brick from plaster residues is mandatory.


Many people ask how to quickly remove a thin layer concrete mortar or decorative plaster.

If the old plaster adheres tightly and is applied in a thin layer, dismantle it manually will be problematic. It's better to apply grinding machine. On its sole there are rollers with teeth, which, when rotated, grind the surface, removing a thin layer of mortar.

With this method, you need to expect that there will be a lot of dust. But the work will proceed faster and with less labor costs.

Using this principle, it is easy to remove Venetian and textured plaster from the wall surface.

Dismantling decorative plaster

Before removing it from the walls with your own hands, you need to prepare tools and personal protective equipment. The floor and objects in the room are covered with plastic film.

To reduce dust, the surface is sprayed with water. The wider the cycle, the faster the work will progress.

Apply the tool with slight pressure, scraping the material from the wall. Here you need to correctly determine the angle of inclination, then work will go faster.

Instead of a scraper, you can use a sharp spatula. They pass it along the wall, tapping the handle of the instrument with a hammer. You can also beat off a tightly adherent layer using a chisel and hammer.

Don’t forget to wet the surface before removing decorative plaster from the walls. This helps soften the material, resulting in less dust.

In the video you can see to what level you need to remove plaster from the walls:

Removing old plaster from a wall is quite a labor-intensive task. To ensure that new finishing materials adhere firmly to the walls, dismantling works should not be neglected. Even a person without experience in construction can perform this procedure with his own hands.

Removing the old layer of plaster is an unpleasant moment of any repair due to the large amount of debris and dust generated. The article describes the details of carrying out this type of work on surfaces made of brick, concrete and wood.

Methods for cleaning walls from old plaster

Do I need to completely remove the old plaster or just the flaking areas? This question is often asked when doing finishing works in old houses. If you completely clean the wall for new finishes, then the costs for finishing materials increase significantly. At the same time, the repair time is also lengthened.

Experienced builders recommend completely removing the old layer wall covering. The reason is the process of “aging” finishing material. Over time, the composition loses chemical strength, and the adhesion to the wall material weakens. New wallpaper pasted on an unprepared surface may fly off after a short period of time, and wallpaper applied to the previous layer finishing putty- will peel off.

When do you need to clean walls from old plaster?

A few signs that it’s time to change the wall covering:

  1. Mold has formed on the plaster or wet marks from leaks have appeared.
  2. The surface of the wall bends and crunches when pressed hard.
  3. The old coating easily crumbles and peels off.
  4. Numerous cracks appeared.
  5. The wallpaper in the kitchen is starting to peel off due to greasy stains.

How to remove decorative plaster from a wall with your own hands

Decorative plaster, depending on its relief and performance characteristics, has a certain service life. Therefore, after some time it will be necessary to eliminate its remnants. There are several ways to remove the finish.

Dust-free methods

The surface must be well moistened with warm water from a spray bottle or a wet sponge. The swollen layer of plaster (putty) can be easily removed with a metal spatula or scraper. During operation, the wall must be periodically wetted.

If decorative composition applied in a thin layer, after soaking it is easily washed off with a rag or sponge with a hard abrasive side.

A less common method of removing the outer layer of decorative plaster is mechanized cleaning of surfaces using water jet machines. high pressure. Disadvantages of this option:

  • a large amount of moisture forms on the floor, which can cause water to leak to the neighbors below;
  • purchasing expensive equipment is beneficial only for professional builders.

How to clean a brick wall

First, the plaster is removed from areas where it no longer holds. This can be easily checked by tapping all areas with a hammer. The dull sound means one thing - facing material has already peeled off. Loud blows mean a strong grip of the old composition.

At the beginning of the work, a chisel, chisel, chisels, a large steel scraper and a hammer are used.

The plaster is cleaned down to the brickwork. After removing easily peeling sections of the old coating, further processing is carried out along the brickwork. Place a chisel or chisel between the plaster layer and the brick wall. Then, gently knock the loose pieces onto the floor with gentle blows of the hammer.

If durable material cannot be removed hand tools, it is advisable to use a hammer drill with a blade-shaped attachment in the “chiseling” mode. Another way to remove durable coating is to divide the wall surface into fragments using furrows. To do this, use a grinder with a disc for processing stone. Then the separated parts of the finishing material are knocked out with a chisel or perforator. Freed from plaster brickwork it must be primed and allowed to dry for at least a day.

How to quickly remove from concrete

The layer of old coating on the concrete wall is removed with a narrow or medium spatula. We also recommend using a special scraper, the metal edge of which must be well sharpened.

To speed up the work of cleaning walls, we recommend using a sander. Used as a nozzle grinding wheel with coarse sandpaper or a diamond bowl. The disadvantage of this method is that too much dust is generated during surface treatment. You can reduce its amount using a construction vacuum cleaner.

How to remove old plaster from a wooden wall

Wooden walls in old houses were previously plastered using reinforcing structures - shingles, metal mesh, as well as other available materials. When removing the old layer, use a chisel and a hammer to knock off the flaking pieces of plaster without touching the retaining structure.

If during the repair it is planned to replace the reinforcing structure, a wide vertical furrow is prepared in the middle of the wall, cleared to wooden surface. Then the retaining mesh is dismantled along with the plaster.

If the plaster is applied directly to the wood, it is removed with a spatula or scraper.

High-quality preparation of walls for finishing becomes the key to many years of operation of any premises.

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