External wall cladding of the house. What is the cheapest way to cover the outside of a house? What is the best way to cover the outside of a country house? Requirements for facing materials

The wooden house was traditional home in Scandinavia and Rus' for centuries, not so long ago it came back into fashion. A wooden structure is environmentally friendly, it can be built faster than a stone structure, and it is not stuffy or damp. Its disadvantages are low fire resistance and susceptibility to fungus. Shrinkage of up to 6% may occur after construction. During this period, especially if the house was not built perfectly, it is worth thinking about additional cladding.

Video - how to sheathe a wooden house

What does cladding a house give you on the outside?

  • Increased fire resistance, pest and chemical resistance
  • Improving the appearance of the building
  • Insulation and protection from drafts

To achieve these conditions, refractory materials with low thermal conductivity and gyroscopicity are usually chosen. Used for insulation mineral wool and foam plastic, decorative materials perform wooden lining, siding, thermal insulation plaster, block house and even facade brick.


It is especially necessary to insulate the house in northern regions, in the south you can often get by with only sheathing; it also insulates the house a little.

The main advantage of foam insulation is its price and ease of use. There are many more disadvantages. The vapor permeability of this material is 10 times lower than that of mineral wool, so when using polystyrene foam you need to think carefully about the ventilation system. The wood underneath may begin to rot; the material “does not breathe.” These savings can add up to much higher costs in a few years.

Mineral wool - more common and environmentally friendly pure material. Insulate with it wooden house according to the frame diagram:

  1. Fill up the voids between the beams.
  2. Lay out a vapor barrier layer (roofing felt, foil, plastic film).
  3. They make a frame - they nail 50 by 50 mm bars to the walls every 0.4-0.6 m.
  4. Lay mineral wool, filling all voids.
  5. Lay another layer of film to insulate from wind and water.
  6. The house is clad on top.

Additionally, there is no need to attach the mineral wool to the frame; it will stick between the layers on its own.

Exterior wood cladding of a house

Wooden cladding includes lining, imitation timber and block house. The materials differ in price and appearance, all three are environmentally friendly, perfectly absorb street noise, insulate the room and look natural. There is also the option of planken or “finish quarter” cladding. But these materials do not have spikes, so gaps may appear during installation.

They should be used for interior work. The most expensive and beautiful block house, it easily withstands temperature changes, and from the outside it looks like a rounded log. Lining is a common choice in the mass market; it looks a little simpler. The cladding is made from larch, oak or pine wood. In order for wood paneling to serve for many years, it must be impregnated with a fire-resistant compound, varnished and painted.

The cladding technology is the same for all three finishing materials. The wood is nailed, glued or attached to hooks. You need to sheathe from bottom to top. The first board is attached to the frame, the second is put with a groove on the ridge of the first. Using wooden wedges, press the top to the bottom along the edges and middle, then nail it down, and remove the wedges. This way they reach the roof. Work can only be carried out in dry weather.

Siding can be made of metal or vinyl. The first is less durable, but it is lighter than metal and successfully resists corrosion. It does not need to be painted; the dye is added to the composition already at the manufacturing stage. The second quickly cools down and heats up in the sun, when hit, dents and scratches appear on it, then it can begin to corrode.

Installation begins from the corners. Attach with self-tapping screws to the sheathing, from the middle of the panel to its edges. You need to leave a gap of 5-7 mm between the nail head and the siding, since the material expands when heated. When installing siding in cold weather, the gap should reach 10 mm. The elements are connected with an overlap of 2 cm.

Tiles are rarely used for walls; they are usually used to decorate the foundation and corners of a house. The tiles are fastened from the bottom corner of the sheathing and then moved horizontally. The row is fixed with self-tapping screws. The next row is inserted into the locks of the first tiles, then again held in place with self-tapping screws. Tiles can also be glued using special compounds.

Corners can be overlapped or butted. When fastening with an overlap, the lathing should be at the level of the wall tiles; installation is carried out by extending 30 mm onto the tiles.

Facing with stone and facade bricks

Finishing with stone greatly weighs down the house; a weak foundation may not be able to withstand the additional load. At the same time, the house becomes warmer and is not subject to combustion. Artificial stone is much lighter and suitable for any type of foundation. Work is carried out only after the house has completely settled, no earlier than a year after construction. The gap between the brick and the wall should be at least 5 cm.

As we see, types decorative finishing a bunch of. The choice should be made based on your own budget and climatic conditions. Perhaps your house does not require additional finishing or insulation at all, and it is enough to simply paint it.

External cladding wooden house performs several important functions - protects walls from atmospheric influences, insulates the building, and gives it a more aesthetic appearance. Even at the design stage, you should think about how to cover the outside of a wooden house so that the finish meets technical requirements and financial capabilities.

Let's look at popular cladding options and find out which ones are best suited for cladding houses made of wood.

Wooden houses to this day remain the most environmentally friendly, breathable, healthy and comfortable to live in. However, wood is a short-lived material and therefore requires mandatory protection.

In addition, due to its softness and friability, the wood is attractive to rodents, bugs and other living creatures.

But protection becomes more effective if the top of the façade of a wooden house is covered with cladding - reliable, beautiful, and heat-insulating.

Wood constantly absorbs moisture, as a result of which it becomes deformed, loses strength and density, darkens over time, becomes covered with cracks, begins to rot and mold

There are no universal rules for choosing a facing material, but preference is given to finishing that has the following characteristics:

  • is a heater;
  • has vapor permeability;
  • easy to install;
  • has a low cost;
  • does not require constant painting.

Of course they win wooden types cladding - lining, block house, planken, imitation timber. They have the same characteristics as the main one construction material, and preserve the naturalness and environmental friendliness of the building.

Review of materials for home decoration

Often, when purchasing, they focus only on the cost of the facing material. This is the wrong approach because cheap finishing requires additional investment.

Buy something expensive, but not suitable for your needs technical parameters the material is also wrong. Therefore, it is necessary to take into account all aspects - cost, characteristics, compliance with the climatic zone.

The modern market provides the opportunity to choose exactly the cladding that fits perfectly in all respects. Popular types of finishes include four types made of wood, and four more from other natural and synthetic materials.

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When choosing a material, you can rely on the standards specified in GOST 8242-88. There are also more stringent standards - DIN 68126/86, which set out the requirements for the so-called “eurolining”.

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Cottage finishing: 4 budget ideas 2 times cheaper than usual

In our realities, large investments in dacha repairs look quite unproductive. On the one hand, is it worth spending a lot on furnishing a home in which we spend at most several months? On the other hand, no one can cancel the completely reasonable desire for a cozy place in their “country estate”.

If you are interested simple materials And budget solutions, capable of ennobling and decorating your dacha, then this article is definitely for you. In it, I will analyze the main inexpensive methods of wall cladding and share several creative options for creating an original country interior.

Sheathing options

Today construction market offers many variations and a variety of materials ideal for finishing a country house. Among a fairly impressive list, you can choose something according to the preferences of the home owner and his financial capabilities.


Lining is rightfully considered one of the most popular materials used for furnishing summer cottages. The advantages of the panels speak for themselves. This:

  • their pleasant aesthetic appearance, allowing you to imitate a variety of textures;
  • affordable price;
  • high thermal insulation performance;
  • ease of installation, which can be handled even without much experience repair work;
  • environmental friendliness of the material.

Interior decoration country house clapboard - great idea for those who value comfort and coziness above all else. By experimenting with textures and shades, owners have the chance to create a memorable interior without spending a fortune.

What should you consider during the installation process?

  1. High-quality finishing is only possible when using wooden sheathing as a basis.
  2. If you want to insulate the walls of your house, you can put mineral wool, glass wool or expanded polystyrene into the frame.
  3. Wooden slats for the base should be secured either with nails or self-tapping screws.

I also want to note that lining can be a very inexpensive and practical answer to the question of how to decorate a change house for country house ik.


Drywall is not much inferior to lining in popularity. This universal material, used both for leveling walls or arranging interior spaces, and for decorating window slopes.

Instructions for installing drywall are as follows:

  1. The first step is to create a frame made of metal or wooden slats. They are fixed to the wall with screws or self-tapping screws at a distance of 40-50 cm from each other.

  1. Afterwards, plasterboard slabs are attached to the frame. The joints between the sheets are sealed with putty and then primed.

  1. After about 6-8 hours (this is exactly how long it will take for the primer to dry), you can proceed to pasting or painting the walls.


This is completely consistent famous phrase"cheap and cheerful." If you are thinking about how to decorate the walls to make it as budget-friendly as possible, then plywood will come in handy. This material allows the walls to “breathe”, it has good water resistance (so it can be used for cladding a bathroom) and sound insulation.

In addition to such impressive advantages, I will include easy installation with your own hands, which can be handled by people who have never done repairs before. As a finishing touch, the plywood can either be painted with bright paint or covered with wallpaper.

How to combine fantasy with lack of money?

Above I reviewed the main finishing materials associated inexpensive repairs in the country. They will help put the house in order and solve the issue of light insulation. But what to do when your soul demands a continuation of the banquet and wants something beautiful in a small country house?

I'll tell you how to decorate in an interesting way country house, while spending a minimum of money.

Idea 1. The whole world is in colors

When considering the most popular options for decorating a room, it’s hard not to mention paint. This is one of the simplest ways to update your interior, which also allows you to experiment with colors and shades, and is in great demand all over the world. What do future painters and artists need to know?

Painting wood or clapboard

  1. If you want to add rich color wooden surface or lining, but leave their interesting texture, buy translucent paint.

  1. Exterior decoration should be decorated only with elastic paints that are not afraid of temperature changes (alkyd, oil). The inside of the room can be painted with water-dispersed or water-based compositions. It makes sense to use more expensive silicate or silicone paints only in conditions of very high humidity.

The photo shows an example when the paint only emphasizes the richness of the texture

  1. The interior walls must be thoroughly finished before painting; this will significantly reduce paint consumption.
  2. If after winter there is a strong feeling of dampness in the house, do not rush to use a brush or roller. First, you should dry the room thoroughly ( construction hairdryer or a heat gun, for example).

  1. You should definitely not even try to paint over areas where rot and mold are firmly established.. Believe me, after the repair work, the fungus will simply continue to destroy the coating. So first, get rid of the mold, dry the surface, sand it with sandpaper, treat it with an antiseptic and only then paint.

Reserve a little time and do everything as required. Believe me, the result will be worth it.

Painting plaster or drywall

You can give plastered or plasterboard walls a more sophisticated look using acrylic water-based paint.

  • For better adhesion of paint to the surface, do not skimp on primer. As a last resort (but only as a last resort), you can use a soap solution instead to remove grease and dust from the walls. But still, try to get a primer - with it the result will be more effective and reliable.

  • If there are small cracks on the surface and there is no plaster, you should resort to paint with latex filler. It can hide cracks up to 2 mm in size.
  • Don’t be afraid of the most “impractical” color in the interior – white. Firstly, White paint- the cheapest, secondly, against a light background any item will look bright and stylish. In addition, it will help visual increase premises.

Idea 2. To be wallpaper or not to be?

Wallpaper in the country is not only not uncommon, but the most popular type of decor. How to deal with them during the repair process? I will consider two possible options:

  1. When the old wallpaper begins to peel off little by little, do not rush to tear it off (unless you have definitely decided to change the situation). If they peel off in whole sheets, then there is nothing to do, and you will have to remove everything and glue new ones. In the case where the canvas peels off only at the joints and in the corners, it is better to just carefully glue everything back together.

To keep the canvas stronger, add to wallpaper glue regular glue PVA (in a ratio of 1 to 6).

  1. You have long ago decided to change the boring pattern, but in some areas the wallpaper seems to be stuck tightly. Run an iron through a piece of wet fabric to make it easier to remove the material.

For those who are thinking about wallpapering their country house, I’ll tell you a few tricks to save money:

  • look in the closet for wallpaper left over from the last renovation (some scraps will definitely be saved), ask relatives and friends about the same. As a result, you will be able to collect material for original decor in patchwork style. Cover the wall in the room with scraps of different patterns and enjoy the unusual result;

Thus, you can decorate only one wall, otherwise it will turn out too colorful. For others, painting or wallpaper in neutral shades is fine.

  • Most often in specialized stores you can find baskets with so-called “sale” wallpaper, left over from unsold collections of one or two rolls. The price of their assortment is much standard; all you have to do is select and combine several models by color and texture;

  • decorating the inside of a country house is primarily associated with the cheapest paper wallpaper. Well, for one or two seasons they will do just fine. After the allotted time they appearance will be far from the original one.

I would still advise you to resort to the help of two-layer paper wallpaper– the difference in price is not so noticeable, but they will last longer.

To save money, do not choose wallpaper with large patterns. Due to the fact that you will have to adjust the details of the design, there will be more waste. Perfect option- small abstract pattern.

Idea 3. Not Italian, but still tiles

Tiles are another one decent material For budget renovation. I'm not talking about Italian ceramics; there are many cheaper examples in stores. Again you have at least 2 options:

  • buy required amount tiles and decorate the kitchen with it or even Summer shower inside;
  • again, scrape along the bottom and use the found remains to decorate the selected surface in patchwork style.

Idea 4. Reminder from the past - wall newspaper

An even cheaper replacement for wallpaper can be (so you might think) ordinary newspaper strips. Glue them like a regular paper covering, and open the top with varnish. The main advantage of this option is that over time it will look even more interesting and atmospheric.

By the same principle you can use old geographic Maps or book pages (although I really don’t approve of the second option).

Additional options

If you think I'm done listing all the different inexpensive way registration of the dacha, then you are mistaken. I still have a few interesting ideas left:

  1. Perforated comfort. A couple of perforated metal sheetsgreat way For convenient storage frying pans and knives in the country. If they also cover the unevenness on the wall, so much the better.

  1. We don't throw away boxes. Several old boxes attached to the wall can create quite a spacious and convenient rack. Both practical and useful for decoration!
  2. Nowhere without textiles. Another the simplest way hide flaws in the wall decoration - cover it with a large panel made of beautiful fabric, felt or a cork roll (depending on what you find in the pantry).

I tried to select for you the most interesting and inexpensive options for arranging a summer house, also more ideas contained in the video in this article.


If you have a crisis of ideas and you don’t know what to decorate the walls of your dacha with, then I hope my article will be useful to you. I gave an example of the main finishing materials used to decorate a country home, and suggested several ways to decorate it.

If you still have any questions for me, I will be glad to answer them in the comments. There, share your impressions of the finishing options presented above and express your opinion.

November 2, 2016

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Don’t know how to decorate the outside of your house so as to cost minimally and still result in a durable and effective façade? In fact, this is quite possible if you choose the right budget options for finishing materials. Let's consider the main options for finishing materials that can be used to decorate the outside walls of a house cheaper.

Textured plaster for facade cladding

It is difficult to imagine a material for exterior finishing that would cost even less than façade textured plaster . This is what is most often chosen for wall cladding, understanding that in addition to affordable price the material has other advantages.

Plaster is an excellent heat insulator, increases the degree of sound insulation of the house, and prevents premature collapse of walls under the influence of external weather conditions.

There are several types facade plaster, which can be used to decorate the walls outside:

  • decorative;
  • silicone;
  • mineral;
  • acrylic.

Let's take a closer look at the features of each type.

Characteristics of different types of plasterers for finishing

Let's start with decorative plaster, which allows you to give the facade of the house a finished, perfect look. minimum costs for materials and work. Decorative plaster High Quality will not require additional coloring, since it already has color due to the addition of color pigments to the mixture.

Another plaster option for budget finishing outside walls of the house - silicone. It is she who heads the rating of the most popular mixtures for facade cladding. The plaster is based on silicone resin, making it especially strong and durable.

Silicone plasters do not allow water to pass through and do not lose color saturation when exposed to sunlight or temperature changes. Compared to other types of plasters, silicone is the most expensive.

Mineral plaster most often used for low-cost finishing of buildings industrial type. Its peculiarity is its high-density structure with cement and sand as a base, resistance to high and low temperatures, mechanical damage.

Acrylic plaster better suited for finishing the facades of private houses and cottages, it allows you to mask small surface defects, creating protective film, resistant to temperature changes and moisture. The material is inexpensive and easy to use; it justifies itself in cases where it is important to decorate houses located close to the roadway. The disadvantage of the coating is insufficient vapor permeability.

Walks apart façade plaster for aerated concrete walls. The material is convenient in that it allows not only to level the surface of the walls from the outside, but also to protect them from external influences. As a material for inexpensive and durable finish This type of plaster fits perfectly, especially when you consider that the cladding work can be done with your own hands.

Facade paints for wall decoration

Another a budget option for finishing the facade from the outside - this is painting. For this purpose, special facade paints are used, among which so-called textured mixtures, including structuring fillers, are especially popular. Most often, textured paints are applied in one layer using a sponge, spatula, roller or sprayer. The paint consumption will depend on which tool or equipment was chosen for application, which is already quite large due to the thickness of the layer - up to 10 mm, which is many times greater than the thickness of the layer when finishing with conventional paint.

The main advantage of painting facade walls is this is the ability to use material without preliminary preparation surfaces. You can paint the outside of walls even with cracks and old coating. In this way, it is possible to save on materials for leveling the base and work on its preparation.

Textured paints differ high performance vapor permeability, which do not disappear even if they are applied in a thick layer. In addition, the material makes it possible to form a film on the surface of the facade that is resistant to moisture and mechanical damage, extending the life of the walls.

Textured paints can be applied to surfaces of any type, which must meet the main requirement - to be as strong as possible for adhesion to the material.

In order to achieve different effects on the wall surface using textured paints, should be used special tools, like a Teflon spatula or a structural roller. The fastest way to paint facade walls is to use a pneumatic sprayer.

Siding and block house for exterior finishing

Siding is one of the most affordable and convenient options for finishing the external walls of the house. The panels will become reliable protection for the facade, will allow you to create an aesthetic appearance.

Siding can be presented in several types:

  • with imitation wood;
  • natural stone;
  • linings;
  • bricks, etc.

Each panel is equipped with fastening locks, which greatly simplify and speed up installation, allowing you to create practical and durable structures.

The most durable and reliable look siding is metal. The material is resistant to temperature changes and can be mounted in both vertical and horizontal positions. Installing siding does not require special knowledge or experience. The panels can be mounted on a frame made of wooden or metal slats.

Vinyl siding It costs less than metal, and is also lighter and more varied in terms of colors and textures. Panels can imitate the most different materials, serve for more than 50 years without requiring repairs, maintaining rich color.

Additionally, it is worth noting that vinyl siding does not prevent natural circulation air, does not allow condensation to accumulate in the walls, and is resistant to fire. During operation original appearance The siding can be restored if you wipe the panels with a sponge and soapy water.

Wood siding for home decoration it is not used as often as metal or vinyl. Wood siding is made from pressure-pressed wood that is painted and varnished. Such siding requires constant painting during operation, is not resistant to moisture and fire, rots after a while and loses color saturation. Wooden siding allows you to decorate the façade of a house in an eco-style, which is especially fashionable today here and in European countries.

And another option for panels for budget cladding of a house is wooden block house . Visually, they are almost completely similar to rounded logs, unlike which they do not crack and retain a presentable appearance longer. Finishing a house from a block house will protect it from external influences and will guarantee the durability of the structure. Separately, we note that the wooden block house is easy to install and operate, and is presented in panels with different parameters.

Decorative stone and tiles for facade finishing

Decorative (artificial) stone- This worthy alternative heavy and expensive natural granite, marble, limestone and others. The material, just like the natural prototype, is resistant to sun rays, moisture, does not require special care and is not damaged when exposed to high and low temperatures or mechanical damage. But unlike natural, decorative rock weighs little, does not require expansion of the foundation and is an order of magnitude cheaper than natural analogues.

A natural stone imitates the most popular breeds natural material, well suited for cladding the basement parts of buildings, walls, and creating decorative patterns on the facade. The material is available in a wide selection of colors and textures, is easy to install, and is almost as good as natural stone in terms of durability and reliability.

A worthy option for inexpensive finishing of the external walls of a house is this is the use of budget brands of tiles. Just like decorative stone, tiles are different wide choice colors and textures, allowing you to realize any design ideas.

The board is made on the basis of glaze, clay and water, therefore it is environmentally friendly finishing material. Correct installation tiles will allow you to use the finish for many decades without special works to care for her.

The more expensive the cladding tiles you decide to choose for finishing the building, the more you can save if you take on the installation work yourself. The process of laying products is not the easiest, but it is quite feasible if you follow the instructions and recommendations of professionals. For installation you will need to prepare cement or adhesive solutions, prepare the base using leveling mixtures.

When the construction of a wooden house is completed, it is necessary to carry out external work on the cladding of the structure. The facade of a wooden house cannot be left without protection, otherwise the material will simply lose its appearance or suffer from the destructive actions of rodents and insects. There are a large number of options for external cladding. Each material has advantages and disadvantages, and when choosing it, home owners usually take into account strength, beauty and cost. In this article we will tell you how to sheathe the outside of a wooden house.

The main purpose of exterior cladding of a building

The cladding of a wooden house is carried out to solve the following problems:

  • increase resistance to rodents, insects and fire;
  • improve the appearance of the structure;
  • protect the structure from heat loss;
  • increases the sound insulation of the building.

The materials used for cladding the building must meet certain requirements:

  • minimum level of moisture absorption and hygroscopicity, this helps prevent the process of wood rotting;
  • the material must allow air to pass through and remove excess steam inside the structure; these requirements directly affect the internal microclimate and atmosphere of the house;
  • the thermal conductivity of the material should be minimal, this will retain heat inside the building and significantly reduce heating costs;
  • the product must have high fire resistance; in the event of a fire, the fire will be minimized;
  • have high resistance to chemical aggressive substances;
  • be highly resistant to bacteria, insects, mold and mildew;
  • the material must be environmentally friendly;
  • sound insulation, i.e. Products must contain noise.

Features of building insulation

Insulation of houses is mandatory in the northern regions, but in southern parts The usual building cladding will be sufficient, which will serve as insulation. Insulation of the house can be done using ordinary polystyrene foam. Styrofoam inexpensive material and easy to use. It has low vapor permeability, so when laying it you definitely need to think ventilation system. Lack of ventilation can lead to wood rotting and destruction.

Mineral wool is one of the most common environmentally friendly insulation materials. Insulation is carried out using frame technology:

  • fill the void between the beams;
  • lay a vapor barrier layer (foil, roofing felt);
  • fix the frame at a distance of 0.4 m along the wall;
  • fill all voids with mineral wool;
  • lay an additional layer of insulation, which serves as protection against moisture and wind;
  • The final stage is the cladding of the house.

Materials for cladding wooden houses

The cladding of a wooden house can be made with the following materials:

  • vinyl, basement siding;
  • fiber cement panel;
  • porcelain tiles;
  • wood siding or block house;
  • professional flooring, flat metal tiles and metal siding;
  • wood.

Let's take a closer look at the characteristics of each material in order to decide what to cover the outside of the house cheaply and with high quality.

Vinyl siding

The characteristics of this product are suitable for almost any home and climatic conditions. Vinyl siding is highly resistant to damage and temperature conditions. This material is relatively cheap, has a large number of colors, is easy to install and has long term services.

  • It is best to sheathe your home with light-colored siding, because... dark colors may lose their color from exposure to sunlight;
  • install the product only in warm time year, the air temperature should not be below 0, this is due to the fact that in warm weather the material bends well and is easily cut, and in winter there is a possibility of receiving a large amount of waste;
  • Use self-tapping screws as fasteners, which must not be screwed in completely, because at the moment of thermal expansion, the siding conducts and it is capable of breaking the panels from the fasteners.

Base siding is more durable than vinyl siding. If the house will be sheathed with this product, follow the recommendations described above.

Fiber cement panel

Fiber cement panels are the same siding, the only thing is that it is based on cement and synthetic fiber. According to their own performance qualities they are superior to vinyl. But among the disadvantages of these panels it is worth noting the following:

  • high cost, unlike vinyl, fiber cement costs 3 times more;
  • fairly weighty panels;

However, fiber cement panels can be considered a unique material:

  • it doesn't burn;
  • does not melt;
  • does not change color;
  • Shock resistant.

Important! If you finish a house with fiber cement, it is necessary to install a suspension system, which in turn will create an additional load on the weight of the facade.

The photo shows a house covered with fiber cement panels

Porcelain tiles

Porcelain tiles will look good on the building. Unfortunately, this is the only advantage of this material. Among the disadvantages it is worth noting:

  • the tiles are too heavy, which requires the use of metal hangers;
  • Porcelain stoneware is quite difficult to hang on a wooden structure;
  • the cost of the product is very high.

Wood siding and block house

If you are looking for cheaper options for covering your home, wooden siding or side house is the best option. These products will not only decorate the facade of the house, but will also give a feeling of warmth and naturalness. The advantage of the material is:

  • natural decorative look;
  • ease of installation;
  • high strength;
  • optimal price.

Wooden siding and block house are attached to the sheathing, which can be attached to the log and timber wall. Among the disadvantages it should be noted:

  • the product is subject to rotting processes;
  • products react to weather conditions (wind, rain, snow, sun);

For information! You can extend the life of siding by treating it with a special coating or impregnation.

An example of covering a wooden house with siding

Metal siding

Metal siding is corrugated sheeting, only more decorative look. This material fades significantly less in the sun, which makes it possible to use dark palettes for building cladding. Unlike vinyl siding, metal, does not break during installation either in summer or winter, i.e. it can be laid at any time of the year. It is fastened with metal hangers and on a crate made of wooden beams.

How to cladding a wooden house

If you have not decided what is better to sheathe the outside of a wooden house, study the reviews of owners of private wooden houses. Most often when facing wooden buildings siding is used. Manufacturers offer a diagram that will help you understand how to sheathe a house and avoid mistakes:

  • a layer of vapor barrier is laid on the wall;
  • the first sheathing for insulation of the building is installed;
  • the insulation is laid in two layers;
  • a second sheathing is mounted on top of the insulation;
  • siding is being installed.

Expanded polystyrene is used as insulation. The process of working with siding is quite simple, however, before finishing the house you should consider three basic rules:

  • do not overtighten the locks and fasteners, be sure to leave a gap of 1 mm;
  • When laying boards, fix the hardware in the center installation windows, not along the edges;
  • It is impossible to place cladding elements closely in the extensions.

Thermal expansion of the panels is 12 mm along the length of the board, and the width is up to 1 mm. If these conditions are not met, the sheathing may break fasteners or become deformed. Installation of the material is carried out as follows:

  • drains, window and door frames are removed;
  • we make the sheathing, fix the outer joists at the corners;
  • make a level to mark the installation starting profile, which must extend from the upper corner of the base at a level of at least 12 mm;
  • fix the outer corners;
  • install aquilon;
  • set the starting profile;
  • fix the board with the lock down in the grooves of the corners and press until a click is formed;
  • fix the board to the joists at the mounting edge;
  • we lay the remaining boards in the same way, securing it to each board and fixing it to the joists;
  • the last board is inserted into the penultimate one, and there is no need to fix it; for this, the required height is marked, and the excess material is cut off;
  • the last board is also laid without fixation;
  • install the finishing profile, indent 6 mm upward;
  • we bend it, bring the edges of the board into the corners, and the cut edge into the finish;
  • press up until the lock clicks and closes.

Important! When covering windows and doors, they should be carefully sorted and leveled to a perfectly rectangular shape.

The choice of material for cladding a wooden house is quite large. Besides quality characteristics and prices, take into account the vapor permeability of the product, this will protect the building from mold and dampness, and make your stay in the house as comfortable as possible.

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Why do the testicles itch and what can you do to get rid of the discomfort?
Many men are interested in why their balls begin to itch and how to eliminate this cause. Some believe that this is due to uncomfortable underwear, while others think that it is due to irregular hygiene. One way or another, this problem needs to be solved.
Why do eggs itch?
Until recently, I prepared cutlets only from homemade minced meat. But just the other day I tried to cook them from a piece of beef tenderloin, and to be honest, I really liked them and my whole family liked them. In order to get cutlets
Schemes for launching spacecraft Orbits of artificial Earth satellites
1 2 3 Ptuf 53 · 10-09-2014 The union is certainly good. but the cost of removing 1 kg of cargo is still prohibitive. Previously, we discussed methods of delivering people into orbit, but I would like to discuss alternative methods of delivering cargo to rockets (agree with
Grilled fish is the most delicious and aromatic dish
The peculiarity of cooking fish on the grill is that no matter how you fry the fish - whole or in pieces, you should not remove the skin. The fish carcass must be cut very carefully - try to cut it in such a way that the head and