Are movables needed in profiled timber? Openings for windows and doors: in timber walls, metal jambs are the norm and technology. What are swarms and what do they look like?

Deformation of door or window openings is possible. This happens for several reasons:

  • High moisture content of the wood used to construct the structure.
  • Extreme shrinkage of the building.
  • A serious departure from construction technology.
  • Wrong type of wood.

It is quite possible to completely level out the curvature of openings or reduce them to a minimum. It is necessary to use wood for construction work that has undergone special processing, including drying, and to install cuttings.

Purpose of swarms

A royka is considered to be a simple wooden block, usually having a square cross-section. It is mounted at the end of the opening immediately before installing doors or windows. If this procedure is neglected, the openings may become significantly deformed or skewed.

In inclement and rainy weather, wood can actively absorb moisture and increase in size, and on sunny days, decrease. Over time, the opening becomes weaker, so if you do not use frames, the window structure or door frame will hang solely on the fasteners.

Manufacturing and preparation: tricks and subtleties

To make rokja, you must choose only high-quality, well-dried wood. The width and length of this element should correspond as much as possible to the size of the cut into which it will be mounted. The ideal length is usually 5-7 cm less than the height of the opening itself. Thanks to this difference, a strong stop is provided, designed to protect the opening from deformation.


  1. Using a chainsaw, you need to cut a hole in the wall for door frame or window design. It must be treated with special compounds.
  2. It is necessary to make a longitudinal cut in the inside of the opening. Make sure that its depth exactly matches the thickness of the swarm. And the length of the cut is usually 5-12 cm longer than it.
  3. Now you can begin installing the swivels, after which you can begin installing doors and windows.

Between the swarm and top part opening, a gap 5-7 cm wide is formed, into which insulation is placed (for example, tow or flax fiber). They not only maintain elasticity for a long period of time, but also help prevent subsidence of the building. It is strictly forbidden to fill gaps with construction foam. It can glue logs together and disrupt the natural process of shrinkage of the structure.


If you are planning to build a reliable and comfortable home, then do not neglect the procedure for installing swarms. It seems that this is a primitive piece of wood, but its functionality is difficult to overestimate. Only in this case you don’t have to worry that the door or window openings in the house are deformed. Moreover, the entire procedure does not take any other time.

The fact is that houses made of profiled timber- this is a modern, reliable and profitable way to build housing, today no one doubts it. It is not surprising that houses, baths and outbuildings from this material into last years can be found everywhere. List the benefits timber houses can be indefinitely long. However, in this article we set out to tell you about one drawback of wooden (including timber) buildings and ways to neutralize this drawback. It's about about the natural moisture content of wood and the problems associated with it.

Houses made of timber: the essence of the problem

As you know, wood is natural material, which was once a living organism. Like all living things, wood contains moisture. Over time, some of this moisture evaporates from the wood, and the wood begins to dry out and crack.

This may not be noticeable to the naked eye, but nevertheless affects general design timber house, causing deformation of window and door openings.

Shrinkage rate houses made of profiled timber may depend on many factors.

First of all, this is the level of humidity and variety wooden material for construction, type of wood, time of year and construction technology.

Typically, shrinkage occurs most intensively in the first three to four months after completion of construction.

Royki: protection of timber houses from deformation and shrinkage

In order to neutralize Negative influence to your timber house problem described above, two complementary methods are used:

  • To build a house, they use profiled timber that has undergone additional industrial drying. The percentage of humidity in such timber is no more than 20. As a result, there is less shrinkage and shrinkage of the finished house.
  • Used when installing doors and windows swarms.

If everything is clear with a decrease in the moisture content of the material, then what is swarms for wooden houses, We invite you to talk in more detail.

Royka for wooden house - This is a special block of wood with a square cross-section. This block (frame) is inserted into the prepared groove at the end of the window or doorway.

Royki help to effectively solve the problem of deformation of window and door openings. If we simply cut an opening in the wall from a beam, and then install a window or door in it, then, after some time, the drying wood will make your opening too large, and the door frame or window frame they will simply fall out of it. To avoid such a development of events, between the frame or door frame install swarms, reducing the negative consequences of drying and subsidence of wood to a minimum.

How swarms are installed

When installing mortars for timber houses, Typically, the following actions are performed:

  • An opening is cut out in the wall of the house for a door or window, and it is finished.
  • A longitudinal cut is made in the end part of the resulting opening. The depth of cut should correspond to the height of the saw, and the length should be 6-12 cm longer than the length of the used digging for timber houses. This will give space for shrinkage gap.
  • After that mortars for wooden houses are installed in the prepared cuts, and door or window boxes. A gap (about 5 cm wide) is also left between the ends of the frame and the frames of windows or doors. This gap is then filled with special insulation, which is also necessary for safe shrinkage of the house.

Thus, by applying all the above technologies in practice, we achieve the absence of timber houses defects associated with shrinkage and drying out of such a valuable natural building material as wood!

It's no secret that profiled timber is a natural, living material. This is the main reason for the special love of private developers for it. Timber houses have a lot of advantages and few disadvantages. The main ones are susceptibility to shrinkage, drying out and cracking. This happens because solid timber loses natural moisture over time and dries out. The process is invisible to the naked eye, but building structures react to shrinkage processes. Openings for windows, doors, and gates turned out to be especially sensitive to building settlement.

Finished projects of houses made of timber, or made individually, must include protective measures in order to avoid distortion of openings during operation. As an option, use thoroughly dried timber when building a house. It gives less shrinkage. More effective method- install frames for window and door openings. It’s great when the developer has the opportunity to use both methods in combination.

What are swarms?

Timber is called swarms, usually square section. It is installed in specially cut, vertically located slots in the end parts of a window or door opening. Installation of the slab in timber house what it gives:

  • strength and stability of the configuration of the opening for a window or door block;
  • eliminating the possibility of the box “sagging” after probable shrinkage of the building;
  • trouble-free installation of a wooden, metal or plastic block.

Any construction product must be manufactured in compliance with certain rules, including swarming. So, what are swivels in a log house, and how to do them correctly?

  1. To make this essentially tenon, only completely dry wood is used.
  2. The cross-section of the cutting must completely coincide with the geometric dimensions of the cut into which it will be inserted.
  3. The length of the tenon is made smaller than the height of the opening by 60-120 mm.
  4. The difference in the height of the opening should be visible only in the upper part.

It would seem that we are talking about a primitive piece of timber, but its functionality is significant. It reliably protects the window or doorway from bending. If you ignore the installation of the swarm, sagging of the blocks will be inevitable and irreversible.

Opening device

To the question: what are swarms, the answer has been received. Now you need to figure out how to install them correctly. It is necessary to strictly follow the sequence of actions in order to obtain the expected result. You cannot rush to fill the openings with blocks without preparing them properly. Installation of frames in window and door openings is carried out as follows:

  • A vertical cut is made on the sides of the hole for the window or door, exactly in the middle. Its cross section should be even and smooth. The resulting groove should be thoroughly cleaned.
  • The depth of the cut should be equal to the thickness of the cutting, and the length should be 60-120 mm greater than the size of the prepared block.
  • All openings are processed in a similar way.
  • The swarms are placed in nests prepared for them. They should fit very tightly. From below, the block fits into the groove without a gap. And the difference in height between the roof and the opening remains free from above. The resulting space is called shrinkage space. It is filled with special insulation to avoid the formation of a “cold bridge”.

Now you can safely install windows and doors in full confidence that no shrinkage will affect their normal operation. Swarms under metal doors or gates are usually also made from a metal profile.


Construction of wooden houses is becoming increasingly popular. All more people choose ecological housing and move to the countryside. About all the benefits wooden house Many articles have been written, and all of them are fair. The disadvantages are not so numerous and, rather, not even disadvantages, but features of operation and construction.

It's no secret that wood, natural building material, tends to dry out. Wooden house or laminated veneer lumber should stand. These processes take from several months to several years. As a result of drying and shrinkage, the geometry of the building changes. Of course, the most sensitive elements to changes in size and shape are the structures of doors and windows. Only precise adjustment of levels and gaps ensures normal opening/closing and the absence of cracks and drafts.

For modern technologies During construction, shrinkage and drying out of a wooden house do not cause problems associated with windows and doors. With proper construction made of wood, namely in the process of preparing window and door openings, they use “swarms” - a technological element that prevents changes in the size of the opening.

After the opening is cut, the beams at the end form an unsecured edge, which, during the shrinkage process, can deviate from the vertical axis, deform the opening, and even lead to windows or doors falling out. In order to avoid such complications, sawing is done at the ends of the beams forming the opening ( vertical groove). This is where they are inserted. Royk And. They are made from wooden square block or metal corner.

Features of the installation of the swarm

Installation of swivels requires compliance with certain rules:

  • Royka must fit exactly into the prepared groove.
  • The installation is tight, but without rigid fixation.
  • Box The door or window frame is attached only to the frame.
  • The upper edge of the swarm should be 10-20 cm shorter than the opening.

For installation swarms It is very important to comply with the last rule. NizhniThe th edge should rest firmly against the floor, if these are doors, or against the lower horizontal beam of the window opening. At the same time, the top edgeswarmsmust be shorter than the vertical cut into which it is inserted. Compliance with this condition ensures the possibility of normal shrinkage without deformation of the opening.

To the person who decided to construction of a wooden house, you need to be extremely careful when choosing a contractor ( construction company ). Some of them forget to even just mention that there is a technology for studding door and window openings swarms. Others offer banal quality wooden house but as additional option. - “We will build an excellent wooden house for you, but if you want it to be of high quality, pay us more.”

In a reliable construction company such as ours, studding of windows and doors with battens is not an option, but a technological construction standard that ensures the quality and durability of doors and windows in your home.

What is a swarm, casing or okosyachka in wooden house? What are they for and what is better to choose for your home? Let's look at the topic in our construction blog. Let's divide the topic into easy-to-read and understandable points:

What is a swarm, casing or socket and where are they used?

Royka- a block installed in a pre-prepared groove in a window, door or arched doorway Your wooden house. The swarm should secure the opening from possible negative consequences shrinkage.

Pit or casing- a product made from solid or laminated veneer lumber, it differs from the jamb in its shape and rigidity; if the jamb is an ordinary block, then the jamb is a casing made of solid timber T-shaped or U-shaped. A T-shaped jamb is installed in a groove, a U-shaped one is installed on a groove, we usually use T-shaped jambs. Periodically, the frame is made from a block and a board, fastening the product with a nail joint or self-tapping screws, but we do not recommend this option. In window and doorways The frame or casing is usually installed on 3 sides (on the sides and on top), installation in arched openings without top jumper.

What are swarms, pods or casings needed for?

A frame, casing or frame is designed for rigid fixation of a window, door or arched opening in a wooden house. Installing windows or doors in an opening without a frame or casing is possible only at your own peril and risk and entirely under your responsibility - the opening can lead in two planes and you will spend more time and money on correcting errors than on installing a frame or casing in advance.

Where to stop? What is better to install in a wooden opening?

In our construction segment, almost all companies, without exception, make digging using 50x50 mm bars. or 40x40 mm.. We also offer customers a choice of regular jambs made of timber or a massive jamb made of timber 100x150 mm. or 150x150 mm.. But the block is not always able to withstand internal stress in the wood, resist shrinkage and compensate for possible warping of a door or window opening. We recommend, first of all, to use massive frames and casings made of T-shaped or U-shaped timber. The casing must be made precisely according to the size of the groove; jute or a modern analogue must be installed between the casing and the opening. Also, do not forget to leave a gap between the casing and the opening on top; the opening, even in a house with chamber-drying material, can shrink by 7-10 cm, depending on the number of crowns and their humidity. Another plus on the casing topic- you can easily insert a window or door into the casing and foam the gaps around it, and in the case of a swarm you will have to fence the garden with a stacked casing, which will not add rigidity and you will have an additional cold fistula between the block and the post, despite the jute between them , with a cast casing you close the opening from any blowing from the street!

Is it possible not to install swarms or casing in the openings?

Swarms and casings can only be omitted in two cases:

  • First under your responsibility with your full understanding of the consequences.
  • Second - you chose frame house for construction on your estate, no shrinkage, no fees for swarming and other joys are guaranteed to you. If you are still thinking about whether it is better to choose a frame house or a cottage made of timber, read interesting thoughts on this matter:.

The photos in this article are taken from, if you are planning to build a house from profiled timber - look at the detailed report, we have prepared 35 for you detailed photos telling about construction from start to finish.

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