Windows in the attic roof. Dormer windows. How much to install, additional options, how to protect from the sun. Lucarne with semicircular window

Windows in the attic will help turn this room into a living room, which will be very bright and cozy. Make do with just one artificial lighting will not work. In this case, the attic will still be dark, and it will be unpleasant to be in such a room.

Taking into account the fact that most often a bedroom is located in this room, there must be windows, because without natural daylight it will be very difficult to get up in the morning. If desired, the attic can be turned into your own office for doing what you love, for example, an art workshop or a room for sewing and handicrafts. In any case, good natural lighting is necessary here.

What should be the illumination of the attic?

Dormer windows, like any other, must provide good lighting in the room so that there are no dark corners anywhere. Calculate required amount windows is possible, thanks to existing standards. On average, 1 m 2 of glazed windows provides natural light to about 10 m 2 of the room. Make a calculation based on an average of 1:10; there will be plenty of such daylight lighting for the attic. This room will receive much more light than other rooms due to the slope of the windows. On average, the illumination of the attic is 40% greater than that of a conventional room. This happens because the windows are part of the roof of the building, so they are sloping.

Windows in the attic should be installed 90 cm above the floor. Their upper edge should be no lower than 180-220 cm above the floor level of the room. Only this size of windows will provide really good lighting, thanks to which no additional lighting devices will be required during the day. The length of the windows also directly depends on the angle of the roof. On steep roofs, the length of the windows can be made shorter; if the roof is flat, then the windows should be longer.

The width is selected depending on the distance between the construction beams. The window in the attic roof should be 6-7 cm smaller than this parameter. It is necessary to leave a gap of at least 3-3.5 cm on each side in order to lay the insulation, preventing the formation of cold “bridges”. For example, if the distance between the construction beams is standard, that is, 80 cm, the width of the attic window should be no more than 74 cm. As a result, there are gaps left and right for the insulation 3 cm wide.

When choosing windows for the attic, remember that several small ones will illuminate the room much better than one huge one. They can be installed, if desired, at any height, as well as at any angle, depending on which part of the attic space you want to illuminate in the best way. For example, if you make windows under the ridge of the roof, the center of the room will be illuminated the most. If you want the light to be concentrated closer to the walls, you need to install the windows as low as possible. This option is optimal if you want to see not only the sky, but also what is happening in your yard.

IN ready-made house projects with an attic The required number of windows for this room has already been calculated, as well as their optimal length and width, and angle of inclination. The project stipulates in which places they should be mounted in order to obtain the best daylight illumination for this room.

What types of dormer windows are there?

There are three types of windows that are suitable for this room. Their main difference is the method of opening the window sash:

  • The most common and cheapest are windows in which the sash rotation axis is located in the center. They perfectly illuminate the room and also provide good ventilation. This best option, if windows need to be installed at a high altitude in a hard-to-reach place. If they are installed at the height recommended for the attic, that is, 90 cm from the floor, it will be inconvenient to use such windows because part of the open sash will be inside the room. Not only will it take up space, but you could accidentally hit it. Attic skylight with a central rotation of the sash, if it is at a high altitude, it is controlled using a pole. This is the cheapest option, but there are models that can be opened and closed using a remote control or a special switch mounted in the wall.

  • There are windows in which the sash axis is raised by ¾ of the height of the window. They are considered the safest to use and most comfortable, although their cost is higher than traditional ones. They are convenient because most of the sash, when opened, will face outward, and only a smaller part remains inside. In this case, a person can stand at full height near an open window, nothing will interfere with this.

  • The most expensive and comfortable are attic windows, which have an upper axis of rotation of the sash or even two of them. They are classified as “premium” and are most often installed in luxury homes.

Such windows are equipped with a combined system, that is, the sash can be opened both along its upper axis and with a rotation of ¾ of the height of the window. Such windows have increased thermal insulation due to the installed thermal insulation block. They are controlled by one multifunctional handle, which is located at the bottom. You can choose these premium windows with double-glazed windows. It is these models that belong to the highest, that is, the fifth, safety class. Having found out what they are types of attic windows

, you can choose the option that suits your home. But be sure to check when purchasing what kind of roofing a particular window is intended for. For example, double-glazed windows in which the sash axis is raised by ¾ of the window height are usually installed in a roof with a slope of 20-65°. The cheapest windows with a central axis can be installed if the roof slope is from 15° to 90°. Always check this nuance with the manufacturer, as different models may have their own installation features.

How to choose a double-glazed window for the attic

Thermal insulation properties

Most inexpensive double-glazed windows are single-chamber. As a rule, double-chamber windows can be made to order or you can take ready-made ones, which belong to the premium class. All modern single-chamber double-glazed windows are produced with a special coating, which significantly increases the coefficient of heat transfer resistance. They are good because they keep the room cool in summer, which is especially important for the attic, which is located directly under the roof of the house. In winter, they perfectly retain heat in the room; even in a strong snowstorm, your attic will remain cozy.

If you have attic with large windows Moreover, you cannot save on them; double-glazed windows with built-in thermal insulation blocks are needed. Their cost is slightly higher than standard ones, but they make it possible to save on heating. It is very important that heat does not escape from the room through the huge attic windows. Therefore, initially you need to select double-glazed windows with a maximum heat transfer resistance coefficient and additional insulation.

Safety of roof windows

When purchasing attic windows, be sure to ask the manufacturer if they have any burglary protection. Many people put bars on the windows of the first floor and a reliable, strong door, but completely forget that intruders can enter the home through the attic. To protect your home from thieves, choose windows with tempered, especially strong glass; it is very difficult to break. In addition, you need to make sure that the double-glazed windows are safe to use, this is especially true if you want to make a children's room in the attic. There are windows with special glass, which, if accidentally broken, will not shower small fragments into the room. Thanks to a special protective film, all pieces of broken glass will be held together.

Sound insulation performance

The window should help create a cozy, homely atmosphere in the attic room. But what kind of comfort can we talk about if you live, for example, next to a noisy highway, a train station, or your neighbors have a dog that barks constantly and loudly. Be sure to consider all factors when choosing double-glazed windows for your attic. Ask the manufacturers what soundproofing characteristics a particular window has. If you live near sources of constant and strong noise, choose double-glazed windows with maximum sound insulation properties. This is especially true if you want to make a bedroom in the attic.

Why do you need a waterproofing flashing?

When purchasing attic windows, be sure to immediately purchase a waterproofing flashing. It is necessary to reliably, firmly and hermetically connect double-glazed windows to the roof. Without it, installation of attic windows is impossible; at the first rain they will begin to leak. It is important to know that a certain type of waterproofing flashing is suitable for each roofing material. For example, a flashing designed for metal tiles or euro slate is in no way suitable for a flat seam roof or bitumen tiles. Therefore, it is necessary to decide on the type of roof windows at the stage roofing works to immediately purchase all the materials necessary and suitable for their installation.

Nuances that you need to pay attention to when choosing windows for the attic

Window opening handle

In some window models it is located at the top of the frame, in others - at the bottom. Manufacturers are still arguing among themselves, giving arguments in favor of “their” location of the handle on the window frame. But in fact, they are equally convenient and the choice depends only on your personal preferences. If you have children, it is better to choose windows with a top handle on the frame. If you prefer its lower location, be sure to make sure that the handle is equipped with a locking function so that kids cannot accidentally open the window.

Window frame control

The cheapest options for attic windows are equipped with a special pole with which they can be closed and opened. If you wish, you can purchase more expensive ones, which come with a remote control. There are also windows that are controlled using wall switches. Which option to choose is up to you.

How to choose accessories for roof windows

Like any other windows, they can be equipped with mosquito nets, roller shutters, curtains and other accessories. It is very important to select everything from the manufacturer whose windows you decide to buy. Installation of accessories manufactured by a completely different company can, in some cases, even lead to damage to the window frame.

Design and style of attic windows

They must definitely fit interior design your attic, both in color and size, in the style of their design. Windows should not look like something strange and awkward in the room. Choose just the right ones so that they fit harmoniously into the overall atmosphere of the attic.

Pros and cons of roof window blocks

Such blocks look very impressive, they make the room very bright and visually expand it, providing an opportunity for an excellent view. But it is recommended to install them only as a last resort, if you really want just such a window option. The fact is that they are very difficult to install. Also, due to their special design, the likelihood of the formation of a huge amount of condensate and freezing increases. The slightest errors during their installation, which would not at all affect the operation of standard small windows, can lead to serious consequences when it comes to large blocks.

  • Unless you are an expert, never attempt to install windows yourself. Remember that roof windows are part of the roof, they are located at an angle and will be constantly exposed to atmospheric factors. They will have to withstand strong gusts of wind, summer showers, hail, and winter snowstorms. The slightest errors in their installation can lead to seal failures and leaks, cracks, drafts and even cracks in the glass.
  • Request a warranty not only from the window manufacturer, but also from the company you choose to carry out roofing work or building a house .
  • It is very important to control the correct installation; in order to understand all the nuances, first study the instructions that come with the windows you have chosen. Then you will be able to check whether the workers really follow the technology of their installation.

What exactly needs to be monitored when installing roof windows:

  • After completing all installation work, be sure to check the horizontal and vertical position of the frame using a level.
  • After the frame is installed, but before installing the waterproofing flashing, workers will install the vapor barrier and waterproofing film. It is important to visually check that all joints are securely taped with special adhesive tape.
  • Above the window, an installation must be made on the waterproofing film to drain water. Before installing the waterproofing flashing, be sure to visually check it.
  • When installing the waterproofing flashing, make sure that there are no gaps in it. Also on its surface that will be in contact with external environment, there should be no nails or other fasteners.
  • After installing the slopes, be sure to check them using a level.
  • If you decide to make window sills under the attic windows, make sure that there is a gap between them and the wall; this is necessary for proper circulation of warm air.
  • Still at the stage house design It is important to ensure that there is a heating radiator under each window in the attic. This is necessary to prevent condensation from appearing on the windows in winter; a constant flow of warm air will prevent this.

If you still haven’t decided which window to install in the attic, photos and videos will help you figure it out.

A dormer window in an attic roof is not just a decoration that helps create a unique roof design, but also increases the amount of light in the room. It can be quite simple design, which you can install yourself, or a product with a complex design shape that gives the roof individuality.

How did dormer windows appear?

The dormer roof window first began to appear in Europe in the mid-19th century. They served mainly to create lighting in the attic, making the room habitable and economic needs. After some time, architects began to use this technique not only from a practical, but also from an aesthetic point of view. Windows have gained popularity in such styles as Renaissance, Gothic, and Baroque. Their appearance varied greatly depending on the country in which the building was built.

In Russia, such designs first became known after the victory over Napoleon. Ten years later, a roof with a dormer window no longer surprised anyone; it became commonplace, especially for Moscow and St. Petersburg. Attics were most often used for living by people with low incomes; the premises were often given over to workshops.

What types of windows are there?

Depending on the type and location of dormer windows, they are divided into the following types:

  • Located in a gable wall.
  • Dormer, which can have different shapes:
    1. triangular.
    2. quadrangular, used if the roof has slopes.
    3. trapezoidal.
    4. segment-shaped, most often such windows are called panoramic, used if the roof has a trapezoid shape.
    5. arched
  • Antidormer. The window is not located at an angle; a special step is made under it in the roof.
  • Oblique.
  • Skylight: it does not open, it is located in the upper part of the roof.

Design features

Depending on the type of roof, the dormer window on the roof will also differ, the design of which is selected in a special way.

  • In the gable wall. Such windows are installed in the upper part of the wall, which is located at the end of the building. It has a triangular shape, with roof slopes on the sides. The structure is located on the same plane as the facade of the building. Such a window does not need any additional facilities, it opens, you can attach a ladder to it and get through it to the attic.
  • Dormer is located entirely above the roof slope. To install such a structure, you will need to strengthen the roof and take care of high-quality waterproofing of the window. This type of window is most widespread due to its efficiency; there are a large number of models.
  • An antidormer is a dormer window on the roof, the design of which is designed in such a way that it does not protrude beyond the roof, but is in the same plane as the facade. This is a built-in window, because of this it reduces the volume of the room inside. It is easier to equip such a product than the one discussed above, however, due to the folding of the interior space of the room, it has not become widespread.
  • Inclined type. This type of window is most often called a dormer window, and it is not uncommon. This structure is inserted into the inclined plane of the roof, which is why it is also inclined. The shape of such a window can be any; It is usually made of metal-plastic.
  • Clerestory. It is made entirely of glass, the shape can be different. Thanks to its design, the lantern provides maximum illumination to the attic; it is most often used in non-residential premises, since there is no way to curtain it or open it for ventilation.

Examples of using a dormer window

Dormer dormers can be used in almost any type of roof and come in a variety of shapes and sizes, making them versatile. Most often, such structures can be found on the roof slope or in the plane of the walls, but they can also be used for lean-to structures.

Hip roof dormer windows are quite common. . They are good for classic houses or ancient architectural solutions. Frames are usually triangular shape, the windows provide good, even lighting, a feeling of comfort and tranquility. This type of window is widely used for modern designs, especially when the roof is strongly lowered to the floor.

Triangular windows are quite simple to make, cost less than other non-standard shapes, and provide the most even lighting, but the amount of light will be moderate. This is good if you are turning the attic into a bedroom, but is not suitable for a nursery, playroom or living room. Sometimes there are arched windows: they are small, but they create a certain design direction that draws attention to the house. Such windows provide minimal lighting; they can be used for ventilation if they have opening sashes.

Dormer windows can be placed individually or in groups, the main thing is not to violate the integrity of the supporting elements of the roof. The arrangement of structures can be either horizontal or vertical. If you need to achieve a wide view and good lighting, you can use panoramic window, however, a lot of heat usually escapes through it.

If the roof is trapezoidal, it will not have side walls, so the window is covered with roofing materials and special waterproofing is used. The dormer window of the attic floor is usually selected depending on the purpose of the room and the type of roof. There is a wide variety of options, so you can always choose the right one.

What requirements must be met when designing?

A gable roof with a dormer window not only looks good, but also turns the attic into a room suitable for living or other use. However, you must follow certain rules when choosing a roof window.

First of all, you should take into account the direction of the world that the future window will look at. The south side gives more light, so if you do not need bright lighting, you can install windows without big size or use tint. The larger the size of the windows, their number and slope, the more light there will be in the room. Optimal size It is calculated approximately like this: for one meter of glazing there should be 9 meters of floor. It is advisable to include a roof window in the project even before the roof begins to be built: this will greatly facilitate their installation, since special places will be provided for the windows, and you will not have to disassemble the roofing material.

A gable roof with dormers can have different lighting depending on the future purpose of the room, so you don’t have to limit yourself to one window: you can install as many of them as needed. The only main condition is that the frame must fit between the rafters without violating their integrity. It is necessary to comply with the requirements of SNiP; they are needed at the design stage, when the general concept of the room and its style are developed.

If the building does not have a very convenient roof shape, a triangular dormer window can be placed on the wall of the attic floor. It can also serve as an entrance to the attic. Such windows can be used for non-residential attics or in combination with other solutions. Maximum size the window is limited by the plane of the roof, and is calculated based on illumination considerations. The larger the glass plane, the more light will enter the room. In addition, in order to ensure that the structure does not harm the roof, does not weaken it and lasts long enough, it is necessary to comply with the requirements and construction standards. SNiP includes the following requirements:

  • Sloping windows are installed if the angle of inclination is at least 35 degrees.
  • Superstructures can only be placed at a regulated distance from the external walls of the building.
  • The minimum size of opening sashes should be 0.6×0.8 m, the permissible size on the roof is 1.2×0.8 m.
  • The facade should not be a continuation of the wall if you plan to service a window with a hip roof, the opening of which has a quadrangular shape.

How to make a dormer window - practical skills of an attic master

The window opening on the roof serves as a source of light for the attic and attic. In addition, this element increases the aesthetic appeal of the building. Windows in the attic, also known as dormer windows, can be designed in different styles and have different designs.

Types of attic windows

Another name for a dormer window is a dormer window. Regardless of this, it must meet the requirements of the highest level. Structural strength and compliance are important architectural style buildings, as well as the ability of dormer windows to provide light and ventilation in the right quantities.

Dormers have been an integral element of buildings for a long time. Depending on the fashion trends their design and structure changed.

Window openings can have several types of design:

  • Window combined with the roof plane.
  • Dormer windows that have side walls, as well as a gable wall in addition to the plane of the house.
  • Windows with side walls and a pediment located in the plane of the building.
  • Dormer windows that do not have side walls, the pediment of which is located in the plane of the house.

The last three options have vertical glazing.

Openings for windows in the attic can be triangular or trapezoidal, or have the shape of an arch with glazing along the entire vertical plane.

Structures with side walls are divided into the following types:

  • With a pitched roof.
  • With a gable roof.
  • Hip.
  • In the form of a beam or circular arch.
  • Flat French.

In order for the dormer window to blend into the overall exterior, you need to choose the right type of structure and its location on the roof and relative to the main windows of the house.


Window openings, including a round window in the attic, must comply with certain Sanitary Standards and Rules, which must be followed during design and installation. The main regulatory documents are SNiP II-26 and SNiP 21-01. Only in this case can you count on the reliability and durability of the windows without compromising the quality characteristics of the roof.

The main requirements are the following:

  • Windows can be installed when the slope of the main roof slope is more than 35 degrees.
  • When placing the superstructure, you should adhere to the established distance from the external walls of the house.
  • The minimum parameters of the dormer window sashes are 60*80 cm, therefore, the size of the window opening in the attic can be no more than 120*80 cm.
  • When installing windows with a hip roof and quadrangular shape It should be remembered that the facade of such a window should not continue the wall of the house.

According to GOST, dormer windows are lined with different materials, including copper, metal or tiles. The window structure may have its own roof and gutter, but installation can be carried out without these elements. Oversized windows can be equipped with a balcony, which makes the roof more attractive. Lucar windows are the name for a window in an attic with side walls and a facade glazed over the entire area.

Triangular windows in the attic of a gable roof

When installing windows in the attic yourself, you should give preference to openings in the form of a triangle with steep roof slopes. The popularity of this design is due to the following: the pediment of the window does not have a recess into the roof, it is located in line with the load-bearing wall. In this case, the location of the dormer window opening and the windows of the house must be combined. This will help preserve the architectural features of the building.

The slope of the roof slopes of triangular windows is about 60-70 degrees, so the usable area of ​​the attic does not change. Window openings on the roof, having a triangular shape, make the appearance of the roof aesthetically attractive and allow you to more effectively and originally design the layout of the attic or attic space.

When installing triangular dormer windows, remember that their roof is adjacent to common roof. Consequently, there is no need to waterproof the junction of the side walls and the roof. This makes the sealing process easier and faster, as well as the cladding of a gable roof with dormers.

Assembling the main part - how to do it right

The assembly of the window frame in the attic begins only after the gables and rafter system of the main roof have been erected. In this case, it is recommended to leave an opening between the rafters. The rafter system of the dormer window has some differences; the rafters on the sides of the structure are reinforced additional elements. This design will help the frame to withstand significant loads.

The pediment of a window located in the roof must be supported by the side walls. They are installed at right angles to external wall, their height is 1.5 meters. The frame of the side walls should rest on the ceiling beams.

The side walls of the attic window are installed after installation of the main rafter system. Next, the horizontal crossbars and posts of the pediment frame of the window are tied.

After this, the solution to the problem of how to make a dormer window on the roof consists of performing the following actions:

  • The rafters that are adjacent to the walls are sawed and aligned with the wall sheathing.
  • Between the reinforced rafters, jumpers are installed, the fastening of which is carried out with metal overhead brackets. At this stage, it is forbidden to make cuts or tap-ins, as this reduces bearing capacity rafter system.
  • Check the verticality of the gable of the dormer window.
  • Install the ridge and check the location of the gable frame again.
  • In accordance with the template, the rafter legs of the attic window are cut out and fixed to the ridge and to the lower beam of the structure.
  • When sheathing the pediment of a dormer window in an attic roof, you need to pay attention to the fact that the sheathing must match the sheathing of the wall.
  • When making shortened rafters, you can use a universal template. This will help reduce the time spent on work.

Endova at the dormer window

A roof window can be constructed according to the principle of a multi-gable roof, but with some differences in installation technology. The different slopes of the slopes of a triangular window and a multi-gable roof require a non-standard solution to the problem, so the slopes of the window and roof are connected by non-standard grooves.

The design of the dormer window on the roof in this case involves the use of slanted rafters; they serve as support for the shortened rafter legs. When installing a window of this type, it is necessary to correctly calculate the length and cross-section of the valley, as well as the angles of connection of the side walls with the ridge beam. Two grooves are installed for each opening.

Rules for installing the lower part of the attic window

The window in the attic in its lower part has installation features, special attention should be paid to this. The inside of the roof should be hidden at the bottom of the attic window so that it is not visible from the inside. The problem can be solved by using a special installation of grooves.

The valley beam is mounted directly on the roofing material of the common roof. It acts as a support for the rafters of the gable frame of the attic window. A sheathing made of moisture resistant plywood, onto which the roofing material is directly attached. The attic windows are sheathed, moving in the direction from the ridge beam to the bottom of the structure. But the finishing coating is attached in the opposite direction, from bottom to top.

Having made a decision self-installation window openings on the roof, it is necessary to carefully study all the intricacies of this process. When installing dormer windows complex design or original form, it is best to seek help and advice from professional craftsmen.

Dormer window on the attic roof

A roof consists of many elements, some of which are decorative and others of a practical nature. The maximum roof area is occupied by flat slopes, which facilitate the drainage of rainwater, which protects the entire structure. In addition to slopes, auxiliary components play an important role. One of them is a dormer window. It provides natural lighting to the attic, if there is one on the roof, and also serves to drain humid air from under the roof. These windows allow the sun's rays to fall at a more conventional angle than through horizontal roof windows. There are several varieties of such windows. Additional information will be discussed in the article.

There are plenty to choose from

The dormer window is not new in the construction business. It has been used for a long time as a practical roofing element. There are exactly as many varieties of dolmers as there are varieties of roof shapes. The differences between windows of this kind lie precisely in the type of roofing that covers them. Among them are:

  • flat;
  • single slope;
  • hip;
  • gable;
  • trapezoidal;
  • arched;
  • round.

Each type is selected for specific needs and depending on general design Houses. If it is dominated by rounded shapes, then the shape of the window roof will be the same. In addition, the shape of the doors themselves can be not only rectangular. Some designers argue that such windows are less efficient than attic windows. This is due to less throughput, because the rays spend less time at the required angle.

There are no restrictions on what type of roof dormer windows can be installed on. This adds some work to the craftsmen who will do the installation, but the result will definitely please you. There is no strict reference to the shape of the roof on which the dormer windows will be located. For example, on a single-pitched window, windows with a semicircular roof and the same shape will look great. Dolmers can be mounted not only in the slope, but also in the gable of the roof. In some cases, it is possible to install dolmeters on a flat roof, but in this case it will be necessary to provide a method by which rain or melt water will be removed as quickly as possible. This is due to the fact that it will accumulate under the windows, resulting in dampness.

To save money, instead of the side walls of the dormer window, you can make longer slopes. This will result in a triangular-shaped structure. The advantage of this solution is the ease of docking with the ramp. It should be taken into account that less light will enter the room. If penetrating light is a priority, then the dormer window slopes can be made transparent to create a skylight. If there is supposed to be a sleeping place in the attic where the skylights are located, then it is better to provide blinds. Some people prefer attic windows instead of dormer windows, but it is important to understand that their cost is slightly higher than that of dormer windows.

When is installation possible?

It is worth understanding that installing a dormer window is not always possible. There are certain SNiP standards that regulate the installation process of dolmeters. Only if the developed rules are strictly followed, it is possible to achieve maximum service life. auditory structures. Here are a few nuances that are important to consider when designing:

  • roof angle;
  • distance from external walls;
  • There are minimum sizes for dormer windows.

For proper water drainage in the presence of a dormer window, the slope angle must be at least 35 degrees. In terms of size, it is worth saying that the size of the dormer window should be at least 10% of the total area of ​​the attic space. But the minimum sash size is 60x80 cm. If a dormer window is made on a hip roof, then it must be positioned in such a way that it is not a continuation of the main wall. Most often, the dormer window is finished in the same way as the roof. But separate design is also allowed, which implies the presence of its own roof with separate decking and drainage.

Construction process

Installation of a dormer window is divided into several stages, each of which requires a special approach. It all starts with the construction of the frame.


The dormer window in the attic is constructed after the roof truss system is completely ready. However, it must be designed in advance. This is taken into account during the placement of trusses. In the place where the opening will be mounted. At the same time, neighboring trusses move apart a little so that they do not have to be cut. The consequence of this would be a loss of strength. “Cuckoo” has its own rafter system. Moreover, its construction is not inferior in complexity to roofing. The rafter legs, which will bear the entire load upon completion of installation, are made triple or double.

The front part of such a structure or pediment will require additional support. Her role is played by interior wall. Its height must be at least 1.5 meters. It is installed perpendicular to the pediment and the main wall. Only in this case will it be possible to achieve the required strength. The walls themselves stand on beams, which are ceiling beams. These walls are assembled after the roofing system is ready. Simultaneously with their installation, the window opening is fixed to them. Most often, this design is performed in the same plane in which one of the walls is located. If this is the case, then the supporting rafter legs should not extend beyond its level.

They are cut flush with the main wall to achieve harmony. In order to strengthen the opening, an additional lintel is made. It is installed between the rafters of the opening, and the “cuckoo” ridge beam also rests on it. Most often it is made of wood, which is reinforced with metal overlays. The lintel beam is mounted so that it is vertical in accordance with the pediment of the dormer opening to ensure proper abutment of the window ridge beam. The rafters that are lateral to the window must rest with their upper part against the ridge beam of the roof rafter system. If the window is in the same plane as the wall, then the cladding must be done in such a way that it does not protrude beyond the wall. The material can be moisture-resistant plywood or OSB board.


The installation of a triangular opening must be approached in the same way as the covering of a multi-pitched roof. But there are also some nuances that are worth considering. Each roof slope usually has the same slope. But this is not true in relation to the “cuckoo”; here the angle of the roof slopes of the opening can be several times greater. When joining, a problem arises, since it will be necessary to use valleys with different angles of the sides. If the opening is blind, then additional shortened rafter legs are used to make it, which rest against the slanted rafters of the roof.

To achieve the correct connection and drainage of rain or melt water, it is necessary to correctly calculate the length of the valleys, as well as the cross-section of the beam on which they will rest. Also, for gutters, you will need to know in advance at what angle the slope of the opening will be to the slope of the main roof. It is necessary to prepare a couple of such beams in advance, but they must be in a mirror image. When working, it is better to use a pre-prepared template.

Bottom part

The lower part of the structure requires no less careful approach than the rest. The lower part should be a support for soft roof, which internal part will hide in it. In this case, the side walls should cover it so that it is not visible. A groove installed using a simplified method will help hide it. The beam under it is mounted on top of the main roofing. It serves as a support for the rafter legs of the triangular window. After this, a continuous sheathing for the window is made of moisture-resistant plywood, on which the flooring for the opening is laid. The sheathing is mounted from top to bottom, and the roofing is installed vice versa. Video about installation work can be viewed below.


As you can see, no two projects are identical; each is distinguished by the complexity and uniqueness of its design. However, there are basic rules that are important to adhere to. Without them, the strength of the entire roof truss system can be weakened, which will result in expensive repairs or replacement of main components. Never agree to the promises of craftsmen who only want to try to build similar design. This always indicates insufficient preparation, for which the customer will have to pay. Don’t settle for the “easier” options, but find a master who will be ready to realize the architect’s idea.

Dormer window on the roof: design and drawing

A dormer window is a glazed window frame on the roof, designed for lighting and ventilation of the attic or attic space, as well as for direct access to the roof. This guy architectural element has many names: “birdhouse”, “gnome house” and the historical “lukarna”. As a rule, the dormer window is located parallel to the facade wall or is its continuation. There are a thousand ways to make a dormer window on the roof and decorate it in an original way, giving the building its own unique view. Typical dormer window on the roof of a cottage
Example of history - Gothic French lucarne

What is a dormer window for?

Initially, the dormer openings on the roof were designed to equalize the air pressure between the external atmospheric and internal under-roof air pressure. From the point of view of the laws of physics, excess pressure is more likely to break fragile glass than to lift and deform a heavy roof.

In addition to its practical function, the hatch often has decorative meaning. Decorated carved platbands, stucco frame and other decorative elements, it serves as decoration for both the exterior of the house and the interior of the attic.

What types of dormer windows are there?

The variety of types of roofing superstructures is determined by the given shape of the window opening and the architecture of the roof.

Dormer windows differ in the shape of the window frame:

  • rectangular,
  • triangular,
  • arched (semicircular).

According to the design of the slopes:

  • single-pitched,
  • gable,
  • hip.

Types of dormer windows

According to the method of placement in the roof structure:

  • Dormer - designed as a protrusion in the roof slope, requires increased waterproofing. Most common in construction practice.
  • Antidormer is built into the roof structure, so it does not require additional waterproofing, which is why it is simpler to implement. However, it takes away inner space in the attic and, apparently for this reason, is rare.
  • A slanted window is the same as a dormer window.
  • In a gable wall - a dormer window is installed in the end wall of a gable roof. The frame is often shaped like a triangle, trapezoid or arch.
  • Skylight - a window or glass structure on a horizontal or flat roof with a minimum permissible slope (5-15 0).

Also, attic “birdhouses” are made with or without side walls. They are located by the pediment in the same plane with the facade wall or outside its plane, a little higher and further on the roof slope.
Example hip roof with a gable dormer window

What is the difference between a dormer window and a dormer window?

A variant of a glazed opening on the roof is a dormer window. Only it is not installed vertically, but at an angle, and lies in the same plane with the roof slope. Due to its structural arrangement, such a window must withstand the same loads as the material covering the roof: rain, hail, the weight of the snow cover. A significant advantage of dormer windows is that they allow more light into the roof space than vertical window openings closed at the top and sides with a “birdhouse” box.
Aesthetic skylights made from the latest materials perfectly decorate the interior of a modern attic

If it is possible to make the opening of the attic window large enough, then you can turn it into balcony door and organize an attic balcony, as in the photo below.

Since roof windows should not allow external moisture to pass through, it is unlikely that you will be able to make a waterproof casing for them yourself. It is recommended to purchase ready-made plastic and wooden double-glazed windows from an official manufacturer. Such window blocks are manufactured in compliance with production technology and, as part of the roofing, meet all the necessary requirements.

Dormer window in the form of a skylight

Historically, a lantern in architecture is a beamed architectural form that crowns the dome of a building and serves as a source of overhead lighting and ventilation. Lanterns decorated with decorative details were installed on temples and cathedrals. Nowadays, the lantern is the glass part of the horizontal roof. It is made in the form of a flat window, a dome, a pyramid or in the form of a greenhouse. They visually increase the height of the attic space and let more in sunlight.
Types of skylights

Roof window: practical and aesthetically pleasing

Because of these examples, you may get the impression that dormer windows are needed only in residential premises, and they are not appropriate in uninhabited attics used as storage for all sorts of belongings. This is not entirely true, since exits in the roof are needed to ventilate the attic space and to provide technical access to the roof. Roof shapes and options for roof superstructures can be very diverse. Lucarnes are placed as on roof slopes, and gables - the end walls of a gable roof. Made with creativity, they will become decorative decoration throughout your home.


When sitting down to think about the design and starting to draw up a drawing of the future dormer window, it will be useful to familiarize yourself with the requirements sanitary standards and rules, better known as SNiPs.

If the project involves the arrangement of several auditory openings in a row, the distance between their outer edges must be at least 80 cm. Compliance with this requirement will allow you to freely arrange preventive inspections of the roof, clean it from snow or leaves, and replace roofing material. On some roofs you can see dormer openings in two rows, one above the other. In this case, it is recommended to comply with the same standards: the step from the bottom edge to the floor and between the openings themselves is from 0.8 m.

Getting Started

As mentioned above and as can be seen from the drawings below, the most popular design of a dormer window on the roof is the dormer. Therefore, in most sources, the description of the construction of an attic window involves the construction of exactly this type of dormer opening.

Installation of the roofing “house” is carried out only on already installed load-bearing rafter “legs”. In its design, the dormer opening resembles the structure of a roof, only in miniature. It has its own rafter system, sheathing, and, with a gable roof, a ridge.
Cross-sectional diagram of an attic dormer

As for the inclined roof window, inscribed into the surface of the roof, its construction does not require the construction of a separate frame. However, additional requirements are imposed on the quality of the window unit. Since one of the purposes of the dormer opening is to illuminate the attic, the owner should take this into account and plan a dormer on the south side of the roof. At worst - in the east or west, but most importantly - not in the north.

Manufacturing process

At the site where the dormer window is installed, the load-bearing beams are cut out and removed. It is better if the load-bearing rafters are also the edges of the opening being constructed.

Ideally, the width of the dormer window is equal to the distance between the inclined rafters.

Since it is better to install dormers without disturbing the rafter system, several roofing superstructures are often built in the spaces between the beams. Then reinforced vertical posts, a window frame and a top covering of rafters are installed. As a rule, the frame of a “birdhouse” is made of beams, although, if the foundation and load-bearing walls of the house allow, the pediment and side walls of the “gnome house” are laid out with bricks.

Vertical racks are installed on the lower horizontal frontal board. Their tops are connected by another horizontal beam - a lintel above the window. The vertical posts are connected at the top by a purlin, and inclined rafters are mounted on the purlin - the basis of a mini-roof over the auditory opening. At the top point where the rafters meet, a ridge beam is laid. Assembly diagram of a standard dormer window

The outside of the structure is sheathed with boards, plywood, and other facade and roofing materials. Since the auditory opening is part roofing system, it must have reliable moisture and heat insulation. Therefore, special attention is paid to sealing joints and using suitable insulating material: bitumen, insulation, silicone and acrylic sealants, vapor-proof film. All parts are fastened metal corners and strips using self-tapping screws or construction nails. Dormer design with a square pediment and gable roof

After installation of all elements and completion exterior finishing move on to the interior design of the attic or attic exit. Here the owner has unlimited freedom for creativity. The wooden parts are coated with protective primers or paints, and the areas below and above the dormer window are designed to match the overall interior of the roof space. Curtains or blinds are used as curtains from excess sun. If the attic is heated, then under the window, as is customary in standard city apartments, you can hang a radiator.


So, the dormer window has a functional and decorative value. On the one hand, it serves to ventilate and illuminate the attic space and provides access to the roof. On the other hand, it brings variety to the architecture and gives the building a unique appearance. A homeowner planning to build a dormer window on his roof is faced with a choice: hire an experienced construction team or assemble the structure with his own hands according to his own drawings.

A room located in the attic is called an attic. It was invented in Paris back in 1630 and the relevance of this architectural solution has not yet been lost, moreover, taking into account the growth in volumes suburban construction it is constantly being applied.

The attic structure should work like a roof

The design of the attic is determined by the type of roof itself. Historically, the optimal roof profile for arranging attic room- This is the so-called sloping roof. The figure shows the ratio of the volume of this room in the case of a gable and a broken line.

Even with the naked eye, it is clear that the size of the room is under sloping roof, more than under a gable. It is also clear that it is larger in area than the one located on the ground floor, this is due to the design features of the house itself. Yes, and there are several of them.

Attic frame without insulation

The construction of an attic room implies that it automatically becomes an integral part of the roof structure. That is, the beams that are used to make the walls and ceiling of the attic take on the load from the roof structure, making it stronger and more stable.

To make an attic in a frame house, it is necessary to use the same materials that were used in the construction of the main walls and ceiling of the first floor.

That is, if 150x50 mm timber was used for the walls, then the same should be used when arranging the attic room.

The first floor ceiling joists are used as supports under the wall beams. Fastening is carried out using nails or angle and wood screws. The developer himself chooses how exactly to fasten the beams based on his experience and knowledge.

Subtleties of construction

The need to install windows complicates the life of builders; because of this, they have to either use windows that are designed for use in the attic. Another point that can complicate the developer’s life is insufficient natural ventilation, that is, it will be necessary to take measures to create forced ventilation in the attic. In addition, a complex roof entails increased labor intensity when installing heat and waterproofing. But all these difficulties are outweighed by the attractive appearance of a house with a mansard roof, and an extra room never hurts.

Non-load-bearing elements of the attic frame

Non-load-bearing elements of an attic room include those used for cladding walls and ceilings, as well as for heat and vapor barrier of the room itself. In this case, it may be necessary to create an additional frame on the vertically installed frame beams of the room walls. To decorate a room, they usually use clapboard, the main thing is that when nailing it down, it is unacceptable for pieces of thermal insulation to get into the cracks.

Attic insulation

The work associated with this is associated with certain difficulties, namely, it is quite labor-intensive and complex, and some developers go to the extent of violating the order of work in order to speed up the work.

The thickness of the insulation depends on what part of our country the house is being built in; if we talk about central Russia, then it would be optimal to use a heat-insulating mat with a thickness of 150 mm.

In this case, a material such as basalt wool or its equivalent is suitable for roof insulation.

Some masters use . Any roofing material is suitable for covering the roof, but you must remember that there are materials that will require constant ventilation, such as metal tiles and their analogues. In other words, the developer will have to provide a gap of 20–30 mm between the metal tile and the film covering the thermal insulation.

Pie roofing

Theoretically, if all the details are observed and the work is done well, the roof should not allow moisture to pass through and condensation should not form. If mistakes were made during the installation of the roof, then the condensation formed under the tiles will settle on the surface of the film, which prevents it from getting inside the insulation. And after a while it will simply dry out.

The insulation is placed between the rafters and if the width of the board is less than the thickness of the heat-insulating mat, then you can either nail an additional block to the rafters or fasten a sheet of drywall, but in this case the surface of the sheet and the mat must be separated by special vapor barrier paper. This design will guarantee normal vapor permeability, in other words, the steam generated as a result of the temperature difference between the room and the inner layer of insulation will settle on the surface of the paper and gradually evaporate.

To ensure its evaporation between the insulation and the waterproofing layer, it is necessary to leave a gap of about 10–15 mm, through which the steam will be removed.

One more small detail, to ensure the removal of steam, it is desirable that the roof ridge be cold; for this, small viewing windows can be installed in the gable; this approach allows you to avoid the formation of condensation even in severe cold weather.


In order for the attic room to have natural light, it is advisable to install windows. Before deciding which windows and how many of them should be installed, you need to remember that a window located on the roof always lets in more light.

In the case of an attic, one large window will give slightly less light than two small ones installed at a short distance from each other. For greater efficiency, it is advisable to place the windows as high as possible from the floor of the attic room, but it is necessary to take into account the height of the person who will live in this room. When calculating the window area, you can use an empirical formula, that is, derived from practical experience. The ideal ratio is 1 to 8, that is, with a room area of ​​16 square meters

, the window area must be 2 or more square meters.

Windows in the attic

If the dimensions of the window are smaller than the pitch width of the rafters, then it is necessary to make a sheathing for it, that is, add additional beads to the rafters and, if necessary, install a support beam. If the size of the window exceeds the width of the rafter pitch, then it is possible to either make cutouts in the rafters, or install sheathing under the window, as shown in the figure below

Roof structure


A balcony area for an attic can be arranged in several ways, from the gable side or from the slope side.

To construct a balcony on the roof side, craftsmen use a window-balcony combination. This design is shown in the figure below. It is installed according to the same rules as a simple window.

Window-balcony in the attic

The balcony on the pediment side can have several designs, for example, the pediment wall is installed at a distance of two to three steps of the rafters, and in the vacant space the floor is laid and railings are installed flush with the roof section.

Balcony under the roof

If you want to do remote balcony, then even during construction interfloor covering beams can be moved to required length. By the way, to increase the reliability of such a design, it would not hurt to install under it support pillars, exactly as shown in the figure below.

Balcony removed from the general volume of the house

Projects of houses with an attic

And this is a project for a house 6 by 4 meters, the total building area is 24 m2. Total area: 36 m2.

House with mansard roof 6x4
Plan of the 1st floor and attic floor

We would like to offer you several to choose from.
For example, the first option. House 6x6 meters, total area - 30 m2

House with attic and veranda 6x9

More projects For frame houses of different sizes, see the “House Projects” section.


We invite you to watch a video about building a house with an attic roof on your own with step-by-step photos.

Modern roofing euro-windows have turned non-residential attics in cozy, bright attics. Skylights have transformed ordinary buildings into modern architectural works, bringing light into the space and filling the house fresh air. European dormer windows have introduced a new trend into architecture, allowing you to harmoniously fit into the façade of the building the necessary Maintenance hatches. A roof window allows designers to create a unique attic interior, a romantic bedroom, a nursery, a personal office, a bathroom, or an exquisite winter garden.

Types of dormer windows

European dormer windows meet a number of requirements and provide several advantages:

  • During the day, natural light penetrates the house, which has a beneficial effect on the general condition of a person.
  • Roof windows are easy to install and save space in the room below.
  • European attic roof windows are reliable, ergonomic and easy to use.

Before installing a skylight, you must select the type of structure. The following types of Euro-roof windows are distinguished:

Hearing structures are structures vertically located in the roof and necessary for ventilation and lighting of the attic. Their installation requires separate construction of rafters mounted in the roof. Dormer windows are:

  • protruding beyond the roof (dormer);
  • recessed inside (antidormer).

Sloping euro-windows differ from dormer windows in that they are mounted directly into the roof at an angle. Window windows were invented in the 19th century, and dormer windows in the post-war fifties of the 20th century. The inclined euro-window is characterized by tightness, practicality, high light transmittance and sound insulation. If there is excess penetration of sunlight into the room, the roof window is covered with canvas or blinds. The light output of an inclined euro-window is 35% higher than that of a pediment or dormer window.

A gable window is mounted vertically into a gable wall using a gable collar. Gable frames can be opening or non-opening. Such models serve to increase visibility of the surrounding area.

Hatch window for access to the roof

The roof hatch should organically fit into the appearance of a private cottage. A great solution is a hatch window, which can be built into the roof without any problems and looks like a regular inclined euro-window. The hatches are in wonderful harmony with the appearance of the entire building and the windows installed in it. Types of roof inspection hatches:

  1. The emergency roof exit looks similar to a slanted Euro-window. It is equipped with all the functions simple windows. Used for technical inspection and access to the roof. To open the doors, you simply press the handle and the hatch will open automatically using gas shock absorbers. Such structures are installed on roofs with a slope of 15 to 55 degrees.
  • opening angle up to 70 degrees;
  • combined opening and ventilation system;
  • laminated inner glass;
  • outer layer – hardened surface treated with a self-cleaning agent;
  • size from 700 x 1200 mm to 1006 x 1200 mm.
  1. The operational exit looks like an ordinary attic hatch-window and serves as an exit to the roof. Installed on roofs with a slope from 15 to 55 degrees, equipped with supply valve for attic ventilation. Opens outwards along the lateral axis.
  • Eurowindow opens with a handle;
  • the hatch is equipped with a multifunctional double-glazed window;
  • the sash can open both to the right and to the left;
  • hatch size – 500 by 930 mm.
  1. A hatch window is installed in the attic of buildings for technological inspection and access to the roof. You can select the opening type and side. Equipped with provisions for room ventilation. Installed on roofs with a slope from 20 to 65 degrees.
  • the lower floor of the frame serves as a step;
  • the sash is fixed in 3 places;
  • opening angle up to 89 degrees;
  • size – 490 x 760 mm.

How to choose the right roof windows?

When choosing a European attic window, you should consider a number of features:

  • presence of moisture protection;
  • presence of seals;
  • profile or frame material;
  • opening method;
  • glass unit strength.

Design features of roof windows The design of inclined windows uses a single-chamber double-glazed window, which greatly lightens the load on the fittings and supporting elements. For European attic windows, a frost-resistant, heat-saving double-glazed window is used, which is filled with argon.

Double-glazed windows made using triplex technology will protect attic inhabitants from shards of accidentally broken glass. Since the two glasses are glued together with a special film, which allows you to hold the fragments. The Easy Clean coating breaks down the dirt accumulated on the euro window under the influence of sunlight, which makes cleaning the glass easier.

Important! It is important to pay attention to the location of the window handle. It should be at a comfortable height for use.

Additional options, such as: roller shutters and retaining supports will protect the house from noise, hail, sun and will serve as protection against penetration into the home.

Features of the roof window design

The simplest design of a recessed Euro window. You can use an already erected ceiling and mount a window under an already finished roof y. Such windows can be installed at any time.

A projecting roof window must be designed during the construction phase. The structure can be mounted for flat and gable roofs. It is much easier to install protruding ceilings on a flat roof. The assembled side walls of the structure are covered with boards and covered with roofing covering material, which covers the entire roof.

An internal roof window can be installed between the beams that support the roof rafters. The support board is installed between the supports, then the window frame is placed on it. A fixing beam secures the frame on top. The side walls and drain are covered with covering material, which covers the entire roof.

Installation of a roof window

After final choice The model and location of the European attic window proceed to its installation. Sequence of installation of an inclined window:

  • an opening must be cut in the roof to install the frame;
  • the roof is strengthened with additional lags and a frame for the window frame is mounted;
  • insulation and waterproofing are installed;
  • roofing material is laid;
  • window unit is installed.

Types of dormer windows

What types of dormer windows are there?

If you are faced with choosing a roof window or you are simply interested in what types of roof windows there are, below we will tell you about the types and types of roof windows.

IN modern construction, roof windows are widely used in roofs. They bring natural light, create room ventilation, coziness and comfort.

It so happens that the construction industry of the 21st century is actively developing, bringing new technologies and materials. Likewise, the skylights have received significant additions, modernizations and improvements.

But first things first.

Types of roof windows

To begin with, to divide windows by type, you can consider all the companies that are manufacturers of roof windows. By the way, there are not many of them on our continent.

Manufacturers of skylights

VELUX - Denmark

The VELUX company for the production of roof windows was founded in Denmark in 1941. Velux is the world leader in this industry.

FAKRO – Poland

The origins of the Fakro company go back to 1986. FAKRO is a positive example of how a carpentry shop has become a renowned manufacturer of roof windows and staircases on a continental scale.

Roto - Germany

The production of Roto roof windows is also established in Poland and Russia.

Windows by type of material:

  1. Wooden windows

The most common and popular. The window frame and sash are made of laminated veneer lumber.

  1. Windows with polyurethane coating

The frame is made of wood coated with polyurethane, which does not fade or turn yellow over time.

  1. PVC roof windows

Windows with plastic (PVC) profiles - for installation in rooms with high humidity - bathrooms, kitchens.

  1. Armored windows

Armored roof windows have significant weight, and, as a rule, are installed in “concrete roofs” (made of monolithic concrete structures).

Production and delivery of armored windows takes place on an advance payment basis within 1-3 months.

Standard windows

Standard roof windows have rectangular shape. They consist of a frame and a window sash. Their main difference is the type of opening.

Windows by opening type:

  • Roof windows with top pivot axis
  • Roof windows with raised pivot axis
  • Roof windows with central pivot axis
  • Dormer windows with two rotation axes
  • Roof windows with side pivot axis

A tilt-and-turn roof window (a window with two axes of rotation) has two opening systems controlled by one handle. The tilting position of the sash provides safe and comfortable access to the open window. The sash does not enter the room and does not protrude beyond the window opening. The sash rotation axis at ¾ of the window height guarantees effective ventilation and allows you to look out of the window while standing at full height. Safety is guaranteed by the automatic fixation of the sash in the position for washing the window, and the flow of fresh air by a two-stage ventilation gap.

All of the above standard roof windows are manually opened. But in the modern era, skylights have become globally automated. They appeared - “smart windows”.

Smart windows

Roof windows with remote control. Powered by remote control, solar energy and more!

Modern “smart windows” in the roof allow you to save the setting on the remote control and enjoy fresh air just by pressing a button.

You can also connect not only windows, but also roller shutters, curtains, and even blinds to the remote control.

The rain sensor automatically closes the window when the first drops of rain appear, while the ventilation valve remains open and allows the room to be ventilated.

All these roof windows are for installation in pitched roofs with smooth planes. It is possible to install one window, or two or three or more nearby.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the arc roof window.

Arc window

Arc windows are a structure in which, depending on the radius of the roof arc, the window frame, its sash, glass unit and fittings are curved. The arc window fits perfectly into the arched and vaulted roof, allowing you to create an original and modern architectural composition of the building.

Combined windows

Direct combo box:

Front or cornice windows:

Windows placed on the façade connections allow for the implementation of individual options for the attic development. They combine the properties of both regular windows and dormer windows. This type of solution is always an attention-grabbing element and adds a special charm to the entire home. The use of such solutions provides more lighting and possibilities for interior design. The standard transverse drainage strip guarantees optimal water flow and prevents clogging of the façade.

Facade windows can also be combined with additional ones:

Dormer windows as dormer windows

Dormer windows and vertical window elements can be used as an alternative to a traditional dormer window, letting in more daylight and providing natural ventilation to the room.

Balcony windows (window-balcony)

Installation of a balcony window is carried out in the same way as a regular dormer window and does not require additional extensions.


Both triangular and semicircular extension options are used. This addition fits harmoniously into the exterior of the building and looks good in the interior of the attic space.

Light tunnel

A light tunnel is used when there is also a small attic above the attic living space. A tunnel window is installed on the roof slope above the attic, and the room is illuminated through a reflective tunnel-pipe.

At the output, a lamp is installed that diffuses the light flux.

Windows for flat roofs

There are also specially designed windows for flat roofs. Such windows are also called skylights. They look harmonious in the roof and create a feeling of increased space thanks to the additional light.

Attic wall


Dormers on the roof

Is it possible to use these in the interior? I consulted and they tell me that I can come up with such a design. But, I'm also interested in opinions.

Please advise which manufacturer to choose? What should you pay attention to first when choosing a window?

First of all, the window frame must be suitable for the roof. This comes first.
As for the manufacturer, there are three brands - Velux, Roto and Fakro. They have been on the roofing market for a long time. I've never seen any fakes for them.
Each manufacturer's windows have their own design features - the location of the handle, the method of opening, etc. There must be an individual approach to the choice, so that later it does not turn out that “the pen is in the wrong place.” ", "and we wanted the windows to open differently. ".

Of course better wooden windows. There are also metal-plastic ones, but they are not particularly impressive.

One of the problems that often arise with roof windows is installation errors. Often.

Windows on the attic floor - features and choice

Windows on the attic floor can be very diverse. If previously the attic was perceived as some kind of addition to common space, and if there were windows on it, they were not the most complex; currently, the status of the attic floor has changed significantly. Housing with such a floor has come to be considered elite, and the windows offered for it are quite complex, functional and beautiful.

What is an attic floor?

The attic, in fact, is not a full floor: it is an attic space that is used as a living or technical room. Thus, from empty space we can get usable area, if you improve it, properly insulate it and install windows.

Most often, such floors are used as bedrooms, recreation rooms, and guest rooms. Less often they are adapted for workshops and storerooms. The attic floor can have the shape of an ordinary room, and several walls can also be at an angle. It is possible, however, not to stand at full height on such a floor in all parts of the room. From the attic floor you can make one large or several small rooms suitable for habitation. The disadvantages of such a structure include the lack of natural light. Most often, windows are not planned in such structures, so you have to look for a solution after the construction of the house is completed.

Installing a window into a hole cut in the roof

Why are windows in the attic needed?

Without natural light, the attic cannot be considered an attic floor. To use a room as a living space, you need windows in the attic, the options for which can be quite varied, ranging from inclined structures that are installed directly into the roofing material, and ending with display windows that occupy spaces from the ceiling to the floor. The main task of window structures is:

  • Creating the necessary lighting in the room.
  • Blocking warm air inside and isolating cold air from outside.
  • Giving the desired appearance to the room, because the design is significantly influenced by the appearance of the window.

Where is it better to install a window, and which one?

The design of rooms with skylights can be very diverse, from a simple room upholstered in clapboard to a complex structure that amazes with its comfort and splendor. Much depends on what type of windows will be chosen: they should not only insulate heat and create the necessary lighting, but also fit into the interior in the same style.

The size of the windows on the attic floor must correspond to the dimensions of the room; the dimensions are calculated taking into account the illumination that the structure will provide. If windows are installed between the rafters, their size is usually standard, but if the attic space is large, several structures are selected so that the lighting is uniform. The windows must be of a width that allows them to be placed between the rafters, otherwise you will have to redo the roof, which is expensive and unjustified.

Vertical windows in the attic

In addition, you will need to take into account the slope and height of the roof slopes: if you plan to equip a recreation room, study or children's room, it is better to give preference to large windows. The bedroom requires less illumination, so the window dimensions may be smaller. There are three standard sizes:

If larger windows are required, you can also order standard designs of 94x140, 114x118 or 114x140 cm. Less commonly, you come across very small windows, the size of which is 55 or 66 cm; pay attention to what to buy standard window much more profitable, since it will cost several times less than one made to your size.

Helpful diagram for selecting windows from the roof slope

Which windows should you prefer?

Choosing skylights in the attic floor , It is important to take into account not only their appearance, shape and size, but also pay attention to the following factors:

  • Protection from moisture and precipitation.
  • What are the frames made of?
  • How the window opens.
  • What type of glass unit was used?

Windows can differ significantly in design; the most important role is played by the double-glazed window: the thicker it is, the heavier the window will be, which is not very good for the attic floor, so quite often a single-chamber double-glazed window is used, equipped with a heat-saving system and filled with argon. This allows you to reduce weight to a minimum, reducing the load on the structure and fittings, while reliably protecting the room from freezing.

It would not be amiss to use triplex technology: thanks to the special film with which the glass is glued, if such a window is broken, there will be no fragments in the room, and replacing the double-glazed window is quite easy. In addition, you need to pay attention to where the window handle will be located. If it is too high and it is inconvenient to reach it, you can equip the window with a variety of drives that will help you either lower the handle lower or control the structure using a remote control.

Remote window control

What other types of windows are there?

There are not only inclined structures that need to be mounted directly into the roof. Some projects have a completely suitable design for building floor-to-ceiling windows on the attic floor. Most often, such a solution is laid down during the construction of the house, otherwise the entire floor will have to be remodeled later. Such windows are an excellent design solution; they provide a lot of light, and if the house opens good view, you can admire it while relaxing or before going to bed. It is worth noting that such windows have a number of features:

  • The complexity of the design and its large size, therefore the price of such a solution will be significantly higher than for windows mounted in the roof.
  • Heating appliances cannot be placed on the wall directly below the window. You will have to remove them to another wall or install them in front of the window using special fastenings, screwed to the floor.
  • The use of curtains also causes difficulties; a special frame attached to the ceiling is required.
  • Such windows have a large area, so it is quite difficult to keep heat in the room.
  • A warm structure will have more mass.
  • It is necessary to expect that such windows will exist when planning a house. It is usually impossible to install them after construction is completed, or the entire floor has to be dismantled.
  • Lighting with the help of such windows will be the most correct and natural, but they provide a lot of light, so if you want to arrange a bedroom on the attic floor, it is better to think in advance that the windows do not face east. If the structure faces south, be prepared for the room to be quite hot in the summer, although the problem can be solved with the help of a tinting film.
  • More than one glass wall cannot be used. In addition, the wall in which there will be a floor-to-ceiling window should not be load-bearing.
  • The structure should not be pressed by the heavy weight of beams and partitions.
  • Cleaning such a window is quite problematic.

Is it possible to install it yourself?

Most often, when buying a skylight, the owner wonders how to spend less funds. You should not skimp on quality, purchase cheap fittings or low-quality double-glazed windows. Such savings will ultimately cost you more than buying an initially good window. The easiest way to save money is to install the structure yourself.

To do this, you need to clearly know how to make a window on the attic floor. In fact, it is not difficult, you just need to strictly follow the instructions; It is recommended to get an assistant, since any installation is much more convenient to carry out together. The easiest way to use a Euro window: it is inexpensive, relatively easy to install, and meets all the requirements for lighting, safety and convenience. Such a window can be installed at any stage of home completion; it is not necessary to lay out their layout right away.

Sequence of installation of an attic window

If it is planned that it will be protruding on the roof, then it must be laid during installation of the roof, since a special box for it is required. This usually requires a flat gable roof: It is easiest to do the necessary preparatory work on it. To do this, install the side walls, nail boards to them, and cover the structure with roofing material. This protrusion is sometimes called a cuckoo.

When using a standard internal window, it is installed between the roof beams. They are fixed by a rafter system, a support board is installed for the window, which is attached between the rafters, after which the window frame is attached to it. To prevent the frame from falling out, a fixing bar is placed in its upper part. The sides of the window and the drain must be insulated using a roofing material similar to the roof covering.

The sequence of actions during the work should be as follows:

  • An opening for a window corresponding in size is cut out in the roof. The rafter system should not be affected.
  • For the window frame, a frame is mounted and special support logs are installed.
  • Waterproofing and insulation are installed.
  • Cover the sides with roofing material.
  • A window is inserted.

Before starting work, it is necessary to strengthen the roof structure well, mount a reliable frame into which the window frame will be inserted; the structure can be strengthened using adjacent rafters. Jumpers are attached to them, to which beams are attached to secure the window. The block is installed without glass; it is inserted later. The frame must be higher than the roof level, otherwise water will not drain from it.

Choosing and installing a window is not the most difficult thing; there are a large number design solutions, which can be brought to life by developing a house plan. If it has already been built, you can use convenient standard solutions.

Attic windows. Lucarnes and their features

Regardless of the type of roof windows, they are all attached to rafter system buildings, and the hatches also have a rafter frame.

Key points for installing roof windows

Dormer windows are also called flat windows built into the roof. But windows are built only into the rafter structure, and not into the window frames. A roof window can have a frame made of a wooden block, plastic or metal-plastic. Lightweight roof window structures are installed using lower horizontal beams attached to the rafter system.

During installation, it is important to maintain horizontal and vertical installation. The first step is to level the lower half of the window using a building level, then secure it in the corners with self-tapping screws. The second stage of installation is to align the length of the window and check the parallel relative to the rafters, then preliminary fastenings are made in the corners of the window using self-tapping screws that are not fully screwed in to allow for subsequent straightening. The final fastening is carried out only after full verification of all dimensions and accuracy of orientation of the entire window structure. The attic window will maintain a stable position if the frame is precisely aligned with the rafters - the distances should be equal, such alignment will allow the structure to be firmly held after complete fastening. The last step is to once again check the accuracy of installation vertically and horizontally and screw in the screws completely.

For roof windows, high-quality waterproofing, strong and reliable, is very important, since the window is a structural part of the roof and takes on the same atmospheric influences as the roof of the house - snow, rain, wind, etc. Insulating materials are laid in a special way - only from the lower levels to the upper ones, for the most accurate fit to the window frame. Overlaps and excess waterproofing material are not needed, and all joints with insulation require additional fixation with self-tapping screws.

When installing a roof window into a roof made of corrugated sheets, special profiled or corrugated slats with attachments are used that precisely fit into the profiles of the roof deck. These attachments are installed at the bottom of the frame and have side projections.

Double-glazed windows or sash roof windows are installed in the frame after waterproofing has been installed. Attic windows are insulated from the inside, from the room. Insulating materials are laid completely over the entire area of ​​the frame, top layer serve foil thermal insulation materials. The fastening is made using self-tapping screws and must be airtight and not create cold bridges; there is a special fastener for this.

Preparing to install roof windows

Before installing windows in the attic structure, you should familiarize yourself with their types and capabilities of certain models. The main requirement for structures is strength and reliability, as well as complete tightness when closed - the window should not allow rainwater and moisture to pass through.

The possibilities of attics are enormous - these are additional rooms that house not only bedrooms or dressing rooms, but also kitchens and even sanitary facilities. Provide street lighting, in winter - windows help heat from the sun's rays. Cozy and practical attic rooms usually become favorite places to relax for all residents of the house, since the special atmosphere of the attic - height and lightness - cannot be compared with anything else. The popularity of dormer windows is understandable and justified, since it is window structures that provide savings on home lighting, while at the same time giving the home an exclusive look, originality and charm.

The orientation of the skylights is important, in accordance with the area and climate of the area. South-facing windows will provide more sun, while a north-west direction will allow you to hide the room from the summer heat without creating a lack of lighting. The attic and its windows must be kept in precise proportions and combine harmoniously. All parameters and dimensions of each window must be organically combined into the overall architecturally consistent composition of the building. It’s easy to give a house with an attic a unique look and make it a designer’s find, thanks in no small part to the attic windows and their variety.

Lucarnes and their features

Lucarnes are window openings in attic slopes and roof domes. The name is derived from the Latin word lux - light. Lucarnes have vertical frames, closed at the sides and at the top. Lucarne frames can be in plane façade walls, or they can continue these walls, or be located in parallel planes. An example of a lucarne is dormer windows in the attic.

The advantage of lucarnes over flat window structures is the additional volume for rooms, additional areas of attic rooms with high ceilings, as well as the bonus - great view from the attic. The view from the skylight allows you to see not only the sky, but also the entire surrounding landscape.

The house should evoke a feeling of harmony and completeness with its appearance. The number, shape, dimensions and position of the hatches are determined based on the main parameters:

  • Facade and its features, both architectural and type of decoration
  • Roof view
  • Roof slope

Lucarnes radically change the entire design of roof windows and are the basis for the interior design of the entire attic.

Types of lucarnes

Lucarnes with one slope

Single-pitched hatches are built into roofs that meet the condition - the slope of the slope must be at least 40 degrees. If the slope is flat, then a flat hatch with one slope will look unattractive. The flat roof of a lean-to lucarne can have a significant width. This width can even be equal to the total length of the attic space. The advantage of this design is the absence of bevels on the attic ceiling, additional volume, excellent lighting and visibility. In such rooms it is possible to arrange a workplace near an illuminated hatch wall, or a place to relax.

Lucarnes with two slopes

They look great when the roof slope is more than 30 degrees. The width of hatches with two slopes has an architectural limitation - as a rule, they do not fit into more than two rafter steps. The wide gable roof hatch does not really decorate the house; the roof looks heavy and “unstable”. From the inside of the attic room, such hatches are usually covered with a flat ceiling.

Lucarnes with three slopes

Such hatches are in a special position; they look great on roofs with any slope angles and any shape. From below, these window models appear compact and not very noticeable. The most harmonious windows for any attic. The width of such hatches can be more than two meters, or three rafter intervals. The ceilings of three-pitched lucarnes are made at will and for reasons of harmony of proportions of the attic room - flat or triangular, repeating the three-pitched roof.

Low side walls on hatches

The vertical wall of the hatch can end without reaching the floor level of the attic room - up to two meters. In such cases, the roof of the hatch will have two slopes, and the window will have five corners. The shape of the ceiling in the lucarne niche will follow the contours of the roof. These types of hatches are limited in the placement of tall interior items and furniture near the window opening, due to the low walls of the hatch.

Triangular lucarnes

This type of roof window is small in size and compact, but it does not add volume to the attic. Choose a triangular lucarne in order to provide illumination to stairs, bathrooms or dressing rooms. From inside the room, triangular lucarnes have similar triangular ceilings, sharp broken lines.

Semicircular and bull's-eye windows in lucarnes

Very soft, streamlined shapes for the exterior, interesting architecture and exclusive appearance. But there are restrictions on the type of roofing coverings - only “elastic” types of tiles - bitumen, metal and ceramic tiles. View from the street - a smooth pattern and roof covering flowing around the lucarne from the top and sides, and from the inside the ceilings in the niches of the semicircular lucarnes have arched forms, conical or cylindrical.

Semi-oval windows in the form of a “bull’s eye” are decorations of the main facades of houses. Very impressive due to the softness of smooth lines on large roof slopes. The internal layout of a room with an oval or semi-oval window is preferable with one solid window, in this case there will be a lot of light, and the room will have attractive proportions.

Do-it-yourself attic construction: how to make the building warm and bright

A room located in the attic is called an attic. It was invented in Paris back in 1630 and the relevance of this architectural solution has not been lost to this day; moreover, taking into account the growing volume of suburban construction, it is constantly being used.

The attic structure should work like a roof

The design of the attic is determined by the type of roof itself. Historically, the optimal roof profile for arranging an attic room is the so-called sloping roof. The figure shows the ratio of the volume of this room in the case of a gable and a broken line.

Even with the naked eye, it is clear that the size of the room under a sloping roof is larger than under a gable roof. It is also clear that it is larger in area than the one located on the ground floor, this is due to the design features of the house itself. Yes, and it is somewhat easier to make.

Attic frame without insulation

The construction of an attic room implies that it automatically becomes an integral part of the roof structure. That is, the beams that are used to make the walls and ceiling of the attic take on the load from the roof structure, making it stronger and more stable.

To make an attic in a frame house, it is necessary to use the same materials that were used in the construction of the main walls and ceiling of the first floor.

That is, if 150x50 mm timber was used for the walls, then the same should be used when arranging the attic room.

The first floor ceiling joists are used as supports under the wall beams. Fastening is carried out using nails or angle and wood screws. The developer himself chooses how exactly to fasten the beams based on his experience and knowledge.

Subtleties of construction

The need to install windows complicates the life of builders; because of this, they have to complicate the roof structure or use windows that are designed for use in the attic. Another point that can complicate the developer’s life is insufficient natural ventilation, that is, it will be necessary to take measures to create forced ventilation in the attic. In addition, a complex roof entails increased labor intensity when installing heat and waterproofing. But all these difficulties are outweighed by the attractive appearance of a house with a mansard roof, and an extra room never hurts.

Non-load-bearing elements of the attic frame

Non-load-bearing elements of an attic room include those used for cladding walls and ceilings, as well as for heat and vapor barrier of the room itself. In this case, it may be necessary to create an additional frame on the vertically installed frame beams of the room walls. To decorate a room, they usually use clapboard, the main thing is that when nailing it down, it is unacceptable for pieces of thermal insulation to get into the cracks.

Attic insulation

The work associated with insulating the attic is associated with certain difficulties, namely, it is quite labor-intensive and complex, and some developers go against the order of work in order to speed up the work.

The thickness of the insulation depends on what part of our country the house is being built in; if we talk about central Russia, then it would be optimal to use a heat-insulating mat with a thickness of 150 mm.

In this case, a material such as basalt wool or its equivalent is suitable for roof insulation.

Some craftsmen use polystyrene foam. Any roofing material is suitable for covering the roof, but you must remember that there are materials that will require constant ventilation, such as metal tiles and their analogues. In other words, the developer will have to provide a gap of 20–30 mm between the metal tile and the film covering the thermal insulation.

Pie roofing

Theoretically, if all the details are observed and the work is done well, the roof should not allow moisture to pass through and condensation should not form. If mistakes were made during the installation of the roof, then the condensation formed under the tiles will settle on the surface of the film, which prevents it from getting inside the insulation. And after a while it will simply dry out.

The insulation is placed between the rafters and if the width of the board is less than the thickness of the heat-insulating mat, then you can either nail an additional block to the rafters or fasten a sheet of drywall, but in this case the surface of the sheet and the mat must be separated by special vapor barrier paper. This design will guarantee normal vapor permeability, in other words, the steam generated as a result of the temperature difference between the room and the inner layer of insulation will settle on the surface of the paper and gradually evaporate.

To ensure its evaporation between the insulation and the waterproofing layer, it is necessary to leave a gap of about 10–15 mm, through which the steam will be removed.


In order for the attic room to have natural light, it is advisable to install windows. Before deciding which windows and how many of them should be installed, you need to remember that a window located on the roof always lets in more light.

When calculating the window area, you can use an empirical formula, that is, derived from practical experience. The ideal ratio is 1 to 8, that is, with a room area of ​​16 square meters, the window area should be 2 or more square meters.

Windows in the attic

Windows in the attic

If the dimensions of the window are smaller than the pitch width of the rafters, then it is necessary to make a sheathing for it, that is, add additional beads to the rafters and, if necessary, install a support beam. If the size of the window exceeds the width of the rafter pitch, then it is possible to either make cutouts in the rafters, or install sheathing under the window, as shown in the figure below

Roof structure


A balcony area for an attic can be arranged in several ways, from the gable side or from the slope side.

To construct a balcony on the roof side, craftsmen use a window-balcony combination. This design is shown in the figure below. It is installed according to the same rules as a simple window.

Window-balcony in the attic

The balcony on the pediment side can have several designs, for example, the pediment wall is installed at a distance of two to three steps of the rafters, and in the vacant space the floor is laid and railings are installed flush with the roof section.

Balcony under the roof

If you want to make an external balcony, then even during the construction of the interfloor ceiling you can extend the beams to the required length. By the way, to increase the reliability of such a structure, it would not hurt to install support pillars under it, exactly as shown in the figure below.

And this is a very beautiful, economical and compact house with a built-up area of ​​6x9 m2. Total area: 86.86 m2.

House with an attic and a veranda 6x9 Floor plan of a house with an attic 6x9

For more projects of frame houses of different sizes, see the “House Projects” section.


We invite you to watch a video about building a house with an attic roof on your own with step-by-step photos.

A do-it-yourself attic will not require significant expenses, and even more so, it will cost much less than building a house or an extension to a house that has a similar usable area.

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It is believed that the arrangement of a residential attic is more difficult and more expensive than the construction of a conventional non-insulated roof with a cold attic. There are reasons for this:

  • It is necessary to properly insulate the attic.
  • It is necessary to properly install a vapor barrier and a superdiffusion moisture and windproof membrane.
  • It is necessary to install skylights as required by the manufacturer.

Problems often arise with the last point. Errors when installing windows on the attic floor negate all the advantages of this room. As a result of the mistakes of illiterate builders, attic windows leak in the rain, and condensation drips from the ceiling, damaging the finish. It is not surprising that many developers are distrustful of attics, believing that it is better to build a cottage the old fashioned way. Our video and photo instructions, which tell you:

  • How to calculate the size of a dormer window depending on the area of ​​the room.
  • How to choose a place in the attic roof to install a window.
  • How to prepare a window opening for installing a roof window.
  • How to install the frame and frame of a roof window.
  • How to install a condensate drain.
  • How to make waterproofing at junction points.
  • How to install a roof window frame and make a heat and vapor barrier.

Installation of a roof window: planning

A roof window can be installed either at the stage of attic construction or on a finished insulated roof with the finishing coating and layers of vapor barrier and hydro- and wind protection already laid. In the first option, work is carried out sequentially, step by step and usually does not cause difficulties. In the second case, you need to rack your brains on how to install a window in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations, going through the entire pie of the attic roof with flexible tiles.

The main difficulties of installing a roof window left “for later” - you will have to carefully dismantle or cut through it, moving from the inside to the outside:

  • internal sheathing for finishing the attic;
  • vapor barrier;
  • insulation;
  • superdiffusion membrane (moisture and wind protection);
  • sheathing and counter-lattice;
  • cut OSB boards for the opening;
  • partially remove the shingles around the window opening.

The width of the attic window is determined by the pitch of the rafters. If the developer does not want to install a narrow window, fitting it to the rafters mounted at a distance of, for example, 60 cm from each other, then he will have to cut out one rafter leg, strengthen the structure, etc. This increases the likelihood of errors among installers, the deadlines and estimates for work. From here:

The installation of roof windows must be planned at the stage of designing a house and calculating the rafter system.

As a guide, we are guided by the following figures:

  • It is recommended to install roof windows into roofs with a slope angle of 15 degrees or more.
  • The window area is selected according to the formula: per 10 sq. m of attic floor should be 1 sq. m of glazing.
  • The upper part of the roof window (from the floor) is located at a height of about 2 m, and the lower part is approximately 1.2 m.
  • The opening for the attic window should be at least 4 cm wider than it, optimally 6 cm.
  • The length of the opening is approximately 4.5-5 cm longer than the length of the attic window.

Stages of installation of a roof window

alexnrg FORUMHOUSE Member

I decided to install a roof window in my house myself. Roofing pie: rafters - board with a section of 15x5 cm, vapor-permeable moisture-windproof membrane, horizontal and vertical sheathing, OSB, underlay carpet, flexible tiles. Questions have arisen:

  • How to install a roof window correctly?
  • How to prepare the opening?
  • How to fix a window in the attic?
  • How to drain condensate?
  • What is the salary for and how to install it?

The flashing (metal frame) is a system of gutters for hermetically sealing the roof window with the roofing. The flashing removes rainwater and moisture from the attic window when the snow melts.

All work on installing windows in the attic is divided into a number of sequential steps:

  1. Preparing the opening.
  2. Assembly and installation of the thermal insulation circuit.
  3. Installing a roof window frame into a thermal frame.
  4. Installation of the sash (glass unit).
  5. Adjusting the side gap and window shutter.
  6. Installation of a condensate drain.
  7. Installation of a waterproofing apron.
  8. Salary setting.
  9. Insulation of slopes around the window and restoration of the vapor barrier contour from the inside of the room.

We'll tell you about the key stages of installing a roof window and how to avoid mistakes.

Preparing a window opening for installing a roof window

In the video instructions, a specialist explains how to prepare a window opening for installing a roof window if the roof has been built and the roofing has been laid.

When installing vapor and waterproofing, the films are cut with an envelope (crosswise) and wrapped inside the room (vapor barrier) and outside (wind protection).

The upper and lower parts of the opening are reinforced with lintels (between the rafters).

And with sheathing bars, so that the edge of the OSB sheet does not hang in the air.

The lower support beam of the sheathing must be leveled in order to accurately align the frame of the attic window and avoid a noticeable difference in height on the side slope.

Important! If OSB has not yet been laid on the roof– base for flexible tiles, then the opening is edged with a frame on top, made from OSB sheet or plywood cut into strips.

Assembling thermal insulation and installing a roof window frame

The thermal insulation circuit is mounted on a steel frame, which is easily assembled with latches.

The thermal insulation contour is installed in the prepared opening.

Then disconnect the rotating part of the sash with the double-glazed window from the frame of the attic window.

Mounting mounting plates and install the box in the opening.

Important! Mounting plates(4 things.) are installed in the corners of the roof window, in places prepared at the factory in the frame, into holes pre-drilled by the manufacturer for self-tapping screws.

With a large length of the attic window (more than 1.4 m), in place rotary mechanism(hinges), additional intermediate mounting plates (corners) are installed.

The roof window frame is installed in the finished opening. How to do this correctly, as well as adjust the side gaps and the rebate, is shown in the video.

Secrets of installing a condensate drain

The most important element of the roof window waterproofing system is a metal gutter for draining condensate.

The gutter is installed at a distance of up to 50 cm (optimally 20-30 cm) above the window in the same plane with the hydro- and windproof membrane.

To allow condensate to flow down the gutter, it is installed at an angle ( slope minimum 3 degrees). Then the moisture will be removed to one of the sides (the ventilation duct formed by the sheathing).

Difficulties with installing a gutter arise if it needs to be mounted on a finished roof. In this case, you will have to manually cut out the openings in the sheathing, and do this carefully so as not to damage the wind protection film.

The easiest way to install a gutter is if the roof has not yet had sheathing installed, there is no base for flexible tiles and a soft roof has not been laid.

Preparing the site for gutter installation consists of the following steps:

  • In the middle rafter leg(on both sides of the prepared opening) a vertical incision is made on the film of the superdiffusion membrane.

  • A gutter is placed on the seat.

I lower the gutter, using it as a ruler, and make a horizontal cut in the film so as to align the vertical cuts.

The result is a windbreak valve that fits into the gutter and catches all the condensation.

Steam and waterproofing at the junction of the attic window

At the end of the work, a waterproofing apron is installed, which protects the junction areas from moisture.

The waterproofing apron is glued to the frame from bottom to top. Installation is simple - removable protective film from the adhesive layer (strip) and the apron material is carefully smoothed over the top of the frame. The waterproofing flashing is then secured around the window with staples.

Important! The upper part of the apron is placed under a gutter, which removes condensation, and the valve, cut from the windbreak, is placed on the waterproofing apron. To prevent moisture from getting into the places where they are made vertical cuts in rafters, their waterproof in advance with butyl sealant.

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