Oil for wooden stairs – protection and excellent appearance. How to paint a pine staircase in a house - we understand the materials and the technology for their application. How to paint a staircase in a cottage

At first glance, painting the stairs is not difficult at all - just pick up a brush and paint. But in order for the structure to serve as an interior decoration and remain beautiful for as long as possible, it is necessary to choose the coating wisely and apply it correctly. Therefore, next we want to tell you how to paint a pine staircase in a house, and how to do it correctly.

All existing paints that can be used for stairs are divided into two types:

  1. Covering- cover the wood with an opaque film of a certain color, as a result of which its natural pattern is hidden;

  1. Toning- these coatings preserve the wood grain, but at the same time give the wood a certain color.

It must be said that absolutely transparent coatings are also used, i.e. varnishes. Of course, our task is to paint the stairs, not varnish them. But, varnishes are often applied over paint, which helps protect it from external influences and give it a deeper color.

Note! In some cases, the use of varnish is simply necessary, for example, if the stairs are covered with stain.

Selecting covering paints based on composition

First of all, we note that pine does not have any features that greatly distinguish it from other types of wood. Therefore, when choosing what to paint a pine staircase with, you can consider all existing wood paints as an option.

The most common and suitable for our purposes are the following compositions:

  • Alkyd and alkyd-urethane;
  • Polyurethane;
  • Water-dispersed;
  • Oily.

Alkyd and alkyd-urethane

These paints are made on the basis of alkyd resins. Alkyd-urethane coatings also contain polyurethane resins, which, according to manufacturers of paints and varnishes (hereinafter referred to as paintwork materials), improve the basic qualities of paint.

True, in practice, the properties of the coating depend more on the quality of the alkyd paint, and not on the presence or absence of polyurethane resins in its composition. In other words, if you get a good, expensive alkyd paint from famous manufacturer, then it will be better than cheap alkyd-urethane.

Note! All alkyd paints and varnishes contain organic solvents, as a result of which they have a pungent and toxic odor. Of course, after drying, this smell disappears.

The following points can be highlighted from the features of these compositions:

  • They fit well on the surface and form an even glossy or matte film;
  • They have a rich color;
  • Resistant to moisture, detergents and abrasion. Therefore, they can be used for painting steps and landings.

One of the disadvantages is that over time, these compounds fade in the sun and begin to crack. But, as we have already said, a lot depends on the quality of the coating. Therefore, if you do not save, the coating will last a long time.

In general, we can say that most often pine stairs are painted with these paints. Therefore, if you do not have any special requirements for paintwork materials, for example, preserving the pattern of a tree, then you can stop there.


If you are looking for something to paint the staircase in a pine house so that you can forget about this procedure for many years, use polyurethane paint. It is a two-component paintwork material, therefore it is classified as a professional coating.

Among the advantages polyurethane paints The following points can be highlighted:

  • Resistance to mechanical stress, including abrasion;
  • UV resistance;
  • Excellent adhesion;
  • Durability;
  • Fits well on the surface, forming an even film;
  • Has a rich color.

The disadvantages include the rather high price. In addition, as we have already said, the coating is two-component, i.e. Before use, the paint components must be mixed in certain proportions, so it is not as convenient to use as ready-made one-component compositions.


These paints and varnishes are made on the basis of acrylate resins and their modifications. The most main feature of these coatings is that they do not contain organic solvents, unlike all of the above analogues. These coatings are an aqueous dispersion.

In other words, undissolved polymer particles form a suspension in water. After paint is applied to the surface, the water evaporates and the acrylate resins polymerize and form a film on the surface, which can be either water-soluble or water-resistant, depending on the type of paint.

Advice! For the stairs, it is necessary to use waterproof paint, since the structure will often be subjected to wet cleaning.

The following points can be highlighted from the features of these coatings:

  • They form a thin film on the surface, as a result of which they can preserve the texture of the wood, even if it is poorly expressed, not to mention brushing;
  • Dries quickly. As soon as the water evaporates, the coating immediately polymerizes;
  • Has no smell.

Water-dispersion coatings also have disadvantages:

  1. Instability to abrasion;
  2. High cost, especially for high-quality waterproof paints.

Therefore, water-dispersed compositions are not very suitable for painting steps and landings. Of course, you can paint with them, but you will have to renew the coating somewhat more often than when using other analogues described above.


These colors are Lately are rarely used, since their properties are significantly inferior to more modern coatings, which we have already talked about. Visually they resemble alkyd paints, however, they are inferior in durability.

Their main advantage is their low cost. Therefore, if you want to restore a staircase with your own hands at minimal cost, for example, in a country house, you can also use oil paint.

Choosing tinting paints

Tinting paints can be divided into two types:

  1. Impregnations;
  2. Azure.


Impregnations include stains and other compounds that, unlike paints, do not form a film on the surface, but are absorbed into the structure of the wood, coloring the fibers.

According to the method of application of impregnation, it can be divided into two types:

  • Finishing- do not require additional coverage. These include all kinds of formulations based on wax and oil;
  • Requiring additional coverage- a transparent varnish is usually applied on top of such impregnations. These compositions include stains.

Separately, it should be said about modern stains, which allow you to reliably imitate various breeds tree. With their help, you can turn pine into mahogany or, for example, bleached oak.


Lazuli, or glaze paints, are a composition based on varnish and pigments. In other words, these are translucent paints.

Since these coatings have the same composition as covering paints, they also have the same properties. Therefore, there is nothing more to say about them.


As for the choice transparent coatings, optimal solution is parquet varnish. It is resistant to abrasion and is not afraid of washing and exposure to sunlight.

You can also use yacht varnish. Unlike parquet, it can be used both indoors and outdoors.

In other words, the varnish withstands weathering well and low temperature. Therefore, for processing stairs in country houses that are visited seasonally or from time to time, it is even more preferable than its parquet counterpart.

Painting technology

So, we figured out the types of paintwork materials. Now let's look at how to properly paint a pine staircase. After all, if you carry out this procedure in violation of technology, even the most expensive and high-quality paint will not give the desired result.

As we have already said, pine has no special features in terms of applying paint and varnish, does not possess. Therefore, the work is carried out in the same way as painting a staircase made of larch, spruce, oak or any other species.

It includes several stages:

  • Preparation of work equipment;
  • Preparing the stairs;
  • Painting.

Preparation of work equipment

In addition to the paint itself, you need to prepare the following materials:

  • Wood putty;
  • Masking tape;
  • Plastic film or newspapers;
  • Wash.

Note! If you have construction hair dryer, no rinsing is needed.

You will also need some tools:

  • Paint brush and roller;
  • Roller tray;
  • Putty knife;
  • Sandpaper;
  • Sander;
  • Vacuum cleaner.

Preparing the stairs

Before you paint a pine staircase, you need to prepare it. Please note that the quality of painting depends on preparation, so treat this stage responsibly.

Preparation involves doing the following:

Illustrations Actions

Cover the floor around the stairs with film or paper.

Seal the places where the stairs meet the wall masking tape so as not to stain the walls during work.

If you are going to paint a staircase that has already been used, it is probably covered with old varnish or paint. It is advisable to remove this coating completely.

Erasing it with sandpaper is very difficult and takes a long time, so it’s better to use:

  • construction hairdryer;
  • grinder;
  • wash.

A hairdryer allows you to heat up the coating and then easily remove it with a spatula.

The remover is applied to the surface for a while and dissolves the old paint, after which it is also removed with a spatula.

Note! The remover is a toxic acid, so take precautions when working with it.

If you are sure that the old paint adheres securely to the base and will not begin to peel off in the near future, simply rub it with sandpaper until a matte surface appears.

All cracks on the surface of the product, as well as gaps between parts and chips must be filled with putty. Apply the composition with a narrow spatula and level the surface.

After the putty has hardened, do not forget to clean it with the same spatula or sandpaper with fine abrasive.

Advice! If you plan to paint the stairs with a translucent composition, match the putty to the color of the paint. Otherwise, the putty area will be obvious.

Finishing preparatory work be sure to vacuum all surfaces of the stairs, as dust and small debris can undo all the work done.

Advice! Upon completion of the preparatory work, try to immediately begin painting so that the surface does not have time to become covered with dust.


Instructions for painting stairs are as follows:

Illustrations Actions

Work should begin with the preparation of paintwork materials. Paint that is too thick must be diluted with a solvent, which is selected individually for the type of paint, for example, water-dispersed paints are diluted with clean water.

Then the composition must be thoroughly mixed.

To give the coating a certain color or shade, add color to it. Keep in mind that not all paints can be tinted. Manufacturers usually report this possibility on the packaging.

The color, like the solvent, is selected individually.

Pour a small amount of the finished paint into a flat container.

Preparing the varnish is done in exactly the same way.

Start painting with the fences. Most often, clear varnish is used for railings.

Apply it with a brush in a thin, even layer. Then wait until it dries completely and repeat the procedure again.

Once the railings are painted, move on to the remaining surfaces of the stairs. Paint the structure from top to bottom.

Start by painting large areas using a roller. Dip the tool into the paint and squeeze lightly so that the paint does not drip. Then roll the roller over the surface.

Treat hard-to-reach areas paint brush. Paint the entire staircase in this manner. After the coating has hardened, repeat the procedure at least one more time.

If you are using water-dispersion paint, it is advisable to apply it in three layers.

It must be said that the technique of applying impregnation is somewhat different from regular painting, since the composition is not just applied, but rubbed into the surface. Therefore, when applying it, you need to make multiple circular and longitudinal movements. When painting normally, you should try, on the contrary, not to run the tool twice over the painted surface.


That's all we wanted to tell you about how to paint a pine staircase with your own hands, and how to do it correctly so that the result, as they say, is “pleasant to the eye.” Finally, be sure to watch the video in this article and thereby consolidate the information received.

At first glance, painting the stairs is not difficult at all - just pick up a brush and paint. But in order for the structure to serve as an interior decoration and remain beautiful for as long as possible, it is necessary to choose the coating wisely and apply it correctly. Therefore, next we want to tell you how to paint a pine staircase in a house, and how to do it correctly.

All existing paints that can be used for stairs are divided into two types:

  1. Covering- cover the wood with an opaque film of a certain color, as a result of which its natural pattern is hidden;

  1. Toning- these coatings preserve the wood grain, but at the same time give the wood a certain color.

It must be said that absolutely transparent coatings are also used, i.e. varnishes. Of course, our task is to paint the stairs, not varnish them. But, varnishes are often applied over paint, which helps protect it from external influences and give it a deeper color.

Note! In some cases, the use of varnish is simply necessary, for example, if the stairs are covered with stain.

Selecting covering paints based on composition

First of all, we note that pine does not have any features that greatly distinguish it from other types of wood. Therefore, when choosing what to paint a pine staircase with, you can consider all existing wood paints as an option.

The most common and suitable for our purposes are the following compositions:

  • Alkyd and alkyd-urethane;
  • Polyurethane;
  • Water-dispersed;
  • Oily.

Alkyd and alkyd-urethane

These paints are made on the basis of alkyd resins. Alkyd-urethane coatings also contain polyurethane resins, which, according to manufacturers of paints and varnishes (hereinafter referred to as paintwork materials), improve the basic qualities of paint.

True, in practice, the properties of the coating depend more on the quality of the alkyd paint, and not on the presence or absence of polyurethane resins in its composition. In other words, if you buy a good, expensive alkyd paint from a reputable manufacturer, it will be better than a cheap alkyd-urethane paint.

Note! All alkyd paints and varnishes contain organic solvents, as a result of which they have a pungent and toxic odor. Of course, after drying, this smell disappears.

The following points can be highlighted from the features of these compositions:

  • They fit well on the surface and form an even glossy or matte film;
  • They have a rich color;
  • Resistant to moisture, detergents and abrasion. Therefore, they can be used for painting steps and landings.

One of the disadvantages is that over time, these compounds fade in the sun and begin to crack. But, as we have already said, a lot depends on the quality of the coating. Therefore, if you do not save, the coating will last a long time.

In general, we can say that most often pine stairs are painted with these paints. Therefore, if you do not have any special requirements for paintwork materials, for example, preserving the pattern of a tree, then you can stop there.


If you are looking for something to paint the staircase in a pine house so that you can forget about this procedure for many years, use polyurethane paint. It is a two-component paintwork material, therefore it is classified as a professional coating.

Among the advantages of polyurethane paints, the following points can be highlighted:

  • Resistance to mechanical stress, including abrasion;
  • UV resistance;
  • Excellent adhesion;
  • Durability;
  • Fits well on the surface, forming an even film;
  • Has a rich color.

The disadvantages include the rather high price. In addition, as we have already said, the coating is two-component, i.e. Before use, the paint components must be mixed in certain proportions, so it is not as convenient to use as ready-made one-component compositions.


These paints and varnishes are made on the basis of acrylate resins and their modifications. The most important feature of these coatings is that they do not contain organic solvents, unlike all of the above analogues. These coatings are an aqueous dispersion.

In other words, undissolved polymer particles form a suspension in water. After paint is applied to the surface, the water evaporates and the acrylate resins polymerize and form a film on the surface, which can be either water-soluble or water-resistant, depending on the type of paint.

Advice! For the stairs, it is necessary to use waterproof paint, since the structure will often be subjected to wet cleaning.

The following points can be highlighted from the features of these coatings:

  • They form a thin film on the surface, as a result of which they can preserve the texture of the wood, even if it is poorly expressed, not to mention brushing;
  • Dries quickly. As soon as the water evaporates, the coating immediately polymerizes;
  • Has no smell.

Water-dispersion coatings also have disadvantages:

  1. Instability to abrasion;
  2. High cost, especially for high-quality waterproof paints.

Therefore, water-dispersed compositions are not very suitable for painting steps and landings. Of course, you can paint with them, but you will have to renew the coating somewhat more often than when using other analogues described above.


These paints have recently been rarely used, since their properties are significantly inferior to more modern coatings, which we have already discussed. Visually they resemble alkyd paints, but are inferior in durability.

Their main advantage is their low cost. Therefore, if you want to restore a staircase with your own hands at minimal cost, for example, in a country house, you can also use oil paint.

Choosing tinting paints

Tinting paints can be divided into two types:

  1. Impregnations;
  2. Azure.


Impregnations include stains and other compounds that, unlike paints, do not form a film on the surface, but are absorbed into the structure of the wood, coloring the fibers.

According to the method of application of impregnation, it can be divided into two types:

  • Finishing- do not require additional coverage. These include all kinds of formulations based on wax and oil;
  • Requiring additional coverage- a transparent varnish is usually applied on top of such impregnations. These compositions include stains.

Separately, it should be said about modern stains, which allow you to reliably imitate various types of wood. With their help, you can turn pine into mahogany or, for example, bleached oak.


Lazuli, or glaze paints, are a composition based on varnish and pigments. In other words, these are translucent paints.

Since these coatings have the same composition as covering paints, they also have the same properties. Therefore, there is nothing more to say about them.


As for the choice of transparent coatings, the optimal solution is parquet varnish. It is resistant to abrasion and is not afraid of washing and exposure to sunlight.

You can also use yacht varnish. Unlike parquet, it can be used both indoors and outdoors.

In other words, the varnish tolerates weather conditions and low temperatures well. Therefore, for treating stairs in country houses that are visited seasonally or from time to time, it is even more preferable than its parquet counterpart.

Painting technology

So, we figured out the types of paintwork materials. Now let's look at how to properly paint a pine staircase. After all, if you carry out this procedure in violation of technology, even the most expensive and high-quality paint will not give the desired result.

As we have already said, pine does not have any special features in terms of applying paint and varnish. Therefore, the work is carried out in the same way as painting a staircase made of larch, spruce, oak or any other species.

It includes several stages:

  • Preparation of work equipment;
  • Preparing the stairs;
  • Painting.

Preparation of work equipment

In addition to the paint itself, you need to prepare the following materials:

  • Wood putty;
  • Masking tape;
  • Plastic film or newspapers;
  • Wash.

Note! If you have a hair dryer, you won't need to wash it off.

You will also need some tools:

  • Paint brush and roller;
  • Roller tray;
  • Putty knife;
  • Sandpaper;
  • Sander;
  • Vacuum cleaner.

Preparing the stairs

Before you paint a pine staircase, you need to prepare it. Please note that the quality of painting depends on preparation, so treat this stage responsibly.

Preparation involves doing the following:

Illustrations Actions

Cover the floor around the stairs with film or paper.

Seal the places where the stairs meet the wall with masking tape so as not to stain the walls during work.

If you are going to paint a staircase that has already been used, it is probably covered with old varnish or paint. It is advisable to remove this coating completely.

Erasing it with sandpaper is very difficult and takes a long time, so it’s better to use:

  • construction hairdryer;
  • grinder;
  • wash.

A hairdryer allows you to heat up the coating and then easily remove it with a spatula.

The remover is applied to the surface for a while and dissolves the old paint, after which it is also removed with a spatula.

Note! The remover is a toxic acid, so take precautions when working with it.

If you are sure that the old paint adheres securely to the base and will not begin to peel off in the near future, simply rub it with sandpaper until a matte surface appears.

All cracks on the surface of the product, as well as gaps between parts and chips must be filled with putty. Apply the composition with a narrow spatula and level the surface.

After the putty has hardened, do not forget to clean it with the same spatula or sandpaper with fine abrasive.

Advice! If you plan to paint the stairs with a translucent composition, match the putty to the color of the paint. Otherwise, the putty area will be obvious.

Upon completion of the preparatory work, be sure to vacuum all surfaces of the stairs, as dust and small debris can undo all the work done.

Advice! Upon completion of the preparatory work, try to immediately begin painting so that the surface does not have time to become covered with dust.


Instructions for painting stairs are as follows:

Illustrations Actions

Work should begin with the preparation of paintwork materials. Paint that is too thick must be diluted with a solvent, which is selected individually for the type of paint, for example, water-dispersed paints are diluted with clean water.

Then the composition must be thoroughly mixed.

To give the coating a certain color or shade, add color to it. Keep in mind that not all paints can be tinted. Manufacturers usually report this possibility on the packaging.

The color, like the solvent, is selected individually.

Pour a small amount of the finished paint into a flat container.

Preparing the varnish is done in exactly the same way.

Start painting with the fences. Most often, clear varnish is used for railings.

Apply it with a brush in a thin, even layer. Then wait until it dries completely and repeat the procedure again.

Once the railings are painted, move on to the remaining surfaces of the stairs. Paint the structure from top to bottom.

Start by painting large areas using a roller. Dip the tool into the paint and squeeze lightly so that the paint does not drip. Then roll the roller over the surface.

Treat hard-to-reach areas with a paint brush. Paint the entire staircase in this manner. After the coating has hardened, repeat the procedure at least one more time.

If you are using water-based paint, it is advisable to apply it in three layers.

It must be said that the technique of applying impregnation is somewhat different from conventional painting, since the composition is not just applied, but rubbed into the surface. Therefore, when applying it, you need to make multiple circular and longitudinal movements. When painting normally, you should try, on the contrary, not to run the tool twice over the painted surface.


That's all we wanted to tell you about how to paint a pine staircase with your own hands, and how to do it correctly so that the result, as they say, is “pleasant to the eye.” Finally, be sure to watch the video in this article and thereby consolidate the information received.

To paint a pine staircase, you need to choose the coating that is most suitable for it. Alcohol- or nitrocellulose-based varnishes highlight the natural color of wood and dry quickly. Some of them are used to cover stairs indoors, while others are used outdoors. You need to choose the most suitable covering. To do this, it is important to know what paint and varnish products are on the market and choose the best option.

Types of varnish

There are several types of such varnishes:

  • nitro varnish;
  • polyurethane;
  • acrylic;
  • yacht;
  • epoxy;
  • resin;
  • alkyd.

The ladder, coated with nitro varnish, dries quickly and looks good. But it is more suitable for outdoor work. The disadvantage is strong toxicity.

Polyurethane varnish is not so harmful to health, since it is based on water. However, it is short-lived and turns yellow over time. A staircase coated with such varnish becomes unattractive.

Acrylic varnish is also made using water based. It is non-toxic and heat resistant. It can be used for interior work.

Yacht varnish is durable. It is used on decks and in interior spaces. Epoxy varnish hardens quickly. It is used for different types finishing indoors and outdoors.

Resin varnish perfectly emphasizes the wood texture; it contains fewer toxic substances than synthetic ones. Alkyd varnish is perfect for varnishing pine stairs. But it takes a long time to dry, more than two days.

Varnishes vary in gloss. They can be matte or glossy to varying degrees. Before coating wooden stairs you need to think carefully about which varnish is best to use. A pine staircase coated with varnish lasts longer.

Varnish for wooden stairs made of pine

How construction material pine has its advantages and disadvantages. It is well processed and dried. Pine stairs are inexpensive and more accessible.

Tree rings are visible on the wood, which makes it attractive in appearance. different designs from her. The texture of pine allows you to leave the wooden staircase unpainted. However, a structure coated with clear varnish is more reliable. But you should think about what varnish to cover the steps with.

Over time, pine can begin to rot and collapse. To preserve the structure and protect it from negative changes, it is best to varnish the wood. Preference should be given to polyurethane varnish. Durable polyurethane flexible material. It is able to withstand heavy loads, therefore it is recognized as the best for covering wooden pine stairs.

Experts advise you to choose polyurethane varnish with hardener. It is odorless, easy to process, and highly resistant.

The best producers of polyurethane coating are the USA and Germany. In many world markets you can find paint and varnish products from the Finnish company Tikkurila. There is a lot about varnish from this manufacturer good reviews. It has varying degrees of glossiness. Before using Tikkuril varnish, you should carefully read the instructions.

Stair processing

Before applying varnish, the wooden staircase must be treated. It is dried, fumed, sanded and polished. Before applying the varnish, impregnation and priming are carried out. This will help protect the pine from mold, mildew, and insects. The varnish is applied with a brush, roller or spray.

Wooden interfloor staircase often found in private housing construction. Wood is an easy-to-work material from which you can make durable and beautiful design, but it requires special care.

To protect wood from rotting, drying out, and premature wear, it is varnished or painted. Moreover, for the steps you should choose especially durable paints that can withstand daily loads.

Material selection rules

In the huge variety of paint and varnish products that manufacturers offer today, there are several materials suitable for painting wooden stairs. These are various varnishes, stains, impregnations and paints that are easy to apply with your own hands using a roller, brush or spray.


Varnishes are most often used for processing wooden structures, because they do not cover the wood grain, which is very important when decorating the interior of rooms. To decide which varnish is best for treating a wooden staircase, let’s look at their main types.

Oil products are a mixture of resins (artificial or natural) with vegetable oils. Not the best option because it has low wear resistance, but it is cheap.

Alcohol varnishes are a solution of resins with alcohol. During the application process, the alcohol quickly evaporates, leaving a fairly durable layer of resin on the treated surface. The varnished surface is easy to polish, but has low water resistance. Such compositions can be used for painting balusters.

The production of alkyd varnishes is based on alkyd resins dissolved in white spirit or other organic solvent. They have high wear resistance, increased strength, and are not afraid of changes in temperature and humidity. So they can be safely used when processing street stairs.

Epoxy varnishes are characterized by high mechanical strength, water-repellent properties, as well as inertness to alkalis. Often two-component formulations are sold that require mixing before application.

Experts believe that polyurethane and polyurethane-acrylate varnishes are best suited for treating wooden stairs. They have all the advantages of the above compositions, but have one drawback - a high price, which is compensated by long term operation.

You can also use yacht varnish to paint outdoor wooden stairs. It is produced on the basis of the same polyurethane or other polymeric substances and includes special additives that provide high strength.


First of all, it is necessary to note that paints hide the grain of the wood, so they are used only if the task is not to emphasize the texture of the wood. Although there are also glazing compounds that can be used to give only a slight tint to a wooden product.

In terms of diversity color design they have no equal. But not all brands on the market can be used for painting stairs made of pine, oak or other wood.

  • acrylic The resulting coating is durable, waterproof and breathable; walking on it is not slippery. Acrylic compositions are suitable for painting stairs to the second floor inside the house; they can be used to process railings, steps and balusters;
  • alkyd Withstands negative temperatures, forms an even, smooth surface. They must be applied to well-dried wood;
  • oil These paints were once the most common, but have now been replaced by acrylic compositions. They take a long time to dry and form streaks; if not handled carefully, they emit a specific smell when painting;
  • enamels. Essentially, it is a mixture of varnish and pigment, so the composition has the characteristics of the varnish that was used in its production.

If the wooden staircase is located indoors, then interior acrylic composition is quite suitable for painting it. For outdoor wooden stairs, it is better to choose more durable ones Decoration Materials, for example polyurethane.

Impregnations and stains

Antiseptics and are used as impregnations for treating wooden stairs.

The former fight the formation of colonies of harmful microorganisms on the wood surface, the latter are fire-fighting agents. Today, manufacturers offer universal impregnations that have these two properties.


Painting technology

Despite its apparent simplicity, painting a wooden staircase in a house correctly is not so easy. Regardless of whether staircase design coated with varnish or paint, it is advisable to treat it with an antiseptic and fire retardant. It is better to process all the details of the staircase before starting assembly.


Due to their low cost, coniferous wood is very popular in private housing construction. But such wood has one big drawback - it emits resin, which interferes with the application of coating compounds. Therefore, areas where resin is released are subjected to special treatment. For example, treat with 25 percent acetone aqueous solution. It is applied to the defective area with a brush, then washed off with warm water, then dried.

If the resin defect is large or deep enough, then you will have to get rid of it using harsh means, such as a knife or chisel. After this, you need to clean the recess and putty.


This is the most difficult stage in the process of preparing a wooden staircase for painting.

If the staircase is to be painted, then before applying it the wooden parts of the structure (steps, balusters, railings, etc.) are primed. If varnish or oil is used for decoration, then no additional coatings need to be applied.


Paint products can be applied different instruments, but most often at home they use brushes and a roller. If the staircase structure is not large sizes, then this coloring option is justified. But keep in mind that the consumption of paint or varnish will be greater. If the staircase is large, then it is better to give preference to a spray gun. With it, the layer of applied material is thinner, which reduces consumption, and uniform application is better.

Note! The stairs are painted in 2-3 layers, regardless of whether a spray gun or a brush is used.

Specialists who frequently paint and process large areas, give some advice in this matter.

Between glossy and matte paints and varnishes, it is better to give preference to the latter. The surfaces of the steps treated with them do not slip, which is the main criterion for safe operation for staircase structures.

If brushes or paint roller, then the first layer of material is applied along the wood fibers, the second across and the third again along. It must be taken into account that subsequent layers of composition are applied to the previous ones only after they have completely dried.

Note! If long-drying compounds are used, then it is better to paint the steps one at a time in order to leave the possibility of moving along the staircase structure.

Before moving on to painting, it is recommended that, in addition to the stairs and its parts, you clean the entire room. Because dust from the same floor or window sill can rise and settle on the varnished surface, reducing its quality and presentable appearance. The wall near the stairs should be sealed with masking tape, which will help to carry out the work carefully and get clear, even lines.

The staircase in a house is an important part, especially if the building consists of several levels. With its help you can not only climb to the next floor. It should become a unique element of the interior. Therefore, every owner of a two- or three-story private house needs to know how and with what to paint a staircase.

To give the staircase a finished look, several varieties are used paint coatings. These are varnishes, impregnations and paints themselves.

Coloring is done not only for aesthetic purposes. On the floor, tongue and groove pine boards are most often used. Despite its strength, unopened wood wears out 5 times faster. This is due to the fact that dust and grains of sand become clogged in the pores, which over time destroy the structure of the floorboards. By painting a staircase made of pine or any other wood with varnish or paint yourself, you extend its service life.


Stain is one of the cheapest compositions for covering stairs. Impregnation happens different color. It is designed to protect the wood and give it some shade. But it is better not to cover the stairs only with stain - after drying, you should use varnish.

It is customary to use a primer before applying varnish or paint, as it improves adhesion to the wood and makes the wood structure more uniform. If you tint the primer a little, you can emphasize the characteristic wood grain. The primer also contains substances that prevent the wood from rotting.

Clear/tinted wood varnish

Varnish is used to cover steps, balusters and railings. The colorless composition does not hide the wood texture. It is very important that the sanding of all elements of the staircase is carried out the highest level. Transparent varnishes come in several types:

  1. Latex. Non-toxic material, safe for humans and animals. When applied to wood, it forms a thin, durable, water-resistant layer. It has antiseptic properties - protects wood from mold and rot. Can be used both indoors and outdoors.
  2. Water-based or acrylate. Doesn't have unpleasant odor, non-toxic, forms a fairly durable coating that is resistant to mechanical damage, and prevents the aging of wood.
  3. On synthetic resins. Such varnishes dry quickly, are resistant to aggressive environments (alkalies, acids), and are used only for interior work. Do not use synthetic resin varnishes to paint steps. They are suitable for balusters and railings.
  4. Yacht. There are different types, depending on the base - alkyd and its varieties (urethane-alkyd, alkyd-urethane) and acrylate. It is toxic, so when using it inside a living space, wear a respirator, otherwise the probability of poisoning is 99%.

Advice! Use for painting stairs only as a last resort. It is poisonous even after drying.

Tinting varnishes include oil compositions. With their help you can change the color of wood from pale yellow to rich brown. When choosing, you need to look at what percentage of oil is included in the composition. To paint the steps of the stairs, this parameter must be at least 65%. In this case, you will get a durable, wear-resistant coating. If the oil varnish contains only 50% oil or less, there can be no talk of any strength. This composition is suitable only for balusters and railings.

Wood paints

On sale you can find a great variety of the most different compositions. But which one is suitable for painting wooden stairs? To answer this question, you need to consider the types of paints used for wood:

  1. Oily. They consist of drying oil, stabilizers and coloring pigment. They do not have a strong odor, are affordable, are available in a wide range of colors, and are used economically. However, wood under such paint does not breathe. The resulting surface cannot withstand mechanical damage and quickly wears off and becomes dull. Service life up to 5 years.
  2. Alkyd. Based on pentaphthalic varnish with the addition of coloring pigment and antiseptic additives. Dries quickly. The finished coating is elastic and resistant to mechanical damage, durable. Alkyd paints are cheap and have a rich color palette.
  3. Acrylic. Produced on the basis acrylic resins. They are non-toxic, do not have a strong odor, dry quickly, are wear-resistant, have a rich color palette, and do not fade over time. The tree breathes under this coating. Service life up to 20 years.

Advice! Alkyd paints for wood give consistently good results. Choose them if you want to save a little money and get high-quality staircase coverage.

Paste for covering stairs

Paste is considered an unconventional type of coating. It consists of linseed oil and beeswax. The consistency of the paste depends on the hardness of the wood. If the wood is hard, then there should be four times more linseed oil than wax. For soft breeds, use two parts oil to one part wax. You can make the paste yourself or buy it at the store.

Surface treatment is quite simple: the paste is simply rubbed in, for this you need to use natural fabric without lint - this will make the surface of the stairs slightly matte, with a silky shine.

What to pay attention to

The criteria for choosing a certain type of paintwork for a wooden staircase are as follows:

  1. Floor load. If the stairs to the second/third floor are often used, then a wear-resistant coating is chosen.
  2. Tree species. Pine floors can and should be painted; larch boards have a beautiful pattern, so it is better to choose a colorless or tinted varnish.
  3. Availability of ventilation. The staircase is usually located close to entrance area, which means there should be no problems with ventilation. Therefore, you can choose any LMB.
  4. Price. The issue of saving is especially important if a lot of money has been spent on repairing or building a house. In this case, you can choose cheaper paintwork materials for the stairs, but not at the expense of the quality of the finished coating.

Dyeing technology

Painting a wooden staircase takes place in 2 stages. This is preparing the base and, directly, opening the railings, balusters, and steps with varnish or paint.

The first stage is very important; you cannot do without it if you want to get a beautiful and smooth staircase.

Preparing the base

To work, you will need a solution for wood putty or alternative methods of sealing cracks (wood chips, wood dust mixed with colorless varnish), an antiseptic primer, an iron brush, a spatula, sandpaper - 80, 100, 120, 180 - 220, 240 - 320 and zero.

  1. The technology for preparing the base with your own hands is simple:
  2. Remove debris from the stairs and wash them with water. Then wait until it dries completely. Treat steps with remover old paint
  3. . Using a spatula, remove the swollen coating. Remove what hasn't risen with an iron brush.
  4. Clean the steps, balusters and railings with sandpaper, or preferably two – first 80-grit, then 100-grit, remove dust with a brush, and vacuum the steps additionally.
  5. Seal the cracks. The putty will not last long if the stairs are actively used. Try sealing the cracks with wood chips. Select a piece according to the size of the hole, coat it with PVA glue and place it in place. Another way to seal cracks: mix wood dust with colorless varnish, seal the cracks with the resulting composition and let dry.
  6. Go over it again with 120-grit sandpaper, remove the dust and finish the job with sandpaper. Ideally, the steps, balusters, and railings should be smooth “like an egg.”
  7. Treat the stairs with an antiseptic primer. Use a roller for this. Make sure that the composition gets into all the recesses and decorations (if any).

Wait for the primer to dry.

Now you can begin the final stage.

Paint coating This is a crucial moment. Depends on the quality of the coating stairs and how harmoniously it will fit into the interior of the house. To work you will need paint and a brush/roller. You can use a spray gun (it costs significantly more than conventional tools for applying paint and varnish).

DIY paint application technology:

  1. Open the jar. Using a long, strong wooden stick, stir the paint thoroughly. There should be no lumps in it.
  2. If the composition is excessively thick, dilute it with a solvent.
  3. Dip your brush or roller into the paint. Start painting. All movements should be along the fibers. After priming, the paint should not be absorbed too quickly. If you notice that the composition goes into the wood like a sponge, paint the entire staircase and wait until the first layer dries.
  4. Reapply paint. Pay special attention to the joints of the baluster/floor, baluster/railing, as well as various notches and squiggles (if there are shaped elements on the stairs).

Advice! After the paint has dried, open the stairs with clear varnish. This will increase the strength of the coating. As an option, paint only the steps, and varnish the balusters and railings.

Varnish coating

The preparatory work before such finishing is somewhat different. Sanding is carried out only once before the first opening. This is due to the fact that the varnish will inevitably raise all the fluff on the surface. Interlayer sanding will be required (180 - 220 sandpaper), and for the first layer it is better to use a special primer varnish.

Note. After stripping the primer varnish, the staircase is always a pitiful sight. It looks much worse than after removing the old paint. Don't be alarmed. A second coat of varnish, applied to a properly prepared surface, will do the trick.

Painting the stairs is carried out in steps:

  1. Prepare a clear varnish (if it is two-component, mix it with your own hands according to the instructions).
  2. Dip the velor roller into the varnish.
  3. Start coating by running the roller along the grain of the wood.
  4. Let the layer dry. This is approximately 3 hours.
  5. Do another intercoat sanding. Use fine sandpaper (240 – 320).
  6. Apply a second coat of varnish. The third or more layers are applied only after the previous one has completely dried.

If you don’t like the natural color of pine, larch or other wood, use stain to make the stairs darker. You can apply an oil-based varnish, choosing the desired shade. It's up to you to decide which is better.

The drying time for the staircase depends on the number of layers of varnish. After a day, you can walk along it in socks or knitted slippers without hard soles. On average, the coating gains working strength in 7 - 10 days. In order to tidy up the staircase with your own hands and not spoil its appearance, you must have minimal skills in working with paints and varnishes.

Follow the instructions exactly, and then the result will meet your expectations. Articles By
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