How to paint your face. Where to buy face paints? What colors are used to paint on the face? Matte lipstick on dry lips

What could be more fun for a child than drawings on his face? They create a wonderful holiday atmosphere and help the little dreamer fully feel like a naughty kitten or a cute little dragon.

Face paints (children's face painting) are completely harmless to sensitive children's skin and are washed off with ordinary warm water and soap. With the help of face painting, you can not only draw attention to a child’s costume, but also show the character of the character chosen by the child, giving the child the opportunity to completely immerse himself in a fairy-tale world.

Choosing children's face painting

To please your baby, you will first of all need face painting, brushes of various thicknesses, and soft cosmetic sponges. When choosing face paint for children, you should exercise maximum caution, because the makeup will be applied to a child’s face, whose skin is very delicate and sensitive.

You should make sure that the chosen paints are intended specifically for leather. Otherwise, the child may have a severe allergic reaction, and in the worst case, even poisoning! Face paints should be classified as hypoallergenic and contain only natural or organic ingredients. Chemical components in paints are completely unacceptable. Trademark and the type of paints must fully comply with certain quality standards.

High-quality face painting is sold in the form of compressed powder,

which in appearance resembles the classic ones. In addition, you can purchase a liquid analogue, sold in small jars. The compressed powder is simply diluted in a small amount of warm water until creamy, and then you can use it to paint on your face.

When choosing brushes, you should give preference to soft bristles. The ideal choice would be a brush made of natural hair. Then, when applying face paint, it will not scratch the child’s face.

You should also be very careful when choosing a sponge. After all, it will be needed in order to color large plots skin. The most the best criterion selection will become a sample. Place the sponge on your baby's face. If no particles remain after it, then it is completely suitable.

We are developing the design of future makeup

How to decorate your face with paints? If this process is new to you, then first of all it’s worth developing several options for different children’s images. Your imagination will help you with this. You can come up with many images, from a funny dog ​​to magical superheroes.

Paint for face painting: do it yourself

If suddenly the local store simply doesn’t know what paints they use on their faces, then

this problem is completely solvable. To please her child, any mother can make these magical paints on her own.

For this we need:

  • starch;
  • moisturizer (ideally for children's skin);
  • regular food coloring.

The cooking recipe is as follows:

  • put 3 tablespoons of starch, a teaspoon of water and a teaspoon of cream into a deep bowl, and then mix everything thoroughly until a homogeneous mass is obtained;
  • prepare a concentrated solution of food coloring;
  • adding a few drops of dye to the prepared mixture, achieve the desired shade of paint.

That's it, you can call your tiger cub or kitten and start transforming to the end!

Makeup technique

What will be drawn on the child’s face depends entirely on his imagination and the artistic abilities of his parents. But, regardless of who the model for body art will be (a boy or a girl), all drawings have the same basis and a certain technique of execution. Let's take a closer look at each stage of applying makeup.

1. It is necessary to prepare all the necessary materials in advance:

Multi-colored face paints;

Brushes with which you will paint;

A set of cosmetic sponges or ordinary soft sponges (the main thing is that they do not leave any particles on the child’s face) for applying the basic tone to the baby’s face.

2. Conduct an allergy test: apply a small amount of paint to the child’s skin and wait a little. True, sometimes the reaction does not appear too quickly, but within the next hour.

3. Remove all hair completely from the child's face, securing it with a hair band. Change your little model's clothes, and put on clothes that you don't mind getting dirty. But even if you get dirty, don’t worry too much, because children’s face painting is special paints for the face completely on water based, which are quite easy to wash.

4. The first step in doing makeup is to apply the base tone. He

should be evenly distributed on the face and have a smooth surface. To achieve this effect, wet the sponge with water, then dip it in the paint and begin applying it to your face in short movements. The paint should be applied in a thin layer, otherwise cracks may appear on the surface after it dries. The areas around the eyes, lips and nose should be treated especially carefully. Let the applied paint dry slightly.

5. Next, we begin to draw the contours and small details. It is best to have in front of your eyes the picture that you have chosen as a sample, especially if you are not a professional artist. The paint should be applied to the brush. It should have a creamy structure, that is, it should not spread or drip from the end of the brush.

6. Face painting is applied to the face strictly at right angles with thin lines or strokes.

The most favorite characters for makeup

The most popular patterns among children are the faces of animals or insects, patterns of flowers and the faces of popular superheroes: Batman, Spider-Man, Superman and others. Girls prefer to transform into fairies, butterflies, ladybugs and dragonflies. They love to decorate their faces with floral patterns.

Of course, you should give preference to kind fairy tale or home characters, otherwise children may scare each other during the game.

Features of working with a child

A small child is a very difficult model to work with. This fidget is unlikely to be able to for a long time sit quietly, so be prepared to work very quickly. Get your baby into a working mood in advance, otherwise laughter caused by a brush tickling his face can ruin all your efforts. You can play him a cartoon or an audio fairy tale. This will help the child cope with forced calm more easily. But the result will simply delight him and give him a lot of unforgettable impressions.

How to remove makeup?

Water-based face painting is very easily washed off with regular warm water and If the face paint is based on cream or oil, then a little more effort and additional special means. If additional glitter was used, you must first remove it. And only then can you remove the base paint.

Where to buy face paints?

Any children's toy store will offer you a huge selection. various types face painting, but if for some reason it is not possible to purchase this product in your city, then you can place an order in any online store.

Do you remember how your mother said: “Wearing makeup is harmful!”? We agree with most mothers in some ways, because excessive use of cosmetics worsens the condition of the skin. Try to avoid makeup at least 2 days a week! We know at least 5 reasons not to wear makeup in the summer!

Natural beauty is the main trend of the decade!

Instead of tons of decoration, give preference to your natural beauty, because often it lies even in our minor shortcomings! Treat them with humor, take good care of your skin and give it the opportunity to simply “breathe” without overloading it with three layers of makeup.

Cosmetics harm the skin

No matter what makeup artists and creators of cosmetics say about its harmlessness to the skin, foundation still clogs pores, and powder dries out, concealer contributes to the formation of small wrinkles, and mascara and eyeliner irritate the mucous membranes of the eyes... In a word, healthy skin is your best makeup, high-quality moisturizing cream - best friend, and let the decorations wait for the evening promenades! =)

Makeup requires money

Put all your decorative cosmetics on the table, and now save the money that went into purchasing them - impressive? Imagine how much money you could save and use to realize, say, your old dream - buying a bicycle, a trip to Italy or language courses?

Young skin doesn't need makeup

If you are under 30-33, you are still a young girl who can easily do without makeup! Emphasize your beauty with a minimum of cosmetics - light tone, mascara and glitter - believe me, your natural makeup will win any man's heart! And kissing such beauties is more pleasant than kissing “mummies” wearing makeup!

Learn to surprise people

Makeup transforms, that's a fact. Accustom those around you to your natural beauty without “make-up”, so that you can delight them with new stunning makeup once or twice a week! And remember: your daytime makeup should not change your face too much, distorting its features, because this way your colleagues may not recognize you! Makeup should emphasize facial features, giving them seductiveness, and not correct what nature has endowed you with.

During pregnancy, certain changes occur in a woman's body. They also appear in the condition of the skin, hair, and nails. Therefore, when you are going to paint them, you need to take these changes into account. So, let's consider the questions that concern women about whether it is possible to dye their hair, nails and face during pregnancy and draw the appropriate conclusions.

Can pregnant women dye their hair?

Let's start with this common question. Have you been coloring your hair for years and now you can't bear to see your roots growing out? The color of your hair seems dull and you think it’s time to update it? Or do you just great mood, and you want to transform yourself by changing your hair color? I suggest you take a look at what happens to your hair when you are expecting a baby, and find out whether it is possible to dye your hair during pregnancy.

The hormonal background of your body undergoes changes that affect the structure of your hair. Hair usually becomes thicker. This does not mean that more of them are growing. The fact is that hair loss is reduced by increasing the pregnancy hormone - progesterone. Studies have shown that modern hair dyes are not dangerous for pregnant women. But do not forget that each organism is individual. Often pregnant women describe their hair as unruly. The changed characteristics of pregnant women's hair cannot predict what the result of dyeing will be. That is, you simply may not get the desired result. And now there is no need for any extra reason to worry. In addition, medicine insists that harmful chemical substances in paints can adversely affect the scalp and the entire body as a whole, which also depends on the individual characteristics of the body.

And yet, if you need to dye your hair during pregnancy, it is better:

  • use a tint product;
  • do highlighting, coloring, in which the paint will not affect the scalp;
  • use folk remedies for hair coloring (for example, henna, basma).

Can pregnant women paint their nails?

During pregnancy, the structure of the nails also changes. You may find that the thickness of the nail plate and the rate of nail growth have increased. This is a consequence of hormonal changes. You may also notice that your nails have become thinner, break more often, and flake. Therefore, it is better not to use products containing acetone and paint your nails less often. All this is necessary so that the damage to your nails is minimal. And in order not to harm the baby, pregnant women can paint their nails in a well-ventilated area. Otherwise, you will inhale large quantities of harmful fumes, which can also cause allergic reaction. Note also that this is possible only if certain conditions are met.

Pregnant women can paint their nails, but when buying nail polish, pay attention to the composition of the product. It must not contain:

  • Formaldehyde (can weaken the child’s immunity);
  • Toluene (accelerates the drying process of the varnish and is harmful to the fetus);
  • Camphor (not recommended during pregnancy).

Is it possible to paint your face or do makeup while pregnant?

Let's move on to the issue of facial makeup during pregnancy. Cosmetologists write that using makeup cannot negatively affect your baby. On the contrary, positive emotions from your reflection will have a miraculous effect on your mood and well-being! That is, pregnant women can paint their faces! Take a look, pregnant women can:

  • paint your eyes, giving them expressiveness with mascara;
  • paint your lips, emphasizing their sensuality with gloss;
  • paint your eyebrows, playing with natural curves.

The main condition for correctly applying makeup to your face is the proper application of foundation.

To choose the right base, which is to the greatest extent suits your individual characteristics, the following factors must be taken into account:

  • skin type;
  • color of the skin;
  • what degree of camouflage will be needed;
  • what cosmetics are supposed to be used when doing makeup.

The fact is that the effects of cosmetics are largely determined by your skin type. That is, the same cosmetic product can different types skin act differently. When doing makeup, you need to take this fact into account.

Dependence of foundation texture on skin type

Thus, before applying makeup to your face, you will need to accurately determine your skin type and, based on this, choose a foundation with a suitable texture. Let's take a step-by-step look at how texture corresponds to skin type:

  • The matte texture is most suitable for normal to moderately oily skin. In addition, this texture can effectively hide imperfections such as acne, age spots and minor rashes. This is explained by the fact that it does not contain fats. You need to apply it correctly with your fingertips or a sponge, because this makes it easier to create a thin, uniform layer. If you use a brush, the layer may be too thick. As a result, the face will give the impression of a plaster mask.

  • A moisturizing foundation is ideal for very dry skin, as it can saturate it with moisture. It is also suitable for other types, with the exception of oily skin. However, use it in the summer, especially when high humidity air, should be used with extreme caution. The fact is that in this case there is a high probability of an oily sheen.
  • Satin base is the most common type, as it is suitable for all skin types, except for very oily ones. Its advantages include the fact that the surface of the face treated with it acquires elasticity. However, in creating smooth surface it is inferior to a matte base. Its decorative qualities are somewhat lower than those of a base with a moisturizing texture.
  • The luminous base is in some way universal, since, thanks to the reflective microparticles included in its composition, it, due to the play of light, well masks minor imperfections of any skin type. An exception is problem skin with rashes, since shimmer particles will only emphasize the heterogeneity of the relief.

Primers and bases for makeup


A primer can help you apply your face makeup correctly. This cosmetic product is included in widespread use relatively recently. The primer is a multifunctional tool. A step-by-step list of tasks that he must solve looks like this:

  1. The primer prevents the skin from losing moisture.
  2. Thanks to it, you can create a perfectly even layer of foundation for foundation.
  3. The primer gives makeup an extra margin of durability.
  4. It masks shallow wrinkles well.
  5. The primer gives the skin a brighter and more matte tone.
  6. The primer is ideal for makeup on skin with enlarged pores.

Thus, the primer can be considered as a kind of primer for the surface of the face. It allows you to make a professional makeup that will preserve original appearance and color all day long. This quality is explained by the fact that it is a protective layer between the fatty secretions of the skin and the foundation. Thanks to this, the color of the base remains unchanged.

The smooth surface of the face created with the help of a primer allows you to apply makeup better, since cosmetics adhere better to it and the makeup lasts longer.

Apply foundation

Let's look at the process of applying the foundation step by step. It should be applied correctly from the center of the face. In this case, strokes need to be applied to the forehead and cheeks, then the tone is shaded.

You need to shade the tone from top to bottom. If you have pale skin and light color hair, shading can be done in any direction. After finishing shading, the tone should be blotted to remove excess oil and powdered.

Sometimes, when doing makeup, it can be difficult to choose a foundation tone that would harmonize with natural tone Your skin. In this case, the desired tone can be made by mixing two shades. But this can only be done correctly by mixing cosmetics from the same manufacturer.

For some women, this is the only way to create a tone that matches their skin color. The fact is that facial skin color changes somewhat depending on the season. In winter, skin is lighter than in summer, so high-quality makeup requires a very precise selection of shades.

Sometimes you may need to mix tones to match your skin tone

The fashion for naturalness is not losing ground. However, this is not a reason to ignore makeup: it allows you to look just as natural, but at the same time distract attention from the shortcomings of your appearance, and make your advantages more noticeable. Mastery of make-up techniques is big advantage: you will know which technique is suitable for you and in which case, much better than any makeup artist who sees you for the first time.

The main rules of any makeup

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Before you start learning specific techniques, get to know the basic rules that beauty gurus always adhere to.

When doing makeup, you need to take into account many details - first of all, the features of your appearance. This includes face shape, skin tone, eye color, and even hair shade. All this together determines the choice of cosmetics and the accents that can be made with it.

If you take a closer look at yourself, you will understand what you would like to draw attention to. It is best to emphasize the advantages either with color or with a radiance effect. But imperfections are either masked or put into the shadows - so that they do not catch the eye.

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Basically, in makeup, one main emphasis is placed - either on the eyes or on the lips. In everyday images, the choice depends on the merits of appearance. If we are talking about evening makeup, then you can be guided by what kind of outfit you are wearing. For example, makeup with scarlet lipstick will perfectly complement a red dress.

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You should focus on naturalness even if you plan to create makeup like Hollywood star. There should be no mask effect, sharp lines after shading the shadows and many other shortcomings. If everything is done professionally, then even wine lips look natural.

How to learn to apply makeup correctly at home: step-by-step explanation

Start simple and gradually complicate the tasks. You should not start mastering contouring and other complex professional techniques if you do not yet know how to apply foundation correctly (so that it is not noticeable). First you need to pay attention to those beauty knowledge and techniques, without which you cannot create even the simplest makeup.

The skin needs to be prepared for makeup - moisturize and saturate it. useful substances. To do this, use your usual care products: serum, oil or cream.

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Next comes the application of foundation. This is already a special art. Eat different instruments and techniques that can turn a layer of cream into a “second skin.” Pay attention to this - this is a technique of “driving” the cream with patting movements, which allows you to achieve not only a natural, but also long-lasting coverage.

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It is performed depending on what requires “corrections”: sometimes it is necessary, sometimes it is necessary to narrow the forehead, to give clarity to the jawline. All this can be done with makeup. But most often, at the correction stage, facial features are added with expressiveness and sculpture, highlighting the cheekbones - diagonal strokes are drawn under them with blush or bronzer and carefully shaded.

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They cannot be ignored - it is the shape of the eyebrows that “holds” the face and determines its expression. Therefore, it is so important to ensure that they always have a graceful curve and look neat. To do this, they need to be slightly tinted and carefully laid using gel. At the same time, it is important to know when to stop and not to draw again - most often the correction requires only a couple of strokes.

Almost all girls (even those who prefer to go without makeup or teenagers) paint their eyelashes from time to time. But many people don’t know how to do it correctly. Using a brush with mascara, you should “stretch” your eyelashes, moving from the very roots to the tips in a zigzag motion.

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instructions for facial makeup from scratch

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Based on the basic rules and basic techniques, the first step is to master daytime makeup in order to look flawless on weekdays.

Moisturize your skin with cream and, if desired, use a primer to even out its texture.

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Apply the foundation, trying to work it into the skin - this way brush marks will not be visible, and the coverage will be long-lasting.

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Pull in your cheeks and “stretch” the blush diagonally along your cheekbone. Blend the color so that the application boundaries are not visible.

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Our video tutorial shows you step by step how to do this.

Comb your eyebrows with a brush, emphasize their shape with a pencil or shadows (they need to be applied without strong pressure) and fix the result with a transparent gel.

Apply primer to your eyelids, then apply a layer of neutral eyeshadow. Draw a line along the eyelash contour with a soft black or brown eyeliner and blend it with a thick brush. Then apply mascara.

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Apply a drop of clear balm to the center of your lips.

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How to learn how to beautifully paint your eyes and eyebrows?

If everything with eyebrows is very individual (some people need to outline their contour every time, others just need to comb them with tinted mascara, which at the same time fixes their shape), then the basic eye makeup options are relevant for everyone.

  • Smokey Ice. The most important thing in this makeup is creating a hazy effect around the eye contour. Careful shading of the shadows is most important here. It allows you to achieve a smooth transition between shades.

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