Heating a country house. Heaters for a summer cottage: which one is better, reviews and tips for choosing Periodic heating of a summer country house in winter

A country house should always be heated, regardless of whether it is seasonal housing or year-round living. If you plan to stay in winter, then major heating is necessary, if seasonal, only heating is possible electrical appliances. In any case, it is important to consider options for creating heating in your dacha with your own hands.

First of all, it is important to decide what the heating system will be used for. The main task, of course, is heating country house, maintaining a temperature comfortable for living. Besides, heating can be used in the country for:

  • baths or heating water for showers;
  • cooking and boiling water;
  • drying fruits and vegetables for the winter;
  • drying clothes and shoes necessary in the damp autumn or spring period.

Heating in the country, choice of energy carriers and installation heating system depend on various factors. These include communications connected to the house (water, gas, electricity), and the layout of the house, and the building materials from which the building is constructed, and the number of residents, and the frequency of visits to the summer cottage.

There are several options for a home heating system, depending on the energy carriers used in the house:

  • gas heating;
  • electric heating with or without water heating;
  • wood stove, fireplace;
  • heating boilers;
  • solid fuel or light fuel heating units.

The most economical and effective option - gas boilers. But the savings only appear with year-round use. The gas is burned and converted into thermal energy V gas boiler, which uses a pump to supply heated coolant to heating radiators. Gas equipment fully automated and equipped with a control system, so you don’t have to worry about country house at the time of departure.

To connect to the central gas main, you need to apply for a lot of permitting documents, install the counter. All this requires certain costs and time.

If it is not possible to connect to the central network, you can use gas in cylinders. But at the same time, you need to constantly monitor the fuel level and change it periodically.

A group of cylinders is connected to the boiler through a reducer. Similar design- the most economical. If it becomes possible to connect to the central gas pipeline network, then this will not be difficult, you just need to slightly re-equip the system. But even such a connection scheme requires permission from the gas service and connection of the meter. If this is not done, then unauthorized connection will result in large fines for the summer resident.

Another way to heat a house is electric. This option is not the cheapest, but the most accessible - electricity is available in every home. Electrical equipment is compact in size and fits perfectly into the interior of the house, and installation and maintenance of such a system require a minimum of time.

An economical option for heating a dacha - an electric boiler with water heating. You can also install a separate individual electric heater in each room, but this will certainly be more expensive. Water heating works on the same principle as gas.

Heating a dacha with an electric heater is not the best the best option, because you will have to heat all the rooms at once, and this will lead to a large consumption of electricity. So let's look at more economical option- electric boilers.

As electric heating Both conventional water radiators and a “warm floor” system can be used. Electric boilers are silent, do not emit smoke, combustion products or odor, have any level of safety - fire, electrical, chemical, etc. And also you do not need to obtain permission to connect the system.

The disadvantages include high energy consumption. The power of electric boilers usually reaches 3.5−7 kW, electric heaters 1.2−2 kW. For them, you need to build a separate electrical panel, connect RAM and other devices.

There are many alternative heating options to electric boilers and electric heaters. Some of them may be more economical, but almost all are used periodically - when residents come to their summer cottage.

One of the most profitable options is infrared emitters. They heat objects in the room, which then give off heat. The objects also include walls, which helps to heat large area. Most often, such heaters are installed closer to the ceiling.

Electric fireplace. It will not be difficult to install it, and, in addition, no special permits, skills or knowledge are required. You can place it in any room without restrictions. The main advantages of electric fireplaces:

  • there is no need to build a chimney to remove combustion products;
  • do not require much space, because they are built into the wall;
  • in summer you can enjoy imitation fire;
  • There are many models of fireplaces suitable for different interior;
  • mobile, can move to any place (for example, after repair);
  • The power consumed by the fireplace, as a rule, does not exceed 2 kW.

Heating convectors. This type of heating can be used in any premises, has small dimensions and original design. The design is very simple, making it easy to install and maintain. They evenly heat the air in the room, which does not require a lot of energy resources and helps save money. You can create a system of convectors to provide heat to the entire country house.

The average price of a convector fluctuates around 3 thousand rubles. It has a thermostat and a heat sensor, due to which it provides quality work device. The maximum heating temperature reaches +80 degrees. The device is completely safe, so you don’t have to worry about getting burned.

TO alternative sources heat include water convectors. They come in three types:

  1. Wall mounted. The most popular option. It is lightweight and therefore can be attached anywhere.
  2. Floor-standing. The only difference from wall-mounted ones is the mounting of the device.
  3. Built-in. This model solves two problems at once - heating and design.

Oil electric heaters. Such devices consume more electricity than others, because they have a greater heating inertia. But they also cool down more slowly than other electrical appliances, and do not consume electricity. There are mobile and stationary versions of the device. They are most often used to warm up one room. Many radiator models have several operating modes that can be used to adjust the heating intensity.

Electrical ventilation devices - great option heating the room. They are quite cheap and quickly warm up the room using air supplied from the coil using a fan. The disadvantages of the device include air drying and noisy operation.

This kind of heating country house can be called one of the most reliable options. It can be used as a main and additional type heating There is no need to connect lines to the stove - you only need to take care of a supply of coal and firewood. If there is no electricity at the dacha, then the stove will help you cook food, heat water and even bake bread.

Depending on the size of the room, you can choose the stove size and material required. You can also build a brick oven with your own hands, which will have compact dimensions and an elegant design. If it is not possible to build a stove yourself, you can purchase ready-made option- cast iron stove. Both brick and cast iron stoves can have different functionality:

To summarize, we list the advantages and disadvantages of stove heating of a dacha. The advantages include:

  • installation autonomy;
  • low fuel price;
  • efficiency;
  • constant readiness for use;
  • the ability to cook food and heat water;
  • installation can be done by yourself.

The main disadvantage of the stove is that it constantly needs to be monitored and fuel must be periodically loaded into it. Other disadvantages of the design include:

  • The efficiency is significantly lower than that of boiler heating;
  • it is important to periodically maintain the stove, for example, cleaning the chimney;
  • A brick oven takes up a lot of space and requires some experience to assemble.

Boilers operating on diesel fuel, kerosene or fuel oil, cannot work independently; they must be connected to a liquid heating system with batteries and radiators. It is also necessary to equip a separate fireproof and ventilated room for the boiler room.

Liquid fuel boilers are single-circuit and double-circuit. One circuit is used to heat the cottage, the second heats water for domestic needs. According to their design, HT boilers are either wall-mounted or floor-mounted.

The floor-standing unit is large in size, so it is better to install it in a separate room. In addition, this installation makes quite a loud noise. Wall-mounted units are smaller and can be located in the kitchen, and additional units can be used to suppress noise.

Solid fuel devices

Such equipment runs on solid fuel: coal, firewood, briquettes, shavings, peat, etc. It is gaining popularity in Lately due to the rise in price of other heat sources and the rather low price of solid fuel. Solid fuel appliances operate in conjunction with a liquid heating system.

The advantages of such devices are their low price, ease of maintenance, the ability to use cheap raw materials. The system operates autonomously and safely, and one batch of fuel burns from 17 hours to 2 days.

Negative properties - low efficiency; a constant supply of raw materials is required, which must be stored in a separate building. In addition, it is necessary to constantly clean the chimney and combustion chambers of soot.

Gone are the days when owners summer cottages visited their country estates from spring to autumn. During the cold season, the houses were closed until next season. Currently everything large quantity our compatriots who have suburban areas, make their choice in favor of year-round recreation in nature. Fresh frosty air and snow cover cannot but please you after the polluted noisy city. The opportunity to ski, walk through a snow-covered forest, or simply take a break from the bustle of the city - everyone has different preferences and everyone can find something to their liking. Due to the change in priorities, accordingly, the owners’ requirements for the arrangement of their country home are increasing. Solutions to problems of creating comfortable living conditions are becoming very relevant. And the primary question that faces the owners is: how and with what to heat the dacha in winter, we’ll talk about this in today’s article. Let's try to figure out what heating options exist and what advantages each of them has.
Home heating options
Please note right away that the classification I will give is conditional. We will subdivide the heating options for a country house based on the sources of thermal energy. So, based on the above signs, ways to heat a house can be divided into the following types:

Stove heating
Water heating
Electric heating
Alternative Methods

Now let's look at each option in more detail.

Stove heating of the dacha in winter. Brickwork or a metal stove?

Russian history masonry kiln goes back more than one century. Since time immemorial, it has been the only source of heat for our ancestors. And even if someone considers the stove a relic of the past, I can tell you with confidence that this method of heating is still quite relevant and is very popular. This is especially true for those settlements that do not have a central gas supply. And we have a lot of them in our country.
One of the advantages that this method of heating a dacha has is that, first of all, such heating is autonomous and does not depend on either electricity or gas. There are no problems with purchasing fuel (wood, coal). However, it will not be possible to quickly obtain the desired comfortable temperature. It takes time to heat and warm up the thick walls of the masonry. In addition, it is worth thinking about building a stove at the time of designing a country house, since it requires a foundation.
Alternative option brick stove for heating the dacha in winter are metal stoves potbelly stoves. While maintaining the positive characteristics of traditional stoves (available fuel, autonomy, etc.), metal heating devices have their advantages too.
Unlike masonry stoves, metal stoves do not have thick walls that need to be heated. They heat up much faster and heat transfer, accordingly, begins much earlier.
An undoubted advantage that cannot be ignored is the mobility of such devices. Does not require additional foundation. An excellent option for owners of ready-made country houses, in which, for various reasons, no heating system was provided during construction.
If earlier appearance The potbelly stove left much to be desired, but nowadays the variety of shapes and sizes is impressive. For every taste, and for any purpose. You can even choose a potbelly stove for a city apartment.
Among the disadvantages of such devices, I would note that without constant combustion maintenance, heat is lost in them quite quickly.

Water heating in a country house

With the advent of a large number of different heating boilers, the water heating system is becoming increasingly popular. This system consists of several types of equipment that are interconnected in a closed chain. The essence of its work is quite simple: water is heated to the required temperature in the storage boiler, enters the pipes, reaches the radiators located in the house, gives off its heat and returns back to the boiler.
Can be used to heat water in boilers various sources energy.

Boilers are:

  • Electrical
  • Diesel
  • Solid fuel
  • Gas

One of the advantages is the ability to automate the process, especially if you take gas and electric ones. Among the disadvantages, I’ll probably note that this heating method requires Full time job systems in winter time year, which is not always economically beneficial for those who come to the dacha very rarely.

Electric heating:

what heaters to choose for heating a dacha
I have already mentioned that installing a full-fledged heating system makes sense if you spend time at the dacha in the winter long time. What about those who come once or twice a season? Most likely, in this case, it will be more economical to use electricity for heating. And the most the best option The one that immediately comes to mind is a heater.
And then another question immediately arises: “Which heater to choose?” Let's look at this in a little more detail.

Heaters can be divided into 4 groups:

  • Oily
  • Convectors
  • Thermal
  • Infrared

Oil heaters - due to their mobility, are one of the most common devices for heating a room, powered by electricity. The operating principle of the devices is based on the fact that inside the metal case there is an electric coil and oil. The spiral heats up and transfers heat to the oil, from which the metal body heats up, and only then the air is heated. One of the disadvantages of such heaters that can be highlighted is that it takes a long time to achieve a comfortable temperature. Plus, during operation the surface of the radiator becomes very hot. You cannot touch it with your hand, which is not always convenient, especially if there are small children.

Job electric convectors based on the heating of air masses. The air passing through the heating elements becomes warm, rises, and cold air falls in its place. air masses. These heaters have thermostats that regulate the room temperature and turn the device on or off. Low surface temperature. Convenient dimensions. True, while reading reviews on one of the forums, I noticed one message in which the author complained that the convectors made a clicking noise when turned on and off. It may bother someone, but to be honest, it doesn’t create any discomfort for me. I think one of the most important advantages is that the room heats up quite quickly with the help of such a heater. Of course, this is a definite plus, especially when I came to the dacha after a long absence.

Fan heaters are perfect for heating small rooms. They heat the room quickly, but make noise and burn oxygen.

Infrared heaters can be considered the most economical of all of the above. But their significant difference from other electrical appliances is that, by emitting thermal energy, they heat not the air, but objects that are nearby. Manufacturers recommend placing the devices on the ceiling, pointing them at the place that needs to be heated, for example, above the workplace. The heat comes from them immediately, which is very convenient when arriving at the dacha in winter.

How to heat a dacha in winter: a brief summary

Of course, within one article, it is very difficult to describe all the ways to heat a house. But still, I tried to reveal the main points for you. In conclusion, let's summarize briefly. When choosing an option for heating a dacha in winter, you need to take into account a number of factors: the area of ​​​​the room that needs to be heated, how often you visit the dacha in winter period and others. I hope that the information presented in this article will help you decide on the heating method that is right for you.

Most of our summer residents cannot boast that they have a full-fledged house on their plots. After all, mostly country houses are light, poorly insulated buildings, which are unlikely to fully fall under the definition of “residential building.” To do this, it is necessary, at a minimum, to connect it to the appropriate utilities.

And if you can still be content with the fact that water and “conveniences” are on the street, then heating in the country, given the peculiarities of our climate, is simply necessary. Many companies offer services (and promise that it will not cost much) for the installation of a complete and efficient heating system. But does this make sense in relation to a dacha?

Firstly, with rare exceptions, the owner works on the site only during the season, and permanently resides in a nearby village. But any system requires maintenance. For example, drain the water, service the components of the circuit, and so on.

Secondly, no matter what is stated in the advertising brochures, it will not be possible to do this “virtually for nothing”. The investment will be quite significant for the family budget.

Thirdly, even if for some promotion (let’s assume!) they will supply and connect it to us inexpensively necessary equipment, then how to save all this? After all, most gardening partnerships are not guarded, and in terms of theft, any dacha is an object of increased risk ().

The conclusion suggests itself - install units from the category “ boiler equipment“It’s not worth it at the dacha.

And then what? Let's consider possible options in relation to what type of fuel will be used. At the same time, we will focus only on those (and there are quite a lot of them) that are suitable for a small country house and will not require significant financial expenses.


Which of the “ordinary” Russians can boast of a gasified dacha? Yes, there are such areas, but on them there are not “sheds”, but full-fledged cottages, and they are owned by those who are usually called “VIPs”. For them, who are not experiencing financial difficulties, the question of “cheap and cheerful” does not arise. There is only one thing left - a gas cylinder.

If you have your own car, there are no problems finding it gas station- an excellent option. Moreover, a heating boiler is not needed. There are devices called “outdoor heaters”. They are attractive because they are suitable not only for heating a house, but also, for example, a barbecue area, open veranda, playground, even beds or seedlings.

Considering their mobility (all models are portable), this is the optimal, most universal solution heating problems in the country house. For those who are interested in this issue, we recommend.


Power outages in suburban areas occur quite often. But at what time? Mainly with the onset of cold weather, when wires break due to gusts of wind or the weight of ice, and repairmen cannot quickly arrive at the scene of an accident due to snow drifts. Otherwise, everything is fine with this - almost all dacha areas are “electrified”.

But what devices are best to use, given their huge range?

IR heaters

Probably the best option for heating a dacha.

  • can be installed anywhere (ceiling, walls), even under the cladding. Considering the cramped conditions in the house, this is quite a significant advantage;
  • various engineering solutions. For example, film (PLEN), which can be “hidden” even under wallpaper. There is a choice for every taste, so you don’t have to make “revolutionary” changes either in the layout or in the arrangement of furniture;
  • In terms of electricity consumption, IR devices are one of the most economical heaters (all of them).

Oil heaters

They can confidently claim a “silver medal” in our rating. Their light weight and dimensions allow them to be positioned in a way that is convenient for the owners. They heat up more slowly, but when they “disperse”, they keep the heat for quite a long time even after turning it off. For the winter it will not be difficult to load it into the trunk and take it to the garage, so the issue of theft in the event of thieves breaking in is not an issue.

Fan heaters

Deservedly (for the dacha) - 3rd position. Such a device can be carried in a regular shopping bag, since it is light in weight. It heats quickly, efficiently, and circulates air throughout the room. There is only one drawback - it cannot be used for a long time without a shutdown break. But for small house 10 – 15 minutes is enough to raise the temperature to the optimum.

All other types of heat generators for small dacha hardly worth using. Let us note some possible options, evaluating them from the point of view of the feasibility of use, taking into account the main disadvantages.

Electric fireplaces (reflectors)

  • They heat the room to a limited extent, only around themselves. Consequently, you will need a rather massive device (both in size and weight).
  • They dry out the room greatly. Some people are quite sensitive to a sharp decrease in humidity, which is why not everyone likes such heaters.


  • The oven will need quite a lot of space.
  • You will have to think about preparing and storing fuel reserves (firewood, briquettes, coal or a container for a solarium).
  • Impressive dimensions. Therefore, reinstallation will not be as easy as an oil cooler.
  • And what is important, you will have to constantly monitor the stove. Is it convenient to run back and forth if the owners are working on the site? Especially if she works for liquid fuel. Otherwise, instead of weeding the beds, you will have to put out the fire.

The article outlines the vision of the problem of heating a country house based on cost-effectiveness and efficiency. But these are only recommended options, since each site and building has its own characteristics.

I almost regularly go to the dacha in the winter on weekends. Breathe clean air, relax and work a little. I go into a frozen room.
I light up the stove. I pour a glass so that it doesn’t get boring and wait. This is my hobby. My wife went once. He doesn't want to anymore.
I’m interested to know how others get out of the situation in my case? How and what do you use for heating, people, if you come for the weekend? In what time?
I have a brick heating and cooking stove. A heat exchanger is inserted into the firebox. I heat in one room 25 sq. m. Summer cottage. Log, but insulated. The coolant is non-freezing. EC. Pump. Three batteries under the windows. Depending on the outside temperature heating rate 3-5 degrees per hour. Finally comfortable temperature stabilizes in at least 12-20 hours until the walls, ceiling, and furniture heat up. I heat it 1-2 times a day with wood. In the morning and evening up to +25. I love warmth. Above the stove I installed two fans connected in series, which slowly mix the air and prevent heated air from accumulating at the top.
At floor level not lower than +14 degrees. .

We heat 1 room 10 m2. Stove with cast iron top and Nordica Max firebox. 6 kW. There is a single pipe, more than one and a half meters in the room (there is an album in my profile).
I arrive when it’s frozen to 10-15 degrees on Friday afternoon and start heating. The window is open all the time. After an hour and a half, it’s already completely warm, more than 20 degrees, and the whole environment is warming up. But the floor and walls are still cold. The stove is heated like a battery (like smoldering, but more primitive) until 12 o'clock in the morning. I scoop everything out and don’t drown it at night. I close the window and the damper. In the morning at 10 o’clock in the room it’s 10-12 degrees, if the temperature outside is minus 10-15 (if it’s colder, then the room is smaller). At night the heating is maximum “Good Warmth” at the bedside, about 230 watts. (I recently checked the load on a new meter)
The house is a panel house filled with old slag, a lot of boards, penofol.
Then the stove is heated on Saturday again all day like a battery. You have to put it down every 2-3 hours. On the second day, all the slag in the walls and expanded clay in the floor are completely warmed up, and at night it is warmer than on the first day.

My wife also rarely travels in winter. A couple of times during the holidays. Because it’s cold everywhere except the heated room - on the terrace it can be down to minus 15. Through the door.

I don't do anything extra intentionally, neither IR nor any oil radiators or self-activating automation (I’m also afraid to leave this unattended). I don't have time to think about it and maintain it. Radiators take a lot of electricity. It’s normal and so in fact, and so is my wife. But for her - only in the room. And in other places in winter - he doesn’t like it.

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