Typical designs of houses for summer cottages. Drawings of country houses Schemes of country houses

Suburban area– this is not only land with a vegetable garden and plantings. Many city residents come there for good rest, so it is necessary to have a house on the site. Not all summer residents have the opportunity to build a comfortable house on six acres. Many people get out of this situation by choosing the option of building an economy class house.

Inexperienced and novice summer residents are faced with the question of choosing cheap materials for construction. Below are examples of inexpensive and cozy country houses with visual photos.

Where to start construction

Any construction begins with a plan on paper. A house outside the city is not intended for year-round residence, but for the sake of comfort it requires familiarization with the standard project.

Among the projects of country houses, the ones with an attic or attic are in the lead. This option allows you to avoid building outbuildings on the site. All equipment and work tools are stored in the attic. In addition to such a house, you can add a veranda or terrace that serves as a dining room.

A strip foundation requires more time and costs. Positive side it is that it allows you to use the room under the floor as a basement.

The next stage of preparation is the material of the “box” of the future building. There are several types of inexpensive and reliable building materials:

Frame-panel structures

The frame is mounted using timber and sheathed wooden planks Fibreboard or chipboard. Expanded polystyrene, glass wool or polystyrene are used as insulation. As a result, the house comes out with minimal costs, which can be used all year round.

A house made of timber is distinguished by its durability. Construction work will cost more. When using cheap timber, you are likely to encounter the problem of building shrinkage. As a result, cracks and gaps appear. The cobbled house will also have to be insulated.

A clay house is the cheapest and easiest construction option. Construction materials are right under your feet. The construction technique is similar to clay sculpting.

The downside is that the construction process is too time-consuming. It will take several seasons to build a clay dwelling.

The trailer is common among new summer residents. The best option for living in the summer or during the construction of a comfortable house.

Construction of frame structure

Frame construction belongs to the low-budget category. Build country house Do-it-yourself IR without the help of specialists will not be difficult. If all necessary materials ready, the work will last several weeks.

To build a house you will need:

  • beams for the frame;
  • screws and corners;
  • wooden chipboards or fiberboard;
  • insulation;
  • piles for the foundation.

Stages of building a frame house

At the marked places, piles are driven in the corners. Install concrete or brick supports under the joints of the walls. Then they cover them waterproofing material and tied with a channel.

A lattice of beams is laid around the entire perimeter. They put it on top wooden joists at a distance of 50-60 cm from each other. All parts are secured with corners and self-tapping screws.

Next they mount vertical racks, firmly resting against the latticework. Ready frame tied and attic joists placed on top of it. Next comes work on covering the frame. wooden slabs. At this stage, holes are left for windows and doors.

Now you need to decide on the choice of roof for country house. Most summer residents choose gable and pitched roofs. To save money, the second option deserves more attention. When building a roof, do not forget about vapor barrier. The roof will be inexpensive sheets of corrugated board or ondulin.

External cladding is done using siding. Before this, the external walls are insulated special materials. Instead of plastic windows install ordinary wooden ones without double-glazed windows. This approach will significantly reduce the cost of construction.

With the help of simple and simple tips the country house will be ready for use in less than a month. Those who do not have enough time for construction can contact a construction company, which will offer to build a turnkey cottage for an affordable price.

A few words about the interior

No matter how the house looks from the outside, the inside of the country house must meet all the requirements of modern times. Gone are the days when dacha dwellings were used for cooking and sleeping.

Relaxing at the dacha means, first of all, comfort and organization inside the house. There are many budget ways satisfy the most desired interior solutions.

Country – country style in the interior. Here you can’t do without cabinets and shelves covered with curtains with embroidery. Crocheted napkins, tablecloths and rugs made from old clothes will look good.

Projects country houses from the construction company Mir Dach. Noisy city life eventually begins to tire you with its dynamism and speed. But not everyone has the opportunity to go on vacation abroad or at least to their native sea coast. And, to be honest, modern city dwellers rarely find a minute even to go to a barbecue in the nearest forest or to a lake with their children. Therefore, for many, a small suburban garden house become a real panacea for the bustle and fumes of the metropolis.

Many of us have more than once looked longingly at country houses, photos of which can be found on the pages of fashion magazines or on the Internet, and dreamed of getting this little piece of country happiness for ourselves. But there is an opinion that no matter how attractive the country houses of which you looked at the photos may be, reality hits you hard, preventing you from achieving what you want. Although these are just excuses, they are actually modern construction companies have long been offering fairly budget-friendly country house designs designed for middle-income people.

Free drawings and photos of country house projects you can look at the company's website. It would seem, why contact a construction company to build country houses, photo projects, which can be easily found on the Internet, and even pay fabulous sums for it. You can download the desired project or program for its development yourself, plan the construction and hire a team of cheap, low-skilled builders. Of course, in the end, you will get your own country house for permanent residence. But the question is what quality will this construction be and how much money will you have to spend on materials purchased based on advice from the Internet or from a nearby foreman. Therefore, it is better, after all, not to tempt fate and build a turnkey country house.

What advantages do they have? country houses the projects of which are developed by specialized firms with a full staff of qualified employees.

  1. During the development of the project, both the wishes of the future owner of the house and technical recommendations specialist Thus, you can be sure that the end result will not only have a beautiful country house for which you approved the design, but also properly installed communications, reliable foundation etc.
  2. Speed ​​of construction. Companies that have been on the market for a long time construction services, try to complete all tasks set by the client in the shortest possible time. After all, they don’t have to look for a store with cheap building materials, transport for their delivery, or workers.
  3. Guarantees. Large firms are concerned about their reputation in the market and are ready to confirm the quality of the work they do by giving legal guarantees. Having such paper in hand will make it much easier for you to prove that errors were made during construction and to demand compensation if any.

Country house for those who like to relax on summer cottage often necessary not only for seasonal short-term residence, but also for a longer period.

Therefore, when choosing buildings on a summer cottage, you need to carefully familiarize yourself with all the modern proposals for construction market, think about the material and functional purpose of the future home.

It is necessary to immediately decide what communications will be needed in the house. It depends on how much time you plan to spend at the dacha.

Country house project

Typical projects

Offered by construction companies. The projects are universal, they are completed on a turnkey basis and have all the necessary drawings. Construction risks standard projects are minimal, and the cost is acceptable.

Individual projects

They are ordered from developers or architects if the layout, exterior and interior of the house must be unique. Such a project will be completely exclusive and designed for the customer. It will cost more and take longer to develop.

Building material for a summer residence

Wood is the leader in the market of building materials for country houses. Behind it comes brick, stone and foam block. Rounding out the list of the most popular materials are frame products. Let's look at their advantages and disadvantages.

Foam blocks

Quite a young material that is used for suburban construction not so long ago. Such houses are considered durable and comfortable to live in.

The cladding of such houses is done decorative panels, which gives the dacha a solid and attractive appearance.

Advantages of the material:

  • affordable price;
  • durability;
  • fire resistance;
  • comfortable microclimate;
  • resistance to climate conditions;
  • the load of the building on the foundation is low.

Disadvantages of the material:

  • the need for additional costs for the construction of the foundation;
  • construction time is increased compared to the frame option.

Stone or brick

A good option for building a house for year-round use. Caring for such a building will not require much investment, and it will serve for many years.

Advantages of the material:

  • moisture resistance, resistance to temperature changes;
  • excellent sound insulation qualities, heat capacity;
  • durability, reliability and strength of the house.

Disadvantages for country house construction:

  • the high cost of working with stone and brick;
  • the cost of the material itself;
  • building even a small country house made of stone will take a lot of time;
  • the need to build a monolithic foundation;
  • increased mass of walls.

A cottage made of stone or brick is suitable only for those who are planning a long-term vacation.


The most popular material for the construction of country houses. They remain cozy and environmentally friendly. Small one-story buildings are most often built of wood. You can also find houses with attics made of wood (as well as full-fledged two-story buildings).

Advantages of wooden houses:

  • environmental friendliness, thermal insulation, sound insulation;
  • pile-screw foundation on any soil;
  • price-quality ratio (building a summer house from wood is cheaper than from stone);
  • short construction time.

A wooden house is perfect for those who are building a summer house for a short stay (for example, for a weekend).


  • fire danger (it is necessary to specially process the material, which deprives it of its environmental properties);
  • Fungus may appear on the tree (or rotting may begin).

Foundations for wooden houses can be monolithic or columnar piles.

Frame country houses

A successful solution for country house construction in many respects. A frame house is erected very quickly.

It is enough to select a project for such a house from a construction company, and in a few days this house will be produced in production. It will be brought to the site in the form of a construction kit and erected in a matter of days.

Foundation for frame houses it is made on piles, due to the fact that the weight of the house is small. Pile foundation It also requires very little time and materials. Which is very beneficial for those who do not want to invest huge sums in the construction of a country house.

Frame houses look very decent, and in terms of final cost they are much cheaper than construction wooden house or brick.


Frame house is only suitable for seasonal residence(V warm time of the year). The production technology was developed for regions with a warmer climate than in Russia.

Some people use insulation during construction, but the heat loss of the house will still be large. And the cost of heating such a house in winter period will be significant.

IN summer period extreme heat in frame house It is also poorly tolerated. The walls become very hot and the rooms become very hot. Air conditioning needs to be installed.

Operating a house will not be as cheap as building it. Wall insulation does not allow the walls to let air into the rooms.

Photos of beautiful country houses

Construction of a house in the country, like any construction, requires competent organization of the process. Despite the usually small area of ​​a country house, the project is a necessary part of construction, which will allow you to optimize construction costs and avoid pitfalls in the form of missed deadlines, overexpenditure of building materials, and other surprises.

Features and composition of the design of a house for a summer residence

The main feature of a small country house is seasonal operation. At the same time, this time is often 5-6 months, so it is natural for the building owner to want to spend them with comfort and convenience. As a rule, a dacha plan includes the following premises:

  • kitchen;
  • hall (or living room);
  • bedroom (one, less often two);
  • bathroom

Often ready-made projects country houses contain additional premises and structures intended for relaxation - a bathhouse or sauna, a swimming pool, a fireplace. In this case, as a rule, project documentation does not provide central heating, which is ineffective for seasonal use of the building. Heating is much more often used using a fireplace or using popular and convenient electric convectors, equipped automatic sensors and protection against overheating.

Examples of country house projects

Choose and buy suitable option A potential buyer will be helped by a large amount of information:

The choice is further simplified by a module that allows you to view the selected houses in 3D format.

Usage modern technologies and materials allows you to achieve an original and attractive appearance of the building with relatively low costs. Moreover, given financial restrictions, you can buy a project for a small economy-class country house, the construction of which will cost a reasonable price.

If none ready-made option does not satisfy the requests, experienced workers of the architectural design bureau "Project House" will prepare on the basis terms of reference individual project, corresponding to the tastes and desires of the buyer. Creating a sketch and agreeing it with the customer is completed within 3-10 days, development of a full package of documents takes 15 working days.

A country house is the dream of millions of our compatriots. Many people want to be able to leave the stuffy, bustling and polluted city at least for a weekend to breathe clean air and relax.

Project of a cozy country house for relaxation

However, the construction of a country house is a complex process, divided into many stages. Each of these stages is very important, as it allows you to build your dream home, where you and your family could relax in free time. And the first stage is planning a country house. It is at this stage that all the foundations are laid, on which depends how beautiful, cozy, comfortable and even safe your home will be.

Some people prefer to order construction materials from specialized companies. Well, this is not a bad solution. You can express all your wishes to the experts. Moreover, the requirements can be anything. You want ? No problem! Do you prefer small? Specialists can easily do this too.

Regardless of your wishes and the complexity of the project, in a few days or weeks (depending on the customer’s plan and the workload of the specialists) you will be presented with several projects, from which you will only have to choose the one you like best.

Unfortunately, there is a serious drawback here - the services of specialists are extremely expensive. Not every person who decides to acquire a dacha is ready to pay tens of thousands of rubles for a project, even a very high-quality one.
Therefore, many people prefer to draw up the layout of country houses themselves. It's not as difficult as it might seem. But still, when planning it is necessary to take into account many factors.

Perhaps the most important question that needs to be answered before starting to plan a country house is the choice of building material.

Detailed plan of a two-story country house 6x6

Today, in the construction of country houses, they use various materials, each of which has its own advantages and disadvantages. However, before you finally choose the material, you need to determine whether you will spend time in country house Only in the summer or do you plan to visit there in the winter?
This question is very important. After all, in the summer, you don’t need to think about heating your home, or about ways to preserve heat.

Therefore, construction is very cheap and the entire house can be built in a matter of days.

But if you want to be able to relax comfortably at your dacha even in winter, for example, during the New Year holidays, then you should take a more serious approach to the choice of building materials and to reducing heat loss.

Once the answer to this question has been found, you can choose construction material. A number of conventions depend on this, which will have to be taken into account when drawing up a plan.

Project one-story house 6x8 with ground floor plan

What materials can be used to build a summer house?

  1. Frame construction. A very profitable option. The construction of such a dacha will cost you only 200-250 thousand rubles, of course, if you do without complex structures and additions. Most the work is carried out by specialists when preparing the building kit. As a result, it takes only a few days to build a house on the site. Low weight allows you to use the lightest and most cheap foundation even when building on problematic soils. The only negative is the low thermal insulation ability. The walls of the house do not differ in thickness, as a result, in order to spend the winter in such a house, you will have to apply inner surface walls thick layer thermal insulation material. Not only will this cost you a few extra thousand, but it can also significantly reduce the living space in your home. Therefore it may become good decision, only if you want to receive .
  2. Wooden construction. Great solution. You can live in such a house both in summer and winter. Excellent thermal insulation and sound insulation will delight people who want to relax away from the metropolis. The material is attractive and lightweight, which allows you to do without a bulky foundation. In winter, it is quite easy to heat a cooled one - in a few hours the temperature in it will rise to a comfortable one. Alas, wood remains not only a fire hazardous material, but also susceptible to rotting. If you cannot visit your home for several months and keep order, the tree may simply begin to rot. Be sure to take this into account before you start planning a wooden country house.
  3. Foam concrete. Quite warm, not too expensive and at the same time durable material. Low weight allows the use of cheap and prefabricated materials during construction strip foundation.
    It does not rot or burn, which is a serious plus. Retains heat well in winter, eliminating the need for installation additional heating. It can be easily processed with a regular hacksaw, which gives a lot of scope for creativity. You can quickly build how ordinary house, and a house with an attic. But foam concrete is not very attractive, which scares off many potential owners. In addition, without additional protection when working in conditions high humidity foam concrete can quickly collapse. In winter, it takes a whole day to heat a foam concrete house.

house layout with combined kitchen and living room

Isn't it better to build one spacious room that combines the functions of a kitchen, dining room and bedroom? As practice shows, it is not better at all. In the summer, when the temperature outside reaches +30...+35 degrees in the shade, you want to hide in a cool place.

And most often the only such place is the bedroom. Therefore, it is very important to keep it as low as possible.

If the bedroom is combined with a kitchen and food is prepared there, then the temperature will inevitably rise, which deprives you of your last hope for freshness and coolness.

With the attic, too, not everything is as simple as it seems at first glance. Most often, the roofs of country houses are covered with roofing felt or slate. Much less often - metal tiles. And all these materials tend to get very hot in the sun. Therefore, in the evening, when you return to the bedroom on the second floor, it is almost impossible to be there - it is too stuffy. Open windows attract hordes of mosquitoes that will completely poison your night.

You should also not get carried away with the size of the rooms. In most cases, for temporary residence of a family of 3-4 people, an area of ​​6-7 square meters and one bedroom of 12-15 square meters or a bedroom of 8-10 square meters and an attic. Yes, it's not too much. But most often, residents spend quite a bit of time in a country house, spending almost the whole day outside, doing some kind of work or just relaxing, enjoying the silence, fresh wind and sun.

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