Step-by-step technology for constructing frame houses. Frame house construction technology Wood frame house construction technology

Frame technology construction unites houses that are based on a frame - a rigid structure made of wood or metal. The main advantage of such buildings is the speed of construction. They are suitable for any soil and climate. The light weight of the structure is a reason to save money by making a shallow foundation. If you are still in doubt whether it is worth building a frame house or whether it is better to give preference to a stone one, study the features of the technology, types of construction, advantages and disadvantages.

Types of frame houses

According to classical technology, a frame is first assembled from the upper and lower frames, vertical posts and cross beams, then it is sheathed with sheet materials, insulated, and made. The insulation is mounted vertically in the gaps between the racks. The pitch of the racks is made slightly less than the width of the insulation sheets to ensure a tight fit without gaps.

There are several types of frame houses:

  1. Houses made of SIP panels (Canadian).
  2. Technology "Platform".
  3. Frame-by German technology.
  4. Frame-framed, including half-timbered.
  5. Frame houses with.

Houses made from SIP panels - the experience of Canadian builders

SIP panels or sandwich panels - ready-made shields small size with insulation inside, which are used for floors and walls. Polystyrene is usually used as insulation; it is glued between two sheets of OSB and pressed. OSB is an oriented strand board, a mixture of chips and shavings, glued with resins.

The insulation layer is slightly shorter than the slabs; this recess is needed for fastening to the timber. To connect the panels, the tongue-and-groove principle is used; the joints are foamed before installation. polyurethane foam. The edge panel is attached to the floor joists or frame beams.

SIP panels are produced in the factory, this speeds up the assembly of the house on site. The technology is widely used in Canada and the USA, so houses built with its help are often called "Canadian".

Flaws: the project must include a system forced ventilation, otherwise condensation will form. The use of ready-made factory panels is much more expensive than conventional insulation and installation of OSB.

Technology "Platform" - assembly of walls on the floor

Wall panels are assembled in a horizontal position on the floor plane, which serves as a platform, and then raised. Sometimes the sheathing is also attached while the shield is lying down. To prevent the frame from warping, they make jibs - additional inclined supports.

The jibs are cut at an angle into the upper and lower trims and nailed to each vertical post for strength. If the walls are made of slab material, then the structure turns out to be quite rigid, then the jibs are installed temporarily and then removed. The panels for the second floor are assembled on the ceiling. This “layer-by-layer” assembly allows you to do without scaffolding.

Frame-panel houses using German technology - practicality and energy efficiency

The German version of frame-panel houses - record construction times and ready-made wall panels. Large panels are completely assembled at the factory and delivered to the construction site with windows, cladding, and even utility lines installed.

However, the size of the panels requires powerful equipment for transportation, which is not able to drive and turn around everywhere. Another drawback is the difficulty of controlling the quality of panels on the part of the customer during their production at the plant.

The advantages of such houses, in addition to quick construction, include energy efficiency. Practical Germans take into account the costs not only of construction, but also of future operation. If the winter turns out to be frosty, then the cost of heating country house will result in a significant amount, so the building must “keep” heat well.

Frame and half-timbered houses - installation of insulation in the “frame”

The frame-frame method is the construction of a frame from timber and boards that form a “frame” for installing sheathing and insulation. When performing interior decoration, it is possible to hide communications in the walls, but this also turns out to be a disadvantage if remodeling is required later. On foreground there is a “human factor”, since there are no ready-made shields, they are completely assembled by hand.

Half-timbered houses features a characteristic frame with inclined beams, which is visible from the outside and highlighted in color. The tradition of half-timbering comes from the Middle Ages, but then the space between the beams was filled with stone and clay, and today houses in this style are characterized by large areas of glazing.

The main load falls on the frame, to which the inclined elements impart rigidity, so glass is used to fill the space between the beams without fear that it will burst.

Glued laminated timber is usually used for the frame; it does not deform or crack. The thickness of the beam depends on the requirements for the thickness of the heat-protective layer.

A half-timbered structure has all the advantages of a frame house: low specific weight, no shrinkage, but plus an original appearance. However, aesthetic appeal has a downside: developing an individual project in this style is more expensive than for a traditional “framework”.

Frame houses with DOK

The use of a double volumetric frame eliminates cold bridges and allows you to build warm houses for year-round residence up to 5 floors high. The vertical posts are staggered and staggered. The insulation is laid in two layers, completely eliminating the gaps.

DOK - a frame of increased strength, allows you to increase the load on the floors. Technology makes it possible to design houses with complex configurations.

Frame house design

Building a house using frame technology is in many ways similar to assembling a construction set. What is included in this “constructor” and how to assemble it correctly?

Main components of a frame house

Its reliability and strength depend on how well the components of a frame house are designed and executed. If the frame components comply with SNiP, then the house will withstand any snow and wind load and will last for many years with proper operation. Nodes are divided into constructive and auxiliary.

Structural units:

  • fastening harnesses;
  • places where the jibs are inserted;
  • strength elements of door and window openings;
  • floor units;
  • roof frame.

The frame house is assembled using nails, the frame is attached to the foundation with anchors. At the joints of joists, corners between walls, door and window openings, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the technology, since it is not always possible to eliminate deficiencies after completion of construction.

Building angle

Proper connection of the trim elements and fastening of the corner posts is important to ensure strength and prevent cold bridges. For the bottom trim, a beam connected “in half a tree” is used. To fix the racks, jibs are installed. When installing vertical posts, be sure to check the angle values.


The technology of a frame house allows the use of shallow-depth strip or columnar. However, the choice of the type and structure of the foundation depends not only on the design of the house, but also on the climate zone, level groundwater, freezing depth, relief, soil type.

Heaving soils expand and swell when they freeze, weak soils “shift” under strong pressure. Before construction begins, soil samples should be taken to determine whether it can serve as a foundation for a foundation. Loose soils strengthened or partially removed.

The construction of the foundation begins from the base - the site is leveled, cleared of turf, then trenches are dug or a cushion of crushed stone is prepared, depending on the soil.

Heaving soils are found in all regions middle zone Russia. The moisture in the soil freezes, the soil increases in volume and “pushes out” the supports. In this case, the foundation should be below the freezing level or located closer to the surface - a shallow type.

Another problem is seasonality. Concrete is poured at above-zero temperatures, but builders also work in winter, and at this time clients are usually offered discounts. In order not to depend on the time of year, choose pile-screw foundation. Hollow piles are screwed into the soil and the cavities are filled with concrete. The advantage of this method is that air circulates freely in the base part, this protects the wood from rotting.

If the choice fell on a pile-screw foundation, it is recommended to do a test “screwing in” to find out where the solid soil begins and at what depth to install the piles.

Slab foundations are reliable, but expensive and require more time, so they are not widely used.

Types of frame: wood or metal

Traditionally, the frame is made of wood: 100x100 mm timber and edged board. If an attic floor is planned, then the thickness of the timber increases to increase the strength of the structure.

The use of a frame made of galvanized, corrosion-resistant metal thermoprofile increases the life of the house. Perforation holes make the profile light, so the structure is light in weight, but the frame is not afraid of rotting and fires. The main difficulty in working with a thermal profile is sealing; if construction rules are not followed, there will be unnecessary heat loss.

Roof and roofing materials

The roof structure is designed taking into account snow and wind loads, and the choice of roofing materials depends on the customer’s budget, roof slope, and permissible load.

Main types of roofs:

  • gable;
  • hip;
  • attic.

Popular roofing materials:

  • asbestos cement slate;
  • Sheet steel;
  • metal tiles;
  • ondulin (bitumen slate).

Advantages and disadvantages of frame technology

Frame construction technology cannot be called ideal; it has not only advantages, but also negative aspects.

Advantages of prefabricated houses

  1. Construction time is the main, and often decisive, argument for the customer. Once the foundation has hardened, the simple project is assembled in two weeks. Construction of a large house with a complex architectural design takes several months.
  2. Materials used in frame construction: laminated veneer lumber, boards, OSB boards, SIP panels, do not deform from changes in humidity. You can immediately begin finishing.
  3. Savings at all stages: lightweight foundation, low transport costs, inexpensive materials and installation.
  4. Use of shallow foundations.
  5. Possibility of construction on difficult soils.
  6. Modern insulation materials provide good thermal insulation and allow you to live in a frame house all year round.
  7. All-season construction work.
  8. It is allowed to lay communications in wall cavities.

Disadvantages and weaknesses

  1. The main disadvantage is the short service life, 50-80 years. However, any wooden building needs to be repaired; with proper care, the house will last longer.
  2. Frame houses are low-rise. An exception is projects with a frame made of metal profiles. With a wooden frame, it is not recommended to have three floors, but an attic is quite acceptable.
  3. Redevelopment in panel houses is impossible, but in frame houses it depends on the project: some walls are removed if they are not load-bearing. But the issue must be agreed upon with the authors of the project.
  4. Low sound insulation.
  5. If polystyrene foam is used as insulation, the house may be damaged by rodents.
  6. Low fire safety is a relative disadvantage. There are insulation materials that are resistant to fire, for example, basalt wool. The wooden parts of the structure are treated with protective compounds.

Video: how to build a frame house

This video quickly shows all the stages of building a house using frame technology.

The advantages and disadvantages of frame houses were considered. In this part, we will consider the types of frame technologies, the varieties of the main elements of such a house (foundations, frames, roofs). The sequence of the main stages of building a house using frame-frame technology is also given, frequently made mistakes are considered, and recommendations are given on how to avoid them.

Types of frame house construction technologies

I would like to highlight the most common frame construction technologies:

  • Canadian houses using the Platform system and SIP technology;
  • German technologies (factory-ready panel house);
  • half-timbered houses;
  • frame-frame technology for building a house.

Let's take a quick look at each of the above technologies:

Frame-panel houses

  • Canadian technology - Platform system

An example of a cottage built using Canadian technology

This technology for constructing frame housing is most popular in the countries of the former USSR. The walls of the house (panelboards) can be assembled both in the factory and at the construction site (at the construction site of the house, the shields are filled with insulation and sheathed with gypsum fiber boards, OSB, etc.). The house wall panels are mounted on a pre-assembled platform made of logs and OSB. Special grooves are made in the shields, with which the shield is installed on the crest of the platform; the shields are connected from above to each other by the upper trim, and a sealant is laid between the shields during the installation of the walls.

After installing the walls of the house, the roof is erected, the walls of the house are insulated, communication networks are installed in the house, windows and entrance doors are installed. The final stage construction is internal and exterior finishing walls of the house.

  • Canadian SIP technology

An example of a cottage built using Canadian SIP technology

A distinctive feature of the technology for building a house using the SIP system from the “Platform” system is the installation of small factory-made panels. These boards have the following structure: sheet foam is glued on both sides with OSB, OSB.

Such boards are used not only for constructing walls, but also for constructing ceilings.

  • German technology

An example of a cottage built using German technology

A distinctive feature of building a house using German technology from building a house using the “Platform” technology is that such a house is built only from wall panels (panels), which are assembled in a factory. Communications and heat-insulating material are laid in the panels, windows are also installed and the walls are initially finished. Floors are also assembled at the factory. Delivery and construction of such a house requires lifting equipment, and delivery and installation of the house using special equipment leads to higher construction costs. The principle of fastening the panels of the walls of a house is the same as that of houses built using the above technologies.

The above types of frame-panel houses have their common disadvantages:

  • the inability to control the assembly of panels in the factory, as well as work on their insulation;
  • the use of lifting equipment is necessary;
  • the reliability of the design of such a house is inferior to houses built using frame-frame technology.

Also, during the construction of the walls of the house and their panels, you cannot 100% control the work performed by the team of builders. So in this case, pay special attention when concluding an agreement with the organization that will carry out construction works, to points in the construction stages and to points in the contract that stipulate warranty obligations on the part of the developer.

Frame houses

  • Half-timbered houses

This is a frame house. The frame of a half-timbered house is made of laminated veneer lumber with a cross-section of at least 150 mm. Between the frame posts, a frame is formed, which is sheathed with boards or slabs of waterproof materials and filled with insulation, after which windows and doors are installed. The assembly of such a house is carried out directly on the construction site. The technology for building such a house served as an analogue for the construction of frames in many countries around the world, including former countries THE USSR.

Half-timbered house built using frame-frame technology

A distinctive feature of a half-timbered house built using frame-frame technology for constructing a frame, from houses that are built in our country using the same technology (frame-frame, so to speak, mass construction) is architectural design Houses. In foreign countries, the walls of frame-frame half-timbered houses have a larger glazing area, which can be seen in the photo.

  • Frame-frame construction method

An example of the frame-frame construction method

This method of building a frame house is perhaps the most convenient and practical for self-construction. The technology for constructing a frame house is simple, unlike the above mentioned frame houses. The construction of such a house does not require the use of special equipment; it is erected directly on the construction site, and unlike prefabricated frame houses, the frame-frame construction method has unlimited structural and architectural solutions.

In the next part of the article, we will look at the varieties of the main elements of a frame house, namely: foundation, frame, roof (structure and covering). Recommendations for choosing the type of these elements will also be given.

Structural elements of a frame house

Frame house foundation

For a frame house, you can choose the following types of foundations: columnar, slab or strip. You can read more about choosing a foundation in the article. When choosing a foundation for a frame house, you can focus on two main defining points: soil structure on the site And house weight.

If your site has “weak” soil (subsidence, silt, etc.), then in this case ideal option there will be a slab foundation. Of course, it will not be possible to install a basement in the house, but if the groundwater level is less than 1 m, it is not recommended by experts, so a slab foundation is the most optimal solution for constructing a foundation on such soils. Due to the fact that the slab foundation has large area supports on the ground, which significantly reduces the pressure on the ground in certain places, such as strip or column foundations, the load is distributed over the entire foundation slab. If the foundation is shallow, everything needs to be removed early fertile layer soil in order to reduce the soil compression factor - but not less than 0.5 m deep, dig a pit and make sand cushion under the stove.

Of course you can do it pile foundation, but this choice will be associated with additional financial costs. On clayey-sandy, sandy loam, rocky soils, etc. A columnar foundation is suitable for a frame house. You can read more about the structure of a columnar foundation in the articles and.

Note:for example, in the Arkhangelsk region, silty soils, peat bogs, etc. predominate. These soils are not a reliable foundation for either strip or columnar foundations. For a strong and reliable foundation of the house, the choice was made in favor of a slab foundation.

Since, unlike log house or brick, frame house has lightest weight., approximately 1 sq.m of a fully built frame house weighs 150-180 kg. This allows you to build a house not only on “soft” soils, but also to make a shallow foundation (columnar or slab), but the depth of the foundation must be at least 50 cm.

Types of frames (by material of manufacture)

As already mentioned in the first part - frame houses can be frame-panel or frame-frame.

The walls of a frame-panel house are ready-made, purchased factory-made panels, but in individual construction the most popular are frame-frame walls. The frame in a frame-frame house can be either wooden or metal.

Wooden frame

Example of a wooden frame

To construct a wooden frame, the following materials are required:

  • timber with a cross section of 100x100 mm (100x150 mm for northern regions), also logs with a diameter of 12-14 cm can be used to construct the frame;
  • edged board with a section of 50x100 (150), 25x100 (150) mm;
  • embedded timber or logs.

Important! The moisture content of wood for framing should not be more than 15%.

If you are planning to build a one-level house, then the frame posts can be made from boards 50 mm thick, but if you decide to build a two-level house, then it is better to play it safe and use timber with a cross-section of at least 100x100 mm for the support posts.

You can read more about the structure of a wooden frame in the article.

Metal carcass

Example of a metal frame

The technology for constructing frame houses using thermal profiles has already become quite successfully used not only abroad, but also in Ukraine (to a lesser extent in the Russian Federation).

LSTK technology

LSTK is a construction technology l light With tal T onosseous To instructions. This technology allows the construction of private frame-frame and frame-panel houses of up to three floors. V and C-shaped thermal profiles are used to construct the frame. These profiles have perforated grooves, which reduced the thermal conductivity of the metal by 80-90%, and also lightened the weight of the frame structure.

Also LSTK technology allows you not only to build houses, but also to make various superstructures and extensions - adding attics or adding additional ground areas. The weight of 1 sq.m of frame is 20-25 kg, and if you take a fully finished house, the weight of 1 m2 will be approximately 130 kg.

Note:In European countries, America and Japan, LSTK technology has been used in the construction of individual housing for more than 50 years. The percentage of popularity of this technology for constructing frame houses from the total stock of individual house construction is Japan and Scandinavia - more than 15%, USA and Canada - 8-16%, Great Britain - 5%, countries of the former USSR - from 0.5 to 3.5% .

What determines the choice of material for the frame:

  1. Availability and prices of building materials used to construct the frame of the house;

Note:if you live in the southern regions of Russia or Ukraine, where there is practically no forest suitable for construction (commercial timber) and the price is 25-35% higher than, for example, in the Central region of the Russian Federation, then the choice here can most likely be made in favor frame made of metal profiles.


Table 1. The cost of a thermal profile for constructing a house frame

Note:for arranging a house with an area of ​​80 to 150 square meters. m requires 10-18 types of profiles.

  • Climatic conditions of the area where you live;

Note:for example, if in the area where you live, the climate has an average annual humidity of more than 85-90%, then in this case it is more advisable to build a frame house using metal profiles, since wood tends to absorb moisture. With such air humidity, the interwall beam is 100x100 cm and 3 m high autumn-winter period will absorb moisture (up to 2.5 liters!), which will negatively affect the service life of a wooden frame house up to 45 years, and a house built using metal profiles in such conditions will last more than 90-100 years.

Scheme of a through ventilation system for the interwall space

If you want to make a house out of traditional materials, then, in principle, there is a way out - to make a through ventilation system for the space between the walls, although in this case the amount of heat loss will increase by about 10-12%.

Comparison of metal and wood frames

What are the advantages of a thermal profile frame over a wooden frame:

  • fireproof;
  • has lighter weight;
  • not susceptible to fungal formations and not hygroscopic;
  • not subject to corrosion (galvanized profile).

We can agree with all of the above points. Except for one thing - it is fireproof. Yes, it won’t burn, but if God forbid, a fire happens and the house catches fire, then the frame will be damaged:

  • If the house burns down completely and only one metal frame remains, then it can no longer be restored, since high temperature combustion, the metal will be distorted, since the thermal profile has a small wall thickness of 0.8-3 mm;
  • during heat treatment, the metal changes its structure, and if the heat treatment process is chaotic (this is precisely a fire), then the metal becomes of poor quality, soft or, on the contrary, fragile, the structural elements of the frame become unsuitable for use.

Note: If you decide to build a house to last for many centuries, then in this case it is best to choose a frame made of thermal profile - the service life of the frame is more than 100 years, and the service life of a wooden frame is 50-80 years. Of course, a wooden frame can last up to 100 years if it is made of larch or premium pine and treated with special antiseptics.

Your choice is made in favor of a frame made of thermoprofile. You want to build yourself because you have construction skills wooden houses and have carpentry experience. But, alas, no, when building a wooden frame, of course, you will not have any problems, but with a thermal profile, difficulties may arise here. Working with metal is fundamentally different from working with wood. So it’s better not to take risks, and if there is even a little doubt that you can handle the job, then it’s better to turn to specialists, because:

  • poor-quality assembly of the frame leads to a decrease in the life of the house;
  • Improperly sealed joints between profiles will negatively affect the thermal conductivity of the walls of the house.

Types of roofs and roofing coverings for a frame house

Types of roofs

The choice of roof type for a frame house is carried out according to the same criteria as the choice of roof type for brick or log houses. These are roofs with an attic space - residential or non-residential. Mainly for frame houses they choose the following types roofs:

  • gable;
  • attic;
  • hip;
  • multi-forceps.

In most cases, an individual developer chooses a gable or mansard roof, since installing such roofs is not particularly difficult and is suitable for covering with any roofing materials.

For southern regions Where winds prevail, a hip roof is recommended as the roof configuration provides the best resistance to wind loads.

Selection of roofing material

The choice of roofing material depends on the following factors:

  • roof slope;
  • financial situation of the developer;
  • service life of roofing material.

The roofing materials that are in greatest demand among individual developers for covering the roof of a house are:

  • corrugated asbestos-cement slate (roof slope - 25-45°; service life - 30 years, painted up to 40 years);
  • metal tiles (roof slope - 20-40°; service life of at least 30-35 years);
  • roofing steel (roof slope - 18-30°; service life - 25-30 years);
  • corrugated bitumen slate (Ondulin) (roof slope angle - about 35-40°; service life of at least 50 years)*;

* This type roofing materials are mainly intended for covering roofs in unheated rooms; when used as a roofing material for covering the roofs of bathhouses and houses, there is a possibility that the bitumen wavy leaf may crack, become deformed, and also lose its color.

Stages of building a house using frame-frame technology

The construction of a frame house is carried out in the following order:

1. Choosing a location.

Choosing a site for the construction of a frame house is practically no different from choosing a site for the construction of a brick or log house. This is the structure of the soil at the construction site, location relative to communication routes, groundwater level, climatic conditions of the area, etc. But there is still a difference when choosing a place to build a frame house - the construction of a frame house can be done on so-called “weak” soils (subsidence, silt, etc.), due to the relatively low weight of such a house (the wall of a frame house is 1 m2 weighs 30-50 kg, and, for example, 1 m2 of the walls of a log house is equal to 85-110 kg, so the load on the ground of a frame house will be approximately half that of a log house).

Laying the foundation of the house and laying the foundation logs (wooden frame only)

Note: when installing a wooden frame, it is necessary to make two mortgage crowns from timber or logs, and only then the frame of the house is installed (lower frame, racks and top frame).

Erection of the frame and laying of ceiling and floor beams, installation of the roof of the house

Note: The stability of the frame is ensured by the jibs - first, when installing the racks, temporary jibs are installed, then the top trim is attached, the frame is leveled and plumb, and only then permanent jibs are installed.

External cladding of house walls, installation of windows and doors

Note: the installation of windows and doors in a frame house can be done directly during construction, since the frame of the house does not shrink, like, for example, a log house.

Insulation and internal wall cladding

Note: Before you start laying insulation in the space between the walls, you need to waterproof the walls of the house, then lay the insulation, then vapor barrier, and only after completing this work can you start covering the walls of the house.

Installation of floors, ceilings and partitions

Note: When installing a floor, it is necessary to carry out work to prepare the underground; how to do this and the principle of floor installation can be read in the article

Interior and exterior finishing of a frame house

Communication device

*If it is decided to make communications built into the wall of the house, then in this case this work must be done before the internal cladding and insulation of the walls.

2. Roof installation.

The principle of installing the roof of a frame house is no different from installing the roof on houses of other types.

  • rafter system;
  • sheathing;
  • waterproofing;

Roof structure

For roofs with a residential attic space - an attic type - it is also necessary to make a vapor barrier layer (vapor barrier films, membranes, etc.). After the vapor barrier is done, it is necessary to carry out work on insulating the roof - with mineral wool insulation, polystyrene foam, etc. Selecting a view thermal insulation materials and their quantity depends on climatic conditions the developer’s place of residence, the financial situation and the insulated area of ​​the house.

3. Sheathing and insulation of the frame.

A) from a thermoprofile

Sheathing and insulation of the frame made of thermoprofile

The outside of the frame is sheathed with OSB or SML sheets; on the inside, the walls of the frame are sheathed with GVL, DSP or tongue-and-groove slabs. Mineral wool slabs with a thickness of 150-200 mm are mainly used as wall insulation, or the space between the walls of the frame is filled with gas-foam concrete.

B) made of wood

Sheathing and insulation of wood frames

The following materials can be selected as materials for cladding walls of a wooden frame:

4. “Rough” wall covering.

  • unedged board, sanded;
  • edged board of the 2nd grade (without putrefactive and fungal deposits), defects such as wane, end warping (deflection of no more than 3 mm in the center of the board), small cracks are allowed;
  • OSB, DSP, and other moisture-resistant board materials.

5. Finish wall cladding.

  • internal: chipboard, gypsum fiber board, fibreboard, isoplyte, etc.
  • external: high-grade tongue-and-groove board (lining), brick (not silicate!), siding, etc.

You can read more about the cladding of a frame house in the article.

Mineral wool insulation on a non-flammable basis is mainly used as insulation; in some cases, the space between the walls is filled with bulk insulation - expanded clay, shavings, sawdust or slag

Important! But you shouldn’t treat building a frame house like assembling a children’s Lego set. At first glance, it may seem that there is nothing complicated in the structure of the frame - I laid it bottom trim, put the racks, fastened them on top and you're done. Then the roof, sheathing, insulation... and the house is ready! Come in, live. That’s right, a frame house is built faster than other types of houses. But he does not tolerate non-professional construction. Violation or not quality work the design of at least one element of a frame house can lead to a decrease in service life or the house will be cold.

Self-construction errors and their consequences

If you are building a frame house yourself, you need to follow some basic construction rules:

  1. House layout

    If you decide to build a house using own project, then it is necessary to take into account the spatial volume interior spaces. For example, you should not plan a 6x6m house by dividing it into three rooms, a kitchen and utility rooms. In this case, the rooms will be cramped, living in such a cramped space can cause discomfort, but in one’s own home a person should relax and receive moral satisfaction.

  2. Frame structure
    • When constructing a frame, do not use building materials that have defects, such as rotten wood, fungal deposits, mechanical damage, etc. If you come across at least a couple or three boards or beams with wood damaged by fungi or rot, then during operation this may lead to the following consequences: wooden elements frame structures made of healthy wood can be affected by fungus and rot, which will negatively affect the thermal conductivity of the wood and its physical properties
    • treatment of the base of the frame with antiseptics is mandatory, since embedded logs and bottom beam frame strapping, you should also not neglect the quality of the waterproofing of the wooden structure of the house from the surface of the foundation.
  3. Wall insulation

    I have repeatedly encountered the fact that many self-builders skimp on wall insulation and water vapor barrier. This, of course, is not acceptable, since the hydro-vapor barrier of external and interior walls at home leads to the formation of a large amount of condensation in the space between the walls, which moistens the insulation and it, in turn, loses its original thermal insulation characteristics.

  4. Floor and ceiling installation
    • if you are building a house with a basement, then in this case you need a well-thought-out ventilation system for the basement, especially the part where you plan to store vegetables; if the basement is poorly ventilated, this will undoubtedly lead to an increase in humidity and wooden structures houses adjacent to the basement - floor joists, floorboards, embedded logs will be exposed to the condensation formed on them and, as a result, the wood will rot and fungus will appear, all this reduces the service life of the wooden elements of the base of the house and the floor
    • on the ceiling of the house there must be a vapor barrier on the side of the residential part of the house and waterproofing on the outside of the ceiling - without making one of the insulating types of ceiling, you will get a ceiling with high thermal conductivity. As you know, warm air always rises and if you don’t good vapor barrier(or not to do it at all), then approximately 35% (!) of this warm air flow will go into attic space, which will require additional costs for heating the residential part of the house.
  5. Foundation

    Laying the foundation is an important stage of construction; the foundation of the house must be strong and reliable. If the technology for constructing the foundation is violated, the house may “drive” strongly during seasonal ground movements, the roof of the house will be subject to distortions and roofing material, such as asbestos-cement slate, will crack and leak, this will violate not only the operational characteristics of the house, but also its aesthetic view.

These and many other points must be taken into account when building a house and, as they say, carefully analyze other people’s mistakes and not repeat them. So, before you start building a frame house, you need to forget that it is easy to do, and carefully study the literature on frame construction, consult with specialists in the field of building frame houses (their structure is fundamentally different from the structure of a log or cobblestone house). If you are not completely sure that you can build a house yourself efficiently and reliably, then it is better to hire a team of builders, and the knowledge gained from reading the material will be useful to you - you will be able to consciously control how efficiently and professionally the construction team performs its work.

Attention: The prices in the table are presented as of 2008.

The construction of wooden frame houses has gained popularity in our area relatively recently, only in recent decades. And such a rapid growth in the number of supporters of such buildings is due to the very fast process of their construction and the possibility of using environmentally friendly materials.

The first frame buildings appeared during the development of the territories of America and Canada, then they became widespread in European countries. This type of building is good not only because the house rises quickly, but also because it requires much less cost and physical effort. In addition, if the façade of a house is decorated with one of the modern materials that imitate brick, wood or stone, then its walls will be impossible to distinguish from solid ones.

Interestingly, building with your own hands is quite possible even alone. Of course, the process will take much longer, but you won’t have to pay for the work of an entire team. If you decide to carry out construction yourself and complete it during a warm and dry period summer period, then you still need to start in early spring. In case the house is not completely finished until late autumn, you need to try to bring the construction to at least the rafter structure and the roofing material, since the building cannot be allowed to stand uncovered until next spring.

What is frame construction?

If we consider in general, then the frame structure of the house consists of a lower and upper frame, which fastens the vertically installed posts that form the frame of the external and internal walls. The base for the floors and attic floor consists of load-bearing beams made of timber. The rafter system is also constructed from beams, and the roofing covering is laid on it. It is desirable that it does not have too much mass.

Insulation is installed and laid between the frame elements. Its thickness is chosen depending on the region and climatic conditions. In any case, the thickness of the frame posts must correspond to this value. Most often, one of the varieties of mineral wool, ecowool, expanded polystyrene or polyurethane foam is chosen as thermal insulation materials. Expanded clay is also used to insulate floors and attic floors.

How to insulate a frame house?

When choosing, you need to take into account not only the thermal insulation qualities of the material, but also a number of other factors - hygroscopicity, chemical and biological resistance, density, environmental friendliness, etc. And for a frame house, the flammability of the material and its stability are of great importance .

On the pages of our portal there are many materials that tell in detail.

After installing the insulation, the structure is sheathed with moisture-resistant materials - this can be OSB board, moisture-resistant plywood or cement-bonded particle board (CSB).

Compared to solid wood, block or brick buildings, the frame structure is lightweight and does not require a massive foundation. A columnar or pile-screw foundation is suitable for it, and if you plan to arrange basements in the house, then in this case it is best to choose a strip foundation. Frame structure it is necessary to raise it high enough above the ground, so the base part must have a height of at least 500 mm. This is necessary so that moisture from soil, from rain water or snowdrifts affected the wooden elements of the frame house as little as possible.

Foundation for a frame structure

Any construction begins with a foundation, and as stated above, you can choose any type of it (except, perhaps, a monolithic “floating” slab - there is no need for it).

Marking of future construction and earthworks

Before you start digging trenches for the foundation or screwing in piles, it is necessary to carefully mark the area. This work should not be considered secondary, since the straightness of future walls, and the overall volume of work, will depend on it. So How Not have to make unnecessary efforts to remake the foundation if its exact coordinates and dimensions are initially determined.

  • Marking is carried out using a tape measure, a square, and other simple geodetic instruments. Usually it consists of installing wooden stakes with stretched cords that visually show the size of the building and its location on the ground.

This kind of “drawing” identifies all the load-bearing walls of the building if a strip foundation is selected. If you are planning a columnar or pile-screw version, then you need to mark the exact location of each of the pillars (supports).

  • Trenches can be dug manually or, if you need to carry out this process quickly, use a special construction equipment, with the help of which this entire operation will take place in one day.
  • To dig holes under a columnar foundation, in addition to shovels, ordinary hand drill or a motor drill, which will allow you to drill holes of the required diameter to the required depth much faster.

These methods are the most affordable, since if you invite large-sized equipment, then it is necessary, firstly, to have additional space on the site and free passage to the place of work, and secondly, the cost of such drilling will be many times more expensive.

  • At the stage of digging a pit, sewerage is carried out. To lay pipes, trenches are dug to a depth below the soil freezing level in a given region. Then pipes are laid to the place inside the pit where, according to the plan, a bathroom or a ventilated sewer riser should be located.

If a columnar foundation is being installed, then the section of pipe running from the ground level to the exit in the house must be carefully insulated. It is recommended to build brick walls around it, and fill the space between the pipe and them with insulation.

Of course, this work can be carried out after construction is completed, but in this case it will be inconvenient - you will have to cut holes in the floor or cut through the foundation wall.

Construction of the foundation

In order to specifically focus on one type of foundation, you need to understand what they are.

Strip foundation

This type of foundation is a concrete monolithic strip with a reinforcement grid in its design. The height of the basement can be different, but if the house construction plan includes basement, then the foundation walls are raised by 600 ÷ 800 mm, and in this case they will require insulation. When preparing the formwork, we must not forget about the ventilation holes, which will not allow moisture to accumulate under the building.

"Classic" strip foundation

If you immediately take measures to combat rodents, of which there are always a lot outside the city, then it is recommended to make a backfill of fine-grained expanded clay around the foundation and inside it.

Columnar foundation

1 – foundation pillar;

2 – strapping beams;

3 – floor beams;

4 – subfloor logs.

A columnar foundation is a set of concrete, brick or combined pillars located in in the right order, according to the markings carried out. The supports are buried depending on the types and location of soil layers in the area and the massiveness of the future structure.

Are you choosing a columnar foundation?

For a frame house on stable ground - very good decision. All installation details can be found in a special article.

Pile-screw foundation

A screw foundation consists of metal piles screwed to the required depth at points, according to the markings carried out in accordance with the project. Top part the pile protruding above the ground surface is tied with a metal grillage or metal jumpers, and then with a powerful beam. This will become the basis for the lower trim of the frame structure itself.

The good thing about the pile-screw design is that the supports can be screwed in so that they protrude to different heights. This allows you to install the house not only on a flat area, but also on a rough area, with a difference in height - then bringing the piles to one horizontal level will not be difficult.

to the same height.

It will not be possible to screw in screw piles on your own - you will have to either invite several assistants, or use the services of a team of craftsmen “armed” with special equipment.

Prices for cement and basic mixtures

Cement and base mixtures

Construction of the frame Whatever foundation is chosen, it must be on top waterproof

– the platform (grillage, mounting plates or the upper edge of the pillars or tape) on which the lower frame beam will be installed is covered with roofing felt, which will create a moisture-proof seal.

The roofing material is spread in several layers, preferably using a “hot” method on tar mastic, and it must be 150 ÷ ​​200 mm larger than the width of the foundation, since it must protrude from both sides.

Bottom harness

The harness is made of timber measuring 150×150 or 200×150 mm. At the corners, the elements are connected “in half a tree”, the bars are securely twisted together and secured to the foundation supports (strip) using pins or anchors, depending on what type of base is chosen and what material it is constructed from.

Additionally, the strapping beams are fastened together with corners or other metal elements, for example, plates. The same parts can be used to attach the strapping to the foundation.

At the end of this work, a rigid strapping belt should be obtained that can support the main structure of the frame. In the case when the timber used does not have the proper cross-sectional size, two, and sometimes three, parts are stacked one on top of the other. Moreover

, the upper frame beam is mounted on the lower beam so that possible butt joints, if any, do not lie one above the other.

If the wooden frame is mounted on a strip foundation, then it may not be too thick, but it is very important that its width coincides with the width of the concrete base.

Basement beams and flooring Beams

Strength qualities of the frame in maximum degree depend on the quality and cross-section of the frame beams and floor beams. It is clear that they are trying to select first-class material. But the cross-section depends on both the length of the spans and the spacing of the parts. To correctly determine the size, you can use the following table:

Table of cross-sections of floor beams for a frame building:

Cross-section of 1st grade lumber usedSpan length (mm)
3000 3500 4000 4500 5000 5500 6000
Attic floor
160×501200 900 650 500 420 - -
200×501850 1350 1050 800 650 550 450
180×802400 1750 1350 1050 850 700 600
timber Distance between adjacent beams (mm)
140×180- - - 1800 1480 1200 1050
150×200- - - 2400 2000 1650 1400
160×220- - - - 2500 2000 1750
Basement and interfloor ceilings
Board Distance between adjacent beams (mm)
160×50800 600 450 - - - -
200×501250 900 700 550 450 - -
180×801200 1200 900 700 650 450 -
timber Distance between adjacent beams (mm)
140×180- - 1550 1200 1300 800 700
150×200- - - 1650 1700 1000 900
160×220- - - 2000 1900 1400 1100
  • The next step is securing the basement beams. They, as a rule, have the same cross-sectional size as the strapping bars. The connection of the floor beams with the strapping belt is carried out “in half a tree”, for which cuts are made in both elements.

The beams should give the structure of the future floor rigidity and reliability. Therefore, if the building area is large enough, then often the basement beams are laid on the strapping belt for each room separately.

  • After the installation of the basement beams is completed, for further work flooring will be required. And here many craftsmen prefer and advise beginners to immediately install floors, both rough and “white” (of course, not counting the finishing decorative coating). However, with this option of work, it is necessary to provide that the entire floor area will need to be covered daily with a solid sheet of dense polyethylene film until the entire structure is protected from precipitation by the roof and walls.
  • All parts of the lower belt are covered with antiseptic and water-repellent impregnation - this measure will extend the life of the building.

  • At the same stage it is necessary to raise sewer pipe above the floor surface by 100 ÷ 150 mm. To do this, in each layer of the covering, it is necessary to make holes through which the sewerage pipe will be passed.

Sub flooring

  • To lay the subfloor, skull blocks are screwed onto the lower parts of the floor beams, onto which boards or plywood sheets will be fixed.
  • Next comes laying and securing the boards. For this, it is not at all necessary to purchase first-class material, but it must be well dried. It is recommended to install the boards close to each other - this will add insulation to the floor, since the structure will be less ventilated.

Installation of insulating floor pie

  • The next step is to cover the subfloor and floor beams waterproofing membrane, which uses dense polyethylene. It is usually secured using staples.
  • Next, mats are laid on the waterproofing or expanded clay is poured, which is no less effective than other materials. If you plan to make several layers of insulation, then the first of them is recommended to use fine-grained expanded clay.

  • A layer of vapor barrier film is laid on top of the insulation, and then either a floorboard or sheet material is fixed to the beams. For this, plywood or OSB is often used.

IN Lately often used instead of plywood cement bonded particle boards, which can be used not only for floor coverings, but also for walls and ceilings. The material has good technical and operational characteristics, is not inferior, and in some ways even surpasses its “competitors”.

The table below shows comparative estimates indicators of some sheet materials that They will give you a rough idea of ​​them and help you make a choice.

CharacteristicsRating the material using a 5-point system
Average score2.9 3 3.3 3.6 4.1
MDF Chipboard Plywood OSB DSP
Strength2 3 4 4 4
Resistance to external aggressive influences1 2 3 5 5
Dimensional stability2 3 3 3 4
Weight2 2 3 3 2
Manufacturability of machining3 4 4 5 5
Manufacturability of painting5 3 3 2 4
Defects: knots, delamination, delamination, etc.5 4 3 5 5

Sheets of floor covering material are screwed with self-tapping screws to the floor beams. If insulation is provided in two layers, then logs are nailed on top of the beams, between which the second layer of insulation is laid. Then everything is the same - a vapor barrier is laid, and plywood or other covering is fixed to the joists.

It should be noted that instead of the last vapor barrier layer, roofing felt sheets are often laid with an overlap of 150 ÷ ​​200 mm, which are fastened together with mastic using a “hot” method.

Construction of the wall frame, top trim

Once the bottom chord is completed, you can proceed to the construction of the wall frame. First of all, it is necessary to install corner posts, which usually have a larger cross-section than intermediate ones.

  • The racks should be fixed according to pre-made markings, at a distance of 600 mm from each other - this is the standard width of insulation mats, but if necessary, they can be placed with a different pitch, for example, 400 mm. You can attach intermediate posts, just like corner posts, in different ways:
  • The racks can first be secured using metal corners, and then jumpers can be installed between them, which will create rigidity of the structure.
  • Another option would be to install the racks on the strapping belt at the time when the floor is already installed, or before its installation.

— If fastening is carried out after the floor has been laid, then grooves are cut out near the floor beams. Racks are installed in them and secured to the beam and frame using self-tapping screws.

— If the racks are attached before installing the floor, this can be done using an additional part - a piece of timber, which is screwed with self-tapping screws to the inside of the rack and the trim beam.

— The third option is to install racks with diagonal supports (mitters), which are installed on both sides and screwed with self-tapping screws or nailed.

— The fourth method of attaching racks can be complete or incomplete cutting of the rack into a frame or into an additional reinforcing beam nailed perpendicular to the floor beams.

  • When installing racks, you cannot forget about window and door openings. They are designated by transverse bars, which for rigidity are supported from above and below by additional reinforcing posts. Spacer bars will give the structure additional rigidity.

  • Each of the racks is verified with the greatest care vertically in two planes using building level. Then they are all fastened together with temporary jumper slats, which will fix them in the correct position.

  • When the racks stand rigidly enough, they must be united with an upper trim, which is nailed to the ends of the racks, and then additionally secured with the help of corners or spacer slopes, secured diagonally.

  • The top frame beams must have the same width as vertical racks. Their reliable fastening special attention is paid, since they will become the basis for the beams attic floor and, therefore, the entire rafter system as a whole.
  • To ensure that the structure of the wall frame is strong, after installing the top frame, it is recommended to immediately cover the outside with plywood or other selected sheet material. The sheets are mounted on self-tapping screws to the vertical posts.

Prices for various types of timber

Video - The biggest mistakes when building a frame house

Attic beams and roof structure

Once the strength and stability of the wall frame is no longer a concern, the attic floor beams can be installed.

  • They are fixed exactly above the studs of the wall frame. If boards are prepared as a material for this, then they are installed on the end, having previously made cuts in them to 1/3 of the width of the board, and the depth of the cut should be equal to the width of the beam or board of the top trim.

Fastening is done using a metal corner, which is screwed on one side to the frame and the other to the beam. Fasteners are installed on both sides of the beam.

  • Next, you can proceed to the installation of the rafter system. True, it is advisable to immediately install at least a temporary flooring on the attic floor beams, on which you can move during the work process.

Prices for different types of tiles

Roof tiles

Video - 11 important rules for the rigidity of a frame house

Insulation and finishing works

After that To Once the roof has been erected over the house, external windows and doors should be installed. This process is carried out before insulation work so that all cracks and gaps that may form during the installation of window and door units can be simultaneously closed. After this, you can move on to insulating the walls, attic floor and roof.

Walls can be insulated both inside and outside. For this, thermal insulation materials are used, which have already been mentioned in our publication.

  • If the walls are sheathed on the outside with plywood, then a wall is installed from the inside between the racks, which then must be covered on top with a vapor barrier film.

  • For additional insulation Thermal insulation materials are also installed on the outside of the walls. To do this, a sheathing is screwed to them, between the bars of which the selected insulation is laid or applied.

A windproof, vapor barrier film is fixed on top of the insulation.

  • Insulation of the attic floor is carried out in approximately the same way as the basement:

— cranial bars are screwed onto the floor beams;

- a subfloor is laid on them;

— the floor is covered with waterproofing;

— then comes the insulation material (expanded clay, mineral wool, sawdust, ecowool, expanded polystyrene, etc.);

— the insulation is covered with waterproofing on top;

- boards or plywood of the “white” attic floor are mounted on top of it.

  • It is also better to insulate the roof slopes, as most of Heat escapes through the ceilings and roof. To do this, insulation is laid between the rafters, which is covered with a vapor barrier on the attic side, and then all layers are sheathed with clapboard, plywood, cement-bonded particle boards or moisture-resistant plasterboard.

The sheathing can be secured to the rafters or to an additionally screwed horizontal batten.

  • Having completed the insulation work, you can proceed to outer skin home decorative material. It can be chosen to suit every taste - it can be vinyl or metal siding, wooden lining, “block house” or other modern materials.

Siding with insulation is a solution to several problems at once!

The facade of the building acquires reliable thermal insulation, protection from weather conditions, and the house itself acquires completeness, neatness and individuality.

How - read in a special publication on our portal.

  • Internal lining can also be done in different ways:

- plasterboard, making perfectly smooth walls for painting or wallpapering;

wooden clapboard, making the house cozy and bringing into it natural freshness;

- plywood, which can also be prepared for painting or wallpaper.

Interior decoration of a frame house - at the request of the owners

At the end of the finishing work, they are installed around windows and doors. decorative panels– slopes and platbands.

If a veranda or terrace was not planned in the project, then they can be added after all the work is completed, but it is better, of course, to build it together with the walls.

Electrics can be installed both inside the walls, even at the stage of installing the frame, and after finishing the cladding with decorative material. The latter installation method has recently been used more and more often, since it is safer and allows, if necessary, to carry out renovation work without opening decorative finishing. However, modern technologies allow you to use other options.

Electrical wiring in a wooden house - special attention!

Whatever you say, the fire hazard of a wooden house is always higher than that of a stone one. Any “liberties” in electrical installation are simply unacceptable!

How to install it correctly is described in detail in a special article on the portal.

If you decide to start building a frame house, you need to remember that this will require a lot of free time, although incomparably less than with other buildings. The work will certainly go more fun and faster if there is a reliable and knowledgeable assistant nearby, or better yet, several. In this situation, it is quite possible to build a house in one summer season.

The main thing is to act in accordance with the technological instructions during the construction process when performing all types of work, to carry them out carefully, harmoniously and consistently.

And finally, to complete the overall picture, here is a video lecture on the main advantages and disadvantages of frame houses.

Prices for thermal insulation materials

Thermal insulation materials

Video: frame house - “pros” and “cons”

It has long been known that frame construction is the fastest and most economical option for building a wooden house. Frame houses have several varieties, namely:


  • frame.

The technology for constructing a frame house, depending on the insulation used and the structure used, is divided into Finnish and Canadian. The basis of any frame building is a wooden frame with insulation embedded in it, which is most often fire-resistant mineral wool. The house is covered with siding, clapboard, imitation timber and other materials. Thanks to its lightweight and durable construction, a frame house can become an object for implementation design ideas home decoration.

What you need to know about frame houses

Before erecting the walls of a frame house, it is necessary to decide on the purpose of its use: it will be a temporary home ( country house) or a house for permanent residence. The structure itself is a combination of vertical posts and horizontal frames. The building can be assembled block by block from ready-made panel walls, or a three-dimensional “skeleton” of the building can be erected on a ready-made foundation, and then sheathed with sheet material.

The decision to build frame-panel house do it yourself will allow you to significantly save on building materials And earthworks. In addition, such houses have significant advantages: structural strength, the shortest construction time and low cost of materials. Production roof trusses and wall panels are made from dried lumber, which completely eliminates possible shrinkage of the structure.

On a note: Work on the construction of a frame building can be carried out all year round, since there are no “wet processes” during the assembly process.

When building a house, you should take into account that a typical “pie” does not have walls of a frame house. ventilation gap. This entails the formation of condensation under the skin due to temperature changes, which in turn leads to damage to the wood. To avoid this, you can install an additional frame, which will increase the total, but will also reduce possible expenses for the reconstruction and repair of the house in the future.

Choosing a foundation for a frame house

When laying the first stone of a future home, you need to be 100% confident in the strength and reliability of the building. That is why the choice of foundation should be approached very carefully. So which one should you choose? There are several options suitable for the power of the future home and the geological conditions of the site.

    A strip foundation is the best option under conditions of dense soils and shallow freezing of the ground. Suitable for one-story construction, has a uniform draft, high reliability, at the same time labor-intensive and materially expensive.

    Columnar foundation - made of concrete, brick, wood. Suitable for all types of frame houses, durable with minimal investment.

    Pile foundation - used if there is a layer of silt or peat in the soil layers. Screw metal piles can support the weight of a two-story frame building. It is the most economical option of all listed.

    A monolithic slab is the most expensive foundation option, which also serves as the ceiling of the first floor of the house. There is a high probability that the slab can tilt the house, so this issue is resolved when designing and studying the soil of the site.

On a note: Due to the fact that a frame house is light in weight, material costs, time and effort for laying the foundation can be successfully reduced.

Is it necessary to insulate a frame house?

Comfortable living means warmth and coziness hearth and home, which is why insulation of a frame house is considered the most important stage of its construction. Thermal insulation of walls not only prevents the penetration of cold into the room in winter, but also serves as protection from heat in summer. The technology for insulating the walls of a frame house consists of laying a layer of insulation between the frame posts.

The following types of insulation exist:

    Mineral wool is the most common material for insulation. Available in the form of slabs and rolls, it has excellent sound and heat insulation. It is toxic and does not tolerate moisture well, as a result of which it must be used in conjunction with additional waterproofing.

    Ecowool – natural material, which includes shredded newsprint impregnated with boric acid salts. Non-toxic, quickly installed, however, the installation itself requires the involvement of specialists.

    Polystyrene foam is a lightweight and cheap material that does not absorb moisture, which means it does not require additional moisture-proof membranes. The disadvantage is flammability, which releases toxins, and poor sound insulation.

    Polyurethane foam is a liquid component that is applied to the surface of the walls through a sprayer, foams and hardens, thereby providing good thermal insulation. It is non-flammable and non-toxic, and has a high cost compared to other insulation technologies.

On a note: When insulating with mineral wool, preference should be given, and it must be laid in layers of 50 mm with an overlap in order to prevent the penetration of cold.

Vapor barrier of walls - a whim or a necessity?

In order to avoid water vapor getting inside the insulation, which entails its damage and loss of heat-insulating properties, a vapor barrier is installed on the walls of the frame house. The vapor barrier membrane has a multilayer porous structure, which ensures air circulation not only through doors and windows, but also through walls.

The membrane has a smooth surface on one side and a rough surface on the other. Moisture settling on rough side, gradually evaporates, preventing the formation of mold and mildew inside the wall. It should be remembered that the installation of the membrane is carried out with the smooth side facing the insulation, and the rough side inside the room.

On a note: The vapor barrier membrane should be glued with special tape, avoiding the formation of tears and folds. Otherwise, the insulation will become unusable after 2-3 seasons.

Materials for exterior home decoration

It not only serves as the “face” of the house, but at the same time protects it from bad weather. The exterior of a frame house is finished using a variety of materials, the main ones being:

    Siding is an affordable, durable and aesthetically attractive material that protects the walls of a house from snow, wind and rain. Currently, many types of siding have appeared - steel, wood, cement, vinyl. Fastening is carried out on wooden sheathing and can be produced in-house.

    Decorative brick or stone - create the illusion of a stone cottage. A huge selection of various colors and textures allows you to turn a frame house into a work of art. The disadvantage is the weight of the structure and the high cost of materials.

    A block house is a high-quality and economical option for finishing a house, reliably protecting it from bad weather. Self-installation allows you to significantly reduce the cost of facing work.

On a note: You can combine if desired various techniques decorating the facade, which will help give the building additional respectability, maximum security, as well as visually lighten, or vice versa, add volume to the structure.

The technology for constructing a frame house makes it possible to erect a building of this type within a period of 2 to 5 months, and weather conditions do not affect the construction. Frame houses maintain indoor temperature 2 times longer than houses made of blocks or bricks. However, in Russia they have not yet received due demand due to the insufficient number of professionals in this field.

Frame house construction technology video:

That's all today wooden houses are built using frame technologies. This house is lightweight design, which is based on the construction of the frame. The frame is installed on a foundation prepared in advance, after which it is insulated and waterproofed. The technology of frame construction today has been somewhat improved, as a result of which three methods of constructing frame houses have been identified: Canadian, German and frame-frame technology.

Types of frame construction

Frame technology has been developing for a long time, resulting in three types of frame housing construction:

  1. Canadian wooden houses.
  2. Houses using German technologies.
  3. Half-timbered or frame-frame technologies.

Modern Canadian houses

Let's take a closer look at a house built using Canadian frame technology. What is he like? Houses using Canadian technologies are also divided into 2 types: platform and SIP houses. Platform ones are more popular in the West, when walls are immediately assembled in a factory or on site and mounted on ready-made floors. The floor is a platform made of OSB sheets and logs, which can be connected due to the presence of special grooves. A sealant is placed between the panels of such a house. The second name for this technology is frame-panel technology.

The second technology of Canadian house building has become more popular in our country. It's called technology SIP construction frame houses. Such buildings are based on SIP panels, which are two OSB boards with insulation between them. SIP panels are placed on the bottom frame, fixed with self-tapping screws, and represent almost complete walls.

A big advantage of this frame technology is the ability to use panels as flooring and roof elements. You can also make an insulated pediment from SIP panels.

Features of German houses

The Germans went even further and began to assemble buildings not just from panels with insulation. German shields are a wall with all communications. Also, these ready-made panels already have windows installed and interior and exterior finishing done. The customer of the house using German frame technologies can only assemble finished design on the spot. Today this is the fastest and easiest way to build your home.

However, the technologies for building houses from panels have some disadvantages. If an error occurs at the factory, it is almost impossible to correct it. Finished panels made according to the house design must be fitted very precisely. At the same time, there is no way to control the creation of the panels and make sure that the insulation is laid evenly and efficiently. There is also no way to ensure that frame technologies are followed in the production of the future home.

You can read about the service life of a frame house in Russia.

Half-timbered modern houses

As for the construction of half-timbered frame houses, this is the most common construction method, which is used independently. It is this frame technology that is used by craftsmen who build houses with their own hands. What is the essence of this technology?

Initially, the foundation is built. Most often they stop at strip foundation, which any self-respecting man can fill. First, markings are applied and its latitude is marked with stakes and ropes. Next, a trench is dug, the width of which is about 35 cm (the average width of the foundation). Formwork is installed, which can be made of boards or other smooth material(plywood, OSB). The formwork can be rented (if it is removable) or purchased ready-made in a store (not removable). We order concrete for the foundation, pour it and level it. We check the geometry and add where necessary. The difference in the height of the foundation (checking evenness) should not exceed 1 cm.

When leveling the surface of the foundation, it is more convenient to use thicker cement, which is easier to distribute over the surface without spreading.

When the foundation has hardened and stood for some time (at least a month), we make the bottom trim. You can read about how to make a harness in our article. For the bottom trim, either a board or timber is used. The timber must be fixed securely in the corners - for this we use different types of saw cuts. We plant the lower formwork on anchor bolts, which we drowned in the still unfrozen foundation. Tighten securely with the nut.

After this, we begin to build the walls of the frame. We install corner posts made of timber, then other vertical posts. We strengthen all vertical posts with slopes and horizontal slats. We make crossbars near the openings to redistribute the load. When the frame is ready, we make the upper frame, which collects the resulting walls into a single structure and distributes the load more evenly on the lower frame and the foundation.

The roof consists of a rafter system, sheathing, pediment, and front board. Roofs are divided into different types according to the degree of slope, the number of slopes and the type of rafter system. Roofing material can be varied - ondulin, slate, metal tiles, soft tiles and others.

Read how to build a frame house inexpensively.

The main advantages of “frameworks”

Like other wooden houses, frame buildings have their own characteristics. As we have already written, over almost half a century, technology has improved, resulting in houses that have acquired high quality and reliability. What's good about frame houses?

  1. Warm houses. Despite the thinness of the walls, the houses retain heat well in the house. This is confirmed by both those who build using frame technologies and those who live in such buildings for a long time. Thin walls– a feature of the construction technology.
  2. Savings on maintenance. Since these houses maintain the internal temperature well without giving off excess heat to the walls, you can save on heating the room. Once heated, the room will take a long time to cool down. The same applies to cooling in the summer heat - by turning on the air conditioner for a few minutes a day, you will get a comfortable temperature for a long time.
  3. Ease of construction. These are the houses that are most often built with your own hands, which makes it possible to save significant amounts. This is especially true for traditional frame houses - half-timbered.
  4. Cheap construction. Since wood is relatively inexpensive, the technology of building a frame house allows citizens with average earnings to build their own home. You can look at the prices.
  5. Big choice architectural solutions. Easy wooden house can be equipped with balconies, terraces, open verandas and other architectural forms of housing construction. Moreover, it will cost much less than stone or brick superstructures.
  6. Speed ​​of construction. Average house it is built in one season if 2-3 people participate in the construction. If there is a trained team, the house can be erected in a few weeks.
  7. Construction can be carried out both in summer and winter.

As we can see from the listed advantages, frame technology is worthy of the closest attention, but many are wary of it. The first reason for this is distrust of a material such as wood. And the second is the psychological cliché “inexpensive cannot be of high quality.”

An original and beautiful frame house is the pride of the owner

Find out why frame houses are still so popular.

In fact, the most important thing in frame construction is adherence to technology. If you use technically dried wood, European modern insulation, latest generation membranes, not Chinese waterproofing, if you properly strengthen the corners and posts, securely fix each beam - your frame house will last no less than a brick one.

Read about how to make hidden or open wiring at home.

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