Lighting in the basement. Lighting in basements and cellars Connecting wires in the distribution box

The rooms below zero level The basement portion of the building is called a basement. They are surrounded on all sides by earth, which ensures relative temperature stability throughout the year, and are generally deprived of natural light.

The operating conditions of basements are associated with high air humidity. It occurs as a result of:

    close location groundwater and technical difficulties of creating building structures, having tightness on all sides;

    condensation from the air entering the room from the street as it cools.

The measures used to combat humidity, based on groundwater drainage, ventilation, the use of exhaust or supply ventilation not always effective. They partially increase the dryness of the air.

Therefore, basements are classified as high-risk premises, and the safety rules in force during the operation of electrical installations prohibit the use of open 220-volt electrical wiring in them without taking special measures.

Basements are used:

    for technical purposes;

    as rooms where it is convenient all year round store agricultural products, vegetables, supplies.

Question safe lighting basements can be solved using:

    natural natural light;

    artificial electrical sources that do not pose a risk of electric shock to humans.

Natural lighting in the basement

Typical window designs used in construction are not suitable for basements. But modern technical developments allow the use of skylights based on the tunnel effect.

They have an optical system that perceives the light of the sun and effectively transmits it through a light guide into the room. One lantern can illuminate an area of ​​about 9 square meters with a luminous flux in cloudy weather comparable to that created by an ordinary 40-watt incandescent light bulb.

In sunny weather, the luminous flux increases by more than 6 times.

The operating principle of the tunnel light is based on the use external element- a dome that collects and concentrates light energy, transmits it through a light guide with reflective walls and illuminates internal element— the diffuser is the volume of the room.

The light guide pipe can be rigid or flexible and reach a length of 6 meters.

Tunnel lights are produced by many manufacturers with different technical characteristics. They are airtight, retain heat well, and are gaining popularity in construction.

Electric basement lighting

Typical mistakes made by DIYers, or how not to do electrical wiring

Some owners of basements “blindly” copy the electrical wiring steps performed by electricians in the apartment. They do not understand the risks to which they expose themselves and their loved ones.

Main mistake lies in the fact that a voltage of 220 volts is used for lighting, which is used even without its own circuit breakers and is supplied from.

Selection and installation of lamps

The photo shows the installation of a previously sealed lamp with a glass cylinder protected by a grille, the metal body of which has been corroded by rust. Through the resulting cracks, condensation from the air settles on electrical contacts socket and lamp, creating a path for current to leak to ground.

Vertical mounting of such a lamp at a low height does not prevent its body from coming into contact with a person’s head. At high air humidity this is very dangerous.

Installing an outlet

At first glance, it is clear that a special dielectric socket block was used for installation industrial production, which separates the live parts of the socket from the wet wall, and the entire structure is securely attached. is that enough?

The wires coming out of the outlet are not protected by anything except a layer of their own insulation, which is susceptible to moisture.

Model installed socket does not have any protection against the penetration of condensate, which constantly oxidizes its metal parts and creates the preconditions for the appearance of leakage currents.

In rooms with high humidity, the installation of sockets for powering 220-volt electrical appliances is prohibited by the rules.

Switch installation

An ordinary switch, intended for use in dry residential areas, is mounted on wooden board, mounted on the wall. Condensation from humid air not only affects the metal parts of the switch, but also contributes to the rotting of wood, which will lose its mechanical properties over time.

Electric wires

If you look closely at the photo, you can see that special “noodle” wires with reinforced insulation, which are designed for operation in telephone networks and can be used in closed underground trenches, are used as current conductors for lighting.

Their copper cores are made with a cross-section of 1 square, which, in principle, is sufficient for the loads created by one incandescent light bulb.

However, connecting an outlet to this circuit determines the possibility of overloading the created electrical wiring, which is also laid open method along walls without the use of protective pipelines, ducts and other elements.

How to Make Basement Lighting Safe

Selecting a protection scheme and method for electrical wiring

A safe way to use lighting inside a basement is to use fixtures that operate at 36 volts or lower. For this purpose, a circuit with a step-down isolation transformer is used.

To place it, it is recommended to use a sealed industrial electrical panel, which is mounted not in the basement itself, but at the entrance to it. The rest of the switching and protective devices are also located there.

It is better to connect the contacts of the basement lighting switch to the phase of the transformer supply circuit. This will reduce its idle time.

The electrical cable from the step-down transformer to the basement fixtures must be mounted in a single structure without using distribution boxes. Its insertion must prevent condensation from entering the luminaire.

Electrical outlets cannot be installed inside the basement.

Selection of cables and wires, mounting methods

Individual wires without external protection Basement wiring can lose its insulating properties for various reasons. Their use is prohibited.

To power the lamps, it is necessary to use only cables with reinforced double insulation, ensuring sealing of the current-carrying conductors. As an example, we can recommend the cable brand KVVGng.

Even such a cable must be protected from mechanical damage by placing it inside pipelines or special boxes.

Selecting transformers for electrical wiring

The main indicator when choosing a design should be the permissible power consumption, and not just the output voltage. After all, the load currents in a 36-volt network differ from those that exist in 220-volt circuits.

Consider an example of using a 40-watt incandescent light bulb in circuits of different voltages.

In a 220 network, its current will be 40/220 = 0.18 amperes. And in a circuit with 36 volts, 40/36 = 1.1 A. For 12 volt circuits, 40/12 = 3.3 A.

It is impossible to predict the current consumption of a light bulb that will be screwed into a lamp socket in a few years. Therefore, the transformer needs to create a power reserve.

Selection of luminaires for electrical wiring

The design of the luminaire must protect the light bulbs from mechanical stress and penetration of condensation. For this purpose, glass caps are placed inside the grille or made of durable glass.

Usage metal parts externally exposed to corrosion must be minimized or eliminated.

In low rooms, it is better to place lamps not on the ceiling, but on the top of the side walls. This will reduce unwanted contact with them and increase the space in the central part of the room.

Selecting switches for electrical wiring

Ordinary designs for use in dry residential areas are not suitable for working conditions inside the basement. For such purposes, the industry produces special sealed switches that are protected from moisture penetration.

The recommendations described in the article may be subject to criticism. big amount opponents who believe that there is no need to complicate the electrical wiring in the basement so much for the sake of periodic visits. After all, for other people, lighting from 220 volts has been working for decades.

Concluding the article, I would like to ask counter questions: how justified are such risks and is it worth testing your own health with them? Think about it.

To lighting networks located in basements and ground floors special requirements for electrical safety are imposed. Lighting in the basement must be connected to a 36 V network. This is due to the fact that the floor in such rooms is usually earthen, and in the event of an accident there is a high risk of injury to people electric shock. The use of protective grounding in basement lighting networks is mandatory. Wire connections and any exposed areas, as well as switches, must be located at a sufficient distance from water supply and sewer pipes to prevent water from entering. Cables and individual wires must be laid in protective plastic corrugations or metal sleeves.

A step-down transformer

In the basements of old houses there is a transformer with an output voltage of 36 V, used for lighting. A cable with a cross-section of at least 5 sq. mm is connected to it through an automatic protective switch, to which wires from lamps and switches are supplied. It is advisable to use copper wire, but the use of aluminum is also allowed. For ease of installation, lamps are connected to the cable not individually, but in groups of 3-6 pieces, connected by a wire of smaller cross-section (to save cable). Such a group usually illuminates a separate corridor, room or passage. All connections are made in junction boxes using terminal clamps.

Installation of a corridor lighting group using terminal clamps

Lighting in the basement of a residential building The structure is much simpler than that of an apartment building. This is due to the significantly smaller area of ​​the basement. To get 36V voltage there are two solutions:

- purchase a small 36 V step-down transformer,

- use ready-made power supplies or autotransformers.

The transformer is connected to lighting network through an automatic protective device. All other requirements for wiring installation are the same as for apartment buildings.


Lighting in basements at 220 volts is permissible only if there is a concrete floor and it is impossible to install low-voltage lighting. To increase electrical safety, it is necessary to install with an operating current of no more than 30 mA. All wires must be laid in corrugation, and their connections with junction boxes and consumers must be reliably sealed.

Residual current circuit breaker

You can do the lighting in the basement yourself. All work must be carried out with the voltage turned off. If possible, it is better to install a step-down transformer in the electrical panel of the house, or make a separate panel for it, also located in the house. If this is not possible or there is not enough space, the transformer is mounted in the basement. In this case, it is necessary to place it as high as possible above the floor to protect it from moisture. It can be installed in a metal panel or on corner brackets, which must be connected by wire to the transformer core and grounded. It is advisable to mount the circuit breaker nearby so that if an accident is detected, it is possible to quickly turn off the voltage.

Installation option for an electrical panel with a step-down transformer

Gross errors when installing electrical wiring

The bare ends are not insulated in any way, are not enclosed in a junction box and are located in close proximity to each other (in the event of a short circuit, there is a high probability of fire)
Track the right wire almost impossible
The connections are not isolated and are located in close proximity to water pipes(high risk of short circuit and fire)

Since the basement, due to the peculiarities of its location, does not have sources of natural lighting, it is extremely important to provide correct wiring wiring and installation of lamps.

If you want to study in detail such an issue as electrical wiring in the basement, then this article is just for you. It presents detailed instructions how to organize it yourself quality lighting basement

The first thing you should pay attention to is how to choose the right lamp for the basement.

  • with a durable lampshade;
  • protected from moisture;
  • not susceptible negative influence corrosion.

Advice. You should not save money and simply screw a regular incandescent lamp into the socket, not protected by a lampshade.
Moisture can not only cause the light bulb to burn out prematurely, but also get into the socket, causing a short circuit, Negative consequences which everyone knows.

When choosing a lamp, you should choose the right protection class for this device, which should be:

  • no less than IP44;
  • The ideal option is a lamp with protection class IP57.

How to properly install electricity in the basement

Wiring in the basement requires a special approach, which is due to the peculiarity of the use of building materials.

Of course, walls are most often built using materials such as:

  • brick;
  • concrete;
  • foam blocks, etc.

Of course, they are fireproof material, but, nevertheless, given the high temperature, the wiring should be treated with extreme care.

If you decide to install light in the basement, then pay attention to the following recommendations and try to follow them:

  • voltage should not exceed 42V;
  • to ensure the required voltage level, use special transformers that reduce the voltage;
  • When laying cables and wires, be sure to use rollers and insulators;
  • use special moisture-resistant lamps with a closed socket;
  • Before installing the fasteners, be sure to check whether they are able to withstand loads and whether they have mechanical or other damage.

Advice. When settling in hidden wiring must not be used under any circumstances metal pipes and metal cable channels, the wall thickness of which is less than two millimeters - only thick-walled ones will provide the required level of insulation.

How to install wiring

Just because you know how to choose a lamp for the basement, this does not mean that you will be able to fulfill high-quality installation wiring. Therefore, if there is even the slightest doubt in your abilities, it is recommended to invite an experienced specialist.

Transformer, sockets and cable - which ones to choose

When arranging lighting in the basement, it is extremely important to provide a separate transformer with 220V/12V parameters - the price of such equipment is not too high, but it will help prevent short circuits and other problems.

Also pay attention to the following recommendations that must be taken into account when working:

  • the wiring is laid at a height of approximately two meters from the floor;
  • sockets and switches are mounted at a height of at least one;
  • When choosing materials, give preference to those that can withstand high levels of moisture.

Advice. It is recommended to mount the switch only in a dry place with insufficient waterproofing; it is better to place it on the first floor of the house.
If you install sockets directly in the basement, then use models with a cover.

If we talk directly about switches that can be used on the ground floor of your house, then you should give preference to automatic models. In addition, a separate RCD should be provided. The wiring itself must be new!

By the way, if we talk about the wiring itself, it must meet the following indicators:

  • cross section of at least two and a half millimeters;
  • if you are going to use powerful electrical equipment (for example, heaters, welding machines and other household tools), then the cable cross-section must be at least four millimeters.

Wiring type

There are two methods of wiring installation, which are usually used on the ground floors and cellars of private houses:

  • interior;
  • outer.

The first type of installation is used if special equipment, tools, fertilizers, and other aggressive materials are stored in the room. Of course, you will increase the level of protection of the wires, but remember that the costs of all types of wiring will increase.

Therefore, an external option for arranging cables is usually sufficient; in extreme cases, you can hide them in:

  • cable channels;
  • casings.

This will not only reduce the cost of lighting the room, but will ensure constant access to the wires if repairs are necessary.

Depending on the purpose of the basement

By the way, do you know that the specifics of wiring and installation of lamps depend on the true purpose of the room?

For example, quite often it is used to store the following items:

  • garden tools;
  • various tools;
  • conservation;
  • products;
  • old things, etc.

In this case, there is a high risk of snagging the wiring and not only damaging it, but also leading to short circuit. Therefore, wires should be hidden in casings or channels.

As a last resort, securely fasten them to the wall or ceiling so that they do not hang down, but fit snugly to the surface.

Various auxiliary rooms, which include basements and cellars, require light sources for a comfortable stay in them. Because in most cases daylight the basement cannot be provided for, it must be implemented in other ways. And here it is especially important to fully master the topic, to study all its subtleties and nuances. Know what kind of lighting can be used in the basement of a private house and what is required for this. And most importantly, how to make it reliable and safe.

Natural lighting in the basement

Modern materials and technologies make it possible to illuminate the part of the building located below ground level and deprived of access to sunlight, different ways. With the help of special light guides, it will be possible to make the lighting in the cellar as close to natural as possible, and in the literal sense. Special technology transmission of light from the surface in lanterns, called tunnel ones, will tell you how to make lighting in the basement and cellar without wires and electricity. The secret lies in using a combination of two basic elements:

  • dome accumulating solar energy;
  • channel with reflective walls.

Together they form an effective design - safe, environmentally friendly and, according to experts, efficient enough to seriously compete with electric lamps or LED spotlights.

Artificial basement lighting

Second place rightfully goes to lighting in the basement using electrical sources. But before moving directly to the description of implementation methods, attention should be paid to typical mistakes and miscalculations made when installing lighting in the cellar with your own hands.

Important. Any buildings located below ground level have high humidity air - that is, when in contact with electricity, they are automatically equated to a high-risk group. This requires the use of special closed structures lamps and switches. Otherwise, the health of people in the basement will be constantly in danger.

Rules and requirements for connecting electricity in the cellar

Experts strongly recommend using waterproof low-voltage circuits using step-down transformers - 12 or 36 V, but in no case 220, as in a household network. It is these solutions that are recognized as safe from the point of view of electric shock.

Attention. Electricity requires careful handling, especially in aggressive (humid) environments. Any liquid increases conductivity, and an electric current of only 0.1 A is considered lethal.

It is best to start installing basement lighting for a residential building by installing a power transformer: this is not done in the most utility room, and beyond. Compliance with this condition is necessary to ensure that the wiring in the basement of the building is at low voltage.

To conduct light into the cellar, you will need a double-insulated cable, additionally laid in a special box or metal hose. In the latter case, anti-corrosion protection (special coating) should be provided. The transformer is installed in a moisture-proof shield, which eliminates the possibility of oxidation of contacts and terminals.

Basement lamps must meet several criteria:

  • completely cover the lamp with a durable glass cap;
  • have a wire casing to protect against mechanical damage;
  • avoid (or minimize) contact with parts of the human body.

In conditions of low ceilings, the last requirement involves placing light sources on the walls, and not from above.

Safe components

The most reliable and safe electrical fittings are those that were purchased in specialized stores and have all the required protection elements, and are not found in the ruins of spontaneous markets. Before choosing lamps for the cellar, a voltage reduction unit, as well as switches and sockets, you must make the necessary calculations.

You need to pay attention to the amount of electric current in the network and power consumption, and based on them, select equipment. It is acceptable to use modern LED lamps or LED lights for the basement in silicone tube: they are characterized by reliability, durability, and efficiency. They also shine brighter than regular light bulbs and are not much different in price. In addition, there are lamps for the basement in 12 versions.

Switches - definitely with high level protection, not regular keyboards. This precaution will save you from unpleasant surprises with a short circuit to the housing and electric shock.

Attention. Installation electrical outlets in basement and cellar conditions is strictly not allowed, since none of them can be absolutely airtight and safe. Failure to comply with this requirement is a direct path to creating a traumatic situation.

Wiring installation

The basic rules for installing cables are to use high-quality components selected taking into account the likely load. It is determined by calculation, and is taken with a small margin (to avoid overloading the power units). When installing lighting in the basement, the cross-section of the wire (it is best to take copper) is also selected a little larger than required.

Any connections should be avoided - with twists, terminals, soldering: the fewer connecting points of wiring lines in the basement, the higher the likelihood of its trouble-free operation. Electricians recommend installing a special device for protection against electric shock (RCD) on the switchboard with the transformer. This additional measure will increase the safety of people using electrical wiring and lighting.

Wiring in the basement is carried out with the mains completely de-energized, starting from the installation of fittings and connecting wires. It ends with a connection to a step-down transformer. It would be useful to lay the cable in a sleeve (preferably not subject to corrosion) - the current-carrying conductors must be reliably protected from the influence of the external environment.


The article describes step by step how to arrange basement lighting. Methods for solving the problem using modern advanced technologies and standard methods are described. A brief explanation is given of which components and equipment can be used and which cannot, and why.

Requirements for connecting electricity are based on ensuring the safety of life and health of people. That is why for equipment for basement-type premises, the lighting mode in which is not designed for the constant presence of a person, they will be one, but for use in dry residential premises - somewhat different.

It is hardly permissible to use the same solutions when installing lighting in the basement as for connecting an electric motor or by analogy with the wiring diagram in the garage. And this is the only reason why a cable for a cellar, with equal characteristics (material, cross-section), will cost a little more than a wire for a household network: it uses double insulation.

And one last thing. For those who want to save money on something, for example, on protecting a lamp from moisture, a well-worn quote can be cited as a warning: once a year a stick goes off. And in a humid environment, any mistake can be fatal, because, ultimately, saving on equipment reliability means saving on your health.

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