Choosing a greenhouse for cucumbers. We build greenhouses for cucumbers with our own hands: features of growing all year round High arcs for cucumbers

It is difficult to find a summer cottage where a vegetable that is in demand and loved by many - cucumber - is not planted. At the same time, pleasing with a good harvest only at stable air and soil temperatures. An appropriate microclimate can be provided by a greenhouse for cucumbers, built with your own hands or purchased as a ready-made structure.

The term greenhouse refers to a small structure used for growing crops that are not resistant to cold. The difference from a greenhouse is its lower height and use of space - it is completely occupied by a bed (there are no passages, places to store tools, etc.).

A greenhouse is often installed in small private gardens.

According to the type of construction, greenhouses are divided into the following types:

Materials used When creating high and low greenhouses for cucumbers, a wide variety of materials are used. They go to the frame wooden beams

and boards, plastic pipes (for example, PVC), galvanized profiles used when installing drywall. The covering of the upper part is made of polyethylene film, glass, polycarbonate, covering material (for example, spunbond, lutrasil).

Let us highlight the advantages and disadvantages of these materials:

Size calculation The dimensions of the greenhouse are calculated according to the free space on the site or the desired number of bushes to be planted. On average by 1 square meter 2-3 plants are placed in the area - this way they will have enough light, moisture and

nutrients . About 7 kg of harvest is obtained from a cucumber bush. As a result, a 1x4 meter greenhouse will produce, according to calculations, 84 kg of cucumbers. When determining the size, you should also focus on the standard size

sheet materials. For example, polycarbonate has a width of 2.1 meters, which means that a greenhouse 4 meters long will require 2 sheets. The film is cut to any size.

There is no need to build an excessively high greenhouse for cucumbers; a height of 80-130 cm is sufficient.

These dimensions will provide quick heating and enough free space for plants. A buried greenhouse may have a lower height, but in this case the planting density is reduced. Site selection and preparation The classic location of the greenhouse is from east to west.. For cucumbers, it is better to place the greenhouse from north to south. This will provide sun in the morning and evening, but will keep the plants covered during the midday heat. The rays will hit the end wall, so it is recommended to mount it from dark polycarbonate or spunbond.

The site for the greenhouse is flat or with a slight slope to the south. The soil is dug up to the depth of a shovel, fertilizers are added in the form of compost, humus, peat, and sawdust. The composition will provide nutrition to cucumbers at an early stage, when store-bought fertilizers can cause burns to the roots.

To warm the soil, manure mixed with straw is placed on the bottom. It is lined at least 3 weeks before sowing seeds or placing seedlings. The best option- horse manure, which warms up to 70 degrees, simultaneously killing bacteria, viruses and insect larvae. An alternative is cow dung or bird droppings: the temperature will be lower (up to 50 degrees), but the preparation period will be reduced to 2 weeks.

Arc greenhouse

Now we’ll tell you how to make borage at your dacha with your own hands in the form of a simple arched design, covered with film. Assembly takes only 2-3 hours. Necessary materials:

  • boards - width 15 cm, thickness 3-4 cm;
  • antiseptic for wood processing;
  • fasteners: nails, screws, corners, etc.;
  • the required number of scraps of steel reinforcement 40-60 cm long;
  • PVC pipe with a diameter of 20-25 mm;
  • tie wire;
  • film or other material for covering the greenhouse.

The exact amount of materials is calculated based on the dimensions of the structure. It is better to take PVC pipes 3 or 6 meters long. The scraps of reinforcement from which the arcs are formed are installed at intervals of 50-100 cm. The width of the film exceeds the length of the pipes by 0.5-1 meter; the length is 3 m longer than the length of the greenhouse, which is necessary to cover the ends.

Step-by-step instructions for creating a greenhouse:

By additionally securing the film along the top screed, you will be able to open only half of the greenhouse, which is especially convenient in partly cloudy weather.

Greenhouse for cucumbers made of polycarbonate

When using polycarbonate in combination with wood in construction, a stronger, warmer and more durable structure will be obtained. For such a greenhouse you will need the following materials:

  • timber: 40x50 mm for the frame and 40x20 mm for the intermediate posts;
  • antiseptic impregnation;
  • fasteners: corners, self-tapping screws;
  • self-tapping screws for polycarbonate or metal strip;
  • cellular polycarbonate for the construction of walls 1 cm thick;
  • film for covering a sloping roof;
  • tool for cutting, screwing in self-tapping screws, taking measurements.

This The instructions are suitable for building a greenhouse with dimensions of 4x1.2x1 meter. When calculating your own size, it is important to consider ease of access for processing and collecting planted cucumbers. It is not recommended to make the width of the structure more than 1.2 meters.

The greenhouse is installed as a single building or attached to the wall of the house. The slope (narrow part) should be directed to the south, then the blank wall will provide sufficient protection for the plants from the north wind.

DIY borage installation:

To reduce the cost of construction, instead of polycarbonate, a reinforced film is used, which is stuffed on both sides of the frame. This creates a double barrier with good thermal insulation.

Small greenhouses for cucumbers will provide an excellent harvest even in unstable weather: frequent rains, decreased temperatures, clouds. Stable conditions inside the structure will not allow the plants to experience stress, so active fruiting will continue until the onset of night frosts in the fall.

Various materials are used for greenhouses - regular and reinforced film, glass, wood, polycarbonate. This allows you to choose an option according to your own preferences, climate conditions, plot size and financial capabilities.

You will be surprised to learn that such a familiar vegetable as the cucumber appeared in culture six thousand years ago! Moreover, in India and China, where it is still growing, as in the conditions closest to it. And it penetrated into Europe thanks to the ubiquitous Greeks, and already in the 16th century the first records about it can be found in Rus'. And so the enterprising Peter I issues a decree that the vegetable must be grown actively and as a separate crop, although by this time it had long been on the table ordinary people. But, what is most interesting, it was this fruit that became the very first crop in our country that began to be grown indoors, and it was then that the first greenhouse for it, and then for tomatoes and other vegetables, appeared. Such a pimply engine of progress.

But today the designs themselves have changed significantly: the shapes, the types, and the materials used. And not every design is suitable for a cucumber (especially glass). So how to create ideal conditions for this subtropical crop? Read on to learn more about this and how easy it is to build such greenhouses yourself.

Organization of space inside the greenhouse

To understand what kind of structure you need, first understand what will be inside it. Calculate in advance which method will be profitable for you to grow vegetables. So, to do this, look at the table of average temperatures in your region, find out how close the groundwater is located under the beds in your building, and go from there. Indeed, in some conditions it is possible to harvest a rich harvest under an ordinary film greenhouse, while in others you cannot do without a capital structure with cellular polycarbonate and special subsoil heating.

For cucumbers, it is better to orient greenhouse beds from east to west, carefully covering them from drafts on the north side. This direction provides maximum illumination, which is very important. Additionally, consider another cover for the beds - film, spunbond or lutrasil to protect tender plants from cold or overheating.

Today, several types of greenhouses compete with each other in which it is convenient to grow vegetables:

  • Type 1. Narrow tall with plants in the middle and coarse mesh on the sides. On such a grid, the cell dimensions of which are about 30x30 cm, it is convenient to attach shoots and harvest the crop there.
  • Type 2. Wide traditional with beds on the sides and special devices under the roof, on which it is convenient to attach trellises.

Here, for example, is how a standard structure is built with reinforced mesh(for additional sun protection):

But first, decide exactly how you will attach the vegetables.

Gartering cucumbers is an important point!

And it’s a fact that trellises need to be fixed. Therefore, the biggest mistake when buying a room specifically for growing cucumbers is purchasing a model where the roof is solid without any hints as to where to attach the “tails” later. But the options with crossbars are just right.

By the way, vegetables in a greenhouse are not always tied up. Sometimes this plant is left to climb along the ground, as is often the case in open spaces. And both methods have their pros and cons. Just remember one thing: if you can water the fruits at least every other day, then hang them on trellises, because this is a significant space saver. If you come to your dacha once a week, then leave it on the ground so that the wide leaves of the plant themselves cover the ground from the scorching sun.


Moreover, you can make such a structure yourself. Here's how to install these trellises:

  • Step 1. At the ends of the row, insert stakes one meter high.
  • Step 2. Stretch a cord between the stakes and lower a wire or rope tail from it to each seedling.
  • Step 3. The plant itself will find and cling to the cord with special “tentacles”.

Or even simpler: when the beds are prepared, stretch two rows of wire along each bed - approximately at a height of 1.5 to 2 meters. The distance between the wires is 20-30 cm.

The fruits are also hung in a V-shape. Each row faces in its own direction, the plants get more heat, and it is more convenient to harvest. But by the end of summer it can still turn out to be a jungle, which is why the “one trellis - two passes” method still remains more popular today. Another good thing about cucumber trellises is that you don’t have to constantly bend your back.

And here detailed process construction of a greenhouse with strong crossbars designed specifically for trellises:

Cucumber mesh

For this vegetable in a greenhouse, it is especially convenient to use a trellis net. This method has a lot of advantages:

  • Significant space savings.
  • The fruits do not touch the ground, do not get dirty and do not rot.
  • Excellent ventilation for plants.
  • It is convenient to observe and process plantings.
  • The method itself is ingenious and inexpensive.

At the same time, all the plants “crawl” along the grid on their own - with the help of antennae. And modern agronomic nets are so strong that they even support heavy melons.

Simple plastic mesh can be purchased on the market - it is sold in rolls 2 meters wide. Thread a wire or cord at the bottom and top of the mesh and pull it between the supports. In the fall, the mesh can be easily removed from the support, rolled up and hidden until the next season. And as a support you can use thick metal reinforcement 2.5 meters high.

The standard parameters of the mesh are 1.7 meters high and the cells are 15x17 cm. And installing it in a greenhouse is generally as easy as pie - just stretch it between pre-installed posts directly above the beds with plants. Plant cucumbers on both sides of the trellis net, in a checkerboard pattern.

If you use a trellis net, then make the beds at a distance of half a meter.

Here's how to build a structure convenient for installing a grid:

Twine web

This method is also practiced, which summer residents have dubbed “horizontal-braided-twine.” Cucumbers are planted in the center of the bed, metal arcs with non-woven material until the beginning of June, the surface of the bed itself is mulched with mowed grass. At the beginning of June, the fabric is removed, the arcs are left, and twine is braided around the perimeter of the bed. It turns out that all the vegetable lashes are located inside the twine web and no longer stretch beyond the perimeter. It is convenient to water such a structure - right in the center, to the roots, and nothing gets on the leaves. As a result, as practice shows, the yield is 20-30% higher, it is easier for vegetables to withstand temperature changes and drought, and the fruiting period itself is significantly longer.

It is most convenient to mount the twine web in a lean-to greenhouse, on the high side, and on the other to place the work equipment and carry out communications:

What is good about polycarbonate construction for cucumbers?

The most valuable quality of the design is the diffusion of light. After all, you noticed how light it is, but at the same time, this light does not blind. And all thanks to the special design of the covering material: cellular polycarbonate refracts the sun's rays, and they are scattered throughout the structure, well illuminating the plants from all sides. At the same time, dangerous parts of ultraviolet radiation are retained (you saw a special film on one side of the polycarbonate). And finally, in polycarbonate construction always a constant temperature (your own during the day, your own at night), there are no sudden changes or unexpected drafts from an accidentally torn or lifted film. But these are ideal conditions:

  1. There is no direct sunlight, which the tropical liana does not like so much. It is not for nothing that this plant always builds a jungle above itself as much as possible - otherwise it will simply burn. Why is cucumber in regular glass structure it grows so poorly.
  2. There are no drafts or sudden temperature changes. Believe me, it is enough to catch a plant just once, and you can forget about the harvest, while a tomato cannot live without daily ventilation.
  3. There is no need to remove the polycarbonate for the winter, so you can start growing vegetables much earlier!

A polycarbonate greenhouse is also good because it can initially achieve constant temperatures, which is almost impossible in film greenhouses, and even more so in greenhouses. That is why you can start growing in such a structure as early as March. If you are just choosing a site, look for one where the level groundwater exceeds 1.5 m, and the slope is less than 5-10°.

Build convenient design made of polycarbonate, you can literally use scrap materials:

Tent greenhouse - excellent dispersion of sunlight

It is a fact that the vegetable does not like the scorching rays of the sun. And by far the best light diffusion of all known materials has only an awning, which is becoming more and more popular every day in our country.

Its installation is extremely simple:

Here's how cucumbers live:

Unusual types of greenhouses

And now - about the design of the pyramid. You can plant cucumbers in a circle - many people do this. Place a peg in the center and twine from it to the plants. Attach it to the plants. And on top - a good film.

You will be surprised, but the most wonderful place for fruits is a greenhouse on the roof, where it is always hot and humid, like in the jungle. We have a separate article on how to build one on our portal.

And you can build such a wonderful structure from regular bottles(believe me, there is just enough light in it):

Winter design

For winter growing Early ripening hybrids that are suitable for hand pollination are more suitable for you. These are Almaty-1 and Gribovsky-2 varieties, Bessemyanka and more modern options. Give preference to parthenocarpic hybrids if you don’t want to run around with a tassel and pollen, and in the summer – to ordinary bee-pollinated ones, whose fruits always appear smooth and beautiful.

But it is undesirable to grow in beds at such a time, because... the ground underneath them is still cold. It is better to use special pots or boxes, at the bottom of which be sure to organize drainage: expanded clay, small stones, pottery shards. This is necessary so that the water does not stagnate and cool there later.

How to grow a rich harvest?

And finally, we will tell you the main secret of a good harvest in any greenhouse:

  1. Buy quality seeds from a trusted company.
  2. Don't plant them the first year.
  3. Before planting, warm the seeds for a month at a distance from heating devices- so then many female flowers will appear.
  4. As soon as the cucumbers begin to bloom, place containers with herbal mash so that carbon dioxide also provoked the plant to form female flowers.

Another interesting fact: Have you heard of the so-called “plasma seeds”? If you believe the manufacturer’s promises, such bushes bear fruit until the summer. What is their secret?

The fact is that such seeds (and not only) are processed according to special technology on plasma equipment. It was first tested in Russia back in 1990. The whole essence of the process is that the biological properties of the seeds are influenced to a certain extent by low-temperature plasma, and it is already extracted from the electric discharge. This treatment is considered completely harmless and genetically safe. Yes, and it’s easier to apply than more traditional ways seed preparation.

And as a result, the germination and yield of the seed, its content of proteins and vitamins, good preservation and resistance to various diseases are significantly increased. That’s why, if you see the inscription “plasma treatment” on a bag of seeds, take them without hesitation, because they can easily tolerate any shortcomings - drafts, cramped conditions, and cold. That's all the secrets!

A greenhouse for cucumbers should provide function of providing heat to vegetables for growth and development. Therefore, the structure should be of small height, since under these conditions it is easier to heat it.

At the same time, he must provide the plant with access fresh air , which means it should be as ventilated as possible during the daytime. It is preferable to choose structures that will be as open as possible during the day.

Thus, the structure must provide maximum heat for plants at night, and be open and ventilated during the day when the air temperature allows this. If the daytime temperature is less than that required by agricultural cultivation technology, it ventilation openings must be provided.

Design options

Answer to the question: how to make (build) a greenhouse for cucumbers with your own hands? not so simple. There are many different options. Greenhouses for cucumbers design features are not difficult. At the heart of everything is a frame, fixed to a box or installed directly on the ground. The main condition of the top coating is maximum light transmission, since this the vegetable is extremely demanding on access to sunlight.

ATTENTION! There are a lot ready-made structures, manufactured industrially.

But at the same time, it is quite possible to build a greenhouse for cucumbers yourself from scrap materials. The most popular and at the same time easiest to manufacture are the following designs:

Arc greenhouse

Its frame is made of arcs fixed directly into the soil or into a base made of a wooden box. Arcs for greenhouse can be metal or plastic.

The advantage of arc greenhouses for cucumbers is their mobility. This is especially important for maintaining crop rotation, since the construction of stationary structures requires annual replacement of the soil inside it. This is the easiest homemade greenhouse for cucumbers to make.


Here you see a photo of a greenhouse for cucumbers made with your own hands:

In production from boards or bars in the form of a box. The roof of such a greenhouse can be made flat, pitched or gable. Coating is performed from old window frames , or frames made of slats covered with film.

In this video you can see another simple version of a greenhouse for cucumbers made of slats and film:


Different from the above models strength and durability. If film and non-woven covering requires periodic replacement, the polycarbonate surface is used for years. In addition, such a coating is frost-resistant, so this greenhouse does not require annual disassembly for the winter.

Polycarbonate provides maximum light access to plants and does not allow direct rays of the sun to burn the leaves. Such greenhouses are the warmest, since the material has air layers that help retain heat inside.

Manufacturing Instructions

Unlike the simplest arc and wooden greenhouses, Some designs require some manufacturing skills.


A do-it-yourself greenhouse for cucumbers is made on the basis of a frame to which sheets of material are attached. It is necessary to select the material for the base especially carefully. If the frame is made of simple metal, you will face the problem of corrosion. Such a base requires periodic treatment, and as a result will soon fail. It is preferable to select a galvanized profile for the manufacture of the frame, although this will slightly increase the cost of the greenhouse.

A wooden frame is relatively cheap. But its useful life is no more than five years, then the tree will simply rot. But if you use special protective equipment, the service life can be increased several times.

They begin to build a polycarbonate greenhouse from a foundation or base made of timber. In the first case, the greenhouse will be stationary, in the second you can move it to any place on your site.

The foundation is being made rectangular shape according to the desired sizes. Waterproofing is done using roofing felt. The beam is strengthened on the foundation and fastened with self-tapping screws.

The roof of the greenhouse is made of a gable roof, based on 20X40 beams. When making a slope at an angle of 300, the length of the slope is half a meter, and overall height greenhouse will be 1.25 meters.

Next, cellular polycarbonate is attached to the sides of the resulting frame. Finally, the roof is covered with plastic film, preferably air bubble or reinforced. The entire structure is secured with self-tapping screws.

IMPORTANT! To avoid cracking of the polycarbonate during installation, aluminum washers must be placed under the screws.

Alternatively, the greenhouse roof can be made with a pitched roof. You can also cover the surface with polycarbonate sheets, With mandatory installation opening windows.


IN Lately on summer cottages More and more often you can find pyramidal greenhouses for cucumbers made by yourself. They are not only warm home for plants, but also serve as a kind of decoration for vegetable gardens. In addition, scientists are increasingly talking about the harmonizing effect of such buildings on humans.

Such a greenhouse has a lot of advantages:

  1. - Required for construction minimum material.
  2. “Even an inexperienced person can build it.”
  3. — Plants in this design maximally illuminated.
  4. — Wall angle prevents overheating vegetables inside due to reflection of the sun's rays.
  5. - In such a greenhouse easy to maintain the required humidity level and provide ventilation due to special air movement inside the greenhouse space.

For cucumbers a pyramid greenhouse is optimal place growing, as they can be grown creeping along the ground and do not need high walls.

The greenhouse is based on a base with a diagonal of 2 meters, each side will be equal to 142 cm. A perforated pipe with a height of 320 cm is dug into the center of the structure. A pipe with a diameter of 20 cm is dug to a depth of 40-50 cm. Alternatively, a 50X50 cm beam is used instead of a pipe.

Then we build a base in the form of a polygon, with triangular side faces.

Bars 50 cm high are installed around the perimeter, and the base is nailed to them. The door to the greenhouse is being built from the south.

We attach 4 beams to the constructed base; this will be the frame of the pyramid. We connect these bars at the top point.

To fasten film or polycarbonate, additional bars are attached across these bars.

Then we cover the entire structure with polycarbonate, film or thick covering material.

IMPORTANT! It is better to use reinforced film, since the usual one will quickly fail and will need to be replaced.

At the very top pyramid, at a distance of 15 cm from the top, should leave vent . A cap is made for it, which is put on the greenhouse in the spring and removed in the summer. This will ensure the plants have optimal air access.

There are many options for building greenhouses for cucumbers on a summer cottage. Everyone can choose a design that is acceptable for themselves. The main condition is the creation favorable conditions for getting big harvest cucumbers

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Cucumber - heat-loving plant Originally from the subtropics, it requires high humidity and warmth for good fruiting. In protected soil conditions, this vegetable grows faster and suffers less, therefore right choice greenhouses are the first step to a good harvest of cucumbers.

What should a greenhouse for cucumbers be like, how to choose the most from the variety of models suitable design? To answer these questions, you need to consider the features of agricultural technology, as well as the pros and cons of various greenhouses.

For successful cultivation cucumbers require the following conditions:

  • air temperature during the day +25-30°C, at night +16-18°C;
  • soil temperature +20-25°C;
  • absence of drafts;
  • air humidity 75-80%;
  • illumination of at least 20,000 lux;
  • bee-pollinated varieties require insect access;
  • When forming vertically, the greenhouse must have strong trellises.

Such conditions cannot be created in all greenhouses. Features of growing cucumbers in greenhouses different designs are described in Table 1.

Table 1. Comparison different types greenhouses for growing cucumbers.

Greenhouse designAdvantagesFlaws

Simple design, can be quickly built from scrap materials or inexpensive materials. Small sizes and internal volume, quick warm-up. Good lighting. IN open form good access for pollinating insects is provided.Low planting density - up to 3 pieces per 1 sq. m. It is inconvenient to harvest crops and cultivate the soil. When watering from a watering can, water gets on the leaves and can cause burns. The greenhouse must be opened and closed regularly, otherwise rapid overheating and plant death will occur.

Inexpensive materials and simple technology the buildings. Sufficient internal volume and height for growing cucumbers in a vertical bush formation. Rapid heating of air and soil, the film retains moisture well. High light transmittance.The film does not have sufficient strength and requires periodic replacement. The thermal insulation characteristics of the film are low; during frosts, additional shelter is required. For ventilation it is necessary to provide vents, when open door drafts occur.

Robust frame construction, large height and internal volume. Good thermal insulation and frost protection. Polycarbonate has high light transmittance and the ability to diffuse light. It is convenient to water, cultivate the soil and collect cucumbers. Built-in windows provide good ventilation without drafts.Quite a high price of materials and ready-made greenhouses. Due to high reflectivity, some of the solar energy. Regular maintenance of the frame and polycarbonate and removal of snow in winter are required. Poor access to pollinating insects; it is better to plant parthenocarpic cucumbers.

The classic design of the greenhouse has good thermal insulation. Heats up quickly throughout the entire internal volume. Glass transmits light well. Ventilation vents can be placed on the roof, which eliminates drafts. Convenient access to plants, big square landings.Heavy construction, requires a solid foundation. Wooden frames They need regular treatment, otherwise they quickly rot from moisture. Glass is a fragile material, it breaks easily and can cause injury. Light penetrates through the glass without scattering; direct rays may cause leaf burns.

The greenhouse is attached to a building or a blank fence with the rear northern wall. The slope faces south, which allows you to get maximum sunlight. The greenhouse warms up quickly and retains heat well. Wide choose materials for construction.When the sun is active, rapid overheating is possible; good ventilation and a shading system are needed. When building next to residential building, it is necessary to waterproof the wall and protect the greenhouse itself from snow and ice falling from the roof.

A special feature of the greenhouse is transoms for ventilation in the upper part of the roof, facing south. This ventilation eliminates cold drafts and promotes a stable microclimate. Large internal volume and bed area, as well as the height of the greenhouse.Enough complex design, precise drawings and installation skills are required. At behind closed doors poor access for insects; selection of self-pollinating varieties or planting of bait plants is required. The greenhouse requires regular maintenance and snow removal in winter.

The original shape of the greenhouse is well suited for growing cucumbers on a central cone-shaped trellis. Excellent illumination and the ability to maintain a microclimate. Simple design, inexpensive materials.Small planting area, not very convenient plant care. Ventilation is located at the top of the pyramid, which makes it difficult for insects to access. The design does not have high strength and wind resistance.

This vegetable is demanding on growing conditions and gives good harvest only at stable air and soil temperatures. Providing cucumbers with the necessary microclimate is quite simple: you need to install a permanent or seasonal greenhouse in the garden. We will tell you how to make a greenhouse for cucumbers with your own hands in.

As can be seen from the review, the most convenient greenhouses are those with a large internal volume, a height of at least 2.2 m and a good ventilation system that allows you to remove superheated air from top level greenhouses, without creating drafts and sudden temperature changes. The technology for building a greenhouse suitable for cucumbers is given below.

Prices for cucumber seeds

cucumber seeds

DIY cucumber greenhouse - step-by-step technology

The cucumber greenhouse described below is a simplified version. It has a convenient height: 1.8 m at the walls and about 2.5 m at the ridge; it is convenient to grow cucumbers on a vertical trellis. The width of the greenhouse (3 m) allows you to make two wide or three narrow beds inside. Strong rafters can be used to tie up plants.

Video - DIY greenhouse construction

With the help of seven independent transoms located under the ridge, it is convenient to regulate ventilation. In such a greenhouse, heat-loving cucumbers are not afraid of drafts; excess heat will be removed under the influence of natural convection.

The greenhouse is placed on a lightweight timber foundation. The frame of the greenhouse is made of wood. Polycarbonate or film covering can be used as cladding. In the second case, it is better to give preference to reinforced or bubble film - they retain heat better.

Choosing a location for a greenhouse

It is better to orient borage from west to east. With this arrangement, light-loving cucumbers get the maximum sunlight. A greenhouse with top ventilation is installed with transoms facing south to protect from the cold north wind.

It is equally important to install the greenhouse where it will not be shaded by buildings and tall trees. On the windiest side, it is desirable to have wind protection - a solid fence, bushes, buildings.

Greenhouse construction

You can build a greenhouse using the proposed technology quite quickly - in a few days. It is important to prepare all components and tools in advance.

Necessary materials:

  • timber 100x100 mm for the foundation;
  • edged board 50x100 mm for the greenhouse frame;
  • 50x50 mm block for making transoms;
  • plywood scraps;
  • wood antiseptic;
  • reinforced mounting bracket for mounting racks;
  • mounting plate for mounting rafters;
  • door hinges for transoms and doors;
  • wood screws of different lengths.

Required tools:

  • a circular saw;
  • jigsaw;
  • screwdriver;
  • drill and wood bits;
  • measuring tool and marker.

Note! All wooden parts Before assembly, it is necessary to cover it with two layers of antiseptic, paying special attention to the end cuts.

Step 1. Before starting work, it is necessary to prepare a detailed sketch and decide on the dimensions. The length of the greenhouse shown in the drawings can be increased by any number of sections, the ventilation conditions will not deteriorate, since the main air exchange occurs through the upper transoms.

Doors are installed on one or both sides. Bilateral maintenance is convenient if the greenhouse is used to grow several crops and is divided inside by a film partition.


  • A – timber foundation;
  • B – side walls, 2 pcs.;
  • C – rafters, 8 pcs.;
  • D – transoms, 7 pcs.;
  • E – door, 1 or 2 pcs.;
  • F – end walls, 2 pcs.

Step 2. The foundation is assembled from 100x100 mm timber, impregnated with an antiseptic for lower crowns log house or waste oil. Treatment must be carried out in two or three layers. The ends of the timber and sections are also processed and dried before installation.

Level the area for the greenhouse, remove remaining weeds, bushes and debris. The prepared blanks are laid out on the site and connecting grooves are selected in them. Compare the diagonals, if the deviation is more than 1-2 cm, check the angles for perpendicularity and level the foundation.

The timber is connected using long self-tapping screws along pre-drilled holes. Longitudinal and corner connections made using the same technology.

Pegs made of 50x100 mm boards with a pointed lower end are attached to the finished foundation. The board is pre-impregnated with an antiseptic or waste. Drive pegs into the ground to secure the foundation. Level the base and check the diagonals again.

Note! On wet soils, it is necessary to dig a 30x20 cm trench under the foundation and fill it with sand to the ground level.

Step 3. The side walls are made of 50x100 mm boards. The blanks are cut: boards of the lower and upper frames 4320 mm long and racks (8 pieces for each wall) 1830 mm long. The walls are assembled on a flat area, securing the racks with self-tapping screws through pre-drilled holes of small diameter. 2-3 self-tapping screws are screwed into each connection point.

Step 4. The assembled side walls are installed on the foundation, aligned with the outer side of the beam. Fixed with temporary jibs to the end parts of the foundation. Check the equality of the diagonals at the lower and upper corners, and align if necessary. Fix the boards bottom trim to the foundation beam using pre-drilled holes in each wall section.

Step 5. End walls assembled from 50x100 mm boards directly on site. Lay the bottom trim boards on the foundation and secure them with self-tapping screws in three places. Install the racks in place, observing the width of the doorway. Corner posts attached to the side walls. Intermediate posts are attached to the corners. Secure the top trim board.

Step 6 They check the structure for strength - the frame should not wobble. If mobility is observed, jibs are installed in several sections of the side walls. They are tried on in place, the cut location is marked with a marker, cut out and attached to two long self-tapping screws on each side with pre-drilled small diameter holes.

Step 7 Rafters are cut according to the dimensions indicated in the sketch from a 50x100 mm board, placing it vertically. When cutting, observe the specified angles. The outer pairs of rafters are secured to the boards of the top trim using fastening angles. They are connected to each other using a mounting plate.

Step 8 The upper racks for fastening the transoms are made of 50x100 mm boards. The blanks are cut to the specified dimensions and secured to the rafters using mounting plates or triangular plywood overlays. The plates are attached closer to the short side of the rack so that they do not interfere with closing the transoms.

Step 9 To install intermediate rafters, a strong twine is pulled between the outer rafters. All other rafters are aligned along it. Make blanks in accordance with the sketch (see step 7) and install rafters and racks using a similar technology, maintaining the distance between them.

Step 10 The crossbars between the rafters, forming the frames for the opening transoms, are made from a 50x50 mm bar. Cut blanks 560 mm long - 14 pieces - and fasten them between the rafters, as shown in the sketch, using mounting angles and self-tapping screws. The corners are placed on the outside of the frame so that they do not interfere with closing the transom.

Step 11 Transoms are assembled from a 50x50 mm block on a flat area. The workpieces are connected from the inside using furniture corners or a tongue-and-groove connection. The outer side is sheathed with film or. The transoms are secured to the frames with hinges. Transoms are equipped from the inside with a latch or hook for locking, as well as a stand for holding them open.

Step 12 When using film as a covering for a greenhouse, it is necessary to prevent sagging. To do this, thin plastic slats are fastened across the roof or wire is pulled in insulation. In areas with strong winds, it is recommended to secure the slats to the sides of the greenhouse to avoid tearing the film.

Step 13 The door is assembled from a 50x50 mm bar. Make the frame smaller than the doorway by 10-15 mm vertically and horizontally. Reinforced with crossbars and jibs. The door is sheathed with film or polycarbonate. Fasten door hinges and hang the door in place.

Step 14 Ready frame coated with paint or wood impregnation in 2-3 layers. After drying, seal the cracks where dirt and pests can accumulate. For this purpose, you can use frost-resistant wood sealant.

Step 15 Cover the remaining parts of the greenhouse with film or polycarbonate. When using film, it is attached through a lath or thick tape to self-tapping screws or small nails. First, the sides of the greenhouse are sheathed, then the ends, and lastly the roof. Excess film is carefully trimmed and glued with tape so that it does not fray in the wind.

Cellular polycarbonate is arranged vertically with internal cells for unhindered drainage of condensate. The ends are treated with sealing tape and put on. Vertically, the sheets are connected using connecting profiles.

Note! It is advisable to equip one or more transoms with an automatic ventilation system. It will protect cucumbers from severe overheating on hot days.

Wood sealant prices

wood sealant

Arrangement of beds

Cucumbers love loose, fertile, well-warmed soil with big amount organics, therefore in a borage greenhouse it is recommended with bioheating. They are easy to make.

Mark the beds using pegs and twine. Remove the soil using a spade and temporarily remove it from the greenhouse. Install a box fence made of 50x150 mm boards, impregnated with an antiseptic and painted in two layers with any waterproof paint.

Fill the bottom of the trench with large garden debris - tree branches, logs, scraps of boards and bark. A layer of dry leaves, mown grass, tops or straw is placed on them.

All this is covered with cardboard or newspapers in several layers. Fill the box to the middle of the board with compost and add mineral fertilizers and ash. The soil taken out of the trench is poured on top, after selecting the weeds from it.

After 5-10 days, the beds are ready for planting seedlings or cucumber seeds. During this time, the soil will warm up and decomposition of the lower layers of organic matter will begin, so the bed will be warm even at night and during frosts.

Note! It is advisable to equip a greenhouse for cucumbers drip irrigation, their superficial root system needs constant but moderate soil moisture.

Video - Warm bed in a greenhouse

The greenhouse will speed up the ripening time of the first cucumbers by 2-3 weeks and will protect the plants from frost and cold dew. The yield of cucumbers in a greenhouse is approximately twice as high as in open ground, and the period of active fruiting lasts until September. A greenhouse for cucumbers at your summer cottage is a guarantee of high and stable yields.

On many private farmsteads and dachas you can see greenhouses in which everyone's favorite cucumbers are grown. These can be small, film-covered borage or more massive polycarbonate structures. A greenhouse for cucumbers can be purchased or made with your own hands.

A greenhouse or greenhouse installed at the dacha creates a microclimate suitable for growing vegetables. Below, crops are protected from frost and scorching sun. In small summer cottages they are installed small borage, if space allows, you can make a greenhouse for cucumbers with your own hands.

Materials for frame construction greenhouses can be different:

  • tree;
  • PVC pipes;
  • fiberglass reinforcement;
  • metal round profile;
  • window frames.

The top of the structure can be covered with ordinary polyethylene film, glass, polycarbonate, spunbond, lutrasil.

Depending on the device technology, greenhouses and greenhouses are divided by type of heating:

  1. Cold - in such structures the air temperature completely depends on weather conditions. They are heated by the sun's heat.
  2. Semi-warm borage is filled with oxidizing biofuel, which releases heat. Most often, manure mixed with fallen leaves, straw, sawdust or soil is used as biofuel.
  3. Greenhouses are most often made warm by placing a special heating element on the bottom. electrical cable, covered with nutritious soil on top. Large winter structures can be heated in other ways.

Gallery: greenhouse for cucumbers (25 photos)

Types of structures

You can make a simple greenhouse or a large winter greenhouse with your own hands by first selecting size and type of design:

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