How to make a comfortable staircase in the house. Wooden staircase to the second floor, which one to choose and how to make it yourself. Total height of the stairs

Any garden plot is characterized by a shortage of free space. The explanation is simple - the owners are trying to make the most of every piece of land for planting fruit bushes, fruit trees and growing various crops, which is why most country houses are small.

Thrifty owners solve this problem by building a second floor or small attic, which is basically the same in terms of functionality. How to build it yourself internal staircase to the second floor, so that it does not interfere with the house and does not create inconvenience when going upstairs - this article.

Stairs are divided into several types, each of which is represented by a number of modifications, depending on the features engineering solutions and materials used. The author does not set out to consider all the pros and cons of marching, propeller and other models. The task is to choose optimal design for the dacha.

If we take into account some points in relation to garden house, it turns out that the requirements for the stairs to the second floor are more “strict”.

A typical country house building is not large in size. Therefore, tightness is felt in everything.

Requirement 1 – the staircase should be as compact as possible and located so as not to be a hindrance in the country house.

Mainly working for garden plots older people are engaged. Also, the dacha is one of the vacation spots for kids, many of whom are summer period either they come to it with their parents, or they live there for a long time with their grandparents.

Requirement 2 - the stairs must be safe to move.

Since this involves building a staircase with your own hands, the tool used is usually a household one. That's all necessary calculations design parameters are made independently, without the involvement of specialists.

Requirement 3 – to build a staircase to the second floor of a house at the dacha, it is advisable to choose the model that is easiest to design and implement.

Screw structures are not suitable for summer cottages due to the complexity of calculations and installation. Options " duck step" and "on bolts", although they are compact, are unsafe. The first - because of the steepness, the second - because it does not have a fence. The author analyzed everything possible schemes and came to the conclusion that for small dacha The best decision– a marching staircase with winder steps.

For example, this (as an option):

The reader may have a slightly different opinion, but hardly anyone will deny that it fully meets all the above requirements. Let's figure out how to build it with our own hands, without calculations using any particularly complex formulas. The recommendations on standard sizes given below are quite enough to build a truly reliable and comfortable staircase in a country house.

Almost all calculations for the size of stairs of any kind are basically identical. The differences are only in some parameters, depending on the features of a particular design. If you understand the order and meaning of all arithmetic operations, then it is not difficult to independently draw up a drawing of any other staircase, based on the dimensions and layout of a particular house in the country.

Preparatory activities

Choosing a staircase scheme

The simplest solution for performing individual technological operations with your own hands is on stringers. It will not take much time to build such a structure.

Selection of materials

Definitely - all blanks must be made of wood. And not only because the construction is done with your own hands, and working with wood is much easier and more convenient. It is possible to install a metal staircase in a house only after the structure has shrunk, and completely. And this process does not last less than 5–6 years, although manufacturers of some lumber (such as laminated veneer lumber, rounded logs) deny this, reducing the time it takes for the house to be ready.

If the staircase turns out to be relatively small, then in a country house for the manufacture of its individual elements you can use sheet (slab) products - chipboard, FC, OSV and the like. For the same steps, for example.

Separately, it is worth considering the issue of choosing the type of wood. What is typical for most country houses? The answer is simple - no one lives in them permanently, especially in winter period. Consequently, significant changes in humidity (or even increased dampness inside) and temperature are a common occurrence. Based on this, the author does not recommend purchasing deciduous ones for stairs, although they are cheaper. Even high-quality treatment with impregnations is unlikely to protect the material from rotting and fungus for a long time.

But here too you need to think. The cost of spruce is low, but its structure is characterized by increased porosity. And this parameter of any material is directly related to another characteristic - strength. Moreover, the relationship is inverse. Therefore, despite all the attractiveness of spruce, it is not suitable for stairs. All that remains is pine or larch, if you focus on an acceptable combination of indicators such as quality and price. When choosing sheet or slab products, it is also advisable to purchase products that are made from just such wood.

  • The board is “twenty”.
  • Beam for supports – section 10 x 10.

It’s not difficult to decide what to make the posts and railings of the fence from. For example, the same block with side 5, processed accordingly (rounding edges and the like). You can do whatever you want with your own hands, as long as the safety of movement is ensured.

Calculation of staircase parameters

It is produced individually, based on the dimensions of the country house, its layout and internal content (amount of furniture, its arrangement, and so on).

Distance overlap - march

When calculating the flight height, you need to focus on the average height of a person + a small margin. Consequently, between any step and the ceiling - at least 190. Therefore, it will be necessary to determine, based on the steepness of the flight and the number of steps, what size gap should be made in the ceiling.


  • The width of the winders should be the same. From the point of view of convenience and safety of movement optimal sizes: in the center – 20, narrow edge – 10, wide – 35±5.
  • All heights: 14 – 18. For stairs in private houses there are other recommended sizes, but for a dacha, taking into account the small dimensions of the building, this is quite enough.
  • Tread - its edge should not overhang the underlying step by more than 3 - 4.

General calculation formulas

a – step depth

b – riser height

  • For convenience: (a – b) = 12 – 15; 2b + a = 62±2.
  • For safety: (a + b) = 46.

The photo shows individual examples. There is no need to pay attention to the dimensions; they are mainly for residential buildings. But in order to make the calculation procedure more clear, they are suitable.

March length

For this parameter, you need to focus on the steepness of the stairs. Taking into account all the requirements for its modification for a summer house, it is recommended to choose a tilt angle in the range of 35 - 400. A flatter design simply may not fit in the house, and you will have to change the layout. For example, on a two-flight with a turning platform. If you choose an angle of more than 400, the staircase will turn out to be quite steep. For an elderly person this is not the best option.

The length itself is determined by the triangle rule. In fact, the span itself is its hypotenuse. It is enough to draw up a plan of the house (to scale), put a diagram of the stairs on it (taking into account the height and width of the room), and perform arithmetic operations. Naturally, the marching span will not stretch literally from wall to wall. It is necessary to make the necessary indentations both for its upper part and for the lower part, where the winder steps.

Stair width

Recommendation for country house unambiguous - within 100±10, since we are talking about a design with winder steps. This will ensure both ease of movement and compactness of the stairs. It is unlikely that 2 or more people will go up/down the flight of stairs at the same time, which often happens in a private residential building. Therefore, it is advisable to rely on one person for the stairs at the dacha.

Number of steps

Initial data - the length of the march span and the parameters of the tread. If the numerical expression of the number of steps is fractional, then rounding is to the whole value, in big side. Accordingly, in order not to violate the geometry of the staircase, the height of the last riser will have to be lowered.

Installation features

Installation of stringers

The specifics of their fastening depend on what material the country house is built from. If the wall to which the staircase adjoins is load-bearing, then one central pillar and a small additional support for turning are sufficient. The winder steps are located on it. If it is impossible to fix the stringer on the base, they are mounted on supports.

Installation of steps

Nails should not be used for two reasons. Firstly, even with great experience, score every fastener It is unlikely that it will work strictly vertically with respect to the surface. And any misalignment of the part is fraught with sharp ends of the metal coming out. Secondly, any wood (especially dry wood) splinters easily. Therefore, only preliminary drilling and fixing parts of the stairs with self-tapping screws or self-tapping screws.

Installation of railings and posts (balusters)

Here it is at the discretion of the master. For example, like this.

It is worth recalling that the height of the fence should not be less than 80, and the distance between the posts is chosen so that the child cannot crawl through this opening. That is, the main thing here is safety, and not the attractiveness of the design, the aesthetic component, a tribute to fashion, and the like.

Do-it-yourself manufacturing means that the work is carried out not only independently, but also not according to a template. Basic recommendations for building a staircase to the second floor, especially at the dacha, have been given. Everything else is at your discretion, men.

Good luck in your work, reader, and excellent results!

Ladder- this is one of the main elements of the interior design of a room, therefore, when designing it, attention should be paid not only to reliability and functionality, but also to appearance. Before you take on making a wooden staircase with your own hands, you need to take into account a large number of factors on which not only its design, but also its dimensions will depend.

These factors include:

  • available room area,
  • height,
  • the maximum load for which the ladder is designed,
  • ease of use for people living in the house.

Today there are a huge number of design options interfloor stairs, so the choice suitable design- the task is quite difficult..

Choosing which staircase to build

Marching and spiral staircases. The design of the flight of stairs is quite simple and is best choice, if you plan to make it yourself, however, in order to ensure an acceptable slope and height of the steps, a considerable area is required. This ladder is very easy to use and can withstand heavy loads. It can be used to easily lift furniture and other large objects to the second floor; in addition, it is safer, so it will be the best choice if children or elderly people live in the house.

The spiral staircase has a more complex structure. It is used in conditions limited space when, due to lack of space, it is not possible to ensure a safe slope of an ordinary staircase. The main disadvantages include not too convenient design, which makes lifting difficult and does not allow carrying large objects. At the same time, a skillfully made spiral staircase has sufficient strength and can be the main element of the interior.

Safety first!

Before you start DIY staircase making, you need to take care of her safety. Firstly, it must be durable and easily withstand a load several times greater than the weight of a person of average build. Secondly, the ladder should be comfortable and ergonomic. In this case, it is necessary to pay great attention to such factors as the height of the steps, the slope of the stairs, as well as the location and shape of the railings. The steps must have a non-slip coating, and the spaces between the balusters are chosen in such a way that the child cannot squeeze through them and fall.

Design features of stairs

Depending on the method of fastening the steps marching stairs can be on bowstrings, stringers or bolts.

  • Stairs on bowstrings have two side beams to which the steps are attached. Such squirrels (strings) can be made of metal or wood. They can be attached to a wall or special supports, ensuring high strength of the entire structure.

  • The steps of the stairs on stringers are attached to beams, which are located below and repeat the geometry of the entire structure. Such beams (stringers) can be straight or curved. Straight stringers, as a rule, have a jagged shape, with the steps superimposed on the teeth.

  • Stairs with bolt-jointed steps are highly durable, so this design does not require additional supports and can be supported on two points. The steps are attached to each other using metal rods- bolts, which completely eliminates creaking caused by friction of two wooden surfaces.

How to make a staircase with your own hands. Selecting materials

Wood is most often used to make stairs coniferous species, because it is affordable and easy to process. An oak staircase will be more durable, but the cost of such a design will increase several times, and besides, processing this type of wood is quite labor-intensive and requires certain skills.

The main stages of staircase manufacturing

Let's look at the basic principles of making stairs using an example wooden structure on stringers. Before you start designing, you need to understand that any, even minor errors and inaccuracies in calculations can lead to serious problems that arise during installation, so each stage should be treated with extreme care. Our future staircase will consist of three main elements: steps, handrails and stringers. On initial stage design, you need to perform all the necessary structural calculations.

Calculation of the width and height of steps

To calculate the size of steps, the formula 2A + B = 64 cm is usually used, where A is the width and B is the height. Typical step heights range from 140 to 170mm. We measure the height of the future staircase and divide by the expected value of the height of the steps.

Let's assume it is 240cm, and the desired height of the steps is 17cm. We divide the resulting value by the height of the steps 240/16=15 and round the result to the whole part, therefore, our future staircase will consist of 15 steps. Now we determine the exact height of the steps; to do this, we divide the height of the entire staircase by the number of steps: 240/15 = 16 cm. We find the width using the formula, using the height value, we get 24cm. You can also use the table.

The protrusion (the part of the step overhanging the riser) should be no more than 3-4 cm. The greater the height of the riser, the narrower the step itself, but its width should not be less than its height. Most optimal width steps should correspond to shoe size forty-two (29-30 cm.)

When calculating the stairs, it is also necessary to take into account the distance between the steps and the objects located above them (ceiling, beams, balconies, etc.). It should be at least 1.9-2 meters.

The horizontal size of the stairs is determined as follows: the width of the steps is multiplied by their number, it should be taken into account that the floor surface serves as the first step, so in our case the calculation will look like this: 13x24=312cm.

If the height of the stairs is large enough, you can make a platform. It is recommended to make such platforms in 7-8 steps. In the case when it is necessary to design a staircase with a certain number of steps, you can reduce their height in order to create a landing.

Making stringers

As a material for making stringers, you can use a 40mm wide pine board. Make a pattern that exactly repeats the dimensions of the steps' profile and apply markings to the prepared boards. Then cut out the teeth using a hacksaw or electric jigsaw. In those places where the riser meets the step, it is necessary to cut the corner. Having made one stringer, you can use it as a template for the rest. Since the strength, safety and durability of the staircase depend on the stringers, you should not skimp on their quantity, as well as on the quality of the material from which they are made. The boards must be free of knots and any signs of insect activity. Consider how to attach the stringers. To achieve the required strength, as a rule, 3-4 stringers are enough.

Installation of steps and railings making wooden stairs with your own hands

The steps can be attached either directly to the stringers or with the help of additional wooden elements - fillies. Measure and cut from wood required amount steps and risers, be sure to take into account the overhang. The steps are attached using nails or self-tapping screws.

The design using triangular fillies is more reliable. The fillies are attached using dowels, for which grooves are pre-made. Most robust design obtained using fillies complex shape, while a special cutout is made on the stringers. The connection of the staircase elements is carried out using glue and self-tapping screws.

After the steps are ready, you can screw the railing balusters to them. In order to protect the tree from the influence of destructive factors (dampness, mold harmful insects), it must be coated with paint.

Making a wooden staircase with your own hands is, in principle, not so difficult. All you need for this is quality wood, necessary tool and a little patience. Before you start work, carefully consider all the nuances future design and check your preliminary calculations several times.

If a private house has more than one floor, you cannot do without a staircase. But besides the fact that it must connect the floors, the staircase must also fit into the interior. Therefore, when choosing a design, you need to pay attention not only to the dimensions and how much space it takes up in the room, but also to take into account the style. Then a hand-made staircase to the second floor will not only be a functional item, but also an interior decoration. The work is difficult and responsible, but you can do it.

Types of stairs to the second floor in a private house

All these structures can be made of metal, wood, concrete, glass, marble and other decorative stones, and often use combinations of these materials. But most often, the staircase to the second floor is made from wood, a little less often - from metal or combinations of metal and wood.

In addition, there are two types of degrees - open and closed. In open stairs there is only a horizontal part - the step itself, in closed ones - there is also a vertical part - the riser.

Design standards

When designing a staircase, it is important to make it comfortable and safe. There are very specific numbers and recommendations that relate to the parameters of the steps and the general angle of elevation:

The number of steps is determined by simply dividing the height of the planned staircase by the selected riser height. For example, the height of the room is 285 cm. It was decided to make the elevation angle 40°. From the table we see that the height of the riser is 19 cm. Divide 285 cm / 19 cm = 15 steps. If the number turns out to be even, we slightly adjust the size accordingly to get an odd number.

If one of the steps turns out to be several centimeters smaller, this height is “taken away” from the first step. All others, including the last one, should be the same.

When choosing the size of the steps, comfort can be checked. If the double height of the riser is added to the selected step width, the result should be from 60 ms to 64 cm. The second test option is that the sum of the lengths of the tread and riser is optimally equal to 45 cm, but deviations of 2 cm in both directions are acceptable.

All these parameters must be taken into account when designing a house. If the house has already been built, you have to proceed from what is there and adjust the dimensions to the existing dimensions.

Spiral staircase

As already mentioned, a spiral staircase in a private house takes up the least amount of space. But it has a serious drawback: it is uncomfortable to walk on, and it is almost impossible to lift anything bulky to the second floor. So they are not very popular, although they look good and fit well into any interior.

Calculation features

When designing a spiral staircase, it must be taken into account that in some positions there are other steps above your head. Therefore, it will not be possible to make small risers.

The next feature is that the steps are all unequal in width - narrower on one side, wider on the other. The narrow part is attached to the central support (post), the wide part is attached to the walls or balusters. The standard for the width of the tread is measured in the middle part, and the wide part should not be more than 40 cm.

The span width is from 50 cm to 100 cm. The entire structure is doubled - a square with a side of 100 cm to 200 cm is required.

Prefabricated column structure

This type of spiral staircase is the easiest to make: a pipe is placed on which wooden elements- steps, intermediate cylinders, etc.

If we look in more detail, then except metal pipe(in this case with a diameter of 40 mm), steps and balusters (available in any design) there are turned wooden cylinders (segments) that set the distance from one step to another.

On the other hand, the distance between the steps is maintained using cuts on the balusters. The steps are attached to these grooves (with glue + fasteners).

Do-it-yourself installation of a staircase to the second floor begins with the installation of a pillar. A hole equal to the diameter of the pillar is made in the floor of the first floor and the ceiling of the second. We insert the pipe into the hole, put on the enlarged washer, and tighten the nut. Further assembly is simple: the corresponding elements are mounted on the rod, and in parallel with the installation of the step, a baluster is placed and secured. The dimensions of the steps for this spiral staircase with the given parameters are in the drawing.

The steps are cut from laminated boards or furniture board. You can use solid wood, but of furniture quality, that is, without any defects and dried, with a humidity of no more than 8-12%. Although laminated wood is considered more reliable: it will definitely not be damaged and will not crack when dried.

Assembly example similar design look in the video. It has a prefabricated pole, but you can also use a solid one, although assembling the steps will be inconvenient - you will have to climb the stairs every time.

The design of a metal spiral staircase is presented in the following video fragment. For those who are familiar with welding, this option will be easier.

Spiral staircase to the second floor: photos of interesting options

With or without railings - the choice is yours. In the photo on the right, a wooden spiral staircase on a bent stringer is a difficult element to execute. Forged twisted staircases are a classic of the genre.

Marching staircase to the second floor

Marching stairs are the most popular. Firstly, they are convenient to use, and secondly, the technology for their construction has long been proven. There are few specific features of the calculation. It is important to decide on the number of marches. One section should have from 3 to 15 steps. The most convenient ones have 11-13 pieces. If according to calculations it turns out that there should be more steps, they are divided into several sections, between which platforms are made. The dimensions of the platforms are multiples of the step length (600-630 mm). Then the ascent and descent will not cause inconvenience.


Stairs with landings take up quite a lot of space. If there is not enough space, turns are added. The most common option is to place the staircase at the corners of two adjacent walls. Also, to save space, you can make winder (turning) steps instead of a platform. Just one point: the section with winder steps is the most dangerous. If the family has small children or elderly people, it is better to make a playground.

As we have said before, flight stairs are made on stringers (beams with a sawtooth edge) and on terives (just an inclined beam). Attaching steps to string beams requires more time and skill. Usually, a “seat” is cut out for each step - a groove is selected in the board. For additional reliability, bars are also nailed from below or corners are installed. The option with corners is reliable, but quite controversial from an aesthetic point of view. If the entire staircase is made of wood, metal parts very “cutting” to the eye. Carefully processed bars look much more organic. However, if the boards for the steps are thick enough and the string is wide enough, you can do without additional fasteners. In this case, it is important that the steps do not bend, otherwise they may jump out of the grooves.

Assembling steps on stringers is simpler: you have two or three supports to which parts cut to size are attached. The main task is to correctly mark and cut the stringers.

This is a staircase on stringers - one of the fragments of the assembly

Installation of a flight of stairs with step-by-step photos

Stringers are made from wide boards 75-80 mm thick and 350-400 mm wide. If there is no solid dry board, you can use glued ones. How to calculate the stringer is described in the form, but you can assemble the staircase to the second floor not only as a free-standing one.

An example of assembling a staircase on stringers against a wall is below. First we fasten support pillars, on which the winder steps will rest. We attach the upper stringers to these pillars.

Then we install the lower ones. We attach the stringer near the wall on top of a decorative board - it is easier to clean and the dirt is less visible than on the wall.

We attach the lower stringers - one to the post, the second to the finishing board

Intermediate stringers are installed last. This makes it easier to connect all the elements.

The installation of steps begins. After they are cut, sanded and painted, everything is simple: we put them in place, drill a hole for the screw, then tighten it.

The next step is attaching the balusters. In this case they are made from stainless pipe with wooden inserts. A hole is drilled under each baluster into which a tube is inserted and fixed with a pin or any other available method.

Photos of interesting marching stairs to the 2nd floor

Metal and glass - an interesting combination Interesting idea, and at the end there is a pantry

Current trends towards rational use territories are more than ever encouraged to build houses not “width”, but “height”. This applies to private buildings, but even apartment residents are trying to organize a multi-level layout, thereby expanding usable area. To combine the upper and lower spaces, it becomes necessary to build a staircase to the second floor, the features of which we will dwell on in more detail.

Types of stairs by design

When designing a staircase, you will first have to focus not on the design, but on the area of ​​the room in order to select the ideal product in design and size. There are two main types:

Marching stairs

A common version of stairs, designed taking into account the biomechanics of movements and providing comfortable, safe movement. They consist of marches ranging from 3 to 15 steps. If the maximum number is not enough, the height is divided into two openings, between which a small platform or winder steps are installed. Such structures are already called two-flight.

Marching stairs vary in shape and can be straight, rotary (L-shaped or U-shaped) or curved. When determining this parameter, it is necessary to rely on the area of ​​the room, the height of the ceilings, and the location of the second floor.

Type load-bearing structure There are two types of marching products: on stringers and bowstrings. In the first case, the steps are laid on top of the beam, and in the second - with inside special grooves are made in the supporting element.

You will also have to choose the type of steps. Details with risers look more massive and will fit perfectly into classic interior, and those without them are suitable for modern house due to its lightweight design.

In general, staircases are presented in a wide range, and even for small ones you can choose a suitable example or combine it with other items.

Spiral staircases

The principle of such structures is very simple: steps are attached to an installed rod, which rise upward in a spiral. They do not take up extra space and are quite compact.

The main reason why spiral staircases are inferior to marching ones is the difficulty of moving due to the lack of strong support. It is not recommended to install such an instance in a house where children or elderly people live. Considered optimal following parameters: the central width of the steps should be at least 20 cm, and the widest part should be no more than 40 cm.

In other cases, spiral staircases can be considered excellent option for both modern and classic styles. Thanks to their spiral shape, they become a key element of the interior, and products of different shapes - from square to octagonal - will help diversify the design.

Stairs on rails

It will not be possible to install this type of staircase in the center of the room - the support for it is bearing wall, to which the steps are attached using bolts (bolts). Collected into one system, they form a single load-bearing element, giving lightweight design, an almost weightless appearance, thanks to which it is often used in modern interiors.

Despite the visual fragility, the products can withstand from 500 to 1100 kg, depending on the material and manufacturer. In addition, the bolts allow you to adjust the height of the steps after installation.

Staircases on rails with railings, which take part of the load upon themselves, are popular. You can experiment with the base, shape and lighting to create unique option for your home.

Choosing material for the stairs

Stairs are made from different materials, which endow them with certain aesthetic and practical properties.

Wooden stairs

When imagining a staircase in a house, an image of a solid wooden structure with curly railings and a beautiful deep texture immediately appears. It can be luxurious wenge, oak or minimalist wood of simple species. Optimal options Ash, walnut, and beech are considered, but pine is not strong enough to withstand the required load. Varnish coating will protect from negative impact environment, but it will have to be updated regularly.

Such the material is suitable for any designs, but looks most organically as marching products. For country or American style similar solution irreplaceable.

Metal stairs

Metal structures will serve you for half a century, maintaining their original, neat appearance. appearance. To do this, select instances from of stainless steel, which does not corrode, since chrome-plated or painted options have limited time operation - no more than 6-7 years.

The plasticity of the base allows you to give the staircase and its parts any shape. Metal is often combined with other materials, such as wood, glass, concrete. It makes elegant wrought iron handrails.

Concrete stairs

Unlike more natural materials, concrete does not have lightness or sophistication; in its pure form it is unlikely to fit into a classic interior, but instead will give a feeling of solidity and integrity.

Such structures are quite reliable and can withstand high loads and do not deteriorate over time. Unfortunately, they are difficult to install yourself, but the low cost of raw materials makes up for this drawback.

An important advantage concrete stairs is the possibility of decorating them: stone, wood or even tiles. The unique rough texture will not be noticeable, but you will get an aesthetic design at an affordable cost.

Stone stairs

Marble has a stunning deep texture, but as a stair covering it wears out quickly, within just a few years. Opposite properties have granite or quartzite. Much cheaper artificial analogues also cope well with their role.

Stone stairs are often combined with metal handrails, and by adjusting the decor you can fit them into many styles.

Glass stairs

If the first place comes to a design that does not require ten years of good “service”, glass structures no competitors. Steps are made from this material, which are attached to bolts or used on spiral staircases. It acts harmoniously in tandem with metal, enhancing the gloss effect and imparting reliability to such a fragile product.

Indeed, glass stairs can be damaged by a strong impact, but even without it, noticeable scratches appear on the surface over time. For greater strength, it is better to take hardened or laminated varieties. Acrylic glass is considered the most reliable, but tends to darken over time.

Styles and design

Because of their shape, stairs often stand out among the interior ensemble, while remaining an organic part of it. To do this, when developing a design, it is necessary to focus on the basic style of the premises.

Staircases in a modern style

Modern aesthetics loves laconicism and restraint, the use practical materials, their combination to create more complex type. Preference is given to pure geometric shapes, lines, and smooth surfaces.

The style works with the features of the space, so the type of staircase design can be any, the main thing is that it looks good in the interior.

Classic style stairs

As mentioned above, classics are characterized by the use of three materials: wood, metal and decorative stone, among which the first is clearly the leader. Initially, you need to select premises with large area, since even the staircase here has a massive appearance.

Often these are marching products on stringers or bowstrings with closed risers, divided into several spans and fenced with strong railings, often with characteristic carvings.

Loft style stairs

Concrete stairs to the second floor harmoniously interact with the style of the loft, emphasizing its industrial character. However, other bases would also look appropriate.

The staircase must be extremely simple design, providing comfortable movement. Since the loft interior, according to the rules, is placed on large areas, then you don’t have to worry about the size of the structure.

Stairs in minimalist style

It is desirable that minimalist staircases attract attention to themselves as little as possible. Ideally, they should fit into the overall volume of the room, forming a single functional whole with it.

Means of expression are kept to a minimum: the texture of the material, smooth lines, natural colors. Perfect solution- steps on rails.

Art Deco staircases

Elegant and multifaceted Art Deco strives to emphasize its “status” in all details - from the base of the stairs to the railings. The latter can repeat complex, intertwining patterns inspired by floral images.

Marching staircases will look monumental and noble; spiral staircases, due to their spiral shape, themselves correspond to the Art Deco style, but bolt fastenings will seem too simple.

Where to post: basic rules

Installing stairs to the second floor is a very personal process that depends on the size, layout and height of the ceilings in your space.

The most popular place for a staircase remains the hallway, especially in spacious mansions. Thus, upon entering the house, you immediately have access to all rooms without wandering along the corridors.

The second most popular place to place a lift is the living room. This is convenient for buildings with a medium area, if the second floor leads to a private room, for example, a bedroom. In the hall combined with the kitchen, the stairs can be used for zoning.

To somehow compensate for the impressive size of the staircase, it can be combined with another functional item, using the empty space. This applies to marching structures located next to the wall. The construction of such products is more complex and requires detailed measurements and careful planning, but the final result will make it possible to make the most of every square meter premises.

The under-staircase area can serve as a frame for cabinets. The solution is relevant in the hall (storage of clothes and shoes) or living room (for a home library and household items).

The staircase can be organized in the form of a wall in the living room, along the protruding parts of which movement between floors is carried out.

Connoisseurs of quality drinks can arrange a large collection of wines by enclosing it with glass doors and installing lighting.

In the resulting niche you can put a small sofa, create a cozy place for relaxation and privacy, and side walls install shelves.

Space under stairs will do for creating separate room- pantry, office or mini-workshop. Any child will be delighted with such a secluded children's playroom.

Using these ideas will allow you to take a different look at stairs in the house, which will turn from a bulky object into a functional solution.

Design of the staircase to the second floor - photo

It's hard not to notice the stairs even in the most spacious interior, which is why so much attention is paid to its design. Even more diverse shapes, decor options and layouts are in our photo selection. Enjoy watching!

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