Transformable school desk KETTLER Little. German transforming desks from Kettler, moll and Paidi Service life is unlimited

Before identifying the advantages of KETTLER desks, it should be noted that that all school furniture is made in Germany, a factory that has 66 years of impeccable work on the international market.

The main advantages of KETTLER desks


Every element, every detail is made in Germany. Steel frame is produced by KETTLER at its plant in Werl. He casts the plastic elements at his plant in Ense Parsit. Chipboard with the highest rate quality Blue Angel is purchased from a German manufacturer.

  • 66 years of manufacturing experience

The factory has been run by the KETTLER family for 66 years. Since 2005, after the death of Hines Kettler, his daughter has been in charge of production.

  • Accessories Hettich (Germany)

Much attention is paid to fittings, because... she is a connecting link and carries high loads. When producing tables, we use fittings of the highest quality and exceptional design from the Hettich brand, which has proven itself excellent in more than 100 countries around the world.

  • The quality of chipboard is marked with the Blue Angel quality certificate

This quality certificate is a sign for environmentally friendly goods and services in the world. It confirms that our products do not contain harmful components and are safe for health. The most environmentally friendly chipboard is considered to be chipboard with the “Blue Angel” marking, which is placed only on the best chipboard, with the lowest content of resins, formaldehydes, phthalates, without which furniture production is impossible.

  • Anti-vandal coating of countertops

A special coating using HPL technology allows children to draw, glue, sculpt and engage in other creative activities without fear of damaging or staining the desk top. KETTLER countertops are extremely resistant to damage and scratches and can be easily cleaned with a regular damp cloth.

  • Desks grow with children from 3 to... years old

KETTLER desks have the most reliable system desk height adjustment. By rearranging the limiters, parents can easily change the height of the desk to required level. Thus, a child over 3 years old with a height of 90 cm or an adult with a height of over two meters can comfortably fit at the desk.

  • Service life is unlimited

During sales of desks in Russia and Europe, the company office did not receive a single request for after-sales service. The high quality of the products allows us to say that this desk can be used for many years. With careful care, the desk will be inherited. as a subject in which parents and grandparents gained knowledge and made their first successes.

  • Built-in casters in table legs

Such little things are always pleasing, especially if such little things continue to work throughout the entire period of use. Rollers on the front of the legs will allow you to easily free up space for cleaning the children's room, or will help you quickly move the desk... for example, to the window.

  • Protection of children's fingers (larger gaps)

An important point is safety. KETTLER has extensive experience in the production of goods for children: children's transport (scooters, bicycles, pedal cars), outdoor playgrounds, goods for newborns, children's furniture. And the main indicator - safety - has always been respected. In addition, in Europe there are special requirements for the production of children's products. and participation in the full production cycle allows factory specialists to control quality at all stages of the production process.

  • Maintaining correct posture during exercise

Compliance with the laws of ergonomics in the production of orthopedic furniture is the key to correct and healthy posture in the future. In young children, posture is just beginning to form, and at the moment of strengthening it it is useful to use the right furniture. KETTLER has been published many times in medical journals devoted to orthopedic issues. Our desks and chairs can be found in various educational institutions, public and private schools, kindergartens.

  • Preserving vision

The correct tilt of the tabletop when writing, reading and creativity helps keep children's vision sharp. When reading, for correct posture, the tabletop should be at an angle of 30°; it is this tilt that practically eliminates the occurrence of pain in the back of the head and back. When writing, the recommended tilt of the tabletop is 15°. In this position, your posture remains straight and your wrists rest comfortably on the table. For drawing, sculpting or sketching optimal angle the inclination should be 0-5°.

  • Protection against self-regulation

Children's joy at the sight of a new table knows no bounds. Child yours free time tries to spend it at the desk or next to it. He studies his new table with great curiosity, tries on the briefcase, pulls out the drawer, climbs under the desk and examines the device with the fastidiousness of a seasoned engineer. Making it safe to use is the main task of technologists. Therefore, along with other safety elements, clamps were invented to protect against children's height adjustments of the desk. Only under parental control can children themselves set the height of the table to suit their height.

  • Steel frame can withstand enormous loads

home distinctive feature desks, this is its basis - the frame structure. Those. the entire existing load during the entire period of use falls on the steel skeleton of the desk. It's like comparing a frame SUV with a regular car assembled from hundreds of parts. Thanks to this design, the table can withstand enormous loads and can serve faithfully for decades. I would like to note that the steel frame is completely manufactured at the KETTLER factory, each element is made using German equipment and under the supervision of German specialists.

  • Wide range of colors

To satisfy the most demanding customers, the KETTLER design bureau develops models that meet modern trends. The appearance of the desks represents a combination of unique technological solutions and laconic design, plus a combination of popular colors used by manufacturers in the manufacture of children's rooms.

Our desks are ready to serve you for more than 100 years. If you need high-quality and reliable school furniture - welcome to KETTLER!

I would like to end the description of children's orthopedic furniture with the words of the founder of the factory, Hines Kettler: “I am always ready to invest an extra cent in every detail, just to get a product of one hundred percent quality.”


It is difficult to overestimate the importance of high-quality children's furniture. After all, it is for transformable desk child spends most day, so it should be comfortable, convenient and safe for his health. Why exactly children's desk , but not writing children's table ? According to pediatricians, rigid fixation of the seat creates optimal conditions for the child's posture. This effect is achieved because the baby, not being able to move the chair back, is forced to maintain correct posture when writing. That is why for primary schools it is imperative to buy desks, not tables, so that the child strengthens the habit of sitting correctly. Modern school desks amaze with the variety of species. First of all, classic stationary desks are in great demand. These are what most people buy educational institutions. This model has a comfortable, high-quality tabletop, special shelves for books and a place where you can hang your bag. More new modeltransformable desk . This is an improved type of school furniture, such workplace can be customized individually for a specific child. The movable tabletop makes it possible to perfectly select the desired angle of inclination, and the movable back of the chair allows you to adjust the seat depth. Also available children's desks with special orthopedic benches. Orthopedic furniture is a new development that appeared quite recently, but Russian consumers have already appreciated it.

When choosing children's furniture, you should never focus only on price and appearance products. In order not to risk the health of your child, you should always pay attention to the manufacturer. The Kettler company is a German company of European level, which has established itself in many countries around the world. Products of this trademark- always impeccable quality and reasonable prices. It was this fact that became fundamental during the company’s promotion on the Russian market, because only in Kettler brand stores you can purchase high-quality goods for children at affordable prices. Separately, it is worth noting the environmental friendliness of Kettler products. Buying school desks for children , you can be completely sure that this product is absolutely safe. This fact is noted by the international Blue Angel Award, which Kettler received for using only natural materials in the production process and the use of technologies that do not cause harm. environment. Therefore, purchasing transformable desks , tables for schoolchildren, chairs and other furniture for your child in Kettler branded stores, you can be sure of its impeccable quality and safety.

What parameters are used to select a table/desk for a schoolchild?

Choosing one like children's table and chair , you should pay attention to such parameters as the age and height of the child. It is best if your child participates in the purchasing process. First of all, there is an educational moment in this: at a certain period of time, the child should be taught to accept independent decisions. The second aspect is more practical reasons - any children's furniture should be selected individually, which means it needs to be “tried on” before purchasing. If you purchase a classic non-adjustable desk option, you need to pay close attention to the height of the table and chair. The height of the tabletop should be such that it reaches the child’s chest. If the table is lower, the baby will slouch, which can negatively affect its posture. A table top that is too high is also undesirable; in this case, it will simply be uncomfortable for the child to work at such a table.

The same goes for height. A chair or bench in a desk should be of such a size that its little owner sits comfortably and feels comfortable. The student’s knees should form an angle of 90 degrees. Only with this ratio can you be sure that the load on the child’s spine is distributed evenly and nothing threatens his health.

School desks and adjustable desks

For older children school age are intended for special adjustable desks for home . Their manufacturing technology is such that it allows you to subsequently adjust the height of the tabletop and seat. Thus home desk “grows” together with its little owner. In addition, adjustable desks allow you to change the tilt of the table, which increases the comfort of using this item and makes it possible to choose the viewing angle that is optimal for the child.

The once ordinary desks for schoolchildren are also equipped with all kinds of devices. A modern transformable children's desk for schoolchildren has special boxes For stationery, a place to hang your school bag and even a retractable ruler. We should also not forget that today desk should also act as a place for a computer. The world dictates its terms, and manufacturers of furniture for children have to come to terms with it! The Kettler company, as always, keeps its finger on the pulse of innovative developments. Moreover, she herself is a “trendsetter” in this product market. Therefore, desks for schoolchildren from Kettler are equipped with everything necessary for full-fledged studies.

Transformable desks for children's rooms

Don't forget that learning is not limited to schoolwork. At home, children also spend quite a lot of time at the desk. What furniture should you buy for a children's room? Perfect fit transformable desks. This is a type of adjustable desk that can be used by children of all ages. different ages. And this is the main advantage of Transformers! If at school a child, moving from class to class, sits on furniture commensurate with his age and height, then it will be quite expensive for parents to change the furniture in the children's room every couple of years. That is why the transforming desk perfect option For home use. Having purchased it once, when the child goes to school, you can periodically adjust its parameters, adjusting it to suit your grown child.

Of course, such furniture will last a long time only if it is made from materials High Quality and in compliance with all standards. Kettler children's furniture can be attributed to this category. Desks for schoolchildren from Kettler are produced using various materials. The traditional Kettler line includes wooden models. This is a natural, time-tested material that manufacturers use to make both classic desks and their more modern analogues. What's good about wood? It is durable, environmentally friendly, products made from it can fit into any interior. These desks are in perfect harmony with the rest of the furniture in the children's room, pleasant to the touch and easy to use. But as practice has shown, wooden furniture Parents prefer to choose, but children love the brighter and more elegant plastic models from Kettler. Multi-colored, bright, saturated shades of tables and desks bring an indescribable atmosphere of positivity and joy to the children's room. Children love these tables and chairs and can spend hours working, playing or studying at them.

Desk for a child

Choosing a children's table for a first-grader is more or less simple, but teenage children are much more demanding customers. They are sometimes much more difficult to please than their parents. That's why desk for child adolescence should be chosen only when it direct participation. Most often, young boys and girls prefer a desk as their own workplace, which they also use as a computer desk. Due to the heavy academic load in high school, it makes sense for a teenager to purchase his own home office. This is unique furniture designed to equip a children's room. It contains everything you need for comfortable work: a comfortable desk on which you can place a computer, a soft orthopedic chair, many cabinets and niches for placing books and stationery there. A children's office is an ideal workplace for a teenager.

Buy desks in our online store

An innovative development in the field of children's products is orthopedic furniture. What is its advantage? It's no secret that a child spends most of the day studying, first at school, and then at home, doing homework. Sometimes he even rests without getting up from the table, since rest for many is communication on the Internet or computer games. Observing this picture, pediatricians around the world sounded the alarm. Children who spend most of the day sitting at a desk and computer often develop scoliosis, congestive processes in the muscles, which can cause them to suffer from pain and cramps. Is it possible to prevent such a situation? Certainly, the best medicine is still sport and walking fresh air. But time dictates its own rules, and often, no matter how much adults want to change something, a child prefers his own desk and computer to all the entertainment and walks. What remains in such a situation? Organize the workplace in such a way as to eliminate the existing problem as much as possible. The revolutionary invention of the Kettler brand was orthopedic furniture for schoolchildren. So today, before buy a children's desk for home, it would be useful to ask, do the chairs on these desks have orthopedic backs? What is this type of furniture? Unlike static tables and chairs, orthopedic furniture can adapt to the owner. Such a table or desk can be adjusted both in height and inclination of the tabletop. But special attention should be paid to the chair. A unique development allows it to take the shape of a human body. The movable backrest repeats every movement of the student, adapting to the position of his body. This allows you to completely relieve tension from the muscles and prevent the development of scoliosis. This means keeping your child healthy!

Why is Kettler a leader in the children's products market?

The Kettler company is true European quality from German manufacturers. One has only to purchase Kettler children's products and compare them with similar products from other manufacturers, and one can immediately feel the difference. It goes without saying that all products are made from environmentally friendly natural material(this is confirmed by international awards). In addition, the creators of Kettler school furniture tried to take into account the wishes of both parents and the little users themselves. They not only made the tables, chairs and desks functional and comfortable, but also painted them in bright, rich colors. The Kettler company has patented a number of developments in the production of orthopedic furniture. Unique technology allows you to spend many hours without leaving your workplace, without putting any strain on your back muscles and spine. This development was a revolutionary breakthrough in the production of goods for children, as it made it possible to prevent the occurrence of diseases such as scoliosis. Children's offices from Kettler are multifunctional and convenient. In addition to a state-of-the-art orthopedic desk, this office includes many compartments for storing office supplies. In such an “office” the child will feel comfortable and comfortable. In addition, the very realization that he is the rightful owner of his own office will give the little one strength and a desire to acquire new knowledge and skills. Isn’t this the real goal and task of any parents - to instill a love of knowledge? Using furniture from Kettler, you can study, play on the computer, draw, and explore this incomprehensible world. In a word, if you need high-quality, reliable and affordable children's school furniture - welcome to the Kettler online store for school desks!

Children's growing desks are the result of technological progress that has been observed in the furniture industry for many years. Previously, users were forced to buy models developed, relatively speaking, decades ago. These are the most primitive tables with a slight slope of the tabletop and, at most, stands for textbooks.

However, today the situation has changed radically. Desks have become multifunctional, variable, offering a wide range of possibilities to their owner, and with them, efficiency. After all, with the parallel “growth” of the table along with its owner, parents no longer have to regularly update the furniture, taking into account the gradual maturation of the child, and once purchased, the model is able to pass all the tests with him from the first to the last grade.

In our online store you will find a wide range of products from the most famous manufacturers around the world, you will be able to consult on questions that interest you and get help in choosing a specific name. All products are genuine and come with an official guarantee.

Work principles
The main advantage of new generation desks is the ability to adapt to current operating scenarios and the needs of specific users. The most common and popular options include:
  • tabletop height adjustment;
  • changing the angle of its inclination;
  • setting the desired height of each of the support legs.
By setting the desired angle work surface, you can prepare her for comfortable reading books, exercises in fine arts, calligraphy and other aspects. And even if flooring the room contains differences, unevenness compensators will correct this situation.
Selection of materials
Technical progress has not bypassed the raw material base on which “growing” desks are produced. Previously, only wood and its processed products were used for such purposes. Now it could be modern polymer compositions, various metal alloys and even glass. Of course, there are also wooden analogues, and they are also in high demand. Only the processing procedure has become cheaper, which is reflected in the final cost of the final product. So feel free to explore our catalog and choose one for yourself and your child. the best furniture for many years.

Children's growing desks are the result of technological progress that has been observed in the furniture industry for many years. Previously, users were forced to buy models developed, relatively speaking, decades ago. These are the most primitive tables with a slight slope of the tabletop and, at most, stands for textbooks.

However, today the situation has changed radically. Desks have become multifunctional, variable, offering a wide range of possibilities to their owner, and with them, efficiency. After all, with the parallel “growth” of the table along with its owner, parents no longer have to regularly update the furniture, taking into account the gradual maturation of the child, and once purchased, the model is able to pass all the tests with him from the first to the last grade.

In our online store you will find a wide range of products from the most famous manufacturers around the world, you can consult on questions that interest you and get help in choosing a specific item. All products are genuine and come with an official guarantee.

Work principles
The main advantage of new generation desks is the ability to adapt to current operating scenarios and the needs of specific users. The most common and popular options include:
  • tabletop height adjustment;
  • changing the angle of its inclination;
  • setting the desired height of each of the support legs.
By setting the desired angle of the working surface, you can prepare it for comfortable reading of books, exercises in fine arts, calligraphy and other aspects. And even if the floor covering in the room contains differences, unevenness compensators will correct this situation.
Selection of materials
Technical progress has not bypassed the raw material base on which “growing” desks are produced. Previously, only wood and its processed products were used for such purposes. Now these can be modern polymer compounds, various metal alloys and even glass. Of course, there are also wooden analogues, and they are also in high demand. Only the processing procedure has become cheaper, which is reflected in the final cost of the final product. So feel free to study our catalog and choose the best furniture for yourself and your child for many years to come.

Just like German cars, German desks have a certain reputation in the market. I must say, it is well deserved - let's start with the fact that it was the moll company that began producing height-adjustable children's desks back in 1974. Since then, it is precisely this criterion - height adjustment - that has become one of the decisive ones when choosing furniture for schoolchildren. Moll was followed by other manufacturers, and today furniture from Paidi and Kettler is also quite popular in this niche.

Convenience, ergonomics, and the design of “growing” desks are taken into account by parents seeking to provide their child with optimal conditions for studying at home. But at the same time big choice commercially available models can confuse many mothers and fathers who simply do not have the time to understand all the intricacies of “Partology”.

For clarity, we suggest highlighting the main parameters that will help you quickly decide whether a given desk is suitable for a particular family. This: age category target audience(depending on the height of the tabletop), size and ability to tilt the tabletop, table top type(whole, separate), materials, appearance desks, and, of course, price category. The presence of accessories is also important, as are awards and medals from independent experts, so we will also try to take these points into account.

On this moment the lineup school desks from the German manufacturers discussed in this review looks like this:

(Kettler): Cool Top, School, Little, Comfort, College Box, Logo Max, Logo Plus, Logo Duo

(Mall): moll Champion, moll Champion Compact, moll Winner, moll Winner Compact, moll Joker


All of the above models are height adjustable: Kettler 51-78 cm (except Logo Duo and Comfort - their height varies from 54 to 78 cm), all moll models have a standard range of 53-82 cm, Paidi MARCO 2 and TABLO are height adjustable 53-79 cm, while Paidi FALKO and JARO are 54-76 cm. Thus, for a child of average height and any school age, any of the above-mentioned models is suitable, and the desk will serve him from first to last grade. According to reviews from German parents, all these desks are very solid, stable and reliable, proven over years of almost daily use.

All models have an inclined tabletop with an inclination angle from 0 to 18-22 degrees; moll Champion, moll Champion Compact, Kettler Comfort, Kettler Logo Duo, Paidi MARCO 2 (130 cm) and Paidi JARO models have separate tabletops, that is, one part rises , and the other remains motionless.

Not all schoolchildren have their own study room - very often the free space in the apartment is limited, or, conversely, one long desk is purchased for two schoolchildren. Advice - decide on the length of the tabletop, based on your needs and available space, this will narrow down your search.

As for design, manufacturers try not to distract attention from functionality. The desks are made either in natural colors that are pleasing to the eye (oak, maple, beech, spruce, birch), or in white with unobtrusive color accents. This makes it easy to combine the newly purchased desk with existing furniture in the children's room.

The tabletop material is high-quality laminated chipboard, approved for use in the production of children's furniture (and in Germany everything is strict about this!), and the frames, guides and table legs are made of durable steel. Smooth lines, lack sharp corners and clearances between moving parts increases operational safety.

Accessories vary slightly from manufacturer to manufacturer. For example, for the moll Champion model, a drawer under the tabletop needs to be purchased separately, but a folding book stand, a cable channel, a magnetic ruler-limiter, a side hook for a school backpack and replaceable decorative elements 8 colors are included. Manufacturers offer a line of related products, coordinated in style and color scheme- shelves, bedside tables, tabletop extenders and so on, so that it will be possible to develop individual project workplace. And if you invite the future owner or owner of the desk to participate in the selection...

Awards and merits? For example, moll desk Champion received the super prestigious Red Dot Design Awards in 2012, Kettler has a large number of patents and developments in the production of orthopedic furniture, and the Paidi brand has been synonymous with children's furniture of the highest quality for more than 80 years.

Time to ask about the price of the issue. Let's face it, it's more expensive than their domestic or Chinese counterparts, but... Drawing an analogy with the auto industry again, if you value long, uninterrupted operation, no need for frequent maintenance, and a stylish appearance, then a desk from one of the German manufacturers is your choice!

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