How to keep yourself busy when you're bored. What to do alone in your free time



Tired, exhausted, bored, tired of everything, low mood or depression? Time to come up with an interesting and promising activity for a great time. What to do alone? Save your ideas because you never know when you'll get bored.

If you feel like you're exhausted and nothing is “catching” you, go on a creative date. This is the time you need to spend with yourself, with your inner artist. Believe me, it is in each of us. Go out every week for an hour or more, do something you enjoy. No excuses and no company. Here are some creative date options for you. Try to awaken your imagination, and you will notice how you no longer suffer from inner stuffiness. Our inner artist is a changeable, vulnerable and vulnerable nature, like a child whose parents divorced. At least once a week, he demands your undivided attention so that he can talk about his dreams and problems.

Here are some ideas for things to do alone:

1. Go to an art store. You are taking polymer clay, gouache or pastel. Enjoy the colors - bright, flashy, juicy, delicate. Try paper of different textures: for watercolor, drawing or oil painting. If you like something, buy it and use it.

2. Go plein air. It is not necessary to take an easel with you; a regular notepad and a simple pencil will suffice. Find a beautiful place in the city and try to draw it.

3. Visit a flower shop. In spring, the assortment is updated, and you can find flowers of unusual colors and shapes. Try to collect a bouquet from different “breeds”, or choose indoor plant, which will please the eye.

4. Visit a fabric and accessories store. If you are a visual or kinesthetic learner, you will definitely enjoy going through various materials and buttons. You can create an unusual picture from your favorite scraps, ribbons and buttons.

5. How long have you been to a second-hand bookstore? Try to find there unique copies and books that were published in the year of your birth. Feel the smell of old paper, its texture, feel the spirit of the times.

6. Antique store - perfect place to remind yourself of your inner child. Find something that reminds you of your grandmother's house. Maybe a cuckoo clock? Or the jar in which she kept the world's most delicious cookies?

7. Edit the film. It doesn’t matter whether you know how to use video editors, simple versions of them are available on every computer. Shoot something or choose from a family archive, review the frames and assemble them into a new canvas.

8. Take a walk with your camera. If you don't have one, use your phone camera. Try to find unusual angles and corners of your city.

9. Take a music or singing lesson. If you have always been drawn to take up vocals, the time has come.

10. Dance. Try it different styles: ballroom or Arabic dancing, salsa or hip-hop, half-dance or twerk.

11. Try kickboxing or fencing. Yes, working out at a sports club doesn’t look like an option for creativity, but don’t rush to conclusions. Physical exercise relieve stress, reboot the brain and lead to a surge of energy.

12. Do anti-gravity yoga, yoga in hammocks. Depending on the style you choose, you may feel like a ballerina or a circus gymnast. Get off the ground, trust your body, turn off your head and relax.

13. Go to a museum or gallery. It could be an exhibition of paintings, a museum contemporary art or vintage cars. The main thing is to spend this time alone with yourself and with what inspires you.

14. Maybe you are drawn to computers? Try enrolling in programming courses and understand what you didn’t understand before. Or write your own website with nice colors and animation.

15. Attend a poetry reading. Listen to how other authors read their poems and what rhymes and rhythms they use. Perhaps at the end of the day you will write your own work.

16. Listen church choir. It is not at all necessary to be a believer or adhere to any particular worldview. Just go to the temple and take a break from the city noise.

17. Visit a restaurant you haven't been to for a long time. Order something you've never tried. It doesn't have to be an expensive dinner, just treat yourself to something special.

18. Go to a craft store, there are many options for leisure activities. Listen to yourself, choose what to do - scrapbooking or soap making.

19. Visit a fruit market. Take your time: walk through the rows, take a little of everything, enjoy the smell of fresh fruits and explore something exotic. Try making a fruit salad out of it and eat it out of a pretty bowl.

20. Prepare breakfast/lunch/dinner in the same color theme. Let it be your favorite color, even if it's lilac. Experiment.

21. Go to culinary school. Now they are in every city. Learn how to make tangerine pancakes or casserole.

22. Go to a store with music CDs or instruments. Perhaps you would like to learn to play the ukulele.

23. If you are a music connoisseur, then you need to go to a vinyl store. Knowledgeable people They claim that the sound on the records is a real work of art.

24. Take your dog for a walk. If you don't have your own pet, "rent" from a neighbor or go to a local shelter. Volunteers are always needed, and communicating with an animal will give you many pleasant moments.

25. Spend time near the water. If there is no sea nearby, then you have rivers, lakes and ponds at your disposal.

26. Walk through the forest and collect a herbarium. Even in early spring you might find something interesting.

27. Take a Spanish class or any other language you don't already know. If you wish, you can also improve the one you studied at school.

28. Collect magazines and newspapers in one pile, cut out everything that seems interesting and beautiful to you. Make a collage that will motivate you or remind you of what you strive for.

29. Plant something. If not at the dacha, then at home on the windowsill. Even an onion from the nearest supermarket.

30. Write yourself a letter. It is better to do this outside the home, but where it will be quiet enough to concentrate. You can set yourself a certain deadline and open the envelope in a year or five years.

31. Write a letter to your parents. Tell them what you are grateful for and how they have impacted your life. If possible, send it to them by mail.

32. Make a bouquet of fruits or vegetables. The technique of creating such a bouquet can be mastered in floristry courses or through video tutorials on the Internet.

33. Take a walk around the area where you for a long time lived or where they spent their childhood.

34. Watch a movie in a genre that is unusual for you. For example, if you prefer American action films, then pay attention to the films of Kim Ki-duk.

35. Visit a fair or social store. Buy something inexpensive, but from which you can create something new. For example, turn a child's boot into a glass for brushes.

36. Spend time in a nearby park and just people-watch. How they behave, what they are wearing. Pay attention to what colors of clothing prevail among passers-by.

37. Go to the pet store. Watch the fish and hamsters, it's relaxing.

38. You can find a lot of interesting things in souvenir shops, try to find something of your own.

39. Visit a mosque, Catholic church or Buddhist temple. Again, regardless of your religion. Other customs, people and cultures are inspiring if you treat them with respect.

40. Give yourself an unusual make-up, hairstyle or manicure. Be bolder and don’t look for excuses like “at 30, it’s already indecent to dye your hair pink.”

41. Ride aimlessly around the city in a car, motorcycle or bicycle. Choose a time when there is little traffic on the road: late in the evening or early in the morning.

42. Go to an amusement park all alone, buy yourself cotton candy and enjoy spring.

43. Go to the theater, but don't take anyone with you.

44. Draw with crayons on the asphalt or on slate board. How more colors, all the better.

45. Draw graffiti. Seriously, be a teenager for a bit. The main thing is not to engage in vandalism. Paint the fence on your property or the door of your garage.

46. ​​Do family tree. Go through family albums, remember your parents' stories. Don't worry if you don't know your great-grandmother's date of birth. Just draw and write, draw up the information you know on whatman paper.

47. See the sights of your city, imagining yourself as a tourist. Stock up on brochures or an audio guide, and walk the streets.

48. Daydream in the planetarium, look at the constellations and learn something new.

49. Sit with a book in a cozy cafe and order an unusual drink.

50. Try to master wood carving. This develops imagination, teaches attentiveness and accuracy. Wood can be replaced with metal or banana peel.

51. Take a voice recorder and record the sounds you like on the street. For example, the sound of wheels of passing trains, the chirping of birds, the splashing of water.

52. Edit your radio program. Speak like a news anchor or hold a competition among imaginary listeners. Choose the compositions that you like, tell a non-existent audience about them.

53. Master the craft of pottery. Try making a mug or vase from clay.

54. Go to the festival of colors Holi. In spring and summer, such events take place in almost every city. Don't be afraid to get dirty, enjoy the abundance bright colors and the smiles of people you don't know.

The point of a creative date is to find something new and inspiring for yourself, to learn to move from “need” to “want”. Choose an activity you like, and Internet search engines will help you with the rest.

Programming is a typical hobby of a modern geek. There are a lot of opportunities - from web programming to game development. There are many areas and different directions in programming, so you can probably find something truly interesting for yourself. And no financial investment is required. But most importantly, you don’t even need additional space except a table with a computer or a laptop on your lap (and I’m sure you already have one).

2. Raspberry Pi

Raspberry Pi is a very small computer, essentially one board slightly larger bank card. But nevertheless, it contains a processor, memory, ports for external devices, Internet connection and graphic output. Initially, the device was created as an inexpensive system for teaching computer science, but it caused a real sensation among geeks. Its main advantage is that it can be used in almost any way. You can start with simple projects, such as turning an old TV into a monitor. And then show all your creative imagination. In addition, an improved version of the device was released not long ago at the same price - $35.

3. Arduino

Like the Raspberry Pi, the Arduino is a small microcontroller that is quite easy to use. The board can be purchased both on the website from the official manufacturer and from third-party developers - the completely open architecture of the platform allows you to copy and expand the line. But the most chic thing is, of course, to try to make the device yourself. We recommend watching Arduino co-creator Massimo Banzi talk about how a small device sparks people's imagination.

4. Amateur radio

Despite the fact that the practical value of amateur radio receivers is a thing of the past, the amateur radio community is more enthusiastic than ever. This is an opportunity not only to test your knowledge of radio in practice, but also to start communicating with people around the world. First, you can try to assemble walkie-talkies to talk with a friend, and then take on a more complex project.

5. Opening locks with master keys

You probably thought that only criminal elements needed master keys, but don’t rush to conclusions. Not everyone who is free time learns to use master keys, does this in order to break into houses and open safes. In fact, the lockpicking community does not encourage illegal activity in any way.

Lockpick enthusiasts enjoy calculating traversal features complex mechanisms. That’s why there are so many fans of puzzles and quests among master key lovers. Moreover, if you ever find yourself in dangerous situation, when you need to quickly open a lock, this skill will come in handy.

6. Rocket simulation

IN Soviet time this hobby was very popular; almost every locality had such a circle. Today you rarely meet people who are passionate about modeling, and it’s in vain. After all, now it is not necessary to make all the parts by hand, so anyone can assemble a rocket alone. We added this hobby to the list of things that you can do without leaving home, because preparing for a launch is a painstaking task and takes place mainly indoors. But when the model is ready, go to open air and be sure to invite your friends with you: everyone will be interested in watching a real rocket flight.

7. Lego

Many of us grew up with Legos. Perhaps colorful bricks will be able to interest you again after all these years. If you don’t have enough time to get to the store, you can play Lego directly on the Internet using Google.

Lego is not just a fun hobby, it has several additional benefits. For example, the designer helps develop management skills. In addition, sharing a common hobby will allow you to spend more time with your children. So don't wait and choose Lego to your liking.

8. Wood carving

You don't need a whole workshop to work with wood. To begin with, you can learn how to cut out small figures. At first it won’t work out very neatly, but over time you will gain experience and be able to do interesting things with your own hands.

9. Home brewing

If you're a craft beer fan and want to pick up a new hobby, now is the time to try making your own foamy drink. Start small - a small batch of a few liters. If you like the result, take on larger volumes.

Some brewery owners started out as hobbyists. Some enjoy the process itself, experimenting with their own recipes. And others can’t wait to try the results.

10. Making canned food

Canning - common name all hobbies related to wrapping food in jars. Your mother or grandmother will probably tell you where to buy jars, but keep in mind that you will have to deal with freezing, drying, salting, smoking, distilling, storing and much more. The canning process itself is quite simple, but there are many subtleties that you will have to understand if you do not want to end up with an inedible product.

11. Hydroponics

Gardening is an activity for those who have at least small area land that is in conditions modern city may be rare. Fortunately, there is alternative methods growing plants, and one of them is hydroponics. This method does not require soil at all, just water and nutrients.

12. Production of homemade candles

If you regularly buy scented candles for your home, you know that it doesn't come cheap, especially from top-notch brands. So why not try making your own candles? It's surprisingly easy and doesn't require serious investments. All you need is wax, wick thread and a mold. In addition, you can make good money from this hobby.

13. Bookbinding

Have you ever thought about how books are published? Why not learn how bookbinding is done and collect at least a couple of notebooks for yourself? To begin with, you should try simple techniques, such as saddle stitching, and only then move towards something more complex, such as Coptic binding. You can try working with leather, you can come up with a cover design - and no one else will have such an original notebook as yours.

14. Origami

Origami is a wonderful way to develop fine motor skills, and again, no additional financial investments are required for such a hobby. At first, origami is difficult. But there are so many educational materials on the Internet that you will quickly get off the ground.

15. Bead designs

Bead art is the creation of pixel art using Perler beads and a special board. Each bead corresponds to one pixel. You can create famous game characters with your own hands - the main thing is to choose the right colors. A 1,000-part pack from Perler can be purchased online for just a few dollars.

16. Knitting knots

A fascinating activity if you don't stop at just superficial knowledge. There are hundreds of different nodes, each of which will be useful in different circumstances. In some activities, such as rock climbing, boating, even regular hiking, you can't go without knots. But knots are interesting in themselves and can become an excellent hobby. For this hobby you need to develop logic and be able to solve puzzles, so it is perfect for diligent and attentive people.

17. Balloon animals

Everyone loved the circus as a child. Clowns are real monopolists in the production of animals from balloons, but this does not mean that you yourself cannot do the same for your own pleasure. If you grasp the essence of this technique, you will be able to show your creativity and imagination. And if you have children or younger brothers or sisters, believe me, they will be absolutely delighted with your hobby.

In this article we will reflect on a topic that has worried each of us at least once: how to have fun? Wherever boredom finds you, no matter who you are with, there is always a way to have fun. In addition, there are situations when you have a lot to do, but laziness overcomes you, and you need to distract yourself and have a little fun so that you have the strength to continue them.

How to have fun at home

Many people spend most of their free time at home, therefore, it is very important to come up with interesting activities, and not just lie on the couch. Here's what we can suggest if you are alone:

  • Watch TV. Although sometimes I show complete nonsense there, but maybe you are lucky, and there is an interesting program or film on at least one channel.
  • In the era of progress, it’s a sin not to have fun online. How to have fun on the Internet we'll talk below.
  • Read books, magazines, newspapers. After all, reading ennobles, although not just any kind.
  • Dream about different topics. For example, you are a super hero and you save the world.
  • Do exercises. Quite a useful activity with which you will stretch your body and get a boost of energy.
  • Make a rearrangement. Changing the interior can liven up your apartment, although it is not necessary to approach this globally, it is enough to rearrange a couple of things in your room and look at it in a new way.
  • Play with your pet, if you have one.
  • Sort out old photos and have a nostalgic evening or day. Sometimes, looking at old photos brings a lot of positive emotions.
  • Write a memoir. After a couple of months, in your free time, you will have something to read.

If you don’t have enough company to have fun, then you should invite guests (friends, relatives, your boyfriend/girlfriend). You can also have fun with them using some of the above options. In addition, you can offer to arrange a photo shoot. Come up with an idea for a photo shoot, for example, you can copy your favorite movie characters, the main thing is that all this brings you pleasure, and the funny shots of your meeting will remain as a memory.

How to have fun on the Internet

On the Internet, everyone will find something to their liking. Here are some options:

  1. Watching funny and simply interesting videos on the Internet (for example, on the YouTube portal). It is better to choose a topic that interests you and find a video by searching. If you don’t know what you want to watch, then use the following searches: funniest video, etc.
  2. View photos and pictures that are funny and meaningful, or simply beautiful, on any topic. In this sense, demotivators are perfect.
  3. Various Online Games, including games with real people, not for passing, but simply as entertainment (erudite, various card games, arcades, etc.)
  4. Watch movies or TV series online.
  5. Read e-books, or interesting articles.
  6. Take part in online training, on special training portals, many of which are free. So, you can, for example, study foreign language.
  7. Meet new people, including those from remote areas of the Earth, using, for example, dating sites or Skype.

How young people have fun

The question is very interesting, because different time, young people are interested in different things, and if you consider yourself one of them, then you should at least know the hobbies of modern youth:

  • Night clubs.
  • Sports, including: paintball, climbing walls, billiards, bowling, snowboarding. Modern youth are quite active. And many appreciate healthy image life, therefore, they devote enough time to their body and spirit, attending yoga classes, various dances, a swimming pool, etc.
  • Musical concerts various directions. You get a lot of drive listening to live music and watching how the musicians devote themselves to their work on stage. This is often combined with a trip to a nightclub.
  • Theater.
  • Shopping.
  • Theme parties held at home.
  • Exhibitions and museums.

Much of the above can be done alone, in company, or with your significant other. Although in the latter case there are other entertainment options, more intimate ones, which are not worth talking about. Because, if you are left alone with your significant other, then the first thing that comes to mind when answering the question: how to have fun with a girl is, of course, making love to her. In addition, you can arrange a romantic dinner for your loved one, and .

All people experience boredom at home from time to time. It doesn’t matter how old they are, what gender they are. Some quickly find entertainment and something to do, while others suffer from idleness, walking around the house from corner to corner, not knowing how to entertain themselves, thereby causing even greater melancholy. So, before we get rid of boredom, let's figure out why it happened in the first place. Having found the cause, we will try to eliminate it.

Causes of boredom at home

  1. You have returned from vacation. The days were full of entertainment, travel, and meetings. Life was boiling and seething. Emotions were overwhelming. And now you find yourself at home in peace and quiet. Working days ahead. You are sad and don’t know what to do.
  2. You are a sociable person. Love spending time in the company of friends. When you find yourself at home alone, boredom can set in.
  3. Your days are similar to each other. Everything is on schedule. Monotony and routine get boring at some point. I want something new. All your thoughts are about how to entertain yourself at home with unusual activities, activities, and entertainment.
  4. Fatigue has accumulated. I don't want to do anything.

Left at home alone with yourself, you can take time different ways, while getting pleasure for the mind, soul and body. You don't know how? It’s not difficult to entertain yourself; there are many ways.

For women and girls

  • Create a spa at home. Treat yourself! Get a manicure, pedicure, masks, body wrap. Whatever comes to mind and suits your age and skin type. You will undoubtedly be in a better mood after these procedures. And the time you spend on yourself, your loved one, will not be in vain.
  • Try to create a new image. Do unusual makeup and hairstyle. The question of how to entertain yourself will disappear by itself. Take all things out of the closet and try them on. Try making new combinations. Perhaps you will find something new for yourself from long-forgotten things. This will not only help you forget about boredom, but will also help you save a little on new things.

For boys and men

  • It would be good to remember that you were asked to screw in a screw, drive a nail, or repair a cabinet. But you are a busy person, there is never enough time for such little things. Right now the moment has come when you can do this and get the well-deserved admiring glances of your beloved women: mother, wife, girlfriend.
  • You have long dreamed of defeating all enemies in computer game. Now you can completely surrender to the virtual world. It will captivate you so much that there will be no trace of boredom left. You won't notice how time flies by.

Common to all

We are so accustomed to the frantic pace of life that we often find ourselves confused on the weekend. All tasks are completed, the weather is bad outside, and there is nothing interesting on TV. And the question arises: when is there nothing to do? Boredom is dangerous due to its unpredictability, and it is better to have a pre-planned list of entertainment options for all occasions: for children, for spouses, and for yourself personally.

What to do if you're bored and have nothing to do at home

Accustomed to planning everything in advance, we leave no room for force majeure. So the question of what to do at home when there is nothing to do is by no means idle. It also happens that the situation gets out of control, the trip is cancelled, friends cannot come, and an interesting film is replaced with a stupid comedy.

How to entertain your child and husband, what to do at home when you have absolutely nothing to do and all your plans have failed? First of all, stop panicking about looking for a replacement for entertainment and trying to impose your will on your family. Maybe they are already quietly reading or watching a TV series. Here is a short list that you can use when you are wondering what to do at home when you have nothing to do:

  • make a list of films that you would like to watch, on such days it will help you out;
  • clean up your home office, sort out seasonal items, go through your wardrobe;
  • play Board games;
  • if the weather permits, go for a walk;
  • engage in creativity, handicrafts or self-education;
  • read;
  • prepare food.

This list is far from complete and everyone can add interesting things and activities to it.

If you're bored together

Young people often have no idea why people wonder when there is nothing to do. After all, there is no time to be bored. However, time passes, and the two of them are no longer so fun. And it even seems that the relationship has exhausted itself. Don't do it Perhaps joint leisure will return the former excitement to the relationship.

Joint affairs of a guy and a girl:

  • read the same work at speed, and then exchange opinions;
  • watch the series and discuss the characters;
  • play board games - cards, chess, backgammon;
  • invite your friends and have a spontaneous party.

Active recreation without leaving home

If you are used to moving a lot, then being forced to stay at home will not be an easy test. The reasons can be different, from bad weather to a cold. Let's figure out what to do at home when there is nothing to do and there is no way to go out, but you really want to be active.

List of active home entertainment:

  • turn on your favorite music and dance your heart out - no one can see you, so you can jump as you please;
  • do yoga - it requires solitude and tranquility - the environment is suitable;
  • go jogging - this idea seems absurd, but you can even run around coffee table, there would be a desire;
  • Do strength exercises and stretching.

Housework is an escape from boredom

Housework never stops, but doing it is unbearably boring. Let's figure out how to simultaneously entertain yourself and do household chores:

  • work to upbeat music;
  • make a plan and break it down into very small points, and after completing each one, praise yourself and take a short break;
  • focus on one area of ​​work, for example, the desktop - wash it from all sides, wipe the lamp, sort out the piles of papers, clean the keyboard, now you can rest;
  • work quickly and passionately.

And to make the task easier, for those who are still inexperienced in homework, here is a list of what can be done:

  • wash, vacuum or sweep the floor;
  • remove seasonal clothing and shoes;
  • wipe the mirrors;
  • fold clothes neatly in the closet;
  • wash the windows;
  • clean the plumbing;
  • wipe the dust;
  • wash the washing machine and dishwasher;
  • wash the refrigerator, etc.

How to entertain yourself without TV and computer

It’s hard to imagine a modern person without a smartphone or tablet in his hands, and at home we have a computer and a TV waiting for us. But, unfortunately, such a dominance of gadgets has a bad effect on health - vision deteriorates, posture worsens, and the news can cause you to fall into real depression. In addition, all such equipment is dependent on electricity, so it will be useful to have a plan of what to do at home when there is nothing to do without gadgets.

What to do without a phone and computer at home:

  • read a book, if you don’t have one, borrow it from the library or from friends;
  • draw, this is a great activity and you don’t need to have any special knowledge for it, just a pencil, paper and desire;
  • do handicrafts - knitting, embroidery, bead weaving, all these activities not only calm and entertain, but also bring tangible benefits in the form of a new thing;
  • warm up, do exercises or a full set of exercises;
  • clean up or prepare lunch;
  • communicate with household members;
  • get to know your neighbors - even if you do not maintain friendly relations, such communication will be useful;
  • go to bed - modern man I'm having a catastrophic lack of sleep, eliminate this annoying misunderstanding.

What to do at home when the kids have nothing to do

It can be difficult for kids, and even older children, to find entertainment on their own. The older a person gets, the wider his horizons, and the more interests he has. The task of an adult is to guide the child, to give him not only a good upbringing, but also to protect him from bad influences. A bored kid may do something completely inappropriate for him, and a teenager may do something completely illegal.

How to entertain a child under three years old:

  • Give your child a saucepan and several plastic containers; silicone baking pans, wooden spatulas and disposable tableware- these items are safe and interesting;
  • put the child behind children's table, give him a bowl of water, a cloth and a mug - this will take the two-year-old for half an hour;
  • play with blocks with your child, show how to build houses;
  • read good and kind fairy tales to your child;
  • dance, jump on the bed, build a castle out of pillows;
  • Show your child a cartoon, but remember the quality of the visual product.

How to entertain preschoolers and younger schoolchildren:

  • watch a full-length film or cartoon and then discuss it;
  • build a puppet theater and perform a performance;
  • involve your child in feasible homework;
  • play board games with the whole family;
  • build a “castle” from chairs and pillows;
  • Invite your child's peers to visit.

What not to do when you're bored and have nothing to do

No matter how bored you are, there are things you should never do. Never break the law, remember that ignorance will not exempt you from responsibility. In addition, you should not violate public order and moral standards. Do not damage anyone's property, do not disturb the silence after eleven in the evening and do not use dubious methods of entertainment.

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