What are the optimal sizes of a bathhouse and its individual rooms. Bathhouse: layout and amazing solutions for compact buildings Bathhouse layout with a relaxation room and sink

The question of how to make a steam room in a bathhouse is more than relevant and this is not surprising, since without a steam room real bathhouse impossible in principle. The comfort and safety of using the bathhouse largely depends on how well the steam room is made.

So, can a steam room for a bath be made independently or is it still necessary to invite specialists who will cope with the task for a certain fee?

Stages of arrangement

A sauna with a steam room and a sink, built on your own on a summer cottage or near country house, this is not that uncommon.

The construction of this facility is step-by-step work, including the following points:

  • Project development;
  • Insulation;
  • Carrying out finishing works;
  • Installation of stove and shelves;
  • Door installation.


Any DIY construction begins with design. How convenient the bathhouse you built will be to use depends on this stage..

The correctly planned location of the stove in the steam room, the presence of ventilation, optimally selected ceiling height, distance from and many other points should be reflected in the project. Usage standard projects The baths are complicated by the fact that the location of the steam room is indicated there and nothing more.

Important: the steam room design must take into account the maximum number of potential visitors.

The standard dimensions of a steam room in a bathhouse are 2 x 2.4 meters, which is enough to comfortably accommodate 2-3 people. The height of the room should be no more than 2.2 and no less than 2 meters in order to A tall man could use the steam room almost without bending down.

Thermal insulation

A well-executed design of a steam room in a bathhouse is not a guarantee that you will be provided with the required comfort. Taking into account that the optimal effect of staying in a steam room is achieved due to high temperature, it is important to take care of high-quality thermal insulation premises. Thermal insulation is of two types: that which is carried out at the stage of construction of the bathhouse and that which is carried out during the implementation of a complex of finishing works.

If a bathhouse with a separate steam room is built from timber, we must use inter-crown insulation, such as jute tape. After the construction of the walls is completed, the cuttings are sealed.

Wood is initially characterized by a low degree of thermal conductivity; in addition, the tongue-and-groove joint used in the construction of timber walls ensures optimal tightness. But only high-quality insulation will allow you to quickly raise the temperature in the steam room to optimal parameters and maintain it for a long time.

In order to reduce possible heat loss to zero, when designing a steam room, it is necessary to abandon windows. Instead of windows, you can use artificial lighting, the brightness of which can be adjusted to suit your preferences.

Carrying out finishing work

Finishing a steam room in a bathhouse is very important point, taking into account high temperatures and high parameters humidity typical for steam room. In addition, at the stage of finishing work it is necessary to adjust the lighting in the steam room of the bathhouse. Regardless of the type of building in general, pairs department The inside is lined with wood.

The main requirements for finishing material in this case is:

  • compliance with environmental safety standards;
  • structure with a small number of pores;
  • resistance to elevated temperatures;
  • low price and availability for sale;
  • aesthetic appeal of the cut texture without the need for additional processing;
  • light weight;
  • simplicity machining and, as a result, ease of installation work.

Important: lumber used for finishing in a steam room in a bathhouse cannot be impregnated with drying oil or coated with varnish, since when heated, such a coating will cause the appearance of foreign odors.

The finishing of the steam room, including the walls and ceiling, is carried out as follows:

  • glassine or a vapor barrier membrane is attached to the rough surface;
  • a sheathing of 50*50 mm timber is placed on top of the vapor barrier with a pitch between adjacent beams of no more than 50 cm;
  • insulation is placed in the spaces between the beams ( mineral wool or glass wool);
  • vapor barrier strips are attached on top of the insulation with an overlap of 10-15 cm;
  • wooden lining is placed on top of the vapor barrier; as an option, a block house can be attached to the walls.

The instructions for making a floor suggest the use of boards 20*2.5 cm. The floorboards are laid on joists, between which insulation is poured, most often it is large or medium expanded clay.

Taking into account the abundance wooden surfaces, care must be taken to ensure their safety. Protect the floor from the destructive effects of excess moisture produced on the basis of vegetable oils.

Such impregnations penetrate the surface layers of wood and prevent the boards from getting wet. At the same time, oil-based impregnation does not emit foreign odors when heated, as happens with wood varnish.

For guard wood finishing You can use oil and wax based impregnations on walls. Such products are absorbed into the wood, while a thin wax film remains on the surface. This film allows condensation to quickly drain down the walls.

Furnace installation and furniture installation

It is quite problematic to assemble a good stove for a real Russian bath on your own. It is much easier to purchase a ready-made stove-heater made by professionals in a factory and install it according to the initially developed project.

Currently, specialized companies produce and offer for sale stoves in the classic style or vice versa modern design. You can purchase a unit with a blank, uninformative door, or you can buy a stove with a modern transparent hatch made of tempered glass.

Most stoves for use in steam rooms are made from sheet steel. The simplest modifications are a container for burning fuel and an open container for heating the stone backfill. More complex modifications can heat running water or water accumulated in a boiler.

During the construction phase of the bathhouse, a solid concrete platform is prepared for the installation of the stove. The part of the walls to which the unit adjoins is lined with heat-resistant bricks.

Modern stoves for use in a steam room must have the following qualities:

  • increased service life;
  • safety of operation and maintenance;
  • efficient removal of exhaust gases to the outside;
  • sufficient draft in the firebox for quick and easy ignition;
  • Possibility of using both wood and coal as fuel.

Important: not just any stones are used in the steam bath, but mainly large-sized pebbles, which do not crack due to sudden changes in temperature.

Furniture for the steam room can be purchased from finished form or made yourself. All household items that are installed in this part of the bathhouse are made exclusively from wood. The fact is that plastic cannot withstand high temperatures, while metal will heat up, which will result in discomfort.

Door installation

Today, bathhouse doors are manufactured to order by a number of specialized companies. On the other hand, durable wooden structure You can assemble it yourself and the result obtained will be no worse than the quality of the purchased product. Features of door installation depend on the material from which the entire bathhouse is built.

If the walls are made of timber, then a casing of the doorway is made, into which the frame is mounted and after that the canvas is installed. If the walls are made of foam blocks, then the opening for installing the door is made at the stage of laying the walls.


The steam room is essential attribute each full bath. Equip small room Anyone can do it and it is not necessary to resort to the help of specialists. It is enough to purchase a lining made of natural aspen or larch, buy a stove-heater, install wooden furniture and the steam room is ready for use. You can find more interesting information by watching the video in this article.

What do cottage owners think about? country houses? About how nice it would be to install a bathhouse. After all, this is a SPA salon at your own disposal. What area should it be?

The small one will be cramped, the large one will cool down quickly and a lot of effort will have to be made to maintain the microclimate. But a 6x4 meter bathhouse is one of the optimal sizes.

Buy cannot be built

Build a sauna yourself? Why not, if you have a talent for construction, necessary equipment and a lot of strength. Buy? This option is also good, since you get a ready-made bath complex. But will everything really work out?

Whether you build it yourself or order a ready-made building, you will need a 6x4 bathhouse project. We offer several photos with dimensions and internal layout. This way you can visually imagine where you and your guests will steam, shower, change clothes and relax.

There can be one plan for the bathhouse, but several design options, depending on the material for building the walls. And if something doesn’t suit you, you can make additions to the project in the form of a veranda or terrace below or an attic above.

Bathhouse layout 6x4 meters

What should be in the bathhouse besides the steam room itself and the entryway? Let us forget the dark and cramped village buildings as bathing rooms. Today, a sauna is a place of relaxation, so the plan for a 6x4 sauna should be well thought out. What to include?

  • Steam room. There is a stove here, and there are benches with sun loungers. Typically, the steam room occupies the second largest room and is usually located in the corner of the building.
  • Shower room. The sink and steam room are located separately, otherwise either the steam room will cool down or the shower will not bring the desired relief.
  • The dressing room is a place where you can leave things.
  • The rest room is the largest room in area. Here and comfortable sofas, chairs and a table, and a TV. Using your imagination, you can decorate your room with fresh flowers and an indoor waterfall.

Relaxation room inside the bathhouse itself - perfect place for winter pastime. And in the summer it will be nice to sit on open terrace, in the off-season - on glassed veranda. It is worth considering this point and designing a 6x4 bathhouse plan with a terrace or veranda. We will help you with photos of such options.

I would like to have in the bathhouse besides standard premises also a swimming pool? A 6x4 bathhouse layout can take this into account as well. In this case, you will need a second floor or attic. You can equip them with locker rooms, a relaxation room or a shower, and leave a steam room or swimming pool below. Get inspired by photo ideas.

More details about the premises

The classic 6x4 sauna has three rooms.

Rest room, steam room and shower

Waiting room

Here guests undress, coal or firewood for the stove are stored in drawers, and brooms are on the shelves.

To save space, the dressing room is often combined with the guest room, placing furniture here, installing a TV and other appliances, and setting the table.

Its ideal area is 1.3 sq.m per person + space for storing bath accessories and things.

Important! The rest room should have a window.

Steam room

There is a stove in the room - natural, gas or electric. Shelves are attached to the walls. Here the requirements are different - at least 1 meter for each + stove + distance from the stove to the walls and passages.

The ideal height is 2-2.1 meters. If the ceilings are higher, the steam will take up extra, unused space. If it is lower, accumulating, the hot air will need an outlet, and it will evaporate into the ventilation. The width of the shelves is 40-90 cm.

Important! The door should open not into the steam room, but from it, that is, into the relaxation room. Otherwise, there will be high temperature and humidity in the waiting room.

How guests and hosts can steam in a steam room is shown in the diagram below.


Depending on the size of the room, you can install a shower stall, a toilet, or mount a shower into the wall.

The shower room can be heated by the same stove as the steam room (if they have an adjacent wall).

Having chosen a layout taking into account the necessary premises in the bathhouse and their size, you need to decide on the material from which the complex will be built.

A log sauna is a classic. And the most popular are rounded logs. Village steam rooms were built from logs.

The beauty of such complexes is that wood is a healthy, environmentally friendly material. Such a bathhouse is being built in record time. If the logs are processed mechanically, and not manually, their cost is low. You can also save on interior decoration - wood itself is beautiful. And for fire safety and resistance to fungi, logs are treated with special solutions.

Disadvantages will appear if the company that volunteered to install the bathhouse did not dry the logs, so after a while the building “leads”, or chose the wrong tree: conifers“cry”, the oak can crack from the heat.

A bathhouse made of timber is practically no different from a log bathhouse. Wooden beam is also environmentally friendly and, due to its natural aesthetics, does not require either internal or external finishing.

The differences between timber and log house are in the method of processing the material. The log is round when cut, and the timber is square. The fit of the timber is more accurate, the material consumption is less, which somewhat reduces the cost of construction.

Bathhouse made of modern materials

Yes, wooden baths are great, natural and rustic. But along with baths made of logs or timber, other materials are also in demand.

  • Frame bath. It is built in production to adjust the material and find out whether all the details are taken into account. Then the bathhouse is dismantled and delivered to the place of order. The construction is light and can be erected quickly. It does not require a reinforced foundation. The only negative is that it is undesirable to build a two-story bathhouse or make a bathhouse with an attic, especially a residential one. And the issue of additional space will be solved by the plan of a bathhouse with a veranda, which can be glazed and heating equipment installed in it.
  • A bathhouse made of foam blocks is suitable for cottage areas made in modern style. It's environmentally friendly pure material, which perfectly retains heat, does not burn, does not smoke and does not emit toxins when heated. For beauty and comfort, the walls can be finished inside wooden clapboard. Here you can already build a bath-sauna on two floors with an attic or a full second floor. The internal layout will increase and give more room for imagination: steam room and shower room, relaxation room and billiard room, swimming pool, kitchen, dressing room and everything that can fit into a 6x4 meter bathhouse.

Having your own plot of land and not building a bathhouse is bad manners. Even on small garden plots, where due to greenhouses and beds there was no place to place a full-fledged house, our man always found a place for a Russian bath. What can we say about full-size land plots categories of individual housing construction.

3x4 bath layout showing all sizes

Where space does not allow building large bathhouse, a log house with dimensions of 3 * 4 arises, and if there are no restrictions on area, then you can take aim at . Moreover, any bathhouse layout will include the most basic things - a steam room, a wash room and a dressing room in various variations. The remaining rooms are optional.

It is better to split even the smallest bathhouse into rooms with internal partitions than to leave one large room.

Layout example small bathhouse size 6×2.3

A well-thought-out internal layout of the bathhouse is the key to successful operation. Just breaking the already small room walls, you can achieve high-quality heating of a steam room from which no steam will escape, a well-heated wash room with access to hot water, and a dressing room protected from steam and moisture.

As a rule, a rest room and other rooms are not built in a very small bathhouse, preferring to move them outside the building.

This allows you not only to save and optimize inner space, but also more comfortable and thoughtfully organize a recreation area using alternative options.

Waiting room in a Russian bath

It is absolutely necessary, as in any capital building. This is a small, most often unheated, although there are exceptions, room. Its main task is to prevent direct entry of cold air into interior spaces baths - washing and steam rooms.

Design and layout of a bathhouse with a waiting room size 3x5

Drawings of the most modest-sized baths present a dressing room in the form of a small nook with two doors - one leads to the street, the second leads inside the bathhouse, directly to the washing room. Sometimes the vestibule is equipped with several hooks and a narrow bench where you can leave clothes.

Some suggest combining a vestibule with a rest room. In this case Entrance door from the street it leads directly inside the bathhouse.

Layout of a small bath 6x4

Cold air enters the room where the equipment is located big table with benches or sun loungers, and a full-fledged locker room is also equipped. It is assumed that the rest room warms up so well from sauna stove, What cold air from the street will not change the comfortable microclimate.

Where the size of the plot allows, the vestibule can be combined with a terrace or veranda. In this case, in warm time year, the rest room will be equipped on the street, on fresh air, and the internal premises are used for their intended purpose - for a steam room and a sink.

Layout of a bathhouse with a relaxation room measuring 7x5

Wash room in a Russian bath

Traditionally, the steam room separated the room from the room where the water splashed. Firstly, it is much more difficult to warm up and make a large room vapor-tight than a space of two or three square meters. Secondly, with high humidity it is very difficult to tolerate high air temperatures. Although baths with a sink and a steam room are 2 in 1 not at all uncommon.

Even small buildings with dimensions of 3*4 allow you to divide the internal space into a steam room and a washing room. Depending on the needs of the owners, the size of each room will depend.
If a Russian bathhouse is built for frequent meetings with friends exclusively in the company of men, then half a square meter will be enough for a washroom. And the rest of the room can be occupied by a steam room or a steam room with a relaxation room.

Bathroom layout option 4x5 with toilet and shower

In the event that the bathhouse is being built for a family with children, or is not only a place of relaxation, but is also used for washing and other household and economic needs, then the washing room should be larger.

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Bathhouse projects with an attic

It is quite possible that it will be the dominant room in the bathhouse, and the steam room will be a purely symbolic room, designed for 1-2 people. Such a bathhouse layout can do without a rest room at all, since you can drink tea and chat after the steam room directly in the house.

Russian steam room

The heart and very essence of the Russian bath is the steam room. Such a room is arranged at the maximum distance from the front door. Doesn't have window openings and is small in size. If the dimensions of the building can be arbitrary, then the drawings of the steam room comply with the standards, which are calculated based on:

At the same time, the ceiling heights have a very small spread: from 2.1 meters to 2.4. But the length and width of a room, even for two people, can vary significantly: from 840*1150 mm to 1900*2350 mm. And these are only very modest, small-sized projects. How bigger room the bath itself, the more space and possibilities appear when designing a steam room.

If the steam room will be used by 1-2 people, then you can make this room very compact, providing only seating for steamers.

Design and layout of a 5×5 bathhouse with an entrance hall, washing room and bathroom

If space allows, the bathhouse layout may include shelves for horizontal placement. By arranging shelves in a cascade, the steam room can be made more spacious than with the classic arrangement.

Additional rooms in the bathhouse

The bathhouse today has ceased to be just a room for taking water procedures. Today it is a place of relaxation, meeting with friends, or a country house-bath. Depending on the purpose and size of the building, the number additional premises can be completely different.

Bathhouse with relaxation room

If the rest room during the construction of a bathhouse is provided as a separate room, then it performs an independent function without duplicating the duties of a dressing room, locker room or wash room.

An example of a 5x5 bathhouse layout with a relaxation room

This is a very spacious room that can occupy up to 1/2 of the area of ​​the entire bathhouse. Here, as a rule, there is a large table, comfortable benches or loungers; with good ventilation, you can even put a special upholstered furniture, which is not afraid of moisture and temperature changes. This is important because in winter time the bathhouse will not be heated constantly, and the temperature inside will drop from +25-30 to minus.

Some bathhouse designs involve placing a small kitchen area and a pool table in the recreation room. And installing a special sauna stove with a fireplace module allows you to make this room more comfortable and homely.

Bathhouse with swimming pool

The classic Russian bathhouse does not provide such luxury, but today a swimming pool in a bathhouse is not such a rarity. Selected projects boast a full swimming pool, gym and... But placing a small swimming pool under the same roof with a steam room is quite a common occurrence.

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Construction of a Turkish bath

A one-story bathhouse with dimensions of 8 * 10 easily accommodates a spacious relaxation room, a separate steam room, a wash room and a room with a swimming pool. In this case, the entrance to the water block is through the rest room. The washroom is a walk-through room with three doors leading into it. You can only get from the steam room to the pool through the shower.

A full-fledged swimming pool can be replaced with a plunge pool. In this case, there is no need to allocate a closed room for these needs. It is enough to make the washing room a little more spacious and install a font. This option is acceptable even for small baths.

Design and layout of a 7×12 bathhouse with a swimming pool

Bedroom in a one-story bathhouse

This layout option is very convenient if you often have guests. Then the bathhouse can be used not only as a place to relax, but also separate house to accommodate friends. The bedroom in the bathhouse is an independent room and does not perform the function of common room recreation. It may not have a separate entrance, but it must be isolated from the main bath block: wash room and steam room.

Most often, such projects offer symmetrical or asymmetrical placement of the guest room.

In the first case, the internal layout of the 3x5 bath is divided into two equal parts, the entrance door is located clearly in the center. And on one side of the entrance there is a guest room, on the other - the entire complex of bathhouses. The guest room has a common wall with either a relaxation room or a steam room and washroom.

Design and layout of a bathhouse with a bedroom

In the second case, the room is also divided into two blocks - a common bathhouse and a guest one, but the space is not divided equally. A large area is allocated for general needs, and a smaller part (usually 1/3) for a guest room.

Two-story bathhouse

A two-story bathhouse is built only if it is to be used as a living space by the owners themselves or as a guest house. Less often two-story bathhouse built exclusively for recreation.
In order to save money, a full second floor is often replaced with an attic. This type of building fully meets all the requirements placed on the second floor.

Most provide for the placement of bedrooms or guest rooms there. In small buildings this can be one common room; in larger buildings, two bedrooms can fit on the second floor. Depending on the chosen option, the floor is equipped with a small hall, which is reached by a staircase, or it may be absent if there is only one bedroom upstairs.

Layout of all floors of a two-story bathhouse 7x8

If a bathhouse with an attic is built exclusively for relaxation, then entertainment for a narrow circle of people is transferred to the second floor: a chill-out, a relaxation room, a billiard table and a cinema can be located here.

The space on the ground floor is divided into a spacious steam room, a wash room, possibly a swimming pool and a relaxation room. The rest room on the ground floor is a place with a table, benches or sun loungers, as well as a small kitchen area with a kettle, microwave and refrigerator. All this makes it comfortable to relax after a steam room and a get-together with friends.

Bathhouse with extensions

Another interesting option The layout of a bathhouse involves the construction of a main bathhouse block, which contains a steam room, a wash room and possibly a relaxation room. And all other rooms - guest rooms, bedrooms, recreation areas, swimming pool and plunge pool - are being built nearby, as needed.

The bathhouse is an integral part of many cultures, including Russian. Every person who owns his own personal plot, sooner or later thinks about building a bathhouse. This is not just a tribute to centuries-old tradition and a place for hygiene procedures, the bathhouse is also a place of relaxation. It is worth starting construction by carefully planning everything, because in most cases the construction should be compact.

Where to begin?

You should start by choosing a place for the bath. The size 3x5 m is considered the most popular, which can fit even on small area. It is worth taking a responsible approach to choosing a place for a bathhouse, taking into account personal, aesthetic preferences, various norms and regulations (including fire safety and sanitary-hygienic ones). The image below shows the minimum distances between objects within the boundaries of the site.

Immediately you need to exclude shallow places groundwater. They are ideal for a well or well. They are not suitable for building a house or bathhouse. If your site borders a body of water, it makes sense to build a bathhouse closer to the shore, then you won’t have to build a pool.

Which project to choose?

In the era of technology and the Internet, everyone can choose a project that suits them perfectly. In most cases, they differ only in the internal layout. The first question to decide when choosing a plan is the combined or separate placement of the steam room and sink. Let's consider both options.

In the picture above you can see the layout of a 3 by 5 bathhouse with a combined steam room and sink. The total building area is 15 m/2, the size of the steam room and dressing room is 9 and 6 square meters. m.

The steam room contains:

  • shower area with drainage;
  • oven with tank for hot water;
  • two-tier shelves.

Portable benches can be added if desired. The dressing room (aka rest room) contains a set of tables and benches. It also includes the furnace firebox.

Two facts speak in favor of combining a steam room and a washing room:

  1. with a small volume of space, temperature and humidity change too sharply, which negatively affects people’s well-being;
  2. pores on the skin open under the influence of high temperature in a steam room and close again from the low temperature of a washing room; Each subsequent visit forces the skin to be steamed again; when these two rooms are combined, the skin does not cool down.

Now consider the option with a separate sink and steam room. The dressing room occupies 9 square meters. m, the steam room is 4 sq. m, and the sink occupies 2 square meters. The size of this project is the same as the previous one (3x5 m), but there are already three rooms. If desired, both options can be modified by moving the walls in one direction or another.

What else do you need in a bath?

Often in bathhouses you can find one more room: a vestibule or hallway. Its purpose is simple, but quite important. When leaving the dressing room on the street, warm air rushes into open door, which causes rapid cooling, the vestibule helps to avoid this. Here you can arrange a dressing room, remove outerwear, store a variety of bath utensils, and dry firewood before use. The figure below shows an example of a 3 by 5 m bathhouse with a vestibule.

Bathhouses are not always one-story. Often, an attic is built as an additional floor, which is smaller in size than a bathhouse. In Figure 4 you can see the staircase on attic floor. With a bathhouse size of 3x5 m, the attic will be no more than 2.5 by 5 m. You can use it at your own discretion. Terraces are attached to the bathhouse, some of them have access to a pond (natural or artificial). It is not necessary to build a swimming pool: you can build a wooden plunge pool or buy a plastic one.

Interior decoration and layout

When you have already decided on the project, you need to think about the interior decoration of the bathhouse. The steam room and sink are the main rooms of the bathhouse. Regardless of whether you decide to place them together or separately, there must be shelves and stands (for the first room), a tray, a sink and towel holders (for the second room). The stove should be located in the steam room, but the kindling will come from the dressing room. In the dressing room you can place a table and benches, shoe stands and hangers for outerwear.

Consider several nuances of the bathhouse layout:

  • It is better to place the entrance door on the south side: there are fewer snowdrifts there, the snow melts earlier;
  • do not neglect windows: their main purpose is not lighting, but ventilation; perfect option windows for the steam room and sink are 40x40 cm;
  • window openings are located on the west side due to the fact that the bathhouse is usually used in the afternoon; the rays of the setting sun will help save electricity;
  • a vestibule is required for buildings used year-round: if you wash in a bathhouse only in the summer, its construction becomes optional, which helps save money;
  • it is better to lay out a concrete floor ceramic tiles and put up several wooden grates to keep your feet from freezing;

  • the wooden floor must be made leaky to reduce moisture and make it easier to maintain;
  • the simplest and economical way interior decoration baths - lining;
  • do not neglect thermal insulation, choose breathable materials;
  • for interior decoration it is better to choose hardwoods trees: conifers release resin when heated;
  • A plan for room ventilation should be developed in advance.

Construction of the foundation

The foundation is the first stage of any construction. For a bathhouse, a ribbon or column type is more often chosen. The choice depends on the composition of the soil at the construction site. Clay and fine sand involve the construction of a monolithic strip foundation, if the soil is predominantly rocky with coarse sand, erect columnar foundation. If on site high level groundwater, it is better to choose a foundation on screw piles: This will be more reliable. All three types of foundations must be built following the recommendations for their construction in order to increase their strength and service life.

What to build walls from?

There are many materials for building walls. The main ones include:

  • tree;
  • brick;
  • cinder block;
  • foam block;
  • aerated concrete.


A real Russian bathhouse should be made of wood (many people think so). Someone buys right away finished log house with installation, so as not to waste time on design and construction. Others choose timber or rounded logs. In any case, to the construction wooden bath need to be taken responsibly. Wood is exposed to various atmospheric phenomena and has drying and swelling properties.

Here, in addition to choosing the tree itself, you need to take care of various antiseptic and fire-resistant impregnations.


Brick bath has a number of advantages. The main thing is a long service life, since brickwork much thicker in relation to wooden walls. The thermal conductivity of brick is much higher; thermal insulation requires a more detailed approach. The brick structure looks presentable and may not require external finishing.


Cinder block, foam block, aerated concrete and many other popular construction materials are suitable for building a bathhouse no worse than solid wood and brick. They have lower thermal conductivity than brick, and it takes less time to build walls.

After erecting the walls, it is necessary to take care of heat and waterproofing to prevent dampness, drafts and cooling of the premises.


The roof is final stage construction of a bathhouse. It can be made single or double slope, regular or mansard type. The attic is preferable: it can be used to store bath accessories, it retains heat better. The rafter system is assembled on the ground, installed on the walls in finished form, or erected directly on site. The choice of lathing depends directly on the coating.

For flexible tiles, metal tiles and flat slate needed continuous lathing, for the rest it is suitable with a distance of up to 25 cm between the boards.

Let's consider issues related to the layout of the bathhouse.

What you should immediately consider

Everyone’s needs are different, so it’s worth starting to design a bathhouse with a steam room, sink, relaxation room, bathroom, terrace, swimming pool, etc. How exactly are you going to use this bathhouse in the future?

The second point is what climatic conditions where your bathhouse will be - there are specifics for areas with particularly harsh winters, for example.

The third point - what opportunities you have, from budget to the geology of the site.

And if there is certainty at least on the points:

  • number of persons;
  • frequency and seasonality of use;
  • type of bath (Russian or Finnish, or);
  • wall material (logs, beams, bricks, blocks, frame);
  • dimensions of a geologically suitable area;
  • allowable costs,
  • then you can start designing.

We will show you options for what a bathhouse can be with certain given dimensions - these are not the only ones options for plans, you can build on them and make any necessary adjustments.

Let's put it this way: our article is for those who have already figured out in their minds what size of bath they are expecting and would like to get acquainted with ready-made plans so that in the end they can either choose a ready-made one or make their own based on the existing ones.

IMPORTANT! When looking at the plans, take into account the fact that we did not take into account the thickness of the walls and insulation, and this can significantly reduce the area of ​​the room from the inside. Therefore, calculate in advance the thickness of the walls and the insulation cake, and then subtract it from your plan (or, conversely, add it if you want to maintain the dimension inside).

You will learn how to calculate the power of the stove for a given cubic capacity of the steam room, and you will learn how the size of the steam room depends on the number of people; we will calculate the optimal size of the steam room in

Layout of a small bathhouse with sink and steam room

That’s right, a cleverly designed small bathhouse is in no way inferior in comfort to larger ones. The only thing, of course, is that if you do everything to the minimum, then only 1-2 people. But sometimes that's exactly what you need.

When the size of the premises is small, the question arises as to whether it will be cost-effective divide it additionally with a partition, making a sauna with a steam room and a separate sink. But even for the smallest options, there are also bathhouses with a washing room and a steam room, both together and separately. Therefore, we will give both options.

3x3, sink and steam room together

Here you need to decide how you plan to use the second room, which is a natural “vestibule” between the combined washing room and steam room, and the street. If you want to put some kind of sofa and table, then it is better to divide the total area equally(see plan). And if it's just dressing room, something like a hallway where you can undress, then its size can be reduced to an acceptable minimum.

Please note that the stove in such a small steam room should be appropriate power, so as not to overheat it. And then a rather intractable contradiction awaits you.

The fact is that a sauna, also known as a “dry air”, as those who have a negative attitude towards it like to call it, requires low humidity - no more than 15%. In the washing room, the humidity is usually higher. Sauna temperature from 70 to 90 degrees (this is in the humane version). This temperature will not be comfortable for washing.

You may argue that you never intended to have a sauna, but the problem is that with such dimensions you simply do not have the opportunity to make a full-fledged Russian bath, where the stove should be either brick or in a brick/stone lining, and even .

Option - either at least a little increase the area of ​​the steam room, so that for a minimal homemade metal stove, or use , to steam like in a normal Russian bathhouse, or to somehow adapt to control the stove so that you have the right temperature while washing.

3x4 sink and steam room separately

What will happen if the previous plan is increased literally by a meter? You will have the opportunity to divide a single bath and washing space into two separate rooms.

Layout (plan) of a 3x4 bathhouse, washing and steam room separately.

As you can see, in this case, no more than a meter is allocated for washing (and you remember, yes, that we do not take into account the thickness of the walls), but the steam room acquires normal sizes, which at large areas the entire bathhouse rarely increase much.

Again, note that if desired, you can easily increase the size of the steam room due to the width of the rest room. If it is nothing more than a dressing room, feel free to reduce its size in order to gain in the dimensions of the steam room and washing room.

ATTENTION! Remember, yes, that the door from the steam room always opens outward so that it can be knocked down if necessary. And always, if possible, the door from the steam room leads to the washroom, and not to other rooms.


Since people are interested in washing and steaming options separately and together for these dimensions, we will present both options, and then you can decide which one you prefer, but everything that was said about the possibilities of reproduction Russian bath conditions in a building with an area of ​​3 by 3 meters - remains valid even when increased to 5. Make a stove in the surround, use steam generators if it is not possible to make a full-fledged one.

Washing and steam room separately

Let us say right away that this option cannot be called the only possible one. Moreover, for those who are not inclined to receive guests and drink libations, the design of a bathhouse with a steam room and sink of such dimensions may seem unsuccessful. But you can always build on what you have and remake everything your way 🙂

Layout (plan) of a 3x5 bathhouse, washing and steam room separately.

There are no fundamental differences here with the previous scheme; we left the same layout with meter washing room, two meter steam room, They just increased the size of the rest room. Of course, on three meters you can place a normal one, seat more guests, this is also significant.

But and the washroom could be a resting place, where you can take a breather after the steam room. Then it would be possible to distribute the space differently: divide these five meters between three rooms, make a steam room 2x3 m, a washing room 2x3 or 1.5x3 m, a dressing room 1x3 or 1.5x3 m. And if the dressing room seems too long, at the end make a firewood storage room or pantry.

Sink and steam room together

But the same problem can be solved differently - by making the same design of a bathhouse with a wash room and a steam room together.

Layout (plan) of a 3x3 bathhouse, sink and steam room together.

In our opinion, it looks quite attractive, although we will not impose our point of view. The oven in this case is quite conventional in size, you see that there is an opportunity to make it in a cover- there is enough space. You can make it wider if desired. We started from , but they can be a meter wide.

Bathhouse projects with a separate steam room, sink, relaxation room

Next we will go through other sizes, but in all cases these will be bathhouse projects with a separate steam room and washing room. This layout is more justified because There is more space, the need to do “two in one” disappears.

4x4 sink and steam room separately

How to use a square bath plan? See for yourself:

Layout (plan) of a 4x4 bathhouse, washing and steam room separately.

Please note that the stove heats all three rooms, for this it must have sufficient power, but at the same time the main heat still goes into the steam room, so the calculation must be thought out, because you will still be steaming in it in the summer, so you need to take into account the possibility of adjusting the heat transfer of the stove.

ADVICE! Again, stone or brick surrounds and dampers can help regulate heat transfer.

The washing room in this plan is quite normal, you can already put basins in it, and not just a shower tray.

And the fireplace in the relaxation room invites you to put a sofa there and enjoy the view of the burning hearth. We believe that the plan is more or less balanced, here it would be possible to expand the rest room so that it is not so elongated.

4x5 wash and steam room separately

Instead of adding an extra meter to the previous plan, we offer you more a more comfortable option, already with a bathroom. True, we had to sacrifice the space of the soap room, which was reduced to a shower stall in the corner of the combined bathroom, but now the rest room has become more spacious and there are more amenities in the bathhouse.

Layout (plan) of a 4x5 bathhouse, washing and steam room separately.

I would like, of course, for the reader to awaken his design passion and begin to draw his own schemes with a variety of solutions in search of the one that will suit him most. Because it won’t work out any other way - you must understand that every solution is a compromise between unequal conditions that have to be observed.

For example, the door from the steam room should open into the washroom, and not into the rest room or dressing room. This way the owner will save heat in the steam room. On the other hand, to run out into the street, you need to open and close several doors.

Hence, Can't do without compromise- some will prefer warmth, others will prefer the speed of achieving the goal, because it is difficult to reduce the number of doors - one to the steam room, one to the sink, one to the street - unless you take it straight to the dressing room. It is on this balancing of decisions that everything is built.

5x5 washing and steam room separately

Another square bathhouse that can be laid out in different ways. Here is one possible option:

Layout (plan) of a 5x5 bathhouse, washing and steam room separately.

The plan looks successful - the size of the premises no longer forces us to huddle and adapt, but as the area increases, another question arises: how to achieve uniform heating of the entire bathhouse in winter, especially if there is no possibility or desire to install more than one stove.

The problem is significant: if you take the stove too powerful suitable for heating 25 square meters, the steam room will be a mythical “hell”. And bringing the stove through the walls so that it heats the neighboring rooms is a good idea in winter, but bad for warm or hot summers.

Therefore, it is still worth thinking about additional sources heat. These could be heaters, other smaller stoves, and a heating system in which the stove heats water for radiators that heat all other rooms. Optima in this case can only be found experimentally.

BY THE WAY! Look at the plan again - if the doors to the bathroom are brought into the vestibule, this will free up some space in the sink, which can be used for benches. Or you can make them sliding and leave them in the sink - too less space will be taken away to open the door.

6x3 sink and steam room separately

The proportion of this plan is 2:1 - you can try to beat this not only in the way presented in the plan below:

Layout (plan) of a 6x3 bathhouse, washing and steam room separately.

This option is more suitable for those who like to receive guests. Still, in a room 3 by 3.4 m it is already possible to gather guests. But at the same time, you don’t see the bathroom on the plan, and the washing room occupies a modest meter in width, pointlessly stretching 2.6 meters in length.

It would be possible to divide the entire space equally two meters out of six for each room, and the washroom, which has become 6 meters in area, can be divided by allocating space for a bathroom. But in this situation, the recreation room will be 2 by 3 meters, and this is only enough for gatherings of a small family or a couple of friends.

4x6 sink and steam room separately

What happens if you add an “extra meter” to the previous bath? Formally, this is only a square smaller than 5x5, but let's see the plan, did it benefit from the configuration change or not?

Sauna plan 4x6 washing and steam room separately.

Once again the focus is on the relaxation room. Now its area is already 16 square meters, you can sit comfortably, gather a noisy feast, and go in pairs to the steam room with an area of ​​4 square meters. It’s good that there was room in the washing room for a bathroom, but it’s bad that it was combined.

Sauna stoves with separate firebox, sink, steam room

Above, we have already tried to briefly tell the reader that an increase in the size of the bathhouse inevitably leads to the need solving the issue of heating premises in addition to the steam room.

You can find out how the furnace power is calculated for the known cubic capacity of a steam room. However, we are talking about adequate heating for the task specifically a steam room.

If you take the firebox into the rest room, where it will serve as a fireplace, some of the heat will be transferred to the rest room. Whether this will be enough can only be determined empirically, because What matters is the specific temperature outside the window, the power of the stove, and the cubic capacity of the rest room.

But we also have a soap one - what to do with it? You can remove one of the sides of the stove, but this is usually done with brick stoves, although you can experiment with brick tax metal stove.

Another option for heating a soap bar is to take it out , which heats the stove, into the washing room, then the tank will perform the function radiator

Another option - heaters or warm floor. You don't spend much time in the bathhouse, so running heaters won't break the bank.

You can also transfer hot water heating to radiators, that is, create autonomous system heating in the bath, but you need to remember that heating the water takes heat away from the stove, so its power drops. But there is still summer when heating is not needed.

Therefore, the stove should be such that you can regulate its power. This is possible for, but you will have to tinker with wood-burning ones, including brick ones.

If you are interested in what kind of sauna stoves there are - Russian or Finnish - look through ours. There's a lot useful information and about stoves for baths with a separate firebox, sink, steam room...

Useful video

In this video they will aggressively convince you that their system is the best, but approach their words critically and form your own opinion, and someone else's point of view will never hurt:

We will be glad if you write your comment, tell us about what plan you used to build your bathhouse, and whether you are satisfied with it.

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