How to calculate bimetallic radiators. How to calculate the number of sections of bimetallic heating radiators for an apartment. Approximate calculation for standard premises


Thanks to regularly appearing on construction market equipment, choosing certain household items for your home is not difficult. The same applies to heating devices, the popularity of which especially increases with the onset of cold weather. At the same time, an increasing number of owners give preference to bimetallic samples of such equipment, which are characterized by high technical characteristics and reliability.

But in order for all installation work to proceed without any problems, it is important to take into account many parameters, such as thermal power bimetallic radiators heating, the dimensions of bimetallic heating radiators, etc. The installation of these elements cannot be carried out without proper calculation, so it is necessary to consider in more detail how to calculate the number of sections of a bimetallic heating radiator in such a way that the equipment works reliably and at the same time economically (read also: " " ). This is what we will talk about further we'll talk.

Advantages of bimetallic heating radiators

It's no secret that bimetallic heating radiators whose dimensions are quite compact and easy to install are one of the the best devices, allowing you to equip a high-quality and at the same time economical heating system.

The main advantages of such products are the following:

  1. Long service life. Specify specific service life These radiators are quite problematic, but almost all manufacturers provide a quality guarantee for a period of 20 years, which is quite a lot.
  2. Power of bimetallic heating radiators. If we compare similar products, for example, with samples made of aluminum, it is worth noting that only some aluminum heaters are capable of providing the same power that bimetal radiators have. In view of this, the calculation of bimetallic heating radiators is also simpler.
  3. High aesthetic properties. Such batteries will fit perfectly into a room with absolutely any interior without disturbing its design. Moreover, the dimensions of bimetallic radiators ensure that the equipment does not take up much space and will not cause inconvenience to the owners.

All these advantages contribute to the fact that these heating devices have gained wide popularity among consumers and today are perhaps the most common heating devices.

But these mechanisms still have a drawback - their cost. Bimetallic radiator samples are much more expensive than analogues made from other, more expensive simple materials. That is why it is important to take into account not only the size of the bimetallic radiator section, but also the number of these segments in the equipment, in order to save yourself from the need to overpay a significant part of the financial resources. How to calculate bimetallic heating radiators in accordance with the number of their sections should be described in more detail (read: "").

Rules for calculating the number of sections of bimetallic radiators

Speaking about such heating devices as bimetallic heating radiators, it would certainly be more correct to entrust the calculation of sections to specialists who have experience in such work. Qualified craftsmen will accurately and competently carry out all the calculations and help determine which radiator model is best installed in a particular room. In addition, professional workers will be able to provide various photos products and videos on their correct installation.

When discussing the installation of equipment such as bimetallic heating batteries, the calculation must necessarily take into account the following factors:

  • the thickness of the walls of the building being equipped and the material from which it is made;
  • types of windows installed in the room;
  • Availability additional heating;
  • standard climatic factors(temperature, humidity, etc.);
  • quantity external walls;
  • ceiling height;
  • total area of ​​the home.
Taking into account all these criteria will allow you to perform the most competent and accurate calculation.

Independent calculation of the power of bimetallic radiators for 1 m² room

When installing bimetallic heating radiators, the calculation can be done independently, that is, without help professional craftsmen. There is a convenient and simple way to do this.

Initially, you need to decide which bimetallic batteries you plan to install. By calculating the area of ​​the room, you will be able to obtain information about exactly how many products you will need to purchase.

It will be necessary to select the necessary standard regulating the required power for 1 m² of space. This means that you will need to decide how many watts of energy can heat an area of ​​1 m² for a given ceiling height.

If the room has only one window and is equipped with one wall, then approximately 100 watts of energy may be required to provide adequate heating.

But if there are two external walls in a room with one window, then the power of the bimetallic radiator section should be about 120 W. It is worth remembering that such calculations apply to a standard ceiling height of 2.7 m (more details: "").

It also happens that the ceiling height in the room does not coincide with the standard one, and the room has two windows and two external walls. In this case, the power of one section of the bimetallic radiator should not be less than 130 W so that every m² of the room is well heated.

The principle of calculating bimetallic radiators for a room

When installing bimetallic radiators, the dimensions of the room will help determine how much power the purchased sample should have. To do this, it will only be enough to multiply the above calculation results by the entire area of ​​the space being developed.

As you know, the area of ​​a room is calculated by multiplying its length by its width. But if the shape of the room is non-standard and calculating its perimeter is quite difficult, then some error in the calculations can be allowed, but the result should be rounded to the nearest big side.

When considering equipment such as heating radiators, the bimetallic dimensions of the section also play an important role, since its height must be suitable for the installation location of these batteries (read: "").

One of the parameters of such devices as bimetallic radiators - section power - has already been discussed earlier. Now we should dwell in more detail on the number of functional segments for this device. Calculating the number of sections will not be difficult: to do this, you need to divide the total power required for heating the room by the power of one section of the desired radiator model.

Watch a video about the advantages of bimetallic radiators:

Speaking about such a parameter as the size of heating radiators, bimetallic samples often have a fixed number of sections, especially for modern products. If the assortment is limited only to such devices, then it is necessary to choose the model in which the number of sections is as close as possible to the number obtained as a result of calculations. But, of course, it would be more correct to focus on samples with big amount segments, since some excess heat is still clearly better than its lack. Read also: "".

How to calculate the number of sections

To make it clearer, for example, you can calculate the number of sections of a bimetallic radiator, the total power of which is 200 W, and the area of ​​the room is 30 m². To do this, you can use the following formula: 30 * 100 / 200 = 15 (more details: " ").

This means that for high-quality and complete heating of a room with such parameters, you will need to use a radiator with 15 sections. Moreover, do not forget that such a calculation option will be relevant only for rooms with standard height ceiling, that is, no more than three meters, as well as with one window and one external wall.

To show this on specific example, as a basis you can take a room with two walls facing outside and two windows. Then the calculations will proceed as follows: 15 * 1.2 = 18, where 1.2 is the required coefficient. That is, for such a room the most the right decision There will be installation of three bimetallic radiators equipped with six sections.

Many suppliers of this heating equipment on their websites they provide very simple and understandable calculation programs, with the help of which you can make all the calculations by simply entering the required data in the field. As a result, the program will calculate the required amount of equipment and compare the cost of certain heater samples (more details: " ").

This service will be especially convenient for those who do not want to spend a lot of time on calculations. If you wish, you can also seek help from specialists who always have various photos of samples of bimetallic radiators available and are ready to share information on their correct calculation.

At the stage of preparation for capital repair work and in the process of planning the construction of a new house, the need arises to calculate the number of heating radiator sections. The results of such calculations make it possible to find out the number of batteries that would be enough to provide an apartment or house with sufficient heat even in the coldest weather.

The calculation procedure may vary depending on many factors. Check out the instructions for a quick calculation for typical situations, for non-standard rooms, as well as with the procedure for performing the most detailed and accurate calculations, taking into account all kinds of significant characteristics of the room.

Heat transfer indicators, the shape of the battery and the material of its manufacture - these indicators are not taken into account in the calculations.

Important! Do not perform calculations for the entire house or apartment at once. Take a little more time and do the calculations for each room separately. This is the only way to obtain the most reliable information. At the same time, in the process of calculating the number of battery sections for heating a corner room, you need to add 20% to the final result. The same reserve must be added on top if there are interruptions in the heating operation or if its efficiency is not enough for high-quality heating.

Let's start the training by considering the most commonly used calculation method. It can hardly be considered the most accurate, but in terms of ease of implementation it definitely takes the lead.

According to this “universal” method, 100 W of battery is needed to heat 1 m2 of room area. In this case, calculations are limited to one simple formula:

K =S/U*100

In this formula:

As an example, let's look at the procedure for calculating the required number of batteries for a room with dimensions of 4x3.5 m. The area of ​​such a room is 14 m2. The manufacturer claims that each section of the battery it produces produces 160 W of power.

We substitute the values ​​into the above formula and find that to heat our room we need 8.75 radiator sections. We round up, of course, i.e. to 9. If the room is corner, add a 20% margin, round up again, and get 11 sections. If at work heating system problems are observed, add another 20% to the originally calculated value. It will turn out to be about 2. That is, in total, to heat a 14-meter corner room in conditions of unstable operation of the heating system, you will need 13 battery sections.

Approximate calculation for standard premises

A very simple calculation option. It is based on the fact that the size heating batteries mass production is practically no different. If the room height is 250 cm (standard for most living spaces), then one radiator section can heat 1.8 m2 of space.

The area of ​​the room is 14 m2. To calculate, it is enough to divide the area value by the previously mentioned 1.8 m2. The result is 7.8. Round up to 8.

Thus, to warm up a 14-meter room with a 2.5-meter ceiling, you need to buy a battery with 8 sections.

Important! Do not use this method when calculating a low-power unit (up to 60 W). The error will be too large.

Calculation for non-standard rooms

This calculation option is suitable for non-standard rooms with ceilings that are too low or too high. The calculation is based on the statement that to warm up 1 m3 of living space you need about 41 W of battery power. That is, calculations are performed using a single formula that looks like this:


  • A – the required number of sections of the heating battery;
  • B is the volume of the room. It is calculated as the product of the length of the room by its width and height.

For example, consider a room 4 m long, 3.5 m wide and 3 m high. Its volume will be 42 m3.

We calculate the total thermal energy requirement of this room by multiplying its volume by the previously mentioned 41 W. The result is 1722 W. For example, let's take a battery, each section of which produces 160 W of thermal power. We calculate the required number of sections by dividing the total need for thermal power by the power value of each section. The result will be 10.8. As usual, we round to the nearest larger integer, i.e. until 11.

Important! If you bought batteries that are not divided into sections, divide the total heat requirement by the power of the whole battery (indicated in the accompanying technical documentation). This way you will know the required amount of heating.

Calculation required quantity radiators for heating

The most accurate calculation option

From the above calculations we saw that none of them is perfectly accurate, because... Even for identical rooms, the results, albeit slightly, are still different.

If you need maximum calculation accuracy, use the following method. It takes into account many coefficients that can affect heating efficiency and other significant indicators.

In general, the calculation formula is as follows:

T =100 W/m 2 * A * B * C * D * E * F * G * S ,

  • where T is the total amount of heat required to heat the room in question;
  • S – area of ​​the heated room.

The remaining coefficients require more detailed study. So, coefficient A takes into account the characteristics of the glazing of the room.

The values ​​are as follows:

  • 1.27 for rooms whose windows are glazed with just two glasses;
  • 1.0 – for rooms with windows equipped with double glazing;
  • 0.85 – if the windows have triple glazing.

Coefficient B takes into account the features of insulation of room walls.

The dependency is as follows:

  • if the insulation is low-effective, the coefficient is taken equal to 1.27;
  • at good insulation(for example, if the walls are laid with 2 bricks or are purposefully insulated with a high-quality heat insulator), a coefficient of 1.0 is used;
  • with a high level of insulation - 0.85.

Coefficient C indicates the ratio of the total area of ​​window openings and the floor surface in the room.

The dependency looks like this:

  • with a ratio of 50%, coefficient C is taken as 1.2;
  • if the ratio is 40%, use a coefficient equal to 1.1;
  • with a ratio of 30%, the coefficient value is reduced to 1.0;
  • in the case of an even smaller percentage, coefficients equal to 0.9 (for 20%) and 0.8 (for 10%) are used.

Coefficient D indicates the average temperature during the coldest period of the year.

The dependency looks like this:

  • if the temperature is -35 and below, the coefficient is taken equal to 1.5;
  • at temperatures up to -25 degrees, a value of 1.3 is used;
  • if the temperature does not drop below -20 degrees, the calculation is carried out with a coefficient of 1.1;
  • residents of regions where the temperature does not drop below -15 should use a coefficient of 0.9;
  • if the temperature in winter does not fall below -10, count with a coefficient of 0.7.

The E coefficient indicates the number of external walls.

If there is only one external wall, use a factor of 1.1. With two walls, increase it to 1.2; with three – up to 1.3; if there are 4 external walls, use a coefficient of 1.4.

Coefficient F takes into account the characteristics of the room above. The dependency is:

  • if there is an unheated area above attic space, the coefficient is taken equal to 1.0;
  • if the attic is heated - 0.9;
  • if the upstairs neighbor is heated living room, the coefficient can be reduced to 0.8.

And the last coefficient of the formula is G – takes into account the height of the room.

The order is as follows:

  • in rooms with ceilings 2.5 m high, the calculation is carried out using a coefficient of 1.0;
  • if the room has a 3-meter ceiling, the coefficient is increased to 1.05;
  • with a ceiling height of 3.5 m, count with a coefficient of 1.1;
  • rooms with a 4-meter ceiling are calculated with a coefficient of 1.15;
  • when calculating the number of battery sections for heating a room 4.5 m high, increase the coefficient to 1.2.

This calculation takes into account almost all existing nuances and allows you to determine the required number of sections of the heating unit with the smallest error. In conclusion, all you have to do is divide the calculated figure by the heat transfer of one section of the battery (check in the attached data sheet) and, of course, round the found number up to the nearest integer value.

Correct calculation of heating radiator sections is a rather important task for every homeowner. If an insufficient number of sections is used, the room will not warm up during the winter cold, and the purchase and operation of too large radiators will entail unreasonably high heating costs.

For standard rooms you can use the most simple calculations, however, sometimes it becomes necessary to take into account various nuances to get the most accurate result.

To perform calculations you need to know certain parameters

  • Dimensions of the room to be heated;
  • Type of battery, material of its manufacture;
  • The power of each section or one-piece battery, depending on its type;
  • Maximum allowed number of sections;

Based on the material they are made of, radiators are divided as follows:

  • Steel. These radiators have thin walls and are very elegant design, but they are not popular due to numerous shortcomings. These include low heat capacity, rapid heating and cooling. When hydraulic shocks occur, leaks often occur at the joints, and cheap models quickly rust and do not last long. Usually they are solid, not divided into sections, the power of steel batteries is indicated in the passport.
  • Cast iron radiators are familiar to every person since childhood, this traditional material, from which long-lasting batteries with excellent technical characteristics are made. Each section of the Soviet-era cast iron accordion produced a heat output of 160 W. This is a prefabricated structure, the number of sections in it is unlimited. There can be both modern and vintage designs. Cast iron retains heat well, is not subject to corrosion or abrasive wear, and is compatible with any coolant.
  • Aluminum batteries are lightweight, modern, have high heat transfer, and due to their advantages they are becoming increasingly popular among buyers. The heat output of one section reaches 200 W, and they are also produced in one-piece structures. One of the disadvantages is oxygen corrosion, but this problem is solved using anodic oxidation of the metal.
  • Bimetallic radiators consist of internal collectors and an external heat exchanger. Interior made of steel, and the outer one is made of aluminum. High performance heat transfer, up to 200 W, are combined with excellent wear resistance. The relative disadvantage of these batteries is their high price compared to other types.

Radiator materials differ in their characteristics, which affects calculations

How to calculate the number of heating radiator sections for a room

There are several ways to make calculations, each of which uses certain parameters.

By room area

A preliminary calculation can be made based on the area of ​​the room for which radiators are purchased. This is a very simple calculation and is suitable for rooms with low ceilings (2.40-2.60 m). According to building regulations for heating you will need 100 W of thermal power for each square meter premises.

We calculate the amount of heat that will be needed for the entire room. To do this, multiply the area by 100 W, i.e. for a room of 20 square meters. m, the calculated thermal power will be 2,000 W (20 sq. m * 100 W) or 2 kW.

Correct calculation of heating radiators is necessary to guarantee sufficient heat in the house

This result must be divided by the heat transfer of one section specified by the manufacturer. For example, if it is 170 W, then in our case the required number of radiator sections will be: 2,000 W/170 W = 11.76, i.e. 12, since the result should be rounded to a whole number. Rounding is usually done upward, but for rooms where heat loss is below average, such as the kitchen, you can round down.

It is imperative to take into account possible heat loss depending on the specific situation. Of course, a room with a balcony or located in the corner of a building loses heat faster. In this case, the calculated thermal power for the room should be increased by 20%. It is worth increasing the calculations by approximately 15-20% if you plan to hide the radiators behind the screen or mount them in a niche.

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By volume

More accurate data can be obtained by calculating sections of heating radiators taking into account the height of the ceiling, i.e. by the volume of the room. The principle here is approximately the same as in the previous case. First, the total heat demand is calculated, then the number of radiator sections is calculated.

If the radiator is hidden by a screen, you need to increase the room's need for thermal energy by 15-20%

According to the recommendations of SNIP for heating each cubic meter of living space in panel house 41 W of thermal power is required. By multiplying the area of ​​the room by the height of the ceiling, we get the total volume, which we multiply by this standard value. Apartments with modern double-glazed windows and external insulation will require less heat, only 34 W per cubic meter.

For example, let’s calculate the required amount of heat for a room of 20 square meters. m with a ceiling height of 3 meters. The volume of the room will be 60 cubic meters. m (20 sq. m*3 m). The calculated thermal power in this case will be equal to 2,460 W (60 cubic meters * 41 W).

How to calculate the number of heating radiators? To do this, you need to divide the obtained data by the heat transfer of one section indicated by the manufacturer. If we take, as in the previous example, 170 W, then for the room you will need: 2,460 W / 170 W = 14.47, i.e. 15 radiator sections.

Manufacturers tend to indicate overestimated heat transfer rates for their products, assuming that the coolant temperature in the system will be maximum. In real conditions, this requirement is rarely met, so you should focus on the minimum heat transfer rates of one section, which are reflected in the product data sheet. This will make the calculations more realistic and accurate.

If the room is non-standard

Unfortunately, not every apartment can be considered standard. This applies even more to private residential buildings. How to make calculations taking into account the individual conditions of their operation? To do this, you will need to take into account many different factors.

When calculating the number of heating sections, you need to take into account the height of the ceiling, the number and size of windows, the presence of wall insulation, etc.

The peculiarity of this method is that when calculating the required amount of heat, a number of coefficients are used that take into account the characteristics of a particular room that can affect its ability to store or release thermal energy.

The formula for calculations looks like this:

KT=100 W/sq. m* P*K1*K2*K3*K4*K5*K6*K7, Where

KT - the amount of heat required for a specific room;
P - room area, sq. m;
K1 - coefficient taking into account the glazing of window openings:

  • for windows with conventional double glazing - 1.27;
  • for windows with double glazing - 1.0;
  • for windows with triple glazing - 0.85.

K2 - coefficient of thermal insulation of walls:

  • low degree of thermal insulation - 1.27;
  • good thermal insulation (two bricks or a layer of insulation) - 1.0;
  • high degree of thermal insulation - 0.85.

K3 - ratio of window area to floor area in the room:

  • 50% - 1,2;
  • 40% - 1,1;
  • 30% - 1,0;
  • 20% - 0,9;
  • 10% - 0,8.

K4 is a coefficient that allows you to take into account the average air temperature in the coldest week of the year:

  • for -35 degrees - 1.5;
  • for -25 degrees - 1.3;
  • for -20 degrees - 1.1;
  • for -15 degrees - 0.9;
  • for -10 degrees - 0.7.

K5 - adjusts the heat demand taking into account the number of external walls:

  • one wall - 1.1;
  • two walls - 1.2;
  • three walls - 1.3;
  • four walls - 1.4.

K6 - taking into account the type of room located above:

  • cold attic - 1.0;
  • heated attic - 0.9;
  • heated living space - 0.8

K7 - coefficient taking into account the height of the ceilings:

  • at 2.5 m - 1.0;
  • at 3.0 m - 1.05;
  • at 3.5 m - 1.1;
  • at 4.0 m - 1.15;
  • at 4.5 m - 1.2.

All that remains is to divide the obtained result by the heat transfer value of one section of the radiator and round the resulting result to a whole number.

Expert opinion

Victor Kaploukhiy

Thanks to my varied hobbies, I write on various topics, but my favorites are engineering, technology and construction.

When installing new heating radiators, you can focus on how efficient the old system heating. If its work satisfied you, it means that the heat transfer was optimal - these are the data that you should rely on in your calculations. First of all, you need to find on the Internet the value of the thermal efficiency of one section of the radiator that needs to be replaced. By multiplying the found value by the number of cells that made up the battery used, data is obtained on the amount of thermal energy that was sufficient for comfortable stay. It is enough to divide the obtained result by the heat transfer of the new section (this information is indicated in technical passport per product), and you will receive accurate information about how many cells are needed to install a radiator with the same thermal efficiency. If previously the heating could not cope with heating the room, or, on the contrary, you had to open the windows due to constant heat, then the heat transfer of the new radiator is adjusted by adding or reducing the number of sections.

For example, previously you had a common cast iron battery MS-140 of 8 sections, which pleased you with its warmth, but was not aesthetically pleasing. Paying tribute to fashion, you decided to replace it with a branded bimetallic radiator, assembled from separate sections with a heat output of 200 W each. Nameplate power of the used thermal device is 160 W, but over time, deposits have appeared on its walls, which reduce heat transfer by 10-15%. Therefore, the actual heat transfer of one section of the old radiator is about 140 W, and its total thermal power is 140 * 8 = 1120 W. Let's divide this number by the heat transfer of one bimetallic cell and get the number of sections of the new radiator: 1120 / 200 = 5.6 pcs. As you can see for yourself, in order to keep the heat transfer of the system at the same level, a bimetallic radiator of 6 sections will be sufficient.

How to take into account effective power

When determining the parameters of a heating system or its individual circuit, one should not discount one of the most important parameters, namely the thermal pressure. It often happens that the calculations are done correctly, and the boiler heats well, but somehow the heat in the house does not work out. One of the reasons for the decrease in thermal efficiency may be temperature regime coolant. The thing is that most manufacturers indicate the power value for a pressure of 60 °C, which occurs in high-temperature systems with a coolant temperature of 80-90 °C. In practice, it often turns out that the temperature in the heating circuits is in the range of 40-70 °C, which means that the temperature difference does not rise above 30-50 °C. For this reason, the heat transfer values ​​​​obtained in the previous sections should be multiplied by the actual pressure, and then the resulting number divided by the value specified by the manufacturer in the data sheet. Of course, the figure obtained as a result of these calculations will be lower than that obtained when calculating using the above formulas.

It remains to calculate the actual temperature difference. It can be found in tables on the Internet, or calculated independently using the formula ΔT = ½ x (Tn + Tk) – Tvn). In it, Tn is the initial temperature of the water at the inlet to the battery, Tk is the final temperature of the water at the outlet of the radiator, Twn is the temperature external environment. If we substitute the values ​​Tn = 90 °C into this formula ( high temperature system heating, which was mentioned above), Tk = 70 °C and Tvn = 20 °C ( room temperature), then it is not difficult to understand why the manufacturer focuses specifically on this value of thermal pressure. Substituting these numbers into the formula for ΔT, we get the “standard” value of 60 °C.

Taking into account not the nameplate, but the real power thermal equipment, it is possible to calculate the system parameters with an acceptable error. All that remains to be done is to make an adjustment of 10-15% in case of abnormal low temperatures and provide in the design of the heating system the possibility of manual or automatic adjustment. In the first case, experts recommend installing Ball Valves on the bypass and the coolant supply branch to the radiator, and in the second - install thermostatic heads on the radiators. They will allow you to establish the most comfortable temperature in every room, without releasing heat to the street.

How to correct calculation results

When calculating the number of sections, it is necessary to take into account heat loss. In a house, heat can escape in quite significant quantities through walls and junctions, floors and basements, windows, roofing, and the natural ventilation system.

Moreover, you can save money if you insulate the slopes of windows and doors or a loggia by removing 1-2 sections; heated towel rails and a stove in the kitchen also allow you to remove one section of the radiator. Using a fireplace and underfloor heating system, proper insulation walls and floor will reduce heat loss to a minimum and will also reduce the size of the battery.

Heat loss must be taken into account when calculating

The number of sections may vary depending on the operating mode of the heating system, as well as on the location of the batteries and the connection of the system to the heating circuit.

Used in private homes heating system, this system is more effective than the centralized one, which is used in apartment buildings.

The way radiators are connected also affects heat transfer rates. The diagonal method, when water is supplied from above, is considered the most economical, and side connection creates a loss of 22%.

The number of sections may depend on the mode of the heating system and the method of connecting the radiators

For single-pipe systems, the final result is also subject to correction. If two-pipe radiators receive coolant at the same temperature, then a single-pipe system works differently, and each subsequent section receives cooled water. In this case, first make a calculation for two-pipe system, and then increase the number of sections taking into account heat losses.

The calculation diagram for a single-pipe heating system is presented below.

In case of single pipe system successive sections receive cooled water

If we have 15 kW at the input, then 12 kW remains at the output, which means 3 kW is lost.

For a room with six batteries, the loss will average about 20%, which will create the need to add two sections per battery. The last battery in this calculation must be of enormous size; to solve the problem, installation is used shut-off valves and connection via bypass to regulate heat transfer.

Some manufacturers offer an easier way to get the answer. On their websites you can find a convenient calculator specifically designed to make these calculations. To use the program, you need to enter the required values ​​in the appropriate fields, after which the exact result will be given. Or you can use a special program.

This calculation of the number of heating radiators includes almost all the nuances and is based on a fairly accurate determination of the room’s need for thermal energy.

Adjustments allow you to save on purchasing extra sections and paying heating bills, and will provide economical and effective work heating systems, and also allow you to create a comfortable and cozy warm atmosphere in a house or apartment.

Most often, owners purchase bimetallic radiators to replace cast-iron batteries, which for one reason or another have broken down or become poor at heating the room. In order for this model of radiators to cope well with its task, you need to familiarize yourself with the rules for calculating the number of sections for the entire room.

Necessary data for calculation

The best solution would be to contact experienced specialists. Professionals can calculate the number of bimetallic heating radiators quite accurately and efficiently. This calculation will help determine how many sections will be needed not only for one room, but for the entire room, as well as for any type of object.

All professionals take into account the following data to calculate the number of batteries:

  • what material was the building made of;
  • what is the thickness of the walls in the rooms;
  • the type of windows that were installed in this room;
  • in what climatic conditions is the building located?

  • is there any heating in the room above the room where the radiators are installed;
  • how many “cold” walls are there in the room;
  • what is the area of ​​the calculated room;
  • what is the height of the walls?

All this data allows us to make the most accurate calculation for installing bimetallic batteries.

Heat loss coefficient

To make the calculation correctly, you must first calculate what the heat losses will be, and then calculate their coefficient. For accurate data, one unknown must be taken into account, that is, the walls. This applies, first of all, corner rooms. For example, the room contains following parameters: height – two and a half meters, width – three meters, length – six meters.

  • F is the area of ​​the wall;
  • a – its length;
  • x – its height.

The calculation is carried out in meters. According to these calculations, the wall area will be equal to seven and a half square meters. After this, it is necessary to calculate heat loss using the formula P = F*K.

Also multiply by the difference in temperature indoors and outdoors, where:

  • P is the area of ​​heat loss;
  • F is the area of ​​the wall in square meters;
  • K is the thermal conductivity coefficient.

For correct calculation temperature must be taken into account. If the temperature outside is approximately twenty-one degrees, and the room is eighteen degrees, then to calculate this room you need to add two more degrees. To the resulting figure you need to add P windows and P doors. The result obtained must be divided by the number indicating the thermal power of one section. As a result of simple calculations, you can find out how many batteries are needed to heat one room.

However, all these calculations are correct only for rooms that have average insulation rates. As you know, there are no identical rooms, so for an accurate calculation it is necessary to take into account the correction factors. They need to be multiplied by the result obtained using the formula. The correction coefficient for corner rooms is 1.3, for rooms located in very cold places - 1.6, for attics - 1.5.

Battery power

To determine the power of one radiator, it is necessary to calculate how many kilowatts of heat will be needed from installed system heating. The power needed to heat each square meter is 100 watts. The resulting number is multiplied by the number of square meters of the room. Then the figure is divided by the power of each individual section modern radiator. Some battery models consist of two or more sections. When making calculations, you need to choose a radiator that has a number of sections close to ideal. But still, it should be a little more than calculated.

This is done in order to make the room warmer and not freeze on cold days.

Manufacturers of bimetallic radiators indicate their power for certain heating system data. Therefore, when buying any model, it is necessary to take into account the thermal pressure, which characterizes how the coolant heats up, as well as how it heats the heating system. Technical documentation often indicates the power of one section for a heat pressure of sixty degrees. This corresponds to a water temperature in the radiator of ninety degrees. In those houses where the premises are heated cast iron batteries, this is justified, but for new buildings, where everything is more modern, the temperature of the water in the radiator may well be lower. The heat pressure in such heating systems can be up to fifty degrees.

The calculation here is also not difficult. You need to divide the power of the radiator by the number indicating the thermal pressure. The number is divided by the figure indicated in the documents. In this case, the effective power of the batteries will become slightly less.

It is precisely this that must be included in all formulas.

Popular methods

For deduction required quantity sections in the installed radiator, not one formula, but several can be used. Therefore, it is worth evaluating all the options and choosing the one that is suitable for obtaining more accurate data. To do this, you need to know that according to SNiP standards, per 1 m², one bimetallic section can heat one meter and eighty centimeters of area. To calculate how many sections are needed for 16 m², you need to divide this figure by 1.8 square meters. The result is nine sections. However, this method is quite primitive and for more precise definition All the above data must be taken into account.

There is another simple method for doing the calculation yourself. For example, if we take small room 12 m², then very strong batteries are of no use here. You can take, for example, the heat transfer of just one section is two hundred watts. Then using the formula you can easily calculate the number required for the selected room. To get the desired figure, you need 12 - this is the number of squares, multiply by 100, power per square meter and divide by 200 watts. This, as you can understand, is the heat transfer value per section. As a result of the calculations, the number six will be obtained, that is, exactly how many sections will be needed to heat a room of twelve squares.

You can consider another option for an apartment with an area of ​​20 m². Let’s assume that the power of the section of the purchased radiator is one hundred and eighty watts. Then, substituting all the available values ​​into the formula, you get the following result: 20 needs to be multiplied by 100 and divided by 180 will equal 11, which means that this number of sections will be needed to heat a given room. However, such results will really correspond to those rooms where the ceilings are no higher than three meters, and climatic conditions not very tough. And also the windows, that is, their number, were not taken into account, so it is necessary to add several more sections to the final result, their number will depend on the number of windows. That is, you can install two radiators in a room, each with six sections. In this calculation, another section was added taking into account windows and doors.

By volume

To make the calculation more accurate, you need to calculate by volume, that is, take into account three measurements in the selected heated room. All calculations are made almost identically, only the basis is the power data calculated per cubic meter, which is equal to forty-one watts. You can try to calculate the number of sections bimetallic battery for a room with the same area as in the option discussed above, and compare the results. In this case, the ceiling height will be two meters and seventy centimeters, and the square footage of the room will be twelve square meters. Then you need to multiply three by four, and then by two and seven.

The result will be this: thirty-two and four cubic meters. It must be multiplied by forty-one and you get one thousand three hundred twenty-eight and four watts. This radiator power will be ideal for heating this room. Then this result must be divided by two hundred, that is, the number of watts. The result will be equal to six point sixty-four hundredths, which means you will need a radiator with seven sections. As you can see, the result of the volume calculation is much more accurate. As a result, you won’t even need to take into account the number of windows and doors.

You can also compare the calculation results in a room with twenty square meters. To do this, you need to multiply twenty by two and seven, you get fifty-four cubic meters - this is the volume of the room. Next, you need to multiply by forty-one and the result is two thousand four hundred and fourteen watts. If the battery has a power of two hundred watts, then this figure must be divided by the result obtained. The result will be twelve and seven, which means that for this room the same number of sections is required as in the previous calculation, but this option is much more accurate.

Bimetallic radiators are high-quality and highly efficient heating devices that can be used to heat a residential building, office space or industrial building. The main thing is the availability internal elements of steel.

The design features contribute to an increased level of safety margin, and the negative results from contact of the coolant with aluminum are reduced to zero. The only drawback of such heating structures is the unreasonably high cost among similar equipment.

All positive directly depend on their structure. The core can be steel or copper, which increases resistance to the composition of the coolant, as well as pressure drops.

Convenient type of connection with standard piping and aluminum surface radiator allows you to get high heat transfer.

Bimetallic radiators sold in our country, depending on the device and characteristics, can be are divided into two main types:

  • absolutely "bimetallic type", possessing steel pipes and aluminum body. The main advantages are durability and the absolute absence of the possibility of leaks;
  • "semi-bimetallic version", in which vertical channels are reinforced with steel tubes. Such heating radiators are characterized by an excellent combination of low price and high thermal output.

The operating principle of such heating equipment is as simple as possible. On an aluminum body using steel tube heat is transferred from the coolant which promotes heating air masses in a heated room.

The use of steel facilitates the use of equipment in conditions high level coolant pressure inside the heating system. Steel components allow the use of bimetallic type batteries in the presence of coolant with a low quality index.

Standard sizes and diameters

Today, bimetallic radiators are produced in generally accepted standard sizes:

  • thickness indicators– 9 centimeters;
  • width indicators– at least 40 centimeters;
  • height indicators– 76, 94 or 112 centimeters.

It should be taken into account that linear parameters heating appliances can vary significantly and depend on the materials used and design features:

  • if it is necessary to install thinner devices, it is impractical to use a bimetallic type of equipment, which is due to the double metal layer;
  • belongs to the category of the thinnest devices option devices.

In addition, there is a difference in height, which can vary from fifteen centimeters to three meters. Standard batteries have a height of 55-58 centimeters.

Features of calculating heat losses

Heat transfer dimensions are indicated by manufacturers and are based on calculations for the temperature parameters of the coolant at seventy degrees. The operation process assumes the presence of some deviations from the specified values, which requires consideration when choosing.

It is for this reason that competent selection of heating equipment involves determination of building heat loss values.

These calculations are based on data about all walls and ceiling structure rooms, floors, types of windows and their number, design features doors, material of the plaster layer and other factors, including the direction of the cardinal directions, solarization, wind rose and other criteria.

Standard thermal output should based on an indicator of one kW per ten square meters heated area. However, such results will be very approximate.

More accurate data on total heat loss can be calculated using the formula:

V x 0.04 + TPok x Nok + TPdv x Ndv

  • V– volume of the heated room;
  • 0,04 – standard heat loss on one cubic meter squares;
  • TPok– parameters of heat loss from one window according to a value of 0.1 kW;
  • Nok– total number of windows;
  • TPdv- heat loss parameters of one door according to a value of 0.2 kW;
  • Ndoor- total number of doors.

More accurate data can be obtained by using a special device called a thermal imager. The device not only performs the required calculations with maximum accuracy, but also takes into account such important characteristics as hidden construction defects and poor quality of building materials.

Calculation of the required quantity per area

Almost the entire volume of such radiators is produced in standard version execution and has stable dimensions. To calculate the number of sections, it is advisable to use a fairly convenient formula:

According to which:

  • X is the estimated number of sections in one heating device;
  • S corresponds to the heated area in square meters;
  • N represents the power of one section.

An example of calculating the number of sections of bimetallic heating radiators by area:

For a room 5 x 4 meters with a ceiling height of 2.5 meters, the optimal power indicator for one section is about 150 W, and the calculations in accordance with the formula are as follows -

X = S x 100: N = 5 x 4 x 100: 150 = 13.3 or 14 sections.

Rules for choosing wisely

In order to meet all the required parameters, you should take into account some nuances:

  • radiator sizes must be selected according to the interior design and the amount of generated thermal power;
  • equipment under the windows should overlap the width window openings by 50 or 75 percent;
  • the minimum distance from the upper segment of the battery to the window sill should not be less than 10 centimeters;
  • bottom of battery should not be more than 60 centimeters closer to the floor surface;
  • for premises with non-standard forms , the best option there will be placement of designer batteries made to order;
  • Please note that such devices can have top, bottom, side and cross connection options to the system.

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