Convert the volume of 1 ton to cubic meters. Volumetric mass of inert materials. What criteria do we use to calculate cargo volume?

Converting from units of volume to units of weight is very easy; it all depends on the substance from which the object is made. A physics course for the 8th grade of a traditional high school will always be able to provide support.

You will need

  • Know the density of the substance whose body volume needs to be converted into tons.


1. In a physics course, the mass of a body m can be determined by multiplying the volume of the body V by its density p:m = p*V. The volume of the body is given. The density of the body is unknown. But it is not difficult to find out, since it can be easily found from the table of densities of various substances, liquid, solid, granular. Example. Need to translate 6 cubic meters tons of sand. The density of sand, according to the table, is 1200 – 1700 kg/cubic. meter. Possibly this is sand consisting of fine particles, it is used in architectural works for decoration, its density is 1700 kg/cubic. meter. Then its mass is calculated as follows: m = 1700 * 6 = 9420 kg, or 9 tons and 420 kilograms.

Life sometimes presents us with non-trivial tasks. A once loved one will ask you: “Do you know how to convert a ton to meters?”, and you will answer: “Finally, I know.” It's time to learn this simple manipulation so as not to hit your face in the mud.

You will need

  • 1. a vehicle with a carrying capacity of more than a ton; 2. ton of picket fence for building a fence or other economic needs; 3. measuring tape or tape measure; 4. piece of paper.


1. 1. Get a ton of picket fence somewhere. You can purchase it or rent it from a building materials store to conduct an experiment. The main thing is that the weight correctly corresponds to one ton. Load the picket fence into the car and take it to a previously prepared place, where the procedure for converting tons to meters will be carried out.

2. Unload a ton of picket fence into a small space where no one will disturb you (say, at your dacha). Armed with a measuring tape or tape measure, measure the length of each board, recording everything on a piece of paper. The process is labor intensive, please be patient. It is recommended to put all measured planks in a separate pile so as not to confuse them with planks that have not yet been measured.

3. When all the boards have been measured and all the data recorded, perform some simple mathematical calculations. Add the lengths of all the planks together. You can use a calculator, do the calculations in a column, or count in your head. The result will be the value you need. You have converted the mass of the picket fence (in kilograms) to its length (in centimeters).

Helpful advice
It is acceptable that all the planks from a ton of picket fence will be identical in length. In this case, the task is simplified - you will need to measure the length of one plank, count the number of planks and multiply one value by another.

Cubes in everyday life usually refer to the volume of a room, expressed in cubic meters (cubic meters). Meters, as usual, refer to the area of ​​an apartment or house, presented in square meters. Occasionally, the dimensions of huge furniture are measured in a similar way, as well as household appliances. In order to positively calculate how much area a massive thing will occupy, you need cubes convert to meters square.

You will need

  • calculator.


1. In order to translate cubes V meters square, divide the volume of the apartment or room by the height of the ceilings. In this case, the volume of the dwelling should be expressed in cubic meters (m?), and the height of the ceilings - in meters. Let's say the volume of the apartment is 200 m2, and the ceiling height is 2.5 meters. Then its area will be: 200 / 2.5 = 80 meters (square).

2. If the ceiling height is separate rooms does not match (which often occurs in rural houses and cottages), to convert cubes into meters Determine the area of ​​each room separately and add up the resulting values. Let's say a cottage consists of 2 floors. The volume of all rooms on the first floor is 300 m? with a height of 2.5 m, and the rooms on the second floor have a height of 2 meters and a volume of 200 cubic meters. In this case, the total area will be: 300 / 2.5 + 200 / 2 = 120 + 100 = 220 square meters.

3. In order to determine how many square meters, say, a refrigerator will occupy, just as in the first case, divide its volume by its height. However, keep in mind that the price lists, as usual, indicate the internal volume of the refrigerator ( washing machine). Consequently, the number of occupied household appliances meters in practice will be larger. In addition, the working volume of household appliances is traditionally indicated in liters or cubic decimeters, which must be converted to cubic meters .

4. To transfer to cubes(cubic meters) volume specified in liters or cubic decimeters, divide the number of liters (cubic decimeters) by 1000. So, say, a 200-liter barrel holds 200 / 1000 = 0.2 cubic meters of water. To convert to cube meters cubic centi meters, divide the number of cubic centimeters by 1000000.

5. If you need to convert from cubes to meters cubic capacity of rooms with sloping ceilings ( attic spaces, terraces), use the average height of the room as the height. To calculate the average value, add the ceiling height high wall and low, and then divide the resulting amount in half.

6. In order to translate into meters the volume of some building material, say, boards, check in advance which meters need to be converted to square or linear. To convert cubes of boards into meters square, divide the number of cubes by the thickness of the boards, expressed in meters. When converting cubic meters of boards into meters linear, divide the volume of boards in cubes by the thickness and width of the board, measured in meters.

The density of matter is used to solve many problems that you can find not only on the pages of textbooks, but also in Everyday life. In order to successfully cope with their decision, read the following tips.

You will need

  • - pen
  • - paper
  • - calculator


1. Before you begin calculations, look in what units of measurement you need to obtain the density in, as well as in what units you have the initial density data. Write it down on a piece of paper for comfort. If you need to convert the initial value into several other units of measurement, divide the sheet into the required number of columns and title them with the required values. Say, g/m?, mg/l, etc.

2. If you need to convert density from grams per liter (g/l) to grams per cubic decimeter (g/dm?), milligrams per cubic centimeter (mg/cm?), kilograms per cubic meter (kg/m?), remember, that these values ​​will be equal, you need to simply change the name of the unit of measurement.

3. If you need to convert the density from grams per liter to milligrams per cubic millimeter (mg/mm?) or to grams per cubic centimeter (g/cm?), divide the specified density value by 1000. And in order to obtain the density from the available grams per liter to grams per cubic meter (g/m?) or milligrams per liter (mg/l), you should multiply the available density value by 1000.

4. If you want to get the density value in grams per cubic millimeter (g/mm?) or kilograms per cubic centimeter (kg/cm?), and the initial value is in grams per liter, divide it by 1 million.

If you have used an online converter, but doubt its safety, it is best to double-check the results obtained with your own calculations in order to avoid inaccuracies in solving the problem facing you.

Helpful advice
If you need to convert density from the initial grams per liter to foreign units of measurement, remember the following: - in order to get ounces per cubic foot, you need to multiply the density value by 0.9988473692; - ounces per gallon - multiply by 0.1335264712; - ounces by cubic inch - multiply by 0.000578036672; - pounds per cubic foot - multiply by 0.06242796058; - pounds per gallon - multiply by 0.008345404452; - long tons per cubic yard - multiply by 0.0008427774678.

Particularly frequently used measures of substances are volume and mass. The volume of components widely used in manufacturing and construction, such as sand, is usually measured in cubic meters. This measure is colloquially called a cube. Knowing the mass of available sand, it is invariably possible to determine its volume or, in other words, the number of cubes.

You will need

  • – sand density value.


1. First of all, determine the density of the sand. The relationship between the mass and volume of a substance is expressed through this indicator. Every substance has its own density and it is continuous. This collation is measured in kilograms per cubic meter. It can be determined using a physical reference book containing the corresponding tables. The density of natural sand is 1300 kg/m3. It is worth noting that along with an increase in humidity, the density of sand will also increase. For calculations, the following values ​​are taken: density of wet sand 1500 kg/m3, density of wet sand with clay admixtures 1800 kg/m3.

2. Calculate the mass of sand. The formula combining volume and mass has the following form: m = V?р, where m is mass; V – volume; p – density. As can be seen from the above relationship, in order to determine the mass of a substance, knowing its volume, you need to multiply the value of this volume by the value of the density of the substance. Moreover, the value V is the famous number of cubes.

3. Convert the resulting mass value from kilograms to tons. The tabular density value has the dimension kg/m3. Accordingly, the value obtained from the calculations will show the mass of sand in kilograms. In order to convert this value into tons, you need to know that 1 ton is 1000 kg. Thus, the number obtained during the calculations must be divided by 1000. The result is the mass of available sand, expressed in tons.

4. Look at the example. Let there be 12 cubes of wet sand. Determine its mass.1. Density of wet sand p = 1500 kg/m3.2. Sand volume V = 12 m3. Its mass m = 12*1500 = 18000 kg.3. 18000 kg = 18000/1000 = 18 tons.

Large quantities of crushed stone are regularly supplied to construction sites. But the whole point is that the density of this material can be different. It is usually measured in cubic meters, but the density of the stone significantly affects the mass of the structure, and this is the basis for architectural calculations. If we take into account buildings with no more than 12 storeys, then the mass can be neglected, but if you need to build a skyscraper or a bridge with long spans, then this factor has a significant influence. How many tons of crushed stone there are in a cube can affect not only the final strength of the structure, but also the characteristics of the foundation of the future building. It is for this reason that the pressure area is usually increased specifically by 10-15% in order to avoid troubles in the future.

What affects the volume of crushed stone?

The only characteristic that affects the volume of crushed stone is its fraction. If there is only one faction, then it will not settle tightly even with strong shaking. Due to this, a large number of voids are obtained, and the larger the fraction, the less the cubic meter will weigh. The densest is the so-called granite screening, which is more reminiscent of fine gravel. It weighs so much that you need to be careful when filling trucks so as not to tear the frame and springs.

The volume also greatly depends on the nature of the rock and on the equipment installed at the mining and processing plant. The fact is that only cuboid and prismatic fragments demonstrate the best compaction.

The flakiness of crushed stone greatly reduces its density, which will also then affect its density. Crushed stone can also be limestone. Not only is the density of this rock quite low, but also the curved fragments that form the fraction fit very poorly with each other. That is why this material is only suitable for road construction. It should only be used as a concrete filler as a last resort. You can use it to build a one-story building - a house, garage or barn. The second floor on concrete made of crushed limestone will be unpredictable.

Water absorption is no less important factor when determining the weight of a cubic meter of crushed stone. Neglecting this factor in calculations will result in inaccurate results. Water absorption is also influenced by different rock porosities and different size factions and if they are not taken into account, then the calculations will be incorrect.

How to convert the volume of crushed stone into mass

This translation is extremely complex and often difficult. You can give the following table so that you can make at least approximate calculations.

Table of density of bulk crushed stone depending on brand


Fraction, mm

K, t/m3

Crushed stone mixture



Expanded clay

Marble chips

Accordingly, when purchasing a certain volume of crushed stone, you can calculate its mass using the formula:

Mass of crushed stone = Volume of crushed stone * Coefficient (from the table)

For example, 2.5 cubic meters of fraction 5-10 will weigh: 2.5 * 1.38 = 3.45 tons.

It is worth noting that these figures are only valid for crushed granite gray granite highest quality. It is also worth considering that the calculation result is approximate, since the value of the coefficient is influenced by the above factors. Only precise measurement control volume will help answer questions.

Table of approximate weight per cubic meter of various types of crushed stone

You can, of course, measure it using a bucket, for example, but this is very labor-intensive process, which takes a lot of time. In the event that the exact weight of 1 m 3 of crushed stone is not so important, then you can take the average weight of 1 m 3 of crushed stone: 1.4 tons. Each person decides independently which calculation method to use, the most important thing is to get the most accurate result necessary during the construction work.

Density of crushed stone - what affects

In fact, there are a lot of such indicators. But you can try to describe at least the main ones:

  • Humidity. Despite the fact that the material does not seem to be wetted at all, it is quite hygroscopic, especially if the pile is constantly stored under open air. The surface of the crushed stone is actively moistened, and it increases its mass. The frost resistance of the material also depends on this ability. Only one material demonstrates exceptional resistance to splitting from the expansion of water during freezing - basalt, but crushed stone from it has a huge mass and is very expensive.
  • Compound. As you know, granite consists of feldspar, mica and quartz. The more of the first component, the heavier the granite. Quartz is also quite heavy, but it greatly affects not so much the density as the strength of the sample. The presence of a large amount of mica is generally undesirable, because it delaminates the stone into fragments at the slightest load. It also conducts cold well, so a house made of such crushed stone will never be warm. If crushed stone has a large amount of quartz in its composition, then it will be lighter, but will have poor thermal conductivity. In some countries, for example in Norway, it is possible to use pure quartz crushed stone. For us, it will be prohibitively expensive.
  • Fraction size. The faction can indeed be different. It is only worth mentioning that the lightest stone is considered to be a huge rubble stone, between the fragments of which there are large gaps.

If we talk about crushed limestone, its density is also affected by porosity, and humidity is very strongly influenced. It can almost double its mass in nominal volume when stored at outdoors. That is why it is used only in road construction, and even then with heavy traffic it quickly becomes unusable. Therefore, no specialist can accurately answer the question of how many tons of crushed limestone there are in a cube. You just need to weigh it before loading the dump truck.

Only weighing can tell you exactly how many tons of crushed stone there are in a cube. The thing is that most manufacturers have various equipment for crushing. Even the size of the screen tooth significantly affects the shape of the fraction, and this determines how it will be compacted during filling. In Western practice, the so-called vibration compaction is used, but our sellers usually do not use it. Optimizing space comes down to financial gain. In our country, such a practice is unacceptable, so we can be content with only approximate indicators, which often vary greatly.

If household construction of low-rise buildings and structures is carried out, then how many tons of crushed stone per cube does not affect the final result at all. This is the ground for engineering surveys during the construction of strategically important and earthquake-resistant objects. Moreover, this should not be taken into account in road or drainage construction.

The number of boxes


Volume of one box (m 3):

Total volume(m3):

Use the received
result for
filling out an application

d= m cm
h= m cm

Number of pipes


Volume of one pipe (m 3):

Total volume(m3):

Use the received
result for
filling out an application

How to calculate the volume of a box?

Do you have a question about delivery?, and there was also a need to know how to calculate the volume of cargo, do you need our help? We know how to calculate the volume of cargo; on this page you see a calculator that will accurately perform the calculations.

In general, for what purpose is the volume calculated?

The volume must be calculated in order to avoid misunderstandings when loading loaded boxes into vehicle. Calculate volume using modern technologies Today it’s not difficult, just being here is enough.

What criteria do we use to calculate cargo volume?

Firstly, everyone knows that every detail is important in the delivery process, and it is important to calculate the volume of the cargo as a whole without errors. As already mentioned, our volume calculator will help you calculate the volume of cargo; it will do it quickly and reliably!

Second- volume calculator, start it on our website, it has already been said above, as you can see, we care about our clients. A volume calculator is what can make working with calculations as easy as possible and completely kill your doubts.

What do we give you?

What else is needed?

For example…

You are an entrepreneur who transports goods from China, and you constantly need a volume calculator. You can quickly find a volume calculation calculator on the pages of our website, and perform your calculations right away.

Nowadays, entrepreneurship relies on Chinese production goods, and where did the need to calculate the volume come from? It is necessary to calculate the volume in order to find out the total volume of the cargo, and then select the type of transport.

What is the calculation of delivery volumes? And what role does he play?

Volume calculation- this is how much, you already understand very much important stage in delivery, and it must be trusted in reliable hands professionals. The calculation of cargo volume must be done carefully, taking into account all dimensions and converting them into cubic meters.

But unfortunately, not everyone copes with these calculations.

Back in school days, we studied how to calculate the volume of cargo in m3, but unfortunately, you won’t remember all of this. How to calculate the volume of cargo in m3 - there are times when this question comes first, for example during delivery.

For this this page and exists!

After all, that's what this page is for, to help you calculate delivery.

To calculate the volume of a box, you don’t have to try to do it yourself, you just need to fill in the empty fields. The volume of the box will be calculated automatically by our calculator; if in doubt, check it yourself.

This is why we reminded you of the volume formula.

Calculation of cargo volume in cubic meters you need in order to submit the correct application for its transportation. Calculating the volume of cargo in cubic meters, i.e. knowing the volume itself will help you decide which type of delivery is right for you.

Now let's get to the main point, let's talk about how to make calculations and why they are necessary.

First, let's figure it out...

Calculating the volume of cargo is not always as easy as it seems, all this is due to the fact that boxes can be of various shapes. Calculating the cargo volume of a rectangular box is a trifle, but the rest is a bit difficult, you need to know the formulas.

First, let's define the form; to do this, we first find out what they exist.

What shape can the box have?

  • Rectangle;
  • Cylinder;
  • Truncated pyramid (very rare).

Then follow the measurements

Before calculating the volume of the box, let’s measure it, but remember, the more accurately the measurements are made, the easier it is for you. "How to calculate the volume of a box?" - what to do next: determine what shape it is (cube or rectangle), dimensions.

What does knowledge of volume give us?

Knowing the volume of a box will prevent misunderstandings when loading goods into any type of transport that may exist. Almost nothing depends on the volume of the box; on the contrary, everything depends on the size of the product itself.

And why? Everything is obvious here; before purchasing a box, you need to find out the size of the cargo that you are going to transport across the border.

Well, you know the size of the cargo, now all that remains is to calculate its volume (in order to purchase a box).

So, in order to find out how to calculate the volume of cargo in m3, you will need the formula first. How to calculate the volume of cargo in m3, the formula will help without a doubt in this matter, this is how it looks like V=a*b*h, everything is very simple.

Moreover, you already know it.

We would like to remind you that...

To make it easier for you to determine which type of transport to choose for delivery, you need to calculate the volume of cargo in m3. It is very simple to calculate the volume of cargo in m3; you need to know the exact dimensions, which then need to be multiplied.

The units must be converted specifically to m3, otherwise it will not be possible to calculate delivery.

But what if the shape of the box is not rectangular, but round? After all, this is very rare, but it still happens.

You can calculate the volume of boxes or containers with a circle at their base, and there is also a formula for this. The volume of boxes can be calculated in the shape of a circle using the expression V *r2*h; the dimensions must first of all be accurately measured.

Volume calculator

We present to your attention a calculator: cargo volume in m3, with the help of which you can make calculations yourself. The cargo volume calculator is located on the rental website specifically for your convenience and for quick calculations.

Why do you need a cargo volume calculator?

We are business people and wasted time sometimes carries big disadvantages. Do you want to receive cargo quickly and reliably? And at the same time, find out the prices for their transportation and delivery as soon as possible?

This is where the cargo volume calculator will help!

Our volume calculator allows you to calculate the volume of cargo in m3, so the question about the volume of the box will no longer arise. The volume calculator is simple and easy to use; it will give results for both the volume of the box and the load.

So, using the volume calculator you solve several questions:

How to calculate the volume of a cargo (or box)? Don't forget about the quantitative unit you are taking into account.

Have you encountered one of them or encountered a similar one? Our company is pleased to offer for your convenience the volume in cubic meters of a box to calculate using a convenient calculator.

And finally, let's remember math!

What is the most common problem?

Many people confuse then how to calculate the volume of flat and volumetric figures, because they are mistaken in concepts, or rather, they find it difficult to answer. You don’t need to know how to calculate the volume, it’s enough that you indicate the dimensions, the main thing is not to forget that there are 3 of them.

Having completed all the calculations, one more task remains.

What kind of transport do you need?

Let us remind you that in delivery, in addition to how to calculate the cubic capacity, there are no less important things, for example, the placement of goods. You know how to calculate the cubic capacity, so everything else is in your hands, now the choice of transport depends on you.

Volumetric mass of pgs, sand, crushed stone

Dear builders and site visitors, we have collected various GOST characteristics for crushed stone:

How can bulk density be determined?

There are two ways!!!

First way suggests using the conditional conversion factors listed below. But in this case, you must understand that in this way the result will be approximate (error 0.1-5%).
Second way- this is to take measurements using some kind of vessel, for example a bucket! This is the result that will bring you a truer result.
Pour the bulk material with a scoop into a measuring cylinder, for example a bucket with a capacity of 10 liters, from a height of 10 cm, until the container is filled to the brim. This “hill” is cut off flush with the edge of the measuring vessel, again trying not to compact the sand. After this, we weigh the vessel along with the bulk material. The bulk density of pgs, sand, crushed stone is the ratio of the mass of bulk material (minus the mass of the vessel) to the occupied volume.

V = Weight syp.mat. / V vessel

Conversion from 1 cu. m ASG per 1 ton.

Conversion from 1 cu. m of sand in 1 ton.

Conversion from 1 cu. m of crushed stone 1 ton.

Very often our clients are tormented by the question of how to convert cubic meters to tons and vice versa. On this page we tried to consider the method using the conversion factor.

Table of conversion factors m3 to tons for bulk materials:

Name of material


Natural sand

River sand

Crushed stone fr.5-10, M-1200

Crushed stone fr.5-20, M-1200

Crushed stone fr.20-40, M-1200

Crushed stone fr.40-70, M-1200

Crushed stone fr.5-10, M-700-800

Crushed stone fr.5-20, M-700-800

Crushed stone fr.20-40, M-700-800

Crushed stone fr.40-70, M-700-800

Some examples of laboratory tests for bulk density inert materials :

Converting cubes to tons and tons to cubes:

When buying and selling bulk building materials it is necessary to know the bulk density or specific gravity material, which will allow you to determine how many tons a certain volume of sand or crushed stone weighs (i.e., convert cubes to tons) or, conversely, how many cubes there are for a given weight of sand or crushed stone (i.e., convert tons to cubes).
The bulk density of the material determines how many tons 1 m3 of such material weighs, i.e., for example, the value of the bulk density of crushed stone 1.32 tons/m3 means that 1 m3 of such crushed stone weighs 1.32 tons. And, in reverse order, 1 ton of this crushed stone has a volume of 0.7576 m3 (1 ton: 1.32 tons/m3).
The bulk density of sand or crushed stone is determined in laboratory conditions by weighing several samples of the material under study in a container of a certain volume, after which the obtained values ​​are averaged. Find out the density required material it is possible from the passport of the manufacturer of such material.
Here are examples of the average bulk density of the most common materials:
1) natural quarry sand - 1.55 tons/m3; 2) washed quarry sand - 1.6 tons/m3; 3) crushed limestone - 1.3 tons/m3; 4) crushed gravel - 1.4 tons/m3; 5) granite crushed stone - 1.37 tons/m3.
It should be noted that the bulk density of different fractions of the same material has different meanings. In this case it is carried out general rule: the larger the fraction of sand or crushed stone, the lower the bulk density.

Let's look at the calculations of volume-weight indicators using examples.
1) To determine how much 10 cubic meters of limestone crushed stone weigh, if the bulk density of such crushed stone is 1.3 tons/m3, it is necessary to multiply the volume of crushed stone by the density of crushed stone (10 m3 * 1.3 tons/m3 = 13 tons).
2) In answer to the question of how many cubes of sand weigh 15 tons with a bulk density of sand of 1.5 tons/m3, it is necessary to divide the given weight by the density of the sand (15 tons: 1.5 tons/m3 = 10 m3).
Let's look at the calculations of cost indicators using examples.
1) How much does 1 ton cost? crushed gravel, if 1 m3 of crushed stone costs 1,540 rubles, and the bulk density is 1.4 tons/m3. Calculation: cost of 1 ton of crushed stone = cost of 1 m3 of crushed stone: bulk density, or 1540 rubles/m3: 1.4 tons/m3 = 1100 rubles/ton).
2) How much does 1 m3 of construction sand cost, if 1 ton of sand costs 400 rubles, and the bulk density is 1.5 tons/m3. Calculation: cost of 1 m3 of sand = cost of 1 ton of sand * bulk density, or 400 rubles/ton * 1.5 tons/m3 = 600 rubles/m3.
Cost of construction sand with delivery
Cost of crushed stone with delivery

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