How to insulate the attic floor. How to insulate an attic for winter living? Instructions and tips for choosing materials. There are several important factors to consider

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The desire to live better, to have spacious houses, separate rooms for each family member and guests is a completely natural desire of our fellow citizens. Improving living conditions can be achieved in two ways: build larger and expensive houses using traditional technology or use modern solutions and convert attic spaces into residential ones. These are the so-called attic rooms, this method allows you to achieve your goals with minimal financial losses.

Thanks to good combination quality of housing, comfort of living and estimated cost construction work, attic spaces are very popular among domestic developers. Currently, there are many technologies and special materials for insulation of such premises. In order to make the right and informed choice, it is recommended to briefly familiarize yourself with their physical and operational characteristics.

The industry produces a wide range of materials used for insulating buildings. Regardless of the production technology, they all must meet several universal requirements.

This General requirements, And popular insulation materials meet optimal performance to varying degrees.

What materials can be used to insulate an attic roof?

We will give short description everyone possible options, and based on objective characteristics it will be easier for developers to make the right choice.

Table. Types of insulation for the attic

Name of insulationPhysical and operational characteristics
The most advertised material for roof insulation. It has good heat saving characteristics, is technologically advanced, easy to cut and install. Mineral wool does not emit any harmful substances into the air chemical compounds, does not burn, permitted for use without restrictions. These are positive qualities of the material, but there are also negative ones. Mineral wool is very hygroscopic and can absorb large amounts of moisture. As a result, thermal conductivity increases sharply; next to wet wool, all wooden structures of the rafter system quickly rot. To protect against moisture penetration, it is necessary to use special membranes, and this additionally increases the estimated cost of construction. In addition, the price of mineral wool is the highest among all existing insulation materials.
A very popular material. In many important performance indicators, it surpasses the characteristics of mineral wool: it has low thermal conductivity (better than mineral wool), it cuts well, is easily installed in the niches of rafter legs, and has minimal weight. It does not absorb moisture, there is no need to install moisture and vapor protection, which has a positive effect on the cost of attic premises. In addition, it is one of the cheapest roofing materials. As for flammability, then modern views have special additives, now the material does not support open combustion. It means that short circuit cannot set foam on fire. The amount of evaporation of chemical compounds does not exceed established standards, and the insulation itself is additionally covered with finishing materials, which further reduces the likelihood negative consequences. Another advantage is that foam plastic can be used to insulate roofs not only from the inside, but also from the outside, by laying it under the roofing.
Like polystyrene foam, it is recommended to use it if it is necessary to insulate the roof from the outside. In terms of physical parameters, it is no different from polystyrene foam, except for increased values. mechanical strength. But for roof insulation, strength is not critical. Disadvantages - high cost.
During the insulation of structures, it is blown out using special equipment. During hardening, polyurethane foam increases in volume and hardens. The most unsuccessful material from all points of view. To achieve a thickness of 10–15 cm, it is necessary to repeat the treatment three times; this is expensive, time-consuming and economically ineffective. Experienced builders strongly not recommended.
A fairly new and rarely used insulation material, it is made from pulp waste or waste paper. There is only one advantage - the absence of harmful compounds. All actual performance characteristics are significantly worse than those of the insulation materials described in the table above.

Prices for thermal insulation materials

Thermal insulation materials

Before making a decision on choosing insulation, it is recommended to carefully compare the objective characteristics of the materials, while not paying much attention to the marketing moves of manufacturers, but to trust independent information.

And one more very important point: if the thickness of the insulation does not correspond to the climate zone, then you should not expect much effect from such insulation. No need to save better thickness do with a margin of about five centimeters.

The attic space can become a full-fledged part of the living space of the house if it is properly insulated from the inside. This will not only increase usable area, but also to reduce heat loss of the entire building.

To insulate the attic, you can invite specialists, or better yet, do it yourself, saving on the cost of work. The work technology and video are given below.

Thermal insulation materials that are suitable for insulating the attic

  • Mineral wool (mineral basalt wool) in the form of slabs or mats is the most suitable material for thermal insulation of attics. It is fireproof, does not harm human health, and has excellent insulating and soundproofing properties;
  • Polyurethane foam is a viscous self-foaming composition that is sprayed onto the roof and walls of the attic and has good performance characteristics. Reviews about this insulation are mostly positive. However, its use requires the involvement of specialists equipped with special equipment, and therefore is not suitable for independent insulation;
  • Styrofoam belongs to the most affordable heat insulators, but for a residential attic it is not best material, as it is toxic and flammable;
  • Glass wool Also available material. It is fire resistant, non-toxic, and has good insulating properties. A significant drawback is the presence of glass impurities in it, which brings a lot of inconvenience during installation, so glass wool is not recommended for do-it-yourself insulation;
  • Ecowool– insulation consisting of cellulose and antiseptic; non-toxic and absolutely safe for humans. However, the use of ecowool requires the presence of special equipment;
  • Material penoplex(improved expanded polystyrene) is moisture and fire resistant, environmentally friendly, durable. Sold at affordable price. Installation of penoplex is simple and takes little time.

In addition, sometimes for insulation, it is quite profitable and practical.

Preparatory stage

How and with what to insulate an attic roof from the inside - possible options

An attic insulated in this way can become a full-fledged room in the house, performing various functions. Carrying out insulation with your own hands will not only save family budget, but will also give confidence in the quality of the work performed.

How to choose the type of insulation, install it correctly and others important stages the process of insulating the attic, you can learn from this video:

If attic space remains uninhabited, the air in the under-roof space serves as good thermal insulation (along with insulation of the ceiling). In the case of the attic, everything is completely different: here the thermal insulation is very close to roofing material and the task is not only to insulate the attic, but also to create such conditions that all roofing system served for a long time.

Let us say right away that all wood that is used in the construction of the roof must be treated with antiseptics. Indeed, everything: battens and counter-battens, and rafters. All wooden parts. It is also necessary to make them less flammable. To do this, they are treated with fire retardants. All elements located on the street side are treated with compounds for exterior work. Treat all wooden parts facing indoors with impregnations for interior work. If you use a composition for outdoor use indoors, the specific smell will remain for several years. If it’s the other way around, the wood outside may be damaged: the degree of protection is insufficient. Therefore, do not save on this matter.

More. Before describing how to insulate an attic roof with your own hands, it is worth recalling this: a ventilation system must be organized in the under-roof space. For this purpose, special ventilation holes. Through them, air escapes from under the roofing material, carrying away excess moisture. And it must get under the roof deck through the overhangs. There is absolutely no way to do everything hermetically. This is where the air intake comes from. This is the only way the condensate will dry out in a timely manner and the roof will last a long time.

Proper insulation of the attic

To keep the attic floor warm in winter and cool in summer, there were no problems with high humidity icicles did not freeze on the roof, it is necessary to properly insulate the roof. But in the case of roofing, insulation, vapor and waterproofing are a complex solution and one without the other works very poorly, or does not work at all.

If the sloping roof is also the walls of the attic floor, the pie will be as follows (from inside to outside):

  • internal cladding (plasterboard or lining);
  • sheathing;
  • vapor barrier;
  • insulation (the thickness of the insulation depends on the region and parameters of the insulation, for middle zone Russia is about 200 mm);
  • superdiffusion membrane;
  • ventilation gap;
  • sheathing;
  • roofing covering.

The photo shows the insulation of a sloping attic roof in a graphical version. Please note: a superdiffusion membrane (indicated in blue) is placed above the insulation. Its purpose is to prevent formed condensation or precipitation seeping through the roofing from entering the insulation and to remove the steam that did get into the mineral wool, ensuring its drying. Therefore, with vapor permeability from 1500 g/m2. This layer is often called waterproofing (that’s what it actually is), only the waterproofing is vapor-permeable.

Laying waterproofing

Ideally, it is laid exactly as shown in the figure: wrapping the rafters and laying closely on the insulation. Often, to save money, it is rolled out over the rafters, but not by pulling it, but by making a sag of 3-5 cm. This option also works well: moisture gets to the surface, and then rolls down and is removed outside the roof. Here is another important point: the membrane must extend into the drainage gutter. Then moisture will be removed from the under-roof space.

A few more points on laying the membrane. It rolls out across the rafters, starting from the bottom. The first row runs into the gutter. The next one rolls out with an overlap of 10-15 cm. And so on until the ridge. At the ridge, the membranes on both sides are cut along the upper edge and secured. A strip rolls along the ridge, going down from one side and the other of the roof. This creates a coating along which water flows all the way to the drainage gutter.

Vapor barrier and rules for its installation

It is worth talking separately about vapor barrier. This should also be a membrane. Polyethylene or polypropylene film will not work: its characteristics are not the same. The vapor permeability of this layer (expressed in g/m2) should be minimal. Ideally, it is equal to zero. That is, this layer should not allow vapors to pass from the room into the insulation layer. When using mineral wool as insulation, this is very important: when it gets wet, it loses more than half of its properties, and when it freezes in a wet state and then melts, it completely crumbles into dust.

Therefore, the vapor barrier film is also laid with one panel overlapping the other. Moreover, these joints are glued with special double-sided vapor-impermeable tape (it looks like adhesive rubber). An ordinary painter's or stationery tool will not work. They do not provide 100% steam protection. In addition to the joints, all junctions are also glued: from below, from the sides, from above.

There is a line marked on the vapor barrier. It marks the border from which the next layer begins (this is the amount of overlap) and the line along which the canvases are fastened with tape

The vapor barrier is usually attached to the joists using staplers or, as in the figure, with internal sheathing slats for installation of the sheathing. In this case, another ventilation gap is formed, which will dry out the finish and membrane. This gap is desirable, but not required. In principle, the lining can be mounted directly on top of the membrane.

Thermal insulation

How best to insulate a sloping roof is a complex question and there is no clear answer to it. Mineral wool is used, only hard, with a density of 30-50 kg/m3. Since the attic roof usually has a large angle of inclination, soft materials can slide. It is for this reason that it is better to take slabs. Although in this case you will have to adjust the pitch of the rafters to the size of the insulation: it should be 10-15 mm less than the width of the slab so that the material fits between the beams and holds well.

Thermal insulation must be laid so that there are as few cold bridges as possible. For central Russia, 200-250 mm of mineral wool is usually required. These are several layers of mats. When laying between rafters, the slabs are positioned so that the seams of one row overlap the next. The width of the insulation, as already mentioned, should be slightly wider than the distance between the rafters. Then the slab becomes tight, eliminating the presence of cracks. If the width is larger/smaller, you have to cut the material. In this case, the chance of getting a straight edge is small and there are a lot of residues left.

If the dimensions of the rafters do not allow laying all the insulation, planks of the required thickness are stuffed across the side of the room. The remaining insulation is placed between them. A vapor barrier and, if necessary, lathing for finishing are already attached to the top. This option is even better: cold bridges are completely eliminated, even covering the rafters. This method requires slightly higher installation costs, but the attic will definitely be warmer, which will reduce heating costs.

How to insulate an attic roof: work order

The good thing about the attic floor is that it allows the completion of construction to be extended. It is immediately necessary to lay and secure the superdiffusion membrane on the rafters, along with the sheathing and roofing material. And insulating the attic can be done from the inside after some time.

But please note: the waterproofing layer must be installed together with the roofing. This is the main mistake of many developers: they do not install this membrane. As a result, it is either necessary to remove the roof and lay it, or to invent systems to correct this deficiency. The whole problem is that there is no cheap solution that guarantees normal condition In this case, there are no materials.

We insulate from the outside

If you do everything at once, the order of work is as follows:

With this option, working with insulation is not difficult: it is easy to lay, it rests on the sheathing (laces).

Insulation from the inside

This option allows you to postpone the interior finishing for the required period (useful if there is a shortage of funds). After installing the rafter system, here is what you need to do:

  • roll out and secure the waterproofing;
  • fill the sheathing (if necessary, counter-lattice);
  • install roofing material.

That's all for the first stage necessary work. Once you are able to continue, you will need to insulate the attic roof from the inside. It will no longer be so convenient to work: you will have to make an enclosing structure that will prevent the insulation from being pushed out higher than necessary. The cotton wool itself will have to be fixed somehow: it tends to fall on your head. The order of work is as follows:

A few notes on how thermal insulation material can be laid. If these are mineral wool mats high density and their width is slightly larger than the pitch between the joists, everything is relatively simple: they themselves hold up well.

If rolled mineral wool is installed, everything is more complicated. When insulating the attic roof from the inside, it is laid from bottom to top. Take a lace and a construction stapler. Roll out the cotton wool, press it against the slats, fasten a piece of lace with staples, drawing the letter Z. This is how you secure the first layer, followed by the second and all subsequent ones.

In general, if you want the attic roof to be warm, it is better to use mineral wool mats of the required density of 30-50 kg/m3. They are tough enough to hold their shape well. Softer roll materials on vertical surfaces or with a large slope they cake, settling down, and the thermal insulation of the attic roof deteriorates.

What is the best way to insulate an attic roof?

As mentioned above, the most popular material for insulating an attic roof is mineral wool. She is good, but not at all ideal: she is afraid of moisture. That is why it requires such careful protection from all sides so that it retains its properties.

Foam plastic (expanded polystyrene)

The roof is sheathed with foam plastic or extruded polystyrene foam - EPS. Polystyrene foam (grades PSB-S-25, PSB-S-35) has good characteristics, but when burned it emits harmful substances, although there are self-extinguishing brands (with special additives). It is better to use them for roof insulation.

The main advantage of polystyrene foam: low price. It is easy to install: it is placed between the rafters, all joints are sealed with polyurethane foam. It’s convenient to insulate the attic from the inside with polystyrene foam: just order the slabs the right size- 10-15 mm more than the gap between the rafters - and place them tightly. Due to their elasticity, they hold up very well.

On the roof side they are also left ventilation gap and install waterproofing. But she protects more wooden structure, since polystyrene foam is not afraid of moisture, it practically does not absorb it, and does not conduct steam. This is where the main drawback lies. Since the material does not allow steam to pass through, it is necessary in the attic good system ventilation, and this is an additional cost.

EPS has best characteristics: under equal conditions, its thickness is two times less than mineral wool of the specified density and one and a half times less than that of foam plastic. It also has a locking system that reduces the risk of gaps through which heat can escape. Another plus: extruded polystyrene foam is not liked by mice and insects; fungi and mold do not grow on it. What limits its use: a respectable price. You also need a ventilation system.

EPS brands - Extrol, STIREKS, PENOPLEX, URSA XPS, Technoplex, PRIMAPLEX (PRIMAPLEX), Styrofoam (Styrofoam), KINPLAST (KINPLAST), Teploizolit, GREENPLEX (GREENPLEX). Although the technology is the same, there are some differences in characteristics, so compare when choosing.

Appeared not long ago new type insulation: foamed polystyrene foam. It is applied in liquid form to the surface, reacting with air, increasing in size many times, filling all the cracks and forming a monolithic layer. This is, perhaps, the only way today to correct the situation and efficiently insulate the attic if, when installing the roofing, they forgot to lay a layer of waterproofing.


This insulation has good characteristics (thermal conductivity coefficient 0.036-0.040 W/m² °C), but special technology application. It is necessary to organize a closed cavity into which the composition will be poured. In case of mansard roof the side parts are rafters, nailed to them from below and above sheet material(Fibreboard, GVL, plywood, etc.).

A feeding sleeve is launched into the formed cavity, from which loosened cotton wool emerges under pressure. It fills all cavities, forming a single layer of insulation.

The main advantage of ecowool compared to all the insulation described above: it conducts vapor. It can absorb moisture up to 20% of the volume and then release it. That is, there is no need to organize a vapor barrier: humidity is regulated naturally, as is the case with wood. The ventilation gap between the roof and the insulation should be the same, as well as properly organized movement air masses in him.

Preface. Most owners of private houses are small renovation work trying to do it on their own. This also applies when the owner of a country house wants to insulate the attic for winter accommodation with your own hands. Various thermal insulation and finishing materials can be used for work. Let's consider how to achieve the result yourself, when the attic will be suitable for living at any time of the year. We'll tell you how to insulate an attic for winter living with polystyrene foam and mineral wool.

In winter, throughout most of Russia, a lot of money is spent on heating a private house. But thanks to high-quality insulation strip foundation and other building structures, including the attic and interfloor ceilings, heating costs will be significantly reduced. Before you start work, it is important to select insulation, determine the thickness of the attic insulation and calculate required amount material.

How to insulate an attic for winter living

Photo. Insulating the attic with foam plastic

The choice of insulation and the thickness of the thermal insulation layer for converting an attic into a living space is determined by how severe the frosts are in winter in your region. If it is very cold in your area winter period, then you will need to lay insulation with good thermal insulation characteristics, with a thickness of at least 200 mm. IN northern latitudes it is necessary to lay thermal insulation in several layers.

Be that as it may, save when purchasing skylights And basalt thermal insulation You shouldn’t save money, otherwise living conditions in the attic of a private house in winter will be far from ideal. Many people choose foam plastic for work because of the ease of installation of polystyrene foam boards and their low cost. But a more deliberate choice would be in favor of extruded polystyrene foam.

Like polystyrene foam, extruded polystyrene foam is produced in the form of slabs. But extruded polystyrene foam (penoplex, technoplex or URSA XPS) has better thermal insulation characteristics and high strength. Basalt wool, for example, Isorok mineral wool, despite the need for protection from moisture with vapor barrier films, is environmentally friendly, has low thermal conductivity and fire resistance.

Calculation of materials for insulation step by step

As you understand, for successful work, choosing the right material is not enough. To provide high-quality insulation attics for living in winter without cold bridges, it is extremely important to calculate the thickness of thermal insulation for this structure. Many factors should be taken into account, the dependence of the insulation thickness building structure from all factors can be represented by the following formula:

L – thickness thermal insulation material, in meters;

K – thermal conductivity of the heat-insulating material;

A1 – heat transfer indicator for inner surface walls: 8.7 W/m*°C;

A2 – heat transfer index for outer surface walls: 23 W/m*°C.

Comparison of insulation materials by thermal conductivity

The thermal conductivity of the insulation can be found from the manufacturer's certificate. Using the formula presented above, you can easily calculate the thickness of the insulation of any room in the house. In this case, you should determine exactly what kind of insulation you will use to equip the attic. When determining the thickness of the insulation, take into account that insulating the gable of the attic made of brick and the roof requires different thicknesses of the insulating layer.

To calculate the amount of thermal insulation, it is also important to know how much area will be treated. The area of ​​the windows in the attic should be subtracted from this area. As a result, you will receive the amount of material that will be sufficient to carry out the work. When insulating the attic yourself for winter living, you will need Additional materials: vapor barrier, polyurethane foam, dowel-fungi, as well as comparison of insulation materials by thermal conductivity.

How to insulate an attic for winter living

Photo. Insulating the attic of a house with mineral wool from the inside

If you use basalt wool or glass wool, which lose their properties when wet thermal insulation characteristics, then you should protect the insulation with a vapor barrier on the correct side on the side of the warm room. Need for application vapor barrier films due to the fact that warm air contains moisture, and when passing through thermal insulation it cools and the moisture falls into condensation.

When using extruded polystyrene foam, additional waterproofing is not required, since this insulation does not absorb moisture and retains its original characteristics at any humidity. Therefore, penoplex, like any other extruded polystyrene foam, is popular for insulation columnar foundation Houses.

External insulation is always considered the best option. With this option, the insulated structure is located in a warm circuit and is not subject to freezing. Thanks to this, it is possible to reduce the risk of mold and mildew due to condensation. But when arranging the attic of an already built house, it is very difficult to place thermal insulation under the roof, since this involves removing the roof from the roof.

Most owners of private houses resort to internal insulation of the attic when converting it into a living space. To do this, a timber frame is built in the attic for future rooms, which is subject to thermal insulation. How is work carried out for external and internal insulation? Let's take a closer look at all the technologies and give step-by-step instructions on how to thermally insulate the attic of a residential building with your own hands.

Photo. How and with what to insulate an attic in a private house

How to insulate an attic: step-by-step instructions

The attic can be insulated using two methods, inside and outside. Thermal insulation of the attic for winter living outside is carried out during the construction of the house - this is nothing more than insulation of the gable roof. Self-insulation the inside of the attic is done when the roof is already covered, when deciding to convert the attic into a living space. Let's take a closer look at both approaches to understand the difference between them.

Carrying out work on external thermal insulation

Insulating the attic of a house with mineral wool from the outside

A ventilation gap of at least 2 centimeters should be provided in the insulation “pie” to ventilate vapors and condensation from the vapor barrier. Ventilation holes are created in the lower and upper parts of the roof slope so that air flows from below along the ventilation gap in the roof, collects excess moisture from the surface of the vapor barrier membrane and leaves through the upper holes in the roof.

External insulation of the roof and attic of a house should only be done in sunny, warm weather. Before laying thermal insulation, it is necessary to carefully inspect the surface of the walls. Wood is treated with antiseptics, and metal bitumen mastic for protection against corrosion. All wet areas should be dried. Step-by-step instructions for insulating an attic for living in winter look like this:

  1. At the bottom of the rafters there is a sheathing of boards;
  2. The rafters and sheathing are covered with a vapor barrier;
  3. Thermal insulation material is laid between the rafters;
  4. The insulation is covered with rolled vapor-waterproofing;
  5. A sheathing of boards is placed on top of the insulation “pie”;
  6. The roofing material is attached to the sheathing using self-tapping screws.

Carrying out work on internal thermal insulation

Photo. Covering the attic frame with plasterboard

Thermal insulation must be selected carefully. The material should be light in weight so as not to load the attic floors, be easy to install, environmentally friendly and fireproof.

To achieve the best result, basalt insulation should be laid without cracks or gaps. When laying slab insulation, the gaps should be filled with foam. When laying a vapor barrier, make sure that the sheets of material overlap at least 20-30 mm.

When carrying out work with inside insulation is carried out somewhat differently. The step-by-step instructions look like this:

1. Lathing is placed on the rafters or prepared frame;

2. The structure is covered with a film that provides wind protection;

3. A layer of insulation is laid between the frame or rafters;

4. The insulation is covered from the inside with a vapor barrier film;

5. A sheathing for a ventilation gap is placed on the structure;

6. The lathing is covered with sheets of plasterboard or OSB boards.

How to insulate an attic for winter living: video, photo, Do-it-yourself insulation

Let's look at how to achieve good insulation attic in the house, what materials and technologies to use to make the attic suitable for winter living.

How to insulate an attic for winter living?

An attic is an attic space that can be used for permanent residence. Its peculiarity is that the roof of the house in it is both walls and ceiling. If insulation was not carried out at the stage of arranging the roof of the house, then a thermal insulation system can be organized from the inside in a ready-made house.

This is a rather complicated undertaking, because it is necessary to install multi-layer insulation in order to avoid the formation of condensation associated with the fact of direct contact of the roof with cold outside air and the penetration of warm air from inside the room. In this regard, the question of how to insulate an attic for winter living is not an easy one. First of all, it should be understood that for independent conduct For work, it is imperative to study insulation technology and have certain construction skills, as well as the ability to handle construction tools.

The structure of the attic insulation system and the choice of insulation

Effective insulation system attic room should consist of the following layers:

The figure below shows a diagram of the thermal insulation system of an attic roof.

Due to the large assortment of insulation materials on the modern market, the question always arises of which material is better to choose. Perhaps we can say with confidence that to install a thermal insulation system for an attic with your own hands, you should give preference to environmentally friendly mineral wool slabs made of basalt fiber (see Basalt insulation: Dimensions). Their main advantages are low thermal conductivity and good sound insulation qualities. Installing them is extremely easy. The only thing that is needed when installing mineral wool slabs is to reliably protect them from moisture from the outside and from steam from the inside.

Sequence of work when insulating the attic

First of all, before starting work, you should check the roof for possible leaks and repair them if found.

After preventive measures, it is necessary to perform work in the following sequence:

  • Installation of a waterproofing layer. For this purpose, special membranes are used. Usually, waterproofing material laid directly on the sheathing during the construction of the attic roof. But, if this has not been done, then a moisture-proof membrane is installed from the inside between the rafters at a distance of approximately 5 cm from the sheathing. Such an air gap will ensure high-quality ventilation. The moisture-proof material is attached to the rafters using a construction stapler.

Of course, the largest heat losses occur through the attic roof. But at the same time, care should also be taken to insulate the gable walls and floor of the living space.

How to insulate an attic for winter living?

An attic is an attic space that can be used for permanent residence. Its peculiarity is that the roof of the house is in it

How to insulate an attic for winter living: useful tips

To make a reliable and long-term roof threshold, you need to properly insulate the attic roof, and then you can feel comfortable indoors in the winter.

Today we will tell you how to insulate an attic roof for a country house, what insulation materials exist for mansard roofs and how to lay them correctly. The article also includes a training video on this topic.

Features of the structure of the thermal insulation layer of the roof: video

The microclimate in the house during winter living in the attic depends on how correctly the attic roof was insulated. If you have properly insulated your roof, in winter the attic will remain warm, and in summer, thermal insulation will prevent the air from overheating under the attic roof.

Attic roofs can be insulated in the same way as other roofing structures, however, more stringent requirements are imposed on attic roofs due to the specific design of attics. As a rule, walls in attics are formed by gables and roof slopes. For this reason, it is hot here in summer, and winter living is almost impossible due to low temperatures.

The mansard roof pie consists of several layers:

Each of the listed layers must be present during the construction of an attic roof, since it plays a very important role important role. Particular attention should be paid to the layer of ventilation and thermal insulation, since the comfort of living in the attic directly depends on their quality.

When choosing suitable insulation for attic roof it is necessary to pay special attention to the thermal conductivity of the insulation material. This indicator should be as low as possible to protect the room from heat leaks.

In a room where heating operates, the largest heat loss occurs through the roof, as warm air rises, it passes through the roof pie and passes to the final roof covering, which is covered with a layer of snow in winter. Snow porosity and its internal pockets at ambient temperatures below two degrees below zero become an external thermal insulator for the roof.

If the roofing heat loss is too large, the roof heats up and the snow begins to melt, forming an ice crust, which is very dangerous for the roofing material, in addition, ice increases the load on the attic roof. Proper internal insulation will prevent snow from melting in winter.

In the summer, excess heat passes from the roof into the attic, which is why sometimes even the air conditioner cannot cope with the task of maintaining a comfortable temperature level in the attic. As in the previous case, proper insulation will not allow the room to overheat in hot weather. Of course, it will still be hotter in the attic than in other rooms, but it won’t be too hot either.

Ventilation of the attic roof and its features

Unlike other types of roofs It is necessary to insulate the attic roof in a slightly different way due to the peculiarities of its design and ventilation. If we compare an attic roof and a regular one, it can be noted that the dimensions of the ventilation space between the space from the inside and the roof will differ:

  • on regular roof ventilation occurs through the attic with dormer windows;
  • on the attic roof the ventilation space is very small and takes up about 15 cm.

In order to properly equip and insulate an attic roof, it is important to properly construct ventilation.

How to insulate an attic roof: choosing insulation

Still at the stage of preparation for installation roofing structure For the attic, you need to decide how you will insulate it. Remember that the correctly selected type of insulation and its correct specifications– the key to high-quality insulation of the room and comfort at any time of the year. Today, there are a lot of materials for roof insulation on the market. The most common among them are:

  • glass wool;
  • mineral wool;
  • polyurethane foam;
  • extruded polystyrene foam;
  • foam glass;
  • insulation with natural raw materials (wood shavings, granulated paper, seaweed, etc.).

The criteria by which you should choose insulation are as follows:

  • moisture resistance;
  • coefficient of thermal conductivity;
  • fire resistance;
  • environmental friendliness of the material.

Remember also that the attic roof should be insulated with insulation; the thermal conductivity coefficient is at the level of 0.05 W/m*K and below.

The moisture resistance of the insulation should be as high as possible, so it will last as long as possible. You also need to pay attention to the fire resistance of the insulation material to protect the attic from fire.

Description of mineral wool and glass wool

Many people insulate their roofs using mineral wool, which is made from molten rocks. The advantages of mineral wool are:

  • retains heat well;
  • does not rot over time;
  • resistant to temperature fluctuations;
  • resistant to aggressive substances;
  • almost does not absorb moisture.

Structures of different thicknesses based on mineral wool are very suitable for roof insulation, when the width of the rafters does not differ from the mineral wool mat.

Another material for roof insulation - glass wool is made from molten glass, its properties are close to those of mineral wool, it has a lower temperature threshold, which is equal to 450 degrees minus. Other properties of glass wool include the following:

  • good heat and sound insulation properties;
  • resistance to freezing.
  • When using glass wool, waterproofing must be done correctly.

Like mineral wool, glass wool is a budget materials for insulating the attic roof. However, both materials have a drawback: you need to create thick layer insulation and several layers of hydro- and vapor barrier.

Roof insulation with polymer materials

Inside the attic roof can be insulated using polymer materials such as polystyrene foam or polyurethane foam. The latter has the following properties;

  • excellent heat retention ability;
  • ease;
  • duration of operation;
  • does not allow steam to pass through;
  • not exposed to moisture.

And the second material, polystyrene foam, allows you to insulate roofs with maximum efficiency, since it has a thermal conductivity coefficient of 0.05 W/m*K. In addition, it does not allow steam to pass through, and has a flammability class from G1 to G4 depending on the model.

Polymer insulation materials are more expensive than mineral wool and glass wool; in addition, they are of artificial origin.

If you want to insulate your roof environmentally friendly materials, then you can use foam glass, granulated paper, mats based on natural materials. They are environmentally friendly, but the glass is too fragile, and other insulation materials are extremely difficult to install and are highly flammable.

It is also extremely important not only to choose the right material for insulating the attic roof, but also to calculate its thickness. It is necessary to take into account the climate in your region, since the thickness of the insulation also depends on the average air temperature at a given time of the year, as well as how long the heating season lasts. In addition, special formulas will allow you to calculate this indicator yourself; they can be quickly found on specialized construction resources. The calculation work also includes the calculation of the processed area in the attic, with the exception of the area of ​​doors and hatches with windows.

How to install insulation for an attic roof with your own hands

To insulate an attic roof, you need to carry out the following work in the following sequence:

  • prepare the attic space for installing insulation;
  • lay a thermal insulation layer;
  • secure the material.

During preparation, you need to decide what the installation step of the rafters will be. Wherein the rafter system must be reliable, that is, the step should not exceed the recommended parameters. If you have prepared this or that material in advance to insulate the roof, the rafters must be placed so that the insulating boards or mats fit tightly between them from the inside. This will simplify the insulation technology and significantly reduce insulation waste.

Above the level of thermal insulation, between the rafters and the sheathing, you should lay waterproofing layer overlap, starting from the bottom edge of the slope. After this, install wooden counterbattens. Their thickness should create the necessary gap for ventilation. The slats can be attached to the rafters using nails or self-tapping screws. Insulation must be laid and secured inside the pre-prepared structure between the rafters.

When insulating an attic, you do not need to stop only at installing a heat-insulating layer between the rafters, but it is better to additionally lay a continuous layer of heat-insulating material on top of the laid insulation mats or slabs. For laying out a continuous layer It is recommended to choose thin insulation, this will significantly improve the quality of insulation of your attic.

But this method also has its drawbacks. For example, the rafters are hidden and in the future it will be extremely difficult to use them for fastening other structural elements. When working, it is advisable to correctly mark where the rafters are located.

A vapor-permeable film must be laid on top of the thermal insulation to remove excess moisture. Next, the structure needs to be equipped with lathing, and finally, the ceiling needs to be sheathed from the inside.

Of course, our tips are not complete instructions on how to insulate the roof in the attic. Re-read the special manuals, watch the training video, consult with your friends about this, and only then start working.

We have introduced you to recommendations regarding insulation of attic roofs, and how to choose the right one insulation material and install it. Your comfort while staying in the attic at any time of the year depends on how well you do this.

How to insulate an attic roof for winter and summer living, insulation for the attic: installation video

Types of insulation for attic roofs and which ones are best to use for insulating an attic for winter living, a video on the topic of insulating a roof in an attic.

Proper insulation of the attic from the inside allows you to use the room all year round In addition, this helps to significantly save on heating and energy costs for heating the building as a whole.

Options for attic insulation depend on at what stage of the construction of the house the attic floor was laid. In the article we will figure out how to properly perform thermal insulation, the best way to insulate the premises, and offer step-by-step instructions on how to insulate an attic from the inside with your own hands.

How to insulate an attic floor

How to properly insulate a reinforced concrete floor

To insulate the floor, first clean the slab of debris and dust, seal cracks and uneven areas cement-sand mortar. Next, we waterproof the slab by coating it with bitumen mastic in 2 layers, or laying roofing material; the joints should be overlapping and hermetically sealed with a blowtorch - this will protect the insulation from condensation.

We lay insulation on the floor, it can be mineral or basalt wool, expanded clay, polystyrene foam, polystyrene foam, expanded polystyrene, etc. Insulation is laid on the insulation, then a reinforcing mesh with a cell of 600*600 mm or more, made of reinforcement with a cross-section of up to 6 mm.

The fittings are poured cement screed, after this you can begin finishing the floor; the material is selected depending on the design of the attic.

Photo of floor insulation in the attic, the insulation layer should fit snugly against the joists

How to make floor insulation over a wooden floor

Before insulating a wooden floor in the attic, be sure to treat the old coating with a fire-resistant compound and antiseptics. Next, for insulation, logs are made of 100*100 mm timber, in increments of 500-600 mm. The joists are sheathed waterproofing membrane, and on top of it, between the beams, the insulation is laid very tightly, all gaps should be sealed with polyurethane foam. The insulation is covered with a vapor barrier, always with an overlap of 150 mm. Sheet material can be mounted on top: plywood, chipboard, OSB, on which it is laid fine finishing, or cover it with a floorboard for painting.

How to insulate an attic ceiling

The ceiling in the attic is extremely rarely hemmed, since it is already a low room. But if such a need arose due to severe frosts, or the peculiarities of the attic interior require it, then, first of all, it is necessary to stretch a vapor barrier membrane around the perimeter of the future ceiling. Next, we install a sheathing made of wooden blocks or metal profiles, with a cell 600*600 mm. We place insulation and mineral wool inside the sheathing. The lathing is covered with another layer of vapor barrier, then you can line the ceiling with facing materials.

Lathing for insulating the attic ceiling

Advice: If the attic is planned to be insulated slab materials, then they are attached on top of the sheathing. The frame should be reinforced with stiffeners so that the sheathing does not sag due to the weight of the insulation.

Which insulation to choose for the attic

The question of what is the best way to insulate an attic from the inside is a very pressing one, and reviews on forums vary radically; each material has its undoubted advantages, as well as disadvantages.


Insulating the attic with polystyrene foam is the most a budget option keep the room warm. To insulate the attic space, you will need a layer of foam plastic with a thickness of at least 100 mm. This is an almost weightless material, easy to install, suitable for insulating children's rooms and attic bedrooms. But it burns, becomes infected with mold, and in addition, rodents use it to organize their passages throughout the house. Despite the fact that this method of insulation has stood the test of time, the question of whether it is worth insulating the attic with polystyrene foam, reviews vary from “in no case” to “only polystyrene foam,” remains open. We invite you to watch the instructions, which tell you in detail how to insulate an attic with polystyrene foam; the video clearly demonstrates all the advantages and disadvantages of working with this material.

Extruded polystyrene foam

Insulation of the attic floor with extruded polystyrene foam is usually carried out from the outside of the building. Despite the fact that many people consider this material to be polystyrene foam, they chemical composition very different. Expanded polystyrene tolerates chemical influences well, has a thermal conductivity lower than that of polystyrene foam, and practically does not allow moisture to pass through. Even if water has penetrated the surface of the insulation, the material will retain its thermal insulation characteristics during freezing and thawing. Expanded polystyrene has different densities; the higher this indicator, the heavier the insulation; the lower the density, the better the heat and sound insulation properties. But extruded polystyrene foam is destroyed upon contact with complex carbohydrates, and it is also deformed by ultraviolet rays, therefore, when arranging a residential attic, it is not recommended to use nitro-based paints.

Watch the video on how to insulate an attic with your own hands using extruded polystyrene foam


Insulating the attic with penofol is financially expensive compared to polystyrene foam. This is a new roll insulation that is a competitor to mineral wool. He has low coefficient thermal conductivity, good thermal insulation, resistant to moisture. A huge advantage of penofol is that it protects the room from the effects of radioactive substances, but does not tolerate mechanical loads well, and requires skills when laying the thermal insulation layer; violation of the technology leads to a deterioration in the thermal insulation characteristics of the insulation.

Spraying polyurethane foam

Thermal insulation made by spraying polyurethane foam has no joints and, therefore, cold bridges. Such insulation does not require costs for preliminary preparation attics for thermal insulation, the material is poured to the thickness of the attic rafters or more. The insulation is sprayed directly onto the walls, floor, and ceiling using special equipment. Polyurethane foam is resistant to fungi, and practically does not allow moisture to pass through, but does not tolerate the effects of esters and concentrated acids.


Ecowool consists of 80% cellulose, and 20% antiseptics and fire retardant additives. When using this material to insulate an attic, you need to take into account the volume, since the insulation is greatly loosened. To perform high-quality insulation of the attic with ecowool, you should apply a layer about 200 mm thick. This environmentally friendly insulation, lies on the surface like papier-mâché, manually or mechanized way, does not form joints. It has a low thermal conductivity coefficient, is resistant to fungi and bacteria, and practically does not burn. Installation of the thermal insulation layer requires knowledge of application technology and professional skills.

Insulation with ecowool, this method of thermal protection requires skills and knowledge of the technology of applying material to surfaces

Mineral wool

Using mineral wool for insulation is the most popular way to keep heat in the attic. Depending on the composition and density of the wool, it can be placed in a spacer or in a special frame. Mineral wool does not rot, but absorbs moisture, because of this its thermal insulation characteristics are reduced, and the insulation saturated with moisture becomes noticeably heavier, which puts significant loads on the rafters and roof of the attic. When insulating with mineral wool, there is practically no waste left and it is easy to cut. To insulate the attic floor, a layer 100-200 mm thick is required, depending on design features structure. When working with mineral wool, you should wear a protective suit and goggles.

Insulation of the attic, video instructions on how to properly lay a thermal insulation layer of mineral wool


I would like not to abandon the old grandfather’s and almost free method of insulation. Construction of a thermal insulation cake using sawdust. This is an environmentally friendly, time-tested method of insulation. Sawdust is mixed with lime and an insulating layer 100 mm thick is laid. Such thermal insulation is several times inferior to modern insulation; in addition, it is a fire hazardous insulation method. But if this is a country house, and according to the design the attic is cold unheated room, then this method of insulation is completely justified.

To insulate the attic, you can use both traditional materials and modern insulation materials, the main thing is to correctly calculate the thickness of the thermal insulation layer

Now the market is represented by a huge selection of insulation: stone wool rockwool, slab penoplex, backfill, plates, mats, etc. Which insulation is better for the attic depends on which room should be insulated: if it warm attic, then basalt wool, polyurethane foam have advantages, and if it’s cold, polystyrene foam and sawdust. The second criterion for choosing insulation is how much you are willing to spend on thermal insulation. It is believed that in principle there cannot be universal insulation materials; each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages. We tried to select for you as much as possible useful tips How to insulate an attic, video materials will help you understand the intricacies of thermal insulation with each specific material.

Subtleties of insulation and hydro-vapor barrier of the attic

How to install insulation correctly?

When thinking about how to insulate the attic floor, we often lose sight of important things. For example, how correctly the material was laid plays a big role in the effectiveness of insulation.

  • The material should be laid in two layers, with the second covering the seams and joints of the first.
  • The thickness of the rafter legs and the first layer of insulation should be the same. Otherwise, the slabs of the second layer will get bent, which will lead to a loss of joint density.
  • The width of the insulation should be equal to the distance between the rafter legs. This way the slabs will lie flat, with complete abutment, and the insulation of the attic floor from the inside will be complete.

The second layer of insulation does not stay in place, what should I do?

There are usually no problems with insulating the attic with slab materials - they fit between the battens of the counter lathing at a loss. Rolled types are soft, they sag and, as a result, fall out of their place. A logical question arises: how to properly insulate an attic with your own hands so that everything is securely fixed? The problem is solved with nails and synthetic cord:

  • We hammer small nails along the edges of the counter batten slats.
  • The cord is tied to the topmost nail.
  • The material is put into place and secured with a cord, overlapping from one slat to the other.

We work like this until we finish insulating the attic with our own hands.

How to insulate walls under roof slopes?

If interior walls residential attic sloping roof made vertical, in addition to choosing how to insulate the attic walls from the inside, you are faced with another task: placing the insulating material. There is no need to do this directly along the roof slopes. The insulation is placed on panels that will serve as the walls of the future room. And so that the material does not fall out into the space under the roof, the back side of the boards is hemmed with scraps of boards. Insulating walls from the inside, the photo of which you see below, is done in exactly this way.

Is it possible to replace floor vapor protection with moisture protection?

Typically, the insulation of an attic floor in a country house consists of a layer of waterproofing, insulation and vapor barrier. The idea of ​​installing a moisture barrier instead of a vapor barrier seems logical - protecting the floor from spilled water. Not so simple. The insulation works as long as it is dry. Thermal insulation values ​​decrease with increasing humidity levels.

If we flood a floor with a vapor barrier, the water will sooner or later evaporate, and the insulation will restore its properties. When there is moisture protection on top, and water somehow gets inside the ceiling, there will be no escape for the moisture. We get: lack of floor insulation in the attic floor and the presence, over time, of mold underneath.

How to properly install a vapor barrier?

Insulating an attic floor from the inside can never be done without installing vapor barrier membranes. This process has its own nuances:

  • Foil membranes are installed with the shiny side into the room.
  • The positioning of conventional fiberglass sheets is determined by touch - the smooth side towards the insulation, the rough side towards the room.
  • Installation of any vapor barrier sheets is carried out in strips, in a horizontal direction, from bottom to top.

These rules apply to the insulation of the attic floor both along the roof slopes and gables.

How wide should the ventilation gap be between the roof and the insulation layer?

The width of the ventilation gap depends on the type of roofing material, and not on what you are going to use to insulate the attic from the inside:

  • Bitumen shingles, rolled materials, asbestos cement sheets, galvanized steel - there must be at least 50 mm under them.
  • Any corrugated sheets such as metal tiles, profiled galvanized steel - from the roofing material to the attic insulation layer from the inside, we leave a gap of 25 mm.

How to avoid mistakes when insulating an attic with polystyrene foam?

  • Do not use mushroom dowels when insulating the attic with polystyrene foam. Reviews usually do not reflect this, but multiple cold bridges resulting in the process increase heat loss.
  • When thinking about how to insulate an attic with polystyrene foam, remember that this material is not suitable for wooden surfaces.
  • Should be avoided polyurethane foam to eliminate gaps between foam boards. It is better to choose a material that has a tongue-and-groove connection. If you need to put the cut pieces together, just adjust them with a knife.

Which is better, basalt wool or slag wool?

Many people are at a loss about which insulation is best for the attic. This is especially true for slag and basalt mineral wool - they are called in one word, they look similar. The latter is better because it has a lower thermal conductivity coefficient - 0.12. For slag wool this indicator is 0.48. Another advantage basalt insulation– absence of formaldehyde in the composition. Therefore, when deciding how best to insulate the attic from the inside, it is preferable to choose basalt wool.

What to do if the thickness of the insulation is greater than the height of the sheathing?

If, while insulating the attic gable from the inside, you find that the insulation is too thick and protrudes above the sheathing, under no circumstances should you press it down. The thermal properties of a material directly depend on its density: the lower it is, the greater the effect of the insulation.

By crushing, for example, slag wool, we compact it, worsening its properties. How to insulate the gable of an attic without redoing the sheathing? Simply increase its thickness by stuffing slats of the desired section on top. They do the same with roof slopes, increasing the rafters in width.

Is it possible to do without insulating the insulated attic floor?

When deciding how to insulate an attic for winter living, we often doubt whether we need to take so much care about the hydro- and vapor barrier of the floor. In theory, if the floor is well insulated and insulated along the walls and roof, this need not be done. However, do not forget that warm air tends to rise, and with it moisture rises. That is, the floor of the top floor receives moisture from the entire house. Therefore, in the winter version of the attic, the layers of insulation must be enclosed in water and vapor barrier membranes.

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