Prices for work by the construction company Paritet-Energo. Prices for the work of the construction company Paritet-Energo Prices for insulating pipelines with basalt insulation

Good evening, Larisa!

Enter the query in a search engine (Google or any other): “isoflex insulation for pipes.” You will easily find the answer to your question. Isoflex for pipes are tubes made of foamed polyethylene. Therefore, we use direct pricing for this type of work: 26-01-017-01. (Everything is original: insulation for pipelines, foamed polyethylene, the scope of work corresponds to the technology, tubes are supplied in lengths, usually 2 meters). Just replace the resource with a design one.

For other surfaces (flat and curved), this type of insulation is more often used, supplied in rolls, slabs (plates), in order to be “tailored” for a specific type of surface during the production process (Accordingly, the price for them is 26-01-018-01)

If for some reason you actually purchase isoflex in in roll form, then use 26-01-017-02.

Quote 26-01-054-01 has a direct purpose - “Coating surface insulation roll materials."

Materials used in the construction of roofs and arrangement of premises with non-standard temperature and humidity operating conditions are provided by manufacturers special properties. They not only easily resist the attacks of hot air saturated with steam, but also create a “thermos” effect, due to which energy consumption for heating is greatly reduced.

These specific products include foil vapor barrier, the installation of which allows you to solve a lot of important problems in the construction of building structures.

The principle of operation of foil vapor barrier

Foil materials used in vapor barrier devices are complex products with a layered structure. Their base is made of polypropylene fabric, lavsan, fiberglass and similar options that are resistant to tearing, as well as chemical and biological aggression.

The use of a durable woven or non-woven polymer base allows you to create a reliable base for the naturally fragile metal foil. At the same time, it was possible to provide easy-to-install flexibility. The composition of the thermoplastics used in the manufacture eliminates the possibility of decay and the spread of fungal colonies.

On the working side, vapor barrier materials of this category are backed with a metallized film. Thanks to the method of applying foil coating, all positive traits both the polymer base and aluminum foil, which copes “excellently” with three very significant functions:

  • Insulation from steam and precipitation. Foil materials ideally protect the insulation roofing pie or systems wall insulation from the penetration of steam coming from inside the house being equipped, and from atmospheric water trying to penetrate from the outside.
  • Reflection of thermal radiation. The metallized coating serves as a reflector, interrupting the flow of heat waves outside the heated room and redirecting the stopped heat in the opposite direction.
  • Wind and UV protection. Vapor barrier films with foil act as a strong barrier against wind, tending to remove heat from the cotton insulation. Installed with the working side out, they are in summer heat reflect from mansard roof Sun rays.

Using a vapor barrier with foil allows you to significantly save on heating bills and turn on the air conditioner less often.

Scope and methods of application

The structure and properties of foil vapor barrier materials have significantly expanded the scope of application. These materials are used in insulated roofs; in our latitudes they are most often installed with inside roofing pie, in the south they are mounted above the insulation. In houses with an unfurnished attic, foil protection is installed in combination with waterproofing.

In addition to the traditional purpose of protecting ceilings and the space of residential attics from vapor, they are used as a substrate for all types of floor coverings and underfloor heating systems, as well as in insulated structures frame walls. They are installed in the form of a screen that reflects heat flows from heating devices and heating units.

In order for foil materials to perform a reflex function, it is important to properly arrange the system. Between internal lining the attic, walls, ceiling of the steam room and metallized coating should form a non-ventilated air gap 2 - 3 cm thick.

When used as a heat-reflecting screen, flat or mansard roof A standard ventilated gap of 3–4 cm is left between the metalized coating turned outward and the roof. The goal here is not to conserve thermal energy. Everything that is reflected from the foil can be freely released into the atmosphere along with condensate and steam that has penetrated into the thermal insulation.

The gaps necessary to ensure ventilation and to maintain a distance between roofing materials of different compositions are formed by installing lathing from a bar or metal profile. Install the slats according to the type roofing covering, the slope of the slopes and the calculated load on the rafter structure.

Benefits of Using Foil Insulation

The undeniable insulation priorities of materials in which water-repellent material is combined with foil are complemented by an impressive list of convincing advantages, these are:

  • Lightness. The installation of a vapor barrier does not in any way affect the weight of the structure as a whole and does not force measures to be taken to strengthen the foundation.
  • Minimum thickness. Laying a vapor barrier layer does not affect the thickness of the roofing pie at all. When using materials with anti-condensation properties, there is no need to create a distance gap between the vapor barrier and the sheathing.
  • Flexibility. The installation of a vapor barrier is easy; there are no problems even when laying it on complex forms. It bends around convex and concave corners and rounded surfaces without any problems.
  • Manufacturability. Rolled materials can be easily cut with ordinary sharp scissors or a construction knife.
  • Environmental Safety. In the manufacture of steam insulating films source materials that do not pose a threat are used environment and owners of the structures being developed.

Produced in a wide range of vapor barrier options with foil, they do not absorb moisture at all and are characterized by zero porosity. Their long-term operation in damp rooms does not threaten the materials with rotting. An important advantage is its multifunctionality, thanks to which the same film can protect several adjacent structures, creating a continuous sealed barrier.

Foil protection installation technology

Let's look at the most common technological options for using vapor barrier materials with foil. In the format of our website, the situations under consideration include the arrangement warm attic and a cold attic. In the first case, the insulation system is installed along the slopes, in the second - along the ceiling.

Since the main purpose of vapor barrier films is to protect the insulation, their place in the system is determined by the position of this particular component of the roofing pie. Those. V attic structures The vapor barrier is installed along the slopes; in houses with a cold attic, it is laid on the top of the attic floor or attached from below under the ceiling sheathing.

To properly install a vapor barrier, you should adhere to generally accepted rules:

  • The vapor barrier of the slopes should be a continuous moisture-proof carpet that absolutely excludes the penetration of moisture or eliminates the possibility of maximum degree. For this cloth roll material are hermetically connected with tape.
  • Stripes vapor barrier material are laid strictly horizontally. The starting strip is attached to the ridge girder, the next one is placed on it so that the edge of the lower strip overlaps the edge of the already installed strip on the side of the room being finished.
  • Vapor barrier material for wooden floor from the attic side they are laid in strips extending onto the walls and vertical coverings of 15 - 20 cm. The result should be something like a pallet with sides.
  • The material is rolled out onto the surface to be constructed in the same way as the roll was formed by the manufacturer. The installation side must be indicated on the vapor barrier; it cannot be changed at your own discretion.
  • Fastening the material to pitched roofs produced from the inside rafter legs stapler, if necessary with slats. If fixation involves the use of a block, then a counter-lattice under the sheathing is installed on top of it.
  • In systems with open rafters, a vapor barrier is placed along the outer ribs of the rafter legs, then a rigid slab insulation. The material is fixed with a stapler.
  • In insulation schemes with extruded polystyrene foam during installation living rooms with traditional operating mode, i.e. without vaporization and exposure to high temperatures, it is permissible not to use a vapor barrier layer.

To arrange the ceiling from the ceiling side, it is advisable to select self-adhesive materials. In thermal insulation systems attic floors With fill insulation, for example, with expanded clay, it is permissible not to glue vapor barrier strips with tape, because they will be loaded.

When arranging the attic floors of houses with cold attics, a vapor barrier carpet is built over the floor, and waterproofing is placed on the roof slopes. In this scheme, the insulation is washed by air flows created natural ventilation, therefore any insulating layer above it will only interfere with the removal of moisture.

And further. When using foil insulation, it is important to select accessories from the same company as the material itself. There are, of course, universal adhesive tapes that can connect any type of material, but... systems with increased requirements for tightness are constructed from insulation with foil, it is better not to experiment with options for gluing tapes.

Overview of leading foil options

In order to choose a suitable vapor barrier film for arranging an attic or ceiling, you need to familiarize yourself with the popular and practice-tested product options from different companies.

Energy saving film DELTA®-REFLEX

Delta brand products have proven themselves excellent in the construction of roofs and have earned an impeccable reputation among roofers. The reflective coating of the material located on the working side is created by spraying. A polyester film is applied over the spraying, protecting the aluminum layer from damage and shedding. The reflection coefficient is 50%.

The film of this brand does not lose flexibility when sub-zero temperatures, can be used in a steam protection device both outside and inside the house. Approved for use in all varieties wet areas. Along the edge of the sheets of a similar film, but with the addition of the word PLUS in the marking, there is a self-adhesive tape, which significantly facilitates the work of installers.

Reflective material Izospan FD

More humane in terms of price, but less resistant to the realities of roofing adversities, the material labeled Izospan FD is a two-layer composition of polypropylene fabric with an aluminum coating applied to it.

It is inferior to the previous representative in terms of strength indicators, but is ahead in terms of energy-saving characteristics: the coefficient determining thermal reflection is at least 90%. Attracts affordable price and stable availability in the retail chain. The technical data sheet of the film indicates the temperature range from -60º to +80º.

Super strong version ARMOFOL® type A

Foil vapor barrier with the specified logo is made on the basis of fiberglass mesh. The scope of use is no different from the types described above, but the product’s temperature operating range is significantly expanded. The material is capable of flawlessly serving at temperatures down to -60º, in which it is 20º ahead of Delta. The limit in the positive segment is + 150º, which is already 70 more confident units.

Along with its competitor, Armofol can be used both in new construction and in carrying out restoration work when repairing roofs, basement and basement structures, steam Russian baths, swimming pools, bathrooms, saunas. The thermal reflection coefficient reaches 90 – 97%.

Video about the features of foil insulation

Once again about the breadth of application of insulating films with foil:

Information on the use of foil vapor barrier film in construction it is needed not only by independent craftsmen. It will help to competently monitor the work of hired roofers. Correctly laid material guarantees long-term operation favorite furnished property.

Before you begin calculating estimates for insulation work pipelines, it is necessary to determine what materials they will be used in order to calculate the most rational and optimal heat consumption.

As you know, thermal insulation of pipes is used to protect them from freezing during the cold season.

The main materials used for this purpose are:

  1. heat-insulating paint;
  2. mineral wool;
  3. expanded polystyrene (foam);
  4. polyurethane foam (PPU insulation);
  5. foamed polyethylene or rubber.

Thermal paint - it contains substances such as perlite, foam glass and ceramic microparticles, which make it one of the best insulating materials. Layer thermal insulation paint only a couple of millimeters thick replaces mineral wool insulation several centimeters thick. In addition, the paint is easy to apply, environmentally friendly and also creates an anti-corrosion layer.

Mineral wool- one of the most common insulation materials due to its extremely low thermal conductivity, however, it is a rather expensive material.

Expanded polystyrene or polystyrene foam is the most cheap option thermal insulation. It is lightweight and durable, but be aware that it is not intended for piping high temperature due to its flammability.

Polyurethane foam - available in finished form, along with pipes. It is one of the best insulating materials in all respects, therefore it is gaining increasing popularity.

Foamed polyethylene or rubber - best option insulation. It is produced in the form of a tubular shell, which is put on the pipe. Due to its qualities, it ensures minimal heat loss.

Estimate for pipe insulation

When estimating insulation work, you should use the collections of prices GESN-26-01-(001-010 and 015-025), FER-26-01-(001-010 and 015-025), TER-26-01-(001- 010 and 015-025). There you can find prices for such types of work as pipeline insulation:

  • cylinders and half-cylinders made of mineral wool, foam plastic;
  • mats made of mineral wool, fiberglass;
  • products made from foam rubber “Armoflex” and foamed polyethylene “Thermoflex”;
  • liquid thermal insulation coating etc.

Prices for installation work on covering the surface of the insulating layer with roofing felt, PVC film, galvanized steel, etc. can be found in GESN-26-01-(049-052), FER-26-01-(049-052), TER-26- 01-(049-052).

Prices for materials can be taken from the SCM collections - a territorial collection of prices for materials.

Estimate for insulation of sewer pipes

Sewer pipes also need to be insulated so that they do not freeze in severe frosts, and the following requirements are provided for the materials used:

  • moisture resistance and non-flammability;
  • long service life;
  • ease of installation and affordable price.

Such materials are:

  • basalt fiber - produced in the form of cylinders, has excellent thermal conductivity characteristics, but is a rather expensive material;
  • glass wool - requires an indispensable covering of the insulation with roofing material or fiberglass;
  • polystyrene foam - great for insulation sewer pipes wires, both internal and external systems.

All prices for installation of sewer pipe insulation can be found in the collections GESN-26, FER-26, TER-26.

Dismantling of pipeline insulation

For repair work on pipelines or to replace insulation, the old insulating layer must be dismantled.

For de installation work for disassembling the thermal insulating layer from:

  • slabs, segments and shells;
  • glass wool;
  • mineral wool;

It is customary to use the following prices from the collections GESNr-66-24, FERr-66-24, TERr-66-24.

However, some estimators use prices from the collections GESN-26, FER-26, TER-26, using the dismantling coefficient K = 0.4.


Hello everyone, please tell me the cheapest price for removing the vapor barrier layer from polyethylene. film ter 46-04-008-01 is too labor-intensive.

We are searching the forum, there has already been a question like this: - read here I would recommend using FERr58-17 Dismantling thermal insulation on the roof.

Tanchik, TERr58-13-1 with coefficient for dismantling? TERr58-13-1 with coefficient for dismantling? What do you think?

PRIM TERr58-17-1 Dismantling thermal insulation on a roof made of: two layers of fiberglass: Coefficient 0.5? (1 layer)

Spot, in my opinion, it would be more correct to use the 26th collection with a reduction in K. There is film there

What kind of know-how is this? for dismantling, also increase the coefficient for dismantling... can you link to the doc where you got it from?

with whom?

We have 1 layer, but the price includes 2 layers, I mean K=0.5.

Tanchik, with a coefficient of 0.8, if the region does not specify a coefficient for other materials during dismantling

Tanchik, if you need something cheaper, then FER11-1-50-1

coder, they may not give you a pat on the head for the prices from flooring for roofing

your proposal is also a strange justification for 0.8 for 26-sb? same as for the 11th - show)

yes, 0.8 - reinforced concrete? - no, it’s a film, it’s not clear where it came from

Nothing strange, at least for our region. P.3.3.1. MDS 81-38.2004, it does not stipulate other coefficients, and our regional center gives instructions to take 0.8 for all others not related to plumbing or metal, or the like. For example, in Kemerovo region we got out of the situation by a local resolution or order, I don’t remember, there were coefficients there in addition to all the other ones. for dismantling is taken equal to 0.5.

and show me the document, because... according to Raikin in our business: “Without a piece of paper you are a bug, but with a piece of paper you are a person.” For budgetary objects, it is not enough to put a coefficient in the estimate; you also need to give a justification for it

Tanja55, “whiskers, paws and tail are my documents” (c) If you are talking about K 0.8, then only MDS and an oral explanation of the RCTS, if about Kemerovo K 0.5, then alas, I had this letter on paper, and it has long been lost as unnecessary

exactly about him

Tanja55, I looked through all my documents, searched on the internet, but I can’t find it. This letter was sent to us by the head enterprise located in Kemerovo. And this coefficient was forced to be used in the Altai Territory, despite our indignation as surveyors. But now I’m already working in another place, and Kemerovo is not my order

In the MDS, in my opinion, only two options for using K = 0.8 are clearly written: for wooden and reinforced concrete - concrete structures. If you can’t attach it to the estimate, then make an official request to the local RCSC. Regarding the question asked, I would apply the price offered by the encoder without the cost of the material and without any reduction factors. In my opinion, the terms of reference are approximately the same)

Sane4ka, how can the inspector justify that the price for dismantling is based on the installation of this very film, and without reducing labor costs?

Actually, it’s look in. GESN part 26 for insulation of cold surfaces thermal insulation products do not take into account the costs of installing a vapor barrier layer. The design of the vapor barrier layer should be taken: a) when insulating walls and columns - according to GESN Part 8 “Structures made of bricks and blocks”; b) when insulating floors - according to GESN Part 11 “Floors”; c) when insulating coatings - according to GESN Part 12 “Roofs”;

Can anyone explain why and how to remove this vapor barrier separately from the screed... and what work will be done in the future?

abk63, if you are dismantling a sandwich roof with insulation, for example..

for this there is a quote FERr58-17-1 (but it was rejected for unknown reasons) Dismantling thermal insulation on a roof made of: two layers of fiberglass (this is not the thermal insulation itself. It’s just a vapor barrier...) as far as I understand. but we are talking about concrete structures...

What reduction? Price 11-1-50-1 for a dry vapor barrier device, i.e. They actually rolled out the roll over the surface and cut it to size. Well, to remove it - they rolled it back into a roll, well, they don’t cut anything, but also the technical specifications at a rate of 3.45 person-hour/100 m2 (TER Murm. region), i.e. 0.0345 person-h/m2. In my opinion this is not much. In any case, the final decision is up to the Customer.

There are 2 layers laid there, but one needs to be removed and a dispute arose about K = 0.5 to the price. Although this is probably better option than on the 11th

Sane4ka, who rated it adequate... when working ON THE ROOF at a rate of 11sb? when you last once you removed the vapor barrier on the roof.. (in the sense that you were present when it was removed ON THE ROOF)???

and where is it written that in FERr58-17-1 each layer is removed separately? provided that it goes into the trash... 100 kg per 100 m2. 1 kg/m2... is the weight of 1 layer of modern vapor barrier very different?

Sane4ka, that’s it, let the customer decide) unless it’s a budget, then something like this won’t work, I think. vladnik, the technical part is, of course, good. But the question remains regarding the reduction factor.

PS.. I would definitely invite Zack to the dismantling site..

If I were Zak, I would go with the camera myself...

You can clarify which roof is pitched or flat (roll) and what type of work is being carried out - maybe this clarification will help

vladnik, abk63, that's it, that's it, I'm silent)

Guys, everything is wrong there. The roof is flat, soft roof. in the attic there are 3 layers of vapor barrier film, insulation 10 cm (2 layers) wind barrier film. Cap. The repairs were done for 1.5 million (housing and communal services prices.) So, when the frosts came to Siberia, condensation fell on those floors (1.5 m high). All. The contractor cannot receive money, because... the job is not accepted. What to do? We sent a request to the design bureau to make those. conclusion. They did: remove the windproofing, 1 layer of insulation +, + 1 layer of insulation around the perimeter 1 m from the walls. Also remove the ventilation shafts, insulate the facade... In short, for 1 million. But there is no money in the budget at all. And they also charge these prices. The two of them will shoot this windproofing (film) for a week, taking 71 man-hours. Here. And the coefficient of 0.5 on TERr58-17-1 means that there is only one layer, and not for dismantling, because the price itself is disassembled (I understand that two layers go together, but I need to cut as much as possible, so there is another 0.5 coefficient)

Provide air exchange and ventilation in the premises. It will be cheaper too. The rest is killing the insulation system.

  • Calculation of the cost of work is carried out according to collections of prices for construction work (FER, TER-2001) individually for each object, taking into account the complexity of the work and the selected technology.

    For reference:
    FER (federal unit prices)

    Material from Wikipedia - the free encyclopedia

    Estimated standards are grouped by type of work, degree of aggregation, purpose and type of construction. According to the types of construction, they are divided into general construction and special; according to the degree of aggregation - for individual types of work and special structural elements, enlarged system standards for structural parts of the building and individual structures; by purpose - for certain types of work, for temporary buildings and structures, for work in winter time, for the maintenance of the directorate of enterprises under construction, etc.; by type of construction - for housing and civil, industrial, hydraulic, energy, rural, etc.

    Federal construction standards are developed and established only by the Federal Center for Pricing in Construction and Industry building materials)?. The use of certain estimate standards depends primarily on the requirements for the standards used by the customer of construction, repair, construction, and installation work. In a particular case, the parties (customer and contractor) can agree on contractual prices and then calculate the cost of work based on this. Most often, it is advisable for the customer to use either federal or territorial standards (if any were issued in this region). Industry standards are less frequently applied (e.g. oil industry energy) and even less often are standards developed by a specific organization used.

    The standards reflect the most progressive, economical design solutions and industrial methods of work production. Estimated standards serve as the basis for determining the estimated cost a separate type works, structures and buildings.

    FERs contain a full set of prices for the types of work performed on the territory Russian Federation. They are developed at the price level for the 1st base region (Moscow region), approved and put into effect by the Federal State Institution Federal Center for Pricing in Construction and the Construction Materials Industry (FCTS). FERs are used in all industries National economy.

    FER (federal unit prices) are estimated standards containing prices for the implementation of single construction work. These estimated standards regulate the socially necessary, expressed in kind, sizes of individual elements of direct costs per unit volume of construction work and structural elements, -- consumption of building materials, labor costs of construction workers and work time construction machines.

    Collections of FER, together with state elemental estimate standards, form a unified state estimate and regulatory framework for the development of a system of enlarged estimate standards.

TER 26-01-017-1

Insulation of pipelines with products made of foam rubber (Armoflex), foamed polyethylene (Thermoflex): tubes

10 m pipelines



Average level of work

Driver labor costs

Installations for the production of bandages, diaphragms, buckles

Glue "Armoflex" 520

Cleaner for glue "Armoflex"

Paint "Armofinish"

Self-adhesive tape "Armoflex" 3×50 mm

Tubes made of foam rubber, polyethylene

Clips (clamps)

Sheets aluminum grades AD1N, thickness 0.5 mm

TER 26-01-017-1 Description of work

  1. Installation of products on the pipeline with adjustments and cutouts in place. 02. Sealing seams adhesive composition. 03. Taping seams self-adhesive tape. 04. Fastening products with clamps. 05. Manufacturing and installation of diaphragms. 06. Painting the insulation surface.

Meanwhile there is more effective solution– use of thermal insulation polymer coatingASTRATEK ® .

FER 26-01-025-04 Description of work

01.Preparation metal surface before applying the material: degreasing, surface cleaning. 02. Applying a primer layer 0.38mm thick. 03. Applying the first layer with a thickness of 0.5mm. 04. Applying a second layer 0.5mm thick.

FER 26-01-025-04

Insulation steel pipelines liquid ceramic coating Asstratek" pipe diameter 50mm

100 m pipelines



Labor costs of construction workers

Average level of work

Driver labor costs

Electric drills

Flatbed vehicles with a carrying capacity of up to 5 tons

Solvent grade No. 646

Ceramic liquid material Asstratek

Every enterprise has problems that cannot be solved with any traditional insulation. For example, according to calculations by heating engineers, up to 12 percent of heat loss occurs through valves and valves on pipes, at angles of rotation. It is impossible to install ordinary “shells” on them, as well as on bends of thin diameters, on pipes for measuring instruments. And covering them with Astratek® is absolutely no difficulty. Even in the most hard to reach places this can be done using a spray bottle.

ASTRATEK® is a liquid composite material based on a polymer (acrylic) binder and special functional fillers. The consistency of the material resembles ordinary thick paint; it is a suspension white(base color), which after drying forms an elastic, hard, uniform coating with high heat-insulating properties. A 1mm thick coating layer corresponds to 50mm of rolled thermal insulation. Asstratek is effective at temperatures from –60° to +260°C. Its cost, taking into account the total costs of traditional thermal insulation, practically does not exceed the cost of traditional thermal protection. But the savings are disproportionately higher.

Asstratek® is fully certified in Russia. Since 2007, the thermal insulation coating Asstratek® has been protected by a patent and included in the All-Russian Construction Catalog of ROSSTROY. In 2009, Asstratek® thermal insulation coatings received Permit for Use No. PRS 00-36971, issued Federal service for environmental, technological and nuclear supervision (Rostechnadzor); Currently, our production has been certified in the ISO 9001 system; received a Certificate from the Russian Maritime Register of Shipping

Astratek promotion practice shows how the client’s attitude changes:

The first phase is complete distrust (this cannot be!),

The second phase - with sarcasm, let's check in a small area.

The third phase - this cannot be, but it is!

We understand our clients, we ourselves have gone through all these phases until we are completely confident in the material.

Therefore, we do not encourage you to believe. We suggest checking Astratek® in action. Thoughtful packaging of the material (plastic buckets with a capacity of 1 liter, 3 liters, 10 liters and 20 liters) allows you to conduct trial tests with minimal costs, reduce the risk to a minimum.

Advantages of Astratek in comparison with conventional insulators:

It becomes possible to apply coating in hard-to-reach places, in pipe bends where it is impossible to install conventional thermal insulation, various types valves, gate valves, measuring pipes;

Environmentally friendly, improves aesthetic appearance heating pipes, is of no interest to vandals and basement cats.

Allows you to solve issues of thermal insulation, waterproofing and anti-corrosion protection of pipelines in a high-tech and comprehensive manner. The complexity of application is comparable to the complexity of painting with a spray gun or brush.

Significantly simplifies operation and Maintenance pipelines and shut-off valves, due to the rapid detection of leaks and fistulas;

Reduces costs by 97% refurbishment thermal insulation, increased repair intervals; Small local damage to the insulating layer can be easily restored with a brush (the leakage site is clearly visible on the white surface; patching and painting it is cheaper and easier than replacing traditional insulation);

Increases the service life of protected pipelines.

Before you begin calculating estimates for pipeline insulation work, you need to determine what materials will be used to carry it out, in order to calculate the most rational and optimal heat consumption.

Pipe insulation

As you know, thermal insulation of pipes is used to protect them from freezing during the cold season.

The main materials used for this purpose are:

  1. heat-insulating paint;
  2. mineral wool;
  3. expanded polystyrene (foam);
  4. polyurethane foam (PPU insulation);
  5. foamed polyethylene or rubber.

Thermal paint - it contains substances such as perlite, foam glass and ceramic microparticles, which make it one of the best insulating materials. A layer of heat-insulating paint just a couple of millimeters thick replaces mineral wool insulation several centimeters thick. In addition, the paint is easy to apply, environmentally friendly and also creates an anti-corrosion layer.

Mineral wool is one of the most common insulation materials due to its extremely low thermal conductivity; however, it is a rather expensive material.

Expanded polystyrene or polystyrene foam is the cheapest option for thermal insulation. It is lightweight and durable, but you should be aware that it is not intended for high temperature pipelines due to its flammability.

Polyurethane foam - produced in finished form, along with pipes. It is one of the best insulating materials in all respects, therefore it is gaining increasing popularity.

Foamed polyethylene or rubber is the best insulation option. It is produced in the form of a tubular shell, which is put on the pipe. Due to its qualities, it ensures minimal heat loss.

Estimate for pipe insulation

When estimating insulation work, you should use the collections of prices GESN-26-01-(001-010 and 015-025), FER-26-01-(001-010 and 015-025), TER-26-01-(001- 010 and 015-025). There you can find prices for such types of work as pipeline insulation:

  • cylinders and half-cylinders made of mineral wool, foam plastic;
  • mats made of mineral wool, fiberglass;
  • products made from foam rubber “Armoflex” and foamed polyethylene “Thermoflex”;
  • liquid thermal insulation coating, etc.

Prices for installation work on covering the surface of the insulating layer with roofing felt, PVC film, galvanized steel, etc. can be found in GESN-26-01-(049-052), FER-26-01-(049-052), TER--26 -01-(049-052).

Prices for materials can be taken from the SCM collections - a territorial collection of prices for materials.

Estimate for insulation of sewer pipes

Sewer pipes also need to be insulated so that they do not freeze in severe frosts, and the following requirements are provided for the materials used:

  • moisture resistance and non-flammability;
  • long service life;
  • ease of installation and affordable price.

Such materials are:

  • basalt fiber - produced in the form of cylinders, has excellent thermal conductivity characteristics, but is a rather expensive material;
  • glass wool - requires an indispensable covering of the insulation with roofing material or fiberglass;
  • polystyrene foam - excellent for insulating sewer pipelines, both internal and external systems.

All prices for installation of sewer pipe insulation can be found in the collections GESN-26, FER-26, TER-26.

Dismantling of pipeline insulation

For repair work on pipelines or to replace insulation, dismantling of the old insulating layer is required.

For dismantling works for disassembling the thermal insulating layer from:

  • slabs, segments and shells;
  • glass wool;
  • mineral wool;

It is customary to use the following prices from the collections GESNr-66-24, FERr-66-24, TERr-66-24.

However, some estimators use prices from the collections GESN-26, FER-26, TER-26, using the dismantling coefficient K = 0.4.

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Minced meat for beef and pork cutlets: recipe with photos
Until recently, I prepared cutlets only from homemade minced meat.  But just the other day I tried to cook them from a piece of beef tenderloin, and to be honest, I really liked them and my whole family liked them.  In order to get cutlets
Schemes for launching spacecraft Orbits of artificial Earth satellites