Materials for roof waterproofing. Choosing roof waterproofing - review of materials for roof protection Coating waterproofing material for roofing

Roof waterproofing– a necessary measure that performs an important function: it protects the roof from the destructive effects of atmospheric moisture and various aqueous solutions. If waterproofing work is not carried out on time, precipitation can cause rapid wear of the roofing covering, which will shorten the service life of the entire roof. If waterproofing is not done in a timely manner, the entire roof will have to be repaired.

It is preferable to carry out waterproofing work at the stage of building a house, then the measures taken will help not only extend the service life of the coating, but also protect the building as a whole. In addition, these additional measures to protect the building from moisture during construction can save you money in the future.

Requirements for roof waterproofing

Waterproofing materials for roofing, which are used to perform work, must have certain qualities:

1. moisture-proof;
2. mechanical strength;
3. elasticity;
4. heat resistance.

In addition, waterproofing is attached to the roof, or rather, to its base. This saves the coating from strong gusts of wind.

One of the optional, but highly desirable requirements is a heat-saving function. The combination of protection from moisture and cold in one material - perfect solution for your home.

Selection of materials for waterproofing any type of roof

The roof is most often covered with bitumen materials. It is this coating on modern construction market is one of the most common and widely used for waterproofing flat roof.

Some time ago, three main materials were used for waterproofing any type of roof: roofing felt, glassine and hydroglass insulation. Now they are fading into the background, as polymer-bitumen coatings have come to replace them. These rolled fused materials are based on fiberglass or polyester that is not prone to rotting.

The use of new generation materials for roof waterproofing guarantees strength, reliability and long service life of the roof.
Waterproofing work with rolled materials and mastic is carried out on roofs with a slope of up to 60 degrees. In general, the roof pitch angle determines the amount waterproofing layers, including the number of layers of reinforced mastic.

Waterproofing can be done on different roof bases. It can be wood, any metal, concrete. In addition, the roofing carpet can be laid on the old covering or slate.

Mastic roofing

Roof waterproofing is sometimes done using mastic. In this case, roll roofing materials are not used. This creates a mastic roof. Its advantage is that the result is a seamless membrane. In addition, such a coating is created directly on the roof, there is no need to additional work on preparation. The mastic also has good adhesion to concrete, various metals, as well as bituminous materials.

Waterproofing with mastic is carried out as follows: bitumen-polymer mastic is applied to a concrete base, after which a thin but strong and elastic membrane is formed on the surface. After complete hardening, the coating looks monolithic.

Use of mastic for waterproofing various roofs justified both for residential buildings and for industrial buildings. It becomes especially relevant when a lot of different building structures(braces for antennas, supports for equipment).

Bitumen-polymer mastics have a number of advantages:
- high strength;
- lightness;
- elasticity;
- resistance to any aggressive environment, oxidation and ultraviolet radiation;
- wide temperature range of application from -60 to +100°C.

The main purpose of roof waterproofing is protection internal space from unfavorable factors external environment. The quality of such work and the correct choice of waterproofing materials must be given due attention. The durability of the roof will largely depend on this, which will subsequently save the homeowner from the need for expensive roof repairs.

Today, there are several waterproofing materials for roofing, which differ in the method of application and can be used with various designs roofs These common types of waterproofing include:

Roll waterproofing combines an affordable cost, providing the roof of the house with the necessary protection from moisture, and is durable.

In addition to the well-known roofing material we all know, you can use glass roofing felt and euroroofing felt. The advantages of this type of waterproofing include the following: durability of the coating; high reliability; affordable price.

The disadvantages include difficulty in installing roll waterproofing. It is necessary to lay ordinary roofing felt on bitumen mastic. In its technology, such work is vaguely reminiscent of wallpapering walls. When using euroroofing felt, there is no need to pre-treat the roof base with mastic, which makes repair and maintenance work somewhat easier. construction works. After laying, the material is heated with a gas burner, which allows gluing roll insulation and subsequently eliminate the possibility of leaks.

Various mastics can be used with flat roofs, which combine ease of use, effectiveness and affordable cost.

Currently on sale you can find different kinds liquid roof waterproofing, the materials of which differ in their composition, characteristics and cost.

The advantages of mastics include the following:

  • Ecological cleanliness.
  • No shrinkage.
  • Resistant to aggressive environments.
  • Solidity of the completed waterproofing.

Having a number of advantages, such liquid waterproofing still has one significant drawback, namely durability. Even the highest quality mastics serve no more than 6 years, after which it is necessary to raise the roof and renew the waterproofing layer.

Film materials

Durable, inexpensive polyethylene films are often used today for roof waterproofing. The popularity of this insulator can be explained by its ease of installation and affordable cost.

The simplest variety is polyethylene film, the use of which will require the installation of a double ventilation layer in the roof. The joints of the film floors can be sealed with tape or special equipment can be used for this work, which reliably solders the material, ensuring that there are no leaks along the seam.

On sale you can find the latest generation of film waterproofing, which is durable and having a sticky layer, which is attached to the base of the roof, which simplifies repair work. At the same time, we note that such modern film insulation has a high cost, which leads to a significant increase in the budget for repair work.

We can recommend that budget-conscious homeowners pay attention to waterproofing films with anti-condensation coating. Such protective layer located on the wrong side, allowing the material to accumulate moisture, preventing water from flowing down onto the insulation. The water droplets accumulated by the insulator gradually evaporate or roll down without getting inside the roof.

Diffuse waterproofers

Diffuse films and membranes are today considered the most high-tech and modern insulators.

They are capable of allowing moisture to pass through from inside the roof, but at the same time do not allow it to penetrate from outside, which protects the heat insulator used and the roof from possible leaks.

The following types of diffuse membranes can be found on sale:

  • Pseudo-diffuse films that have a low degree of vapor permeability. Their advantages include affordable cost. This material is used primarily on cold roofs and attics.
  • Diffuse membranes with normal vapor permeability. Membranes can be used to furnish the attic and warm roof. The only place where it is not recommended to use diffuse membranes is in dusty attics, where the porous coating can become clogged, which impairs the performance characteristics of the waterproofing.
  • Superdiffuse three-layer membranes are designed specifically for use in harsh conditions; they are not afraid of significant temperature changes and retain their performance characteristics for a long time.

Material selection

The problem-free and durable use of the roof will directly depend on the correct choice of waterproofing material. That is why issues of choice will need to be given due attention.

From roll materials has proven itself best products of Russian factories. It combines excellent quality, affordable cost and durability. But from purchasing inexpensive Chinese waterproofing, which last years has flooded the domestic markets, it is recommended to refuse, since such materials are not distinguished by the quality of workmanship; in two to three years the roof will require complex and expensive repairs.

The best waterproofing and diffuse membranes are produced by the Finnish manufacturer Takaful, the Czech company Yutafol and the Russian TechnoNIKOL. Products from these manufacturers combines excellent waterproofing properties and affordable cost. Among modern breathable membranes, experts recommend the German Divorol and the Russian TechnoNIKOL.

Do-it-yourself roof waterproofing

In each specific case, the technology for installing waterproofing material will vary depending on its type and the specific characteristics of the roof. It is necessary to follow the technology of working with each insulator, which will ensure the quality of the waterproofing performed and the durability of the installed roof.

We use roll materials. The popularity of roll waterproofing is largely due to the ease of working with it, its affordable cost and reliability. Laying material on the roof is carried out as follows:

The surface must be cleaned of dust and dirt, apply primer, which is made from a mixture of bitumen and gasoline.

As soon as the applied primer has dried, you can begin gluing the roofing felt strips. To fix the material bitumen mastic is used. You can apply mastic with a rag, a wide brush or a roller. You can melt bitumen in a barrel over a fire and lift it to the roof in metal buckets.

The edges of the glued strips of roofing material must be additionally coated with bitumen, after which, using blowtorch, you should carefully melt the seams, achieving a high-quality connection.

Ruberoid on the roof laid in several layers, below can be used inexpensive material, and a high-quality and durable roofing material with topping is laid on top. The top layer of waterproofing can be generously coated with mastic and covered with coarse sand.

Coating method

Liquid bitumen materials are used exclusively for flat roofs Oh. The melted mastic must be applied using a sprayer, roller or brush. The surface must first be cleaned of dirt, after which you can immediately begin applying the material.

Popular rubberized waterproofing mastics, working with which is not difficult. The liquid rubberized material must be poured onto the roof surface, after which, using a brush or a wide roller with a long handle, carefully roll the insulation over the entire surface.

Can be used for coating roofing sprayers high pressure , which are designed to work with liquid viscous materials. The use of such equipment makes it possible to apply the coating in one layer and significantly reduces the consumption of mastic for processing one square meter roofs.

Use of diffuse membranes

Diffuse films are laid directly on top of the insulation, and a small ventilation gap is left in the upper part of the roof, the presence of which prevents the formation of condensation.

The membrane, which is laid with a slight overlap, is secured using construction stapler or galvanized nails. Additionally, you can use double-sided tape to seal all joints.

High-quality roof waterproofing will ensure the durability of the repairs performed, while problems with roof leaks will be completely resolved. It is only necessary choose the right waterproofing material to use and in full accordance with the technology, lay it on the roof.

Roof waterproofing materials are amazing the widest choice and variety. How can you avoid getting into trouble? Only after carefully studying the characteristics and weighing the advantages and disadvantages of all materials. If you can only find two types of film on the local construction market, you don’t have to buy them. Perhaps such waterproofing will not work or even harm the roofing pie!

Types of materials for roof waterproofing

Conventionally, all waterproofing can be divided either by the scope of application or by the method of application. In the latter case there are:

According to the scope of application, roof waterproofing can be used for:

Uninsulated roofs with a slope of 45 degrees can be left without waterproofing at all - this makes it easier to monitor the condition of the sheathing and the presence of leaks.

If the angle of inclination is small, it is better to lay waterproofing, protecting the attic from condensation and snow blowing into the joints between the roof elements. In this case, any waterproofing material is suitable - from film to roofing felt. But it is better to choose a wear-resistant material, otherwise the waterproofing will literally crumble in a few years.

They retain moisture and gradually evaporate it without forming drops of water on their surface. Of course, any waterproofing cannot replace a high-quality roofing covering and serves only as an auxiliary element.

Rolled waterproofing - for pitched roofs of any structure

Roll materials are for the most part quite easy to install with your own hands, which is why they are most popular. These include polymer films and membranes.

Waterproofing films

Cheap and easy to use material. It is laid on the rafters with a slight sag of 1-2 cm between spans to remove moisture. When used on cold roof Only one ventilation gap is required - between the film and the roofing. If there is insulation in the cake, it is necessary to have additional ventilation gap between him and the film.

Thus, saving on cheap material is doubtful, because you have to make a double gap, and this involves both financial and labor costs.

Making such a gap is simple - counter-lattice bars 3-5 cm high are nailed along the top of the waterproofing onto the rafters. They also fix the film. If the insulation lies flush with the rafters, the same bars are nailed under the waterproofing. Anti-condensation films, despite their manufacturability, also require two ventilation gaps 5 cm high.

Superdiffusion membranes

Modern and optimal choice. Such membranes are laid close to the insulation, but also require a ventilation gap between them and the roof.

Can be mounted both on sparse and on continuous sheathing and even on old roof without dismantling. Like the film, the membrane is rolled out horizontally and begins to be laid from below - from the eaves to the ridge.

It is very important not to forget that when securing roll waterproofing with a stapler, all puncture points must be glued. Otherwise, films and membranes cease to be waterproofing due to loss of integrity. Metallized tape in this regard is somewhat worse than butyl rubber, as it begins to peel off over time.

EPDM membranes – waterproofing or roofing?

It has high strength and does not require additional protection, so it can be considered a roofing material, although it is subject to mechanical stress.

Installed in several ways:

  • with special glue over the entire surface;
  • using ballast, which presses the membrane to the roof (gravel, pebbles);
  • special anchors in places of overlap.

Built-up waterproofing - an economical solution for flat roofs

Despite the relative complexity of installation, the price of installing built-up waterproofing is relatively low. In addition, you can rent equipment and produce everything yourself. There are different materials:

  1. Based:
  • fiberglass (marked with the first letter X);
  • fiberglass (T);
  • polyester (E).
  • With external and internal sides:
    • low-melting film (second and third letters P);
    • protective coating - only the outer side (second letter K).


    Because of this, rolls must be transported carefully, and the waterproofing itself is short-lived. But it is suitable for protecting garages or other outbuildings, where the quality of the material is not so important, but the price will become a significant criterion.

    If two-layer waterproofing is planned, rolls based on fiberglass can be laid as the bottom layer, which will allow significant savings. Such option will do and for residential buildings.


    But there is practically no elasticity, which is why when the roof deforms, the waterproofing based on fiberglass simply peels off. But it does not tear, as would happen with fiberglass.


    Tensile strength – 725N, elasticity up to 50%. Welded waterproofing on such a basis is not afraid of poor-quality transportation; it can even be installed by a non-specialist, as it forgives small flaws. The best option for a private home, as the roof will last a long time.

    Coating waterproofing

    Easy to use and relatively inexpensive material. Suitable for concrete floors and also for processing wooden elements in roof construction with metal roofing.

    Bitumen-based mastics

    There are heated mastics and ready-to-use cold ones. It is better to choose materials with rubber that are resistant to ultraviolet radiation - then the flat roof will not need to be additionally covered. Main area of ​​application: roofs industrial buildings with large areas.

    Liquid rubber

    Single-component formulations are suitable for manual application. They can be applied evenly with a simple long-handled roller, which is only suitable for flat roofs. But two-component compounds applied with a special airless spraying apparatus can be used on any roofs of complex structures.

    By using liquid rubber It is possible to carry out not only waterproofing, but also repair of the roof - the surface is covered with a layer of 4 mm, durable, resistant to stretching and ultraviolet radiation.

    Injection and penetrating waterproofing

    Specific types of waterproofing that can solve serious leakage problems. Injection materials will help close large cracks and cold seams, and the impregnation will clog small pores, preventing moisture penetration. These types of waterproofing are used for concrete, brick or limestone structures.
    You need to choose waterproofing not only by type, but also pay attention to the manufacturer. After all, often the stated characteristics do not correspond to reality. The comparison of films and membranes is very revealing different manufacturers presented on video:

    Roof tightness - the most important condition durability of the building and comfort of living in it. Currently, the industry produces a wide range of special high-quality materials that allow reliable waterproofing of all types of roofs, regardless of the climatic zone of the building.

    Roof coverings without additional construction measures cannot guarantee tightness, especially when it comes to technological and engineering communications. Flat and sloping roofs have their own technology and waterproofing materials.

    When choosing specific types of waterproofing, you need to pay attention to the following parameters:

    • practicality and economy;
    • manufacturability and maintainability;
    • safety and environmental friendliness;
    • cost and operating time.

    Each type of roof has its own architectural features, which influence the materials of manufacture and application technology. To make your choice easier, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with a short list of well-known brands.

    Table. Most famous manufacturers waterproofing materials.

    Manufacturer's nameTechnical specificationsPrice range depending on brand
    Used for waterproofing flat roofs, fused, SBS-modified. It is made on the basis of fiberglass, fiberglass or polyester, and can be coated with stone chips or double-sided film coating. Waterproofing is built-up roll.90–130 rub.
    Base: fiberglass, polyester, frame fabric. Rolled built-up waterproofing for flat roofs. It is characterized by increased flexibility at low temperatures; the protective coating is modified bitumen.70–110 rub.
    The front side has a coarse stone coating, the working side is protected with plastic film. During heating, the protective film removes itself. The waterproof coating is oxidized bitumen and is resistant to the negative effects of hard ultraviolet rays.65–85 rub.
    It is made on the basis of fiberglass or fiberglass, with stone chips applied on one side. Rolled built-up waterproofing for flat roofs. Before starting work, the base should be coated with a bitumen-based primer.50–65 rub.
    Traditional roll waterproofing based on cardboard is now rarely used due to unsatisfactory performance indicators. Advantage – low cost.45–55 rub.
    It is used for waterproofing flat and sloping roofs; it can be unreinforced or reinforced. Service life is at least 30 years, does not lose elasticity at negative air temperatures. Not afraid of UV rays.400–500 rub.
    Business-class polymer membranes are made on the basis of durable polyvinyl chloride; due to reinforcement, mechanical strength indicators significantly increase. It is absolutely waterproof and does not support open fire.350–410 rub.
    Mastics based on modified bitumen, universal use. They can be used independently or as additional means of waterproofing various roofing coverings.1800–2800 rub.
    Mastic for a wide range of purposes, can be made on the basis of bitumen or artificial rubber. It has high performance adhesion with various building materials. Application only to dry surfaces is allowed.1400–2300 rub.
    Manufactured using modified bitumen and applied cold. Has high adhesion values, does not react to hard ultraviolet radiation. Easy to use, retains its original characteristics for a long time.1000–1100 rub.

    Prices for waterproofing mastic Bitumast

    Materials for waterproofing flat roofs

    When choosing waterproofing materials for flat roofs, you should be guided by the provisions of SP 17.13330.2011. According to regulations, on roofs with a slope of 1–6°, it is allowed to use rolled bitumen and bitumen-polymer materials with a protective coating of the outer surface with a fine-grained topping; for roofs with a slope of up to 14°, the use of waterproofing materials with a coarse-grained topping is allowed. Polymer coatings are allowed to be used for flat roofs with a slope of at least 1–3°.

    SP 17.13330.2011. Roofs. Updated edition of SNiP II-26-76. Downloadable file (click the link to open the PDF in a new window).

    Currently, several types of waterproofing are used for flat roofs.

    Prices for coating waterproofing

    As an example, consider the option of waterproofing a flat roof with the most modern roll material based on durable synthetic fabrics and a coating with modified bitumen.

    Step-by-step instructions for waterproofing flat roofs

    Statistics show that approximately 80% of leaks on flat roofs are not due to the fault of the materials used, but due to technological errors builders: incorrect choice of waterproofing materials, incorrect alignment angles, poor-quality preparation of the base, bad weather conditions during work, etc. The technical indicators of modern waterproofing coatings provide a guarantee of operation for at least thirty years, but only if used correctly.

    We waterproof a flat roof (in this case, a garage)

    Step 1. Decide on the choice of materials. All roll waterproofing materials are divided into two classes: bitumen and bitumen-polymer. The latter, in turn, can be made from SBS or APP modified bitumen. If the house is located in a region with a warm climate, then choose materials based on APP, they are more resistant to high temperatures and will not leak when heated in summer. For cold ones climatic conditions better suitable material based on SBS, this modification of bitumen retains its elasticity when low temperatures ah and does not crack in winter period. Calculate the roof area, buy the required amount of waterproofing, taking into account the width of the overlap and ceilings. Each roll has a mark indicating the overlap line of the rows.

    What you will need for work - waterproofing for a flat roof, bitumen primer, rollers, roofing knives, spatulas, brushes

    Step 2. Prepare the roof base. On an improperly prepared base, the service life of roofing coverings is significantly reduced. What requirements are put forward to the foundations?

    Step 3. Prime the roof surface. It is recommended to use bitumen-based materials as primers. The primer must be done carefully, without leaving any gaps. Particular care should be taken to handle various joints and corners. Prime the vertical elements of the structure to the height of the roll insertion.

    Step 4. Proceed with laying the waterproofing layer. The recommended side overlap is at least 8 cm, but each manufacturer can change this parameter. Pay attention to the markings on the rolls; there are special lines or other marks to control overlap. The end overlaps are ≈15 cm, and place them at a distance of at least 50 cm from each other.

    Practical advice. Rolled bitumen-based waterproofing materials are recommended to be laid in two layers, the second should be done offset so that the overlap seam is located in the middle. The permissible distance between the side joints is at least 30 cm.

    If you plan to make two layers, then the first one should be without topping, this increases adhesion and improves tightness.

    Step 5. After the base has dried, roll out the first roll on it. Adjust its position taking into account overlaps and overlaps. If everything is normal, carefully roll it up; for ease, it is recommended to use metal pipe appropriate length. Carefully ensure that the position of the roll does not change during rolling.

    Step 6 Make a cut protective film and, carefully removing it, begin to roll out the roll.

    Prices for waterproofing membrane

    Waterproofing membrane

    Features of sealing complex components

    Vertical architectural elements must be even and smooth; piece masonry materials must be plastered. The main waterproofing carpet must be placed on vertical surfaces above the transition side. The first layer without topping should extend onto the vertical surface to a height of at least 25 cm, the second with topping to about 10 cm. The horizontal overlap is within 15 cm. To increase reliability, it is recommended to additionally secure the top junction line metal profiles. How to seal the junction of vertical surfaces?

    1. Cut a piece from the roll, its length equal to the design vertical height plus the design horizontal length of the junction.
    2. Roll the material into a roll and place it on the gluing area. Check the position.
    3. Hold the lower end with your foot or hand, and heat the upper end with a burner. Glue it as it warms up.
    4. Bend the lower end, heat the bitumen and glue the sheet to the first layer of waterproofing.

    Practical advice. If the bottom layer has a coating at the junction points, then it needs to be heated well with a burner, and the pebbles should be pressed into the bitumen with a metal flat spatula.

    Funnels for water drainage should be located at the same distance, and at least two drain points should be made in each area. Waterproofing technology depends on their design and manufacturers' recommendations.

    Prices for various types of gas burners and blowtorches

    Gas burners and blowtorches

    Materials for waterproofing pitched roofs

    Pitched roofs have a rafter system; roof coverings can be made soft or hard roofing materials. Waterproofing should be selected taking into account architectural features rafter system, type of roof (warm or cold), angle of inclination, etc. Another important pointthe rafter system is designed for a certain weight, increase the weight roofing pie Not recommended. Accordingly, waterproofing for pitched roofs should have a minimum specific gravity. Today in implementation there is the following types water protection.

    For an example of waterproofing a pitched roof, consider the option of membrane waterproofing.

    Step-by-step instructions for waterproofing pitched roofs

    We will tell you about the most complex and expensive technology for installing waterproofing on pitched roofs. In practice, some steps can be skipped, the quality of the roof will not suffer from this.

    Step 1. Attach a drip line to the wind boards with self-tapping screws; water from the waterproofing will flow onto it. The drip cap is sold complete with roofing coverings or separately. The specific design does not matter; they all perform their intended tasks perfectly.

    Step 2. Apply butyl rubber tape to the drip tube and thin double-sided tape over it. These elements are needed to securely fix the edge of the waterproofing membrane and prevent it from being torn off by gusts of wind.

    Step 3. Begin laying the membrane. The edge should stick to the drip, the outlet above the wall should be at least 15 cm. Carefully roll out the roll, the slightest mistakes at the beginning of work will cause large discrepancies; it is impossible to correct them without bending the material. You will either have to leave it in this position, or start all the work all over again. Fix the membrane to each rafter using a stapler. The number of staples does not have of great importance, in the future the material will be additionally pressed with counter lathing.

    Practical advice. In order to facilitate the process of gluing the material to the drip edge, it is recommended to temporarily fix boards to the rafters to support the legs. Later they will be removed, and counter-lattice and sheathing will be nailed in their place.

    Step 4. After the first row of waterproofing has been laid, begin attaching a counter-lattice made of slats measuring approximately 20x50 mm. It is recommended to glue a special sealing tape to the bottom of the slats; it will hermetically close the holes from under the brackets and will not allow water to get into the rafters.

    Fasten the counter-lattice with self-tapping screws or ordinary smooth nails. The first type of hardware is currently very popular, but it is expensive and difficult to work with. Professionals always use nails; the fixation strength is quite sufficient; the sheathing will not go anywhere.

    Step 5. Attach the sheathing to the counter-lattice; it is easier to install it in the direction from top to bottom. Before starting work, prepare a support board; it should rest against the screws. Pay great attention to the stability of this board, do not violate safety regulations.

    We have already mentioned that this technology is the most complex and expensive. In practice, builders do not install counter-lattice. Why? The task of this element is to provide ventilation between roofing sheets and waterproofing. We assure you that it is the same efficient ventilation provide sheathing strips. There is no need to waste time and money on Additional materials and construction operations.

    Video - Waterproofing a flat roof

    Video - Waterproofing a flat garage roof

    Roof waterproofing, materials and their installation

    Modern construction technologies offer big choice waterproofing materials. Some of them have a broad specialization and can be used to protect foundations, walls, and roofs.

    But for roofs, highly specialized waterproofing materials are more effective, the properties and application technology of which are focused specifically on protecting this part of the structure. The principle by which waterproofing is divided into three large groups is the material taken as its basis: films, soft roll waterproofing and moisture-insulating compounds.

    Films for waterproofing

    Films are waterproof polymer membranes With special properties. Their area of ​​application is the protection of wooden rafter systems and attic space from moisture. Depending on the place of use and the requirements of the designers, a variety of roof waterproofing is used, the materials for creating which differ: hydrobarrier, vapor barrier or anti-condensation films.


    It is a semi-permeable membrane that allows gases (including steam) to pass through, but retains water. Thanks to such unique properties it is possible to avoid the formation of condensation in the insulation and under-roof space.

    Vapor barrier

    This is a completely impermeable film. Its purpose is complete waterproofing for the roof, including under pressure water. The most famous version of the vapor barrier is the usual transparent or black polyethylene film.

    Anti-condensation films

    They are a kind of cake made of durable polypropylene fabric, covered on one side with a polyethylene layer, and on the other with a layer of fibrous hygroscopic material with special properties. Due to hygroscopicity, moisture formed when the air temperature drops is absorbed into the fleecy side of the membrane and then gradually erodes, smoothing out the relative humidity in the under-roof space.

    Film waterproofing material has a decent service life, increased mechanical strength, resistance to solar radiation, high and low temperatures and other negative factors.

    Soft roll waterproofing

    The most famous type of roll waterproofing is roofing felt. It is a layered cardboard impregnated with resin mastic. Most known roll materials have a resin base. More advanced, but also more expensive, roll waterproofing is impregnated with synthetic latex or its modifications.

    Rolled waterproofing materials are glued or soldered onto the protected surface using special adhesives and hot or cold applied mastics.

    Roof waterproofing materials required special tool(burner for roofing works) or an equipped place for heating resin glue.

    Waterproofing compounds

    Unlike films laid under the roof, waterproofing compounds serve to treat and protect the roof surface itself. They are applied mechanically, by coating, painting or spraying.

    Roofing mastics based on bitumen are applied to the roof in several stages with intermediate drying of each layer. The disadvantage of such waterproofing lies in physical properties bitumen After drying, it becomes hard, brittle and gradually cracks. However, modern technologies allow modification of the composition, and make mastics extremely long-lived and maintain the viscosity of the composition for several years. Bitumen-rubber mastics have the best properties. Their service life is 10-15 years.

    Liquid waterproofing - materials of this type are applied by painting or spraying. Used to protect flat and sloping concrete roofs. Can be used to improve the properties of slate. The liquid water-repellent solution penetrates deeply into the thickness of the material and such a roof receives reliable protection from moisture for many years.

    DIY garage roof waterproofing

    The garage can be made in the form of an extension to a private house, be a separate building, a metal box, or be part of a long row of boxes in a garage cooperative. Accordingly, in all these cases apply different roofs and, accordingly, materials for waterproofing.

    Garage attached to a private house

    As a rule, a garage extension is made using the same technology as the building itself. Such garages usually have a sloping roof, protected by metal tiles or soft bitumen roofing. The initial waterproofing of the roof is performed at the time of construction.

    If a leak appears over time, the repair procedure depends on the type and current state roofing covering. In the case when the metal tile has good condition, and a leak appears at the junction of the sheets or at the fastening point - the easiest option is to cover these areas with bitumen, rubber or silicone mastic and then paint it to match the color of the roof.

    If the under-roof waterproofing layer is to blame for the leak, you will need to remove the required sheet of metal and eliminate the cause of the leak. The rupture of the film membrane is eliminated by placing the film over the rupture and coating the edges with any suitable adhesive. Any viscous waterproofing mastic, preferably synthetic or rubber based, is suitable for this purpose.

    When leaking soft roof It would be most advisable to replace the damaged sheet with a new one. As a last resort, it is done local repair: the place of the tear is cut crosswise, the petals are bent, adhesive mastic is poured under them, and patches of waterproofing film are applied.

    A layer of mastic is again applied over the patch, and the cut petals are pressed tightly for several hours. In this case, you need to try to ensure that the repair site does not stick out, but remains flush with the plane of the roof.

    Metal box

    The roof of the metal box is a solid metal surface. Therefore, do-it-yourself roof waterproofing comes down to removing rust and sealing the resulting holes. Repairs are carried out along the upper plane of the roof, since patching holes from below is very unreliable and short-lived.

    Because after drying bitumen mastics They do not hold onto metal well; silicone or special synthetic sealants are used for repairs. They have high adhesion to metal, remain plastic throughout their service life and are not destroyed by thermal expansion of the metal.

    In rare cases during repairs metal roof the garage has to replace part of the metal with new one. In this case, the laying of new sheets is carried out on top of the old ones with the obligatory sealing of the overlap seams and attachment points.

    Concrete roof of a garage cooperative

    Waterproofing concrete floors is done using waterproofing impregnation or by laying sheets of roofing felt on the concrete. Typically, roofing felt is laid on bitumen or mastic heated to a liquid state.

    Since open fire is used, it is imperative to provide protection against it getting inside the garage. At quality materials And correct implementation Such waterproofing can last for several decades.

    Bottom line

    Correctly selected material and high-quality roof waterproofing with your own hands will allow you to do without overhaul or complete replacement roofs. In addition to a good result, the possibility of patching will cost much less than other options. Waterproofing a flat roof, including all construction work, can be done independently, as it does not require professional experience in this matter.

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