Roofing and waterproofing based on liquid rubber. Business on waterproofing with liquid rubber Foundation preparation work

Advantages of using liquid rubber:

1. Application speed.

No one waterproofing material cannot be applied by spraying, perhaps except for polyurea, but its prices are much higher and the situation with environmental and fire safety indicators is much worse than necessary. In one day of using liquid rubber, without exaggeration, you can apply 1000 square meters of coverage. At the same time, only two workers cope with the task.

2. Speed ​​of readiness.

Instant cure up to 80%. The polymerization process lasts 48 hours, but waterproofing properties appear immediately after using liquid rubber.

3. Security.

Since liquid rubber was developed abroad, the requirements for it in terms of environmental and fire safety were extremely high. Liquid rubber is non-flammable, safe for people, animals and plants. This is especially important when it comes to a body of water. The use of liquid rubber allows you to launch a fish into the water and allow your child to splash around. Besides, liquid rubber Even drinking water tanks can be treated.

4. Elasticity.

Liquid rubber is called “rubber” because its elongation is 1650%, that is, for example, a 5-centimeter piece can be stretched up to 80 cm. What this gives us: any movement of the base does not damage the waterproofing carpet. Even if there is a crack in the building, this does not mean at all that there will be leaks.

5. Adhesion (Sticking).

The use of liquid rubber is relevant for any surface - concrete, wood, metal. Moreover, the base becomes, as it were, welded together, one with the waterproofing. Let's say there was damage somewhere. In the case of any other material, this is a whole problem, since water begins to flow under the waterproofing carpet, and the use of liquid rubber does not cause such problems. If there is water, it will only be in the place where there is a violation of integrity.

6. Mobility.

Everything necessary for a small object fits into a Gazelle-type car. These are equipment, liquid rubber and a catalyst.

7. Cost-effective.

Spraying allows you to make exactly the thickness (and, accordingly, material consumption) that is needed, no more and no less. There are only two workers in a standard team.

8. Durability of use.

Durability of the coating is 25 years.

Limitations in the use of liquid rubber:

1. Do not apply in the rain.

In general, this limitation does not only exist when using liquid rubber. But, nevertheless, in the rain, when high humidity, liquid rubber does not have time to polymerize. Although it is possible to carry out work with residual moisture in the base, which is only possible when using liquid rubber.

2. Cannot be applied at temperatures below +5°C.

IN winter period Difficulties always arise when constructing greenhouses and heating with cannons.

Equipment price:
The installation for applying liquid rubber UZHK-2 costs 98,000 rubles.

The use of a compressor or open fire (gas burners, etc.) is not required!

Most modern construction and repair companies offer their clients to switch from roll to liquid waterproofing of surfaces. The solution is simple and economical, because the material does not need to be adjusted, throwing away unnecessary fragments.

Of course, in order to determine the benefit of the offer, it is necessary to calculate the approximate consumption of liquid rubber per 1 m². Its value largely depends on the condition and type of the base surface. For external finishing works usually used more thick layer to provide the proper degree of protection from the vagaries of nature and moisture.

Please note that it is enough to apply 2-3 layers of Haveg PBC to form a reliable elastic membrane on the surface, providing the proper degree of protection and properties.

How to calculate material consumption

So, how much liquid rubber is needed per 1 m²?

  1. Roofing (without reinforcement) – 1 l/m².
  2. Roof (with reinforcement various materials) – 1.9 l/m².
  3. Roof repair (on average) – 1.4 l/m².
  4. Foundation treatment – ​​1.8 l/m².
  5. Base finishing – 1.8 l/m².
  6. Wall treatment – ​​1.8 l/m².
  7. Treatment of metal structures (anti-corrosive) – 0.3 l/m².

After taking measurements and calculating the total area, you can easily calculate how much liquid rubber will be needed to waterproof the surface in your case. We recommend ordering Haveg waterproofing with a reserve of 5-10%. In addition, it is worth monitoring the layer thickness and approximate consumption.

pay attention to online consumption calculator, which is present on the website of our online store. With its help, you can easily and quickly calculate how much material you will need to carry out the work.

Any questions? Call or request a free call back!

Example 1. There is a foundation for a cottage under construction with a perimeter of 150 meters and a height of 3 meters.

The design has a complex perimeter geometry. Also on the foundation there are sinkholes with a depth of more than 1 cm (formed when concrete is poured with poor quality formwork). The total area of ​​the sinks is 10 m2. Also, the presence of four vertical joints of the foundation slabs and a complete connection at the joint of the foundation walls to the foundation lens. The foundation also has 8 90-degree angles (i.e. sharp corners).

Foundations of any type, especially those of complex geometry (and such foundations are now the majority, since projects often include wine cellars, billiard rooms, swimming pools, etc.) - this is the kind of work that can be done efficiently and quickly only using seamless spraying technology waterproofing Liquid Rubber.

Scope of work for this object:

The total area of ​​the foundation is 450 m2, of which 150 m2 is at a depth of over 2 meters;
The total area of ​​shells with an average depth of 1 cm is 10 m2;
The total area of ​​joints, corners and junctions is 4x3m (linear footage of the vertical joints of the foundation slabs) + 150m (linear footage of the junctions at the junction of the foundation walls to the foundation lens) + 8x3m (linear footage of 8 “type” 90 degree corners) = 12 + 150 + 24 = 186 m2.

Equipment used (prices as of fall 2015):

Installation of RX-28/220V (the choice is due to the lack of 380V electrical power supply at the site). Cost - 168,500 rubles;
Working clothes, electric stirrer, working tools - according to the list additional equipment and accessories for installation of RX-28/220V. Cost - about 11,500 rubles.

TOTAL for equipment - 180,000 rubles.

Raw materials and material consumption (prices as of autumn 2015):

Two-component waterproofing system “Liquid Rubber for underground structures” - 300m2 x 3l/m2 (waterproofing of the foundation at a depth of up to 2 meters) + 150m2 x 4l/m2 (waterproofing of the foundation at a depth of over 2 meters) + 450m2 x 0.5l/m2 (preliminary priming waterproofed surface) = 900l + 600l + 225l = 1775 liters. Cost 1775l x 125 rubles/l = 221875 rubles;
Calcium chloride, 2 bags of 25 kg (at the rate of 1 bag per 1000 liters of “Liquid Rubber”). Cost 2 bags x 1000 rubles/bag = 2000 rubles;
Geotextile substrate - 0.2 m (width of the reinforcing strip) x 186 m2 (total area of ​​“dangerous” places) = 37.2 m2. Cost 37.2 m2 x 20 rubles/m2 = 744 rubles;

TOTAL for raw materials and supplies - 224,619 rubles.

Time required to apply liquid rubber:

Sealing and waterproofing sinks 10 m2 - 2 hours.
Preliminary priming of the waterproofed surface 450m2 x 0.5l/m2 = 225l - 30…45 minutes (including possible stops).
Rolling of geotextiles in “dangerous” places of joints, corners and abutments: 0.2 m (width of the reinforcing strip) x 186 m2 - 3 hours (slowly and efficiently).
Application of liquid rubber 1500l. - 3.5...4 hours.

TOTAL time spent: 9…10 hours.

Economic assessment of roof waterproofing with liquid rubber.

Reliability and durability flat roofs guarantees the use of modern construction technologies and materials such as liquid rubber. Such roofs are distinguished by: water resistance, non-flammability, ease of installation and maintenance, long term services.

Applicable for soft roofs, there are 2 types of work:

1. Major renovation roofing - includes complete removal of the old waterproofing (usually roofing felt) covering, repair of the screed, laying of a new roofing carpet.
2. Maintenance roofing - consists of replacing defective areas of the old roofing material covering, sealing holes and cracks and laying new material.

Example 2. Major flat roof repairs.

Number of aerators 1-2 pcs. for 50-100 sq. m. The cost of one standard roof aerator is 700 rubles/piece. The cost of its installation is 350-400 rubles/piece.

In places of swelling, you should make a cross-shaped cut (opening with an “envelope”), bend the panel, thoroughly clean the base, dry it with a flame gas burner and apply mastic to both the base and the carpet panel. Then the folded edges of the carpet are returned to their place and pressed. For this operation, it is advisable to use ready-made cold mastics.

The cost of one-component mastic is 250 rubles/kg, consumption 1.5-2.0 kg/sq. m.

Places where roll material completely rotten, needs to be cut out. Thoroughly clean the resulting recess and fill it with cement-sand mortar.

The more accurately the cutting is done, the less likely it will be necessary to repair the screed. For repair cement-sand screed a solution of a grade of at least 150 is used. 8-10 days after installation, the screed is primed. Bitumen is used as a primer polymer mastic(liquid rubber, - without hardener).
Consumption 0.5 kg per 1 sq. m, price 125 rub/kg.

Reinforcement increases strength, but reduces the elasticity of the mastic coating, so it is necessary to understand what is preferable for a given roof. Reinforcement can be performed only in individual nodes (usually abutments and mates).

Reinforcement is done as follows. Using the spraying method, a thin layer of Liquid rubber is applied (without a hardener), with a consumption of 0.3-0.5 kg, geotextiles are laid and rolled with rollers to ensure a tight fit to the base over the entire surface, then a thin layer of Liquid rubber is applied on top - a consumption of 0.5 kg /sq m for impregnation of geotextiles, holding until completely dry for 2-5 hours.

After all the above work is completed, the main waterproofing coating (liquid rubber) is installed.

Bitumen-polymer mastic is applied by spraying; RX series equipment for liquid rubber is used to perform this work.

The consumption of bitumen-polymer mastic is 3.0 kg per 1 sq.m to provide a waterproofing layer of at least 2 mm.

Cost 1 kg - 155 rubles.

Example 3. Flat crawl repair industrial building 20x30 m.

The total coverage area is 600 sq. m.
Old roofing felt covering. There are swellings on the roof with a total area of ​​100 sq. m.
When removing (cutting down) the swellings, depressions 30 mm deep were formed.

Approximate cost estimate for materials:

Name of materials

Unit measurements



Material consumption

Total, rub.

Sand cement

Bag (50 kg)

250 rub/mesh

1.2 mesh/sq m (screed thickness 30 mm)


20 rub/sq m


1 piece/100 sq m

Primer and impregnation of geotextiles (Daklar)
Basic waterproofing layer(Daklar)

Preface. Bitumen-polymer mastic Slavyanka is a completely ready-to-use coating waterproofing material. It is a mixture of homogeneous black mass; liquid rubber is characterized by the formation of an elastic coating after drying. In this article we will consider the technical characteristics of Slavyanka mastic, the technology of applying liquid two-component rubber and the consumption of Slavyanka waterproofing per 1 square meter.

Scope of application of coating waterproofing Slavyanka

Photo. Coating waterproofing Slavyanka

Slavyanka® mastic is used to protect metal, concrete or reinforced concrete materials and others from moisture building structures. It is also used for treating residential premises with high humidity from the inside - waterproofing basement walls, inspection pits, bathrooms, etc. Liquid two-component rubber Slavyanka is also suitable for waterproofing pipelines, septic tanks and other containers for various purposes.

Application technology involves temperature regime from –10C to +50C, the material temperature must exceed +15C. For convenience, the mastic can be diluted with an organic solvent to the required consistency, but not more than 20% of total weight mixtures. Since when diluting liquid rubber produced by Rastro by more than 20%, the technical characteristics of the resulting product deteriorate waterproofing film on the treated surface.

Description of bitumen-polymer waterproofing Slavyanka

Mastic Slavyanka® coating waterproofing, produced by the Rastro company, is a one-component, ready-to-use bitumen-polymer composition. Technologists production company“Rastro” is constantly improving the company’s products, improving their characteristics and performance, expanding the scope of application of Slavyanka waterproofing, in a word, they are doing everything to ensure that optimal ratio price quality.

Mastic Slavyanka® coating waterproofing is a bitumen-polymer composition of a pasty consistency of black color. Once dry, liquid waterproofing creates a thin layer of rubber-like membrane. During storage, sediment may form, which does not affect the composition. Before use, the mastic should be mixed and, if necessary, diluted with a solvent to the required consistency.

Advantages of Slavyanka waterproofing:

— possibility of using mastic at subzero temperatures;
- good adhesive properties to any materials and high elasticity;
— chemical resistance in aggressive environments and the strength of the resulting layer;
— high viscosity allows liquid rubber to be applied to vertical surfaces.

Limitations and disadvantages of Slavyanka mastic:

— it is prohibited to use bitumen-polymer mastic inside residential premises;
— it is prohibited to use in liquid organic media: oil, petroleum products;
— do not use as an adhesive for polystyrene foam and materials based on it;
- It is prohibited to apply to areas that have not been cleaned of dirt, dust and greasy stains surface.

We have examined all the pros and cons of Slavyanka waterproofing; all that remains is to add that the manufacturer reserves the right to change the technical characteristics of Slavyanka liquid rubber and its application technology without prior notice, in order to improve product performance. The manufacturer is not responsible for defects resulting from violation of instructions.

Waterproofing Slavyanka: technical characteristics

— heat resistance up to 140 degrees Celsius;
— material viscosity from 140 mm to 180 mm;
— material elongation at break up to 1000%;
— tensile strength reaches 1.5 MPa;
— temperature of use from –10 to +50С.

Table. Specifications waterproofing Slavyanka

Work should be carried out in well-ventilated areas, away from sources of fire or outdoors, since the mastic contains highly flammable substances. If the mastic gets on the skin, it is necessary to remove the composition with a cloth, then the Slavyanka coating waterproofing should be washed off with soap and water. The application technology prohibits the use bitumen mastic inside living rooms.

Waterproofing Slavyanka: application technology

It is more convenient to apply mastic to a vertical surface using a roller, brush or spray method. On horizontal surface For example, when waterproofing flat roofs, it is possible to pour the mixture and then level it over the surface with a mop or spatula. Foundations that require backfilling with soil can be backfilled after the mastic has completely dried to prevent damage to the layer.

Preparing the surface for applying mastic

As in the case self-use using TechnoNIKOL coating waterproofing, the surface to be treated should be cleaned of dirt, rust, grease stains and similar contaminants. If necessary, repairs are carried out, all chips and cracks on concrete surface sealed before applying mastic. Then the surface is dried and liquid rubber is applied to it using a brush or spray method.

If necessary, another layer of insulation is applied to the dried first layer. The thickness of the finished layer should be no more than 2 millimeters. In hot weather, the mastic is applied in 4-5 passes, in layers of no more than 0.5 mm. One hour after application, the coating resists rain, but the final polymerization time of liquid rubber depends on the material of the treated base, weather conditions and the thickness of the waterproofing layer.

Waterproofing Slavyanka: consumption per m2

Average consumption of Slavyanka® mastic per 1 sq.m. when creating a layer 1 mm thick is about 1.39 kg/m² (1.39 kilograms ready mixture per 1 square meter of treated surface). To accurately calculate required amount material, use online calculator waterproofing consumption on our website. Next, watch the video on applying liquid two-component rubber to a flat roof.

Video. Material Slavyanka liquid rubber two-component

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This is a business providing services for waterproofing liquid rubber of roofs, floors, ceilings, foundations, swimming pools and other objects. This type activity is relatively new, has a low entry price threshold (about 140,000 rubles) and is highly profitable.

Feasibility study of activities

We will calculate the economic attractiveness of waterproofing activities using liquid rubber.

Capital costs to start a business:

Equipment and inventory:

  • Installation of UZhK-2S - 118 thousand rubles.
  • Facilities personal protection(protective suit, gloves, respirator, goggles) included - 1 thousand rubles.
  • Inventory (containers for coagulant and washing liquid) - 1 thousand rubles.

Raw materials:

  • Domestic Liquid rubber “CBS” 200 kg. (price 98 rubles per 1 kg) = 19.6 thousand rubles.
  • Coagulant. Saline solution technical calcium chloride 25 kg. (price 20 rubles per 1 kg.) = 500 rubles.

Additional expenses:

  • Delivery of equipment and materials - 8 thousand rubles.
  • Registration of activities, ordering a seal, opening a current account, other expenses - 12 thousand rubles.

Total required to start activities 160 000 rubles

Calculation of income and expenses

The cost of waterproofing services with liquid rubber is on average 600 rubles. for 1 sq.m. (thickness 3 mm).

Cost of coating per 1 sq.m. according to materials is 393.0 rubles.

  • Liquid rubber, consumption 4 kg. - 392 rub. (4 kg * 98 rub.)
  • Coagulant (10% calcium chloride solution), consumption 0.4 kg. - 1.0 rub. (0.04 kg * 25 rub.)

To work on applying liquid rubber, it is necessary to use an operator and an auxiliary worker. Provided that the entrepreneur will independently provide waterproofing services and will involve only one auxiliary worker, then the following expenses will be present in the activity:

  • Payment of social contributions (32 thousand rubles since 2013) - 3,000 rubles. per month
  • Payment of wages and social contributions for an auxiliary worker - 15,000 rubles. per month
  • Administrative expenses (payment account, taxes, advertising, other) - 10,000 rubles.

Total 28 000 rub. per month.

If per month, a novice businessman will carry out orders for waterproofing objects with a total area of ​​500 sq.m. (in practice this is only 2 orders) the monthly profit will be 67.5 thousand rubles.

  • Revenue: 500 sq.m. * 600 rub. = 300,000 rub.
  • Material costs: 500 sq.m. * 393.0 = 196,500 rub.
  • Fixed expenses: RUB 28,000.
  • Costs for delivery of raw materials and equipment: RUB 8,000.
  • Net profit: 67,500 rub.
  • Return on investment: 2.5 months.

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