How to convert kilograms to cubic meters. How to convert kilograms to cubic meters What does the term “square meter” mean?

When you don’t have a reference book at hand, but you need to make the appropriate calculations of the mass of the metal by length, diameter, and cross-sectional dimensions steel billets, then we will teach you how to do it. If you only have a measuring tape with you MM, SM, M, and a calculator on your Android phone, you can do all the calculations yourself, and they’re not complicated geometric formulas will not be an obstacle to calculating the weight yourself. In tonnage calculations, the base value will be the average steel density of 7,850 kg/m3 ( specific gravity) multiplied by the volume of the metal structure. Everyone knows this simple formula for calculating mass through density and volume from the 7th grade physics textbook. You can learn how to correctly calculate the volume of metal by remembering school geometry (several formulas are presented in the table below). For example, for rolled sheets, the surface area is calculated and multiplied by the sheet thickness. It is difficult to obtain accurate results with such an arsenal, but it is quite possible to approximately determine the weight of some metal products. When you have access to the Internet, then calculating the mass of rolled metal products will not be difficult. The metal conversion calculator can be used online or downloaded to your computer.

Calculation of rolled metal weight

The universal metal steel weight calculator allows you to quickly and accurately calculate the weight of rolled metal by size (diameter according to GOST, DSTU, length of footage, metal area, volume), i.e. learn how to convert linear meters into kilograms of steel (m - kg, m - ton). The weight of a rolled steel profile is determined by the size and shape of it cross section, and for this you don’t need to know how much a meter of rolled metal weighs. Our long rolled metal calculator calculates the following types rolled steel according to GOST: round, square, strip, sheet and shaped parts: metal pancakes, steel balls and other complex shapes of objects. Here you can find out the weight of an object and calculate the mass steel sheet, plate, circle, steel rod, cylinder, rod, steel strip, wire, perform mass calculation metal corner, steel pipe, channel, beam and determine how many meters are in a ton of rolled steel.

How to determine the weight of metal by size?

Unlike the Metallurgical Calculator program, here you do not need to download a program for determining the weight of metal according to GOST. Calculation of weight based on the dimensions of the workpiece is carried out automatically online. Conversion of mass (kg, tons) into length (linear meters) or conversion of metal weight into area (m2 for sheet steel) is carried out synchronously in real time, and there is no need to look for conversion tables of specific gravity to convert meters to tons of rolled metal. And, if you know how much a meter of rolled metal weighs, then you can independently calculate the price per meter of rolled metal for a simple calculator, multiplying the mass of a linear meter by the cost of kg of steel. Or vice versa, convert the price per meter into the price per ton of metal.

Metal calculator online

Rolled metal calculator

The best online metal calculator calculates the weight of structural steel, alloy steel, of stainless steel(stainless steel various brands), galvanized steel, the weight of non-ferrous metals and the calculation of the tonnage of rolled metal from other metals and alloys. Use the online steel calculator when you need to calculate how many meters in a ton of reinforcement, angle, profile pipe, how many meters in a ton of round pipe, hot-rolled channel, I-beam, calculate the number of meters in a ton of angle, metal circle, hexagon, square, metal strip, steel tape , sheet metal. All calculations of metal profiles are carried out free of charge and without registration, and you do not need to download a metal calculator to your computer and install the program, which is very convenient to use. For each type of material, many of its varieties (steel grades and types of rolled products) have been entered into the database, which significantly increases the scope of the online metal weight calculator and makes it easier to work with.

The list of rolled products that the metal calculator calculates includes a pipe (converting meters to tons), a corner, a metal sheet, tape, circle, wire, channel, beam, hexagon, square, profile pipe, and also with conditional accuracy it is possible to calculate the reinforcement. A rolled metal translator will help you find out exact amount required metal, to do this you need to enter several dimension values ​​that determine the profile cross-section, and in a few seconds you will receive a calculation of the mass of rolled metal along the length or a recalculation of the weight of the metal into linear meters. In addition, with the help of our metal translator, it is possible to compare the tabulated values ​​​​of the mass of metal in the steel assortment and the estimated weight calculated online. The formula for calculating the weight of metal by size uses the theoretical weight of rolled metal according to GOST (specific gravity of steel or conversion factor in kg), the dimensions of the profile section and the length of rolled metal (to calculate the volume of metal). The product of metal density and volume gives us the required weight (kilograms, tons) of rolled products of a given length

(linear meters).

Rules for calculating metal by weight and length

1. Select the type of metal: “Steel” is the default (suitable for calculating both black and stainless steel). The electronic calculator can calculate rolled copper, aluminum and other non-ferrous metals.
2. Select a steel grade according to GOST (for example AISI 304/304L, AISI 316/316L) or non-ferrous metal (duralumin, lead, copper, brass, gold).
3. On the left side metal calculator select the type of rolled metal (profile pipe, metal sheet, steel angle, etc.). The default setting is pipe metal calculator ( round pipes seamless, VGP pipes, electric welded pipes).
4. We indicate the parameters of the rolled steel in millimeters (pipe diameter, channel size, beam height, wall thickness, angle flange size, etc.)
5. We indicate the length of the rolled metal (to calculate the weight of the metal by size, i.e. converting from meters to kilograms, meters to tons) or the mass of the rolled metal (to calculate the length of the profile metal, i.e. converting the metal from kg to meters, tons to square meters).
6. Click on the “Calculate” button on the “Metal calculator according to GOST” and get the weight of the product in kilograms or the length of the metal profile in meters (when translated vice versa).

Every Internet user has moments when it is necessary to calculate some nuances of the work and determine how much metal is needed to make a metal product, calculate its price, knowing total weight. For example, convert the mass of metal into length (area m2), convert meters into tons of rolled metal, when you need to calculate the mass of metal structures, find the mass steel part or convert the mass to the surface area of ​​the paint. And it doesn’t matter whether you are going to build a house or invest money in metal, you will need to calculate the cost of rolled metal online, then our directory site will come to your aid. All you need to do is select the appropriate brand of rolled metal and enter the required parameter values, and our online calculator will solve for you any problem of your misfortunes or, conversely, joys.

How to find mass without scales, calculate weight using the formula?

For example, we need to find the weight of metal structures, calculate the mass metal truss, iron door, gate from sheet metal, stainless barrels or other non-ferrous metal products. For this metal structure is divided into constituent elements blanks and calculate the weight of the metal using the formula (see examples of formulas for the area and volume of simple bodies) or using a calculator program. The mass of the metal structure consists of the weight of all structural elements and the mass of deposited metal (1.5%). Having determined the weight of the product and knowing the price per ton of production, you can calculate the cost of a custom-made metal product yourself.

Converting metal from meters to tons is necessary when purchasing rolled products. The sale of metal products in Ukraine is an increasingly popular service every year; today you can purchase rolled metal products via the Internet. But purchasing products from metallurgical plants is not always easy in terms of their technical data and other characteristics. The main task of the metallurgical calculator is to help the buyer make a truly correct calculation of the volume of metal orders in Ukraine, for placing requests for rolled metal products at metal depots and metal warehouses.

The metallurgical calculator for the assortment of rolled metal products can significantly facilitate the work of suppliers and manufacturers of metal products. Calculation of the length and weight of products of the metallurgical industry of Ukraine on a metal calculator is carried out in accordance with the filled-in parameters of the profile of long rolled steel. The special program "METAL CALCULATOR online" makes it possible to quickly and easily determine the length and weight of metal products. The calculation is carried out for the required types of metal products made of ferrous steel, rolled stainless steel, and non-ferrous metal. Here you can download a metal calculator for a profile pipe (rectangular pipe, square), steel reinforcement (circle), a metal calculator for an I-beam (beam), a metal calculator for sheets (strips), steel angle, bent channel and hot-rolled, square and hexagon made of non-ferrous metal. Using the online rental mass calculator, you can calculate how much the pipe weighs, the mass of the circle, and it is performed online translation meters in kg of metal angle, conversion of mass to area of ​​steel sheet, calculation of channel mass, weight of metal of another profile section. If you haven't found the desired profile steel in the calculator, or want to find out the specific gravity of rolled steel (i.e. how much does 1 linear meter), then use the conversion tables for the weight of rolled metal from tons to meters, the conversion tables from meters to kilograms, presented on our website in the metal assortment tables. Stay with us and we will help you determine the weight of the metal and the meters of rolled metal you need!

Length and distance converter Mass converter Bulk and food volume converter Area converter Volume and units converter in culinary recipes Temperature converter Pressure, mechanical stress, Young's modulus converter Energy and work converter Power converter Force converter Time converter Converter linear speed Flat angle Thermal efficiency and fuel efficiency converter Number converter in various number systems Converter of units of measurement of quantity of information Exchange rates Women's clothing and shoe sizes Men's clothing and shoe sizes Angular velocity and rotational speed converter Acceleration converter Angular acceleration converter Density converter Specific volume converter Moment of inertia converter Torque Converter Torque Converter Converter specific heat Combustion (by mass) Converter of energy density and specific heat of combustion of fuel (by volume) Converter of temperature difference Converter of coefficient of thermal expansion Converter of thermal resistance Converter of specific thermal conductivity Converter specific heat capacity Energy exposure and thermal radiation power converter Heat flux density converter Heat transfer coefficient converter Volume flow rate converter Mass flow rate converter Molar flow rate converter Mass flow density converter Molar concentration converter Mass concentration in solution converter Dynamic (absolute) viscosity converter Kinematic viscosity converter Surface tension converter Vapor permeability converter Converter water vapor flux density Sound level converter Microphone sensitivity converter Sound pressure level (SPL) converter Sound pressure level converter with selectable reference pressure Brightness converter Luminous intensity converter Illuminance converter Computer graphics resolution converter Frequency and wavelength converter Optical power in diopters and focal length Diopter Power and Lens Magnification (×) Electrical Charge Converter Linear Charge Density Converter Surface Charge Density Converter Volume Charge Density Converter electric current Linear current density converter Surface current density converter Voltage converter electric field Electrostatic Potential and Voltage Converter Converter electrical resistance Electrical resistivity converter Electrical conductivity converter Electrical conductivity converter Electrical capacitance Inductance converter American wire gauge converter Levels in dBm (dBm or dBm), dBV (dBV), watts and other units Magnetomotive force converter Magnetic field strength converter Magnetic flux converter Magnetic converter induction Radiation. Ionizing radiation absorbed dose rate converter Radioactivity. Radioactive decay converter Radiation. Exposure dose converter Radiation. Absorbed Dose Converter Decimal Prefix Converter Data Transfer Typography and Imaging Unit Converter Timber Volume Unit Converter Molar Mass Calculation Periodic Table chemical elements D. I. Mendeleev

1 kilogram-force square meter. second [kgf·m·s²] = 9.80664999978773 kilogram square. meter [kg m²]

Initial value

Converted value

kilogram square meter kilogram sq. centimeter kilogram square millimeter gram square centimeter gram square millimeter kilogram-force meter square. second ounce square inch ounce-force inch sq. second psi ft lbf ft sq. second psi inch lbf inch second slug sq. foot

Magnetomotive force

More about moment of inertia

General information

The moment of inertia is the property of a body to resist a change in rotation speed. The higher the moment of inertia, the greater this opposition. The moment of inertia is often compared to the concept of mass for linear motion, since mass determines how much a body resists such motion. The distribution of mass over the volume of a body does not affect linear motion, but has great importance during rotation, since the moment of inertia depends on it.

The moment of inertia for bodies of simple geometric shape and constant density can be determined using generally accepted formulas. For bodies more complex shapes use mathematical analysis. Depending on how weight is distributed within bodies, two bodies with the same mass can have different moments of inertia. For example, moment of inertia I for a homogeneous ball with the same density throughout the entire volume, find it using the formula:

I = 2mr²/5

Here m is the mass of the ball, and r- its radius. If we take two balls of the same mass, with the radius of the first twice the radius of the second, then the moment of inertia larger ball will be 2²=4 times the first. In this formula, the radius is the distance from the center of rotation to the point on the body most distant from this center for which the moment of inertia is measured. If we take a cylinder with a mass m, which is equal to the mass of one of the balls above, and with a distance L from the center of rotation to the most distant point, so that this value is equal to the radius of this ball, then the moment of inertia of the cylinder I will be equal to:

I = mr²/3

in case the cylinder rotates around its base. The moment of inertia will be equal to:

I = mr²/12

if the cylinder rotates around an axis passing through its center along its length. With this rotation, the cylinder becomes like a propeller. The second formula is easy to obtain from the first: the radius from the center of rotation to the most distant point is equal to half the length of the cylinder, but since this radius is squared, then 1/2 L(or r) becomes 1/4 L² (or r²). In any case, looking at these formulas, it is easy to notice that the shape of the body and even just the displacement of the center of rotation significantly affect the moment of inertia. The moment of inertia plays important role in sports and mechanics, and it is regulated by changing the mass or shape of objects and even the athlete’s body.

In sports

Often, by decreasing or increasing the moment of inertia, you can improve performance in sports. High moment of inertia maintains constant speed rotation or helps maintain balance even if the speed is zero. If the speed is zero, then the person or object simply does not rotate. A small moment of inertia, on the contrary, makes it easy to change the rotation speed. That is, reducing the moment of inertia reduces the amount of energy required to increase or decrease the rotation speed. The moment of inertia is so important in sports that some researchers believe that for exercises that use several apparatus or sports equipment of the same weight but different configurations, apparatus and equipment should be selected with a similar moment of inertia. This is practiced, for example, in golf: some believe that if you use clubs with the same moment of inertia, this will help the athlete improve his swing, that is, the main impact on the ball. In other sports, athletes sometimes, on the contrary, choose equipment with a different moment of inertia, depending on what effect they want to achieve, for example, how quickly they need to hit the ball with a stick or bat. Some use sports equipment with high torque inertia to increase muscle strength and endurance without adding weight to the apparatus. For example, the moment of inertia of a baseball bat affects how much speed it will impart to the ball.

High moment of inertia

In some cases, it is necessary for the rotational movement to continue and not stop, despite the fact that the forces acting on the body oppose this movement. For example, gymnasts, dancers, divers or figure skaters who spin or flip on ice or in the air need to continue that movement for a certain amount of time. To do this, they can increase the moment of inertia by increasing body weight. This can be achieved by holding weights during rotation, which are then released or thrown away when such big moment inertia is no longer needed. This is not always practical and can even be dangerous if the load goes the wrong way and causes damage or injury. Two people can also hold hands while spinning, combining their weight, and then release each other when they don't need to spin anymore. This technique is often used in figure skating.

Instead of mass, you can also increase the radius from the center of rotation to the point furthest from it. To do this, you can stretch your arms or legs to the sides of your body, or pick up a long pole.

An athlete, such as a diver, may need to increase the moment of inertia before entering the water. When it spins in the air and takes the right direction, it straightens out to stop the rotation and at the same time increase the radius and therefore the moment of inertia. This way, its zero rotation speed is more difficult to change and the athlete enters the water at the correct angle. This technique is also used by dancers, gymnasts and figure skaters during dances and exercises in order to land neatly after spinning in the air.

As we just saw, the higher the moment of inertia, the easier it is to maintain a constant rotation speed, even if it is zero, that is, the body is at rest. This is sometimes necessary both to maintain rotation and to maintain balance in the absence of rotation. For example, to avoid falling, acrobats who walk on a tightrope often hold a long pole in their hands, thereby increasing the radius from the center of rotation to the point farthest from it.

The moment of inertia is often used in weightlifting. The weight of the discs is distributed throughout the barbell to ensure safety during barbell lifting exercises. If, instead of a barbell, you lift an object of a smaller size, but the same weight as the barbell, such as a bag of sand or a weight, then even a very slight shift in the angle of lifting can be dangerous. If an athlete pushes the kettlebell upward, but at an angle, then it can begin to rotate around its axis. The large weight and small radius of the kettlebell means that, compared to a barbell of the same weight, it is much easier to start rotating. Therefore, if it starts to rotate around its axis, it is very difficult to stop it. It is easy for an athlete to lose control of the kettlebell and drop it. This is especially dangerous if the athlete lifts the weight above his head while standing, or above his chest while lying down. Even if the kettlebell doesn't fall, the athlete can injure their hands while trying to prevent it from spinning and falling. The same can happen during exercises with a particularly heavy barbell, so the fastening of the discs on barbells intended for exercises with very heavy weights is movable. The disks rotate around their axis while the bar is lifted, and the bar itself remains stationary. Rods designed for Olympic Games, which are called Olympic barbells, have exactly this design.

To ensure safety during kettlebell training, it is common to move the center of rotation as far away from the center of the kettlebell as possible. Most often, the new center of rotation is on the athlete’s body, for example in the shoulder area. That is, the kettlebell is not usually rotated using the hand or around the elbow joint. On the contrary, it is swung from side to side or up and down around the body, otherwise working with it is dangerous.

Low moment of inertia

In sports, it is often necessary to increase or decrease the speed of rotation, using as little energy as possible. To do this, athletes choose equipment and equipment with a low moment of inertia, or reduce the moment of inertia of their body.

In some cases it is important general moment inertia of the athlete's body. In this situation, athletes press their arms and legs toward their torso to reduce the moment of inertia during rotation. This allows them to move faster and spin faster. This technique is used in figure skating, diving, gymnastics and dancing. To experience this effect, you don’t have to engage in one of these sports, just sit down in a office chair, spin the seat, putting your arms and legs out, and then press your arms and legs to the body. At the same time, the rotation speed will increase.

In other sports, it is not the athlete's entire body that rotates, but only part of it, such as the hand of a bat or a golf club. In this case, the weight is distributed across the bat or club to increase the moment of inertia. This is also important for swords, both real and wooden swords for martial arts training, and for any other implements that athletes twist or spin, including bowling balls. The moment of inertia also affects how heavy the equipment feels during use and how much energy is expended to change its rotation speed. The lower the moment of inertia, the lighter the equipment usually seems, and the faster it can be rotated. This allows the athlete to spend more time observing the opponent before moving. Sometimes this extra time gives an advantage in sports games, since the athlete can react faster to the opponent’s movements. With these extra seconds, it becomes easier to predict the trajectory of the opponent, or the ball, for example in tennis and baseball, and make a more accurate shot.

It should be remembered that at the same speed of rotation of the bat, the one with a higher moment of inertia will transfer greater speed to the ball upon impact, although it is necessary to rotate this bat at an expense more energy. Therefore, a projectile with a low moment of inertia is not necessarily better - in some cases, athletes, on the contrary, prefer projectiles with a high moment of inertia. Such projectiles develop muscles, which, in turn, helps speed up the reaction.

Golf clubs and tennis racquets usually have information about their moment of inertia, but baseball bats often do not. Why this is so is unknown, although it is likely related to marketing in sports. In any case, if there is no information about the moment of inertia of a sports equipment, then you should try this project well before purchasing and compare it with several others to determine whether it is suitable for your purposes.

Do you find it difficult to translate units of measurement from one language to another? Colleagues are ready to help you. Post a question in TCTerms and within a few minutes you will receive an answer.

In order to find out how many cubic centimeters per gram are in a cubic meter per kilogram, you need to use a simple online calculator. Enter in the left field the number of cubic meters per kilogram you want to convert. In the field on the right you will see the result of the calculation. If you need to convert cubic meters per kilogram or cubic centimeters per gram to other units of measurement, simply click on the appropriate link.

What is “cubic meter per kilogram”

Cubic meter per kilogram (m³/kg) is a physical quantity of the International SI (system of measurement) for the correct calculation of specific volume.

The specific volume is 1 m³/kg, if the mass is 1 cubic meter. meter of this substance is equal to 1 kg.

What is "cubic centimeter per gram"

Cubic centimeter per gram (cm³/g) is a unit of measurement of specific volume in the system Centimeters - gram - second or abbreviated GHS.

This system was used before the introduction of the International SI (system of units). The specific volume of a substance is 1 cm³/g, if the mass of 1 m³ of this substance is 1 g.


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Convert kilogram to m3 and vice versa

Reference data:

Water density 1000 kg/m3
Steel density 7800 kg/m3
The density of concrete is 1400…2500 kg/m3
Color density 900 … 1600 kg/m3
The density of milk is 1027 ... 1033 kg/m3
Oil density is 730…1040 kg/m3
Gas density - 750 kg/m3
Density diesel fuel is 830…860 kg/m3

A list of main materials and their densities are presented in this table.

How do we convert kilogram to cubic meter?

The density of the material depends on the temperature of the medium, see reference books for exact density data.


Mass is a property of a body that is a measure of gravitational interaction with other bodies.

Volume is a quantitative characteristic of the space occupied by a body, structure or substance.

Density is a physical quantity defined as the ratio of body mass to body volume.

The relationship between volume and mass is determined by a simple mathematical formula:

V = m/p, where



This simple math operation can be solved quickly through our online program.

To do this, enter the initial value in the appropriate field and click the button.

This page provides a simple web translator for units of kilograms to cubic meters. With this calculator you can convert kilogram to m3 and vice versa with one click.

How to convert kilograms to cubic meters

This web service converts volume values ​​from one device to another.

In calculator view, select required volume units of measurement, enter its value, specify the units for conversion and calculate the accuracy and click “Calculate”.

Capacity is the ability of a geometric body, that is, a part of space that is limited by one or more closed surfaces.

Volume is expressed as the number of cubic units that fit into certain containers.

Accepted units of measurement - in SI and its derivatives - cubic meter, cubic centimeter, liter (cubic decimeter), etc. Outside the system - gallon, barrel, bushel.

The word "area" is also used figuratively to indicate a general or current meaning. For example, “volume of demand”.

IN fine arts scope - illusory transfer of spatial characteristics of an object depicted by artistic methods.

Table of commonly used units:

conversion from export unit (m3/unit)
acre feet ac ft 1233.481838
turf (British) bale 0.16365924
turf (oil) bale 0,158987295
barrel ( dry matter USA) bale 0,115628199
barrel (American liquid) bale 0,119240471
bushel (UK) bushel 0.03636872
bushel (US dry) bushel 0.03523907
rope rope 3,624556364
Cube legs ft³ 0,028316847
cubic v3 1.63871E-5
cubic centimeter cm3 1.0E-6
cubic meter 1
cubic kilometer cubic km 1000000000
cubic miles mi³ 4168181825
cubic yard yd³ 0,764554858
mixer With 0,00025
glass (Canadian) With 0,000227305
glass (USA) With 0,000236588
ounce (Brit.


or 2.84131E-5
ounce (US fluid) or 2.95735E-5
gallon (UK). gal 0.00454609
gallon (US dry) gal 0,004404884
gallon (US liquid) gal 0,003785412
gil (Brit.) soldier 0,000142065
Gil (USA) soldier 0,000118294
turf (British) HHD 0.32731848
barrel (US) HHD 0,238480942
liter L 0,001
milliliter ml 1.0E-6
resin (Brit). rk 0.00909218
resin (USA dry) rk 0,008809768
pint (British). Fri 0,000568261
pint (US dry) Fri 0.00055061
pint (American liquid) Fri 0,000473176
district (British) quarts 0,001136523
Quart (US dry matter) quarts 0,001101221
Quart (American liquid) quarts 0,000946353
spoon tbsp 1.5E-5
spoon (Canadian) tbsp 1.42065E-5
spoon (Brit). tbsp 1.77582E-5
spoon (US) tbsp 1.47868E-5
tsp TSP 5.0E-6
teaspoon (Canadian) TSP 4.73551E-6
teaspoon (Brit.) TSP 5.91939E-6
teaspoon (US) TSP 4.92892E-6

Select environment:

Enter volume in liters:

As you know, a cubic meter is a unit of volume. This fact is generally accepted. The side of such a cube is 1 meter. This indicator is used to determine the volume of containers such as a tank, tank or reservoir.

In any case, volumetric calculations sometimes arise due to problems caused by using a different volume measurement unit - liters. To calculate the quantity required to store any substance or calculate the volume consumed by a liquid, it is useful to also calculate their mass (mass), which usually does not correspond to the number of liters.

How difficult is it to calculate power volume?

For the storage and transportation of substances such as methane, oil, gasoline, milk, the water tank is protected by a special displacement volume, which in practice must be known in cubes and sometimes in kilograms. Sometimes it is necessary to convert liters to tons.

The formula for calculating volume for different substances is simple, but in practice they often encounter errors. Therefore, it won't hurt if you take a few minutes and try using our calculator. After all, an error in solving a problem can only be stressful with a low estimate, in practice, incorrect calculations can lead to the production of power with insufficient quantities, and this is unnecessary waste.

Instructions for using the web calculator

If you want to quickly convert letters to cubes, our online calculator is for you. All you have to do is select the substance, mass and volume from the list for which you need to calculate and, in the appropriate format, enter the number of liters you want to convert to cubes.

How to convert kg to cubic meter

Formula for calculating mass from volume

To calculate the volume of liquid you can use the simplest formula from a school course in physics


where V is the volume of liquid (substances) in liters, m is the mass of the liquid (substance), p is the density of the liquid (substances).

The following density values ​​were used in the calculation of the calculator from the table below.

Substance density table

If you do not find the substance you need in the proposed list, contact us and we will add it.

It would seem that converting kilograms to meters crazy, but in a number of technical problems it is necessary. For such a translation you need the ability to linear density or ordinary density of the material.

You will need

  • knowledge of the linear density or density of the material


1. Units of mass are converted to units of length with help physical quantity, called linear density. In the SI system it has the dimension kg/m. As you can see, this value differs from the traditional density, which expresses mass per unit volume. Linear density is used for collating the thickness of threads, wires, fabrics, etc., as well as for collating beams, rails, etc.

2. From the definition of linear density it follows that to convert mass into length, you need to divide the mass in kilograms by the linear density in kg/m. This will give us the length in meters. This length will contain this mass.

3. If we know the ordinary density with the dimension kilogram per cubic meter, then to calculate the length of the material that contains the mass, we need to divide the mass by the density, and then by the cross-sectional area of ​​the material. Thus, the formula for length will look like this: l = V/S = (m/p*S), where m is mass, V is the volume containing the mass, S is the cross-sectional area, p is density.

4. In the most primitive cases, the cross-section of the material will be either circular or rectangular shape. Square round section will be equal to pi*(R^2), where R is the radius of the section. In the case rectangular section its area will be equal to a*b, where a and b are the lengths of the sides of the section. If the section has non-standard shape, then in everything certain case it is necessary to find the area of ​​the geometric figure that the section represents.

In a number of problems, you need to find out how long a piece of material contains a given mass. In such a problem, knowing kilograms, you need to discover meters. For such a translation, you need to know the linear density or traditional density of the material.

You will need

  • linear density or density of material


1. Units of mass are converted to units of length using a physical quantity called linear density. In the SI system it has the dimension kg/m. This value differs from traditional density, which expresses mass per unit volume. Linear density is used for collating the thickness of threads, wires, fabrics, etc., as well as for collating beams, rails, etc.

2. From the definition of linear density it follows that to convert mass into length, you need to divide the mass in kilograms by the linear density in kg/m. This will give you the length in meters. This length will contain this mass.

3. If you know the ordinary density with the dimension kilogram per cubic meter, then to calculate the length of the material that contains the mass, you must first obtain the volume of the material that contains this mass. To do this, you need to divide the mass by the density. After this, the resulting volume must be divided by the cross-sectional area of ​​the material. Thus, the formula for length will look like this: l = V/S = (m/p*S), where m is mass, V is the volume containing the mass, S is the cross-sectional area, p is density.

4. In common cases, the cross-section of the material will have either a round or rectangular shape. The area of ​​a circular section will be equal to pi*(R^2), where R is the radius of the section. In the case of a rectangular section, its area will be equal to a*b, where a and b are the lengths of the sides of the section. If the section has a non-standard shape, then you need to find the area that geometric figure in cross-section.

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