Timber house 100 150. Timber house reviews from owners: turnkey and pre-assembled. Why is it beneficial to use a rectangular section of timber?

If you have an idea to build a house with your own hands, then the difficulty of choosing a material will be relevant.

Most budget option There will be construction of a house from timber. Despite the cheapness of this material, the house will be quite warm, durable and strong.

After studying the Internet, you will find that in most cases it is advised to choose timber with a cross-section of 150x150 mm.

But if you do not want to attract additional labor, such lumber as dry timber 150x100 mm, which after erection and shrinkage can be insulated using mineral wool. The house will not be inferior in thermal insulation to other buildings made of larger cross-section timber.

Construction stages and foundation construction

And so, the material has been purchased, we begin building the house:

  • Initially, it is necessary to clear the space and level the area for the foundation;
  • In accordance with the composition of the soil, determine the type of foundation (specialized reference literature will help with this).

The foundation can be piled, monolithic or strip, which is more often used, because wooden houses are relatively light.

After installing the foundation, the concrete should gain strength (3-4 weeks), then we proceed to laying the timber. Even before laying, it is necessary to prepare dowels (dowels) - this is what is used to fasten the timber laid in the crowns together. They are usually made from dense wood (larch).

If the beam size is 150x100 mm, dowels about 12 cm long are suitable. Also, the technology for laying timber requires laying inter-crown insulation. Usually this roll materials such as jute, you can also use tow or moss.

According to the advice of experts, you should use fresh red or peat moss that has lain for no more than 3 weeks.

The first crown of the future house should be made of larch, which is not subject to rotting. For greater reliability, it can be treated with bitumen.

The beams of the first crown are fastened together using a technique known as “half a tree” - the ends of the beam are cut lengthwise and crosswise. It is also necessary to fasten such a knot using staples or nails.

Methods of attaching timber to the foundation

At the stage of pouring the base into it upper layer install bolts with curved or cone-shaped bases. The distance between such bolts should not exceed more than 0.5 m. There should be at least two bolts for each element of the first crown.

In the timber of the first crown, even before laying, it is necessary to drill holes for the studs located in the foundation.

Pre-cut roofing material is laid on top of the grillage, which acts as a waterproofing material.

After laying the first crown and securing it to the foundation studs using washers and locknuts, align the horizontal line so that the house turns out without distortions. It is also recommended to check the diagonals.

Having laid the first crown, we begin to build the walls.

To do this you will need a variety of tools:


  • Gasoline or electric saw;
  • Hand-held circular saw;
  • Drill;
  • Level;
  • Roulette;
  • Axe;
  • Hammer;
  • Screwdriver;
  • Hammer;
  • Plane.

Also needed Consumables- nails, self-tapping screws, inter-crown insulation, fire-bioprotective impregnations.

After preparing everyone necessary materials and tools, we begin to build the walls of your future home. The timber is laid in rows (crowns) until the wall reaches the required height.

After laying 4-5 crowns, jambs for door and window openings. At the next stage, the final construction of the walls under the roof takes place.

Construction of roof and floors

We strongly do not recommend saving on materials for roofing installation. This part of the house can be designed in several versions:

  • Single-pitch;
  • Gable;
  • Hip;
  • Tent;
  • Half-hip;
  • Multi-pincer;
  • Vaulted and diamond roofing.

It all depends on your desire, Money and the complexity of the rafter system.


Floors and ceilings in the house are also an important stage of construction. When arranging them, they are mainly guided by personal preferences, but high-quality waterproofing is mandatory for any manufacturing option. This is especially true for basements and plinths.

Photo of a house made of timber with your own hands


All photos from the article

House made of timber - great choice and in our time, when cities are filled with monsters made of steel, glass and concrete. A wooden house is, first of all, a corner of coziness, comfort and serenity; a great holiday is 100% guaranteed. At the same time, it is possible to significantly save on construction and carry out the bulk of the work yourself.

How to calculate the amount of timber per house

Even at the design stage, you will have to decide how many pieces of 100 by 150 mm timber are in a cube; the calculation is elementary - you just need to calculate the total volume of the walls.

The sequence of actions in this case is as follows:

  • multiply by the perimeter of the house and the thickness of the wall;
  • Then, using the prepared tables, we roughly estimate exactly how many cubes of lumber will be needed.

Gables are also often made from the same timber as the walls, so this also needs to be taken into account (usually the end result is simply overestimated by about 15-20%).

As for how many pieces there are in a cube of 150x100 mm timber, a lot also depends on its length; standard data is given for a length of 6.0 m. According to the tabular data, with dimensions of 150x100x6000 mm there will be 11.1 pieces in one cube (this is not difficult calculate, knowing the volume of one stick).

When building houses, there is often a need to use other dimensions of beams, for example, 8.0 m long. In this case, in order to find out how many beams are in a 100 by 150 mm cube, it is enough to calculate the volume of one piece 0.1∙0.15∙ 8.0 = 0.12 m3, and then calculate the number of timber in a cube 1/0.12 = 8.33 pcs.

When calculating the need for lumber, you need to know not only the volume external walls, but also take into account the number of beams for the installation of floors, as well as partitions in the house.

Selecting the type of timber for building a house

In addition to calculating the number of beams for building a house, you also need to take into account a number of additional parameters that affect the construction process. Not only the price of the building, but also its durability will depend on this.

Which timber is better to choose

When there are plans to build a house from 100x150 timber, you first need to decide on the type of timber.

You will have to take into account factors such as:

  • wood moisture If you plan to use undried lumber, then it is best to purchase timber prepared in winter. But in general perfect option– the use of kiln-dried or glued lumber, their moisture content is already below 20%, so shrinkage will take minimal time;

Rectangular beam

Do you doubt whether to build a house or not? It seems that construction will hit the family budget and it’s more profitable to buy an apartment? Wooden log house does not inspire confidence, and rounded logs have a high price? With the advent various types timber it became possible to build high-quality wooden house With low cost. Do you have any doubts? We will tell you how to choose a house made of timber, show reviews from owners, and educate you about the pros and cons. Reviews from owners about a turnkey timber house will help you decide and convince you of the benefits of construction.

Any timber is suitable for building houses: profiled or edged. For the construction of a small country house, you can use from 100x100 mm to 150x150 mm. A private residential or cottage is built using 200x200 mm. But the price of housing is a little high, so to keep costs to a minimum you can use sizes 100x150 mm, 150x200. If you use less technical side, you can assemble it faster country house IR, and its use as a technical side significantly reduces construction costs.

Reviews of a house made of material with a cross section of 100x100 and 100x150mm

Houses made of 100x100 timber are built mainly in summer cottages, since the thickness of the walls is not enough to retain heat in winter time. But assembling a box of material takes a long time. You can reduce installation time by using a section of 100x150 mm, where the technical side will be 100 mm. Reviews from owners about timber house designs are mainly related to quality characteristics material. Let's look at the most popular ones in table form:

CharacteristicOwner reviews
Heat lossHousing made of laminated timber measuring 100x100 built on summer cottage even without insulation, it retains heat well at outdoor temperatures up to +50C.A country house used in winter will have to be additionally insulated with mineral wool or polyurethane foam. And if the walls are hidden under finishing, then it’s easier to assemble a frame one. Less material will be needed.
Additional finishingIf you build from glued or profiled chamber-drying, then there is no need for additional finishing of the dacha.Construction from simple edged material of natural moisture with a cross-section of 100x100 mm must be finished, since small size will not prevent cracking and twisting of the material.
Environmental friendlinessThe timber structure of any section is environmentally friendly.Glued laminated timber is not environmentally friendly enough due to the glue, but frame structure will have to be additionally insulated. Insulation materials are not always environmentally friendly.
Quick assembly of the log houseIt is not difficult to assemble a small country house from glued or profiled kiln-drying material with your own hands. And since the cross section is small, you can handle it alone.It takes a long time to assemble the walls, since the cross-section is small.
ShrinkageShrinkage frame construction small.A solid house made of material with natural moisture shrinks 10-15 cm within 3 years.

It turns out that it is not worth building a large cottage with timber with a section of 100x100 mm, since there is no heat loss additional insulation the walls will be large. But for country house and frame construction, the material is indispensable, since its price is 2-3 times lower than for a log or timber 200x200 mm.

Reviews of a house made of timber with a cross section of 150x150 mm

Houses made of profiled and edged timber with a cross section of 150x150 mm can be used for the construction of permanent housing only in the southern regions, since the thickness of the walls is not enough to retain heat at an outside temperature of -15″C. But if you perform additional insulation of the walls, the housing will delight you even in the coldest winters. There is another option, to build housing with laminated veneer lumber. Glued lumber with a cross-section of 150x150 mm will be equal in heat-saving properties to kiln-dried timber with a cross-section of 250x200 mm. Let's consider reviews from owners about some characteristics of timber buildings for permanent residence with a cross section of 150x150 mm in the form of a table:

CharacteristicReviews of timber housing with a section of 150x150 mm
Heat-saving properties of wallsHouse made of laminated timberFor the construction of a permanent residence structure, walls made of simple and profiled timber are a bit thin; in winter, they will have to be additionally insulated.
Fast assemblyThe box is assembled in 3-4 weeks.The beam with a cross section of 150x150 mm is quite heavy, so it is difficult to work with it alone.
Additional finishingA structure made of kiln-dried laminated or profiled timber does not need to be finished, the walls look aesthetically pleasing.Natural moisture will crack over time and additional finishing will have to be done.
ShrinkageA house made of chamber drying and glued material with a cross-section of 150x150 mm will shrink only 2-3%.Shrinkage of natural humidity will be 10-15 cm.
PriceThe price for a box made of laminated veneer lumber with a cross-section of 150x150 mm is lower than for a rounded log.If you do additional finishing and insulation, the price of the structure will increase.

It is better to build a structure for permanent residence with material with a cross-section of 150x150 mm, glued or profiled chamber-drying material. You can avoid additional costs for insulation and finishing if you use a section of 100x150 mm. Moreover, if you use the technical side of 100 mm, then you can quickly assemble a box from a material of 100x100 mm, and if it is 150 mm, then the cost of building a house for permanent residence, as with a section of 150x150 mm, will be reduced.

Reviews of houses made of 150x200 mm timber

Timber structures assembled with 150x200 material are suitable for permanent residence. They are complete and retain heat well even at a temperature of -350C. Reviews about the material are mostly positive:

CharacteristicReviews of a house made of timber with a cross section of 150x200
Heat-saving propertiesSaves heat even without additional insulation in winter.If you use profiled natural moisture, the walls will crack over time and lose some of their heat-saving properties. And it will be difficult to perform additional caulking.
ShrinkageShrinkage of the walls of laminated and profiled timber of chamber drying is minimal.Walls with natural moisture can shrink up to 10 cm.
Fast assemblyYou can assemble the box yourself in 2-3 weeks. You can get a turnkey house in 1-2 weeks.If you use material with natural moisture, the structures must stand for 1 year.
PriceThe quality of the walls is the same as those made from timber with a cross-section of 200x200, and the price is lower.The price of glued is higher than that of profiled or simple edged.

If you use the 200 mm side as a technical side, then the quality of the wall will be no worse than from 200x200 mm timber, for southern regions or houses are built from laminated veneer lumber with a technical side of 150 mm.

Why is it beneficial to use a rectangular section of timber?

It is more profitable to use rectangular or twisted material for building houses, since the price on the market is lower. Easy to make square section, for example 150x150 mm is required solid log, for a section of twisted timber 150x100 mm, a smaller amount of raw materials will be required. So from a pine tree with a cross section of 300 mm you get 1 square beam or 2 rectangular. It is more profitable to use a rectangular cross-section of timber for building houses for a number of reasons:

  1. The price for a finished box with a section of 150x100 or 200x150 is lower, and the wall thickness is the same.
  2. If you build a country house with your own hands, the front and back sides of a larger cross-section will allow you to use less material. Construction is carried out faster.
  3. Price for rectangular section lower, as it is cut from less wood.
  4. Turnkey houses with a rectangular section are below.

Reviews about houses made of timber are positive, but when it comes to high-quality laminated or profiled materials that are kiln-dried. In other cases, it is more profitable to build a frame structure and properly insulate the walls. And using imitation timber or a block house for finishing, you can achieve a visual copy of the structure made from solid material. For clarity, let’s compare houses made of laminated profiled chamber-drying and materials with natural humidity in the form of a table according to quality characteristics:

Qualitative characteristics of the houseNatural moisture timberProfiled natural humidityProfiled chamber dryingGlued laminated timber
The building is suitable for permanent residenceSection from 150x200 mm, when the technical side is 200 mmSection 150x200 mm and above.Section from 100x150, when the technical side is 150 mm
Wall cracking+ + Minimum
Additional insulationIt is necessary to re-caulk and insulate the façade.It is necessary to insulate the façade; re-caulking is difficult.Not necessaryNot necessary
Shrinkage first 3 years10-15 cm10-15 cm3-5 cm2-3 cm
Environmental friendliness+ + + A house made of laminated veneer lumber is debatably environmentally friendly, since adhesive composition Poor quality may be used.
Easy to assembleIf the walls are assembled with a cross-section of more than 150x200 or more, the material is heavy.+ +
FoundationSimple strip, columnar, pile-screw, any lightweight, since a house made of wood is light in weight.

IC "BrusHouse" brings to your attention. Our catalog of projects contains a large number of different cottages, of various sizes, areas from 100 sq.m. up to 150 sq.m. All placed buildings can be used for both permanent place residence and for seasonal. On average, all projects are designed to accommodate up to 3-4 people. Individual houses, made of wood, have been very popular among the population of our country for a long time. The main reasons for its high popularity are the excellent sound insulation properties of wood and thermal properties. And also because wood can “breathe”. In addition to everything, high-quality buildings are famous for their durability, since the building is made of quality material will in fact have increased strength!

What are timber houses from 100 to 150 sq m?

Houses made of timber 100-150 sq. m can be built as one, two or one and a half floors. As a rule, the second floor is made into an attic, but there are exceptions. The roof is often made gable or broken. The following rooms are usually organized in the house:

  1. Kitchen (dining room)
  2. Living room
  3. Bedroom - as a rule, they make at least two bedrooms, but there are projects where their number reaches as many as six!
  4. Bathrooms
  5. Boiler room
  6. etc.

Call, order at IC "Brushouse" . We are on the market construction services for 15 years now. Our teams of professionals are ready to implement projects of any complexity in a reasonable time frame!

Houses made of timber 150x100 are the most cheap option construction of suburban housing. This material is mainly used for installation truss structures and floor beams. However, with high-quality finishing wooden house This cross-section is also suitable for building walls. A standard house kit made of 150x100 timber is used for the construction of a country house, and with full insulation - for year-round use.

The MariSrub company constructs houses from dry profiled timber with a cross-section of 150x100 mm. It is recommended to build a cottage for permanent residence from materials tongue-and-groove on the wider side. And summer cottages for seasonal recreation are best built from timber tongued with a narrower beam.

Advantages of profiled timber

Profiled timber - durable, reliable and environmentally friendly material with an attractive appearance. It will create an atmosphere of comfort and warmth, filling the room with a fresh forest aroma. Wood promotes oxygen exchange up to 30% per day, so there will be fresh air inside the house.

When making profiled timber, only safe materials and technologies are used, while toxic glue is used for laminated timber. Therefore, the product retains the environmental friendliness and naturalness of wood.

Due to the correct geometric shape, the material is easy to adjust, process and install. Assembly of a wall kit will take one to two weeks, and installation of the entire house will take no more than three months. The products fit tightly to each other, which increases thermal insulation properties walls In terms of heat retention, timber 150x100 mm is not inferior brickwork and a log house.

A house made of timber gives a slight shrinkage, which is 2-5%. The material is easy to finish, and communications can be hidden in the walls. This cottage looks elegant, neat and harmonious.

House made of timber 150x100 turnkey

The MariSrub company offers construction wooden houses turnkey, including timber with a section of 150x100. We carry out a full range of work, which includes:

  • Creating a project;
  • Production of lumber for the project;
  • Foundation installation;
  • Assembly and installation of a log house;
  • Construction of the roof;
  • Conducting and connecting communications;
  • Final finishing.

At “MariSrub” you can order individual project or already ready-made option, into which the firm’s architect will make the necessary changes. The company's catalog contains small country houses up to 100 square meters and spacious cottages for permanent residence with an area of ​​150-200 square meters or more.

We are building one and two-story houses, buildings with an attic, balconies and a terrace. You will definitely find a project to your liking! And if you don’t like any option, choose individual design. When ordering turnkey construction, we develop the project for free!

If you are planning to build a house from 150x100 timber for permanent residence, the experienced employees of “MariSrub” will carry out high-quality work on wall and floor insulation, select reliable insulation and other finishing materials.

“MariSrub” craftsmen produce their own lumber. They carefully select and process wood, complying with the standards and requirements of GOST. We offer only high-quality and reliable products from durable and sustainable winter wood!

The timber undergoes safe drying and processing protective equipment. Such procedures increase the service life of products and reduce the number of defects. The wood does not crack or rot. It is reliably protected from deformation, negative impact insects and moisture. Such a house will easily last for several decades!

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