Projects of two-story houses and cottages with a garage. Convenient layout of a two-story house with a garage Layout of a 2-story house with a garage

A car has long ceased to be a luxury. But she is much more than just a means of transportation. For some car enthusiasts, a personal car is like a child. And the “child” needs his own room, especially if he can easily take the driver to his home.


Double decker a private house, be it a full-fledged residential building or just country option- a practical structure. Geographically, it does not take up as much space on the site as a similar one-story building with the same area. It looks compact, even if the amount of it square meters well over 100. Often two-story buildings are equipped with the entire set necessary rooms(and a living room, and a guest bedroom, and a playroom, and a bathhouse or sauna, and a garage), and not just the minimum - a kitchen and a bedroom.

The decision to build a garage nearby, under the same roof, in the basement or in the house itself is also very practical, thoughtful and ergonomic. After all, thanks to this, a technical room is obtained that will not freeze in winter (which means the car will start even with a very large minus outside the window), will be equipped with electricity and dark time days you can work on improving your driving capabilities.

In general, comfortable and even to some extent cozy room for the iron comrade. And besides, a building with a garage will cost a lot less materials than two separate buildings. Less building material means less costs. Less costs – more savings.

Of course, two-story buildings with a garage also have their disadvantages:

  • For older people and those who have problems with knee joints, constant walking up and down stairs can be problematic. Therefore, they are most often assigned rooms downstairs, on the first floor.
  • There are certain difficulties in the construction of heating systems, as well as with water supply. It is necessary to lay pipes upward. But this can all be solved.
  • The garage is the place where the car will work, which means there will be harmful exhaust gases. When selecting construction materials, it is necessary to take them into account throughput. When designing, bedrooms or other actively used rooms should not be placed next to the garage.


You can build a house with a garage from almost any material. Today there are a lot of both standard and individual projects buildings made from a variety of materials.

  • Brick housebuilding classics. Brick has a number of advantages (non-flammable, houses are quite warm, aesthetically attractive); it is preferred by people who love solidity. Such a house can become a real fortress. However, for construction two-story house You will need a lot of such material, and its installation requires a lot of time (or labor).

  • Wooden cottage- an expensive building, which experts classify as elite buildings. They are natural and environmentally friendly. They look very attractive, but are very expensive. However, there is always a demand for them, even despite the price.

  • Frame structure – modern construction technology, which allows you to build a spacious 2-story building in just one or two seasons. Moreover, if the house is manufactured by a reliable, proven developer, then it will become a comfortable home.

  • Foam block house- an economical and practical structure. Due to the dimensions, so much material is not required (as, for example, when brickwork). It has the ability to “absorb” harmful exhausts, as well as a number of positive performance characteristics. True, upon completion of construction, finishing works are almost mandatory. Finishing work. IN finished form a foam block house without treatment looks gray and unsightly. Fortunately, the facade of such a house can be finished in such a way that only the owners will know what their building was originally constructed from.

And regardless of what material will be used, the construction and design of a two-story building with a garage is a very important stage. All decisions that are implemented in the layout of the house must comply with sanitary and hygienic standards.

It is vitally important to consider the ventilation system, as well as the waterproofing system.


A garage extension to the house allows you to combine two buildings and at the same time save materials. Due to the fact that the garage is actually part of the building, the room can be equipped with everything necessary (light, heat). In practice, the house has at least two entrances - the “front” entrance for everyone and the entrance to the garage. The garage stands alone, but at the same time it is connected to the main space of the house through a door. The location of the garage itself does not affect other rooms.

The extension can be decorated separate roof, or can be a logical extension of the house and serve, for example, winter garden or its roof may be open terrace, and also be equipped with a balcony.

You can attach a garage either to the front, rear, or side of the house. When placed on the side, the geometry of the house simply stretches out. It is worth noting that a garage extension can be made after the construction of the home. But with joint construction, the task of constructing it is greatly simplified. There is no chance that the common foundation will sag, as can happen with a separately built house.

The main difference between these two-story houses is that the garage is a full-fledged room, albeit of a technical nature. Above it there is a full second floor with a separate room or rooms.

If you look at the cross-section of the house, the rooms are arranged as follows: on the ground floor there are all service premises, as well as a kitchen, living room, office; on the second there are rest rooms and bedrooms.

Houses with a garage and attic allow you to save building materials. At the same time, the garage area is actively “eaten up” attic spaces, thereby compensating for the fact that a fairly large space remains uninhabited. Such house designs are suitable for constructing a building on a small plot.

Basement for cars

When the house has a spacious and at the same time quite high basement, then you can equip it in underground garage. Often, service premises are located on the basement, such as a boiler room, furnace room, bathhouse, sauna. Therefore, it is logical to place such a technical room as a garage below.

When building a basement garage, it is important to understand that the car will enter and exit at a certain descent/ascent angle. And this slope must be made as gentle and comfortable as possible, so that the car can drive out of the garage without any problems.

Houses with a high base will fit perfectly into the landscape of a site where there are small elevations. Moreover, they allow you to compensate for height differences in the most advantageous way.

In addition to the garage, in the house zealous owners very often other equally important service rooms are located. Russian bath or Finnish sauna, which is located next to the garage - good decision for lovers of comfortable relaxation.

A bathhouse or sauna can be located either in the basement or higher on the ground floor. When building a house with a bathhouse or sauna, and even a garage, it is important to take into account all technical and operational aspects. The main thing is to ensure that when constructing these premises good waterproofing and thermal insulation. Then the upper rooms will not suffer from excess heat and humidity.

For two cars

When there is more than one car in a family, a problem arises with finding a home for one of the iron horses. There are two solutions to this issue. The first is the construction of a spacious garage for two cars; the second is the construction of two garages.

IN last years fashion for own houses growing at tremendous speed. Near large cities, cottage communities are springing up like “mushrooms after rain.” Construction companies are intensively developing vacant lands. A house project with a garage can be purchased ready-made or made to order.

There are plenty of reasons to choose a house with a garage. Polluted and congested megacities are significantly inferior to quiet suburban haciendas. In addition, a private house can be created completely according to your stylistic preferences.

When purchasing a house, you also receive such a pleasant bonus as your own garage.

The option of attaching a garage to the house is very successful and makes it possible to make the most intelligent use of the land. A built-in technical room has a number of advantages in contrast to a free-standing building:

  • The costs for a self-contained garage are significantly higher.
  • For daily use, a built-in garage is more convenient, most of all in winter period. You don’t have to go out into the cold to get to your car and the engine warm-up time is reduced, which means fuel is saved.

Projects of cottages with an attached garage box

Special organizations are involved in garage projects. The main advantage of this housing is the use of all free space.

The external dimensions of houses with this layout are quite modest, however, they have everything necessary for comfortable stay. There are a lot of ideas for the location of residential and technical premises.

The garage space can be equipped in an extension located along the entire length of the house, under a single roof.

Another example of location is: the garage space is the basis for the attic floor. The arrangement of rooms according to their functionality remains the same for these layouts.

The design of a house with an attic and a garage usually implies placement on the lower level: a dining room, living room and toilet, and bedrooms on the upper level.

Single-level houses with garage space

Standard projects one-story house with a garage are very popular. The main advantages of such houses are ease of implementation and affordable price.

Single-tier buildings are light in weight, which means the load on the foundation and soil is reduced. This makes it possible to introduce lightweight, to the most extreme extent, foundations.

Placing all rooms on the same level eliminates the need for expensive stairs. Accordingly, absolutely all free space is used, without any technical losses.

The principle of arrangement of living rooms and technical rooms is such that between them there is a kitchen and a bathroom. This placement makes it possible to reduce to zero the harmful effects on humans from such a neighborhood.

Options for two-story houses with a garage

The modest area of ​​construction sites sometimes cannot accommodate a huge house. Various projects two-story houses with a garage are an excellent alternative to solve such difficulties. Keeping external dimensions building, we can double its area.

There are many layouts for rooms in multi-level houses. Many differ in the location of the garage. Logically necessary to place Technical buildings on the first floor

Sometimes, the garage is placed under the house, on ground floor. These projects are very popular among people, as you can build an excellent house on a small plot.

Two-story house with a garage in basement- This is the most common construction option.

The garage box, technical rooms and even the living room are the foundation for the rooms located on the second floor.

People move between floors using stairs. There are many options for stairs: from the simplest straight ones to exclusive spiral models.

Specialized offices can offer not only ready-made standard projects, but also make yours individual. As a rule, the client is first introduced to the classic developments that best meet the customer’s conditions. They show catalogs with photos of houses with a garage. Companies that have been involved in construction for a long time have many ready-made projects systematized in catalogs.

Sometimes, in multi-level cottages, the garage space is located on the ground floor, in the basement. This technique is used to fully utilize your site. This placement is perfect for a site with difficult terrain.

When building such a house, special attention should be paid to waterproofing. Even at the project stage, a set of actions is outlined to create a drainage system and cover the walls with materials that protect from moisture. Efficient system ventilation also requires special attention.

Construction materials

Already long time The most popular and affordable houses are made of wood with garage boxes made of rounded logs.

Many companies are engaged in the construction of wooden houses. The use of wood as a building material is possible in both single-story and multi-story construction.

The technique of building a house from timber has several distinctive features. The entire set of modules is manufactured at the enterprise using modern equipment.

Using high-precision equipment, elements are produced with the required tolerances. At the same time, the base is being manufactured. By assembling a house on a ready-made foundation, you can save a significant amount of time.

A house with a spatial frame is also one of the options for using wood. This technology is successfully conquering the Russian market due to its inexpensive price.

The frames of such houses are produced at industrial enterprises.

The insignificant weight of such structures allows the use of lightweight types of foundations. Insulate frame house with a garage you can use briquettes made of mineral fibers or polystyrene foam.

In addition to wood, bricks and blocks are also used in the construction of cottages. Private houses made of foam blocks have proven themselves to be excellent, especially in the Far North. Heat and electricity savings are at the highest level. Foam blocks are lightweight and extremely durable.

Brick houses with a garage are a classic construction option. A brick house is not a cheap pleasure, due to its high use manual labor. Projects brick houses There are typical ones, but you can create your own unique project.

Projects for small areas

Most often, the flight of architectural thought is limited by the size of the area allocated for construction. If there is a narrow plot, the design of a house with a garage should be adjusted as much as possible for the entry and exit of vehicles. On such a site the structure will be elongated.

A garage is ideally located on the side, the gate of which can be made to go directly to the street. You can enter the house both from the street and from your site.

For many, having a house with a garage is a dream, and many already live in such buildings. Before choosing this type of housing, carefully study all the pros and cons of country life.

Having your own garage today is no longer a luxury, but a necessity. Life modern man, especially outside the city, is practically impossible without a car. And the car simply needs garage storage.

Photo of a house with a garage

Projects of two-story houses with a garage should provide for the convenience of placing all rooms, as well as entrances and exits. The presence of a second floor in the design ensures compactness and at the same time the ability to accommodate.

Project and layout of a two-story house with a garage

The design of a two-story house when combined with a garage has the following advantages:

  1. All living quarters and a garage are located under one roof.
  2. An opportunity to save land without taking up much space in your garden plots.
  3. Providing heating of the garage with communications at home.
  4. The ability to get into the garage without going outside.

Layout of all floors of a private house with a garage

In the second option, the layout of a two-story house with a garage provides accommodation for a family with small children. Designing on the ground floor makes it possible to safely move them around the perimeter of the first floor, where everything you need is available.

The layouts provide access from the house to the garage. In the first option - from the common corridor, in the second - from the utility room. This design makes it possible to enter the garage at any time without disturbing the family.

Suitable materials

Projects of two-story houses with a garage are now carried out taking into account the use of any building material. Some companies prefer designing houses with a garage made of aerated concrete or foam concrete. Data Construction Materials have many advantages.

Perhaps the most significant are the following: the walls of such houses do not absorb harmful vehicle exhaust and have heat-insulating and vapor-permeable properties.

This, in turn, makes it possible to save on heating both living rooms and the garage.
But among the numerous design firms there are also agencies that advocate for the construction of houses, including. Why is such attention paid to these particular residential buildings?

Firstly, this type of construction involves designing from glued or galvanized timber.

Plan of a two-story house with a garage

Although those who want to build houses from these expensive materials not much, but they are there. Few projects pay off.

Secondly, there are many opportunities to build cheaper houses - from profiled timber. What are they good for?

Walls made of profiled timber have such important advantages in the case of an adjacent garage, such as sound insulation, high level fire safety, environmental friendliness. Therefore, projects and layouts for the construction of a house with a garage made of timber are worthy of the attention of owners who are planning to build their own homes.

Under one roof or separately

May include the design of a built-in, attached garage, as well as on a basement elevation. The first two options benefit from the fact that driving a car into the premises is not an obstacle either in summer or in winter.

Project of a two-story house with an attached garage

If the garage is located, a smooth descent should be installed in advance. Otherwise, the car simply will not enter the gate in winter ice. But a garage space on a plinth or built-in looks much more aesthetically pleasing. Typically, the roof covers both the living spaces and the garage. This allows you to save on building materials when installing the roof.

An attached garage is convenient because its location can be planned after there is already finished project two-story house. The proximity of residential premises to a garage has the disadvantage of spreading automobile fuel exhaust into the residential area.

In this case, there is no need to fence in additional complex forced ventilation. The garage can be attached to the side of the house where there are no bedrooms, near the boiler room and other utility rooms. Exit from it can be done from the end or at any other convenient place.

Basement arrangement

Options for houses with a garage and basement can be different. It is acceptable if the basement is heated. Then you can arrange a workshop or billiard room in it.

They take into account the laying of communications where the basement is located. Then there is no need to install water supply and extend the heating system.
There are a couple more nuances:

  1. Choosing a reliable foundation.
  2. Exhaust hood equipment in the basement.

The most suitable layout is that the space for the basement is allocated under the garage. It is so easy to provide an underground room with both heat and running water. Some customers want to have a basement under the entire two-story building, including the space under the garage. In this case, it is advisable to install a monolithic reinforced concrete foundation and reinforce the walls of the residential building itself. This ensures the reliability of above-ground construction.

Option for the design and layout of two floors of a cottage with a garage

In some cases, a garage layout in the basement or part of it is proposed. Underground garage placement has its advantages. A project like this is perfect for situations where land is scarce.

Installing an attic above the basement or even planting a flower bed in front of the front door, above the place where, helps to use the small area to good effect.

Two-story houses with a garage, projects with photos of which are collected in this section, have undeniable advantages:

    There is an internal entrance to the garage, thanks to which you can access your car without leaving your home.

    The garage space is heated using heat from the living area of ​​the house.

    If desired, the garage can be made heated; to do this, it should be connected to a common heating system.

    Projects of two-story houses with a garage occupy the site less space than a separate garage and cottage.

  • Construction of an attached garage is much less expensive than construction of a detached building.

Most two-level cottages with garage extensions are designed according to one, most optimal scheme. In addition to the garage, the ground floor contains a kitchen, dining room and living room. Bedrooms are included in top part Houses. However, it is possible to purchase an architectural design in which there are also planned living rooms. Their purpose is determined by the owners. For example, someone needs an additional bedroom on the lower level of the house, someone wants a home office, someone wants to have a special room for guests, etc.

You can order or buy a turnkey project from us

In projects of two-story houses, there are usually 2 bathrooms - a small one toilet room downstairs and master bath upstairs. If the house design is large, then there may be another bathroom in the sleeping area. There may be several technical premises. If the design includes attached garage, then it is advisable to locate the technical zone next to it. Often an attached garage is combined with a workshop or boiler room. Ordering such a turnkey project is not difficult. We design low-rise buildings of any configuration.

Architectural projects country cottages It is impossible to imagine without a garage in it. This section contains best projects guest houses Z500. They are distinguished comfortable layouts guest houses, solutions that help save money during the construction of a guest house, and subsequently lower costs for maintaining the house.

Although developers cannot always decide which garage costs less - one combined with a house or a separate one. But in addition to the issue of price, the individual needs of the individual developer must also be taken into account. It is important to note that the layout of a house with a garage for 1 car provides homeowners with greater comfort and benefits than designs of houses with a detached garage. But this condition is only feasible if competent design and professional calculation of the structures have been carried out. It is also better to trust the design of house projects with a garage for 1 car to specialists.

Scheme of a house with a garage for 1 car. Why choose a house plan with a garage?

Projects of houses with a garage for 1 car, photos, drawings, sketches and videos of which can be viewed in this section, are attractive because:

  • A ready-made cottage with a garage for 1 car is very convenient when there is a need to unload large items. In addition, the layout of houses with a garage for 1 car allows you to get rid of unpleasant runs to the garage in unfavorable weather.
  • The construction of private houses with a garage allows you to save money. The savings are due to the fact that by combining a garage with a house, there is no need to build one wall and a supporting foundation. When the garage is completely built into the house, you can save on the roof. At the same time, for laying the walls of a garage, you can buy simpler and cheaper building materials than for the main residential building. Designs of houses with a built-in or attached garage and on a single network of engineering systems allow you to save significantly.

Standard project plans for houses with a garage for 1 car: important points when building a private house

When building a house with a garage for 1 car, it is important for developers to consider the following aspects:

  • If the developer liked the design of the house, which does not have a garage, it is highly not recommended for him to implement this idea with a garage on his own. After all, a garage project is quite complex and necessarily meets increased reliability requirements, and also takes into account a lot of nuances and constructive solutions to combine a house with a garage. While creating heating system in a house with a garage, designers take into account the heat loss of the building through the garage. To prevent gasoline combustion products from entering the house through the garage, it is necessary to design ventilation system. In order for the garage to look harmonious against the general background of the image of the house, it is necessary to competently calculate the dimensions of the garage, right choice roof and its angle of inclination.
  • Before embarking on a project for a house with a 1-car garage, the developer is advised to assess the funds required for it. The foundation and earthworks, the costs of which constitute a third of the total estimate for the construction of the structure. Using a garage can be better and more comfortable if you use an additional snow melting system in the driveway and make its inclination angle optimal (within 12°).
  • The developer needs to be prepared for the fact that a garage combined with a house takes up large area, especially if the garage is attached to the side. To implement such a project you need a good wide area. On a wide plot with shallow depth, houses with garages look more compact.

The catalog of house projects with a 1-car garage also includes new projects for 2018.

Projects of houses with a garage: documentation composition

When purchasing a house project with 1 garage from our company, the client is provided with all project documentation, which includes 5 sections: engineering, which consists of 3 parts (electricity, water supply, heating and ventilation wiring), structural and architectural. This page contains one of the design options for such a house.

Engineering sections project documentation available for an additional fee.

Example of design documentation for a Z500 house

Each of our house projects with a garage for 1 car is protected by copyright, which also ensures your legal security when implementing a house project from the Z500 company. The certificate presented below confirms that our company is the official representative of the international architectural bureau Z500 Ltd.

We wish you to find in our collection a house plan with a garage that meets your requirements!

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