Addition to half of the house. Construction of an extension to a wooden house: types of extensions, creation of projects, construction of a foundation and wiring of communications. Side extension with shared or separate roof

When, for various reasons, there is a need to expand the living space of a private house, the most economical and technologically simple option is a frame extension. Its advantage is the speed of construction with your own hands with minimal skill in working with carpentry tools. Step-by-step instructions for the construction stages with photographs will help you make a useful and beautiful extension, like in the video, that will last for many years.

Purpose of the extension

To ensure that the extension does not subsequently have to be transformed, the design nuances should be considered even at the planning stage. To begin, decide about intended purpose new premises.

  1. Additional room. Building an additional room is equivalent to building a small house. All structures of a new building must be thoroughly insulated, otherwise heating such a room will be ineffective due to large heat loss. You should not skimp on waterproofing, otherwise dampness and mold on the walls will make it impossible to live in such a room.
  2. Kitchen or bathroom. Take care of the let down engineering communications before you start building the foundation. Places where water mains or sewer pipes through the foundation it is necessary to insulate well. This is easier and cheaper to do during the construction phase.
  3. A veranda is a lightweight extension to an open or glazed house. Used for summer holidays. The building is not heated, so the design is extremely simple: the flooring, walls and roof are on supports. Do not forget about harmony; the veranda must be combined with the house in scale, style and materials of construction.

Selecting the base

The veranda can be attached or built-in. If the second one is planned at the stage of building a house, then for the first one you will need to build separate foundation. With a gap from the wall of about 40 mm. Otherwise, when shrinking monolithic base will be destroyed due to different weights verandas and houses. The seismicity of the soil and the weight of the future building are taken into account. A lightweight foundation built on soil prone to heaving will “lead” and the extension will move away from the house. This base is designed for light walls, under the weight brickwork shrinkage is inevitable.

Different materials are used for construction: concrete, brick, stone, piles made of wood, metal or concrete. It is important to choose the right depth and type of foundation for the extension:

  • tape;
  • slab;
  • columnar;
  • pile;
  • pile-grillage.

In private construction, when constructing a base for a veranda, columnar or strip structure. Let's take a closer look at the step-by-step instructions for arranging foundations.

Strip foundation

For large and heavy buildings, a strip type of base is chosen. It is advisable to make it from concrete in this sequence.

Important. Before erecting walls, waterproofing must be applied to the foundation. Use roll materials or mastic.

Columnar foundation

For a light frame veranda, it is appropriate to construct a columnar base, which is made of brick, rubble stone or concrete. Or combine these materials. The holes for the pillars are dug to a depth below freezing of the soil. The step between the pillars is about 60 cm. Sequence of work:

  • dig square holes 50 x 50 cm. Sand is poured onto the bottom and compacted thoroughly;
  • lay a layer of concrete mortar, and after complete setting, begin the construction of brick supports. Use a level to ensure that the masonry is strictly vertical;
  • a concrete support is made similarly to a strip foundation: it is wrapped inner part formwork waterproofed and inserted reinforced frame. The form is filled with concrete, and the top is leveled. Wet the concrete a couple of times a day to avoid cracking;
  • After complete drying, the formwork is removed, waterproofing is applied to the pillar, and the top is covered with several layers of roofing material - the material will protect wooden beam floors from getting wet;
  • the remaining voids are filled backfill: soil mixed with crushed stone is filled in; compaction is carried out every 15 cm of the layer.

Important. The height of the foundation pillars is calculated so that the distance to the finished floor of the extension is 30 cm.

Floor: wood or concrete

A concrete or wooden floor is installed on a strip foundation. The base on pillars is obviously designed for arranging a wooden floor. Let's look at both technologies.

Construction of frame and walls

Wall structures are erected from timber, attached to previously assembled crown beams. The wall elements are assembled on a flat area in a horizontal position, and then the finished wall panel is mounted in a vertical position or each beam is connected to a beam in series. Step-by-step instruction:

  • On lower bars make a cutout for vertical posts every 50 cm.
  • Mount the racks, securing them with corners and self-tapping screws.
  • Assemble the top harness.
  • The veranda is connected to the house by attaching a vertical beam to the wall.
  • Secure all posts adjacent to the house with anchor bolts.
  • It is better to immediately sheathe the finished “skeleton” of the veranda on the outside with plywood, boards or OSB. This will give the structure rigidity.
  • After erecting and insulating the roof, install windows and doors.

Ceiling and roofing

The shed type of roofing can be combined with almost any roof of the house, therefore it is the most common configuration. Let's consider it.

Insulation of walls and floors

Mineral wool is used as insulation material for walls. The mats are easily and quickly laid between the frame bars, as can be seen in the photo. When laying insulation in several layers, the mats are shifted relative to each other to prevent heat loss through the joining seams. The insulation is covered on both sides with steam and wind insulation material, which will protect the material from moisture accumulation, and the top is sheathed with finishing material. Internal walls can be sheathed with chipboard, plasterboard and covered with wallpaper or lined with clapboard. For outer wall use wood, siding or materials that match the finish of the home.

Wall pie towards external wall looks like that:

  • internal lining;
  • vapor barrier;
  • insulation material;
  • windproofing;
  • external cladding.

Floor on wooden joists insulated in the same way as walls: mineral wool is laid on the subfloor between the joists, having previously covered the boards waterproofing membrane. A second layer of waterproofing is laid on top of the insulation and then leveled with plywood. After this, the finished floor covering is installed.

A concrete floor can be insulated similarly to a wooden one, apply a dry screed, make concrete screed and install water or electric heating.

DIYers often overlook the need to comply with safety regulations. Use the funds personal protection and well-oiled reliable tool and then you will have only the warmest memories from the construction of the extension.

Frame extension on stilts: video

Frame extension to the house: photo

Reading time ≈ 10 minutes

DIY construction of extensions to wooden house is becoming very popular in Lately, as can be seen from the huge number of projects with photos. Indeed, owners of private houses often face the question of expanding space, and the best solution in this case it becomes an extension. Among other things, an extension can radically transform the appearance of the house, making it more modern, cozy and attractive.

Option for a closed glazed extension

Types of extensions by shape and purpose

Based on appearance and, accordingly, functional purpose, extensions are divided into several types:

  1. Additional full room in the house.
  2. Open/closed veranda.
  3. Porch.

Let's look at each type in more detail with their advantages and disadvantages.

Various options for extensions to a residential building.

Full room

In this case, an additional full-fledged room is being built, suitable for year-round residence. It can also be used as:

  • utility room;
  • garage;
  • pantry;
  • winter Garden;
  • summer cuisine;
  • additional bathroom;
  • guest house.

An extension used as a garage.

For construction, wooden beams, bricks or foam blocks with insulation are most often used.

Advantages of this type:

  • significant increase usable area Houses;
  • ease of communication (electricity, heating) from the main building;
  • ease of refurbishment of the room, if necessary, for another function.

Construction of an extension from wooden beams.

A well-executed, beautiful extension can complement the exterior of a home. However, there are also disadvantages to this solution. For example, you will need to do reliable foundation and spend money on high-quality insulation, which will be reflected in the cost of the entire project.

Also, for the addition of a full-fledged room, you will need to allocate quite a lot of space, which is not always possible for owners of small plots.

An extension made of logs in the form of a full-fledged living room.

Enclosed veranda

Usually this unheated room with walls made of brick or timber, fully glazed. Due to the lack of heating, it is used only in the warm season.

Spacious glassed room.

Design advantages:

  • the ability to implement almost any design;
  • glass buildings look very impressive and advantageous;
  • in summer you can relax on the closed veranda even in strong winds and rain;
  • glazing protects against annoying insects.

There are few disadvantages to this design, but they still need to be taken into account:

  • a large glass area means the need for frequent and thorough cleaning;
  • The glass-covered structure does not give that feeling of being on fresh air, which many expect from the veranda.

A fully glazed veranda looks very original and stylish.

Another example of a completely glass veranda in the photo:

A glass terrace can become a real highlight of the house.

Construction of a terrace and a house from different materials can also be turned into an advantage. For example, in the photo below, the extension is made of different materials in different color scheme, but it looks simply magical:

Snow White closed terrace at the gray house.

Open veranda

Simple, practical and functional frame construction, which has recently become very popular. Open veranda looks great in tandem with a wooden house.

Open terrace with beautiful view to the lake.

Advantages of open design:

  • significantly lower financial investments for construction due to minimal materials;
  • possibility of staying on outdoors;
  • the need for a smaller building area than for a full-fledged residential room;
  • ease of installation;
  • functionality and convenience.

An open terrace with one glazed wall.

Among the disadvantages, it is worth remembering that the use is strictly seasonal. At the same time, in too cold summer weather, with strong wind or rain, staying on the veranda will be uncomfortable. In addition, insects will torment you in the evening.

The veranda adds completeness to the exterior of the house.


Looks like several support pillars And roofing material and serves to protect the space from rain and snow. The porch is the simplest, but at the same time the least functional option extension, which serves a largely decorative role. However, if you install chairs on it, coffee table, a small bench, a porch can easily replace a gazebo.

A miniature porch with a bench and an armchair.

Design advantages:

  • ease of construction;
  • low financial costs;
  • no need for a solid foundation;
  • transformation of the façade of the building.

Obviously, in bad weather conditions it will not be possible to relax on the porch, and it will be possible to use it only in warm time of the year. Together with low functionality, these are all the disadvantages of this type of extension.

Spacious porch front door.

Most often, the porch is located on the front of the building, through which residents and guests of the house get inside. However, it is not necessary to build a porch at the front door. If you place the extension on backyard, you will get a cozy enclosed patio. The space can be supplemented with comfortable furniture, a table, a hammock and turned into a place for a summer dining room, playground, a space for friendly gatherings and romantic dinners.

The porch in the backyard of the house serves as a favorite place to relax.

Materials for building an extension

You can build a terrace or room from various materials- this is even with a wooden house structure modern materials will look harmonious thanks to the finishing.

When choosing materials for an extension, it is worth moving away from the common stereotype that the house and the extension should be made of the same material. Of course, an extension is a harmonious continuation of the house, but a combination of different materials can look more advantageous and interesting.

Most often, the following materials are used to build an extension:

  1. Beam. Practical, environmentally friendly, aesthetic and very durable material. Thanks to special impregnation, the wood is resistant to pests, rot and fungus. When building from timber, it is necessary to have an expansion joint between the structures. The walls and roof are erected in the same way as the main living space.
  2. Brick. Natural, durable material for the construction of extensions.
  3. Foam block. Extremely common now, durable, affordable material with excellent thermal insulation properties. An additional advantage is the quick construction of the premises thanks to large sizes blocks. It is convenient to build additional rooms from foam blocks and closed verandas. The disadvantage is the mandatory need for exterior decoration due to the unaesthetic appearance of the blocks.
  4. An extension made of foam blocks does not require such a solid and powerful foundation (columnar is sufficient), but a brick and cobblestone structure necessarily requires the laying of a high-quality strip foundation in order to avoid distortions and deformations under the weight of the brick.

  5. Frame. This option is the least expensive in terms of finances and time resources. Using the frame you can build a terrace, veranda or porch. The method involves making a wooden or metal frame, which is then finished chipboards(OSB), and insulated special material(foam plastic, mineral wool, etc.). Due to their lightness, frame structures are excellent for the construction of two-story buildings.
  6. Polycarbonate. This material is used in the construction of frame buildings. This material is extremely popular now due to the following properties: ease of use, lightness and strength, aesthetics, and the ability to build an extension of any geometric shape. It can only be used for

The roof of the extension, made of polycarbonate, provides high natural light to the extension.

Main stages of construction

Before you start building an extension to a wooden house with your own hands, it is worth studying in detail finished projects with photos and draw up a work plan. What it should include:

  • location of the extension;
  • type and design of the extension;
  • type of foundation (based on the previous paragraph);
  • list of necessary construction and finishing materials;
  • supplying communications (minimum electricity);
  • budget calculation (which includes, in addition to the cost of materials, also transportation costs and wages of employees).

When drawing up a project for a future building, it is necessary to indicate the following aspects: soil composition, level of freezing and moisture absorption, condition of the walls and foundation of the main building.

Laying the foundation

For verandas, a columnar type of foundation is most often used, and if the building is quite large, pillars need to be laid every 60 cm around the perimeter.

Work progress:

  1. Holes are dug to a depth of 100 cm. The depth of the holes must exceed the freezing depth of the soil.
  2. A cushion of layers of sand and crushed stone is placed at the bottom.
  3. The pits are filled with concrete mortar.
  4. Since the veranda is being built for wooden house, we build support columns from beams.

Veranda foundation with finished bottom trim.

Construction of the frame

After laying the foundation, you can begin to build the frame of the building:

  1. First, the lower trim is mounted, the corners of which are fastened with a dovetail connection. Dowels or nails are used to fasten the entire structure. The bottom trim can also be made double and the racks of the future veranda can be placed on it.
  2. Support beams are installed. At the wall of the veranda adjacent to the main room, the posts should be higher to construct a pitched roof.
  3. Keep in mind that a roof angle of 45-60° almost doubles the consumption of roofing material. At this angle, the wind resistance of the coating is expressed, but, on the other hand, the roof is well cleared of precipitation.

  4. If the veranda should be closed, cross beams will determine the height of the windows.
  5. The installation of the frame is completed by installing the top trim.

Frame of a wooden veranda.

When using timber, its cross-section should be 10*10 or 18*8 cm, but if a log is used, then the cross-section should not be more than 12*12 cm.

Roof and flooring

For verandas attached to the house, they are most often used pitched roofs. If the extension is located at the end of the building, it is advisable to use gable roof. Rafters and sheathing are attached to the top frame, onto which the roofing material is then laid.

Types of roofing for the roof:

Practical asbestos-cement slate roof.

For arranging the floor bottom trim Logs are installed with a distance of no more than 1 m, on which the board is placed. Self-tapping screws are used for fastening. The board must be impregnated with a special solution to prevent fungal infections.

If the veranda is supposed to be open, the floor should have a very small angle for water to drain.

Finally, the building needs to be furnished with furniture, decor, and flowers to suit your taste.

After arranging the furniture and decor, the veranda looks very nice and cozy.

As you can see, to build a beautiful, modern extension building a wooden house with your own hands is actually not that difficult, focusing on ready-made projects and photos. If you have certain knowledge and skills, you can do it on your own and hire professionals. But in any case, an extension is a great opportunity to expand the space, transform the house and make it even more comfortable!

You can watch the video on how to build an extension:


The construction of the house was completed long ago, and the need to increase the living space has already arisen. Many owners face this problem. country houses. An extension to a wooden house will help solve this problem without much difficulty.

Our team of builders is engaged not only in the construction of houses, but also in warm extensions to the house, as well as verandas or terraces.

Construction of an extension to the house

Construction of an extension to a house is no less troublesome than the construction of the house itself, especially if it is an extension to an old one country house or a village log house. Sometimes this entails quite large changes in the design and layout of the house itself. This can be an extension of a veranda, terrace or warm living space for any purpose: bedroom or living room, kitchen, bathroom or toilet. It can be Technical buildings- boiler room or garage.

Photos of the extensions to the house that our team built

Extension of the terrace.

Adding a terrace to a house does not create big problems and costs. The terrace is open areawood flooring on a specially prepared base, with or without railings. Freestanding or attached to the main building and used for outdoor recreation. It may be under a roof, the main functions of which are protection from rain and direct sunlight.

Veranda extension.

Adding a veranda to the house is a little more complicated and expensive, since it involves full or partial glazing, but it also remains cold. The device of the veranda gives additional benefits— protection from wind and rain from all sides. Can serve as a summer kitchen, living room, game room. As a rule, it is not heated.

Construction of a warm extension to the house.

Construction of an extension to a house with insulation is a more difficult and expensive undertaking for full-fledged living. Most often we have to deal with the construction of an extension to wooden houses. In the process of adding an extension to a house made of timber or logs, some difficulties sometimes arise when connecting to the house that need to be taken into account. For the extension itself the most optimal solution- choice in favor of frame wooden structure walls! Possibility of year-round use, as part of the main house, heated.

The correct extension to a wooden house is a frame extension.

A frame wooden extension, compared to an extension made of timber or logs, does not cause vertical settlement of the walls and therefore it can be immediately rigidly attached to the main structure. Frame walls, the floor and ceiling are insulated mineral wool. This design will be the warmest, lightest and most reliable compared to other options. And also the cheapest and most practical. Possibility to make an extension immediately turnkey. Versatility - the ability to attach to any house: made of wood, brick or blocks. Any purpose: bedrooms, kitchen, living room, bathroom, boiler room, garage.

The foundation for the extension is another “thin” place. For such an extension to the house, a more reliable foundation is required and a pile is best suited for this screw foundation. In some cases, this may be a shallow tape monolithic foundation.

The cost of building an extension without materials, just work!

Calculated — approximate cost frame extension (600x300x250) with turnkey finishing.

  • Open terrace from 100 thousand rubles.
  • Glazed cold veranda from 150 thousand rubles.
  • Residential extension with insulation (100-150-200 mm) from 200 thousand rubles.

Construction of a frame extension to a house is possible at any time of the year!

Our construction crew deals not only with construction wooden outbuildings to houses, but can carry out complete renovation and reconstruction of the entire house.

Often, when drawing up a house project, developers are so carried away by architectural aesthetics that they miss another important point- practicality of its operation. Therefore, in many cases, unaccounted construction nuances have to be corrected after the house is built.

This problem also includes the lack of usable space, which can be eliminated by building an additional building adjacent to the wooden house.

Preparation for construction work

Of course, as in any other business, construction work is immediately preceded by preparatory activities, during which all the nuances of the upcoming work are considered. As for the construction of a building adjacent to a wooden house, here important factors, which determine the entire construction process, are the following:

  • it is necessary to decide on the location of the building and prepare its design;
  • choose material for construction;
  • make an estimate;
  • choose the type of foundation and how to connect it to the main one;
  • consider ways to connect the building with the main building and the placement of communications.

When choosing a foundation, ideally, preference is given to the type that was laid during the construction of the main building. But the construction of a monolithic and strip foundation will also guarantee the durability of the building. For lightweight structures, the columnar option is also suitable, but this is only if there is hard soil at the construction site, which is not so common. In the presence of groundwater, coming close to the surface, and sandy soil Monolithic and strip foundations will be optimal.

An important component construction work is the moment of connection of two foundations. In most cases, the process is carried out by hammering pipes and fittings into the old structure and then installing them into the new one. In this way, simultaneous shrinkage of the house and the extension is achieved, as well as reliable installation new construction associated with the house.

An important point before construction is determining the location of the connection. new extension with the main house. Optimal simple option may be the creation of a doorway at the location of the window of the main building.

Construction wooden houses has not lost its popularity even with the introduction, and an extension to a wooden house only complements it and emphasizes its individuality. Quite often, over time, it is necessary to increase the living space of the house or create a veranda near it. In such cases, an extension is erected, which can also be made from a variety of building materials.

It is distinguished not only by its strength, but also by durability, environmental friendliness, and has excellent technical characteristics. The construction is made from wood that has undergone pre-treatment: drying and processing by special means from insects.

An extension to a wooden house can be as:

  • rooms,

There are various options for extensions, which differ significantly in construction technology.

Summer cuisine, attached to the side of a wooden house

Frame extension

The simplest and most common way to build an extension is a frame structure. This construction technology came to us relatively recently, but already during this time it has been able to win the recognition of most people. This is due to the fact that the construction process takes minimal time. The entire structure is not inferior in its properties to the foam block structure. Frame extension to a wooden house is distinguished by its originality. The frame can be made of wood or metal.

You can use not only wood in the construction of an extension, but also metal carcass. It is not exposed to weather and climate conditions, and is also resistant to temperature changes.

Before starting construction, it is necessary to clearly determine for what purposes such an additional structure will serve. The process of its insulation and the use of any materials will depend on this.

If the frame extension will be used as a room, then the insulation in it can be:

  • mineral wool,
  • polyurethane foam,
  • Styrofoam,
  • expanded polystyrene and more.

Channels, pipes and fittings are used to make a metal frame different diameters and size. There are load-bearing beams that are larger in diameter, and there are auxiliary beams that can be smaller in diameter. All elements metal structure are fastened together using welding work: electric arc welding or semi-automatic.

Wooden frame for house extension

A wooden frame differs from a metal one in its lightness. It is also strong and durable. You can also emphasize its environmental friendliness. The tree is considered warm material, but, despite this, the wooden frame also needs to be insulated using similar insulation and insulating materials.

Both the wooden and metal frame must be connected to wooden wall. Difficulties in fastening can only arise if the house is built from rounded timber, since its walls are uneven.

To secure the frame to the wall, reinforcement is first installed in the wall, on metal “bolts”, fixed inside the house. All gaps that exist between the frame and the building must be sealed with plaster or polyurethane foam.

Walls of this design can be covered with any modern finishing material. As a rule, plastic or siding is used as the facade finishing of a frame extension. But for a wooden structure, it would be more rational to use wooden lining. She has an attractive appearance and sufficient strength.

Before installing wooden lining, it must first be coated with several layers of varnish. Such actions can significantly extend the service life of such finishing material and help protect the facade from insects and weather conditions.

Wooden lining can be different sizes, which is convenient for choosing optimal option. If you use siding or plastic, then you need to attach sheets of plywood or OSB to the frame. Their use makes the structure more durable and heat-intensive.

Extension, finished in the same way as the main house

If in conventional finishing siding or plastic must be attached to a special frame made of small wooden blocks, then when frame construction these Decoration Materials mounted directly on the surface of OSB or plywood using special self-tapping screws.

Regarding internal finishing works, then they are performed according to the principle exterior finishing. On the insulation, which was previously laid, lay OSB sheets or plywood. Drywall can also be used inside the building, which is distinguished by its practicality and ease of use. It is plastered and then painted.

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Storage rooms in a residential building

The roof in the extension can be made pitched, since in this case it is necessary to ensure a fairly high-quality tightness of the connection between the roof of the extension and the roof of the main building. Metal tiles, ondulin and other materials that can be aesthetically combined with a wooden structure are used as roofing materials.

In this video you can see how to make a frame extension to a house step by step

Very often, an extension to an old wooden house is framed, since it does not have much weight and cannot impact the walls of the building, which will make it possible to operate the house for a long time.

Frame extension to an old house

Before adding anything to an old wooden house, you need to assess the condition of its walls: whether they need to be strengthened or restored.

Porch extension

The frame extension also includes the extension of the porch, since basically such a structure is made on the basis wooden frame. The porch has no walls, but there are concrete base. It can be made during the construction of the house itself, or it can be poured over time.

In the latter option, it would be better to make a small foundation under the porch, which should be connected using reinforced concrete to the foundation of the house.

This is necessary in order to ensure the strength of the structure with its additional extensions, since the soil in the areas may be different, and depending on weather conditions, it tends to sag, which will lead to possible deformation.

The porch is made of both metal and wood. It all depends on financial capabilities. The construction of an extension with walls will be similar frame structure, only insulating and insulating materials may not be used.

A metal porch with railings will look very original, since these unique fences can be made with elements of artistic forging. The roof of this design is usually made of polycarbonate. The translucent material harmoniously complements the extension to a wooden house.

Roof metal porch made from polycarbonate

Advice. Polycarbonate has different thicknesses - those types of this roofing material with a thickness of at least 0.7 mm have greater strength and durability.

Room extension

As soon as a private house no longer has enough usable space for each family member, they immediately begin to think that adding a room is simply necessary. It's already residential extension, and its construction will need to be approached responsibly.

The extension of the room can be made of brick, foam block, wood, cinder block.

The use of any of the materials implies the construction of a foundation for them. The difference in building materials (the main structure is made of wood, and the extension is made of any other material) can play a big role in the strength and reliability of the house as a whole.

A brick extension to a wooden house is built on a monolithic or strip foundation. It has high strength and durability. Brick itself is considered a cold material, but with proper and high-quality insulation can maintain a constant temperature in the room.

When choosing the type of foundation for an extension, you need to start from the main foundation. Any foundation can be laid for a wooden house, depending on the groundwater, since wood is lightweight. building material. But more often used pile foundation. Under brick walls It is better not to use this type of foundation, since the weight of the entire structure will be quite large.

It is for this reason that it is better to give preference to a monolithic foundation, which in its structure is considered an integral structure and can withstand a variety of loads on it.

To build a monolithic foundation for a brick extension, a trench is first dug, the depth of which largely depends on the size of the extension itself. As a rule, it is at least 0.5-0.7 m.

Layers of sand and crushed stone are laid at the bottom of the trench, forming a cushion for greater strength and durability of the base. It is better to mix the concrete solution in a concrete mixer so that it is freshly prepared, since concrete tends to harden very quickly, and it is simply not possible to make the base a monolith.

Project brick extension to a wooden house

Formwork is pre-made around the perimeter of the trench. It can be non-removable, that is, after manufacturing its elements are not removed.

The solution for such a foundation consists of:

  • cement grade 400 or 500;
  • sand, preferably river sand and without impurities;
  • not too much crushed stone big size, you can use granite (it is not subject to deformation and can withstand sufficient loads);
  • water;
  • fittings.

A metal frame in the form of a mesh is made from reinforcement. It is placed in a trench on sand and crushed stone. After this, cement, sand, crushed stone and water are mixed. All proportions that are necessary for quality basis, must be strictly observed, since the strength of the entire structure will depend on this.

Poured concrete mortar into the trench in parts, making sure that none of these parts begins to harden. Otherwise, the foundation will no longer be a monolith and will lose its strength.

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