Verandas and terraces covered with polycarbonate. Terraces and verandas made of polycarbonate: pros and cons. Polycarbonate veranda: how to position the foundation

Most city residents are owners summer cottages– a quiet and cozy abode for relaxation away from noisy highways. And for outdoor recreation to be not only useful, but also comfortable, you need to create suitable conditions. For a dacha, the best option would be to arrange a veranda - small room With good review, comfortable furniture and a calm atmosphere. A veranda can be built from almost any materials, but special demand Lately I've been using polycarbonate. In this article we will tell you why this material is ideal for constructing a veranda, and also consider the technology for constructing an attached veranda to a polycarbonate house.

Polycarbonate belongs to synthetic materials, possessing a list of highly effective qualities, and therefore - wide area applications. It is valued for its convenience and ease of installation, its ability to withstand physical stress and big choice shapes and colors.

Advantages of polycarbonate: building material:

  1. Can withstand strong temperature changes from - 45 WITH up to +100C, so it is used in all regions of the country, even in the far north.
  2. Does not break under strong shock loads. Polycarbonate is tens of times stronger than glass. Even if you manage to break it (which is very difficult), the material will not crumble into fragments with sharp edges, but will simply break into several fragments, which are almost impossible to cut. This excludes high injury hazard compared to glass.
  3. The low weight of polycarbonate allows it to be used for the construction of structures on a lightweight foundation, which significantly reduces costs. It weighs 15 times less than glass, but remains very durable.
  4. Polycarbonate does not burn and does not support combustion - upon direct contact with fire, it melts and self-extinguishes, preventing the spread of fire. It is unrealistic to set fire to polycarbonate in domestic conditions - its ignition temperature is 570C.
  5. The material is resistant to aggressive influences external environment– it does not let water through, does not fade under the scorching sun, and does not crack from frost.
  6. It transmits light well while protecting from scorching sun rays. Light transmitting the ability of polycarbonate can reach 86% (depending on color and thickness). It partially absorbs ultraviolet radiation, protecting the skin from burns, so it will be comfortable on a polycarbonate veranda even on a hot sunny day.
  7. For all its strength, polycarbonate remains quite flexible material and allows you to create interesting architectural structures. You can bend the panels to the desired angle on the spot without the use of special equipment, which is why polycarbonate is very popular among do-it-yourselfers.

From all of the above, it is clear that polycarbonate is an ideal option for constructing a veranda. As a rule, sheets 8-10 mm thick are used for this purpose.

Interesting: Did you know that polycarbonate was invented by the same person who discovered novocaine? He was the famous German chemist Alfred Einhorn, who worked at the University of Munich in the 19th century.

Types of verandas

Any construction should begin on paper. First of all, you will need to make a polycarbonate veranda project, and you have the power to give the structure any shape. It is not at all necessary to limit yourself to the usual geometry - make the extension oval, round, wave-like or any other shape - polycarbonate opens up new horizons for DIY construction. With it, anyone can become an architect and designer.

There are built-in and attached verandas. The former are often built simultaneously with the house on the same foundation and often under the same roof. In the second case, it will be necessary to equip the veranda separate foundation. Among attached verandas, terraces are very popular. Often these are designs open type, which visually increase the area of ​​the house and perform useful functions. Thus, the terrace is at the same time a place for relaxation, a porch, and protection of the walls and foundations of the house from precipitation. Polycarbonate for construction open veranda fits perfectly. It makes the space even lighter and airier. For the roof, a more durable cellular polycarbonate is used - this is a sheet inside of which there are ventilation gutters that give strength and prevent condensation from forming.

If you live in a cold climate zone, it is better to give preference closed veranda, making walls from the same cellular polycarbonate. In addition to protection from rain and wind, it will help keep the room warm thanks to its air layer inside.

Advantages and disadvantages of the material

To summarize all the information presented above, we propose to outline the advantages and disadvantages of an attached polycarbonate veranda. First and most importantly, construction from this material is much cheaper than from any other. This results not only in the price of polycarbonate, but also in the installation method and the low load on the foundation. For very small and light verandas, some do not even build a “real” foundation at all, but simply place a regular fence or concrete road slab on a drainage pad in the ground, on which I mount the frame.

Even if you took almost transparent light polycarbonate, in the summer it will not be very hot on such a veranda, because the material dissipates most rays. And to ensure the flow of fresh air into a closed room, several ventilation hatches can be made in the polycarbonate ceiling. To create dense, cool shade, use blinds. In the case of polycarbonate, even the most ordinary plastic models will look harmonious.

To heat such a veranda in winter time, it is enough to use infrared films. During the daytime, they will help you save a lot on heating costs. In other words, making the microclimate in a polycarbonate veranda comfortable is not so difficult or expensive.

One of the disadvantages of such buildings is the fact that in winter, the polycarbonate for the veranda roof needs to be regularly cleared of snow, and this must be done very carefully. Do not use iron scoops, brushes or shovels to avoid scratching the surface. Otherwise, the material will lose its original light transmission ability and protective characteristics. You can wash the walls of the veranda only with delicate products that do not contain alkalis or caustic acids.

Polycarbonate verandas have many more advantages than disadvantages, so cast aside all doubts and start construction.

We are building a veranda

Building a veranda from polycarbonate with your own hands is much easier, cheaper and faster than from any other material. But first you should have a clear idea of ​​what you will use this room for. So, from a veranda you can make not only a place for rest and leisure, but also a functional dressing room. Attach it to the entrance to the house, and it will be much warmer even in the harshest winter. If you love plants, you can turn your veranda into a greenhouse or even winter Garden. Then, of course, you will need additional system ventilation, which needs to be taken into account in the project.

Important: The area of ​​the room must be more than 12 m². If you make it smaller, the veranda will be too tiny and uncomfortable; it will be difficult to clean it and accommodate the necessary furniture.

Polycarbonate is mounted on a pre-prepared frame. For its construction you can use wooden beams with a large cross-section or rolled metal (steel or aluminum). It is very important to organize correct slope roofs - it must be at least 30°. The slope is calculated individually for each climate zone and depends on the amount of seasonal precipitation, wind load and other factors. This information is presented in more detail in the relevant SNiP.

Foundation for a greenhouse

As we said earlier, polycarbonate is lightweight, so it is not at all necessary to lay a powerful, expensive foundation to build from it. In this case, a lightweight one will do ( shallow) strip, column or pile version. When choosing a foundation, consider not only the weight and dimensions of the future veranda, but also its purpose. For example, if you plan to place heavy furniture or many potted plants inside, this will put additional stress on the base.

What types of foundations are suitable for a veranda:

  1. Slab - for large and heavy verandas. The most expensive option, however, it provides a level base and guarantees the durability of the structure.
  2. Tape shallow– the most common solution. Even an inexperienced builder can make such a foundation. The only materials you will need are crushed stone, cement, sand and formwork boards.
  3. A columnar foundation is more suitable for open or small closed verandas.
  4. Pile - the most common type of foundation recently. Installation of piles by professional workers takes only a few hours, after which you can immediately begin installation frame and covering it with polycarbonate. Thus, the veranda can be made in just 1-2 days.

Let's look at how to arrange columnar foundation For small veranda. Support posts can be made of concrete, brick, wood or pipes. The main advantage of this type is that the base is completely autonomous and does not come into contact with the foundation of the house; it can be attached to any side and expanded if necessary, just by adding required quantity pillars


Screw piles are convenient because, depending on the specifics of the landscape, you can adjust their height without additional difficulties, leveling the soil, etc. If your site is on a slope or has hilly terrain, it is better to make a pile foundation than to waste time creating a level area.

Installation of polycarbonate

Glazing of the veranda with polycarbonate can be done both vertically and horizontally on wooden beams or metal profiles. If you are making an open extension, then you only need to install the roof sheathing on the support posts. If you want to cover the veranda with polycarbonate, you will need a sheathing (frame) not only for the roof, but also for the walls. Polycarbonate is a very durable material, but in order for the veranda to last for a long time, it must be properly secured. To do this, the sheathing beams should be installed in increments of 60 to 80 cm, and the support pillars should be located from each other at a distance of 1 to 3 m (depending on the thickness of the sheet and the dimensions of the veranda).

There are two ways to attach polycarbonate to the frame - dry or wet. In the first case, only self-tapping screws and other fasteners are used; in the second, silicone sealant is added to this.

Important: Before installing the polycarbonate sheet, you need to make markings for the fasteners, drill holes with a diameter slightly larger than the self-tapping screw, and only then screw it to the sheathing. Be sure to use protective spacers (thermal washers) to avoid damaging the polycarbonate surface with metal fasteners. Do not overtighten the self-tapping screw, otherwise the material will go T t crack, or it will bend and begin to collect moisture in this place. Maintain a distance between fasteners of 30-40 cm. The image below shows how to properly screw a self-tapping screw into polycarbonate:

How to make a polycarbonate veranda:

As you can see, the work not at all complicated and for a successful outcome, you just need to understand the peculiarities of fastening the sheets. Finally, we invite you to look interesting video about assembling a polycarbonate veranda:

Square country house can be significantly increased by adding a summer veranda to it. This comfortable room can be used as a relaxation room, a mini-greenhouse, it can be equipped with comfortable space for reading or hobbies. The most simple option is a frame veranda, the walls of which can be made of polycarbonate. This is a lightweight, durable and practical structure that can be built at relatively low cost.

Pros and cons of polycarbonate verandas

Polycarbonate is a relatively new building material that has quickly gained popularity in the field of suburban and country house construction: it is most often used in the construction of greenhouses and greenhouses, as well as in the creation of canopies, canopies and various outbuildings. Do-it-yourself veranda at the dacha made of polycarbonate - a profitable and inexpensive solution, this material has a whole set of advantages:

However, a do-it-yourself polycarbonate veranda has several disadvantages compared to natural materials. Polycarbonate allows light and heat to pass through, so the room will be too hot if ventilation is not taken care of.

The veranda must have windows, and it is advisable to provide a large glass area so that the space can be quickly ventilated. You can hang large blinds that will block light on a hot afternoon, or install air conditioning in the room.

In addition, the thermal expansion of the material should be taken into account. When heated, the width of the sheets increases by several millimeters, so during installation it is necessary to provide technological clearances.

Types and options of polycarbonate verandas

A veranda for a polycarbonate house can have a wide variety of appearances: this applies to the size, location of the walls, and roof. When designing, you need to take into account that the size of the room should not be less than 12 square meters. m, otherwise it will be too tight and inconvenient to use.

Verandas can be built-in or attached: in the first case, they are initially included in the project and erected on a common foundation under the same roof as the main house. Attached veranda It is built after the main house, and it can be located either in front of the entrance or on the side or back of the building.

Polycarbonate allows you to implement the most bold projects, let's look at some common options:

Foundation design and construction

The first stage of work is drafting: it is necessary to develop general form structures, consider its size and location near the house. Most often, a veranda is built in front of the entrance to a building, replacing a large porch or terrace.

The foundation can be columnar or strip: each option has its advantages. A columnar base will be the most inexpensive and least labor-intensive, but a monolithic belt belt is more reliable and durable. Still, for a frame veranda, the most common solution remains a columnar base.

To create it, you need to clear the site and prepare pits for installation support pillars: they are located along the perimeter of the building at a distance of 1-1.5 meters from each other. The depth of the holes is 70 cm, the side is 50 cm. A 20-centimeter layer of sand and crushed stone is poured onto the bottom of each hole: such a “pillow” will create a solid foundation.

Formwork made of boards is installed around the pits, after which a reinforcement frame is laid in them and concrete mortar is poured. After the concrete has dried, the formwork is dismantled.

If the frame is made of wood, a waterproofing layer of roofing felt must be laid on the foundation, which is attached bitumen mastic. Floor beams are attached to the bottom frame, which can be covered with boards or covered with thick plywood.

Construction of the walls and roof of the veranda

The second stage of construction is the construction of a supporting frame. If it is built from metal, the pipes must be primed and painted to protect them from corrosion, the frame elements ( bottom harness, vertical racks, upper trim) are connected by welding.

If the frame is built from timber, everything wooden elements must be treated with an antiseptic to prevent rotting; they are fastened together with self-tapping screws. It is important to check that all angles and vertical alignment of the posts are correct.

For the construction of the veranda, polycarbonate sheets with a thickness of at least 6-8 mm are used. They need to be cut using a special knife or a circular saw; cutting sheets can only be done on a hard, flat surface. When slicing, keep in mind that the sheets will expand slightly when heated.

It is necessary to drill holes in the frame for attaching polycarbonate. The holes for the screws should be 2-3 mm larger than their diameter so that thermal expansion occurs without problems. Polycarbonate can be fixed in several ways:

The roof of a polycarbonate veranda is built with your own hands in a similar way: a horizontal beam is attached to the wall of the house, to which the roof frame is connected. It can be pitched or semicircular, it all depends on the project and the desire of the owner.

The frame is sheathed with polycarbonate sheets in the same order. It is important to ensure that the openings are sealed tightly to avoid leakage into the room.

How to make windows in a veranda room

Making polycarbonate windows onto a veranda with your own hands is not as difficult as it might seem. For glazing you can use plastic or wooden frames, both glass and monolithic polycarbonate.

The second option is stronger and more durable, and easier to install. The frame is equipped with transverse elements to which the frames are attached with self-tapping screws; care must be taken to seal the seams.

You can order production and installation panoramic windows, the frames will move to the side. Panoramic glazing will ensure constant ventilation in warm time year, while the room can be easily closed from the cold.

Few people enjoy being forced to stay indoors in hot or stormy weather. Therefore, verandas are added to almost every private building using various materials. A revolutionary phenomenon in the creation of such structures was the appearance on the market of such building materials as polycarbonate.

Fig.1. Polycarbonate veranda attached to the house

Properties of the material and features of the design of structures made from it

As can be seen in Figure 1, this material is available in a variety of designs. Please note that tinted sheet material in a cellular design was used for the roof, and the walls were also constructed. And the window openings are made of monolithic polycarbonate, completely transparent. Polycarbonate is produced with various fillers that change light transmission up to complete opacity. The structure of the material in a cellular design, with maximum transparency, transmits up to 95% of the light flux, while the image becomes blurred.

Polycarbonate sheets can be easily bent during installation, which allows you to create original designs, which are a real decoration of the exterior of the site.

Fig.2. Veranda made of bent monolithic polycarbonate

Please note that the veranda from Figure 2 allows you to move the walls apart so as not to turn it into a greenhouse, in which staying in will not bring pleasure. Options with sliding walls can be fundamentally different, as shown in Figure 3.

Fig.3. Veranda with sliding elements made of bent polycarbonate

When using bending of this material, it must be taken into account that the minimum possible bend radius is 150 thicknesses sheet material. So, with a material thickness of 4 mm (minimum size), the product can be bent with a radius of at least 600 mm.

However, the use of this technique is not always used due to the increased complexity of installation. That traditional forms of execution of veranda premises are used with the installation of doors and windows in the usual design.

Fig.4. Polycarbonate veranda with fireplace

Device heating device in the form of a stove will allow you to comfortably spend time in such a room even in the cold season.

It should be noted that polycarbonate is absolutely non-flammable and can withstand temperatures up to 600 degrees, after which it simply decomposes to a gaseous state without releasing harmful substances. Also, the wide applicability of this material is due to its strength properties. It can withstand the impact of large branches in strong winds and is resistant to impacts even from stones. And if it still manages to be destroyed, then no traumatic fragments are formed.

Veranda construction

Such a room differs from a terrace in that the floor level in it is arranged at the level of the foundation of the house, while the floor of the structure in the second version is placed directly on the ground.

Support base

Considering the ease of the veranda extension, it is clear that it does not require a powerful foundation. Maybe, the best solution in this case, there will be a pile foundation with a grillage as the least labor-intensive and costly option.

Fig.5. Pile foundation with a grillage for a wooden floor for a veranda

Application screw piles excludes concrete works, allows you to save time and money.

Bearing structures

Various materials can be used as a veranda frame, including:

  • wood blocks;
  • profiles made of non-ferrous metals in the form of various products made of aluminum-based alloys;
  • square or rectangular steel pipes;
  • plastic profiles.

The choice depends on the availability of a particular material on the local market. Wood is most often used; in our country, wood is the most common. You can almost always purchase steel hollow profiles.

If the roof of the veranda will be made of profiled sheets or metal tiles, they are almost always used wooden beams, with lathing. Treated and tinted wood is durable and visually excellent.

When using metal profiles, an arched structure is usually made from bent elements. In this case, bending can be done with your own hands according to a single template or ordered at the nearest enterprise that produces building metal structures. To do this, you need to complete at least a preliminary design of the veranda and submit drawings (sketches) of the arches to the contractor.

Installation of polycarbonate sheets

The standard sizes of forms of this material are 2050 x 3050 – 12000 mm with thicknesses from 4 to 25 mm. Therefore, before designing a veranda, you need to check the availability of material sizes on the market and calculate the length of bent profiles with a minimum number of joints.

For the construction of a veranda adjacent to the house, cellular and (or) monolithic polycarbonate with a thickness of 4–6 mm is used.

Attention! Before the beginning installation work Do not remove the protective film from the sheets. This is done upon completion of work.

To seal the structure, you can use special sealants applied to the surface load-bearing structure before laying sheets. Porous rubber seals are also used.

A wall profile is installed at the upper end of the cellular polycarbonate sheet F, preventing moisture from entering the honeycomb structure.

The edges of the forms are attached to the frame with self-tapping screws using shock-absorbing washers.

Important! Taking into account the high coefficient of linear thermal expansion of the material, the holes for the screws should be 2 - 3 mm larger than the diameter of the screws.

If there are joints, they must be made using joining profiles in a detachable or one-piece design.

Something to remember! Polycarbonate is produced with a protective film against ultraviolet radiation, which should be oriented outward.

When installing polycarbonate sheets, you need to avoid impacting them with your own weight, so you need to use temporary ladders or scaffolding.

Screwing fasteners on cellular polycarbonate must be done all the way, but without allowing overtightening or distortion.

Fig.6. How to properly attach cellular polycarbonate

Further development of the veranda room

Summer is rightfully considered the most comfortable season for a person and therefore his desire to “preserve” this heavenly time in separate room. A great place for this is a spacious, well-built veranda.

Looking from the outside, many people think such a structure is expensive. beautiful toy. This is actually serious engineering structure, requiring constant care, but in return giving constant physical activity and the result is the opportunity to enjoy the smell of flowers and clean, healthy air all year round.

Providing further development verandas in the winter garden, already at the design stage it is necessary to lay a row technical solutions for this:

  • more reliable option insulation of the room in the form of thicker polycarbonate with a thickness of 8 - 10 mm. If the creation of a winter garden was not initially planned, a solution may be to install additional glazing with thin polycarbonate from the inside;
  • installation of a heated floor on the veranda, which will not only serve as a means of heating the air in the room, but will warm the soil, creating comfortable conditions for growth tropical plants;
  • the possibility of heating the air in the winter garden due to the heating system of the main residential building in combination with a heated floor system; the optimal temperature regime for tropical plants, as well as for residential premises, is 20 - 22 degrees;
  • installing a fireplace is not only how additional source warmth, but also for purely aesthetic purposes;
  • Ventilation of a winter garden requires ventilation openings of about 25% of the total wall area; double-glazed windows are most effective for this.

The additional costs incurred to give an ordinary veranda a higher status of a winter garden will be more than repaid by improving the living conditions in the house.

Fig.7. Polycarbonate winter garden equipped on the veranda

Analysis of cost estimates for a veranda

The costs of constructing a veranda are determined on the basis of the completed preliminary design and include the main items:

  1. Construction of the support base. For this you will need the following materials:
    • Screw piles - at the rate of 1 piece per 2 linear meters support beams.
    • Support beams made of softwood timber: for tying the outer belt measuring 150 x 150 mm, for floor joists - 150 x 50 mm, the distance between the joists is 750 mm.
    • Support plates are made of sheet steel 4 mm thick at the rate of 1 piece per pile.
    • Fasteners in the form of self-tapping screws with a diameter of 5 mm and a length of 50 mm - at the rate of 8 pcs per pile.
    • Angles made of sheet steel for attaching the ends of the logs to the timber frame - at the rate of 4 pieces per log.
  2. For the frame of the veranda, in accordance with the project, a timber made of coniferous wood, a board for sheathing.
  3. Roof finishing material.
  4. Roof fasteners.
  5. Fasteners for mounting the frame.
  6. Polycarbonate in accordance with the project and additional elements for it.
  7. Materials for antiseptic and fire-prevention treatment of wood based on a one-time treatment of all parts.

The cost estimate must include the cost of delivery of materials. It is advisable to increase the total amount by 15 percent as a reserve for unforeseen expenses, which you can rarely do without.


The veranda is necessary element building that improves living conditions in the house, and it is advisable to build it together with it, including it in the initial project. If for some reason this was not done, then completion is always possible. As can be seen from the text above, the process is quite simple to do it yourself. Feel free to take on this work and good luck to you!

Video compilation

The video below shows 53 options for polycarbonate verandas.

Who among the owners of a private house does not dream of a real terrace? This small extension can be an option for expanding your home, but to make it functional and convenient, it needs to be done correctly. Often, options with a transparent roof are chosen for arranging an extension. A polycarbonate roof for a terrace can become excellent option making this wish come true.

First, a few words about what a terrace is. This is an extension that allows you to be at home and outdoors at the same time, allowing you to combine comfort and relaxation outdoors. fresh air. As a rule, these extensions turn out to be very light and visually spacious, since they have large areas of glazing - walls, roof, etc.

The terrace has many functions - it allows you to relax here, arrange summer option kitchens or make playrooms. Often on holidays the whole family and friends gather under the roof of the terrace for a big meal. festive table, and such gatherings become truly magical and homely.

You can build a terrace from various materials. Gas blocks, bricks, and wood are used. But most home owners want the veranda to be as bright as possible. Then transparent materials come to the rescue - glass and polycarbonate. The latter is quite often used to construct the roof for this room.

On a note! Regardless of what shape and type the veranda will be made, it is very simple to construct. You won’t have to spend a lot of effort on its construction. Usually this design has the simplest frame and simple roof.

Table. Main types of terraces.


It is located, as you might guess, right at the entrance to the house. The extension is made in such a way that when leaving the house, a person first finds himself on the terrace, and only then on the street.

Such a terrace will encircle the entire house in a circle. Very often it is performed open or has the simplest frame.

This terrace is located on the sunny side of the house on the second floor. It will allow you to build a cozy solarium there for sunbathing.

The types of roofs on terraces can also be different - for example, simple pitched roofs, arched ones, reminiscent of a greenhouse in shape. And there may not be walls at all - only supports. It is worth choosing the configuration of the terrace at the design stage - the choice of types of materials, as well as their quantity required to create the building, will depend on this.

On a note! A terrace can sometimes be called a veranda, but this is not entirely correct, although it is not prohibited. The fact is that the veranda differs from the terrace in the floor height. For the first, it will be located on the same level as the foundation, and for the second, it will lie on the ground. There are no other special differences between these two buildings.

Features of polycarbonate

Why is polycarbonate often chosen to create transparent roofs? It's simple - this one polymer material has a number of advantages that allow it to surpass in many characteristics ordinary glass that is familiar to many. This is good transparency, but at the same time the absence of a tendency to serious deformations under mechanical influence on the coating, the ability to better retain heat, and a lower price.

Polycarbonate happens cellular and monolithic. The first consists of two thin sheets of transparent plastic connected by stiffening ribs. This is a fairly plastic and flexible material that bends easily and retains heat well due to the air located between the two polymer sheets. The material has transparency, but not as good as the monolithic version.

Monolithic polycarbonate is more reminiscent of glass in appearance. It is absolutely transparent and has higher strength characteristics. There are no voids inside, which is why the material retains heat worse. This type of polycarbonate is actively used in construction, but costs several times more than cellular coating. Greenhouses are usually made from cellular polycarbonate.

On a note! Unfortunately, polycarbonate, especially cellular, is not without its drawbacks. It still remains a fairly fragile material compared to others roofing coverings, is easily scratched, and the cavities inside it can become clogged and the coating will no longer look presentable.

But anyway polycarbonate is one of the most commonly used materials for creating terrace roofs. It is lightweight, but at the same time durable enough to withstand certain snow loads, can bend if necessary to design a sloping roof. It is also easy to install; even a beginner in construction can cope with the task of arranging a polycarbonate roof. At the same time, the material allows light to pass through and makes it possible to obtain a fairly warm room due to its low thermal conductivity.

Attention! A closed terrace with a cellular polycarbonate roof must have windows that can be opened. In hot weather it will be very difficult to be under such a roof - the “greenhouse effect” will work. That is why it is often recommended to use colored polycarbonate rather than transparent, since it transmits less light and it is easier to create an optimal temperature regime.

Prices for cellular polycarbonate

Why is a polycarbonate terrace a great option?

A polycarbonate terrace has a number of advantages. That is why roofing is often made from this material. It is different:

  • light weight;
  • no need to use heavy equipment during construction;
  • large selection of colors;
  • excellent strength and ability to withstand moderate snow and wind loads;
  • harmlessness from the point of view of ecology and human health;
  • long service life.

Most of the disadvantages of polycarbonate can be circumvented with proper care of such a terrace, but it is worth knowing about them. This is the possibility of cracks appearing in places where the material is attached to the frame, the occurrence of fragility of the coating if the protective film on the outside of the material is damaged, as well as the possibility of clogging of channels (honeycombs), which will lead to a decrease in heat retention, as well as an unflattering appearance of the roof.

When designing a terrace, it is important to take into account a lot of aspects, including its size - it should not be too small. Minimum size– 12 m2. This will provide enough space for relaxation.

On a note! The shape of the roof also matters. But the simplest option, which does not require any hassle either when creating a frame or when installing a roof covering, is a pitched flat roof.

It is important to prepare as much as possible in advance exact drawing, which will allow you not only to imagine what the extension will look like, but also to calculate the amount of materials needed for construction. The frame itself is easiest to make from metal or wood. Sometimes block supports or brick bases are used.

Only after this is the purchase made necessary materials and fasteners. When purchasing polycarbonate, do not forget about special profiles and components for it. In some cases, you can do without them, but then the roof may lose its appearance and collapse faster.

Table. Polycarbonate profiles.

U.P.The end profile has dimensions of 4, 6, 8,10, 16, 20, 25 mm x 2010 mm. Necessary to protect the ends of the material from debris and insects getting into them.
TORidge, 4, 6, 8, 10, 16 mm x 6 m. Allows you to connect individual polycarbonate sheets at the top point without leaving gaps between them. This will prevent roof leaks.
HCPDetachable docking, 4, 6, 8, 10, 16 mm x 6 m. Needed to connect two adjacent polycarbonate sheets. The lower and upper parts of the profile are separated to facilitate installation.
HPOne-piece docking, 4, 6, 8, 10 mm x 6 m. Needed to connect two adjacent polycarbonate sheets. The profile is not parsed, unlike the previous version.

UCorner, 4, 6, 8, 10 mm x 6 m. Allows you to connect sheets that are at right angles to each other.

FWall-mounted, 4, 6, 8, 10 mm x 6 m. Will prevent water from getting between the roof and the wall. Provides thermal insulation to this area.

A powerful foundation for such a terrace is not needed, since most of the materials used are very light. It is enough to form a concrete screed up to 10 cm thick. For support posts, recesses up to 50 cm will be sufficient.

Attention! When purchasing polycarbonate and calculating its quantity, it is important to remember that the sheet has standard sizes– 305 x 205 cm. The thickness of polycarbonate can be different ( the best option– 4-6 mm). To reduce the amount of waste generated, it is better to take the length of the roof slope the same as the length of the sheet.

Prices for polycarbonate profiles

Polycarbonate profiles

Creating a foundation and installing supports

Let's look at how the process of building a terrace occurs. Let's start with the foundation. In this case, it will be an economical option.

Step 1. Bayonet shovel marked future outline trenches in a selected location on the site.

Step 2. A ditch is created under strip foundation. You can also make formwork from wooden boards.

Step 3. Broken bricks and reinforcement are placed in the ditch. In this case, the reinforcement must be installed vertically at the locations where future roof supports will be installed.

Step 4. The ditch is being filled concrete mortar and drying the strip foundation.

Step 6. Polyethylene is laid around the perimeter of the base. It can be pressed down with pieces of bricks.

Step 7 The base is covered with sand, the sand is well compacted.

Step 8 The base can be decorated with decorative borders.

Step 10 The support is placed on previously installed reinforcement protruding from the base in the area where the supports are installed. The base of the plinth and the lower part of the support are coated cement mortar. The support is leveled.

Step 11 Internal cavity, remaining between the reinforcement and the support wall, is filled with concrete mixture.

Step 13 The wooden columns are already prepared - there are holes for reinforcement in their lower parts. The underside of the columns is also coated with mastic.

Step 14 Next, each column is installed on a plinth - they are put on the protruding reinforcement and installed on small concrete supports. To prevent the columns from tipping over, they can be secured with wooden slopes.

Step 15 A beam is installed on top of the two columns at the end of the extension, connecting them to each other. Next, all columns are connected by strapping beams. Thus, a ready-made frame for the terrace is obtained, and the most simple system rafters for the roof.

Installation of polycarbonate roofing

Step 1. Polycarbonate sheets are cut to size if necessary. To do this, you can use any wood cutting tool.

Step 2. The edges of the protective film covering the sheets are folded over the entire perimeter of the material. Next, a special tape is glued to the ends to protect against dust. Also all ends installed sheets must be covered with protective end profiles.

Attention! When cutting connecting profiles when installing on a curved structure, it is important to take into account that their bending radius is greater than that of the sheets themselves. Therefore, they should be slightly longer than the polycarbonate sheet itself. The easiest way is to trim them after installation.

Step 3. Polycarbonate is laid up with the side that has UV protection. As a rule, it is glued to this side protective film. The direction of the air channels should be oriented along the roof slope. This will allow moisture to escape naturally.

Step 4. Each sheet is aligned along the roof ridge. The bottom edge of the sheet should protrude slightly beyond the edge of the entire structure.

Step 5. A base profile is attached along the end edge of the roof. Fixation is carried out with special self-tapping bolts located on the center line of the profile.

Step 6. The sheet is fixed along the eaves of the roof. The first and last screws will be screwed in at a distance of 15 cm from the edge of the sheet. The rest are at a distance of 30 cm from each other. Holes with a slightly larger diameter than the screws themselves are drilled into the material at the fastening points.

Attention! Fastening polycarbonate should only be done with suitable fastening material - self-tapping screws with seals.

Step 7 After fixing the end sheet and installing the base profile, a clamping profile-cover is attached along the end edge of the roof.

Step 8 For connection separate sheets polycarbonate in a row it is recommended to use detachable connecting profiles. In this case, first the lower part of the profile is fixed on the roof frame, then polycarbonate sheets are laid, and only then the upper part of the profile is put on.

Step 9 Upon completion of installation, the protective film is removed from the polycarbonate surface. The work has been completed.

If polycarbonate is installed on a curved structure, then it is important to remember the maximum bending radius of the material. You cannot bend it, otherwise it will break.

Prices for popular models of screwdrivers


Video - 6x3 terrace made of timber and polycarbonate

Video - Terrace with a polycarbonate roof

This is, perhaps, all the information you need to know in order to cover your terrace with polycarbonate yourself. If you use all the necessary components, the work will go quickly, and the result will be excellent!

Guess the riddle: how can you stay in the house and be in the yard? Any owner of a veranda will give you the answer.

This simple structure allows you to combine the comfort of home with outdoor recreation. Big square glazing makes the building sunny and airy. Here you can take a nap in your free time, play with the children and gather with friends at the festive table.

When planning to build a veranda, many owners of estates and summer cottages are wondering: is there an alternative to a not very presentable brick structure? Of course it exists, we answer.

This is an elegant polycarbonate veranda attached to the house. There are many ways to arrange it and external design. We will look at the most successful of them in this article.

Types of verandas (terraces) made of monolithic polycarbonate for the home

Regardless of what kind of veranda or terrace you plan to build (open or closed, sliding or stationary), the cost of funds and effort to implement the project will be small. Thanks to frame system and the ease of fastening the plastic, its marking, installation and assembly take a minimum of time. – perfect material for light canopies and pavilions. It has high strength and resists shock, snow and wind loads.

The simplest version of an open terrace made of this material is single-pitch design from metal profile. Its side ends can be glazed with polycarbonate, and fabric roller shutters can be installed on the façade to protect it from wind and rain.

Terrace made of monolithic polycarbonate with a pitched roof - simple and beautiful

When developing a veranda project, keep in mind that it should not be too compact. The optimal area for comfortable relaxation and dining is at least 12 square meters.

The veranda attached to the roof slope is beautiful, but a little cramped

Instead of pitched roof an arched structure can be used as a canopy over a terrace and veranda made of monolithic polycarbonate. Do not forget that this material is easily bent over a large radius. Therefore, it fits perfectly on a frame with a curved configuration.

Spacious summer terrace, covered with profiled material fixed to an arched frame

Regarding the compatibility of polycarbonate with other materials, we can say that it is universal. This material looks good with PVC siding, does not spoil the appearance of the building in combination with wood and harmonizes perfectly with brick.

A veranda glazed with polycarbonate looks impressive against the backdrop of plastic siding cladding

In terms of light transmission, monolithic polycarbonate is not inferior to silicate glass. It is mounted on a wooden frame of a closed terrace as simply as on a metal profile. The combination of transparent plastic with wood does not cause visual contradiction.

Wood and monolithic polycarbonate are fully compatible materials

The polycarbonate outdoor terrace looks great. By attaching a spacious canopy with a transparent roof to the house, you will get a multifunctional recreation area.

An open terrace with a wide polycarbonate canopy - spacious, sunny and comfortable

The desired level of illumination of the terrace and veranda should be selected at the design stage. In addition to transparent material, there are corrugated, matte and colored materials on sale, which significantly reduce the level of insolation.

The canopy-terrace made of matte polycarbonate creates pleasant partial shade

In passing, we note that the veranda differs from the terrace in the height of the floor. At the terrace it lies on the ground, and at the veranda it is at the same level as the foundation.

When planning to glaze the roof and walls with monolithic polycarbonate, do not forget about openable windows. Without them, your veranda on a sunny day will turn into a stuffy “aquarium”. The greenhouse effect observed in any translucent structure, in the absence of ventilation, turns it into a steam room.

Sliding doors and openable windows guarantee comfort in a glazed veranda

When choosing between glass and polycarbonate, we will give the palm to impact-resistant plastic. It is injury-proof and durable. If you don’t like a transparent roof, then place a metal tile canopy over the veranda. In this case, polycarbonate can be used to glaze the façade part of the structure. It is securely fixed to the frame posts without the use of heavy window frames.

Glazed terrace in country style

Attached to the building two-story terrace, we will have a spacious sunroom upstairs and a shady canopy for relaxation on the lower level. The fencing of the upper platform can be made using monolithic polycarbonate on metal frame railing

Two-story terrace - solarium and sun canopy

Arched modules that combined the roof and walls marked the beginning of a new generation of translucent structures. Delighting the eye with smooth lines, they are highly functional. A good examplesliding veranda. Its glass area is adjustable with one movement of the hand.

Arched sliding veranda - a summer resident's dream

The most complex component of this design is the guides for moving the sections. A savvy craftsman will always find a replacement for expensive components, using furniture wheels and standard aluminum profile. You can bend the frame pipe along a given radius at any metal processing plant.

Anyone who does not lack funds can order a ready-made sliding arched veranda. Manufacturers provide every detail, supplying the assembly kit with everything necessary. Using the factory drawing, you can easily assemble it yourself.

The aerodesign of the arched terrace is beyond praise

Having considered the popular options for verandas and terraces, it’s time to move on to the question self-assembly similar design. Main principle– from simple to complex we will not violate and take as an example a closed terrace with a pitched roof.

We build a polycarbonate veranda on our own

The statement that assembling the frame and covering it with polycarbonate is not a difficult job cannot be called an exaggeration. The terrace does not need a strong foundation. Concrete screed 10 cm thick for the floor and pits 40-50 cm deep underneath metal racks the roof will be enough to create a reliable foundation.

The main task is to maintain the mounting dimensions of the frame so that the sheets of material fit exactly on the purlins. Metal does not forgive mistakes, so the error in installing frame elements should be within 3-5 mm.

A standard sheet of material has a width of 205 cm and a length of 305 cm. Take this into account when drawing up a roof plan, arranging purlins and sheathing.

In order to make a veranda for your house from polycarbonate with your own hands with a minimum amount of waste, proceed as follows. Take the length of the slope equal to or a multiple of the length of the sheet (3.05 or 6.10 m). If the dimensions of the building allow, then choose the width of the roof equal to the width of the sheet (2.05 - 4.10 - 6.20 meters, etc.) to avoid cutting. When joining sheets along the length and width, leave a compensation thermal gap of 4-6 mm between them.

The roof slope should not be less than 25 degrees. In this case, snow will not accumulate on the coating, increasing the load on the frame.

The optimal thickness of sheet material for the roof and walls of the veranda is from 4 to 6 mm.

The installation sequence for a summer polycarbonate terrace looks like this:

  • The site under the future structure is cleared of ground and leveled. In place of the excavated soil, a layer of crushed stone with sand 10 cm thick is poured and compacted.
  • Using a tape measure, you mark the installation points for the roof support pillars and dig holes for them (depth 40-50 cm).
  • Place on a compacted preparation made of sand-crushed stone mixture reinforcing mesh(to create a protective layer of concrete under the mesh, it is placed on pieces of brick or crushed stone). The main task of the mesh is to prevent the formation of shrinkage cracks in the screed. Therefore, it is not necessary to cook it from thick reinforcement. You can use rods with a diameter of 8-10 mm (steps of 15-20 cm).
  • For roof racks, you can take a profile pipe measuring 60x60x3 mm. The same profile is purchased for the manufacture of purlins. Having cut the posts to the dimensions of the drawing, they are installed in the pits, leveled, fixed with temporary connections and filled with concrete. At the same time, concreting of the floor screed is carried out.
  • After allowing it to set for a week concrete mixture, begin the installation of roof purlins. They are fixed to the racks by electric welding.
  • Having installed all the purlins and anchored the supporting profile to the wall of the building, we begin to install the sheathing. A small pipe measuring 20x40x2 mm is suitable for it. The sheathing is also fastened using electric welding. To increase the accuracy of installation, the installation points of the sheathing on the purlins must be marked in advance with chalk.
  • The edges of the plastic are extended beyond the contour of the roof frame so that the water flowing from them falls into the gutters of the gutters (5-10 cm).
  • After completing the installation and painting of the frame, all that remains is to cover the veranda with polycarbonate. To perform this job efficiently, you will need a special docking profile. It is equipped with a cover that protects the joints of the sheets from moisture penetration. The edges of the polycarbonate sheets are fixed to the sheathing using special thermal washers and self-tapping screws with a drill.

Thermal washers and self-tapping screws for mounting monolithic polycarbonate

It should be noted that the UP end profile is used only for the installation of cellular polycarbonate. All other types of profiles are also suitable for monolithic.

Profile range for joining sheets

To install thermal washers, holes are drilled in plastic, the diameter of which is 3 mm larger than the diameter of the self-tapping screws (drill with a diameter of 8 mm, self-tapping screw 5 mm). This creates a gap that compensates for the thermal increase in sheet size.

As we have already said, a closed veranda requires opening windows. In the places where they are installed, it is necessary to provide vertical racks made of pipes, to which ready-made double-glazed windows are attached. If desired simple windows for the frame of the veranda you can do it yourself. To do this you need to weld their frame profile pipes, attach the polycarbonate to it, weld the hinges and hang it on the rack.

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