Kalashnikov technologies and formulations of especially strong concrete. A method for preparing a self-compacting, especially high-strength reaction-powder fiber-reinforced concrete mixture with very high flow properties and a method for producing concrete products from the resulting mixture.

Abstract of the dissertation on this topic ""

As a manuscript


Specialty 05.23.05 - Construction materials and products

The work was carried out at the department of “Technology of concrete, ceramics and binders” in the state educational institution of higher education vocational education"Penza State University architecture and construction" and at the institute building materials and structures of the Technical University of Munich.

Scientific adviser -

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Valentina Serafimovna Demyanova

Official opponents:

Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, Corresponding Member of the RAASN, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Vladimir Pavlovich Selyaev

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Oleg Vyacheslavovich Tarakanov

Leading organization - OJSC "Penzastroy", Penza

The defense will take place on July 7, 2006 at 16:00 at the meeting dissertation council D 212.184.01 at the state educational institution of higher professional education "Penza State University of Architecture and Construction" at the address: 440028, Penza, st. G. Titova, 28, building 1, conference room.

The dissertation can be found in the library of the state educational institution higher professional education "Penza State University of Architecture and Construction"

Scientific secretary of the dissertation council

V. A. Khudyakov


With a significant increase in the strength of concrete under uniaxial compression, crack resistance inevitably decreases and the danger of brittle failure of structures increases. Dispersed reinforcement of concrete with fiber eliminates these negative properties, which makes it possible to produce concrete of classes higher than 80-100 with a strength of 150-200 MPa, which has a new quality - a viscous nature of destruction.

Analysis scientific works in the field of dispersed reinforced concrete and their production in domestic practice shows that the main orientation does not pursue the goal of using high-strength matrices in such concrete. The class of dispersed reinforced concrete in terms of compressive strength remains extremely low and is limited to B30-B50. This does not allow for good adhesion of the fiber to the matrix or full use of steel fiber even with low tensile strength. Moreover, in theory they are developed, and in practice they are produced concrete products with loosely laid fibers with a degree of volumetric reinforcement of 59%. Fibers exposed to vibration are shed with unplasticized “fat” high-shrinkage cement-sand mortars cement-sand composition - 14-I: 2.0 at W/C = 0.4, which is extremely wasteful and repeats the level of work in 1974. Significant scientific achievements in the field of creating superplasticized VNV, microdispersed mixtures with microsilica, with reactive active powders from high-strength rocks, made it possible to increase the water-reducing effect to 60% using superplasticizers of oligomeric composition and hyperplasticizers polymer composition. These achievements did not become the basis for the creation of dispersed-reinforced high-strength reinforced concrete, or fine-grained powder concrete from cast self-compacting mixtures. Meanwhile, advanced countries are actively developing new generations of reaction powder concrete reinforced with dispersed fibers. Powdered concrete mixtures are used

for filling molds with woven volumetric thin-mesh frames laid in them and their combination with rod reinforcement.

To identify the theoretical background and motivation for the creation of multicomponent fine-grained powder concrete with a very dense, high-strength matrix, obtained by casting at ultra-low water content, ensuring the production of concrete with a viscous nature during destruction and high tensile strength in bending;

To identify the structural topology of composite binders and dispersed-reinforced fine-grained compositions, to obtain mathematical models of their structure to estimate the distances between the filler particles and the geometric centers of the reinforcing fibers;

Optimize the compositions of fine-grained dispersed reinforced concrete mixtures with fiber c1 = 0.1 mm and I = 6 mm with a minimum content sufficient to increase the tensile strength of concrete, preparation technology and establish the influence of the formulation on the fluidity, density, air content, strength and other physical and technical properties of concrete.

Scientific novelty of the work.

1. The possibility of producing high-strength fine-grained cement powder concrete, including dispersed reinforced concrete, made from concrete mixtures without crushed stone with fine fractions has been scientifically substantiated and experimentally confirmed quartz sand, with reactive rock powders and microsilica, with a significant increase in the efficiency of superplasticizers until the water content in the cast self-compacting mixture reaches 10-11% (corresponding to a semi-dry mixture for pressing without SP) by weight of the dry components.

4. The predominantly through-solution diffusion-ion mechanism of hardening of composite cement binders has been theoretically predicted and experimentally proven, increasing as the content of the filler increases or its dispersity increases significantly compared to the dispersion of cement.

5. The processes of structure formation of fine-grained powder concrete have been studied. It has been shown that powder concrete made from superplasticized cast self-compacting concrete mixtures is much denser, the kinetics of their strength increase is more intense, and the average strength is significantly higher than concrete without SP, pressed at the same water content under a pressure of 40-50 MPa. Criteria for assessing the reaction-chemical activity of powders have been developed.

6. The compositions of fine-grained dispersed-reinforced concrete mixtures with thin steel fiber with a diameter of 0.15 and a length of 6 mm have been optimized,

the technology of their preparation, the order of introducing the components and the duration of mixing; The influence of the composition on the fluidity, density, air content of concrete mixtures, and compressive strength of concrete has been established.

The practical significance of the work lies in the development of new cast fine-grained powder concrete mixtures with fiber for pouring molds for products and structures, both without and with combined rod reinforcement. Using high-density concrete mixtures, it is possible to produce highly crack-resistant flexural or compressed reinforced concrete structures with a viscous nature of destruction under the action of extreme loads.

A high-density, high-strength composite matrix with a compressive strength of 120-150 MPa has been obtained to increase adhesion to metal in order to use thin and short high-strength fiber with a diameter of 0.04-0.15 mm and a length of 6-9 mm, allowing to reduce its consumption and resistance to flow concrete mixtures for casting technology for the production of thin-walled filigree products with high tensile strength during bending.

Approbation of work. The main provisions and results of the dissertation work were presented and reported at International and All-Russian

Siysk scientific and technical conferences: “Young science for the new millennium” (Naberezhnye Chelny, 1996), “Issues of urban planning and development” (Penza, 1996, 1997, 1999), “ Contemporary issues building materials science" (Penza, 1998), " Modern construction"(1998), International scientific and technical conferences "Composite building materials. Theory and practice” (Penza, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005), “Resource and energy saving as a motivation for creativity in the architectural construction process” (Moscow-Kazan, 2003), “ Current issues construction" (Saransk, 2004), "New energy- and resource-saving high-tech technologies in the production of building materials" (Penza, 2005), All-Russian scientific-practical conference"Urban planning, reconstruction and engineering support sustainable development of cities in the Volga region" (Togliatti, 2004), Academic readings of the RAASN "Achievements, problems and promising directions development of theory and practice of building materials science" (Kazan, 2006).

Publications. Based on the results of the research, 27 works were published (3 works in journals on the list of the Higher Attestation Commission).

The introduction substantiates the relevance of the chosen direction of research, formulates the purpose and objectives of the research, and shows its scientific and practical significance.

In the first chapter dedicated to analytical review literature, an analysis of foreign and domestic experience in the use of high-quality concrete and fiber-reinforced concrete was carried out. It is shown that in foreign practice, high-strength concrete with a strength of up to 120-140 MPa began to be produced, mainly after 1990. In the last six years, broad prospects have been identified in increasing the strength of high-strength concrete from 130-150 MPa and transferring them to the category of especially high-strength concrete with a strength of 210,250 MPa, thanks to the heat treatment of concrete worked out over the years, reaching a strength of 60-70 MPa.

There is a tendency to divide especially high-strength concrete according to the granularity of the aggregate into 2 types: fine-grained concrete with a maximum grain size of up to 8-16 mm and fine-grained with grains up to 0.5-1.0 mm. Both of them necessarily contain microsilica or microdehyde. ratified kaolin, powders of durable rocks, and to give concrete ductility, impact strength, crack resistance - fiber from various materials. A special group includes fine-grained powder concrete (Reaktionspulver beton-RPB or Reactive Powder Concrete) with maximum size grains 0.3-0.6 mm. It has been shown that such concretes, with an axial compressive strength of 200-250 MPa with a reinforcement coefficient of maximum 3-3.5% by volume, have a tensile strength in bending of up to 50 MPa. Such properties are ensured, first of all, by the selection of a high-density and high-strength matrix, which makes it possible to increase adhesion to the fiber and fully utilize its high tensile strength.

The state of research and experience in the production of fiber-reinforced concrete in Russia is analyzed. Unlike foreign developments, Russian research is focused not on the use of fiber-reinforced concrete with a high-strength matrix, but on increasing the percentage of reinforcement to 5-9% by volume in low-strength three- and four-component concretes of classes B30-B50 to increase the tensile strength in bending to 17-28 MPa. This is all repetition. foreign experience 1970-1976, i.e. those years when effective superplasticizers and microsilica were not used, and fiber-reinforced concrete was mainly three-component (sandy). It is recommended for the production of fiber-reinforced concrete with a consumption of Portland cement of 700-1400 kg/m3, sand - 560-1400 kg/m3, fiber - 390-1360 kg/m3, which is extremely wasteful and does not take into account the progress achieved in the development of high-quality concrete.

An analysis of the evolution of the development of multi-component concretes at various revolutionary stages of the emergence of special functional-determining components: fiber, superplasticizers, microsilica has been carried out. It is shown that six-seven-component concretes are the basis of a high-strength matrix for effective use main function of fiber. It is precisely such concretes that become multifunctional.

The main motivations for the emergence of high-strength and especially high-strength reaction-powder concretes, the possibility of obtaining “record” values ​​of water reduction in concrete mixtures, and their special rheological state are formulated. Requirements for powders and

their prevalence as technogenic waste from the mining industry.

Based on the analysis, the purpose and objectives of the research are formulated.

The second chapter presents the characteristics of the materials used and describes the research methods. Raw materials of German and Russian production were used: cements CEM 1 42.5 R HS Werk Geseke, Werk Bernburg CEM 1 42.5 R, Weisenau CEM 1 42.5, Volsky PC500 DO , Stary Oskolsky PC 500 DO; sand Surskiy classified fr. 0.14-0.63, Balasheysky (Syzran) classified fr. 0.1-0.5 mm, Halle sand fr. 0.125-0.5 "mm; microsilica: Eikern Microsilica 940 with Si02 content > 98.0%, Silia Staub RW Fuller with Si02 content > 94.7%, BS-100 (Soda association) with ZO2 > 98.3 %, Chelyabinsk EMC with SiO content = 84-90%, German fiber and Russian production with d = 0.15 mm, 7 = 6 mm with tensile strength 1700-3100 MPa; rock powders of sedimentary and volcanic origin; super- and hyperplasticizers based on naphthalene, melamine and polycarboxylate.

To prepare concrete mixtures, a high-speed mixer from Eirich and a turbulent mixer from Kaf. TBKiV, modern devices and equipment of German and domestic production. X-ray structural analysis was carried out on a Seifert analyzer, electron microscopic analysis on a Philips ESEM microscope.

The third chapter examines the topological structure of composite binders and powder concrete, including dispersed reinforced concrete. The structural topology of composite binders, in which the volume fraction of fillers exceeds that of the main binder, determines the mechanism and rate of reaction processes. To calculate the average distances between sand particles in powder concrete(or between Portland cement particles in highly filled binders), an elementary cubic cell with face size A and volume A3 equal to the volume of the composite is adopted.

Taking into account the volumetric concentration of C4V cement, the average size of cement particles<1ц, объёмной концентрации песка С„, и среднего размера частиц песка d„, получено:

for the center-to-center distance between cement particles in a composite binder:

Ac =^-3/i-/b-Sy =0.806-^-3/1/^ "(1)

for the distance between sand particles in powder concrete:

Z/tg/6 -St = 0.806 ap-shust (2)

Taking the volume fraction of sand with a fraction of 0.14-0.63 mm in a fine-grained powder concrete mixture equal to 350-370 liters (mass flow rate of sand 950-1000 kg), the minimum average distance between the geometric centers of particles was obtained equal to 428-434 microns. The minimum distance between the surfaces of particles is 43-55 microns, and with a sand size of 0.1-0.5 mm - 37-44 microns. With hexagonal packing of particles, this distance increases by a factor K = 0.74/0.52 = 1.42.

Thus, during the flow of the powder concrete mixture, the size of the gap in which the rheological matrix of a suspension of cement, stone flour and microsilica is placed will vary from 43-55 microns to 61-78 microns, with a decrease in the sand fraction to 0.1 -0.5 mm matrix interlayer will change from 37-44 microns to 52-62 microns.

Topology of dispersed fiber fibers with length / and diameter c? determines the rheological properties of concrete mixtures with fiber, their fluidity, the average distance between the geometric centers of the fibers, and determines the tensile strength of reinforced concrete. Calculated average distances are used in regulatory documents and in many scientific works on dispersed reinforcement. It is shown that these formulas are contradictory and the calculations based on them differ significantly.

From consideration of a cubic cell (Fig. 1) with a face length / with fibers placed in it

fibers with a diameter b/, with a total content of 11 fibers /V, the number of fibers on the face is determined

P = and distance o =

taking into account the volume of all fibers У„ = fE.iL. /. dg and coefficient Fig. 14

reinforcement factor /l = (100-l s11 s)/4 ■ I1, the average distance is determined:

5 = (/ - th?) / 0.113 ■ l/ts -1 (3)

Calculations 5 were performed using the formulas of Romuapdi I.R. and Mendel I.A. and according to the Mak Kee formula. The distance values ​​are presented in Table 1. As can be seen from Table 1, the Mak Kee formula cannot be used. Thus, distance 5 increases with increasing cell volume from 0.216 cm3 (/ = 6 mm) to 1000 m3 (/ = 10000 mm).

melts 15-30 times at the same c, which deprives this formula of geometric and physical meaning. The Romuapdi formula can be used taking into account the coefficient of 0.64:

Thus, the resulting formula (3) from strict geometric constructions is an objective reality, which is verified in Fig. 1. Processing the results of our own and foreign research using this formula made it possible to identify options for ineffective, essentially uneconomical reinforcement and optimal reinforcement.

Table 1

Values ​​of distances 8 between the geometric centers of dispersed _ fibers, calculated using various formulas_

Diameter, c), mm B mm for different c and / according to the formulas Ratio of distances ZA^M, calculated using the formula of the author and McKee Ratio of distances calculated using the formula of the author and Romualdi

1=6 mm 1 = 6 mm At all / = 0-*"

ts-0.5 ts-1.0 ts-3.0 ts=0.5 and -1.0 ts-3.0 11=0.5 ¡1=1.0 ts=3.0 (1-0.5 (1-1.0 c-3.0 (»=0.5 c=1.0 (1*3.0

0,01 0,127 0,089 0,051 0,092 0,065 0,037 0,194 0,138 0,079 1,38 1,36 1,39 0,65 0,64 0,64

0,04 0,49 0,37 0,21 0,37 0,26 0,15 0,78 0,55 0,32 1,32 1,40 1,40 0,62 0,67 0,65

0,15 2,64 1,66 0,55 1,38 0,98 0,56 2,93 2,07 1,20 1,91 1,69 0,98 0,90 0,80 0,46

0,30 9,66 4,69 0,86 1,91 1,13 5,85 4,14 2,39 2,45 0,76 1,13 0,36

0,50 15,70 1,96 3,25 1,88 6,90 3,96 1,04 0,49

0,80 4,05 5,21 3,00 6,37 1,40 0,67

1,00 11,90 3,76 7,96

/= 10 mm /= 10 mm

0.01 0.0127 0.089 0.051 0.118 0.083 0.048 Distance values ​​unchanged 1.07 1.07 1.06 0.65 0.67 0.72

0,04 0,53 0,37 0,21 0,44 0,33 0,19 1,20 1,12 1,10 0,68 0,67 0,65

0,15 2,28 1,51 0,82 1,67 1,25 0,72 1,36 1,21 1,14 0,78 0,73 0,68

0,30 5,84 3,51 1,76 3,35 2,51 1,45 1,74 1,40 1,21 1,70 1,13 0,74

0,50 15,93 7,60 2,43 5,58 4,19 2,41 2,85 1,81 1,01 1,63 2,27 0,61

0,80 23,00 3,77 6,70 3,86 3,43 0,98 2,01 0,59

1,00 9,47 4,83 1,96 1,18

1= 10000 mm 1= 10000 mm

0,01 0,125 0,089 0,053 3,73 0,033 0,64

0,04 0,501 0,354 0,215 14,90 0,034 0,64

0,15 1,88 1,33 0,81 37,40 0,050 0,64

0,30 3,84 2,66 1,61 56,00 0,068 0,66

0.50 6.28 4.43 2.68 112.OS 0.056 0.65

0,80 10,02 7,09 4,29 186,80 0,053 0,64

1.00 12.53 8.86 5.37 373.6С 0.033 0.64

The fourth chapter is devoted to the study of the rheological state of super-plasticized dispersed systems, powdered concrete mixtures (PBC) and the methodology for assessing it.

PBS must have high fluidity, ensuring complete spreading of the mixture in molds until a horizontal surface is formed with the release of entrained air and self-compacting of the mixtures. Considering that the concrete powder mixture for the production of fiber-reinforced concrete must have dispersed reinforcement, the spread of such a mixture should be little inferior to the spread of a mixture without fiber.

The concrete mixture intended for pouring forms with a three-dimensional multi-row fine-mesh woven frame with a clear mesh size of 2-5 mm should easily flow to the bottom of the form through the frame, spread along the form, ensuring that after filling it forms a horizontal surface.

To differentiate the compared disperse systems by rheology, simple methods for assessing the ultimate shear stress and yield have been developed.

A diagram of the acting forces on a hydrometer located in a superplasticized suspension is considered. If the liquid has a yield strength m0, the hydrometer is not completely immersed in it. For m„ the following equation is obtained:

where ¿/ is the diameter of the cylinder; t is the mass of the cylinder; p is the density of the suspension; ^-gravity acceleration.

The simplicity of derivation of equations for determining r0 is shown when the liquid is in equilibrium in a capillary (pipe), in the gap between two plates, on a vertical wall.

The invariance of methods for determining t0 for cement, basalt, chalcedony suspensions, and PBS has been established. A set of methods has determined the optimal value of t0 for PBS, equal to 5-8 Pa, which should spread well when poured into molds. It has been shown that the simplest precision method for determining ta is hydrometric.

A condition has been identified for the spreading of the powder concrete mixture and self-leveling of its surface, under which all irregularities in the hemispherical surface are smoothed out. Without taking into account surface tension forces, at zero contact angle of drops on the surface of a bulk liquid, t0 should be:


where d is the diameter of hemispherical irregularities.

The reasons for the very low yield strength and good rheotechnological properties of PBS were identified, which consist in the optimal choice of sand grain size 0.14-0.6 mm or 0.1-0.5 mm, and its quantity. This improves the rheology of the mixture compared to fine-grained sandy concrete, in which large grains of sand are separated by thin layers of cement, which significantly increase the r„ and viscosity of the mixtures.

The influence of the type and dosage of various classes of SP on t„ was revealed (Fig. 4), where 1-Woerment 794; 2-SP S-3; 3-Melment FIO. The spreadability of powder mixtures was determined using a cone from a shaking table mounted on glass. It was revealed that the spread of the cone should be within 25-30 cm. The spread decreases with increasing content of entrained air, the share of which can reach 4-5% by volume.

As a result of turbulent mixing, the resulting pores have a size of predominantly 0.51.2 mm and at r0 = 5-7 Pa and a spreading of 2730 cm, they are capable of being removed to a residual content of 2.5-3.0%. When using vacuum mixers, the content of air pores is reduced to 0.8-1.2%.

The influence of a mesh obstacle on the change in the spread of powder concrete mixture was revealed. When blocking the spreading of mixtures with a mesh ring with a diameter of 175 mm with a mesh with a clear diameter of 2.8x2.8 mm, it was found that the degree of reduction in spreading

niya increases significantly with increasing yield strength and with decreasing control spread below 26.5 cm.

Change in the ratio of the diameters of free c1c and blocked dis-

sailing from Ls, illustrated in Fig. 5.

For powder concrete mixtures poured into molds with woven frames, the spread should be at least 27-28 cm.

The influence of the type of fiber on reducing the spreading of dispersed

reinforced mixture.

¿с, cm For the three types used

^ fibers with geometric factor

equal: 40 (sI), 15 mm; 1=6 mm; //=1%), 50 (¿/= 0.3 mm; /=15 mm; zigzag c = 1%), 150 (c1- 0.04 mm; / =6 mm - microfiber with glass coating c - 0 .7%) and the values ​​of the control spread c1n on the change in spread of the reinforced c1a mixture are shown in table. 2.

The strongest reduction in spreadability was found in mixtures with microfiber with d = 40 µm, despite the lower percentage of reinforcement d by volume. As the degree of reinforcement increases, the fluidity decreases even more. With reinforcement coefficient //=2.0% fiber with<1 = 0,15 мм, расплыв смеси понизился до 18 см при контрольном расплыве 29,8 см с увеличением содержания воздуха до 5,3 %. Для восстановления расплыва до контрольного необходимо было увеличить В/Т с 0,104 до 0,12 или снизить содержание воздуха до 0,8-1%.

The fifth chapter is devoted to the study of the reaction activity of rocks and the study of the properties of reaction-powder mixtures and concrete.

The reactivity of rocks (Rs): quartz sand, siliceous sandstones, polymorphs 5/02 - flint, chalcedony, gravel of sedimentary origin and volcanic - diabase and basalt has been studied in low-cement (C:Gp = 1:9-4:4), mixtures enriched with cement

table 2

Control. blur<1т см с/,/г/^лри различных 1/(1

25,0 1,28 1,35 1,70

28,2 1,12 1,14 1,35

29.8 1.08 1.11 1D2

syah (C:Gp). Coarse rock powders with Syd = 100-160 m2/kg and highly dispersed with Syo = 900-1100 m2/kg were used.

It has been established that the best comparative indicators of strength, characterizing the reaction activity of rocks, were obtained with composite low-cement mixtures of the composition C:Gp = 1:9.5 when using highly dispersed rocks after 28 days and over long periods of hardening for 1.0-1. 5 years. High strength values ​​of 43-45 MPa were obtained on several rocks - ground gravel, sandstone, basalt, diabase. However, for high-strength powder concrete it is necessary to use only powders from high-strength rocks.

X-ray structural analysis established the phase composition of some rocks, both pure and samples made from a mixture of cement with them. The formation of joint mineral new formations in most mixtures with such a low cement content was not detected; the presence of CjS, tobermorite, and portlandite is clearly identified. Micrographs of the intermediate substance clearly show a gel-like phase of tobermorite-like calcium hydrosilicates.

The basic principles for selecting the composition of the RPB consisted of choosing the ratio of the true volumes of the cementing matrix and the volume of sand, which ensures the best rheological properties of the mixture and maximum strength of concrete. Based on the previously established average layer x = 0.05-0.06 mm between sand particles with an average diameter dcp, the volume of the matrix, in accordance with the cubic cell and formula (2), will be:

vM=(dcp+x?-7t-d3/6 = A3-x-d3/6 (6)

Taking the layer* = 0.05 mm and dcp = 0.30 mm, the relation Vu ¡Vп = 2 is obtained and the volumes of the matrix and sand per 1 m3 of the mixture will be, respectively, 666 l and 334 l. Taking the mass of sand constant and varying the ratio of cement, basalt flour, MC, water and SP, the fluidity of the mixture and the strength of concrete were determined. Subsequently, the size of the sand particles and the size of the middle layer were changed, and similar variations were made in the component composition of the matrix. The specific surface area of ​​basalt flour was taken to be close to that of cement, based on the conditions of filling the voids in the sand with particles of cement and basalt with their predominant sizes

15-50 microns. The voids between the basalt and cement particles were filled with MC particles with sizes of 0.1-1 microns

A rational procedure for the preparation of RPBS has been developed with a strictly regulated sequence of introducing components, the duration of homogenization, “rest” of the mixture and final homogenization for the uniform distribution of MC particles and dispersed reinforcement in the mixture.

The final optimization of the composition of the RPBS was carried out at a constant content of the amount of sand with varying the content of all other components. A total of 22 compositions of 12 samples each were manufactured, 3 of them using domestic cements with the replacement of polycarboxylate GP with SP S-3. In all mixtures, spreads, densities, and the content of entrained air were determined, and in concrete, compressive strength after 2.7 and 28 days of normal hardening, tensile strength during bending and splitting.

It was found that the spread varied from 21 to 30 cm, the content of entrained air from 2 to 5%, and for vacuumized mixtures - from 0.8 to 1.2%, the density of the mixture varied from 2390-2420 kg/m3.

It was revealed that during the first minutes after pouring, namely after 1020 minutes, the main share of entrained air is removed from the mixture and the volume of the mixture decreases. To better remove air, it is necessary to cover the concrete with a film that prevents the rapid formation of a dense crust on its surface.

In Fig. 6, 7, 8, 9 show the effect of the type of SP and its dosage on the flow of the mixture and the strength of concrete at 7 and 28 days of age. The best results were obtained when using GP Woerment 794 at dosages of 1.3-1.35% err of the mass of cement and MC. It was revealed that with the optimal amount of MK = 18-20%, the fluidity of the mixture and the strength of concrete are maximum. The established patterns persist at 28 days of age.

FM794 FM787 S-3

Domestic SP has a lower reducing ability, especially when using highly pure MK grades BS - 100 and BS - 120 and

When using specially manufactured composite VNV with similar consumption of raw materials, short-term melting-o.9 ¡,1 1.z),5 1.7 lot with C-3, dispersed [hedts+mk)1 loo reinforced concrete with strength was obtained

Fig.7 121-137 MPa.

The effect of HP dosage on the fluidity of RPBS (Fig. 7) and the strength of concrete after 7 days (Fig. 8) and 28 days (Fig. 9) was revealed.

[GShTsNIKYAO [GShTs+MK)] 100

Rice. 8 Fig. 9

The generalized dependence of the change on the studied factors, obtained by the method of mathematical planning of experiments, with subsequent data processing using the "Gradient" program, is approximated in the form: D = 100.48 - 2.36 l, + 2.30 - 21.15 - 8.51 x\ where x is the ratio MK/C; xs - ratio [GP/(MK+C)]-100. In addition, based on the essence of the flow of physical and chemical processes and the use of step-by-step methods, it was possible to significantly reduce the number of variable factors in the mathematical model without deteriorating its estimated quality.

The sixth chapter presents the results of a study of some physical and technical properties of concrete and their economic assessment. The results of static tests of prisms made of powder reinforced and unreinforced concrete are presented.

It has been established that the elastic modulus, depending on the strength, varies in the range (440-^470)-102 MPa, the Poisson's ratio of unreinforced concrete is 0.17-0.19, and for dispersed reinforced concrete it is 0.31-0.33, which characterizes the viscous nature behavior of concrete under load compared to brittle failure of unreinforced concrete. The strength of concrete when splitting increases by 1.8 times.

The air shrinkage of samples for non-reinforced RRP is 0.60.7 mm/m, for dispersed reinforced ones it decreases by 1.3-1.5 times. The water absorption of concrete within 72 hours does not exceed 2.5-3.0%.

Frost resistance tests of powdered concrete using an accelerated method showed that after 400 cycles of alternating freezing and thawing, the frost resistance coefficient was 0.96-0.98. All tests carried out indicate that the performance properties of powdered concrete are high. They have proven themselves in small section racks for balconies instead of steel, in balcony slabs and loggias during the construction of houses in Munich. Despite the fact that dispersed-reinforced concrete is 1.5-1.6 times more expensive than conventional concrete grades 500-600, a whole range of products and structures made from it are 30-50% cheaper due to a significant reduction in the volume of concrete.

Production testing in the manufacture of lintels, pile caps, and manholes from dispersed reinforced concrete at Penza Reinforced Concrete Plant LLC and the reinforced concrete products production base of Energoservice CJSC confirmed the high efficiency of using such concrete.

MAIN CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 1. Analysis of the composition and properties of dispersed reinforced concrete produced in Russia indicates that they do not fully meet the technical and economic requirements due to the low compressive strength of concrete (M 400-600). In such three-, four- and rarely five-component concretes, not only dispersed reinforcement of high strength, but also of normal strength is underused.

2. Based on theoretical ideas about the possibility of achieving maximum water-reducing effects of superplasticizers in dispersed systems that do not contain coarse-grained aggregates, high reactivity of microsilica and rock powders, which jointly enhance the rheological effect of the joint venture, the creation of a seven-component high-strength fine-grained reaction-powder concrete matrix for thin and relatively short dispersed reinforcement c1 = 0.15-0.20 μm and / = 6 mm, which does not form “hedgehogs” in the production of concrete and does not significantly reduce the fluidity of PBS.

4. The structural topology of composite binders and dispersed reinforced concrete is revealed and their mathematical models of structure are given. An ion-diffusion through-solution mechanism for hardening composite filled binders has been established. Methods for calculating the average distances between sand particles in PBS and the geometric centers of fibers in powder concrete using various formulas and for various parameters ¡1, 1, c1 are systematized. The objectivity of the author's formula is shown in contrast to those traditionally used. The optimal distance and thickness of the cementing suspension layer in PBS should be within

37-44^43-55 with sand consumption of 950-1000 kg and its fractions of 0.1-0.5 and 0.140.63 mm, respectively.

5. The rheotechnological properties of dispersed-reinforced and non-reinforced PBS were established using developed methods. Optimal spreading of PBS from a cone with dimensions £> = 100; g!= 70; A = 60 mm should be 25-30 cm. Coefficients of reduction in spreading have been identified depending on the geometric parameters of the fiber and a reduction in the spreading of PBS when blocked by a mesh fence. It has been shown that for pouring PBS into molds with volumetric mesh woven frames, the spread should be at least 28-30 cm.

6. A method has been developed for assessing the reaction-chemical activity of rock powders in low-cement mixtures (C:P -1:10) in samples pressed under extrusion molding pressure. It has been established that with the same activity, assessed by strength after 28 days and in long-term

hardening rates (1-1.5 years), preference when used in RPBS should be given to powders from high-strength rocks: basalt, diabase, dacite, quartz.

7. The processes of structure formation of powder concrete have been studied. It has been established that cast mixtures in the first 10-20 minutes after pouring release up to 40-50% of entrained air and require coating with a film that prevents the formation of a dense crust. The mixtures begin to actively set 7-10 hours after pouring and gain strength after 1 day 30-40 MPa, after 2 days - 50-60 MPa.

8. The basic experimental and theoretical principles for selecting the composition of concrete with a strength of 130-150 MPa have been formulated. To ensure high fluidity of PBS, quartz sand must be fine-grained with a fraction of 0.14-0.63 or 0.1-0.5 mm with a bulk density of 1400-1500 kg/m3 at a flow rate of 950-1000 kg/m3. The thickness of the layer of suspension of cement-stone flour and MC between the sand grains should be in the range of 43-55 and 37-44 microns, respectively, with a water content and SP ensuring a spread of mixtures of 25-30 cm. The dispersion of PC and stone flour should be approximately the same , MC content 15-20%, stone flour content 40-55% by weight of cement. When varying the content of these factors, the optimal composition is selected based on the required spread of the mixture and the maximum compressive strength after 2, 7 and 28 days.

9. The compositions of fine-grained dispersed reinforced concrete with a compressive strength of 130-150 MPa using steel fiber with a reinforcement coefficient /4=1% have been optimized. Optimal technological parameters have been identified: mixing should be carried out in high-speed mixers of a special design, preferably evacuated; The sequence of loading components and mixing and “rest” modes are strictly regulated.

10. The influence of the composition on the fluidity, density, air content of dispersed reinforced PBS, and on the compressive strength of concrete was studied. It has been revealed that the descalability of mixtures, as well as the strength of concrete, depend on a number of recipe and technological factors. During optimization, mathematical dependences of fluidity and strength on individual, most significant factors were established.

11. Some physical and technical properties of dispersed reinforced concrete have been studied. It is shown that concrete with a compressive strength of 120-150 MPa has an elastic modulus of (44-47)-103 MPa, a Poisson's ratio of 0.31-0.34 (0.17-0.19 for unreinforced concrete). Air shrinkage dis-

persian-reinforced concrete is 1.3-1.5 times lower than that of non-reinforced concrete. High frost resistance, low water absorption and air shrinkage indicate the high performance properties of such concrete.


1. Kalashnikov, S-V. Development of an algorithm and software for processing asymptotic exponential dependencies [Text] / S.B. Kalashnikov, D.V. Kvasov, R.I. Avdeev // Materials of reports of the 29th scientific and technical conference. - Penza: Penza State Publishing House. University of Architecture. and pp., 1996. - pp. 60-61.

2. Kalashnikov, S.B. Analysis of kinetic and asymptotic dependencies using the cyclic iteration method [Text] / A.N. Bobryshev, S.B. Kalashnikov, V.N Kozomazov, R.I. Avdeev // Bulletin of the RAASN. Department of Construction Sciences, 1999. - Issue. 2. - pp. 58-62.

3. Kalashnikov, S.B. Some methodological and technological aspects of obtaining ultrafine fillers [Text] / E.Yu. Selivanova, S.B. Kalashnikov N Composite building materials. Theory and practice: collection. scientific works international scientific and technical conference. - Penza: PDNTP, 2002. - P. 307-309.

4. Kalashnikov, S.B. On the issue of assessing the blocking function of a superplasticizer on the hardening kinetics of cements [Text] / B.C. Demyanova, A.S. Mishin, Yu.S. Kuznetsov, S.B. Kalashnikov N Composite building materials. Theory and practice: Sat., scientific. works international scientific and technical conference. - Penza: PDNTP, 2003. - pp. 54-60.

5. Kalashnikov, S.B. Evaluation of the blocking function of a superplasticizer on the kinetics of cement hardening [Text] / V.I. Kalashnikov, B.C. Demyanova, S.B. Kalashnikov, I.E. Ilyina // Proceedings of the annual meeting of the RAASN “Resource and energy saving as a motivation for creativity in the architectural and construction process.” - Moscow-Kazan, 2003. - P. 476-481.

6. Kalashnikov, S.B. Modern ideas about the self-destruction of super-dense cement stone and concrete with low hair content [Text] / V.I. Kalashnikov, B.C. Demyanova, S.B. Kalashnikov // Bulletin. Ser. Volga regional branch of RAASN, - 2003. Issue. 6. - pp. 108-110.

7. Kalashnikov, S.B. Stabilization of concrete mixtures from delamination with polymer additives [Text] / V.I. Kalashnikov, B.C. Demyanova, N.M.Duboshina, S.B. Kalashnikov // Plastic masses. - 2003. - No. 4. - pp. 38-39.

8. Kalashnikov, S.B. Features of the processes of hydration and hardening of cement stone with modifying additives [Text] / V.I. Kalashnikov, B.C. Demyanova, I.E. Ilyina, S.B. Kalashnikov // News of Universities. Construction, - Novosibirsk: 2003. - No. 6 - P. 26-29.

9. Kalashnikov, S.B. On the issue of assessing shrinkage and shrinkage crack resistance of cement concrete modified with ultrafine fillers [Text] / B.C. Demyanova, Yu.S. Kuznetsov, I.O.M. Bazhenov, E.Yu. Minenko, S.B. Kalashnikov // Composite building materials. Theory and practice: collection. scientific works international scientific and technical conference. - Penza: PDNTP, 2004. - pp. 10-13.

10. Kalashnikov, S.B. Reaction activity of silicite rocks in cement compositions [Text] / B.C. Demyanova, S.B. Kalashnikov, I.A. Eliseev, E.V. Podrezova, V.N. Shindin, V.Ya. Marusentsev // Composite building materials. Theory and practice: collection. scientific works international scientific and technical conference. - Penza: PDNTP, 2004. - pp. 81-85.

11. Kalashnikov, S.B. On the theory of hardening of composite cement binders [Text] / S.B. Kalashnikov, V.I. Kalashnikov // Materials of the international scientific and technical conference “Current issues of construction”. - Saransk, 2004. -S. 119-124.

12. Kalashnikov, S.B. Reaction activity of crushed rocks in cement compositions [Text] / V.I. Kalashnikov, B.C. Demyanova, Yu.S. Kuznetsov, S.B. Kalashnikov // Izvestia. Tula State University. Series “Building materials, structures and structures”. - Tula. -2004. - Vol. 7. - pp. 26-34.

13. Kalashnikov, S.B. On the theory of hydration of composite cement and slag binders [Text] / V.I. Kalashnikov, Yu.S. Kuznetsov, V.L. Khvastunov, S.B. Kalashnikov and "Vestnik". Series Department of Building Sciences. - Belgorod: - 2005. -No. 9-S. 216-221.

14. Kalashnikov, S.B. Multicomponentity as a factor in ensuring the multifunctional properties of concrete [Text] / Yu.M. Bazhenov, B.S. Demyanova, S.B. Kalashnikov, G.V. Lukyanenko. V.N. Grinkov // New energy- and resource-saving science-intensive technologies in the production of building materials: collection of articles. articles international. scientific and technical conference. - Penza: PDNTP, 2005. - P. 4-8.

15. Kalashnikov, S.B. Impact strength of high-strength dispersed reinforced concrete [Text] / B.C. Demyanova, S.B. Kalashnikov, G.N. Kazina, V.M. Trostyansky // New energy- and resource-saving science-intensive technologies in the production of building materials: collection of articles. international articles scientific and technical conference. - Penza: PDNTP, 2005. - pp. 18-22.

16. Kalashnikov, S.B. Topology of mixed binders with fillers and the mechanism of their hardening [Text] / Jurgen Schubert, C.B. Kalashnikov // New energy- and resource-saving science-intensive technologies in the production of building materials: collection of articles. international articles scientific and technical conference. - Penza: PDNTP, 2005. - P. 208-214.

17. Kalashnikov, S.B. Fine-grained powder dispersed reinforced concrete [Text] I V.I. Kalashnikov, S.B. Kalashnikov // Achievements. Problems and promising directions of development. Theory and practice of building materials science. Tenth academic readings of the RAASN. - Kazan: Kazan State Publishing House. arch.-stroitel. Univ., 2006. - pp. 193-196.

18. Kalashnikov, S.B. Multicomponent dispersed reinforced concrete with improved performance properties [Text] / B.C. Demyanova, S.B. Kalashnikov, G.N. Kazina, V.M. Trostyansky // Achievements. Problems and promising directions of development. Theory and practice of building materials science. Tenth academic readings of the RAASN. - Kazan: Kazan State Publishing House. arch.-stroitel. Univ., 2006.-S. 161-163.

Kalashnikov Sergey Vladimirovich


05.23.05 - Construction materials and products Abstract of a dissertation for the degree of candidate of technical sciences

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1.1 Foreign and domestic experience in the use of high-quality concrete and fiber-reinforced concrete.

1.2 Multicomponent nature of concrete as a factor in ensuring functional properties.

1.3 Motivation for the emergence of high-strength and especially high-strength reaction-powder concrete and fiber-reinforced concrete.

1.4 High reactivity of dispersed powders is the basis for the production of high-quality concrete.




2.1 Characteristics of raw materials.

2.2 Research methods, instruments and equipment.

2.2.1 Technology for the preparation of raw materials and assessment of their reaction activity.

2.2.2 Technology for the production of powder concrete mixtures and materials

The results of their tests.

2.2.3 Research methods. Instruments and equipment.




3.1 Topology of composite binders and their hardening mechanism.

3.1.1 Structural and topological analysis of composite binders. 59 R 3.1.2 The mechanism of hydration and hardening of composite binders - as a result of the structural topology of the compositions.

3.1.3 Topology of dispersed-reinforced fine-grained concrete.



4.1 Development of a methodology for assessing the ultimate shear stress and fluidity of dispersed systems and fine-grained powder concrete mixtures.

4.2 Experimental determination of the rheological properties of dispersed systems and fine-grained powder mixtures.



5.1 Reaction activity of rocks mixed with cement.-■.

5.2 Principles for selecting the composition of powder dispersed reinforced concrete, taking into account the requirements for materials.

5.3 Recipe for fine-grained powder dispersed reinforced concrete.

5.4 Preparation of concrete mixture.

5.5 Influence of the compositions of powder concrete mixtures on their properties and strength under axial compression.

5.5.1 Influence of the type of superplasticizers on the spreadability of the concrete mixture and the strength of concrete.

5.5.2 Effect of superplasticizer dosage.

5.5.3 Effect of microsilica dosage.

5.5.4 Influence of the proportion of basalt and sand on strength.




6.1 Kinetic features of the formation of strength of RPB and fibro-RPB.

6.2 Deformative properties of fibro-RPB.

6.3 Volumetric changes in powder concrete.

6.4 Water absorption of dispersed reinforced powder concrete.

6.5 Technical and economic assessment and production implementation of RPB.

Introduction 2006, dissertation on construction, Kalashnikov, Sergey Vladimirovich

Relevance of the topic. Every year in the world practice of concrete and reinforced concrete production, the production of high-quality, high and especially high-strength concrete is rapidly increasing, and this progress has become an objective reality, due to significant savings in material and energy resources.

With a significant increase in the compressive strength of concrete, crack resistance inevitably decreases and the risk of brittle failure of structures increases. Dispersed reinforcement of concrete with fiber eliminates these negative properties, which makes it possible to produce concrete of classes higher than 80-100 with a strength of 150-200 MPa, which has a new quality - a viscous nature of destruction.

An analysis of scientific works in the field of dispersed reinforced concrete and their production in domestic practice shows that the main orientation does not pursue the goal of using high-strength matrices in such concrete. The class of dispersed reinforced concrete in terms of compressive strength remains extremely low and is limited to B30-B50. This does not allow for good adhesion of the fiber to the matrix or full use of steel fiber even with low tensile strength. Moreover, in theory, concrete products with loosely laid fibers with a degree of volumetric reinforcement of 5-9% are developed and in practice produced; they are spilled under the influence of vibration with unplasticized “greasy” high-shrinkage cement-sand mortars of the composition: cement-sand -1:0.4+1:2.0 at W/C = 0.4, which is extremely wasteful and repeats the level of work in 1974 Significant scientific achievements in the field of creating superplasticized VNV, microdispersed mixtures with microsilica, with reactive powders from high-strength rocks, have made it possible to increase the water-reducing effect to 60% using superplasticizers of oligomeric composition and hyperplasticizers of polymer composition. These achievements did not become the basis for the creation of high-strength reinforced concrete or fine-grained powder concrete from cast self-compacting mixtures. Meanwhile, advanced countries are actively developing new generations of reaction-powder concrete, reinforced with dispersed fibers, woven sheer volumetric fine-mesh frames, their combination with rod or rod with dispersed reinforcement.

All this determines the relevance of creating high-strength fine-grained reaction-powder, dispersed-reinforced concrete grades 1000-1500, which are highly economical not only in the construction of critical unique buildings and structures, but also for general-purpose products and structures.

The dissertation work was carried out in accordance with the programs of the Institute of Building Materials and Structures of the Technical University of Munich (Germany) and the initiative work of the Department of TBKiV PSUAS and the scientific and technical program of the Ministry of Education of Russia "Scientific research of higher education in priority areas of science and technology" in the subprogram "Architecture and Construction" 2000-2004

Purpose and objectives of the study. The purpose of the dissertation work is to develop compositions of high-strength fine-grained reaction-powder concrete, including dispersed reinforced concrete, using crushed rocks.

To achieve this goal, it was necessary to solve a set of the following tasks:

To identify the theoretical background and motivation for the creation of multicomponent fine-grained powder concrete with a very dense, high-strength matrix, obtained by casting with ultra-low water content, ensuring the production of concrete with a viscous nature during destruction and high tensile strength in bending;

To identify the structural topology of composite binders and dispersed-reinforced fine-grained compositions, to obtain mathematical models of their structure to estimate the distances between coarse filler particles and between the geometric centers of reinforcing fibers;

Develop a methodology for assessing the rheological properties of water-dispersed systems, fine-grained powder dispersed-reinforced compositions; investigate their rheological properties;

Identify the hardening mechanism of mixed binders, study the processes of structure formation;

Establish the required fluidity of multicomponent fine-grained powder concrete mixtures, ensuring the filling of forms with a mixture with low viscosity and ultra-low yield strength;

To optimize the compositions of fine-grained dispersed-reinforced concrete mixtures with fiber d = 0.1 mm and / = 6 mm with a minimum content sufficient to increase the tensile strength of concrete, preparation technology and establish the influence of the formulation on fluidity, density, air content, strength and others physical and technical properties of concrete.

Scientific novelty of the work.

1. The possibility of producing high-strength fine-grained cement powder concrete, including dispersed reinforced concrete, made from concrete mixtures without crushed stone with fine fractions of quartz sand, with reactive rock powders and microsilica, with a significant increase the effectiveness of superplasticizers until the water content in the cast self-compacting mixture is up to 10-11% (corresponding to a semi-dry mixture for pressing without SP) by weight of the dry components.

2. The theoretical foundations of methods for determining the yield strength of superplasticized liquid dispersed systems have been developed and methods for assessing the spreadability of powder concrete mixtures with free spreading and blocked by a mesh fence have been proposed.

3. The topological structure of composite binders and powder concretes, including dispersed reinforced ones, has been revealed. Mathematical models of their structure were obtained, which determine the distances between coarse particles and between the geometric centers of fibers in the concrete body.

4. The predominantly through-solution diffusion-ion mechanism of hardening of composite cement binders has been theoretically predicted and experimentally proven, increasing as the content of the filler increases or its dispersity increases significantly compared to the dispersion of cement.

5. The processes of structure formation of fine-grained powder concrete have been studied. It has been shown that powder concrete made from superplasticized cast self-compacting concrete mixtures is much denser, the kinetics of their strength increase is more intense, and the standard strength is significantly higher than concrete without SP, pressed at the same water content under a pressure of 40-50 MPa. Criteria for assessing the reaction-chemical activity of powders have been developed.

6. The compositions of fine-grained dispersed-reinforced concrete mixtures with thin steel fiber with a diameter of 0.15 and a length of 6 mm, the technology of their preparation, the order of introducing components and the duration of mixing have been optimized; The influence of the composition on the fluid density, air content of concrete mixtures, and compressive strength of concrete has been established.

7. Some physical and technical properties of dispersed-reinforced powder concrete and the main patterns of the influence of various formulation factors on them have been studied.

The practical significance of the work lies in the development of new cast fine-grained powder concrete mixtures with fiber for pouring molds for products and structures, both without and with combined rod reinforcement or without fiber for pouring molds with ready-made volumetric woven fine mesh frames. Using high-density concrete mixtures, it is possible to produce highly crack-resistant bendable or compressed reinforced concrete structures with a viscous fracture pattern under extreme loads.

A high-density, high-strength composite matrix with a compressive strength of 120-150 MPa has been obtained to increase adhesion to metal in order to use thin and short high-strength fiber 0 0.040.15 mm and a length of 6-9 mm, allowing to reduce its consumption and the resistance to flow of concrete mixtures for casting technologies for manufacturing thin-walled filigree products with high tensile strength during bending.

New types of fine-grained powder dispersed reinforced concrete are expanding the range of high-strength products and structures for various types of construction.

The raw material base of natural fillers from stone crushing screenings, dry and wet magnetic separation during the extraction and enrichment of ore and non-metallic minerals has been expanded.

The economic efficiency of the developed concretes consists in a significant reduction in material consumption by reducing the consumption of concrete mixtures for the manufacture of high-strength products and structures.

Implementation of research results. The developed compositions have undergone production testing at Penza Reinforced Concrete Plant LLC and at the precast concrete production base of Energoservice JSC and are used in Munich in the manufacture of balcony supports, slabs and other products in residential construction.

Approbation of work. The main provisions and results of the dissertation work were presented and reported at International and All-Russian scientific and technical conferences: “Young science for the new millennium” (Naberezhnye Chelny, 1996), “Issues of urban planning and development” (Penza, 1996, 1997, 1999 d), “Modern problems of building materials science” (Penza, 1998), “Modern construction” (1998), International scientific and technical conferences “Composite building materials. Theory and practice", (Penza, 2002,

2003, 2004, 2005), “Resource and energy saving as motivation for creativity in the architectural construction process” (Moscow-Kazan, 2003), “Current issues of construction” (Saransk, 2004), “New energy and resource-saving science-intensive technologies in the production of building materials" (Penza, 2005), the All-Russian scientific and practical conference "Urban planning, reconstruction and engineering support for sustainable development of Volga region cities" (Tolyatti, 2004), Academic readings of the RAASN "Achievements, problems and promising directions development of theory and practice of building materials science" (Kazan, 2006).

Publications. Based on the results of the research, 27 works were published (2 works in journals on the list of the Higher Attestation Commission).

Structure and scope of work. The dissertation work consists of an introduction, 6 chapters, main conclusions, appendices and a list of references of 160 titles, presented on 175 pages of typewritten text, contains 64 figures, 33 tables.

Conclusion dissertation on the topic "Fine-grained reaction-powder dispersed-reinforced concrete using rocks"

1. An analysis of the composition and properties of dispersed reinforced concrete produced in Russia indicates that they do not fully meet the technical and economic requirements due to the low compressive strength of concrete (M 400-600). In such three-, four- and rarely five-component concretes, not only dispersed reinforcement of high strength, but also of normal strength is underused.

2. Based on theoretical ideas about the possibility of achieving maximum water-reducing effects of superplasticizers in dispersed systems that do not contain coarse-grained aggregates, the high reactivity of microsilica and rock powders, which jointly enhance the rheological effect of the joint venture, the creation of a seven-component high-strength fine-grained reaction-powder concrete matrix for thin and relatively short dispersed reinforcement d = 0.15-0.20 μm and / = 6 mm, which does not form “hedgehogs” in the production of concrete and little reduces the fluidity of PBS.

3. It has been shown that the main criterion for obtaining high-density PBS is the high fluidity of a very dense cementitious mixture of cement, MC, rock powder and water, provided by the addition of SP. In this regard, a methodology has been developed for assessing the rheological properties of dispersed systems and PBS. It has been established that high fluidity of PBS is ensured at a maximum shear stress of 5-10 Pa and at a water content of 10-11% by weight of dry components.

4. The structural topology of composite binders and dispersed reinforced concrete is revealed and their mathematical models of structure are given. An ion-diffusion through-solution mechanism for hardening composite filled binders has been established. Systematized methods for calculating the average distances between sand particles in PBS, geometric centers of fibers in powder concrete using various formulas and for various parameters //, /, d. The objectivity of the author's formula is shown in contrast to those traditionally used. The optimal distance and thickness of the layer of cementing suspension in PBS should be in the range of 37-44 + 43-55 microns with sand consumption of 950-1000 kg and its fractions of 0.1-0.5 and 0.14-0.63 mm, respectively.

5. The rheotechnological properties of dispersed-reinforced and non-reinforced PBS were established using developed methods. Optimal spreading of PBS from a cone with dimensions D = 100; d=70; h = 60 mm should be 25-30 cm. Coefficients of reduction in spreading were identified depending on the geometric parameters of the fiber and a reduction in the spreading of PBS when blocked by a mesh fence. It has been shown that for pouring PBS into molds with three-dimensional mesh woven frames, the spread should be at least 28-30 cm.

6. A method has been developed for assessing the reaction-chemical activity of rock powders in low-cement mixtures (C:P - 1:10) in samples pressed under extrusion molding pressure. It has been established that with the same activity, assessed by strength after 28 days and during long curing periods (1-1.5 years), preference when used in RPBS should be given to powders from high-strength rocks: basalt, diabase, dacite, quartz.

7. The processes of structure formation of powder concrete have been studied. It has been established that cast mixtures in the first 10-20 minutes after pouring release up to 40-50% of entrained air and require coating with a film that prevents the formation of a dense crust. The mixtures begin to actively set 7-10 hours after pouring and gain strength after 1 day 30-40 MPa, after 2 days - 50-60 MPa.

8. The basic experimental and theoretical principles for selecting the composition of concrete with a strength of 130-150 MPa have been formulated. To ensure high fluidity of PBS, quartz sand must be of a fine-grained fraction

0.14-0.63 or 0.1-0.5 mm with a bulk density of 1400-1500 kg/m3 at a flow rate of 950-1000 kg/m3. The thickness of the layer of suspension of cement-stone flour and MC between sand grains should be in the range of 43-55 and 37-44 microns, respectively, with a water and SP content providing a mixture spread of 2530 cm. The dispersion of PC and stone flour should be approximately the same, the content MK 15-20%, stone flour content 40-55% by weight of cement. When varying the content of these factors, the optimal composition is selected based on the required spread of the mixture and the maximum compressive strength values ​​after 2.7 and 28 days.

9. The compositions of fine-grained dispersed reinforced concrete with a compressive strength of 130-150 MPa were optimized using steel fiber with a reinforcement coefficient // = 1%. Optimal technological parameters have been identified: mixing should be carried out in high-speed mixers of a special design, preferably evacuated; The sequence of loading components and mixing and “rest” modes are strictly regulated.

10. The influence of the composition on the fluidity, density, air content of dispersed reinforced PBS, and on the compressive strength of concrete was studied. It was revealed that the spreadability of mixtures, as well as the strength of concrete, depend on a number of recipe and technological factors. During optimization, mathematical dependences of fluidity and strength on individual, most significant factors were established.

11. Some physical and technical properties of dispersed reinforced concrete have been studied. It has been shown that concretes with a compressive strength of 120 l

150 MPa have an elastic modulus of (44-47) -10 MPa, Poisson's ratio -0.31-0.34 (0.17-0.19 for unreinforced). The air shrinkage of dispersed reinforced concrete is 1.3-1.5 times lower than that of non-reinforced concrete. High frost resistance, low water absorption and air shrinkage indicate the high performance properties of such concrete.

12. Production testing and technical and economic assessment indicate the need to organize production and widespread introduction of fine-grained reaction powder dispersed reinforced concrete into construction.

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  • This is an advanced concept of the extreme concentration of cement systems with fine powders from rocks of sedimentary, igneous and metamorphic origin, selective for levels of high water reduction to SP. The most important results obtained in these works are the possibility of a 5-15 fold reduction in water consumption in dispersions while maintaining gravitational spreadability. It has been shown that by combining rheologically active powders with cement it is possible to enhance the effect of SP and obtain high-density castings.

    It is these principles that are implemented in reaction-powder concrete with an increase in their density and strength (Reaktionspulver concrete - RPB or Reactive Powder Concrete - RPC [see Dolgopolov N.N., Sukhanov M.A., Efimov S.N. New type of cement: structure of cement stone. // Construction materials. - 1994. - No. 115]. Another result is an increase in the reducing effect of SP with increasing dispersion of powders [see. Kalashnikov V.I. Fundamentals of plasticization of mineral dispersed systems for the production of building materials: A dissertation in the form of a scientific report for the degree of Doctor of Science. tech. Sci. - Voronezh, 1996].

    It is also used in powdered fine concrete by increasing the proportion of fine constituents by adding silica fume to the cement. What is new in the theory and practice of powder concrete is the use of fine sand of a fraction of 0.1-0.5 mm, which made the concrete fine-grained in contrast to ordinary sand on sand of a fraction of 0-5 mm. Our calculation of the average specific surface of the dispersed part of powder concrete (composition: cement - 700 kg; fine sand fr. 0.125-0.63 mm - 950 kg, basalt flour Ssp = 380 m 2 / kg - 350 kg, microsilica Svd = 3200 m 2 /kg - 140kg) with its content of 49% of the total mixture with fine-grained sand fraction 0.125-0.5 mm shows that with MK dispersion Smk = 3000m 2 /kg, the average surface of the powder part is Svd = 1060m 2 /kg, and with Smk = 2000 m 2 /kg - Svd = 785 m 2 /kg. It is from such finely dispersed components that fine-grained reaction-powder concretes are made, in which the volumetric concentration of the solid phase without sand reaches 58-64%, and with sand - 76-77% and is slightly inferior to the concentration of the solid phase in superplasticized heavy concrete (Cv = 0, 80-0.85). However, in crushed stone concrete the volumetric concentration of the solid phase minus crushed stone and sand is much lower, which determines the high density of the dispersed matrix.

    High strength is ensured by the presence not only of microsilica or dehydrated kaolin, but also of reactive powder from ground rock. According to the literature, fly ash, baltic, limestone or quartz flour are mainly introduced. Wide opportunities in the production of reactive powder concrete opened up in the USSR and Russia in connection with the development and research of composite binders of low water demand by Yu. M. Bazhenov, Sh. T. Babaev, A. Komarov. A., Batrakov V.G., Dolgopolov N.N. It has been proven that replacing cement in the process of grinding VNV with carbonate, granite, quartz flour up to 50% significantly increases the water-reducing effect. The W/T ratio, which ensures the gravitational spreadability of crushed stone concrete, is reduced to 13-15% in comparison with the usual introduction of SP, the strength of concrete on such VNV-50 reaches 90-100 MPa. Essentially, modern powder concrete can be obtained based on VNV, microsilica, fine sand and dispersed reinforcement.

    Dispersed-reinforced powder concrete is very effective not only for load-bearing structures with combined reinforcement with prestressed reinforcement, but also for the production of very thin-walled, including spatial, architectural parts.

    According to the latest data, textile reinforcement of structures is possible. It was the development of textile-fiber production of (fabric) volumetric frames from high-strength polymer and alkali-resistant threads in developed foreign countries that motivated the development, more than 10 years ago in France and Canada, of reaction-powder concrete with SP without large aggregates with especially fine quartz aggregate, filled with stone powders and microsilica. Concrete mixtures made from such fine-grained mixtures spread under the influence of their own weight, completely filling the dense mesh structure of the woven frame and all filigree-shaped joints.

    “High” rheology of powdered concrete mixtures (PBC) provides a yield strength of ?0 = 5-15 Pa with a water content of 10-12% of the mass of dry components, i.e. only 5-10 times higher than in oil paints. With this?0, to determine it, you can use the mini-hydrometric method, which we developed in 1995. The low yield strength is ensured by the optimal thickness of the rheological matrix layer. From a consideration of the topological structure of the PBS, the average thickness of the layer X is determined by the formula:

    where is the average diameter of sand particles; - volume concentration.

    For the composition given below at W/T = 0.103, the thickness of the interlayer will be 0.056 mm. De Larrard and Sedran found that for finer sands (d = 0.125-0.4 mm) the thickness varies from 48 to 88 µm.

    Increasing the particle interlayer reduces viscosity and ultimate shear stress and increases fluidity. Fluidity can increase by adding water and introducing SP. In general, the effect of water and SP on changes in viscosity, ultimate shear stress and yield is ambiguous (Fig. 1).

    The present invention relates to the building materials industry and is used for the manufacture of concrete products: highly artistic openwork fences and gratings, pillars, thin paving slabs and curb stones, thin-walled tiles for internal and external cladding of buildings and structures, decorative products and small architectural forms. The method for preparing a self-compacting, especially high-strength reaction-powder fiber-reinforced concrete mixture consists of sequential mixing of the components until a mixture with the required fluidity is obtained. Initially, water and a hyperplasticizer are mixed in the mixer, then cement, microsilica, stone flour are poured in and the mixture is mixed for 2-3 minutes, after which sand and fiber are added and mixed for 2-3 minutes. A self-compacting, especially high-strength reaction-powder fiber-reinforced concrete mixture with very high flow properties is obtained, which contains the following components: Portland cement PC500D0, sand of fractions from 0.125 to 0.63, hyperplasticizer, fibers, microsilica, stone flour, strength gain accelerator and water. The method of manufacturing concrete products in molds consists of preparing a concrete mixture, feeding the mixture into the molds and then storing it in a steaming chamber. The inner, working surface of the mold is treated with a thin layer of water, then a self-compacting, especially high-strength reaction-powder fiber-reinforced concrete mixture with very high flow properties is poured into the mold. After filling the mold, spray a thin layer of water onto the surface of the mixture and cover the mold with a technological tray. The technical result is the production of a self-compacting, especially high-strength reaction-powder fiber-reinforced concrete mixture with very high flow properties, high strength characteristics, low cost and allowing the production of openwork products. 2 n. and 2 salary f-ly, 1 table., 3 ill.

    The present invention relates to the building materials industry and is used for the manufacture of concrete products: highly artistic openwork fences and gratings, pillars, thin paving slabs and curb stones, thin-walled tiles for internal and external cladding of buildings and structures, decorative products and small architectural forms.

    There is a known method for the manufacture of decorative building products and/or decorative coatings by mixing with water a binder containing Portland cement clinker, a modifier including an organic water-reducing component and a certain amount of hardening accelerator and gypsum, pigments, fillers, mineral and chemical (functional) additives, and the resulting mixture kept until the bentonite clay (functional additive, mixture stabilizer) is saturated with propylene glycol (an organic water-reducing component), the resulting complex is fixed with the gelling agent hydroxypropylcellulose, laid, molded, compacted and heat treated. Moreover, mixing the dry components and preparing the mixture is carried out in different mixers (see RF patent No. 2084416, MPK6 C04B 7/52, 1997).

    The disadvantage of this solution is the need to use various equipment for mixing the mixture components and subsequent compaction operations, which complicates and increases the cost of the technology. In addition, when using this method it is impossible to obtain products with thin and openwork elements.

    There is a known method for preparing a mixture for the production of construction products, which includes activating the binder by co-grinding Portland cement clinker with a dry superplasticizer and subsequent mixing with filler and water, whereby the activated filler is first mixed with 5-10% mixing water, then the activated binder is introduced and the mixture is mixed, after which 40 - 60% of mixing water is introduced and the mixture is stirred, then the remaining water is introduced and final mixing is carried out until a homogeneous mixture is obtained. Step-by-step mixing of the components is carried out within 0.5-1 minutes. Products made from the resulting mixture must be kept at a temperature of 20°C and a humidity of 100% for 14 days (see RF patent No. 2012551, MPK5 C04B 40/00, 1994).

    The disadvantage of this known method is the complex and expensive operation of joint grinding of the binder and superplasticizer, which requires large expenses for the organization of the mixing and grinding complex. In addition, when using this method it is impossible to obtain products with thin and openwork elements.

    A known composition for the preparation of self-compacting concrete contains:

    100 wt. parts of cement,

    50-200 wt. parts of sand mixtures from calcined bauxite of different granulometric composition, the finest sand of average granulometric composition less than 1 mm, the coarsest sand of average granulometric composition less than 10 mm;

    5-25 wt. parts of ultra-small particles of calcium carbonate and white soot, and the white soot content is no more than 15 wt. parts;

    0.1-10 wt. antifoam parts;

    0.1-10 wt. parts of superplasticizer;

    15-24 wt. fiber parts;

    10-30 wt. parts of water.

    The mass ratio between the amount of ultra-small particles of calcium carbonate in concrete and the amount of white soot can reach 1:99-99:1, preferably 50:50-99:1 (see RF patent No. 2359936, IPC S04B 28/04 S04B 111/20 S04B 111/62 (2006.01), 2009, paragraph 12).

    The disadvantage of this concrete is the use of expensive sands from calcined bauxite, usually used in aluminum production, as well as an excessive amount of cement, which leads, accordingly, to an increase in the consumption of other very expensive components of concrete and, accordingly, to an increase in its cost.

    The search showed that no solutions have been found that provide reaction-powder self-compacting concrete.

    There is a known method for preparing concrete with the addition of fibers, in which all components of concrete are mixed to obtain concrete with the required fluidity, or dry components such as cement, various types of sand, ultra-fine particles of calcium carbonate, white soot and, possibly, a superplasticizer and an antifoam agent are first mixed, after which water is added to the mixture, and, if necessary, a superplasticizer, and an anti-foaming agent, if present in liquid form, and, if necessary, fibers, and mixed until concrete with the required fluidity is obtained. After mixing, for example, for 4-16 minutes, the resulting concrete can be easily molded due to its very high fluidity (see RF patent No. 2359936, IPC S04B 28/04, S04B 111/20, S04B 111/62 (2006.01), 2009 ., paragraph 12). This solution was adopted as a prototype.

    The resulting self-compacting concrete with ultra-high properties can be used for the manufacture of precast elements such as pillars, cross beams, beams, floors, tiles, artistic structures, prestressed elements or composite materials, material for sealing gaps between structural elements, elements of sewage systems or in architecture.

    The disadvantage of this method is the high consumption of cement to prepare 1 m3 of the mixture, which entails an increase in the cost of the concrete mixture and products made from it due to the increased consumption of other components. In addition, the method of using the resulting concrete described in the invention does not provide any information on how, for example, artistic openwork and thin-walled concrete products can be produced.

    There are widely known methods for manufacturing various concrete products, when concrete poured into a mold is subsequently subjected to vibration compaction.

    However, using such known methods it is impossible to obtain artistic, openwork and thin-walled concrete products.

    There is a known method for producing concrete products in packaging forms, which consists of preparing a concrete mixture, feeding the mixture into molds, and hardening. An air- and moisture-proofing form is used in the form of thin-walled multi-chamber packaging forms, covered with an air- and moisture-proofing coating after feeding the mixture into them. Hardening of products is carried out in sealed chambers for 8-12 hours (see patent for invention of Ukraine No. UA 39086, MPK7 B28B 7/11; B28B 7/38; C04B 40/02, 2005).

    The disadvantage of this known method is the high cost of the forms used for the manufacture of concrete products, as well as the impossibility of producing artistic, openwork and thin-walled concrete products in this way.

    The first task is to obtain the composition of a self-compacting, especially high-strength reaction-powder fiber-reinforced concrete mixture with the required workability and the necessary strength characteristics, which will reduce the cost of the resulting self-compacting concrete mixture.

    The second task is to increase the strength characteristics at one day of age with optimal workability of the mixture and improve the decorative properties of the front surfaces of concrete products.

    The first task is solved due to the fact that a method has been developed for preparing a self-compacting, especially high-strength reaction-powder fiber-reinforced concrete mixture, which consists in mixing the components of the concrete mixture until the required fluidity is obtained, in which the mixing of the components of the fiber-reinforced concrete mixture is carried out sequentially, and initially water and a hyperplasticizer are mixed in the mixer, then add cement, microsilica, stone flour and mix the mixture for 2-3 minutes, after which sand and fiber are added and mixed for 2-3 minutes until a fiber-reinforced concrete mixture is obtained containing the following components, wt.%:

    The total time for preparing the concrete mixture is from 12 to 15 minutes.

    The technical result from the use of the invention is to obtain a self-compacting, especially high-strength reaction-powder fiber-reinforced concrete mixture with very high fluidity properties, improving the quality and spreadability of the fiber-reinforced concrete mixture, due to a specially selected composition, sequence of introduction and mixing time of the mixture, which leads to a significant increase in fluidity and strength characteristics concrete up to M1000 and higher, reducing the required thickness of products.

    Mixing the ingredients in a certain sequence, when initially a measured amount of water and hyperplasticizer is mixed in the mixer, then cement, microsilica, stone flour are added and mixed for 2-3 minutes, after which sand and fiber are added and the resulting concrete mixture is mixed for 2-3 minutes. 3 minutes, allows for a significant increase in the quality and fluidity characteristics (workability) of the resulting self-compacting, extra-high-strength reaction-powder fiber-reinforced concrete mixture.

    The technical result from the use of the invention is to obtain a self-compacting, especially high-strength reaction-powder fiber-reinforced concrete mixture with very high flow properties, high strength characteristics and low cost. Compliance with the given ratio of mixture components, wt.%:

    makes it possible to obtain a self-compacting, especially high-strength reaction-powder fiber-reinforced concrete mixture with very high flow properties, high strength characteristics and at the same time low cost.

    The use of the above components, subject to the specified proportions in quantitative ratio, allows, when obtaining a self-compacting, especially high-strength reaction-powder fiber-reinforced concrete mixture with the required fluidity and high strength properties, to ensure a low cost of the resulting mixture and thus increase its consumer properties. The use of components such as microsilica and stone flour makes it possible to reduce the percentage of cement, which entails a reduction in the percentage of other expensive components (hyperplasticizer, for example), and also to abandon the use of expensive sands made from calcined bauxite, which also leads to a reduction in the cost of concrete mixture, but does not affect its strength properties.

    The second task is solved due to the fact that a method has been developed for manufacturing products in molds from a fiber-reinforced concrete mixture prepared in the manner described above, which consists of feeding the mixture into the molds and subsequent curing, and initially a thin layer of water is sprayed onto the inner, working surface of the mold, and After filling the mold with the mixture, spray a thin layer of water on its surface and cover the mold with a technological tray.

    Moreover, the mixture is fed into the molds sequentially, covering the filled mold on top with a technological pallet; after installing the technological pallet, the product manufacturing process is repeated many times, placing the next mold on the technological pallet above the previous one.

    The technical result from the use of the invention is to improve the quality of the front surface of the product, significantly increase the strength characteristics of the product, through the use of a self-compacting fiber-reinforced concrete mixture with very high flow properties, special processing of forms and organization of care for concrete at one day of age. Organization of care for concrete at one day of age consists of ensuring sufficient waterproofing of forms with concrete poured into them by covering the top layer of concrete in the form with a water film and covering the forms with pallets.

    The technical result is achieved through the use of a self-compacting fiber-reinforced concrete mixture with very high fluidity properties, which allows the production of very thin and openwork products of any configuration, repeating any textures and types of surfaces, eliminates the process of vibration compaction when molding products, and also allows the use of any shapes (elastic, fiberglass , metal, plastic, etc.) for the production of products.

    Preliminary wetting of the mold with a thin layer of water and the final operation of spraying a thin layer of water on the surface of the poured fiber-reinforced concrete mixture, covering the mold with concrete with the next technological pallet in order to create a sealed chamber for better maturation of concrete allows you to eliminate the appearance of air pores from trapped air and achieve high quality of the front surface of products , reduce the evaporation of water from hardening concrete and increase the strength characteristics of the resulting products.

    The number of molds poured simultaneously is selected based on the volume of the resulting self-compacting, especially high-strength reaction-powder fiber-reinforced concrete mixture.

    Obtaining a self-compacting fiber-reinforced concrete mixture with very high fluidity properties and, due to this, improved workability qualities, makes it possible not to use a vibrating table in the manufacture of artistic products and simplifies the manufacturing technology, while increasing the strength characteristics of artistic concrete products.

    The technical result is achieved due to the specially selected composition of the fine-grained self-compacting extra-high-strength reaction-powder fiber-reinforced concrete mixture, the sequence of components introduction, the method of processing forms and the organization of care of concrete at one day of age.

    Advantages of this technology and the concrete used:

    Use of sand size modulus fr. 0.125-0.63;

    Absence of coarse aggregate in the concrete mixture;

    Possibility of manufacturing concrete products with thin and openwork elements;

    Ideal surface of concrete products;

    Possibility of manufacturing products with a given surface roughness and texture;

    High grade concrete compressive strength, not less than M1000;

    High grade concrete bending strength, not less than Ptb100;

    The present invention is explained in more detail below with the help of non-limiting examples.

    Fig. 1 (a, b) - diagram of the manufacture of products - pouring the resulting fiber-reinforced concrete into molds;

    Fig. 2 is a top view of the product obtained using the claimed invention.

    A method for producing a self-compacting, especially high-strength reaction-powder fiber-reinforced concrete mixture with very high flow properties, containing the above components, is carried out as follows.

    First, all components of the mixture are weighed. Then a measured amount of water and hyperplasticizer is poured into the mixer. After which the mixer is turned on. During the process of mixing water and hyperplasticizer, the following components of the mixture are sequentially poured in: cement, microsilica, stone flour. If necessary, iron oxide pigments can be added to color concrete in bulk. After introducing these components into the mixer, the resulting suspension is stirred for 2 to 3 minutes.

    At the next stage, sand and fiber are sequentially introduced and the concrete mixture is mixed for 2 to 3 minutes. After which the concrete mixture is ready for use.

    During the preparation of the mixture, a strength gain accelerator is introduced.

    The resulting self-compacting, especially high-strength reaction-powder fiber-reinforced concrete mixture with very high flow properties is a liquid consistency, one of the indicators of which is the spreading of the Hagerman cone on the glass. For the mixture to spread well, the spread must be at least 300 mm.

    As a result of applying the claimed method, a self-compacting, especially high-strength reaction-powder fiber-reinforced concrete mixture with very high flow properties is obtained, which contains the following components: Portland cement PC500D0, sand of fractions from 0.125 to 0.63, hyperplasticizer, fibers, microsilica, stone flour, set accelerator strength and water. When implementing the method for producing a fiber-reinforced concrete mixture, the following ratio of components is observed, wt.%:

    Moreover, when implementing the method for producing a fiber-reinforced concrete mixture, stone flour is used from various natural materials or waste, such as, for example, quartz flour, dolomite flour, limestone flour, etc.

    The following brands of hyperplasticizer can be used: Sika ViscoCrete, Glenium, etc.

    When preparing the mixture, a strength development accelerator, for example Master X-Seed 100 (X-SEED 100) or similar strength development accelerators, may be added.

    The resulting self-compacting, especially high-strength reaction-powder fiber-reinforced concrete mixture with very high flow properties can be used in the production of artistic products with a complex configuration, for example, openwork fences (see Fig. 2). Use the resulting mixture immediately after its preparation.

    A method for manufacturing concrete products from a self-compacting, extra-high-strength reaction-powder fiber-reinforced concrete mixture with very high flow properties, obtained by the method described above and having the specified composition, is carried out as follows.

    For the manufacture of openwork products by pouring a self-compacting, especially high-strength reaction-powder fiber-reinforced concrete mixture with very high flow properties, elastic (polyurethane, silicone, mold-plastic) or rigid plastic forms are used 1. Conventionally, a form with a simple configuration is shown, however, this type of form is not indicative and is chosen for simplifying the diagram. The mold is installed on the technological tray 2. A thin layer of water is sprayed onto the inner working surface 3 of the mold, this further reduces the number of trapped air bubbles on the front surface of the concrete product.

    After this, the resulting fiber-reinforced concrete mixture 4 is poured into a mold, where it spreads and self-compacts under the influence of its own weight, squeezing out the air in it. After self-leveling of the concrete mixture in the mold, a thin layer of water is sprayed onto the concrete poured into the mold to ensure a more intense release of air from the concrete mixture. Then the form filled with fiber-reinforced concrete mixture is covered on top with the next technological tray 2, which creates a closed chamber for a more intensive set of concrete strength (see Fig. 1 (a)).

    A new mold is placed on this pallet, and the product manufacturing process is repeated. Thus, from one portion of the prepared concrete mixture, several forms can be filled sequentially, installed one above the other, which increases the efficiency of using the prepared fiber-reinforced concrete mixture. Forms filled with fiber-reinforced concrete mixture are left to cure the mixture for approximately 15 hours.

    After 15 hours, the concrete products are unmolded and sent for grinding of the back side, and then into a steaming chamber or into a heat-humidity treatment (HHT) chamber, where the products are kept until they reach full strength.

    The use of the invention makes it possible to produce highly decorative openwork and thin-walled high-strength concrete products of grade M1000 and higher using simplified casting technology without the use of vibration compaction.

    The invention can be carried out using the listed known components, subject to the quantitative proportions and described technological regimes. When implementing the invention, known equipment can be used.

    An example of the implementation of a method for preparing a self-compacting, especially high-strength reaction-powder fiber-reinforced concrete mixture with very high flow properties.

    First, all components of the mixture are weighed and measured in the given quantities (wt.%):

    Then a measured amount of water and Sika ViscoCrete 20 Gold hyperplasticizer is poured into the mixer. After which the mixer is turned on and the components are mixed. During the process of mixing water and hyperplasticizer, the following components of the mixture are sequentially poured in: Portland cement PC500 D0, microsilica, quartz flour. The mixing process is carried out continuously for 2-3 minutes.

    At the next stage, sand fr. 0.125-0.63 and steel fiber 0.22×13mm. The concrete mixture is mixed for 2-3 minutes.

    Reducing the mixing time does not allow obtaining a homogeneous mixture, and increasing the mixing time does not provide additional improvement in the quality of the mixture, but delays the process.

    After which the concrete mixture is ready for use.

    The total time for producing a fiber-reinforced concrete mixture is from 12 to 15 minutes, this time includes additional operations for filling the components.

    The prepared self-compacting, especially high-strength reaction-powder fiber-reinforced concrete mixture with very high flow properties is used for the manufacture of openwork products by pouring into molds.

    Examples of the composition of the resulting self-compacting, extra-high-strength reaction-powder fiber-reinforced concrete mixture with very high flow properties, manufactured by the claimed method, are given in Table 1.

    1. A method for preparing a self-compacting, especially high-strength reaction-powder fiber-reinforced concrete mixture with very high fluidity properties, which consists of mixing the components of the concrete mixture until the required fluidity is obtained, characterized in that the mixing of the components of the fiber-reinforced concrete mixture is carried out sequentially, and initially water and a hyperplasticizer are mixed in the mixer, then add cement, microsilica, stone flour and mix the mixture for 2-3 minutes, after which sand and fiber are added and mixed for 2-3 minutes until a fiber-reinforced concrete mixture is obtained containing, wt.%:

    2. The method according to claim 1, characterized in that the total time for preparing the concrete mixture is from 12 to 15 minutes.

    3. A method for manufacturing products in molds from a fiber-reinforced concrete mixture prepared by the method according to claims 1, 2, which consists in feeding the mixture into the molds and subsequent heat treatment in a steaming chamber, and initially a thin layer of water is sprayed onto the inner working surface of the mold, after filling the mold with the mixture spray a thin layer of water on its surface and cover the mold with a technological tray.

    4. The method according to claim 3, characterized in that the mixture is fed into the molds sequentially, covering the filled form on top with a technological pallet; after installing the technological pallet, the product manufacturing process is repeated many times, installing the next mold on the technological pallet above the previous one and filling it.


    highly effective reaction-powder high-strength and super-strength concrete and fiber-reinforced concrete (options) - patent application 2012113330

    IPC classes: C04B28/00 (2006.01) Author: Volodin Vladimir Mikhailovich (RU), Kalashnikov Vladimir Ivanovich (RU), Ananyev Sergey Viktorovich (RU), Abramov Dmitry Alexandrovich (RU), Yatsenko Andrey Mikhailovich (RU)

    Applicant: Volodin Vladimir Mikhailovich (RU)

    1. Reaction-powder heavy-duty concrete containing Portland cement PC 500 D0 (gray or white), a superplasticizer based on polycarboxylate ether, microsilica containing amorphous - glassy silica of at least 85-95%, characterized in that it additionally includes ground quartz sand (microquartz ) or ground stone flour from dense rocks with a specific surface of (3-5)·103 cm2/g, fine-grained quartz sand of a narrow granulometric composition of the fraction 0.1-0.5÷0.16-0.63 mm, has a specific consumption cement per unit strength of concrete is not more than 4.5 kg/MPa, has a high density with a new formulation and a new structural and topological structure, with the following content of components, % by weight of dry components in the concrete mixture:

    Microsilica - 3.2-6.8%;

    Water - W/T=0.95-0.12.

    2. Reaction-powder heavy-duty fiber-reinforced concrete containing Portland cement PC 500 D0 (gray or white), a superplasticizer based on polycarboxylate ether, microsilica with a content of amorphous-vitreous silica of at least 85-95%, characterized in that it additionally includes ground quartz sand (microquartz ) or ground stone flour from dense rocks with a specific surface area of ​​(3-5)·103 cm2/g, fine-grained quartz sand with a narrow granulometric composition of the fraction 0.1-0.5÷0.16-0.63 mm, as well as the content steel cord fibers (diameter 0.1-0.22 mm, length 6-15 mm), basalt and carbon fibers, have a specific cement consumption per unit of concrete strength of no more than 4.5 kg/MPa, and a specific fiber consumption per unit increase tensile strength in bending, does not exceed 9.0 kg/MPa has a high density with a new formulation and a new structural and topological structure, and concrete has a ductile (plastic) nature of destruction with the following content of components,% of the mass of dry components in concrete mixtures:

    Portland cement (gray or white) of a grade not lower than PC 500 D0 - 30.9-34%;

    Superplasticizer based on polycarboxylate ether - 0.2-0.5%;

    Microsilica - 3.2-6.8%;

    Ground quartz sand (microquartz) or stone flour - 12.3-17.2%;

    Fine-grained quartz sand - 53.4-41.5%;

    Steel fiber cord 1.5-5.0% by volume of concrete;

    Basalt fiber and carbon fibers 0.2-3.0% by volume of concrete;

    Water - W/T=0.95-0.12.


    Construction articles

    The article describes the properties and capabilities of high-strength powder concrete, as well as the areas and technologies of their application.

    The high pace of construction of residential and industrial buildings with new and unique architectural forms and especially special highly loaded structures (such as long-span bridges, skyscrapers, offshore oil platforms, tanks for storing gases and liquids under pressure, etc.) required the development of new effective concretes. Significant progress in this has been especially noted since the late 80s of the last century. Modern high-quality concretes (VKB) classification combine a wide range of concretes for various purposes: high-strength and ultra-high-strength concretes [see. Bornemann R., Fenling E. Ultrahochfester Beton-Entwicklung und Verhalten.// Leipziger Massivbauseminar, 2000, Bd. 10; Schmidt M. Bornemann R. M?glichkeiten und Crensen von Hochfestem Beton.// Proc. 14, Jbausil, 2000, Bd. 1], self-compacting concrete, highly corrosion-resistant concrete. These types of concrete meet high requirements for compressive and tensile strength, crack resistance, impact strength, wear resistance, corrosion resistance, and frost resistance.

    Of course, the transition to new types of concrete was facilitated, firstly, by revolutionary achievements in the field of plasticization of concrete and mortar mixtures, and secondly, by the emergence of the most active pozzolanic additives - microsilica, dehydrated kaolins and highly dispersed ashes. Combinations of superplasticizers and especially environmentally friendly hyperplasticizers on a polycarboxylate, polyacrylate and polyglycolic base make it possible to obtain superfluid cement-mineral dispersed systems and concrete mixtures. Thanks to these achievements, the number of components in concrete with chemical additives reached 6–8, the water-cement ratio decreased to 0.24–0.28 while maintaining plasticity, characterized by a cone settlement of 4–10 cm. In self-compacting concrete (Selbstverdichtender Beton-SVB) with the addition of stone flour (CM) or without it, but with the addition of MC in highly workable concretes (Ultrahochfester Beton, Ultra hochleistung Beton) on hyperplasticizers, in contrast to those cast on traditional SPs, the perfect fluidity of concrete mixtures is combined with low sedimentation and self-compaction with spontaneous removal of air.

    “High” rheology with significant water reduction in superplasticized concrete mixtures is ensured by a fluid rheological matrix, which has different scale levels of the structural elements that make it up. In crushed stone concrete, the rheological matrix at various micro-meso levels is a cement-sand mortar. In plasticized concrete mixtures for high-strength concrete for crushed stone as a macrostructural element, the rheological matrix, the proportion of which should be significantly higher than in conventional concrete, is a more complex dispersion consisting of sand, cement, stone flour, microsilica and water. In turn, for sand in conventional concrete mixtures, the rheological matrix at the micro level is a cement-water paste, the proportion of which can be increased to ensure fluidity by increasing the amount of cement. But this, on the one hand, is uneconomical (especially for concrete classes B10 - B30); on the other hand, paradoxically, superplasticizers are poor water-reducing additives for Portland cement, although they were all created and are being created for it. Almost all superplasticizers, as we have shown since 1979, “work” much better on many mineral powders or on their mixture with cement [see. Kalashnikov V.I. Fundamentals of plasticization of mineral dispersed systems for the production of building materials: A dissertation in the form of a scientific report for the degree of Doctor of Science. tech. Sci. – Voronezh, 1996] than on pure cement. Cement is a water-unstable, hydrating system that forms colloidal particles immediately after contact with water and quickly thickens. And colloidal particles in water are difficult to disperse with superplasticizers. An example is clay suspensions that are poorly susceptible to super-liquefaction.

    Thus, the conclusion suggests itself: stone flour must be added to cement, and it will increase not only the rheological effect of SP on the mixture, but also the share of the rheological matrix itself. As a result, it becomes possible to significantly reduce the amount of water, increase the density and increase the strength of concrete. Adding stone flour will practically be equivalent to increasing cement (if the water-reducing effects are significantly higher than when adding cement).

    It is important here to focus attention not on replacing part of the cement with stone flour, but adding it (and a significant proportion - 40–60%) to Portland cement. Based on the polystructural theory in 1985–2000. All work on changing the polystructure had the goal of replacing 30–50% of Portland cement with mineral fillers to save it in concrete [see. Solomatov V.I., Vyrovoy V.N. et al. Composite building materials and structures with reduced material consumption. – Kyiv: Budivelnik, 1991; Aganin S.P. Concretes of low water demand with modified quartz filler: Abstract for the academic competition. Ph.D. degrees tech. Sci. – M, 1996; Fadel I. M. Intensive separate technology of concrete filled with basalt: Abstract of thesis. Ph.D. tech. Sciences - M, 1993]. The strategy of saving Portland cement in concrete of the same strength will give way to the strategy of saving concrete with 2–3 times higher strength not only in compression, but also in flexural and axial tension, and upon impact. Saving concrete in more openwork structures will give a higher economic effect than saving cement.

    Considering the compositions of rheological matrices at various scale levels, we establish that for sand in high-strength concrete, the rheological matrix at the micro level is a complex mixture of cement, flour, silica, superplasticizer and water. In turn, for high-strength concrete with microsilica, for a mixture of cement and stone flour (equal dispersion) as structural elements, another rheological matrix appears with a smaller scale level - a mixture of microsilica, water and superplasticizer.

    For crushed stone concrete, these scales of structural elements of rheological matrices correspond to the scale of the optimal granulometry of the dry components of concrete to obtain its high density.

    Thus, the addition of stone flour performs both a structural-rheological function and a matrix-filling function. For high-strength concrete, the reaction-chemical function of stone flour is no less important, which is performed with a higher effect by reactive microsilica and microdehydrated kaolin.

    The maximum rheological and water-reducing effects caused by the adsorption of SP on the surface of the solid phase are genetically characteristic of finely dispersed systems with a high interface surface.

    Table 1.

    Rheological and water-reducing effect of SP in water-mineral systems

    From Table 1 it can be seen that in Portland cement casting suspensions with SP, the water-reducing effect of the latter is 1.5–7.0 times (sic!) higher than in mineral powders. For rocks this excess can reach 2–3 times.

    Thus, the combination of hyperplasticizers with microsilica, stone flour or ash made it possible to increase the level of compressive strength to 130–150, and in some cases to 180–200 MPa or more. However, a significant increase in strength leads to an intensive increase in fragility and a decrease in Poisson's ratio to 0.14–0.17, which leads to the risk of sudden destruction of structures in emergency situations. Getting rid of this negative property of concrete is carried out not only by reinforcing the latter with rod reinforcement, but by combining rod reinforcement with the introduction of fibers from polymers, glass and steel.

    The basics of plasticization and water reduction of mineral and cement dispersed systems were formulated in the doctoral dissertation of V.I. Kalashnikov. [cm. Kalashnikov V.I. Fundamentals of plasticization of mineral dispersed systems for the production of building materials: A dissertation in the form of a scientific report for the degree of Doctor of Science. tech. Sci. – Voronezh, 1996] in 1996 based on previously completed work in the period from 1979 to 1996. [Kalashnikov V.I., Ivanov I.A. On the structural and rheological state of extremely liquefied highly concentrated disperse systems. // Proceedings of the IV National Conference on Mechanics and Technology of Composite Materials. – Sofia: BAN, 1985; Ivanov I. A., Kalashnikov V. I. Efficiency of plasticization of mineral dispersed compositions depending on the concentration of the solid phase in them. // Rheology of concrete mixtures and its technological tasks. Abstract. Report of the III All-Union Symposium. - Riga. – FIR, 1979; Kalashnikov V.I., Ivanov I.A. On the nature of plasticization of mineral dispersed compositions depending on the concentration of the solid phase in them. // Mechanics and technology of composite materials. Materials of the II National Conference. – Sofia: BAN, 1979; Kalashnikov V.I. On the reaction of various mineral compositions to naphthalene-sulfonic acid superplasticizers and the influence of instant alkalis on it. // Mechanics and technology of composite materials. Materials of the III National Conference with the participation of foreign representatives. – Sofia: BAN, 1982; Kalashnikov V.I. Accounting for rheological changes in concrete mixtures with superplasticizers. // Materials of the IX All-Union Conference on Concrete and Reinforced Concrete (Tashkent, 1983). - Penza. – 1983; Kalashnikov V.I., Ivanov I.A. Features of rheological changes in cement compositions under the influence of ion-stabilizing plasticizers. // Collection of works “Technological mechanics of concrete”. – Riga: RPI, 1984]. These are the prospects for the targeted use of the highest water-reducing activity of SP in finely dispersed systems, the features of quantitative rheological and structural-mechanical changes in superplasticized systems, which consist in their avalanche-like transition from solid-phase to liquid states with super-low addition of water. These are developed criteria for gravitational spreading and post-thixotropic flow resource of highly dispersed plasticized systems (under the influence of their own weight) and spontaneous leveling of the day surface. This is an advanced concept of the extreme concentration of cement systems with fine powders from rocks of sedimentary, igneous and metamorphic origin, selective for levels of high water reduction to SP. The most important results obtained in these works are the possibility of a 5–15-fold reduction in water consumption in dispersions while maintaining gravitational spreadability. It has been shown that by combining rheologically active powders with cement it is possible to enhance the effect of SP and obtain high-density castings. It is these principles that are implemented in reaction-powder concrete with an increase in their density and strength (Reaktionspulver concrete - RPB or Reactive Powder Concrete - RPC [see Dolgopolov N.N., Sukhanov M.A., Efimov S.N. New type of cement: structure of cement stone. // Construction materials. – 1994. – No. 115]. Another result is an increase in the reducing effect of SP with increasing dispersion of powders [see. Kalashnikov V.I. Fundamentals of plasticization of mineral dispersed systems for the production of building materials: A dissertation in the form of a scientific report for the degree of Doctor of Science. tech. Sci. – Voronezh, 1996]. It is also used in powdered fine concrete by increasing the proportion of fine constituents by adding silica fume to the cement. What is new in the theory and practice of powder concrete is the use of fine sand of a fraction of 0.1–0.5 mm, which made the concrete fine-grained in contrast to ordinary sand on sand of a fraction of 0–5 mm. Our calculation of the average specific surface of the dispersed part of powder concrete (composition: cement - 700 kg; fine sand fr. 0.125–0.63 mm - 950 kg, basalt flour Ssp = 380 m2/kg - 350 kg, microsilica Svd = 3200 m2/ kg - 140 kg) with its content of 49% of the total mixture with fine-grained sand fraction 0.125–0.5 mm shows that with the fineness of MK Smk = 3000 m2/kg, the average surface of the powder part is Svd = 1060 m2/kg, and with Smk = 2000 m2 /kg – Svd = 785 m2/kg. It is from these finely dispersed components that fine-grained reaction-powder concretes are made, in which the volumetric concentration of the solid phase without sand reaches 58–64%, and with sand – 76–77% and is slightly inferior to the concentration of the solid phase in superplasticized heavy concrete (Cv = 0, 80–0.85). However, in crushed stone concrete the volumetric concentration of the solid phase minus crushed stone and sand is much lower, which determines the high density of the dispersed matrix.

    High strength is ensured by the presence not only of microsilica or dehydrated kaolin, but also of reactive powder from ground rock. According to the literature, fly ash, baltic, limestone or quartz flour are mainly introduced. Wide opportunities in the production of reactive powder concrete opened up in the USSR and Russia in connection with the development and research of composite binders of low water demand by Yu. M. Bazhenov, Sh. T. Babaev, A. Komarov. A., Batrakov V.G., Dolgopolov N.N. It has been proven that replacing cement in the process of grinding VNV with carbonate, granite, quartz flour up to 50% significantly increases the water-reducing effect. The W/T ratio, which ensures the gravitational spreadability of crushed stone concrete, is reduced to 13–15% in comparison with the usual introduction of SP; the strength of concrete on such VNV-50 reaches 90–100 MPa. Essentially, modern powder concrete can be obtained based on VNV, microsilica, fine sand and dispersed reinforcement.

    Dispersed-reinforced powder concrete is very effective not only for load-bearing structures with combined reinforcement with prestressed reinforcement, but also for the production of very thin-walled, including spatial, architectural parts.

    According to the latest data, textile reinforcement of structures is possible. It was the development of textile-fiber production of (fabric) volumetric frames from high-strength polymer and alkali-resistant threads in developed foreign countries that motivated the development, more than 10 years ago in France and Canada, of reaction-powder concrete with SP without large aggregates with especially fine quartz aggregate, filled with stone powders and microsilica. Concrete mixtures made from such fine-grained mixtures spread under the influence of their own weight, completely filling the dense mesh structure of the woven frame and all filigree-shaped joints.

    “High” rheology of powdered concrete mixtures (PBC) provides a yield strength of 0 = 5–15 Pa at a water content of 10–12% of the mass of dry components, i.e. only 5–10 times higher than in oil paints. With this?0, to determine it, you can use the mini-hydrometric method, which we developed in 1995. The low yield strength is ensured by the optimal thickness of the rheological matrix layer. From a consideration of the topological structure of the PBS, the average thickness of the layer X is determined by the formula:

    where is the average diameter of sand particles; – volume concentration.

    For the composition given below at W/T = 0.103, the thickness of the interlayer will be 0.056 mm. De Larrard and Sedran found that for finer sands (d = 0.125–0.4 mm) the thickness varies from 48 to 88 μm.

    Increasing the particle interlayer reduces viscosity and ultimate shear stress and increases fluidity. Fluidity can increase by adding water and introducing SP. In general, the effect of water and SP on changes in viscosity, ultimate shear stress and yield is ambiguous (Fig. 1).

    The superplasticizer reduces the viscosity to a much lesser extent than the addition of water, while the decrease in the yield strength due to SP is much higher than under the influence of water.

    Rice. 1. Effect of SP and water on viscosity, yield stress and fluidity

    The main properties of superplasticized extremely filled systems are that the viscosity can be quite high and the system can flow slowly if the yield stress is low. For conventional systems without SP, the viscosity may be low, but the increased yield strength prevents them from spreading, since they do not have a post-thixotropic flow resource [see. Kalashnikov V.I., Ivanov I.A. Features of rheological changes in cement compositions under the influence of ion-stabilizing plasticizers. // Collection of works “Technological mechanics of concrete”. – Riga: RPI, 1984].

    Rheological properties depend on the type and dosage of SP. The influence of three types of SP is shown in Fig. 2. The most effective joint venture is Woerment 794.

    Rice. 2 Influence of the type and dosage of SP on?o: 1 – Woerment 794; 2 – S-3; 3 – Melment F 10

    At the same time, it was not the domestic SP S-3 that turned out to be less selective, but the foreign SP based on melamine Melment F10.

    The spreadability of powdered concrete mixtures is extremely important when forming concrete products with woven volumetric mesh frames laid in a mold.

    Such volumetric openwork-fabric frames in the form of a T-beam, I-beam, channel and other configurations allow for quick reinforcement, which consists of installing and fixing the frame in a mold, followed by pouring suspension concrete, which easily penetrates through frame cells measuring 2–5 mm (Fig. 3) . Fabric frames can radically increase the crack resistance of concrete when exposed to alternating temperature fluctuations and significantly reduce deformations.

    The concrete mixture should not only flow easily locally through the mesh frame, but also spread when filling the form by “reverse” penetration through the frame as the volume of the mixture in the form increases. To assess the flowability, powder mixtures of the same composition in terms of the content of dry components were used, and the spreadability from the cone (for the shaking table) was regulated by the amount of SP and (partially) water. The spreading was blocked by a mesh ring with a diameter of 175 mm.

    Rice. 3 Sample fabric frame

    Rice. 4 Mixture spreads with free and blocked spreading

    The mesh had a clear size of 2.8×2.8 mm with a wire diameter of 0.3×0.3 mm (Fig. 4). Control mixtures were made with spreads of 25.0; 26.5; 28.2 and 29.8 cm. As a result of experiments, it was found that with increasing fluidity of the mixture, the ratio of the diameters of free dc and blocked spread d decreases. In Fig. Figure 5 shows the change in dc/dbotdc.

    Rice. 5 Change dc/db from the free spread value dc

    As follows from the figure, the difference in the spread of the mixture dc and db disappears with fluidity, characterized by a free spread of 29.8 cm. At dc. = 28.2, the spread through the mesh decreases by 5%. The mixture with a spread of 25 cm experiences especially great braking when spreading through the mesh.

    In this regard, when using mesh frames with a cell of 3–3 mm, it is necessary to use mixtures with a spread of at least 28–30 cm.

    The physical and technical properties of dispersed-reinforced powder concrete, reinforced with 1% by volume steel fibers with a diameter of 0.15 mm and a length of 6 mm, are presented in Table 2

    Table 2.

    Physical and technical properties of powder concrete with low water demand binder using domestic SP S-3

    According to foreign data, with 3% reinforcement, compressive strength reaches 180–200 MPa, and axial tensile strength – 8–10 MPa. Impact strength increases more than tenfold.

    The possibilities of powder concrete are far from exhausted, given the effectiveness of hydrothermal treatment and its influence on increasing the proportion of tobermorite, and, accordingly, xonotlite


    Reaction powder concrete

    Last update of the encyclopedia: 12/17/2017 - 17:30

    Reactive powder concrete is concrete made from finely ground reactive materials with a grain size from 0.2 to 300 microns and characterized by high strength (more than 120 MPa) and high water resistance.

    [GOST 25192-2012. Concrete. Classification and general technical requirements]

    Reaction powder concrete reactive powder concrete-RPC] - a composite material with high compressive strength of 200-800 MPa, bending >45 MPa, including a significant amount of highly dispersed mineral components - quartz sand, microsilica, superplasticizer, as well as steel fiber with low W/T (~0.2), using heat and humidity treatment of products at a temperature of 90-200°C.

    [Usherov-Marshak A.V. Concrete science: lexicon. M.: RIF Construction Materials. - 2009. – 112 p.]

    Copyright holders! If free access to a given term is a violation of copyright, the authors are ready, at the request of the copyright holder, to remove the link or the term (definition) itself from the site. To contact the administration, use the feedback form.


    The team of the Production Association "3D Concrete" specializes in the development and production of volumetric structures and elements made of decorative fiber-reinforced concrete - 3D concrete - from generating the project idea to installation and maintenance - on a turnkey basis.
    Our own production of concrete, fiber-reinforced concrete and glass composite products is a full-cycle production. We have proven technology and selected compositions of concrete and fiber-reinforced concrete with high physical and technical characteristics, ensuring maximum service life. Our products are distinguished not only by the optimal price/quality combination. Each order is a new, unique product, work on which cannot be done according to a template or standard sample. That is why our creative approach to each client is not just words, but the basis of our work on the execution of individual orders.

    Kalashnikov Vladimir Ivanovich (1941-2017) - founder of the direction of “high-strength reaction-powder concrete of a new generation.” Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, Honored Worker of Higher School, Honorary Worker of Higher Education of the Russian Federation, Advisor to the Russian Academy of Architecture and Construction Sciences (RAASN), Academician of the International Academy of Sciences of Ecology and Human Security (MANEB), Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor. In 2003, the Cambridge International Bibliographic Center V.I. Kalashnikov. included in the encyclopedia “Person of the Year”, and in 2006 in the encyclopedia “Best People of Russia” with a medal and badge, in 2010 included in the bibliographic encyclopedia of successful people of Russia, in 2009 - awarded the medal “Construction Glory”, and also Order of PSUAS "For merits in the development of construction education and science." As part of the team of authors under the leadership of RAASN academician P.G. Komokhov Professor Kalashnikov V.I. awarded in 2002 the Grand Medal of the RAASN. Author of more than 1000 published scientific and educational works, including 56 inventions and patents, 13 regulatory documents in the field of construction, 23 monographs and 58 textbooks. During the last 15 years of his life, the scientific interests of V.I. Kalashnikov were associated with the production of especially high-strength reaction-powder concrete and fiber-reinforced concrete.

    Yana Sanyagina

    Follower of the scientific school of Kalashnikov V.I., founder and head of the company, author and developer of the 3D concrete product.

    Yana Sanyagina is a follower of the scientific school of V.I. Kalashnikov, founder and director of the company, author and developer of the 3D concrete product. Experience in implementing projects and technologies in the field of concrete and fiber-reinforced concrete – 14 years.

    Implemented areas: production of paving slabs using vibratory casting and vibrocompression technologies, production of thin-walled basalt fiber-reinforced concrete facing panels using vibro-casting methods, production of lawn gratings for eco-parking lots from high-strength self-compacting concrete, production of shotcrete of thin-walled volumetric elements from decorative fiber-reinforced concrete (3D concrete), production of textured products made of high-strength concrete (blocks and landscaping elements) imitating granite. More than 50 publications in scientific and technical publications, victories in all-Russian and regional scientific competitions, participation in numerous exhibitions and forums, including the legendary Seliger forum. In 2009, as part of the Seliger forum, she participated in a meeting with Prime Minister V.V. Putin. among 50 young innovators of Russia, in 2011 she participated among 200 young scientists of Russia in a meeting with the President of the Russian Federation D.A. Medvedev. in the Skolkovo hypercube. The start of entrepreneurial activity was carried out thanks to the support of the Government of the Penza region. In 2017, the Bortnik Foundation included in the list of TOP 10 entrepreneurs who created a business under 30 years of age.

    Sergey Viktorovich Ananyev is a follower of the scientific school of V.I. Kalashnikov, chief engineer of the company, candidate of technical sciences, developer of compositions of dry mixtures of high-strength and ultra-high-strength concrete. Experience in implementing projects and technologies in the field of concrete and fiber-reinforced concrete – 20 years.

    2011 – defense of a candidate’s thesis on the topic: “Composition, topological structure and rheotechnological properties of rheological matrices for the production of new generation concrete”, 18 years – work in construction in the direction of technical supervision, 10 years – work on the creation of high-strength self-leveling floors

    Organization of activities and improvement of production technology, development of methods for technical control and testing of products, organization of the activities of a production laboratory, carrying out experimental work on the development of new types of products and processes, development, maintenance and storage of technological documentation, writing production regulations. Carrying out calculations of production capacity and equipment load, calculation of technological schemes, calculation and adjustment of design and estimate documentation; development and implementation of measures to stabilize technological processes; organizing and participating in general and targeted testing of processes and technologies.

    Sergey Pivikov

    Chief project architect, head of design and form modeling, co-author of the 3D concrete product

    Sergey Pivikov is the chief project architect, head of the design and modeling of forms, co-author of the 3D concrete product.

    Development and implementation of the following projects: restoration of the iconostasis and icon cases for the Church of the Resurrection of Christ in Nikolsk, a project for the improvement of the urban space “Alley of Lovers”, a bus stop pavilion using solar panels in Moscow, the “Cross” fountain for the font of the Nizhnelomovsky Kazan-Bogoroditsky men's monastery, eco-site for the FLACON Design Factory in Moscow. The author of the monument to the work of M.Yu. Lermontov “Book”, Penza, the direction of “eco-furniture” in the production of small architectural forms, the project of the urban energy generator “Eco-mushroom”, the project for the improvement of urban space “Dobro”, church decoration in churches in the city of Arkadak, Saratov region, Yuzha, Ivanovo region, development of a preliminary design of the iconostasis for the Temple in Kuzminki, Moscow, design and working documentation for souvenir and interior products made of concrete.

    Alexey Izmailov

    Head of the installation department of GC "3D-BETON"

    Carrying out technical control over the implementation of construction and installation works directly at the Facilities: execution of the work schedule, control of deadlines, compliance with the volume and quality of work performed at the Facilities, quality control of the materials used, coordination of changes in design solutions arising during the work with the Customer, maintaining reports on completed volumes, ensuring safety at the Facility.

    Alexander Teplov

    Production Manager

    Organization of an effective production process, monitoring compliance with production technologies and implementation of key indicators; ensuring the implementation of the product delivery schedule in accordance with the Customer’s requirements, optimization of existing and introduction of new technological processes.

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