How to properly make a new extension to the old one. Construction of frame extensions to private country houses. Frame extension to a brick house

Nice extension to wooden house can not only increase it usable area, but also emphasize style and originality.

Wooden houses continue to be popular even now. Wood can compete with the most modern building materials without being inferior to them.

We will build

Sometimes, over time, a house needs to be expanded. Some people do not have enough living space or, due to the addition to the family, they need another bedroom, children’s room or bathroom, others want an open summer veranda with a transparent roof, and others need access to the garage directly from the living room.

Everyone’s desires are different, but all of them can be equally easily realized. Adding a room, veranda or garage is done in almost the same way - it is not difficult to build it with your own hands.

Despite the fact that the house itself is wooden, construction can be carried out with any material. Whatever material is chosen for the construction of the extension, the work begins with the project.

The project is needed to take into account all the nuances on paper and avoid mistakes in the work.

It is necessary to sketch a plan to scale and calculate the consumption of materials. You can make several options and then choose the best one.

When drawing up a project, you must comply with all building codes and regulations, since finished projects must be agreed upon by the BTI and the housing sector.

If it is impossible to draw up a project and draw a plan yourself, then you can turn to specialists for help.

Once the project has been drawn up and approved, construction can begin. Law on this moment does not prohibit starting construction even before the project is approved, however, if errors or violations are found in the project building codes, then the owner may be required to demolish the unauthorized building.

When adding non-permanent structures - open veranda, terraces - the project does not have to be coordinated, this only applies to capital structures.

Finally, the paperwork is done and the project is signed. The first step is to inspect the wall to which the building will adjoin and the adjacent part of the foundation.

If something needs to be strengthened or patched up, then this must be done before the main construction begins.

If you plan to add a full-fledged room, then the finishing and plaster from the wall must be removed.

In the case of adding a garage or terrace, this can also be done, but not necessary. When the extension is provided with an entrance from the house, it must also be cut through before construction begins.

This must be done correctly so as not to damage the strength of the wall or weaken it.

The basis of the future is, of course, the foundation. The quality and durability of the structure depends on it.

Laying the foundation for an extension occurs in the same way as laying the foundation for a separate building.

But there is one subtlety here: it is important to correctly connect the new foundation to the foundation of the old house.

Both parts must be one monolithic structure. If this cannot be achieved, then the difference in the foundation will cause cracks in the walls, and in a few years the extension may collapse.

Therefore, when starting construction, it is very important to pay due attention to the foundation connection.

To do this, you need to completely free the foundation from finishing and dig it to its full depth.

After this, it is necessary to drill holes in the foundation with a diameter of at least 10 centimeters and a depth of about half a meter.

These holes should be located at a distance of 40 - 50 centimeters from each other. In addition to these connecting holes, it is necessary to drill holes for the reinforcement.

The reinforcing wire inserted into them must be welded to the frame of the future foundation. Before pouring concrete, the foundation of an old house is thoroughly wetted with water - this will ensure best quality binding.

After the mortar has dried and the fences have been removed, the new foundation will be tightly tied to the old one. On it you can create any desired extension with your own hands.

What material can the extension be made from?

Without a doubt, wood goes best with wood. But, despite the fact that the house is wooden, an extension to it can be made with your own hands from any material, and not just from wooden beam.

There is only one detail that needs to be given due attention when building with your own hands - the extension must have a permanent connection with the old house.

This single requirement can be met using any material. Some materials will be easier to work with, while others will be a little more difficult. Here you need to choose what will be more convenient to work with.

The following options may be considered:

  • construction made of wooden beams;
  • brickwork;
  • frame extension;
  • construction from foam blocks;
  • aerated concrete and other materials.

Construction of verandas, terraces, summer kitchen it's easiest to guide with frame structure.

The frame extension is erected a little faster than other projects, but is practically not inferior in quality to them.

The frame of the extension itself can be assembled from either wood or metal. Reliable connection It seems the simplest with the old structure.

The frame beams are connected to load-bearing wall at home using bolts or long screws. Details between each other metal frame welded. If the frame is wooden, then it is fastened with self-tapping screws.

After assembling the frame, it is insulated with glass wool, foam plastic or penoplex. The insulation can be placed in several layers, as it must fill the entire area of ​​the frame. The joints can be fastened using construction tape or other means.

After insulation, the frame building is sheathed with any selected material. Outside, it is good to use siding, lining or other finishing materials.

Typically, the same materials that were used in the main construction are used to finish the extension.

However, when building a veranda on a frame basis, the materials may be different to emphasize the individuality of the structure.

Inside, plasterboard, plywood or other options are used for cladding.

The roof of the veranda can be made of translucent polycarbonate roofing, but if the room is permanent, then the new roof should be connected to the old one.

The roof can be either gable or single-pitch, the main thing is that the connection is reliably sealed.

The roof is covered with metal tiles, slate or any other options roofing materials, except, perhaps, corrugated sheeting. Pretty corrugated sheet cold material, besides, practically does not isolate sounds.


The connection of buildings made of wooden beams is made using a channel. The size of the channel must be selected based on the size of the timber used - so that it fits into the channel quite tightly.

First, the channels are secured to the walls of the house with bolts, and only then a new beam is attached to them.

You can use self-tapping screws for this. To protect against rust, metal channels are primed. The joints between timber and metal are sealed using polyurethane-based sealant.

Adding a veranda made of wooden beams with your own hands is a fairly reliable structure. If the insulation of timber walls is carried out correctly, the room can be used all year round.

A little about blocks and bricks

If construction is carried out from brick, foam blocks or aerated concrete, then the connection can be made with steel reinforcement. Metal rods must be cut into pieces of at least a meter in advance.

After laying out a row of blocks, the reinforcement is driven into the logs of the old house so that its free half falls strictly into the seam between the rows of material.

After the construction of the walls is completed, the gap between the old and new walls must be properly sealed.

A brick extension to a wooden house is strong and durable. Masonry load-bearing walls must be made of at least three bricks. In the case of adding a veranda, the walls can be laid with one and a half bricks.

Since brick is colder than wood, such an extension must be properly insulated.

To insulate an extension with your own hands, you can use the following materials:

  • Styrofoam;
  • polystyrene;
  • glass wool

If the extension is made of foam blocks or aerated concrete, then additional insulation they don't need it.

Buildings made of aerated concrete, foam blocks and other blocks based on foamed concrete are themselves quite warm due to the air contained in the pores of the material.

A significant disadvantage of such blocks is that they all absorb water to a greater or lesser extent. Therefore, save on external waterproofing buildings made of foam blocks are not worth it.

Which blocks are best to make an extension from? If we compare between aerated concrete and foam blocks, then although they look similar, they have different qualities.


Aerated concrete blocks are much stronger than foam blocks and practically do not shrink. A structure made of foam blocks can shrink up to three millimeters per meter.

However, the absorption capacity of aerated concrete is much higher than that of foam blocks, so their waterproofing should be given due attention.

On the other hand, a building made of foam blocks or any other concrete blocks also needs to be waterproofed, so the question remains open.

Everyone has the right to decide for themselves. Foam blocks are somewhat cheaper than aerated concrete blocks, which can play a decisive role in the choice of material.

Solving the housing problem if you have your own private house is much easier than in a city apartment. The best option is to make an extension that can be used for a variety of purposes:

  • full-fledged living space - additional room;
  • living space with an attic (if the extension is two-story);
  • utility room - its own pantry, which can largely replace a cellar;
  • a spacious terrace or veranda where you can relax with the whole family;
  • garage for cars.

Below we will discuss the basics of technology and step-by-step instruction creating an extension to a wooden house.

Before choosing a specific building material and technology for constructing an extension, it is important to clearly define the purpose of the room. Perhaps you should immediately plan to create an extension in which it will be possible to live year-round - in case the family expands or a large number of guests arrive.

Types of extensions

There are several types of extensions to a wooden house. They differ in material, as well as installation features:

  1. frame extensions;
  2. from cylindrical timber;
  3. made of brick;
  4. from cinder block.

Before erecting a structure, it is important to take into account all the nuances that may affect the choice of materials and the specific type of extension:

Making the right choice of a specific extension project means correctly correlating the purpose of this structure, the features of the house to which it is attached, with the technology and material of manufacture. To do this, it is important to understand how each type of such structure is built.

Do-it-yourself frame extension: step-by-step instructions and video

A frame extension has a number of advantages:

  • the design is quite simple, and if everything is calculated correctly, it is quite possible to do it yourself;
  • it is erected much faster than brick and cinder block structures;
  • the design is quite light in weight and does not require much effort during operation;
  • In terms of thermal insulation, durability and other consumer qualities, a frame extension to a house is not inferior to others types of structures.

NOTE. If you intend to build a two-story extension, you should consider this option - lightweight design and will not create excessive pressure on the ground, so the risks of subsidence are noticeably reduced.

Preparation for construction

At the preparatory stage, it is important to solve the following tasks:

  • What will the frame material be - wooden beams or metal profiles.
  • What type of extension will be connected to the main building?
  • Accurately calculate all dimensions of the structure and develop a detailed drawing.
  • Collect everything necessary materials and tools.

First of all, it is important to decide what type of structure will be built - as a continuation of the house with an increase in the main roof to install a single roof, or as an adjacent building.

It is clear that the second case will be cheaper, simpler and faster - the extension will simply be adjacent to the wall. You can make access from the house directly into it if you make an appropriate hole and install a door.

A diagram of the connection between the structure and the house is presented below.

Structurally, this solution consists of a roof placed on supports. The roof is standardly made of rafters and support boards. For a longer service life, it is advisable to insulate it and lay out a layer of waterproofing. As a rule, it is based on a regular strip foundation.

Interface with the main part of the house occurs at 2 points:

  • wall;
  • roof.

The connection in each of them has its own characteristics, which will be described below. A preliminary sketch of the extension, as well as practical tips to consider before starting work:

At the same time, for the roof of the extension it is better to choose a material that is elastic enough to make the necessary corrections. You can purchase corrugated sheeting (height within 1 cm) or soft tiles.

In this sense, slate or traditional ceramic tiles and metal tiles are not suitable.

The frame is made of wood or metal. In this case, all parts should consist of only one type of material - then the extension is more reliable and lasts longer.

NOTE. Even if the house is in good condition, but quite old, the rate of its subsidence will be several times higher than the subsidence of the extension. Accordingly, it is better not to use a rigid type of connection of the structure to the main wall. In this case, another type of installation is used - “groove-ridge”.

As for tools, no special equipment is required: it is important to have a screwdriver, saw, pliers, building level and other tools for woodworking.

Installation work must be carried out by at least two people - some stages will require joint efforts.

Laying the foundation

The first stage of work is laying the foundation. Since in the vast majority of cases, the construction of a house does not involve the construction of a foundation for an extension, the foundation must not only be laid correctly, but also reliably connected to the main foundation.

NOTE. If you are designing the construction of a newly built house, it is better to take into account the extension right away. It can be made after some time, and laying the foundation along with the foundation of the main building is a technically correct option. In this case, the house and the extension will be a single whole, which will ensure their reliability.

The main requirements for the base of the extension are the following:

  • reliability – stable maintenance of the weight of the structure without subsidence: especially important for extensions made of heavy materials or two-story structures;
  • maximum identity with the main foundation in terms of material and laying depth;
  • the most complete adhesion to the main foundation.

Most often, strip foundations are chosen for extensions, since they are quite capable of coping with such loads. Moreover, installation features always depend on the type of soil. You can lay monolithic foundations, made of brick or concrete blocks, and fill them with drainage materials.

Schematic diagrams of the bases are shown in the figure.

Construction technology strip foundation for an extension is no different from the usual one. In short, a trench is dug, reinforced and filled with concrete.

Connecting the foundation to the main one

This is the most critical stage. which needs special attention. Traditionally, two types of connections are used:

  • "tape-tape";
  • "slab-slab".

According to the “tape-to-tape” type, the stages of work will be as follows:

  1. On the installation side of the extension, a trench is dug corresponding to the depth of the main foundation.
  2. Next, a hole half a meter in diameter is drilled at the base of the house - for the corners of the foundation of the extension. For all other parts, the hole corresponds to the diameter of the reinforcement at a depth of 2/3.
  3. The reinforcement is driven into the foundation of the house; a wooden wedge is used for this.
  4. The foundation of the extension is formed using the driven reinforcement.

Installation according to the “slab-slab” scheme is possible in 2 cases:

  • the width of the main foundation allows for appropriate work (from 450 mm);
  • the slab protrudes from the base (at least 300 mm).

Thanks to an extension, it is often possible to solve another important problem - strengthening the old foundation and thereby supporting a sagging house. Visual videos instructions:

Features of laying the foundation in the case of an old house:

Installation of flooring in an extension

Correctly making the floor in the future room is important from the point of view of 2 factors:

  • thermal insulation;
  • surface evenness.

It is important to make a high-quality floor, especially in cases where the extension to the house will be used as an additional room with the possibility of year-round use.

The strip foundation allows you to install both a concrete floor and make it out of wood. In the case of a columnar base, it is only possible to produce a wooden covering.

Concrete floor

The sequence of technology for laying this floor looks like this:

The concrete surface is quite cold, so this floor needs careful insulation, especially in the northern regions.

Wooden floor

On a columnar or strip foundation, a floor created on the basis of wooden floors. He needs additional processing to avoid rotting, however, wooden flooring is much warmer than concrete.

The installation sequence for a wooden floor looks like this:

  1. If an extension to a house is being built as a permanent structure, then preparatory work for laying sand, crushed stone or expanded clay, as in the case of a concrete floor.
  2. A roofing felt substrate is placed on the foundation.
  3. Load-bearing beams are laid on it. If the foundation is columnar, then they are mounted directly on the pillars, the length is adjusted in accordance with the interval. If the foundation is strip, it is important to install intermediate pillars at a certain interval or use long beams if the extension is small in area.
  4. A wooden covering is mounted on the beams.

All wooden parts must be carefully treated with varnish to prevent rotting.

A clear example of installing a wooden floor in a cinder block extension is shown in the video.

Frame installation

The next stage is associated with the direct construction of the frame structure. To do this, you first need to install the strapping beam. If it is assumed that the wall thickness will be 200 mm, then the dimensions of the end bar will be 25-40 mm, as shown in the detailed diagram.

The end result is a design that looks something like this.

Cutting out the groove in the base can be done completely or incompletely. Can be jointed without cutting using a steel angle.

The lower harness is performed in several stages:

  1. The nest is mounted in the insert.
  2. The overlay is nailed into the base.
  3. The support post is secured with a bracket.

The top trim is formed for reliable installation of the floor beams, as shown in the diagram.

NOTE. The interval between the vertical supports should be at least 50-60 cm, since in this case it will be possible to easily lay insulation materials (mineral wool, polystyrene foam, ecowool, etc.). In addition, there is no practical need for a more frequent arrangement of racks.

The general design of the frame is shown in the diagram.

The construction of walls occurs according to the following algorithm:

  • Installation of a pre-fabricated lower trim on the foundation. The harness is screwed using dowels.
  • A waterproofing layer - foamed polyethylene, roofing felt or other material - must be placed between the piping and the foundations.

  • Vertical beams are nailed to the wall of the house if rigid fastening of two structures is expected. If you just need to build a nearby building, then first make corner posts with temporary fastening.
  • Vertical bars are installed. Their height is selected depending on the number of storeys of the structure, as well as on the method of connection to the main roof of the house.
  • Next, the top trim is mounted.
  • The last stage in installation is making holes for windows and doors.

ADVICE. If it is planned to build a large extension with big amount beams, then it is more convenient to assemble the frame separately by installing all the beams on bottom trim. In this case, there is no need to fasten each element using temporary slopes.

Assembling the roof and connecting it to the main roof

Installation of rafters is carried out in the same way as for a regular roof, however, the need to connect the roof with the roof of the house gives rise to a number of features of this work.

IN general view finished design can be schematically depicted as follows.

After erecting the frame, the roof material of the house on the side of the extension must be disassembled so that the rafters appear. It is to them that the connecting rafters of the extension are mounted. Installation is carried out according to the principle of a rigid triangle, while in front acute angle it is important to put additional timber (shown by arrows in the figure). These elements also serve as an additional measure of protection during snowfalls, which is why they are also called snow supports.

The sequence of actions for installing the roof can be briefly described as follows:

  1. The rafters from the extension are mounted with the upper frame frame.
  2. The upper end of the rafters is connected to a purlin, which is pre-installed on the roof or attached directly to the roof rafters.

Video installation features

NOTE. You should not connect the rafters of the extension to the house in a rigid manner. This can damage the structure due to uneven rates of shrinkage of the main room and the extension. The optimal solution to this problem is the use of a sliding structure that ensures free movement of the lower support.

Finishing and insulation of the roof

At this stage it happens full finishing roof with its sealing and insulation, as shown in the diagram.

NOTE. If the roof of the extension simply adjoins the wall of the house, and does not organically connect with its roof, then a sealant is used for insulation, tightly closing the hole between the roof and the wall, as shown in the diagram.

Construction and insulation of walls

One of the last stages is the construction of walls and their insulation. An extension is a durable structure, and even if it is used only for economic purposes, it is important to create enough good insulation so that temperature changes cannot damage internal surfaces walls and ceiling.

The structure of the wall can be schematically represented as follows.

In fact, this is the final stage of the construction itself. Next, the following work should be done:

  • finishing work inside the extension:
  • exterior cladding of the building;
  • creating a transition to the house;
  • production of windows and doors in the building;
  • carrying out all necessary communications.

It is important to treat all wooden structures with special solutions that prevent rotting and the harmful effects of temperature changes.

Timber extension

The fundamental stages of constructing an extension (pouring the foundation, constructing walls and installing the roof, followed by insulation and finishing work) do not depend on the choice of a specific construction material. However, depending on it, their own technologies are selected, which differ markedly from each other.

Construction of the foundation

In the case of an extension made of timber (profiled or round), the differences begin already at the stage of laying the foundation. Since the weight of the future extension will be significantly greater than the weight of the frame analogue, accordingly, the base needs to be more reliable.

Often a tiled foundation or a pile foundation is used, less often a strip foundation (for small extensions it is quite suitable). In any case, it must be established for at least 1 year.

From the point of view of simplicity and cost reduction of work, the best option would be to create pile foundation, which can be built independently of the main foundation of the house.

Video - basic technology for installing a pile foundation


Building walls is quite simple from a technological point of view. The only drawback of the beam is that it is quite heavy, and at least two people need to work with it.

The fastening materials used are:

metal staples and plates;

  • brackets;
  • steel corners;
  • self-tapping screws, screws, nails.

Masonry technology round timber when building an extension to a house:

Other works

The technology of wall construction, insulation and finishing is not fundamentally different from that described earlier.

In the case of building a structure from timber, two-story structures can be easily made. Of course, in this case, special requirements are placed on the foundation and floors.

Brick extension

Brick extensions to a wooden house are built less frequently. They are great for living, they can also be used as a utility room.

Most often used in such cases monolithic foundation. Wherein brick construction can serve as the basis for the construction of a second similar floor or attic. The installation of floor and roof technology is not fundamentally different from those discussed above.

Cinder block extension

And another cheaper one quick option construction of an extension to a wooden or other house - from cinder blocks (foam blocks, gas blocks are also used). Such a room can serve as an additional room, but is most often used for household purposes.

The construction of a cinder block structure occurs very quickly due to its large size building material. This option is great if the owners want to make a garage for a car or an ordinary canopy or veranda.

And finally - short video overview of the main stages of constructing a frame extension to a wooden house.

If you wish, you can build a veranda for your dacha yourself without the involvement of professional builders. To do this, you need to familiarize yourself with the basic principles of construction and prepare the necessary materials. Some owners of country houses create a veranda not only for relaxation, but also to increase thermal insulation.


To build a secure veranda, you need to think about several important factors:

  • the amount of money you are willing to spend,
  • will the veranda be summer or winter,
  • what design of the extension is suitable for a particular house,
  • What is the best material to build a veranda from?

Even if you have decided exactly what you want to see as a result and have drawn up a plan, it is better to coordinate it with a professional designer who can point out mistakes made. It is also worth thinking about which side of the house it is best to attach an extra room and whether it will be a passage room or not.

Features of wooden extensions

After looking at the photo summer verandas in the country, many owners of country houses choose wood, as it is traditional material and has a lower cost. To evaluate this material, it is worth considering its advantages and disadvantages. Advantages of a wooden veranda:

  1. Ease of installation. When constructing a wooden extension, even a non-professional builder can handle the work.
  2. Light weight. Wooden extension does not require construction solid foundation, therefore, material costs are significantly reduced.
  3. Suitable appearance for many country houses. Most often, cottages are built from wood, and if you create an extension, then the best option a structure made of the same material is suitable.
  4. Environmental friendliness and safety. Wood is one of the most harmless materials to health.

But in addition to the listed advantages, the material also has disadvantages. One of them is fire hazard. If the owner of the house is going to build a barbecue, then for this it is necessary to take into account many little things and spend additional funds.

Important ! All wooden elements require treatment with special compounds and constant care during operation. Otherwise, the extension begins to slowly collapse.

The material becomes unusable due to the influence of:

  • weather conditions,
  • fungi,
  • insects,
  • microorganisms.

Features of brick extensions

One of the significant advantages of a brick veranda is that this material allows you to retain cool air in the summer, which allows the owners of the house to enjoy relaxation even on the hottest days. Also, the extension does not require constant maintenance. After committing finishing works You can forget about working with this material for a long time.

If you thoroughly insulate this part of the house, then brick walls can save comfortable temperature indoors even on the coldest days. But it is worth remembering that for a winter veranda it is necessary to install double glazing.

If we talk about the disadvantages that a brick structure has, then it is worth mentioning the large weight of the structure. Because of this, it is necessary to build a solid and heavy foundation, which requires considerable investment.

Construction of an extension made of polycarbonate

Polycarbonate is not used as often as brick and wood, but is a material that allows you to create an inexpensive and lightweight extension to a country house. It has the following advantages:

  • transparency,
  • good thermal insulation,
  • plastic,
  • attractive appearance.

Thanks to these characteristics the material is suitable even for a winter veranda that will serve winter garden. But polycarbonate also has disadvantages. One of the main disadvantages is the rapid heating of the material, making it very difficult to be on the veranda on hot summer days without good ventilation.


When building a veranda at the dacha, a photo of which can be seen below, a strip foundation is used. But when choosing a base for an extension, it is necessary to take into account the features of the future building and choose the most suitable option. When constructing a wooden veranda, for example, you can build a columnar foundation.

The choice depends on:

  • the material from which the veranda will be made;
  • type of foundation of the main building;
  • soil slope;
  • type of soil.

Many people are interested in the question: is it necessary to tie the base of the veranda to the foundation of the house? It depends on what kind of soil the building is located on. After looking at the photo country houses with an attic and a veranda, you will notice that the extension can be built either together with the main structure or separately.

Most often, a columnar foundation is constructed, so it is worth considering in more detail. This option is suitable for building wooden verandas, the weight of which does not require a heavy base. To create a foundation, it is necessary to use brick or reinforced concrete pillars, which are placed on sand cushion. They are placed on top of them wooden joists, and then the floor is laid. IN winter verandas it is insulated.

When building such an extension from wood, you need to remember that this material needs a special coating that will protect it from moisture and other adverse factors.

Veranda walls

During construction wooden structure It is worth paying attention to the construction of walls. Usually created wooden frame made of timber, which, if desired, can be sheathed and insulated so that the veranda can be used in winter time. All racks and other elements made of wood require special treatment protective compounds. To attach them to the wall of the main building, you need to use anchor bolts. After installing the racks, they are fastened with the top strapping.

Important ! When attaching the rafters, their upper ends must be brought under the roof of the house and connected to a horizontal beam passing under the slope.

The choice of a certain type of wall depends only on the preferences of the home owner. If construction is planned summer version verandas, then you don’t have to build them at all, building only railings. If you want to get a room that is comfortable even in winter, you should make good insulation or install large double glazing instead of walls, so that guests can observe a beautiful winter landscape.

Roof construction

The roof of the veranda is made flat and to cover it it is best to use the same material that was used in the construction of the house. The flooring can be created continuous or with intervals. It depends on the type of veranda. If it is winter, then the boards are placed closely, and if not, at intervals. But it is worth remembering that this also depends on the type of material used. An example is roofing felt, which is best nailed to tightly fitting boards.

Before using any coating, you should first understand the features of its fastening. If, for example, a flexible covering is used, then it should be bent along the lower edge of the sheathing by about 10 cm. When slate is used, when laying it, you must follow correct sequence preventing moisture penetration.

Arrangement of the veranda

After the structure is completely ready, you need to start decorating it. It is at this moment that many owners of country houses cannot decide what exactly they want. To get an idea of ​​what design will be better, it’s worth looking at the photo, which shows how to arrange a veranda in the country.

The most popular options:

  • with glass roof,
  • use in registration natural stone and wood,
  • design in light colors,
  • arrangement of a place for reading.

The first option is suitable for small rooms, as it helps to visually expand the space and add light. When arranging such a veranda, the most different furniture, since it all depends on the material from which the frame is made. If, for example, it is metal, then the extension can be decorated in a “minimalism” style.

The use of natural stone in combination with wood allows you to create an impression of harmony between the structure and surrounding the house nature. Moreover, this combination allows you to visually make any structure durable and massive. One of good options is to place a fireplace or barbecue on the veranda.

Another way to decorate an extension is to decorate it in light colors. This allows all visitors to the room to lift their spirits and visually expand the space. This design allows you to create classic design and give it a unique touch. After looking at the photo of this option for arranging a veranda at the dacha, you can choose the most suitable example.

A frame extension to the main building is the easiest way to increase living space. In this way you can build living room, Utility room or a covered veranda. The main thing is to correctly connect the house and its extension.

Selection of foundation and expansion joint

You should initially decide what the extension will be used for. The way of joining the foundation, walls and roof with the old house will depend on this. This is key point, because with different types of structures they will shrink differently, which can lead to cracks and distortion of the walls of the extension.

If you are planning a living space, be it a kitchen or a bathroom, an extension to frame house must be of the same type - made of the same materials, with a floor and walls of the same thickness as the main building. If the main foundation is strip, then the new one is joined rigidly, using driven reinforcement, and the formwork is installed close to the wall of the house.

This will allow you not to close the contour of the foundation and not organize expansion joint around the entire perimeter. But with a rigid connection, the foundation must be very stable and not sag. Therefore, it is recommended to compact the soil well under the cushion, and make the cushion itself reinforced and 15 cm wider than the foundation strip. In this case, it is better to use crushed stone rather than gravel.

If the weight of the extension and the building is very different, or a different type of foundation is chosen, it is necessary to organize an expansion joint. The extension can be made either in the shape of the letter P, without closing the contour, or by erecting all four walls.

In the first case, the expansion joint is made only at the junction of the house and the extension. This is the most convenient way connecting the extension with your own hands. If the finished foundation is level and strictly vertical, the expansion joint can be made using ordinary roofing felt - it will provide the possibility of vertical displacement of buildings.

Otherwise, it is better to use thicker and more elastic material - foamed polyethylene and expanded polystyrene. The smoother the foundation, the smaller the thickness of the expansion joint. Smooth side sheets are laid on the new foundation. The outer part of the seam is filled with sealant and covered with a flashing that is attached only to the existing wall.

A four-sided foundation is needed if there is a risk of strong displacement of the house and the extension - with significantly different weights, heaving soil or an unstable foundation. Then an expansion joint 1-2.5 cm wide is made between the two buildings along the entire perimeter. The walls and roof in this case should not be rigidly connected either.

Construction of walls and their connection to the house

If the house and the extension are on the same foundation and are framed, erecting walls will not be a problem. The section of the beams is selected depending on the thickness of the insulation. For example, if a sheet of mineral wool is 15 cm thick, then the beams must be selected with the same cross-section of one of the sides. The main thing is not to confuse which side to attach them to the harness.

The walls are erected in the following order:

1. The lower frame is laid on the foundation. Between the wood and concrete you need to lay waterproofing - roofing felt or foamed polyethylene. The strapping is screwed on with ordinary dowels, and the corners are connected “in half a tree”.

2. If the extension is rigidly attached to the walls of the house, then the vertical beams are simply nailed to the walls, previously leveled. If not, then corner posts are installed first, which can be fixed with temporary bevels.

It is better to make the connection between the strapping and the bars by completely cutting it out and additionally fixing it with metal corners.

3. It is important to choose the right height of the vertical beams - will the extension be under common roof or under a separate one.

4. The upper harness allows you to strengthen the frame and remove temporary cuts. The bars of the upper harness are connected to the vertical ones in the same way as the bottom.

5. After this, you can choose a location for the windows and/or doors. Additional racks are attached along the width of the openings and horizontal lintels are nailed along the height of the window and door.

6. Vertical bars are added in increments of 1 cm smaller than the selected insulation - it should lie as tightly as possible. You can also add horizontal jumpers, which will strengthen the entire structure - the distance between them is also 1 cm less than the height of the insulation if it is supplied in sheets rather than rolls.

It is important to remember that when using laminated veneer lumber, windows and doors cannot be installed immediately. The structure may shrink. Sheathing assembled frame carried out after the roofing has been installed.

Sometimes the frame of an extension to a house is assembled separately, installing entire blocks on the bottom frame at once. This is very convenient for large structures - there is no need to fasten each vertical beam with temporary slopes and constantly work at height.

An expansion joint should be installed along the entire wall being added, if the foundation has a closed contour, or only at the junction of the walls of the house and the extension. The requirements for it are the same as for a foundation seam - an elastic seal is used inside, and the outer edge is treated with sealant.

The rafters of the extension are laid with the lower end on the upper frame, and the upper end is connected to the roof rafters or rests on a purlin nailed to the wall of the house. If the rafters are connected rigidly to the wall of the extension, the roof may not be able to withstand shrinkage and the upper fastenings will break off. Or the wall of the extension will begin to lean inward. Therefore, it is better to use movable joints to freely move the lower support.

For a roof with insulation, in addition to the horizontal lathing, a vertical counter-lattish is also made, as well as an additional lathing with inside. If metal tiles are used, they can be laid directly on the sheathing, and for soft tiles A moisture-resistant OSB board is mounted on the sheathing.

In the first case, the wall of the house is covered with a galvanized apron, bent at an angle and fixed on top of the roof of the extension. This will protect the wall from rain and roofing pie- from dampness.

In the second case, the roof will be common and will have to be completely re-roofed.

Wall cladding and insulation

After installing the roof, you can begin covering the walls. Despite the popular advice to first cover the walls with boards or OSB sheets for structural strength, doing this under the roof is much more convenient. First, the exterior of the extension is sheathed.

If non-glued laminated timber was used, then windows and doors are installed at the same stage. It is better to order a double-glazed window ready-made - with a double chamber for better thermal insulation. If you plan to install a door, it is better to hang it right away. The second post is adjusted to the door. Installing windows and doors before insulation allows you to fit the horizontal lintels and racks as tightly as possible to the openings.

After outer skin insulation is laid and the extension is sheathed from the inside. You can use the same OSB boards, drywall or lining. At the same stage, the roof is insulated - waterproofing, insulation and vapor barrier are laid under the sheathing. Additional sheathing and internal lining are mounted on top.

For a living space, it is necessary to insulate the extension from the outside as well. The easiest way - foam boards, which are mounted on the wall using mounting foam and screwed with self-tapping screws.

To prevent the screws from falling into the foam, rectangular or round spacers are used. Another trick is to window slopes were smooth, the slabs are attached to the window frame with the side with factory cuts and with a slight overlap.

Door slopes can be damaged during operation, so it is better to screw a beam as thick as insulation around the perimeter of the door with self-tapping screws. The ebb on the window can be attached polyurethane foam, all the cracks are filled with it. After this, a reinforcing mesh and a reinforcing mortar are laid on the foam plastic, and all corners are reinforced with metal corners.

Floor installation in a frame extension

Floor for small extension on a strip foundation it was possible to fill it with a cement-sand screed. To do this, the entire perimeter inside the foundation was filled with brick rubble and compacted. You can lay tiles on top of such a floor - best option for technical rooms.

If you are planning a living space, or a columnar foundation is chosen, it is best to install a wooden floor on joists.

For a strip foundation, the space under the floor should be insulated. The soil is selected to a depth of 25 cm and a layer of crushed stone is first poured into the resulting hole, compacted, a layer of sand is poured on top, moistened and compacted again. Brick pillars are placed on the resulting cushion - the logs will rest on them.

The advantage of flooring on joists is its multi-layer nature. Between the rough and finished floor there is a layer into which the insulation is laid. This allows you to create a truly warm floor that you don’t have to walk on with shoes on.

Featured in the video detailed review finished frame extensions to the house:

Very often, you want to add a veranda or terrace to a finished house in order to increase the existing living space and simply transform the appearance of the residential property. In such cases, an extension to a wooden house is built, the designs of which can be very different depending on the size of the new object and the materials from which it will be built.

An extension to a wooden house of verandas and terraces can be erected different ways from point of view design features. Most often this is done in several ways:

  1. The extension is built on the side and has a single roof with the house.
  2. The extension is located on the side, but under a separate roof.
  3. The veranda is located on the second and higher floors or in the attic.

Of course, most often the extension is made on the side of the house. The option with a common roof is more convenient and profitable, but for this it is important that you can make it common with the house roofing system. As for the add-on, this process is not easy. So, first of all, it is important to take into account the capabilities of the foundation of the house, which may simply not withstand the load under the influence of the built-on terrace.

Which material to choose

A veranda extension to a wooden house can be built using different materials. Most often this is a beam, log or frame technology, since these options look harmonious against the background of the overall exterior of the cottage. But extensions made of brick or foam blocks are no less popular. Let us note right away that each of the options has its own nuances in terms of construction. Let us consider the features of construction from each material in more detail.

Timber extension

- the most common material. This is explained by the characteristics of the material itself:
  1. Its production is carried out in a factory, so the wood is of high quality.
  2. Thanks to special processing, the material is highly resistant to rotting and fungus.
  3. Environmental friendliness and naturalness are the main advantages of any type of timber.

But before making an extension, you need to solve a number of issues for yourself. The most important thing is the foundation of the future home. There are a huge number of options for creating it, but any foundation must be firmly “tied” to an existing building. Ideally, the extension needs the same foundation as the house. Therefore, it is important to study the condition of the soil, its type, and think about what the load from the extension will be. After this, the second question needs to be resolved: will the veranda be combined with the general perimeter of the house or will it be built as a separate structure. Combining structures is not easy, since it will shrink, and even experts will not answer what it will be.

Frame extension

From the frame is budget option, since significant investments in its construction are not required. In addition, the construction of a veranda or terrace itself will be much faster with minimal expenditure on materials. The construction of the structure is carried out on the basis of a frame consisting of wooden beams or metal profiles. The frame is erected along the entire perimeter of the future veranda.

Once the frame is ready, you can begin finishing the walls from the outside and inside. For this, chipboard or OSB boards are used, and between them it is necessary to lay insulating material - mineral wool, sawdust, expanded polystyrene.

Made of brick

A more labor-intensive process is making a brick extension to a wooden house with your own hands. The solidity and durability of the future home, together with the veranda or terrace, can be ensured if you follow several rules:

When building a foundation, you can dig a trench around the entire perimeter of the extension, and its depth should correspond to the depth of the foundation, and its width should be at least 40 cm. The bottom of the foundation is covered with a layer of sand (20-30 cm thick), gravel or crushed stone is laid on top, and then it is necessary to shed all layers with water. The formwork is placed, which is then filled with the usual concrete composition. Ideally, it takes about a month for the foundation to dry. But since brick is one of the most expensive materials, and building with it is not easy, many refuse to use such a material.

An extension made of foam blocks to a wooden house is in great demand for several reasons:

  1. The material is cheaper - this is the most important factor for most buyers.
  2. Construction from foam blocks does not require a strong foundation, since the material has medium density, which is smaller than that of a brick.
  3. Due to their low density and the presence of air pores, foam blocks retain heat well in the room.
  4. Foam blocks have big sizes, so the extension will be built much faster.

The only negative is the need to protect the material from exposure to factors environment. For these purposes, foam blocks are often finished with siding or faced with brick.

Deciding on the location and size

Before building a terrace or veranda, you must first decide on their location in relation to the house. For example, for cozy breakfasts on the terrace, it is better to place it on the east side, since there will be more sun here in the morning. But if, on the contrary, you need shade, you should look for the most shaded place on the site. The dimensions need to be thought out so that the extension looks harmonious against the background of the overall structure.

Second: foundation

The foundation for the veranda needs to be well thought out. Depending on the materials from which it will be built, the base can simply be in the form of compacted soil, or it can be built from concrete. It can be erected from foundation blocks and slabs, corner posts, which are fixed in the ground and carefully concreted. The foundation necessarily requires waterproofing using, for example, hot bitumen or cold mastic. At the very last stage, the base is backfilled.

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